#staurt you are everywhere
cornedbread · 8 months
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No fucking way it’s stuckhome syndrome.
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Title: Girlfriend
Pairing: Stuart Pot x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Series: None
Part 1 ONLY
Notes: Wrote this with 2 Braincells after reminiscing my awkward years. Which I love despite feeling scrappy.
Also Gorillaz was called Gorilla before Gorillaz I believe.
Summary: pre-Gorillaz is out at a new Minigolf course. Y/n third wheels the alone time with Stuart and Paula. What could go wrong?
Bursting through the doors of Kong Studios. After all of the running past tombstones and lightning I wheezed.
The loud slam of the double doors gained attention from the four band members or Gorilla. Their heads turned towards the direction of the doors.
"GUYS!!! GUYS!! GUYS!! and Paula.. I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!!" I hollered.
Hearing many groans.
Mainly from Murdoc and Paula, A hum from Stuart, and loud footsteps from Russel.
As I finished my wheezefest I smiled at them all and held up a poster for a mini-golf course.
Everyone groaned.
Minus Stuart and Russel.
"What? I thought you all liked mini-golf? What's wrong?" I pouted.
"Don't you remember the last time we were at one y/n?" Paula sighed.
I tilted my head in confusion. Murdoc groaned out loud.
"For your sake did you not drive into a golf cart into the water course?!" He exclaimed.
"Nope I'm pretty sure that never happened" I smiled and Staurt and Russel snickered.
"And what about the time you hit my head with a golfball?!" Paula screeched.
"I couldn't see I thought I saw Flamingos everywhere" I replied coolly.
This time Murdoc chuckled but had abruptly stopped and cleared his throat.
"And what about the time that you had me crash in a bumper kart course!" She huffed. Her face now a Ladybug red.
"Well it is called bumper karts for a reason no?" I giggled.
This comment only caused her to sigh. I smiled in victory.
"So no one really wants to go with me?" I sighed. My shoulders slumped and a sad frown forming on my face.
"Yay! Thanks 'D for coming with me!" I smiled at the lanky purpleette. He only gave me a sweet smile with the front teeth missing.
"Its really no problem y/n" he chuckled giving a sheepish smile.
I smiled at him a small blush forming on my face as well as his as we stared at eachother for a few minutes.
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throats which snapped us out of our hazy trance.
"I'm definitely not leaving you alone with my boyfriend that's for sure so I'm going to watch you" Paula hissed as she stepped out of the vehicle.
I blinked and shrugged.
"The more the merrier!" I chirped slapping on my happiness back on.
Hearing a sigh and a large shadow looming over the three of us. There was russel.
"I'm gonna come with just incase you all dont get injured " He mumbled.
Soon the four of us wandered the mini-golf park.
Murdoc left the four of us, as he had to attend to "important issues" like usual.
"All this wandering around has me hungry.. HOLY CRAP THEY SELL CHURROS!!" I shouted out of hunger and ran towards the food stand plaza.
I had bought two churros. One for Russel, and One for me.
Smiling as I finished mine. I watched the purple headed man and his girlfriend share theirs. I tapped Russell on the shoulder.
He turned to look at me and I pointed to the two lovebirds as I gagged.
This caused him to laugh. I smiled and a sudden thought came to my mind.
I got up and slipped towards their table and snatched the churro out of their hands.
"Aww saved a piece for me! Sweet! Thanks Stu!" I chirped and pecked his cheek before skipping off.
I ripped the piece that Paula ate from throwing it in the trash and eating the rest.
After playing golf for awhile. I had needed a break from the small clubs and courses.
I had spotted a photobooth!
"Hey look a photobooth! Let's go take a picture stu!~" Paula sweetly called out to the purple haired man.
To which he only nodded and followed his lady towards the booth.
I scrunched up my nose and gave a wicked grin. I looked at Russel to which he only sighed.
"Please.. Please Please Please?" I begged with puppy eyes.
He looked at me then the two and nodded.
Operation: Split the Cheater and My Crush bestfriend up so I can save him is a go!
Or for short!
Operation: Grape is a Go!
I pressed a finger to my lips and counted down to three.
My hands reached for the curtains
My hands gripped them
I opened the curtains and pulled Paula out only to sit in her place while Russel blocked the curtain.
"Hey 'D let's take some good pictures Yeah?" I blushed.
His face seemed to get over the slight shock and nodded.
We made silly faces at the camera
I hung my arm loosely around his neck while making a rock-and-roll sign with my hand .
We sat facing eachother with a blush
After the bright light I took the pictures and stuffed them into my pocket.
"I'm keeping these! For safe keeping! See ya soon Stu!" I chirped before getting out and running off to find Russell.
"Russel! I'm teeling you it was great! Besides I kinda wish I could tell him how I really feel.." I blushed playing with my fingers.
I looked up at the large male for advice.
He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "Why dont you go tell him now he's all alone right now" he motioned to Stuart.
He was standing alone and playing on his mobile device.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks Russ!" I smiled at him and ran towards the tall male who was occupied on his phone.
Finally an opportunity to tell him without Paula around! Besides she doesn't deserve him..
I stopped running only to tackle him into a hug. To which he had jumped in suprise and dropped his phone.
"Hey 'D !" I chirped looking in his eyes.
"Oh hey Y/n.. you scared me a bit there!" He laughed and reached for his phone.
Instinctively we both thanked our heads together from trying to grab his phone.
I rubbed my head and giggled only to hand him his phone.
"Sorry 'bout that! Anyways why are you here all alone? Well not really.. I know you came with Paula, but why isn't she here?" I questioned the purple haired man.
