#starting off new year stronk💪
So, what's your prediction for how it ends? Because my expectations have been broken
Heeeey, I knew I wanted to put tiny drabble I had in my head to words for this one but couldn't decide on how many rebukable details I wanted it to have to the point of just debating waiting until the 11th, but than I got a sudden new year's burst of motivation so I drew and wrote something vague at last!!
[281 words]
Nine did expect a ripple of energy to surge through him and snatch his consciousness along as the Prism was fixed and finally seated in its rightful place. At this point he was fine with that really, maybe even grateful.
What he expected less was cold stone beneath his head that pulsed with a headache and weak control returning to his limbs.
Soft red ambient light sat upon stone walls that slowly registered to Nine's blurry vision and for a second he believed he was back in New Yoke. That he, or someone, perhaps hit his head and then left him lying on the concrete, that everything in his recent memory was just a very weird and long-winded dream.
That theory had a couple of holes in it however, as it would be highly improbable for the Eggforcers to just leave him lying there for Chaos knows how long disrupting their precious "order" and two, the source of the red glow doesn't seem to poisonous be neon lights of the city but...him instead?
With a pained grunt and some struggle Nine managed to sit up and collect himself just enough to stare at his own hand and legs, which appeared translucent and glowing red, for some reason, familiar shades of red.
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The second he let his bewilderment about his state fall he looked around and up, taking a note of a fallen scrap of an eggforcer and a long stone bridge connecting two rocky platforms high above.
So, still in the Prism cave then. Most likely got flung off the platform and into a ditch while hitting his head, but than, did putting the shards together not work out after all?
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Hi again, it’s loaf! My Heart is Buried in Venice wasn’t a playlist specific one, but I know a lot of people were comparing Ricky Montgomery’s voice to Donnie’s a few months ago on TikTok!
I hope your day is going okay! Tomorrow is the end of the year and it’s so exciting! Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? Or anything you’re looking forward to?
Here’s a song for you to relax to tonight!
Space Cowboy
—Kacey Musgraves
It's Loaf! Ok, so my assumptions on the song were correct. i don't have tiktok for a litany of reasons, but that is a fun little factoid!
My day is going well and I'm about to sink into the abyss and see Avatar: Way of Water because I played a game of chicken with my friend about it and we both lost. I am very gungho about REASONABLE new year's resolutions. I actually print out a checklist at the beginning of each year and then evaluate myself at the end of the year (wow, writing that out makes it sound terrible). I'm really kind to myself and I use it as a means to figure out things like 'why didn't I do this?' 'was this too difficult?' 'did I make progress?' 'Was this something I wanted to do or was it something I thought I should do?' while also reflecting on the past year as a whole. Looking at my current list, it looks like I got 80% my resolutions done this time around.
I won't list all of them but my biggest resolutions for this upcoming year is finally stop putting off starting my original story in some form and finally frigging start lifting weights. I want to be stronk (and by that I mean be able to comfortably lift all my groceries at the same time without wanting to die after).
I hope you have a wonderful new year's yourself and be kind! The new year is both special and just another day. You don't have to become a new person overnight. Every waking day is about making new little choices that head you in whatever direction you want to go! 💪
Wow that turned out more lengthy than I thought. I'll go listen to that song now!
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monstroso · 1 year
14 and 24!
these are the exact ones I sent to the person i reblogged the meme from lmao
14. Favorite book you read this year?
LMAO. Anyone who's been following me for the past 8 months knows I got *really* into Thomas The Tank Engine in 2022. I grew up with the show, but only learned that the show was based on a series of children's books this year, and actually bought a copy of the collected works for myself. For the sheer novelty and joy it's brought me, the Favorite Book Award this year has to go to The Railway Series by the Rev. W. Awdry.
Runner-ups are all books I acquired in the descent into madness that has been my railfandom-ification, none of which I've finished but all of which have been super interesting: The Pioneer Zephyr, Silver Streak Across Nebraska by James J. Reisdorff and Michael M. Bartels, The Pioneer Zephyr by Carl R. Byron and Robert W. Rediske (yes these are two different books about the same train), and Thomas The Privatised Tank Engine by Incledon Clark-- a parody book about the privatization of British rail. I also was gifted a copy of The Warriors by Sol Yurick but haven't started it yet!
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
I did, kind of! In February I resolved to get back down to the weight I was pre-pandemic (healthily, and with the intent to keep the weight off). Actually exceeded my goal and extremely proud of myself! Now 2023 is going to be the year of getting stronk. 💪
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