#stealing from one person is wild enough but like 20 for one video lmao
pumpumdemsugah · 10 months
That James Somerton guy making videos about LGBT history, people and media based on vibes as facts ( and plagiarism but this post isn't about that ) is literally how social media treats LGBT history and has been for the last decade +. There's certain things that are objectively not fucking true but people have meltdowns whenever anyone points it out and then the baseless accusations fly. There's so much LGBT and feminist history + ideas online that's so far from the truth because people have been stretching the truth or embellishing for years unchallenged because someone feels validated and it feels true. Intellectual dishonesty is fine if it makes you feel good
The more people treat information and ideas like entertainment and validation, the easier it is for people like James Somerton to pop up over and over again because that environment makes it very difficult for criticisms to stick so they get to grow to a point it protects them and gives them more credibility which attracts more unsuspecting people that have no real reason to think they're consuming misinformation and stolen work.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Mon 27 Jan
All the Walls lyrics are up! Pre-ordered albums reached some people early and a fan posted pics of the lyric sheet and you guys... you guys! It is all so unbearably tender and open and lovely and the whole damn thing will be out so soon, so FINE, today's news today and Walls soon enough: Louis posted an IGTV from the London listening party, added two UK acoustic show and signings (Feb 10 & 12), Sirius announced a spot with him Thurs in NY, his first big album review is out, NME, it's not fawning but it's respectful and interested, and interview material is pouring in. Louis says Habit is about music and "the fans," (2028 1D reunion interviews: yeah actually Steal My Girl was written about the fans!) and "Too Young is about meeting ‘the one’ aged 18," (going on to confirm that he definitely means he was 18), LOL- he was nearly 20 when him and Eleanor got together but as it happens I do buy that he met the one at 18... Between this and the leaked lyrics, well there's a lot of stuff that's just not about E and it ain't just timelines but as Louis well knows, everyone's still gonna believe what they already do so why not sing his heart? Love that. (Meanwhile antis: Hannah is the one! LMAO you think I'm joking I could not make that up I am simply not galaxy brained enough for that kind of incredible creativity and I bow down. Their minds!)
Niall and Lewis made a delightful spectacle of themselves at the Grammys after-party, standing right up on a table with Shawn and Camila and making fun of their PDA by also kissing on the table, singing at the top of their lungs and being goofs while the whole party gathered round to take video of them showing off, whatta bunch of divas, then ending up back at Niall's eventually. It looks like the most fun and I love that for them; Niall's bro gang (today ft Shawn) look like they're dying in the pic on Niall's big sofa today though aww, but then Niall hooked up a big meal for the hungover masses, double awww. They deserve a little pain anyway, imagine going straight from the Grammys to then participate in a Best Song Ever sing-along that bad they should be ashamed (Niall- so I'm just gonna sit this one out... even drunk Niall is clever like that.) The SMG serenade from just Lewis, Shawn, and Camila was slightly- slightly!- better but given their jobs not so much as you'd think.
The Flames video is finally coming, this Thursday and it looks SO GOOD OMFG! It's gonna be COOL AF you guys, can't wait. This week has seen a few fan pics of Zayn from a little while back post, which somehow always happens right before he announces something. I seriously want to know how they coordinate that like is Zayn's PA staying in touch with these people like okay annnd....now! Pull the trigger! Anyway and then today we got the announcement and teaser clip and it's gonna be so cool! Yesss. That's gonna be a busy day....
Another Australian radio spot with Liam announced for this week- will he be down under in person or he is just lining up a lot of long distance call-ins?
Harry was announced for the lineup of the Radio One Big Weekend in late May. He was quoted saying something incredibly bland and fake about how excited he was and I was going to make a joke about how he obviously didn't say it (and how it was exactly the same format as the quote he obviously didn't say about the Miami show) but I was beaten to it by a Guardian journalist! Then everyone got mad at that guy and then Greg James defended him and Nick Grimshaw made fun of the fans and now everyone is mad at them so wow never mind! You're very right Harry definitely is a boring PR bot SO SORRY for thinking otherwise! What a thing to get mad about huh some people are wild.
