#steam iron service near me
call123yourdhobi · 3 months
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Call Your Dhobi: Professional laundry cleaning service in Dwarka
Act fast to remove grass stains: Pre-treat with detergent, wash in cold water, use stain remover, and dry in sunlight. For tough stains, try "Call Your Dhobi" laundry service. Care for your clothes with these tips for long-lasting wear. 
Visit Our Website Today: https://blog.callyourdhobi.com/
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steameechennai · 10 months
With our outstanding steam ironing services, available here in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, you will enjoy the utmost convenience and dependability. At Steamee, we take pride in being your go-to destination for fast and efficient wrinkle removal. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as the best steam ironing service provider near you.
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paridrycleaners · 11 months
Iron Services Near Me
📢 Introducing Pari Drycleaners - the best dry cleaner in Greater Noida! We offer top-notch dry cleaning services at competitive prices. Our team of experts use high quality products and techniques to ensure your clothes are cleaned and pressed to perfection every time. Visit us today for all your dry cleaning needs. We promise you won't be disappointed! 🤩
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thelaundrybasket · 8 days
Best Clothes Ironing Service | The Laundry Basket
The Laundry Basket offers quick and reliable clothes ironing service at your region with quick & hygienic home delivery. Check our price list and Schedule a Pickup for Steam Ironing!
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whitendry · 10 days
Pressing and Ironing services in Ghansoli
Simplify your busy schedule and present your best self with Whiten Dry's professional pressing and ironing services in Ghansoli.
Whether you're a busy professional or a family on the go, our convenient services ensure your clothes are always impeccably maintained and ready to wear.
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Experience the Whiten Dry Advantage:
Unparalleled Convenience: Drop off your garments at our Ghansoli location or schedule a convenient pick-up and delivery service (within Ghansoli) to fit your busy schedule.
Expert Garment Care: Our highly trained team utilizes top-of-the-line equipment and industry best practices to deliver a flawless finish on all your garments.
Time-Saving Efficiency: Free up valuable time by delegating your ironing needs to Whiten Dry. Focus on what matters most while we ensure your clothes look their absolute best.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: We are committed to your complete satisfaction. If you are not entirely happy with the pressing or ironing of any garment, we will re-iron it free of charge.
Whiten Dry: Your Comprehensive Laundry Solution
Whiten Dry goes beyond exceptional pressing and ironing. We offer a comprehensive suite of laundry services to cater to all your garment care needs. From professional dry cleaning and stain removal to meticulous care for delicate items, we have you covered.
Allow Whiten Dry to take care of your laundry so you can confidently face your day in impeccably maintained clothing.
Contact Whiten Dry in Ghansoli today and experience the difference!
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laundrykare · 8 months
Crisp and Wrinkle-Free Attire: Your Go-To Clothes Iron Service in Hyderabad
Keeping your attire crisp and wrinkle-free is essential for leaving a lasting impression, whether it's at work, a special event, or daily life. For the residents of Hyderabad, Laundry Kare is the trusted partner to ensure your clothes are impeccably ironed and ready to wear. In this article, we'll explore the importance of a reliable Clothes iron service in Hyderabad and why Laundry Kare is the ultimate choice.
**1. Professional Finish: Ironing clothes to perfection requires skill and experience. A reliable ironing service like Laundry Kare ensures that your clothes have that professional finish.
**2. Time-Saving: Ironing can be time-consuming. By opting for a clothes iron service, you free up valuable time that you can dedicate to other priorities in your life.
**3. Clothing Longevity: Improper ironing can damage your clothes. Laundry Kare's experts know how to handle different fabrics and garments to ensure they maintain their quality and lifespan.
**4. Convenience: With the option for pickup and delivery, Laundry Kare makes ironing incredibly convenient. You don't need to worry about the hassle of ironing; they take care of it for you.
Why Choose Laundry Kare for Your Clothes Iron Service in Hyderabad:
Expertise: Laundry Kare boasts a team of experts well-versed in the art of professional ironing. They understand the unique needs of different fabrics and garments.
Efficiency: With Laundry Kare, you can expect efficient services that ensure your clothes are returned to you wrinkle-free in a timely manner.
Convenience: The pickup and delivery service provided by Laundry Kare makes ironing a hassle-free experience. You can focus on your day while they take care of your ironing needs.
