kichimiangra · 1 year
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The sheer amount of cat toys Emi Lou can hide behind a giant sized tennisball fills me with concern sometimes.
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nou4-777 · 9 months
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unicode-mystified · 15 days
fwwv s fwo hzjskw xgj "a lzafc kgewgfw dacwk ew sfv a lzafc a dacw lzwe lgg tml ae kusjwv a eayzl bmkl tw ujsrq ewflsddq add sfv fgl stdw lg jwsv hwghdw owdd sfv eakaflwjhjwlafy kzal sfv udafyafy gf lg kgewgfw af s osq lzsl akfl zwsdlzq tml sdkg hmkzafy eqkwdx sosq twusmkw ae fgl kmjw ax ae twafy sf avagl sfv a usfl ljmkl eq gof xwwdafyk" lzsl akfl "a lzafc a fwwv lg tw lscwf gml tsuc sfv kzgl dacw s kauc vgy"
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namcalli · 20 days
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Black Badger STDW
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tryin to make my way through the valley au! kickin off w the adventure husbands ✌🏼
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oakleafupdate · 5 years
hi im wren and you should probably mute me because im not going to shut up about sebastian from stardew valley for AT LEAST the next 4583476 years
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deinheilpraktiker · 3 years
Fitnesstrainer / Fitnesscoach (m/w/x) Minijob oder Teilzeit (8-18 Std./W.)
Fitnesstrainer / Fitnesscoach (m/w/x) Minijob oder Teilzeit (8-18 Std./W.)
Ort: Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen Job Beschreibung:Du bist mit viel Herzblut Fitnesstrainer (m/w/x) und hast Lust, einen modernen Boutique Lady Fitnessclub in Düsseldorf Gerresheim mit aufzubauen? Du verbindest Trainingswissen, Kommunikationsstärke sowie eine hohe Eigenständigkeit und möchtest nah am Menschen arbeiten? Dann sei mittendrin statt nur dabei und starte bei ab August durch…
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Kenny held his school bag and ran down the street, he had just gotten out of school and he was heading into town to pick something up. He bumped into someone and looked up at the person "I'm sorry." [Kenny age 10]
Scotts starving stomach had decided it was time to get something to eat so he could focus on revenge without passing out for the Fourteenth time.
. . A delicious anchovy pizza .
Just the idea of a yummy cheesy anchovy pizza put him in good spirits .
Humming a happy tune he walked down the sidewalk not even seeing the tiny parka boy and nearly lost balance stumbling a bit. Catching his balance he stared silently at him. Damn this kid was small even for a ten year old.
Hm He was that poor kid. Fuck you can't rob poor people they never have anything good.
" Accidents happen." Scott shrugged not that phased he just wanted to get to that pizza.
" Don't worry about it. "
He smiled tired eyes looking down at him. "McCormick right? .. Here you go kid."
He gave Kenny one quarter.
"Heheh aw I'm just messing with ya. Lucky for you I'm in a good mood today. Otherwise .. I'd probably lock you in the dumpster... Bet it's warmer than your house. Hehehe. . whatcha in a hurry for squirt?"
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mrkanman · 4 years
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legend of jar cum
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stormyweaver · 5 years
I’m a lot less self conscious about posting sick-fic here versus... other sites, so, I’m gonna be looking through some of my little snippets I wrote, past and present, and just kinda putting them here. Hopefully some people will enjoy them! 
St*r Dew Sickness, ft. Penny and my OC Nathan 
Winter. Nathan hardly detested the season; far from it, the time of year afforded him a grand opportunity to forage for a number of rare flowers, fruit and other wild goods. And with his animals nestled warmly inside of their barns, he really had nothing to fret over. Fishing and foraging would keep him financially steady, and the residents of Stardew never seemed to let the frigid weather damper their spirits (well, for most of them; some were down no matter what time of year it happened to be).
And, reluctant as he was to admit it, Nathan was beginning to understand the sentiment all too well.
"Hhh--... hHAH'Gshh! hhAHG'Shh! hheeh-- HEHGSHH!"
The farmer groaned wearily following the trio of sneezes, not even bothering to suppress an all body shiver as he dragged the sleeve of his jacket under his nose. His normally caramel skin had taken on an ashen paleness, eyes sunken in and circled with darker hollows underneath, straight nose chapped a raw, fleshy pink around the nostrils - all the glaring signs of a particularly nasty bug that just so happened to house itself in Nathan's immune system.
