galahadsrpboy · 6 months
Matt grinned as he stepped out of the shower as the intercome for his apartment went off. He grinned buzzing Steve up and pulled on a pair of underwear and was just doing up his pants still damp and shirtless as Steve walked in. "Hello Steve" he said with a grin "smells good"
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ghostsandmirrors · 7 months
( starter for @star-spangled-rogers with Bucky )
He shouldn't have been turning up this much.
The museum had become somewhat of a haunt, and wasn't that an appropriate description? He felt like a ghost, standing in front of that old image of James Buchanan Barnes, staring up at it like everyone else did.
That face was so familiar, and so unrecognisable, so impossible to connect to. It was him, supposedly, but it didn't feel like him. It felt like a stranger--and the story making him seem heroic wasn't helping--so he stared at it in silence, gaze unfocused, and hands buried in his jacket pockets. He had gloves on, but he still didn't need to make it obvious that he was hiding something. Hands in pockets was far more neutral.
He didn't know how long he was stood there for, though he knew it was far too long when he blinked himself back into reality and realised that none of the faces in his view were ones he'd seen when he came in. This couldn't be helpful, spending so much time looking at flashes of the past. Snapshots of moments that'd probably felt like they'd last forever.
Turning with a tired sigh, he caught site of… someone. Someone he wasn't sure if he was trying to avoid or not. A blond that he'd pulled out of the river. A small part of him said 'no', that he wasn't trying to hide from this man. An equally small part of him said 'yes', told him to run, to disappear. That part won; he turned away with the intent of blending in with the nearest crowd, hoping that figure hadn't seen him.
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monstersxxorxxmen · 6 months
huii would you wanna rp?- @star-spangled-rogers
I'd love to! @star-spangled-rogers
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keeptheoutfit · 8 years
soft ice cream.⋆
The story begins with Bucky checking his own reflection, because that’s how it always begins. Bucky first, the world second. And oh, how the world is a beautiful place when it’s at your fingertips. Most things at Bucky’s fingertips are, after all. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold.
The story transitions with this other man, a real big guy, with sunlit blond hair and thinned out t-shirts. Bucky comes to find out he’s got a dog that he looks stunning jogging with, muscles that could move mountains, but less than enough money. One day Bucky and this other man are in line at the newspaper stand and Bucky bears witness to the man pulling out his wallet and realizing – oh, shit, could’a sworn I had a twenty…
So Bucky takes care of it because it’s the nice thing to do, the right thing to do. He wears an I’d-do-it-for-anyone smile as he steps up beside the bigger man with baby blues for eyes and holds his money out. “I’ll spot you. Actually-” he turns to the cashier, “-can you add a pack of Parliaments? I’ll take a couple lottery tickets, whatever you pick. And—” he glances at the guy next to him, grinning sly and smooth. “—you want anything else, son? You smoke? Thirsty? Whatever you want, it’s on me.”
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colxcheeseburger · 10 years
starspangled-rogers replied to your post: “™£â™£â™£â™£â™£â™£â™£â™£ [[ sorry, I come on strong. XD ]]”:
[[ can we ship this ship first class priority mail that would be awesome ]]
[[ hell yes ok this is happening like it will not take long for carol to awkwardly flirt with steve just to get a rise out of him it's her favorite thing
like canonly ok canonly she has done the thing where she flirts with him just to get a reaction ]]
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ofthehawkseyes · 12 years
Clint loves apricot jam, dried apricots, pie- anything with apricot in it.
Actual ripe, juicy apricots? Not so much. He doesn't like having to deal with the stone. The same thing goes for peaches and nectarines. 
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galahadsrpboy · 5 months
It didn't happen very often but eveey in a while, Steve had a nightmare from his days in the war. Or he would be triggered by a really loud noise thinking it was an explosion. He may be captain america but he was still a human who fought in a violent war and that never goes away. It happened again, for the dirst time in months. Steve cried out as he jolted up in bed, sweating lke he always did. He was shaking. It felt like he was back on the battlefield. He forgotten where he was as he was waking up but then realized he was sleeping at Zeke's place.- @star-spangled-rogers
Steve woke up with a start and it woke Zeke. The two men were naked in bed having collapsed after round 4 or 5 the previous night. "Look at where you are... Look at who your with" he said pulling Steve against his muscular hairy chest.
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keeptheoutfit · 8 years
Empty Gold
Am I losing him? I’m losing him. I lost him. I already lost him. I’m losing him. I can’t have him. It’s over. It was never a thing. It’s not a thing. I still have him. He saved me. He’s mine. He’s not mine anymore. I need to let go. I don’t want to. I can’t lose him. I already lost him. 
As Bucky -- or as he’s known around here, Sergeant Barnes -- sits at the closest bar to military camp, he realizes his thoughts are messier than ever. He can’t seem to keep up with them, and it’s different than before. He’s not just distracted. He really can’t keep up with his thoughts. Can’t control them, or string together any coherency without massive effort. It’s those Hydra fuckers, it’s gotta be ------ They did something to me. 
And now it’s 9:30pm and he’s sitting alone with his seventh shot. Straight liquor, because who the hell knows? Maybe being drunk will actually line his thoughts up more. Or at least remove an edge or two. And since when does it take this many shots to get him drunk? He’s probably past the point of poisoning himself. But he needs to feel drunk ------ Those Hydra fuckers did something to me. 
He doesn’t wanna think about that. He wants to think about his family, the one he left back home. They’re his only reason to fucking live. They’re all he has left because he lost Steve to Agent Carter. He can see the way he looks her, it’s in Steve’s eyes. Steve’s not the type to lead girls on. Steve’s serious about her. And it hurts, it fucking hurts, it hurts ------ it hurts more than what those fuckers did to me. It shouldn’t hurt, but it does. It’s not suppose to. But it fucking does. And that’s all that matters in the end.