Quality Assurance: Laundry Kare is committed to delivering a professional finish and ensuring your clothes are ready to wear.
Laundry Kare - Your Trusted Partner for Impeccable Ironing
Laundry Kare is your go-to destination for ensuring your clothes are impeccably ironed and ready to wear. Their commitment to quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction sets them apart as the ultimate clothes iron service in Hyderabad.
Don't let ironing chores take up your time and energy. Partner with Laundry Kare for all your Steam iron service near me in hyderabad needs and experience the convenience and quality of working with a trusted provider in Hyderabad. Your clothes are in capable hands with Laundry Kare.
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Looking for steam ironing services or a steam iron or press near you? Look no further! Our clothes iron shop is conveniently located and we also offer an innovative laundry basket. Get your clothes looking crisp and fresh today!
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thelaundrypress · 2 years
While ironing, the safety of family members should be our first priority. For safe steam ironing, first identify ironing temperature and use an iron board. If this process seems difficult for you, you can also contact a company who offers an ironing service Dubai. Read here to know how do safe ironing at home.
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katy-l1988 · 4 months
Chapter V: The Vee’s
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The light filtered through the half-open curtains of the living room, painting the wooden floor with reddish tones and filling the space with a warm glow. In the spacious armchair, Carmilla was reclined, a worried expression on her face. Her eyes reflected a mixture of discomfort and determination as she tried to stay calm in the face of the symptoms plaguing her. With a deep sigh, she took the tea Rosie had carefully prepared for her. The steaming cup rested between her trembling hands, emitting a comforting aroma that filled the room with its soothing fragrance. She clung to the hope that it would all be worth it in the end, that she wouldn't make the same mistakes this time.
Rosie watched Carmilla with tenderness, aware of all the dilemmas she faced, especially the challenges of the present moment. She had known Carmilla for centuries, and now she felt deeply concerned for the well-being of her dear friend. They had been through a lot together, although not everyone knew it, and Rosie had always been an unwavering pillar of support for Carmilla after Zestial.
"And how's everything going with Velvette?" Rosie asked softly, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room.
Carmilla let out a heavy sigh at Rosie's question, feeling the weight of concern accumulating on her shoulders. It was difficult to put into words the complexity of her feelings regarding Velvette, her daughter who now seemed distant and indifferent towards her.
"Ugh, that girl…she wants nothing to do with me," Carmilla confessed wearily, revealing the sadness she felt for the rift that had formed between them. "No! Now that I'm very old and it's unfair for her…"
"Wait, you...old?" Rosie continued with a chuckle, finding the situation somewhat ironic, considering that Carmilla was much older than her, and yet she looked just as radiant as ever. "Well, maybe in centuries…but not in spirit!"
Her comment elicited a soft laugh from Carmilla, who couldn't help but chuckle as she tossed a pillow at Rosie in a playful gesture.
"Oh, you hush too!" Carmilla replied amidst laughter, enjoying that moment of lightness amidst her worries. "When you wrinkle up like a raisin, I'll be the one laughing."
"Don't worry, it'll be a long time before that happens," Rosie replied with a playful smile, showing confidence in her youth and vitality. "Ah, I just hope that young lady comes to her senses."
Meanwhile, Velvette had accompanied her father to a new building near the city, with two giant luminous Vs at the top. Araziel had told her he was going to discuss business with Vox, seeking to have the charismatic individual advertise their services. Vox, known for his ability to capture attention and his extravagant style, was a true showman. Always up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies, he had a magnetic personality that attracted many, including Velvette, who had been a fan of his shows since she was young.
On the other hand, Valentino, though less known to Velvette, was not unnoticed. With a smile always on his face, he exuded confidence and self-assurance. However, behind that facade of calmness lurked a volatile and manipulative character. With a life full of luxuries and surrounded by girls, he seemed like a carefree playboy, but in reality, he was someone with an explosive temper prone to resorting to violence to maintain control over others.
Although Velvette admired Vox, she couldn't help but feel cautious towards Valentino, whose unpredictable behavior aroused her distrust. Her mother had warned Velvette about him on more than one occasion. With a tone of concern in her voice, she had told her how that man dragged young people like her into a world of danger and bad decisions. Valentino approached Velvette with a radiant smile, his presence exuding confidence and a hint of arrogance that didn't go unnoticed. His eyes locked onto her with an intensity that made her feel uncomfortable, as if he were peering into her soul in search of secrets.