Still, sick or not, he had work to be done. A farm to tend to, errands to run, a life to uphold. Huffing out a hot breath against chilled air, Nathan tried his best to sniff back the contents of his mucus laden sinuses, raising a knuckle to gently but firmly knead at his itchy nose. Yoba, what he wouldn't give to just go back inside and lay down. His gaze drifted upwards, rheumy eyes scanning the blanket of white draped over his entire farm, another meager sniffle failing to stem the flow of his congestion.
Hands moved to grip the ax, heaving it into the air once more before thrusting into the dent already marking his previous work. Twice, a third time, but on the fourth up-swing, his nose decided to snatch every bit of attention with a sharp, prickly sting. "ehhh... hHEEGH-CHAAH!"
He directed the sneeze downwards, stumbling back with the sudden force and dropping his tool to the snowy ground, all but forgotten as his head tilted back with another series of hitching breaths. "hhhiih!... hehhh... heeEEHH!.... Oh, Y-Yoba, c-c'moohhhnnn..." This was getting ridiculous! And he must have looked just as silly; tears beading in his eyes, rosy, twitchy nose pointed straight into the air, fingers fanning the cold air in front of his face as he heaved and huffed towards the inevitable. He was so close...
"Hello, Nathan!"
Oh no. A breath choked in his throat, Penny's clear, melodic voice nearly slicing through the sneezy haze Nathan found himself trapped in. Nearly. Just a graze of his index finger against the tip of his nose seemed to flick the sneeze into fruition. Oh Yoba, not in front of her--!
"hhHEGSHH'Uuh! heh'GSHHhuu! h'eEYESHHhuuu! ESHHhuu!... ghhh," The first sneeze had thrown him forward, each following sending his body hunching closer and closer towards the ground. Well, at least he'd aimed them into his elbow; Harvey had been rather adamant about that in their check up last month. Back then, he'd been blessedly naive as to the sickness which now held him in it's itchy, dripping, iron grip.
In the pre-sneeze haze, he hadn't noticed Penny's presence shift. Not until peering up through watery eyes and catching the worry - mild shock, as well? - bending her pretty features. "Goodness - Bless you! A couple of times, I guess," She gasped, hands clasped in front of her but fidgeting with the hem of her winter coat. "Oh, Nathan, you really don't look well," The already rising lump of embarrassment claimed his throat tighter at her words, causing his cheeks to flush a deeper red.
With a tight sniffle, he managed a gruff chuckle as he straightened back up. "I'm okay, really, Penny. Just a... little chilly, that's all," Lying. Of course he'd resort to that, save enough face as he possibly could in front of the woman he'd been pining after ever since they'd met. Penny had a natural motherly aura about her, and so many more attributes had drawn him in like a bee to honey. He was absolutely ill in love when it came to the demure red head. But any other sick simply wouldn't do. Besides, he'd caught a ton of colds back in the city and worked through them just fine. This? Nothing but a bump in the road.
"Maybe more than a little. I hate to say it, but, you look like death warmed over," And she did wince with the observation, plump bottom lip catching between her teeth. Dear Yoba, why did she have to be so darned cute??? "Shouldn't you be inside, resting?"
Fingers rose to rub the back of his neck as he gave a gentle shake of his head. "Not when I've got so much work to be done. And I've barely even started the day... woke up a little later than usual," he murmured the last part, wrinkling his nose with another liquid sniffle as he cast his gaze off to the rest of his farmland.
"Well, then isn't that a sign? That maybe you need more sleep than you've given yourself?" He could catch Penny attempting to meet his gaze, a groan seeping into his chest. The tenderness in her words nearly melted away the biting chill that settled in his bones. Truth be told, all he /wanted/ was to sink in the sea of sheets and blankets waiting inside of his cozy abode, where he could sweat out this bug in comfort and peace.
"I mean... I just-- Uh?!"
Before he could muster up another lame deflection, a small, pale hand rose to brush underneath his bangs. Though sudden, the cool touch sent a shiver of relief down his spine, and for a moment he began to relax until Penny gasped. "You're burning up! Nathan, you're going to run yourself into the ground..." Bit by bit, Penny was chipping a hole in his defenses, already shuddering under the weight of a truly awful head cold. In the moment he wanted nothing more than to drag himself to the white flag of surrender, even if the other, stubborn-as-a-mule side of his mind would beat him in the ass for it.
