#starrz txt
starrzies · 5 months
★Meet the Artist 2024★
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I might have forgotten to post this </3
Hello there!!
I'm Starrzies, but I also go by Rodimus!! Of these two names I prefer my nicknames (Starrz/Roddy) more than the formality of my full username/chosen name!! I'm 19 and a full time college student! (I want to become a Forensic Pathologist!) My pronouns are He/They ONLY and my chosen gender identity is Demiboy! I'm also Aroace, my specific labels being Cupioromantic/sexual!
I'm just a silly little guy trying to do his best. I am a hobbyist artist and writer and I love to share what I come with in the hopes that other people will enjoy it as much as I do! I tend to post art related to my own characters, art I've done for other people and - more rarely - fandom related art! I also stream on Twitch!!! Usually it's art streams (especially for Art Fight!) or me playing my games - either solo or with other people! I do have a Discord server full of my friends, mutuals and people interested in my stuff and community! Feel free to come join :) I'm on basically on every platform (maybe not active, but I'm there!)
My special interest (been into it for as long as I can remember) is Transformers!! It will almost always show up at some point! I'm also super into Lego Monkie Kid, Overwatch and Genshin Impact!! (The last of the 2 I on and off play!) I tend to reblog content form these 4 fandoms! (They're the main 4 but I may branch out!)
I try and be super friendly! Really, I don't bite, but I do have a very limited social battery! So conversations may not last very long when it comes to talking! I also sometimes just don't have the energy to reply. If I don't reply then it's nothing against you, I promise!! That being said I AM TOTALLY OPEN TO BEING FRIENDS/MUTUALS!! Please note, if you are younger than 18 I will NOT be your close friend, close mutuals at most. This is just due to safety! (Pre-established friends before I became an adult are still a nd will remain my friends.)
Pets! I own,,, a few. Just a small little amount. They're all my babies though and I adore them. I do my beast to take proper care of them and give them long, happy and fulfilling lives! Hiraeth and Ravage both came from litters I've raised! (Hiraeth being an accident and Ravage from a foster litter.) Ember was my sibling's cat but became mine because she just,,, likes me more? My other pets were 100% intended! All of these guys are spoiled rotten,,,
Silly little notes/explanations!!
Cupioromantic/sexual; someone who doesn't feel/feels little romantic/sexual attraction but desires a romantic/sexual relationship
Demiboy; someone whose gender identity partially identifies with masculinity, but is not entirely binary
I've been in relationships before! However, I generally only feel platonic love for people around me. I genuinely love (/p) all of my friends and you'll see me make that very clear! I am NOT interested in relationships, especially after this most recent one. Things have gotten complicated AF and I don't even want to bother entertaining anyone.
I have a Decepticon Insignia Tattoo on my left wrist! My first tattoo ever and I LOVE it so much! I will be going back in October for hopefully, my second tattoo!
I own a 2001 Ford Mustang!! It's a convertible too! I ADORE my car so much and there is so much I have planned for it!!
I own 4 dogtags! They are NOT military related at all though! They just have special meaning to me and I've been wearing them since 2018! I did actually let someone borrow one of them for a decent amount of time but it was returned to me! I don't think I'm ever going to let them go again, they mean too much to me.
Ravage is named after the TF character! :D He was my little gaming buddy back when I was fostering a litter of kittens for my senior project. I ended up keeping him, I got too attached. Now he is best friends with Ember!
Hiraeth was a TOTAL accident. I was supposed to just have her mom but she was pregnant much to our surprise! (Someone was getting rid of her, probably because they knew she was pregnant, and gave her to us without telling us that lol) I was allowed to keep Hiraeth but none of the other cats were allowed :( They all went to loving homes though!
Discord is my main, preferred way of communication!! I always have it open on my second monitor so I tend to respond really quickly on there :) You should totally add me on there! I'm under the same username ;)
Feel free to interact with me!! Just be aware of my boundaries and DNI! (Very basic btw!) I'm always happy to chat and meet new people :)
I want to make a comic!! I have so much more planning before I can work on it though :( One day! You may see little teasers to it being posted on my socials!!
This blog is my SFW blog!! I do have,, other accounts but those will remain unnamed! If you are curious and have your age visible feel free to ask me about it in DMs!
WHEW, I think that's enough personal info that I'm putting on the internet LMFAOOO I'll be sure to redo this next year as well ;))
Quick Reminder!!   I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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starrzies · 3 months
★Art Fight 2024!!★
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WOW!! It's already time for my 5th Art Fight?? This is awesome!! I will try my best to do as much art as possible this fight! I look forward to drawing so many cool characters! I am taking summer college courses as well as getting a job so my time will be limited! I will be livestreaming all my attacks on Twitch tho!!
Types of characters I have:
★ Human, Feral, Anthro, Mech, Monster, Hybrids! ★ I have Character Based Characters on my profile! ★ I have characters from these Fandoms; Transformers, Lego Monkie Kid, Genshin Impact, Minecraft, My Little Pony!
★ If you Attack me it means I am guaranteed to revenge you! ★ I am open to revenge chains! (Just LMK if you want to do one!) ★ I am open to friendly fires!! ★ I tend to draw characters from my current fandoms and those which interest me! (COUGHS Transformers COUGHS) ★ I love doing scenery pieces and gore as well!
You not have to do any of these concepts by any means! But, if you're looking for what I'm interested in this year then this is the place to be!