"You must be Araziel and Carmilla's offspring?" Valentino asked with a soft but suggestive tone.
Velvette nodded cautiously, not breaking eye contact with him. There was something in the way he looked at her that sent shivers down her spine, as if he were baring her soul with just a glance.
"I'm Velvette," she replied coldly, revealing little about herself.
Valentino smiled smugly, as if enjoying having her full attention.
"I must say, you have your mother's beauty, although not…her attributes."
Valentino's words made Velvette involuntarily tense. Though she tried to remain firm, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about the inappropriate comment regarding her mother. Carmilla could be many things, but she didn't deserve to be the subject of lascivious comments from a demon like him.
"You should have more respect for my mother," Velvette replied firmly, her voice trembling slightly with suppressed emotion.
At that moment, Velvette watched as her father and Vox emerged from the office, engrossed in animated conversation. Araziel seemed to be in good spirits, which was a good sign. The atmosphere filled with the buzz of the city and the tinkling of cars passing by on the nearby street, creating a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere.
"Valentino, I hope you haven't scared off the lady," Vox turned towards her with a charming smile, his eyes sparkling with curiosity as he observed her.
Velvette felt momentarily overwhelmed by the attention she was receiving from Vox, but she forced herself to maintain composure. With her head held high, she looked at Vox, trying to show him that she wasn't easily intimidated.
"Don't worry, it's hard to be afraid of a skinny little punk," Velvette growled with disdain, baring her fangs.
"Hey, easy there, girlie!" Vox said kindly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You really do have your mother's spirit."
"Yeah, well," Araziel chuckled nervously. "Vel, I've been talking with Vox, and we've made a few deals for you to work with him."
Velvette couldn't contain her excitement, her eyes shining with emotion. The idea of working with Vox sparked a spark of excitement within her, momentarily eclipsing the conflict with Valentino.
"Now, tomorrow we'll send some people to bring your things to your new room."
The surprise on Velvette's face was evident upon hearing Valentino's words. The idea of working day and night was not exactly what she expected, let alone being asked out of the blue without discussing it with her father beforehand.
"Move in...here?" They all nodded.
Valentino chuckled, as if Velvette's reaction amused him.
"Don't worry, darling. If you don't feel up to it, we'll find someone else."
She wasn't a coward, so she accepted without fear of the risks. If she wanted to succeed, she had to sacrifice herself, just as Carmilla had done at one time. Perhaps that way, she could make her notice her again.
Velvette got into the limousine that glided through the bustling streets of the city, nervous about her mother's reaction. With each passing building, her heart beat a little faster, feeling the gravity of the decision she had already made. Upon arriving, Velvette stepped out of the limousine and headed towards the main entrance. The elevator seemed to move slowly as it ascended floor by floor, and Velvette took those moments to breathe, trying to calm the nerves that invaded her. When the elevator doors finally opened, Velvette found herself steps away from the apartment door. She took one last breath before putting the key in the lock.
When she entered, Velvette was greeted by Rosie, who welcomed her with a warm smile and a tight hug that lifted her off the ground. Velvette returned Rosie's hug, feeling comforted by her aunt's affection. However, her gaze shifted to the kitchen, where she saw her mother preparing something to eat. Despite the distance between them, Velvette still felt a lump in her throat at the sight of her mother.
"Oh Auntie, I have something to tell you. I got a job with the Vees!"
Rosie stepped back slightly, noticing the confused and annoyed expression on Carmilla's face, who was approaching them.
"What do you mean?" Carmilla asked, her tone of voice betraying her confusion.
Velvette tried to maintain a smile, although the tension in the room was palpable.
"Yes, I'll be working directly with Vox," Velvette explained, hoping her mother would understand her decision. "I'll pack my things to move tomorrow."
Carmilla stood in Velvette's way, blocking the entrance to her room, forcing a friendly smile as her mind raced. She knew Rosie was present and didn't want to worry her, but the mention of the Vees and their hormones put her in a very complex situation.
"Velvette, I understand you're excited, but working with the Vees…" Carmilla struggled to find the right words, wishing to convey her concern without sounding too authoritative. "They're not exactly the best company, and I've told you that more than once."