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.25
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
alright!!! so this chapter is a little special. its a contest!!!!
for literally no reason at all, i decided to have a little fun with this chapter. in this chapter, there are a bunch of pop song references. the majority are from the early 2000s (before 2010, tho there may be one or two from 2011 or 12) and one is from the 90s. whoever can list the most references wins a drabble/short fic of their choice from me!
to enter, submit a list of all the songs that were referenced in this chapter (or the ones you could find!!)
shoot me an ask if you have any questions~!
mental support = nino, ebony = alya, draco = adrien, vampire = alya
i hope you enjoy!
mental support: a reminder that i hate all of you
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: u love u s
mental support: i can t believe you just made me listen to all of that what the fuck
draco malfoy: Now You Know
mental support: i wish i didnt
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: its so good so iconic also the writer is now a fukcing awesome published author and mari and i r gonna read her books together join us we can b the nerds with a book club
mental support: i just spent several hours listening to you three do a dramatic reading of my immortal i think weve gone past nerds with a book club
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: sounds fake
vampire: You cant say that wasnt a lot of fun though I forgot how wil d that fic got
mental support: i need to process
draco malfoy: Have fun
draco malfoy: Reasons to quit modelling: Early morning shoots
draco malfoy changed his name to asleep in makeup
asleep in makeup: I can’t wait to be done today
mental support: i am so sorry dude fingers crossed that your dad stops sending you to them
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: ^^^
mental support: al babe please change your name
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: f i n e uhhhhhhhh
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way has changed their name to aint no lie
aint no lie: baby bi bi bi
mental support: i dont know what i expected
aint no lie: pls choose a lyric and join me
mental support: youre ridiculous why do i love you
mental support has changed their name to fool for you
aint no lie: lmao sap
fool for you: true
vampire: Oh my god we have so man y orders to day Wont be on Im dying Im gonna dronw in frosting
vampire has changed their name to too many cookies
fool for you: uhhh no such thing let me know when youre on your break i wanna stop in and say hi and also steal some baked goods pull you away from baking for a bit
too many cookies: My knight in shining arm or  <3
fool for you: mostly hoping for cookies deemed unworthy to sell but yes i can work with knight
too many cookies: At least youre honest
asleep in makeup: Get me out og hits hous e
aint no lie: omw get ready to leave boy i was in the area on a walk
asleep in makeup: Thnak s
fool for you: let me know if i can do anything ok?? if you need to stay the night or something that super chill my moms wont mind besides they keep trying to invite you all to dinner
too many cookies: Same as what Nino said!!! And also what!! I love your moms Id love to go to dinner??????
fool for you: yeah but theyre gonna tell embarrassing stories
too many cookies: You say that like I wasnt there for most of them
fool for you: yeah but adrie nand alya werent
too many cookies: Ok true true
19:11 in PM between too many cookies and alseep in makeup
asleep in makeup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J1-eYBbspA
too many cookies: Why the fuck
asleep in makeup: I’m with Alya We’re listening to 2000 hits from the US
too many cookies: Of course you are Are you having fun And feeling better??
asleep in makeup: Yeah We’re cuddling and making fun of the music videos Mostly the fashion Also her mom brought home some food from the hotel so we don’t have to eat ramen which is both awesome and a disappointment
too many cookies: Mhm How hard are you pining
asleep in makeup: Shut up
too many cookies: You love me
asleep in makeup: Unfortunately Why are our friends just so Great Good Incredible Sos I’m getting emotional about them Mari I really love them what did we do
too many cookies: We have really great taste obviously
asleep in makeup: Man I have shitty luck
too many cookies: Or the best
asleep in makeup: That’s your department
too many cookies: True tru e Are you going to survive??
asleep in makeup: Yeah Cuddling with Alya is unfairly nice
too many cookies: Tell me about it Anyway why this song
asleep in makeup: Because I love you and just wanted to remind you
too many cookies: This is the worst way to tell me that But I love you too I have to go help my mom with dinner but Ill talk to you later <3 Have fun Dont die
asleep in makeup: No promises
20:02 in fucking clock hearts
aint no lie has renamed this conversation to tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
too many cookies: Wha t
fool for you: what the fuck
asleep in makeup: We’ve been watching music videos for like 3 hours
aint no lie: im liv in g
asleep in makeup: My dad would die if he saw any of the outfits people are wearing in these
aint no lie: american pop music from the 2000s is wild join us
fool for you: i thik im good
asleep in makeup: Youre not
aint no lie: were not falling in love were just falling apart :/
too many cookies: Im too tired for fake deep al
aint no lie: rip im sorry babe
fool for you: can i break into the bakery and get a cookie i need sugar
too many cookies: Cn I convince you to watch a show with me or something
fool for you: duh
too many cookies: !!!!!!!!! Let me know when you get here Im just at the foot of the stairs braiding my hair Ill let you in  
aint no lie: bo y why are all of 3oh3s songs fucking icon ci
too many cookies: 3oh3 is that supposed to like Mean somethin g
aint no lie: idk its just another word i never learned how to pronounce
too many cookies: RIp
fool for you: yo mari im here
too many cookies: !!!