★★ Any art of Roddy! ★★★ Roddy OC Interaction! (Ask About Shipping!) ★ Roddy in a Space Themed Scene (Bonus Points if the Lost Light is included!) ★ Any Art of Starrzies in Beast Form! ★★★ Starrzies OC Interaction! (Shipping is Okay!) ★ Art of Fen and (Lego Monkie Kid Canon Character) Wukong! ★★ Oc Interactions with Fen! (Shipping is Okay!) ★ Negative Interaction/Fighting between Ash and Fen! ★★★ Interactions between Celeste, Barricade, and Blackout! ★★ Parallax and Rodimus (MTMTE/LL IDW1 Canon Character) Interaction Art! ★★★ Parallax OC Interactions! (Shipping is Okay!)
Quick Reminder!!  I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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starrzies · 6 months
I wish I could buy all the TF merch I see, like omg, I WANT it all so badly RAHHH
I also wish I could afford making a bunch of charms and stickers but shipping is SO expensive D: I would have an entire collection of stuff I would sell for as cheap as possible but BROOOOO, can't do that sadly
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starrzies · 6 months
Being able to boop people for April Fools on this site is my favorite thing ever. I'm coming for you all, no one is safe.
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starrzies · 6 months
I NEED someone to write Earthspark Soundrod Like it is a feral need at this point LMFAOOOOOOO I would write it myself but head empty SOBS BUT MAYBE, MAYBE I'LL GET SMACKED WITH THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE
I need Rodimus to be the most annoying MFer known to man when it comes to Soundwave,,, HE WANTS HIS ATTENTION!! Dude saw Soundwave and wants LMFAOOOO
Okay, that's it, that's all the thoughts in my head
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starrzies · 6 months
HI! I just wanted to say that I love your art and honestly I'm here for this werewolf rodiclash au! <3
Thank you so much!! I'm really happy that that and others like my art, especially when it's related to Canineformers!! 😭🙏 The posts usually don't get much interactions but I'm still grateful for what I get!!
And ty!! It's actually NOT a werewolf AU! Think of it like Wolfformers! Where they're just wolves 100% of the time! I just named it canineformers to have something a little more original and personal to me, I don't I'm the only one to call this AU anything like that!
I mostly starting drawing Transformers as wolves because it's what my skills allowed me to do. I grew up drawing primarily canines so it's where I'm most comfortable! I have drawn actual Transformers of course, but old habits die hard! (I really love doing fur textures and the shading for fur and I ADORE making overly complicated designs.) So, that's where it came from and why I continue to do so!! I do plan to ACTUALLY draw the characters but I am 1. Very lazy and 2. Only have do much time, I can't sit down and try and draw these guys for long hours anymore. (Sighs in full time STEM college student.)
Fun fact!! I actually have plans for a comic for my canineformers AU. It's far more developed than just "Transformers but wolves" and gets into some WILD stuff. It's more related to Bayverse if anything and is focused mainly on OC & Canon! (I use any excuse to talk about this passion project lmfao)
Tysm for the ask though and I'm so glad you like my art!! And I apologize for the bit of info dump!! :'D
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starrzies · 9 months
★2023 Art Summary★
Wooo!! This year was a bit of a struggle for me. Plagued with constant art block, loss of motivation, depression, school, all the normal things that cause burn out to a massive extent. But, hopefully 2024 will be better! I will still be a full time college student so I expect less art but maybe with less burn out. (Hopefully LOL)
I had limited options for a few of these months ngl. So I chose the best ones IMO. I'm not happy with all of them but these are my better works of the year! I actually did a lot of scenes this year. Anyways, here's to hoping 2024 goes better!
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Quick Reminder!!  I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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starrzies · 10 months
Oh my god, The Echo Garden has ruined me /pos I am changed, I am like, going insane, losing my mind. The transformers hyperfixation is back and I'm going feral, foaming at the mouth, crying, screaming, kicking my feet /pos I just spent $185,,,, WELL SPENT,,, but holy shit the hyperfixation is strong this time around
Someone sedate me, my brain can't take this I HAVE FINALS NEXT WEEK, I MUST NOT LOSE FOCUS PLEASE,,,,
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starrzies · 5 months
I really hope there is a little bit of interest for this charm if anything SOBS Like selling 3 would be AWESOME, selling all 5? Even more exciting!!
I'll have to see if there is any interest in this for the first place AGHHHH, I've only shared it in my own server and the Rodiclash server and MAN, my social anxiety is starting to become suffocating SOBS
Anyways, enough depressing stuff, I'll be posting an interest check to see if people are actually really interested in buying and I have to edit the amount I plan on getting LMFAO
If it flops well MEh, I atleast have actual TF art to post <3 Gotta look on the brightside
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starrzies · 6 months
"Do Not; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜"
If you do this I will track you down on all socials JUST to block you 🥰 And I mean EVER social.
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starrzies · 10 months
I apologize to everyone in advance I WILL be spamming everyone with these little gay robots Its not a want, its a need at this point.
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starrzies · 2 years
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The 2022 Art Reel Video is Here!
I spent quite a bit of time on this so hopefully it came out well! :0
Scheduled to become public at 1:45 PM (PST)!
Its set as a Premiere but I don't expect anyone to be there so no worries if you don't want to be there as it happens ^^
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starrzies · 1 year
I wish I could be more active here but literally find it impossible to post anything that isn't fandom related LMFAOOO
My fandom posts flop like, idk if it'd even be worth posting my other stuff
Eh whatever, I'll post when I post I guess LMFAO I'm more active on Instagram so if you're looking for art, there is the place to find it ^^
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