Velvette frowned, feeling frustrated by her mother's reaction. She didn't want Carmilla to ruin her chance to work with Vox, her idol.
"Dad agreed. Why not you?" Velvette insisted, seeking her mother's support.
"Your father agreed?"
"Yes, he's the one who got me the job in the first place. He listens to my dreams and has done the impossible to make them come true."
Velvette's words only increased Carmilla's distress. She couldn't believe Araziel had consented to this situation, jeopardizing her daughter's safety and well-being.
"Look, I'm not asking you what you want to do or not. You're not leaving this house," Carmilla declared firmly, getting up from the couch. "Rosie, give me the phone, I'm going to call those idiots and cancel this whole absurdity."
Velvette jumped up, alarmed by her mother's abrupt reaction. Carmilla pressed the numbers on the phone with trembling hands, her pulse racing with anger and concern. Velvette tried to take the phone away, desperate to stop her mother before she made the situation worse, but it was already too late.
"Carmilla, darling. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Listen up, flat screen! I don't give a damn about the deal Araziel made with you," Carmilla said firmly, her words filled with determination. "But if you go near my daughter, I assure you, you'll regret the day you set foot in hell."
On the other end of the line, Vox listened calmly to Carmilla's threats. Though he wasn't afraid, he knew it was best not to underestimate her. She was a powerful and dangerous woman when it came to protecting her own.
"Oh, Carmilla, always so dramatic," Vox responded in his usual mocking tone. "But don't worry, if you don't agree with giving her a stable job in my company, I won't give it to her."
Carmilla clenched her teeth with fury, restraining the urge to throw the phone against the wall.
"That's what I thought, zoquete," Carmilla replied coldly, and hung up.
"Why did you do that?" Velvette's eyes sparkled with disappointment, her dream shattered by a call.
"Love, you have to understand," Carmilla approached her, placing a hand on her face, noticing the tears on her cheeks. "This is for the best for you."
"Ugh!" Velvette pushed her away. "I hate you!"
The young girl unleashed a storm of pent-up resentment, releasing all the pain and frustration she had been holding onto for years.
"You're selfish, manipulative, and controlling! You don't care about anyone but yourself!" she yelled, her voice trembling with suppressed anger. "You're never here when I need you! You're always busy with your work or your problems, you don't even care how I feel!"
Carmilla felt as if a dagger pierced her heart with every word from her daughter. Tears began to well up in her eyes, but she fought to hold them back, refusing to show weakness in front of Velvette.
"Velvette, I…" Carmilla tried to speak, but she was interrupted by her daughter, whose words were like poisoned daggers.
"I don't want to hear you! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! You're a burden to me, a constant nuisance. I wish you weren't my mother!"
Rosie quickly intervened, trying to calm the situation before it got worse.
"Velvette, that was too much. You need to calm down," Rosie said, placing a comforting hand on Velvette's shoulder.
But the young girl was too enraged to listen. She pushed away abruptly, her gaze filled with contempt and resentment.
"Don't touch me! From now on, you're nothing to me!" Velvette yelled before running out of the room.
Carmilla intended to follow her, but as soon as she moved, the world seemed to spin around her as she fell to the ground, trying to steady herself on the table. Dizziness hit her hard, leaving her disoriented. Rosie, with the quick diligence of someone accustomed to dealing with crises, rushed to Carmilla, her hands skilled and firm as she helped her sit. Concern reflected in Rosie's eyes as she watched her friend, feeling the pain and anguish emanating from her.
"Milla, you're trembling…"
The older woman tried to speak, but the words stuck in her throat, drowned by tears and anguish. Her breathing was irregular, punctuated by silent sobs that shook her body. Her hands clung to Rosie's as if they were her only anchor in the midst of the emotional storm consuming her.
Rosie enveloped her in comforting arms, trying to offer solace amidst her pain. Carmilla closed her eyes tightly, as a sense of oppression gri
pped her chest with relentless force. Her ears buzzed with a deafening sound, and her heart pounded in her chest like a wild drum. Each beat resonated in her head, amplifying the sense of despair that enveloped her. Her muscles tensed involuntarily as her mind struggled to find a shred of peace. Every second was an eternity of suffering.