However, he barely had time to contemplate hauling himself inside when another tickle flared up in his sinuses. Gentle and soothing as it was, Penny's fingers grazed the bridge of his nose just enough to spark that ever-present itch lodged in his nose. Panicked, Nathan shakily rose a hand up to Penny, stopping just short of grasping her shoulder. "Uh, P-Puuhhh... Peehhh...hhHHEH--!" There was no tease in this one. Nothing but a sharp inhale before Nathan's body yet again pitched inwards with a congested, "hhH'IIGCHUUh! guhh... iihhhHH! hhyeESHH'uh!Ohhh..." With little to no warning, and not wanting to startle Penny with a sudden shove, Nathan had directed the spray at the frost covered ground between them. The dive sent his head swimming, bent frame swaying to the side with a soft moan. "I-I'b sorry... snffl I couldn't warn'd you id tibe,"
The gentle sigh above his head sounded so far away, he almost swore Penny had turned to book it from him, completely disgusted. He wouldn't blame her. Imagine his surprise when he felt an arm hook around his own, gently guiding him upright again. A tender, albeit slightly chiding voice tutting, "Nathan Forager, you really are something else. Come on now," as Penny began leading him towards his house.
Sniffling a few times in succession, he couldn't bring himself to glance in the direction of those knowing eyes, a grimace twisting his own features. Here he was, a sneezing, dripping, sickly mess, and Penny was actually still near him. Touching him. "Peddy--" Damn it, he couldn't even speak properly! He sucked in a deeper sniffle, raising the cuff of his jacket to scrub away any excess threatening to drip from his nose. "Y-You really shouldn't... I cad bake it hobe fide, plus, I'd... uhhhh..." Never forgive himself if he actually passed on this plague to her? Never get over the embarrassment of her seeing him snotting all over himself? Never be able to look at her again without blushing as red as the ripe apples sprouting in his green house? Yeah, that about summed it.
"You're not used to having people help you, is that it? My mom is the exact same way. Never wanting anyone to think they're weak for needing help every once in a while," Her weight shifted, pressing closer against Nathan as they slowly ascended the steps to his front porch. "Well, I'll tell you the same thing I tell her: there's no shame in needing a hand every now and then. In fact, it makes you a lot smarter for asking, before you end up working yourself... well, sick,"
No wonder Penny wanted to be a teacher so badly. She certainly had the patience for it, although Nathan couldn't help feeling a bit irked at his own stupidity. A sore throat hadn't been so bad a couple of days ago, and maybe his body wouldn't be in such poor shape now if he had rested up then. As it stood, he just felt plain awful, a lethargy in each movement and word and thought that he couldn't shake with even the most forceful of sneezes.
Once inside, he finally detached himself from Penny (reluctantly) and sighed, passing a hand over his face. "Okay, you're righ'd. I... m'bight be bore thad a little tired," he admitted, raising his other hand to press tenderly against each side of his nose. A small smile formed on Penny's lips, not of triumph but more so mild relief. "I swear, I didn't feel this bad a few days ago. If anythi'g it kinda just, hit be all ad ond'ce," As did the trickle of mucus tickling it's way past his chapped nostrils.
Nathan sniffed sharply, clasping a hand over his nose as he trudged towards the coffee table. A small, blue box of tissues sat on the edge, and he plucked a good fistful before switching them out to cover his face. He pinched off the escaping moisture, opting out of blowing for the time being (hey, he still had to save a little face) with a heavy sigh. "I'b really sorry you have to see all this. It's so gross," And the small pile of used tissues clustered around the table didn't help matters. How charming that was.
Despite his blossoming self-loathing, Penny gave a soft giggle, moving around to the opposite side of the table. "Nathan, if you think this is bad, I'll have to tell you a few stories while I'm here. You'll think twice about being so easily embarrassed by your body then,"
He shook his head at that, swiping under his nose one last time before balling the tissue into his jacket pocket. "I dunno, feels like I'm a leaky fauce-- Wait, 'while you're here' ?" Glancing up sharply, sure enough Penny was removing her outer wear, draping it over a chair neatly. "You... You're staying?"
"Of course," she began matter-a-factly, "You're sick as a dog, and the worst thing about being sick is having no one to take care of you. Just being alone in general - what if something happened and--" Mid scarf fold, Penny's gaze shifted to the side, again entrapping her bottom lip. "Unless, I'm being too forward. I-I'd never want to make you feel uncomfortable, especially when you don't feel well. I forget not everyone is..."
A pang went through his heart at the flicker of hurt flashing across her features. Sometimes Nathan had to remind himself that behind those bright, brilliant green irises was a delicate flower. A woman who faithfully cared for her mother, even when fought against for caring so deeply in the first place.