aint no lie: a;lsdkfjasdf things i apparently need to do add chloe on snapchat
fool for you: yo why
asleep in makeup: She just sent me a selfie of her wearing designer shades just to hide her face cause she took her makeup off
aint no lie: she is???? weirdly chill snapchattin g marhs whtf
too many cookies: Whtf???
fool for you: what hell the fuck
asleep in makeup: That might have to do with us having been friends since we were like In diapers Chloe isn’t the best person but we still talk for a reason
aint no lie: fair
fool for you: i follow her on twitter for her rants theyre ridic they make my day
asleep in makeup: Oh uh Nino can I come over when you’re done at the bakery?
fool for you: yeah of course dude!!! that offers always there
aint no lie: >:(
too many cookies: I take it you two had this argument alread y
asleep in makeup: Yup I feel bad invading Alya’s space for so long
aint no lie: youve been around all night before!!!!! its not a big deal!!!!!!!!!!! the party dont stop
fool for you: want me to steal some cookies from you
asleep in makeup: Stealing is bad
aint no lie: why are u leaving me!!!!!!!!!!!
too many cookies: Ill let Nino tak ethe cookies then its not stealing Also cant you have this con vo irl??
asleep in makeup: Yeah but this is better
aint no lie: yeah also were comfy on the couch and itd be weird to yell at each other when were sitting like this
PM between asleep in makeup and too many cookies
too many cookies: Rip
asleep in makeup: Please don’t make this worse
too many cookies: Come on Romeo
asleep in makeup: That’s not my name
too many cookies: Fiiine You ok?? I know youre going over Ninos Hes getting ready to leave btw but he just mentioned that in the main chat
asleep in makeup: Yeah I just Its been a really really messed up week
too many cookies: Fair enough Let me know if you need anything ok???
asleep in makeup: Thanks <3 Going from Alya to Nino will be fun
too many cookies: Tonight your e fallign in love
asleep in makeup: Very funny But let me know if you need anything too Ok???
too many cookies: I will <3 <3
in tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
fool for you: ok so how many cookies is too many cookies
aint no lie: there is literally no such thing weve talked about thi s
fool for you: i bet if you eat too many you could die
aint no lie: come on let me shake up ur world and change ur life eat All The Cookies
fool for you: thats too many cookies
aint no lie: eat all the cookies an d die
fool for you: youre just jealous that adrien is coming over
aint no lie: please this isnt even jealousy >:/
fool for you: bruh oh btw im leaving in like 2 minutes gonna steal you away from alya
aint no lie: n e v e r
asleep in makeup: Please save me she’s been playing the same song for like half an hour
aint no lie: listen hot stuff im in loe vwith this son g
fool for you: let the beat rock dude
asleep in makeup: Mari pl e a s e
aint no lie: i cant stop cause im haivng too much fun!!!!!!!
aint no lie: i cant believe ive been betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fool for you: youre so dramatic
aint no lie: this is the worst thing to ever happen o t me
asleep in makeup: Its not enough to say that I miss you, is it
aint no lie: no >:( tell me what i wanna hear and that is that ur coming bcak
asleep in makeup: Sorry Al
fool for you: yeah ive got a blanket fort set up still from last time so i win
aint no lie: shi t
too many cookies: Youre all ridiculou s You need to come back down t o earht Weve got bigger problems than this Liek the fact that I canT FIND MY SCISSOR S
aint no lie: r i p
fool for you: theyre under your chaise
too many cookies: What
fool for you: check
too many cookies: ……. Holy s hi t HO W
fool for you: magic
aint no lie: u might no t believe ur eyes but ninos magic
asleep in makeup: I thought I got away from this
aint no lie: nope <3
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dragongirlafro · 7 years
Miscellaneous things I liked about Sun and Moon
-Kukui coming to your house and just letting himself in.