For Velvette, things weren't any better. The sound of objects breaking echoed in the room, each crash and clang reflecting the unleashed fury that consumed her. She was in a frenzy, with every object she threw to the ground, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her body. Every piece of furniture, every ornament, became a target for her uncontrolled rage. She struggled to contain the scream threatening to escape her lips. Every memory, every painful thought, materialized in the wreckage lying at her feet. There was no logic in her actions, only a desperate need to release the pressure threatening to crush her under its overwhelming weight.
Soon, Velvette grabbed a large bag that was stored under her bed, selecting necessary items for her daily life. Clothes, toiletries, some mementos saved from her outburst; everything was thrown into the suitcase with desperate urgency. Finally, with the suitcase full and her heart even heavier, Velvette stopped in front of the entrance door.
Rosie struggled to hold Carmilla, whose face was pale, barely conscious. Velvette felt a pang of guilt and remorse deep within her. For a moment, the urge to run to them and beg for forgiveness flooded over her, but a glance at the key she left on the entry table stopped her in her tracks. She knew there was no turning back, that her decision was made and she would have to face the consequences. So she left the apartment, closing the door behind her as she headed to the elevator leading to the garage. Each step took her a little further from her old life, a little further from her family, a little further from everything she had known. From now on, she was no longer Velvette Carmine, she was just…Velvette.
"What are you doing here? I thought your mother didn't want you to come."
Velvette maintained her stance in front of Vox, resisting any hint of intimidation in his crimson eyes. Despite his relaxed appearance in pajamas, she knew there was something more behind that charming facade.
"My mother has no power over me. I want to work with you guys and show her that I'm capable of doing it on my own," Velvette replied, keeping determination in her voice despite the uncertainty that invaded her.
Vox observed her for a moment, evaluating her words with an enigmatic expression. Then, with a casual gesture, he opened the door wider and invited her inside.
"Well then. If you're determined, I'm not one to stop you. Come, I'll show you your room," Vox said, indicating for her to follow him into the penthouse's interior.
Velvette took a deep breath, trying to control the nerves that invaded her as she followed Vox through the elegant corridors of the luxurious apartment. She was determined to make this opportunity worthwhile, even if it meant facing her mother and everything she left behind.
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hms captain??
hms captain indeed!!
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i meant for this to be a short post but oops its really long already and im nowhere near finished so if you wanna learn about this terribly designed warship, join me after the cut; if you dont, enjoy this picture of an oddly designed ship.
the hms captain was a british warship. it was built during a time where shipbuilders were phasing sails out for steam engines, and where warships were being much better armoured. for example, the hms captain was steam-powered with two propellers and had wrought iron armour.
wrought iron armour caused a problem for warships. like think of any pirate media youve seen where theyve got wooden ships with these iron cannonballs; the cannonballs very easily breach the wooden ships. they dont really do that with iron armour. instead, they bounced off.
so the british admiralty, media and public were all in want, to some extent, of a ship with better guns that could breach ship armour. enter cowper phipps cole:
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a man who looks like a rasputin prototype and seems to have the charisma to back up the comparison.
see coles was very good at public engagement. when he needed to, he could very easily get the media and public on his side, which is a power he leveraged in order to get hms captain approved, commissioned and built.
his design, oddly enough, goes back to a raft from the crimean war.
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this is the lady nancy, constructed in 1855 to aid during the siege of taganrog. it was for shore bombardment which you can see in this illustration of it. while cameras were a thing back then (i think daguerreotypes existed during this time), i dont believe we have any photos of the lady nancy.
coles was a captain in the navy in 1855, and him and a group of sailors constructed it. according to those there, the guns on the raft were protected by some kind of dome structure or a "cupola" as they called it.
hms captain was inspired by the lady nancy, and so, it was also intended for shore bombardment. for this purpose, two big fuck off rotating turrets were mounted inside the hull on the gun deck.