Hesitation gripped him for a moment, and Nathan coughed into his wrist before mustering up enough courage to push it down. "Honestly? I'd be super appreciative of havi'g you here, Ped'nny. So long as you don'dt mb'ind," he added with a lop-sided smile, slipping his jacket off, "Uh, I'll try to dot be the worst patiedt ever,"
There and gone in a blink, Penny once again beamed up towards him, a newfound hope in her voice. "Don't you worry, Dr. Penny is here to put you on the mend. You'll be up and tending to your beautiful farm in no time,"
Nathan couldn't help but smile at the shift, already feeling better himself for it. "I'b glad I'b id capable hands. Ki'nd of surprisi'g but, I'b horrible at taki'g care of bys-s-seehhhlllf..." Good Yoba, again?! Quickly rolling his eyes, Nathan firmly rubbed the pads of his fingertips against his nose, mouth dropping open with a shaky inhale. No way, he wasn't going to sneeze again. Not in front of Penny, not with her in his house!
"Oh, bless you!" Penny preemptively replied, clasping the box of tissues as she tottered to Nathan. But he shook his head fervently, nose scrunching up with another liquid sniffle.
"Do, I'b hhhokay... sniff! I'b just a little t-tihhhihhckly... f-fide, though,"
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kichimiangra · 3 years
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Look I know that rabbits are supposed to have a diet of *mostly* hay but you don't have to live with this monster!  My mom didn't even believe that she did this shit until Wallis had to be babysat by her!
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ask-tothearkseth · 6 years
Lzw segmfl gx lzafyk A osk stdw lg bmkl lscw xjge zak ewegjq ak xmucafy yjwsl. Zw lzafck zw cfgok lzafyk tml zw gfdq cfgok ozsl A oskf'l stdw lg ywl xjge zae. Al jwsddq ak semkafy lg osluz.
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countlascivious · 3 years
literally can’t stop thinking about being fingered while playing stdw vly ahhhh
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lookthebeautystore · 5 years
10 Pilihan Tas Makeup Ini Membuat Peralatan Make up Kamu Lebih Terorganisir
10 Pilihan Tas Makeup – Sering kerepotan membawa produk make up dan kosmetik saat bepergian? Sepertinya kamu butuh tas make up berukuran mungil yang praktis dan mudah dibawa-bawa. Tas atau pouch kosmetik akan menyimpan produk dan peralatan make up kamu dengan rapi tanpa tercampur dengan barang lain di dalam tas.
Tidak Mudah untuk Membawa Semua Peralatan Make up dalam Satu Tempat
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Berbagai produk make up jadi bawaan penting bahkan wajib bagi sebagian besar wanita. Memakai make up selain untuk mempercantik diri juga bermanfaat untuk melindungi kulit wajah dari sinar matahari. Membawa alat make up setiap kali bepergian memang terasa merepotkan karena jenisnya yang cukup banyak.
Contohnya lipstik dan eye shadow yang terkadang mesti dibawa lebih dari satu palet. Belum lagi yang lainnya seperti bedak, foundation, maskara dan sebagainya. Karena itu dibutuhkan pouch atau tas yang bisa menampung semua produk dan perlengkapan make up.
Dan untuk mengurangi beban bawaan agar tas tak terlalu penuh, sebaiknya pilih beberapa produk yang benar-benar dibutuhkan saja. Terlebih saat pergi ke luar negeri, membawa barang kosmetik berbentuk cairan pun juga ada batasan yang diberlakukan pihak maskapai.
Gunakan Tas Make up Kamu dengan Baik
Pisahkan Alat-alat Make up
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Jika kamu memiliki banyak jenis produk make up dan ingin membawa semuanya, sebaiknya pisahkan dalam dua pouch atau tas make up. Misalnya dengan memisahkan make up dan skincare yang rutin atau sering kamu pakai dengan yang jarang digunakan.
Dan juga pisahkan brush make up berdasarkan jenis dan ukurannya. Dengan begitu kamu tidak perlu susah payah mengaduk isi tas untuk menemukan produk make up yang kamu butuhkan. Selain itu semua produk dan alat make up kamu bisa tersimpan dengan rapi tanpa bercampur.
Atau kamu juga bisa memilih tas make up dari bahan logam yang memiliki banyak partisi sehingga semua make up kamu bisa tertata dengan rapi. Untuk produk kecantikan berbahan cair sebaiknya kemas dalam botol kecil lalu simpan dalam plastik agar tidak tumpah saat traveling.
Perhatikan Lapisan dalam Tas
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Dapatkan Tas Makeup Terbaikmu!
Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 082296988800 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Klik Disini
Selain menggunakan pouch make up terpisah untuk beberapa produk make up, after bath dan kuas saat bepergian, yang juga perlu kamu perhatikan adalah lapisan dalam dari pouch itu sendiri. Sebaiknya pilih lapisan dalam pouch make up yang kedap air untuk mencegah ketumpahan, misalnya lapisan dalam yang terbuat dari bahan leather.
Atau bisa juga memilih yang dari bahan nilon karena bahan ini juga mudah untuk dibersihkan. Tips tambahan untuk kamu yang suka membawa tas make up kemana-mana adalah bubuhi tisu dengan make up remover lalu letakkan pada dasar tas. Jadi, kalau ada make up yang ketumpahan kamu bisa dengan segera membersihkan tas.
Bersihkan secara Teratur
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Tas make up juga penting untuk dibersihkan agar tidak kotor dan menjadi sarang bakteri. Selain itu jangan pula meletakkan tas make up di tempat yang berdebu dan kotor. Cara paling mudah membersihkan tas adalah dengan mengeluarkan semua isi tas, lalu lap bagian dalam tas dengan tisu yang telah diberi make up remover.
Setelah bersih, tata kembali produk dan alat make up ke dalam tas. Bersihkan tas make up kamu secara rutin minimal sebulan sekali. Dan yang tak kalah penting adalah mengecek tanggal kadaluwarsa semua produk make up kamu.
Jangan Memasukkan Make up Terlalu Banyak
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Dapatkan Tas Makeup Terbaikmu!
Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 082296988800 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Klik Disini
Saat melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri, sebaiknya kamu tidak membawa banyak make up dan juga gunakan tas make up transparan. Selain memudahkan kamu dalam mencari produk yang dibutuhkan juga akan memudahkan pengecekan saat di bandara nanti.
Membawa banyak produk make up saat bepergian akan membuat kamu repot sendiri dan juga berisiko tercecer dan tertinggal. Agar tahu produk make up mana yang akan kamu butuhkan selama perjalanan, maka pilihlah produk make up yang warnanya senada dan matching dengan outfit yang kamu bawa.
Tas Make Up Berikut Bisa Menjadi Pilihan
KST Tas Kosmetik Travel Kulit Wanita – DXYZ-6034
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Kalau kamu memilih pouch make up dari bahan katun atau sejenis kain, kamu harus menyucinya dengan tangan pada bagian luar dan dalam saat membersihkan. Namun, untuk KST Tas Kosmetik Travel Kulit Wanita – DXYZ-6034 yang merupakan tas make up khusus traveling ini lebih mudah dibersihkan.
Tas terbuat dari bahan PU leather yang kuat dan tidak mudah sobek karena kelebihan beban. Tas ini memungkinkan kamu membawa hampir keseluruhan perlengkapan make up kamu. Tas di desain simpel dengan penutup resleting yang mudah dibuka tutup.
Pada bagian atas tas juga ada pegangan untuk menjinjing tas atau untuk menggantungnya. Pada kompartemen utamanya kamu bisa menyimpan produk-produk dan peralatan make up. Tas make up ini bisa kamu dapatkan di Tokopedia seharga Rp 24.000 saja.
Tas Kosmetik Hello Kitty Bordir Plus Tali
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Mau tas make up yang lebih lucu? Pilih Tas Kosmetik Hello Kitty Bordir ini saja. Tas berukuran 22 cm x 18 cm ini memiliki bahan yang tebal dan tidak mudah sobek. Bahan tas juga waterproof jadi kamu nggak perlu khawatir saat kehujanan. Ukurannya yang cukup besar juga bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan body lotion dan produk berukuran cukup besar lainnya.
Tas tersedia dalam berbagai pilihan warna seperti orange, pink fanta, ungu, maroon, biru, kuning, merah, coklat dan hijau. Tas ini dijual seharga Rp 5.000 saja lho di Shopee. Tapi jangan lupa bersihkan tas kosmetik kamu dengan rutin ya biar nggak terkesan jorok.
Batik Huza Tas Kosmetik
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Dapatkan Tas Makeup Terbaikmu!
Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 082296988800 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Klik Disini
Apakah kamu termasuk wanita yang selalu membawa semua produk make up lengkap saat bepergian? Wah, padahal kamu bisa mengurangi isi pouch dengan cukup membawa produk yang benar-benar akan dipakai dan dibutuhkan saja lho. Jika ingin tas make up yang unik kamu bisa pilih Batik Huza Tas Kosmetik yang terbuat dari bahan batik cap ini.