-Kukui asking the main character to find the kahuna without actually giving a short fill in on who he is, other than “he looks just like a kahuna”.
-the little wobble effect when you’re crossing the bridge to save Nebby.
-The main character asking Lillie if she’s a kahuna, either jokingly or because they genuinely have no idea what a kahuna is.
-Hau’s theme. I mean, I’m psyched for Hau in general, but I really loved his music.
-the cutscenes. No seriously. I like reading dialogue and interactions between characters. The cutscenes at the beginning of the game really set the right mood and tone for me imo.
-Trainer models behind their Pokémon during battles.
-finding Ledybas on route 1.
-Kukui yelling “Oh yeah, Rockruff! My body is ready!” from inside his lab, giving the impression of a hilarious double entendre.
-The Rotom pokédex’s witty personality.
-And the wide variety of Pokédex entries ranging from “really sweet” to “how did this get past ERSB’s ratings?”
-just the sentiment of going out into the islands with your starter and just one or two low level Pokemon.
-Pokémon Refresh!! I had no idea how much of an improvement Refresh was to Amie! Like you can just give a Pokemon two sparkly rainbow beans and they’ll love you forever!
-the ability to just go into a PC and grab your pokémon or move it around without any of that “withdraw or deposit” bullshit.
-that adorable scene where Rotom takes a picture of you, Hau, and Lillie.
-Rotom thirsting over “that dreamboat Ilima”.
-The Skull grunts at the berry farm. More specifically the one who had self-esteem issues.
-when the Skull grunts think you can’t tell them apart cause they’d switched positions so they swap places and are like “how’s that?”
-Totem Pokémon being three times larger than they normally would and scaring the crap outta you.
-The fuckin anime-ass pose your main character does whenever they get a Z-crystal
-in fact Z-moves in general. A lot of older fans seem to dislike them but honestly they were one of the only things that convinced me to buy the game.
-Ride Pokémon!!!!No HMs!!!!!!!
-Also being able to program any Ride Pokémon on the D-pad. That’s become like second nature to me.
-that cutscene when you’re on the boat from Melemele to Akala island.
-and that little exchange between Lillie, Hau, and Kukui when they reach the shore.
-The shopping music. Holy fuck do I even need to tell you how amazing the shopping music is in this Gen???
-meeting Dexio and Sina again. I didn’t really care for the whole Zygarde thing but just seeing those two again was really sweet.
-Paniola Ranch and its chill af vibes.
-Lana trying to find a “strapping young swimmer” when she’s supposed to be guiding you through her trial.
-and her trying to convince you that her trial site has a Kyogre in it.
-The frickin Water type Z-move dance. Oh my god that wavy hula dance is the cutest thing ever.
-The whole “Professor Kukui wtf are you doing” “Who is this ‘Professor Kukui’ you speak of I am the Masked Royale!!” exchange.
-and then he just blurts out “and now we have our foursome!” and all the characters ignore it and move on as if that’s a normal thing to say in everyday conversation
-Kiawe’s trial. Just… everything about Kiawe’s trial.
-But mostly Hiker David.
-“Press A to pound the ingredients.”
Honestly tho that was the only redeeming quality to Mallow’s trial Totem Lurantis can go fuck itself in USUM.
-Professor Burnet’s groovin’ dimensional research lab theme.
-when Olivia does the Rock type Z-move dance and the camera just zooms in on Lillie gawking over her.
-OH YEAH that Pyukumuku chucking thing where you can get 20 000 pokédollars a day. I hope they bring that back because that was a real good way of making cash.
-And those missions in Pokécentres where if you’ve caught a set amount of Pokémon or if you’ve caught a specific Pokémon they’ll pay you like 10 000 dollars or something.
-Meeting Wicke for the first time and her being incredibly sweet and nice.
-That small bit when Hau can’t believe that Lusamine’s more than 40 years old and she’s really flattered.
-battling Nihilego for the first time.
-That scene on the boat to Ula’Ula Island where Hau talks to you and offers you a Malasada. That really solidified his friendship with the main character for me.