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these had been patented by coles himself in 1859 which is partly how he became a consultant for the admiralty when it came to building ships. being the nephew of admiral lord edmund lyons 1st baron lyons gcb gcmg kch, by marriage, twice over certainly also helped.
quick note on that:
its not technically incest, i think, his wife emily pearson was lyons niece and his mom is the sister of lyons wife augusta
i also didnt know what those acronyms meant beforehand, gcb is a british order of chivalry called most honourable order of the bath, gcmg is another one: most distinguished order of saint michael and saint george, kch is a hanoverian order of chivlary called royal guelphic order. yeah thats just gobbledegook.
lyons was important because of his role in the crimean war as commander-in-chief of the mediterranean fleet (suddenly i feel like im reading an icemav fic) and hes credited as ensuring victory for britain.
originally, the admiralty just ordered prototypes of his big fuck off turrets and they were actually impressed with them.
and so the hms prince albert was built with four of them (is that four turrets in your pants or are you just happy to see me) and the hms royal sovereign was converted to be a turret ship. both, however, could only operate as coastal service vessels.
hence, the admiralty allowed coles to draw up plans for a two (2) turret oceangoing ship in 1863, working with nathaniel barnaby who was chief constructor for the navy. keep in mind, coles had little to no experience in ship design.
then, they suspended the project.
but they allowed him to work on a one (1) turret oceangoing ship that was based on the hms pallas with joseph scullard who was head draughtsman in 1864.
and then in 1865, a committee rejected/cancelled his projects, and decided to move forward with a different design for a two (2) turret ship called hms monarch.
this made coles very angry, and an angry coles is not a good thing for the british admiralty.
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(i spent an hour making this because im so bad at making things look purposefully bad)
so you know like today where bad actors like andrew tate, tucker carlson, joe rogan and even like graham hancock can just use public platforms and social medias to get a relatively large portion of the population of their side, seemingly with ease, just by talking/communicating confidently, playing into fears and anxieties of the public, and creating an us and them?
yeah so cowper phipps coles was also really good at this. grifters, liars and pretenders have alway existed.
(milo rossi brings discusses this a lot in his series on hancock's ancient apocalypse docuseries, and id 100% recommend the whole series.)
so how did coles do this?
well, he began with a very strong and very harsh attack on robert spencer robinson who was a vice admiral and controller of the navy, and his full title was admiral sir robert spencer robinson kcb frs.
the title admiral sir is very funny, like i want to get a cat called that with the nickname addy. kcb is basically the same as gcb. lyons was general grand cross and robinson was knight commander, because of fucking course its this stupid. frs is an award given to you from the royal society of london; the fellowship of the ring royal society is granted to those who have made a "substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science, and medical science".
it wasnt just mr admiral sir that coles attacked; he also attacked several other admirals who were on the committee but he really seemed to hate robinson. coles also lobbied parliament and the press, focussing on the flaws he saw in monarchs design and how britain was going to be left behind in the shipping arms race since many other nations were pressing ahead with several oceangoing turret ships. unsurprisingly, it was the united states that were winning the race so far.
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around this time, coles' contract as a navy consultant was terminated in january 1866. like thats as hard as he was going, he fully lost his job. of course he had his dear not-quite-incest uncle lord lyons to fall back on. one hell of a safety net, very well entwined.
in response to this professional fuck you, coles simply protested that he had been misunderstood and the man must have rolled a nat 20 on his charisma saving roll because on the 1st march 1886, he was re-employed.
he waited a month and a half to submit his critique of the monarch proposal on the 16th april. he refused to publicly support a vessel that didnt represent his "views of a sea going turret-ship" because He Was Like That™. we're in the cowper karen era. his critique went on to say that hms monarch could not give his "principle a satisfactory and conclusive trial."
now at this point, the admiralty really should have just sent him packing. theyve given him chance after chance after chance despite him having pretty much no experience.
like say you have a blocked toilet that you cant unblock, but instead of calling a plumber, you ask your friends nephew whos an art curator who really wants to give this plumbing thing a go. then his first attempt makes it worse; now the taps in your bath turn on everytime you use the kitchen sink and your toilets still blocked. but you give him another go and now theres a shower curtain stuck in your toilet which is still blocked. and now youre fingers are hovering over the call button on a plumbers number when your friend calls and asks you to give their nephew another go. its only been three weeks and theres a 24 hours mcdonalds up the road that you can go to for the bathroom and youve got a shower at work you can use, so you think, okay, sure. and then he accidentally rips your kitchen sink out and you still have a blocked toilet and a non-working shower and your bath taps are running 24/7, and your friend asks you again to give him a "second chance."