Tas berukuran 25 x 17 cm yang kapasitasnya cukup besar untuk menampung banyak make up dan skincare. Desainnya yang stylish dan trendy terlihat cantik untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Pouch ini bisa kamu beli di Shopee seharga Rp 46.000.
JBS Tas Travel Bag Travelling Cosmetic Organizer Pouch Monopoly Bag Motif Tas Multifungsi
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Tas yang ukurannya cukup besar dan cocok untuk dibawa-bawa adalah JBS Tas Travel Bag Travelling Cosmetic Organizer Pouch Monopoly Bag Motif Tas Multifungsi ini. Cocok sekali untuk kamu yang hobi traveling karena ini merupakan tas multifungsi yang terbuat dari bahan nilon kualitas terbaik dan waterproof.
Ruang dalam tas cukup besar untuk menyimpan produk make up, kosmetik hingga peralatan mandi. Desainnya sederhana dan kamu bisa menata rapi produk bawaanmu di dalamnya karena terdapat beberapa sekat. Tas ini mudah dibersihkan dengan cara dicuci dan disikat. Tas berukuran 21 x 16 x 8 cm dan dilengkapi tali jinjing ini bisa kamu beli di Shopee seharga Rp 19.900 – Rp 29.000.
Azonex BCRO Skin Care Round Shape Travel Pouch Tas Make Up
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Beberapa produk make up dan kosmetik di kemas dalam kemasan kaca. Jika disatukan dalam satu pouch saat bepergian bisa berisiko retak hingga pecah karena terbentur. Untuk produk yang retak kamu bisa memanfaatkan alkohol, tapi kalau pecah? Ya, nggak ada obatnya dong.
Tapi jangan khawatir, kamu bisa mencegah itu terjadi dengan mengisi ruang kosong dalam pouch dengan kapas bentuk bola. Atau sebaiknya bawa make up dalam ukuran travel size saja agar lebih praktis dan tidak makan banyak tempat.
Azonex BCRO Skin Care Round Shape Travel Pouch Tas Make Up ini bisa jadi alternatif untuk penyimpanan make up saat bepergian. Merupakan kotak multifungsi yang praktis untuk menyimpan berbagai jenis barang hingga make up dan kosmetik. Pada bagian dalam juga tersemat kaca kecil untuk dandan.
Kotak penyimpanan ini berukuran 22 x 11 x 20 cm yang juga bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan aksesoris, perhiasan, jam tangan, gunting kuku dan sebagainya. Harga kotak kosmetik ini Rp 139.900 dan di jual di Blibli.
Syubidap Cosmetic / Handphone Pouch Tas Dompet Kosmetik
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Dapatkan Tas Makeup Terbaikmu!
Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 082296988800 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Klik Disini
Agar kuota bagasi tak terbebani karena beragam produk make up, sebaiknya bawa saja produk make up multifungsi. Seperti lipstik multifungsi yang dapat digunakan sebagai eye shadow dan blush atau membawa satu eyes hadow palette saja yang juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk bronzer, blush dan highlighter. Lebih praktis bukan?
Untuk penyimpanan semua make up dan skincare kamu bisa pilih Syubidap Cosmetic / Handphone Pouch Tas Dompet Kosmetik Tempat Make Up Dompet Hp Motif SF03 STDW. Merupakan tas organizer yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan kosmetik dan smartphone.
Bahan tas tebal, tidak mudah robek dan memiliki desain yang trendy. Tas berukuran 22 x 13 x 7 cm cocok juga untuk menyimpan botol body lotion hingga pasta gigi. Tersedia dalam berbagai pilihan motif, tas ini di jual di Lazada seharga Rp 10.888 saja.
Igrosir Cosmetic Pouch Dompet Kosmetik Make Up WaterProof
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Igrosir Cosmetic Pouch Dompet Kosmetik Make Up WaterProof merupakan pouch organizer yang bisa digunakan untuk membawa beberapa produk make up saat bepergian. Pouch berukuran 16.5 x 8 x 13 cm ini bahannya tebal dan tidak mudah sobek.
Pouch juga tersedia dalam beraneka warna cantik yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera seperti kuning, biru, merah, ungu, fanta dll. Harga pouch ini sangat terjangkau, yakni Rp 3.851 saja di Shopee.
Agar pouch kamu tidak terlalu penuh, sebaiknya pindahkan make up dalam kemasan besar ke beberapa wadah yang lebih kecil atau bisa juga membeli produk make up travel size. Dan juga sebaiknya gunakan pouch terpisah untuk menyimpan kuas, make up dan produk after bath agar semua barang tidak tercampur.