-Speaking of which that part where you’re at Malie Garden and Hau asks “hey, did you know-“ and you can just say “yah i know” and he’s like “dude come on I haven’t even asked the question yet.”
-that little side quest where you have to find a woman’s eight Stuffuls on route 10 that’s like really sweet but also why does she have so many stuffus?
-The Skull grunts who fucking try to steal a bus stop sign.
-Molayne. I liked his relationship with Kukui and Sophocles.
-and I especially liked the part where he gave you Kukui’s mask and when you give it to him Kukui’s just like “oH uhhhhh I’ll um give it back to the Masked Royale when I uh see him”
-Blush Mountain. It has such a nice name. Blush Mountain.
-Acerola’s, um… Little brother and sister? Kids she’s babysitting? I wasn’t too clear on how they were related to her, but they were cute either way.
-the whole bit where rotom’s afraid to go into the haunted store because “spoopy scary ghosts” despite him literally also being a ghost.
-On the subject of those two kids, the event where Team Skull stole the girl’s Yungoos and she gives you a Rare Candy just to get it back fucking broke my heart like oooooohhhh sweetie you didn’t have to give me this I would have gotten your Yungoos back either way!!
-Plumeria!!She was so underrated!
-uncle Grimsley’s cointoss bit where you could pick heads or tails but if you picked neither then he’d just say that Skarmory swooped in and grabbed it in midair, even though that obviously never happened and he was just bullshitting you.
-Also just the mere fact that Grimsley refers to himself as “Uncle Grimsley”
-Nanu. Enough said.
-The fact that all the Team Skull grunts in Po town are gay. Every. Single. One of them. gay
-That scene where Nanu does the Dark type Z-move pose and the main character and Gladion just stare at him and there’s just an awkward pause until he goes “there you cleared your trial or whatever”.
-actually now that I think about it, Sun and Moon had a lot of subtle humour.
-when you were infiltrating Aether Paradise and a good amount of employees were set on stopping you but there was like that ten percent who were like “whoa shit’s gettin wild out here lmao do you want us to heal your ‘mons? We could even take you back if you wanted i ain’t about to lose my job over some space conspiracy fuck that noise”
-That one Skull grunt who was all like, “wanna see me get hit by a Hyper Beam?”
-When you Battle Guzma outside of Lusamine’s mansion.
-“Doot doo doo, just a Kahuna, taking a stroll through the laguna.”
-when Hau compliments Lillie over her outfit makeover and Gladion immediately pulls the defensive brother card.
-Seafolk Village’s night music. Oh my lord I’ve never wanted to marry a video game meledy before it.
-Hapu!!! Another underrated character!
-That scene where Lillie and the main character are in the cave on Exeggcutor Island in the rain.that was super cute.
-Vast Poni Canyon! Love me that guitar and flute!
-Mina!!! I can’t wait for her trial in usum I love her so much!!!!!
-when you go to Ultra Space and Rotom is unconscious because you’re disconnected from your world.
-When Lillie gave that whole speech to Lusamine and her sole reaction was basically “¯\_(ツ)_/¯” that absolutely slayed me
-After all that shit in Ultra Space and catching Nebby goes down and then Nanu’s just chilin’ at the Altar and is like “oh, hey, you can challenge the league I guess, if you really felt like it.”
-that corny-ass scene where Lillie was gonna say something to the main character after the festival and it was all set up like a love scene from the final act of a goddamn comedy romance film and then they get shouldered by the fireworks. My heart can’t handle that kind of sappy cuteness and I need more of it.
-Looker and Anabel. Those two were adorbs.
-oh. And Alolan Raichu. When I first saw that Pokémon revealed in the trailer last July I knew that I had to buy Sun and Moon. Alolan Raichu is what got me into Pokémon.
