#started bg3 last week and … um
sevibun · 5 months
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gale? gale.
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thecosmiccrow · 4 months
Hey so, I know I've sent you a bunch of asks recently and I kinda wanted to explain why particularly you as well as just explain some things.
Basically, I think you're one of the coolest people I've had the pleasure of knowing. You're really funny and you're art is amazing. I mentioned before you're the reason I got into Tumblr and you're a big reason why I stay.
Recently I was going through a lot of stress because I had exams coming up, they were huge because they were the final exams I would ever have to unwillingly take as it was my final semester of high school, I would've finished last year but I had a really rough time and basically became a husk for a few months so I ended up failing some classes.
One of the big reasons I made it through this recent bout of stress that made me almost become a husk again was you. Looking through your art again, just seeing you enjoy all the bg3 stuff, just everything you posted/reblogged was nice to see.
So um...as thanks for that I drew some stuff of my OCs. I have a hard time expressing myself through usual stuff so I tend to do it through my projects, whether that be my original series, fanfics, or my art. I have you to thank as well for that last one, you've inspired me to start drawing more and it's been an excellent experience.
Sorry if this is cringe in advance but I felt the need to do it
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I truly believe that. You and your art inspires me to go on everyday, to get better at art, to just be a better person in all aspects, in a way no one else's art has ever inspired me before.
If it were up to me you'd have infinite head pats or hugs or whatever you want.
I really hope you live a long happy life and see great success in whatever you want to do with it.
Thank you, for sharing your greatness with me and the people of the internet.
Remember, no matter what, you are loved and cherished.
AAAAAA DUDE YES! i havent been on tumblr for a lil bit, i take long breaks lol. But i was mid-answering some of my asks when The Horrors hit so idk when i’ll actually. get to them. i think yours are all done
im very glad im able to inspire you from my very limited posting now xd been going thru a rough week emotionally for some reason, and this makes me smile! :>
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collegeoflore · 4 months
people i want to get to know better tag meme
tagged by @transastarion!!! ty love :3
i’m allergic to tagging ppl in these usually but i’m going to be so brave and actually do it this time LMAO feel free to ignore! @menzoberranzans @undead-potatoes @bottombatch @rosieofcorona @swordbards @genderdotcom
last song?
burn your village by kiki rockwell
favorite color?
umm teal and/or blue in general. i also looove pink (hot pink my beloved) and purple :3
currently watching?
i have some sort of disease that makes me allergic to watching shows so i guess um. watching gil play bg3 on my computer?
last movie?
i honest to god do not remember. i’m going to make ramza watch the lion in winter with me tomorrow because i read the play twice in the last week like some sort of insane person so i’m going to count that LOL
currently reading?
i’m a couple hours into the audiobook for lavinia by ursula k le guin, about halfway through steering the craft Also by le guin, i just started decolonizing wealth by edgar villanueva for a work thing, and i have the song of achilles audiobook checked out on libby rn for the third time but i think listening to that after lavinia will just be a disappointing experience so i may just return it and put it on hold again for later lol. honorable mention for the lion in winter by james goldman which i have read twice in the last week, and for the lathe of heaven by le guin that i read last week for the first time and had a very weird time as someone who lives in portland. oops this was a long answer
i’ll usually pick savory over anything else but i rly like all three tbh :3c
relationship status?
i guess i kinda like @menzoberranzans / @weirdmeal idk they like live in my house or whatever :/ (we have been together 8.5 years and i love them very much)
current interests?
baldur’s gate 3. i have no room in my brain for anything else LOL
last thing you googled?
the name of my eye doctor bc i needed to log in to their portal and check what time my appointment is today
selfie or another pic you took?
putting it under a cut so no one is jumpscared by a strange faggot on their dash
last selfie i took was with wet hair in the ikea bathroom bc i wanted to show my friend my new pants/shirt combo lol
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