EDS 4 Makeup Bag For Travel Outdoor And More
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EDS 4 Makeup Bag For Travel Outdoor And More merupakan tas yang terdiri dari 3 ruang terpisah yang cocok untuk dibawa traveling. Bisa digunakan untuk membawa make up, perlengkapan mandi dan berbagai barang kebutuhan lainnya. Tas terbuat dari bahan PVC berkualitas yang tahan lama, lembut, lentur dan ramah lingkungan.
Tas ini juga tahan terhadap air sehingga tidak akan bocor jika ada cairan yang tumpah di dalamnya. Tas memiliki penutup resleting dengan penarik yang mewah dan tahan korosi sehingga lebih tahan lama dibanding tas zip-top. Terdapat pula pegangan strap yang memudahkan tas ini untuk dibawa-bawa. Tas buatan China berukuran 15.5 x 24 x 6.5 inci ini di jual di Blibli seharga Rp 48.000.
Bluelans Portable Makeup Bag Bowknot Dots Toiletry Lace Cosmetic Organizer
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Dapatkan Tas Makeup Terbaikmu!
Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 082296988800 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Klik Disini
Sebaiknya simpan brush di pouch berbeda agar semua produk tidak tercampur dan bisa tertata rapi. Untuk produk make up yang lebih berat sebaiknya letakkan pada bagian bawah tas. Bluelans Portable Makeup Bag Bowknot Dots Toiletry Lace Cosmetic Organizer merupakan tas make up yang didesain ringkas dan praktis untuk menata semua produk make up kamu.
Tas dilengkapi dengan penutup resleting, slot dan tali elastis yang tebal pada bagian dalam untuk menjaga brush tetap tersusun rapi. Terbuat dari bahan poliester berukuran 21 x 15.5 x 12 cm yang cukup besar untuk membawa banyak make up. Tas make up ini bisa kamu beli di Blibli seharga Rp 38.997.
Emwe Travel Make Up Organizer TO Tas Kosmetik Travelling
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Agar produk make up dari kemasan kaca tidak pecah selama bepergian, letakkanlah produk-produk tersebut pada bagian atas koper dan letakkan pakaian pada bagian bawah. Hal ini akan mencegah kemasan pecah karena benturan. Dan pastikan semua tutup kosmetik kamu telah ditutup rapat agar tidak tumpah dan mengacaukan semua rencanamu.
Tas penyimpanan yang bisa kamu gunakan agar semua produk make up tertata rapi adalah Emwe Travel Make Up Organizer TO Tas Kosmetik Travelling. Tas terbuat dari bahan babyripstock dan ukurannya cukup besar, yakni 46 x 28 x 10 cm. Tas dengan desain praktis ini mudah dibawa kemana saja. Tas ini dijual di Blibli dengan harga Rp 35.000.
Tas Make up Mungil Ini Akan Membuat Kamu Praktis Selama Perjalanan
Yang namanya wanita meski dalam perjalanan, riasan minimalis pun nggak boleh rusak dong. Karena itu kamu harus menyediakan tas make up mungil agar lebih praktis jika ingin memperbaiki riasan. Produk make up kamu juga aman tanpa tercecer di dalam kopes atau pun tas.
source https://lookthebeauty.id/10-pilihan-tas-makeup/
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olplus · 5 years
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Jean-Michel Aulas va aller voir ses joueurs (Le Progrès : https://olplus.fr/STdw-)
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thursday, 12/3: FREE SPACE!
painfully domestic stardew au fic w a last minute doodle to boot! enjoy~
Just Like Any Other
Morning preparations for a doctor and his favorite patient turned boyfriend turned husband.
Ludwig hummed softly as he carefully tucked the long part of his tie through the loop that he'd made, adjusting it so that the four-in-hand knot he made rested a little loosely around his neck.
While he flipped down his collar and reached for his worn, navy blue jacket, Dell adjusted his hat next to him in their small bedroom mirror; the pretty rainbow one that changed colors that he spent so much time mining omni geodes in Skull Caverns for.
It was another day with more work to be done. Ludwig had 2 checkups planned for that day (Mikhail and Emily, if he remembers correctly) and he had to fill out all sorts of paperwork for a new order of supplies while Dell had plans to harvest some of his crops and ship them off the to be sold (while also performing his normal daily errands and spending the rest of the day in the mines, of course).
Days like this meant that the two of them unfortunately wouldn't see each other until they both got home at around 10 that night, both exhausted and (most likely) too tired to do anything other than get in bed and read or watch TV together before falling asleep.