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.20
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
i'm not dead yet but i'm v close
eponine = alya enjolras = marinette grantaire = nino marius = adrien
eponine: dont listen to marinette
enjolras: Ummm???? LIsten to Marinette
eponine: no fuck u
enjolras: :P
grantaire: ???????? what did you do  
eponine: NOTHI N G
enjolras: She tried to chase Chat after the akuma attack and almost fell in the Seine 
eponine: i did not
enjolras: She was 100% ready to swim
eponine: NO I WANS T
grantaire: oh is that where you went
eponine: f i g h t  m e
grantaire: al youd do anything for another interview wiht one of them
eponine: >:( u arent wrong tho
grantaire: exactly i cant believe you almost went into the river  
eponine: i hate you
enjolras: Has anyone heard from Adrien today??
grantaire: i talked to him thsi morning
enjolras: When was this morning
grantaire: uhhh like…. 2  
enjolras: Sleep??? Is a thing??????????
grantaire: video games are also a thing
enjolras: I hate you
grantaire: </3
eponine: good afternoon i am gay
grantaire: youre bi
eponine: good afternoon i am bi do u have a moment 2 talk about our lord and savior ladybug 
enjolras: Why are you like thsi
eponine: im running on like 5 cups of coffee
marius: lmao lame
eponine: what 
grantaire: ?????
enjolras: Did alya steal adriens phone again
eponine: first of all rude second of all what 
marius: who even is everyone on here??} what kind of nerd club is this  
grantaire has changed their name to nino
nino: blame adrien he got all geeky on us  
eponine has changed their name to ladybugfan2020
ladybugfan2020: hello im still bi
marius: what in fresh hell is going on here
enjolras has changed their name to mari
mari: Who are you??? And why do you have Adriens phone  
marius: because he’s too trusting lol guess who’s thumbprint is in it and has access to everything 
nino: i know my dude doesnt have anything weird on his phone that he wouldnt want people to see but still bro thats ominous  
marius: ;* 
ladybugfan2020: really tho who r u
marius: god i can’t believe you can’t figure it out who do you think adrien would trust not only with his phone but also enough to put their fingerprint in it????? 
ladybugfan2020: nino mari probably not me but a girl can dream ladybug chat link 
marius: i’m stopping you right there because fictional characters don’t count i’m honestly offended is there a block button on skype??? 
mari: Why do you have his phone Chloe? 
marius: wow!!! one of you has a brain!!! a concept 
nino: oh shit he had a big photoshoot today didnt he man i feel bad that i forgot 
mari: He didnt want to talk about it much dont feel too bad
marius: no shame on you for forgetting clearly i’m the only one who cares about adrien here 
ladybugfan2020 has removed marius from the group. 
mari: Alya no
ladybugfan2020: alya yes?? i dont like her 
mari: I mean same but Adrein wont know why hes been removed
nino: mars got a point
ladybugfan2020: ugh y do i like either of u
ladybugfan2020 has added marius to the group.
marius: fucking rude
ladybugfan2020: fight me
marius: maybe i will!!!!
nino: last time you did that al got akumatized lets ton e it down
marius left this group
ladybugfan2020 has added marius to this group.
marius: fuck you
ladybugfan2020: oh u wish
marius: i want out
mari: Then put down Adriens phone??
marius: i’m bored this photoshoot is boring you’re all JUST as boring though  
marius has changed their name to chlo
chlo: a random reminder that i hate you all and am only talking to you because i’m desperate
nino: im honored
chlo: you should be
ladybugfan2020: new question y r u at the photoshoot
chlo: cause i was in part of it?? duh 
mari: You model?
chlo: ok so clearly i need to talking up myself MORE i thought that was something people like you wanted me to stop doing make up your mind 
mari: You cant tell but Im rolling m y eyes
chlo: of course i’m a model have you seen me
nino: unfortunately
chlo: fuck off
ladybugfan2020 has renamed this conversation to “chloe sux”
chlo: fucking this is why i’m not friends with any of you  
mari: Lets be real you wouldnt be friends with us if we werent like this
chlo: probably true
nino: i dunno we were pretty close when we were 6?  
chlo: oh god don’t remind me i’ve blocked that from my memory 
nino: what? dont like remembering how we got married on the playground 
chlo: get out of my life lahiffe
nino: are we getting a divorce?? 