like youre not giving him another chance, theres a goddamn shower curtain in your toilet and your kitchen sink is in your fucking living room. of course, youre not giving him another chance.
but say everyone in your street and everyone in your friend group is on his side because hes been telling little lies and charming them all with his aunts baked goods and his knowledge of local art and history. and everyone else is rooting for him and they all believe this is the chance.
thats the situation first naval lord admiral frederick grey (full title: admiral the hon. sir frederick william grey gcb) found himself in. obviously coles should not be given another chance, but the whole country believes he should.
so on the 21st april (thats me moms birthday :)) he agreed that coles should be allowed to build his "perfect" oceangoing turret ship.
and so the hms captain was born
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the ship was to be built on a private shipyard and coles selected laird brothers' chesire yard on the 8th may 1866.
one of the biggest problems ship designers had with turret ships is that ships tend to have quite a lot of rigging that gets in the way of the turrets. this was a genuine design flaw for the hms monarch, it was brought up by the chief designer sir edward james reed kcb rfs, but he was overuled. he didnt think a turret ship should have either a forecastle or poop deck.
on a typical warship, youll see a small rise on either end of the ship. at the front/bow, you have the forecastle which was typically used as a defensive measure. at the back/stern, youd typically have the captain quarters within the hull and the roof of that is the poop deck. it would be used for either the captain or a helmsman or a first mate maybe to supervise the crew and their work.
reed, very correctly, did not want these measures because they interfered with the turrets. he also wanted much less rigging because the more wooden beams and rope and sail youve got, the less room the turrets have to fire.
he wrote that "the middle of the upper deck of a full-rigged ship is not a very eligible place for fighting large guns."
and coles and the lairds seemed to agree with this sentiment because their design corrected these flaws.
their solutions were to erect a hurricane deck to place the rigging on. this is an upper deck that is above the frame of the hull. they also used tripod masts to reduce rigging. they also placed the turrets within the hull in their own special gun deck.
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now, just because youve corrected for some flaws doesnt mean you havent introduced several of your own which spoiler, the captain had a lot of flaws which we will be getting into.
captain had a length of 320ft or 97.54m; she had a beam (width at the widest part) of 53ft3 or 16.23m; her draught (the distance between the waterline and the keel/bottom of the hull) was 24ft10 or 7.57m; and her top speed was 15 knots which is about 17mph.
in a futile attempt at a balanced view, i will say that the speed was fairly impressive. most other ships had top speeds of 10-12 knots or about 11-14mph. the use of double propellers was a good choice.
one of the very few good choices.
see the captain was designed to displace or essentially weigh 6910 long tons, and was expected to have a freeboard of about 8ft or 2.4m.
a ships freeboard is the distance between her exposed upper deck and the waterline. typically, warships have high freeboards. its not quite as simple as the higher the freeboard, the more stable your ship is, but in general, higher freeboards do offer more stability. this is something the captain needed
see, most of her weight was high up in the ship which meant she had a low metacentric height. to not get into all of the complicated science that im not entirely sure i understand (dyspraxic nation rise up), lower metacentric heights tend to make ships more unstable.
[from wikipedia:]
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so all of this is a bad design. apart from her impressive speed, she seemed like a ship with poor stability and a real risk of flooding because of the exposed gun decks. and with flooding, you might just fucking capsize 🚢⬆️↗️↘️🌊☠️
mr admiral sir robert spencer robins already raised concerns at the design stage in regards to the low freeboard and flooding. reed also raised concerns about the ship being too heavy and having too high a centre of gravity, but they were ignored.
if i had a nickel for every time edward james reed was overruled after raising a legitimate concern about the design of a turret ship, id have two nickels, but its weird its happened twice.
still, first lord of the admiralty (genuinely feel like this is a made up job) sir john pakington approved the design on the 23rd july 1866, though he did note that coles and the lairds would be held responsible for any failures.
if youre interested, john pakingtons full title is john somerset pakington 1st baron hampton gcb pc frs and he was a fucking tory, and the right honourable lord hampton, which okay, dude, you overcompensating for anything over there? pc means he was a member of his majestys most honourable privy council, who are all advisors yes-men to whichever bellend is on the crown.
moving past that cag-mag of a man, lets talk about how this mess got even worse. and you might be asking, "kai, how can it get worse? havent you already told me that the ship can easily sink?"