Because I’m in love with him. 
And it takes three or four more shots (holy shit, that’s a lot for me) before he starts to feel lighter in his head, heavier in his chest. He enjoys the sensation for a bit, before swaying from the bar, leaving an obscene amount of cash (triple what he’d normally pay for a strong buzz; Christ, can’t afford to do this again), and wanders back to camp, walks right past his own tent. 
Walks straight up to Steve’s tent. 
Now he’s not drunk. Not completely wasted. But he’s definitely not sober either. 
I’m sweet on you, Steve. 
No. You can’t fucking say that. He has her now. 
Bucky’s not gonna say it. It’s too late to say anything. Don’t say anything. Don’t do it. Don’t. 
After making sure nobody’s watching, Bucky kneels down and crawls into Steve’s sleeping tent without much of an introduction, without knocking. (Wait... can’t knock on a tent, okay yeah, I’m drunk...) Without asking. “Steve,” he tries to hide the urgency. “Hey. Mind if I talk to you for a minute?” 
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oldfashionedworld · 12 years
starspangled-rogers replied to your post: Casually sits there watching the stupidity that is...
((did you see that I responded? :D ))
{{I did, but I've been super derpy all day.}}
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galahadsrpboy · 6 months
Steve was out and about today. running errands, which including coffee. he didnt have a taste back before but to be fair coffee was way more enjoyable now. The store he chose was a smidge crowded than usual. But given it was a monday morning he wasnt surprised. He had no problem waiting, even giving the baristas a nice tip considering the crowd they were dealing with. zhe was waiting near the pick up station when he noticed someone. The next person him. A man. A very handsome familiar looking man in a suit with little round framee glasses and a cane. A memory came flooding back when the avengers dealt wirh a few lawsuits. they had a very handsome lawyer. it name was Matt.
Steve had to say something. "I'll pay for his." he blurted out as Matt got out his wallet. "It's on me."
- @star-spangled-rogers
Matt was in his regular coffee place. It was around the corner from his office. He was shocked when he heard a familiar voice of the star spangled hero, Steve Rodgers, offering to pay for his coffee. He was very happy for that.
"Mr Rodgers, thank you for that" he said with a grin turning to face the other man. He knew that the avengers had worked with him as a lawyer but he had also worked with them masked not that the avengers knew who the devil of hells kitchen was. "Thats very nice of you"
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galahadsrpboy · 4 months
Steve ended up stayikgnat Matt's place fpr a few more nights. He just cpuldn't pull himself away from him. Now they were curled up on Matt's couch, Steve nuzzling into him. "We should go on a date..." Steve mumured, resting on Matt's shoulder. - @star-spangled-rogers
Matt chuckled he had gone out a few times both works were demanding sometimes but he grinned and Matt and Steve were on the couch, shirts had become not only optional but discouraged on Steve's time here. "What do you want to do Steve?" He asked not opposed to a date but lots of things people suggested were not great for blind partners
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galahadsrpboy · 6 months
Cap's eyes fluttered open when he felt a large and familiar hand brush his blonde hair. He smiled and chuckled. "Mornin'." he spoke in his rough, morning voice. He kissed Zeke's chest that he was using as a pillow. This was about the third maybe week in a row Cap has slept over at Zeke's-it was all a blur-a hot passionate blur so Cap wasn't sure about the time frame. Zeke's usually greeted with rough morning sex but recently Zeke's habits have turned into more gentle affectionate gestures like he was doing now. Steve doubted if he could ever wake up alone after this, wondering if their agreement shifted into something else.- @star-spangled-rogers
Zeke had broken his rule about sleeping in the same bed as his toys after about a week and had not yet made it out of the bed again. Truth was he liked waking up to Steve. Particularly on the one occasion that Steve woke up first and woke him up by trying to suck his brains out through his cock.
But this was not a time like that he'd woken up but unlike normal he didn't move the half sleeping Steve to his cock. He just watched the super soldier sleep stroking his hair. Honestly 3 weeks Zeke had got bored with toys that quickly but there was a shift happening with Steve and he didn't know if he liked it.
Steve stired and with a grin Zeke said "morning" he pulled Steve up to his mouth to kiss him. "Do you want some breakfast sausage?" He asked with a wink.
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galahadsrpboy · 8 months
Steve chuckled. "Nah, I'm definitely getting railed. We can relax after." He winked at Zeke and pulled in into a heated kiss.- @star-spangled-rogers
Zeke grinned and pushed Steve back on the bed. "You look so pretty." He said and he pushed the former heroes legs open. "You know that you have been a sex symbol in the gay community from your old ww2 days" he said as he stepped in rubbing his cock against Steve's ass
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galahadsrpboy · 8 months
Continued from here
Zeke smirked and moved over on the large couch to give Steve enough space to sit but only if he was pushed up against him. "Well you might be here to dance, or drink, or fuck, there are a number of vices you could he indulging" he said bringing his hand up to his hairy chest which was on display with his shirt only buttoned up to below his pecks.
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galahadsrpboy · 8 months
hey there. im steve nice to meet you handsome 😉- @star-spangled-rogers
Zeke was in the VIP section when the other approaches him. "Yeah I know who you are" the tall muscular CEO said. "What brings you out tonight" he said with a grin obviously checking him out
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keeptheoutfit · 8 years
He’s going to go to some club and fuck the first guy he can find. He’s halfway to the door before he realises that isn’t what he wants. He doesn’t want to fuck a stranger. He doesn’t want to fuck anyone. He wants to put his pyjamas on and eat brownies.
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