mari: No you got divorced when we were 8
ladybugfan2020: i feel like im watching a soap opera wild did we all get married on the playground??? i got married to this girl in my class when i was 4 and she was my first kiss good times we had to break up tho cause she wanted to go on the slide when i wanted to use the monkey bars 
mari: Aw tragic young love
chlo: not surprised
ladybugfan2020: k ive shared every1 else go share ur 1st kiss
mari: Kim in a game of truth or dare when I was eleven
nino: chloe at our wedding
chlo: lame also i don’t owe you anything cesaire  
ladybugfan2020: i can just ask adrien later
chlo: fuck ok i kissed alix the day before nino and i got married alix kissed me i think it was a dare  
nino: i cannot believe you cheated on me i want another divorce 
chlo: yeah yeah
ladybugfan2020: whyd u 2 divorce anyway?
nino: chloe didnt invite me to her birthday
chlo: ummm????? i mean no i didn’t because it was a girls only sleepover but also i remember YOU had a crush on mari so 
ladybugfan2020: just kno i am living
mari: YOu had a crush on me when we wer e 8???
nino: mari i hope you know everyone has had a crush on you
mari: ???????????????
ladybugfan2020: can confirm
chlo: ew they need me to do something i’ll steal adrien’s phone back later be less lame when i get back 
nino: no promises
ladybugfan2020: lmao anyway now we just gotta find out who adriens 1st kiss was any1 kno?  
mari: Nino would know
nino: i mean i do but thats for him to share im sure he will but ill let him do it 
ladybugfan2020: nice now we just gotta remember to ask ive got it 
ladybugfan2020 has renamed this conversation to “who was adrien agrestes first kiss??? find out more at 6”.
mari: Subtle
ladybufan2020: thanks
chlo: i lived bitch
nino: did chloe just meme
chlo: of course i did???? i mean come ON adrien agreste is my best friend what did you expect?  
nino: nah dude hes my bes t friend
chlo: no he’s not
ladybugfan2020: rude™
mari: Were his best friends???? 
chlo: pff you’re more than just his friends 
ladybugfan2020: ????
chlo: nothing anyway you people are boring god did you do nothing while i was gone?? how does he suffer being in your presence 
nino: has anyone ever told you youre kinda rude and obnoxious
chlo: yeah you multiple times 
nino: cool imma do it again
chlo: where’s the middle finger emoji 
nino: :P
mari: I cant believe you came back  
chlo: yeah neither can i guess you’re less boring and annoying than doing nothing
PM between chlo and ladybugfan2020
ladybugfan2020: can i ask y u hate mari 
chlo: i don’t hate her
ladybufan2020: …
chlo: it’s a long story
ladybugfan2020: well shes my best friend and ur kind of a dick to her
chlo: yeah well i’m not a nice person
ladybugfan2020: have u ever considered trying to b a nicer person
chlo: fuck off adrien agreste is my best friend what the hell do you think 
ladybugfan2020: try harder
in who was adrien agrestes first kiss??? find out more at 6 
mari: Has Adrien seriously been working this whole time???
chlo: not constantly but he hasn’t had much downtime when he’s not getting pictures taken of him they’re having him do other stuff probably cause he’s the boss’ kid but i don’t know i just pose and look pretty 
nino: use no brain power like usual
chlo: haha very funny
ladybug2020: do u think hes gonna read through all these messages???
mari: Depends on if hes tired or not
ladybug2020: mk hey sunshine if ur reading this ilysm thats all 
chlo: ugh they need me
mari: I mean you are like Working 
chlo: whatever we’re almost done so adrien will probably be on next bye losers
nino: bye ex wife
chlo: Ok I see that something happened Oh my username has changed Well ok that explains almost everything
chlo has changed their nickname to adrien 
adrien: I had to turn autocaps back on
nino: dude thats lame
adrien: I’m a lame person Also to answer the chat name’s question Nino 
ladybugfan2020: ???????? what??????????? when did this happen?????? 
adrien: A few months ago?
nino: sounds about right 
adrien: I had to do a photoshoot that was going to involve kissing a girl and I didn’t want my first kiss to be work related I was talking about it to Nino and he was like “the answer is to have your first kiss before the photoshoot”  
mari: And so the next logical step was to kiss NIno
adrien: …yeah sort of
nino: fun fact adrien is a great kisser @alya cause mari already knows 
mari: Please stop talking to me oh my god
ladybugfan2020: i feel like im missing out how do i get adrien agreste to kiss me how did u do it mari? it was an accident right??? just like…fall asleep on his face?  
mari: I’m leaving goodbye I hate you all
ladybugfan2020: </3
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