Alas, such was the life of a farmer and the only medical professional in town. Not that either of them would give up their jobs for the world; it was what they loved doing and being in the valley is what led them to each other, after all. Just that days like these weren't ones Ludwig was particularly fond of.
As Dell reached into the pockets of his overalls for his gloves, he looked over to his husband in the mirror, unable to keep a smile from creeping onto his face.
When Ludwig caught his eye he chuckled, turning around to face him.
"What is it?"
"Oh, nothing. Just lookin' at the most handsome man in the entire valley."
Ludwig's face flushed slightly as he scoffed, shaking his head in amusement.
"It's true, don't deny it," Dell teased, putting his hands on Ludwig's hips and standing on his toes to give him a quick kiss that his husband gladly reciprocated. His eyes then shifted downwards, brow furrowing slightly.
"Hey, where's your pendant?"
Ludwig's smile dropped as he panicked momentarily, softly patting where the shell normally rested against his chest before remembering and letting out a soft sigh of relief.
"I left it in the bathroom after I took a shower. Could you be a dear and go get it for me?"
"No problem, starry eyes," Dell smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading out of their room.
As Ludwig carefully parted his hair in the mirror (even though he knew it'd probably get messed up again in a few hours), he let out a surprised chuckle as Dell came up behind him, putting his pendant around his neck for him and gently closing the clasp.
"Alrighty, I gotta go down and tend to the ladies. You know how fussy they get if I don't feed 'em before 9. Are there any particular crops you wanted me to save before I sent most of it off?" Engie asked, pulling his work gloves over his hands. Medic paused for a moment.
"What do we have?"
"All sorts of stuff, I reckon. Peppers, blueberries, radishes, tomatoes, cabbage, some various flowers. Also I think some of the fruit trees have fruit that's ready to be harvested."
"Save me some tomatoes, blueberries, a peach, and a cabbage? I'll make that salad you really like tomorrow so you don't have to cook."
"Shucks, alright, I can do that. I'm headin' out now, your lunch is on the counter. Have a good day at work, baby," Dell smiled, giving him another kiss on the cheek before heading out.
As he made his was down the stairs, Ludwig stuck his head out of their bedroom door and yelled, "Try not to get yourself into too much trouble, ok?" after him.
Dell looked up at him and grinned.
"No promises, sweetheart!" He laughed, giving him a wink before shifting his goggles over his eyes and going out through the front door.
Ludwig let out an amused huff. 50/50 chance his farmer husband was going to get himself hurt and come limping into the clinic with that same mirth in his eyes, acting like 4 of his bones weren't broken and that there weren't huge bruises forming all over his abdomen. And as per usual, he'd get upset with him for not being more careful, but really, how could he stay mad at such a sweet face?
It was a miracle he was still alive, though. But he supposed miracles happened for some reason or another. I mean, here they were, weren't they? Together, he means. He considers that in and of itself a miracle, though that's a conversation for another day.
Ludwig shook his head to get himself out of his internal monologuing. He then checked the time on his phone, swearing softly beneath his breath as he realized he needed to open the clinic in less than 30 minutes.
He finished adjusting his hair, letting out a soft sound of displeasure when he realized his curls were already resisting the gel he'd put in it.
No matter, he'd deal. As well as note to himself that he needed to start buying a different brand of hair gel.
He grabbed his bag from the corner of the room where he always put it before rushing downstairs, his doves following after him as he went to go fill his water bottle.
When he turned around, he saw a glass container filled with fried mushrooms and rice, as well as a carefully wrapped poppyseed muffin, waiting for him on the counter, a little sticky note with a smiley face surrounded by hearts stuck on top of the container.
Ludwig smiled amusedly, tucking the note into his pocket. He'd put it with the others when he got back home later.
After taking his lunch and putting it into his bag that also contained things such as his phone, pens, planner, keys, and mini first aid kit, he let out a low whistle, signifying to the birds that it was time to go. All five of them cooed in response, Archimedes taking his usual spot on his father's shoulder as the others sat side by side on his bag after he'd taken out his key.
"Papa's got a lot of work today so you all better behave and stay upstairs until I tell you you can come down, alright?" Medic said to them as he toed on his shoes, the birds humming in agreement as he went out the door and locked it behind him.
He took one last look over his husband's rather immaculate farm, waving to him when he'd caught his eye as he exited the chicken coop. Dell smiled and waved back at him before disappearing into the barn, Ludwig carefully making his way down the steps and towards the direction of town.
After all, he had a busy day ahead of him. A day just like any other, mind you, but a busy one nonetheless.
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