To which he only shrugged.
"She said she'd go to the bathroom so I'm waiting for her" He replied quickly.
"Well Stuart Can I tell you a secret?" I blushed fiddling with my fingers.
"Well yea except if Murdoc wants to know then it might come out" he laughed nervously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay so what is it?"
"I like you no like you is an understatement I really really REALLY Love you.. even if your with Paula.. and even if she makes you happy yours comes first! Just know that I dont love your girlfriend Paula becauseshemightbecheatingonyouwiththatdamnedgreenpicklemurdoc! Even if you dont feel the same keys just make sure nothing stays weird between us yeah?" I breathed out.
I closed my eyes expecting being rejected.
Instead I had found myself experiencing those same butterflies, I had gotten in the last photo of the Photobooth.
He pulled away for just a second only to be pulled back into another kiss.
"STUART?! Y/N!? I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM GONNA AHHH!!" We jumped away hearing Paula's shouting and stepped aside.
Only for her to roll onto the fake grassy hill towards a port-a-potty that Russell had just used.
She was flung into the small space and swmd it forward with the door closing.
"I guess that solves it! You Stuart Pot otherwise known as 2-D Are now my boyfriend!" I grinned.
To which he hummed.
"Your boyfriend? I like the sound of that" he hummed happily and pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I smiled at the feeling.
Finally he wont get heartbroken over That cheater..
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veryfineday · 4 years
Friday 25 November 1831
8 1/4
+ x  +
fine morning Fahrenheit 62º. at 8 1/2  breakfast at 9 1/2 - miss H-[Hobart] came at 9 3/4 - sKimmed over the paper - out at 10 50/.. - walKed 1/4 mile beyond the 3 mile stone on the London road and bacK at 1 - changed my dress -
out with miss H-[Hobart] at 1 40/.. to 2 35/.. - walKed along High Street by the end - then turned up the fields to the Croft - then behind the houses there and came out into george street - left miss H-[Hobart] at 2 35/.. at Lady Ann Scott’s door no. 4 Pelham place - her first call on Lady Ann  who has never yet found her way here so I said nothiing but that I should come home feeling somehow languid and feverish  bowels always wrong  no motion ever but a few buttons
asleep for 10 minutes - went downstairs at 3 and sat talKing to miss H-Hobart till 4 - then till 5 20/.. wrote 3 pp.[pages] and very much small and close under the seal of 1/2 sheet to Lady S-[Stuart]  should write often had I anything to tell that Vere did not tell much between - ‘as it is, I am quite contented to put in my word only very occasionally to confirm all the good accounts - all traces of the bad cold have been gone these ten days; and now that we are acclimatées, and broKen in to slender houses, and draughts of air beating about in all directions, I trust we have nothing more to offer’ -
V-[Vere] fancied she got cold looKing at houses for Lady James Stuart - I said nothing but it would have been wonderful for the most delicate to escape what nobody else did and ‘such sins of doors and windows as gave me not only cold but rheumatism - the air has been mild except 2 or 3 days of sharp frost, sharper, said mr. DuKe, than any day last winter, and, on the whole, we have had fine weather; but we have had a great deal of high wind which finds admission into the houses much too easily, and which always seems to me to blow everywhere but in High Street - we have been out almost everyday these last ten days, and Vere is certainly looKing better - when do you mean to come to us? I have begged her to entreat you to bring mrs. Rogers who can be quite well accommodated, and would be invaluable to us all’ -
should have written a larger sheet to Lady S-[Staurt] herself and to Lady S-[Stuart] de R-[Rothesay] had mr. Courtenay gone to London as we expected - ‘I am sorry you ‘have not had in time the copies of Vere’s correspondence with her brother Lord Buckinghamshire - his manner of treating the subject was certainly not what I expected ; and it grieved me exceedingly to see poor dear Vere so much hurt and annoyed - considering her income, and the large amount of the debt due to her, I am persuaded, you will thinK her right in wishing to have the matter properly settled, and to have interest begin to be paid from the 16th of much next - It is a great delight to us to hear of your going on so well - Adieu, dear Lady Stuart, and believe me always very truly and affectionately yours A Lister’ -
had just written the above of today at 5 40/.. - at 5 50/.. tooK down my letter to the ‘Honourable Lady Stuart’ to miss H-[Hobart] to be enclosed with hers - read from page 313 to 341. Beechey  and till six and forty minutes incurred a cross sitting on my chair  it some how came suddenly not thinking particularly of anyone till lastly of [Pi-Mariana] 
dressed - dinner at 7 5/.. in 3/4 hour - a little music - Coffee at 8 1/2 - then played and won one game at draughts the 1st miss H-[Hobart] and I ever played together I being teacher on the occasion - then won one hit at bacKgammon - from 10 20/.. to 11 35/.. read aloud from page 440 to 496 end of chapter 16 and volume 2 8vo.[octavo] Gibbon’s Decline and fall of the Roman Empire -
five minutes in her room we now get on pretty well together  she gets accustomed to me and is quite persuaded of my devotion and not unflattered or unpleased by it   Mr. Henry Ellis is brother to Lady Goderich but born out of wedlock  Miss H[obart] reckoned up forty two  first cousins  ssaying he would make another as he was one by blood tho not acknowledged  this led to the explaination
Came to my room at 11 3/4 - wrote the last 9 1/2 lines - fine day - Fahrenheit 65º now at 12 tonight - fine in my room as ever since this day weeK - have for some nights bacK had a bottle of soda water while reading aloud perhaps this did my bowels no good? tooK plain water tonight -
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