and you know, fair point, but you can always make your ship even more likely to sink.
see coles came down with an illness during the building of the ship. im not sure what it was; i cant find anything on it, but whatever it was, it meant he couldnt supervise the building of his ship. now, im not sure how much that would help considering he was the art curator turned amateur plumber in the metaphor, but maybe it would have done some good.
because when she was finished, she did not displace 6910 long tons. no, she displaced 7767 long tons. and her 8ft freeboard turned into a 6ft6 or 1.98m freeboard. she was floating 22 inches deeper than expected. oh, and her centre of gravity raised by 10 inches!
reed didnt just raise hell over this, he dragged heaven down too. and its not like he was wrong. the ship was a floating disaster.
hms captain had an angle of list of 21°. this means of she listed 21° or more, she would capsize.
now, theres no real average angle of list, but most people would say 40-50° as a reasonable yardstick. for some vessels, it might dip into the 30s°, but 21° is a ridiculously low angle of list.
for reference, this is a 20° angle.
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its not much of an angle, is it?
and remember, the captain is meant to be an oceangoing vessel. the oceans dont exactly have a reputation for being calm.
unless youve got a direct telegram to poseidon and are in a place where you can ask him to calm down, the captains not gonna have fun.
and of course when reed raised his concerns, he was overuled.
if i had a nickel for every time edward james reed was overruled after raising a legitimate concern about the design of a turret ship, id have three nickels, and its kinda concerning that its happened three times.
instead, she was commissioned on the 30th april 1870 under captain hugh talbot burgoyne vc. to commission a ship is simply to place it into active service. also vc simply means burgoyne received the victoria cross whatever that one is.
anyway, she underwent several trials in the months after this and i guess everyone had pre-ordered their rose-coloured glasses because the captain won many supporters and was considered everything that coles had promised.
part of these trials were the gunnery trials. these took place in vigo and the captain was against both hms monarch and hms hercules, a non-turret ship. their target was a 600ft long, 60ft high rock. they each had 5 minutes of continuous firing.
all three ships had problems with aiming after the first few shots because the smoke emitted from the weapons meant they couldnt fucking see anything.
still, hms hercules had an accuracy rate of 65%, while hms monarch came in with a 40% rate and hms captain limped in with a 35% rate.
and im not just using "limped" as an exaggeration, these trials showed that when the turrets fired, it caused the ship to list and the list was 20°.
im sure you can see the problem there.
if you can, youre better than the admiralty who just ignored it and was like fantastic, she works. coles straight up had the entire admiralty hostage and the only person speaking up was reed.
if i had a nickel for every time edward james reed was overruled after raising a legitimate concern about the design of a turret ship, id have four nickels, which is great and all but id rather give reed a hug at this point.
now the 35% accuracy didnt really matter if the captain was going to be used for shore bombardment. most of the time, youre not aiming for anything specific, youre just trying to cause as much damage as possible.
but that 20° list? that mattered.
it mattered a lot because on the 7th september 1870, she capsized.
shocking i know. only five months after being commissioned and everything.
that day, she was running trials in the bay of biscay during a storm when she was hit by a gale of wind. she rolled over and capsized.
there were over 500 people on board and only 18 survived. coles was among the dead. i hope their souls were able to find peace.
theres a memorial for them in st paul's cathedral in london if youd ever like to pay your respect to them.
now theres not much else to say about the captain other than the inquiry into the sinking blame the public for it.
they concluded that "the captain was built in deference to public opinion expressed in parliament and through other channels, and in opposition to views and opinions of the controller and his department" and this was pretty significant in victorian britain as it was unprecedented.
but realistically, it wasnt wrong. they were the ones backing coles the whole time.
so i guess if theres something to learn from this mess, its that if youre going to support a public figure, whether it be a celebrity or politician or scientist or whatever, take a step back and ask yourself "do i agree with what theyre saying or are they just very good at talking?"
im sure someones said it better than me, but you know, that sentiment. we can also laugh at how much of a disaster hms captain was.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
5 Warning Signs of a Blown Head Gasket and How to Avoid It
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You can be sure that a blown head gasket will ruin your day. Act right away if you even suspect yours is on its way out. Because there are seven somewhat different ways a head gasket can fail, which we outline here, each of them has the potential to be disastrous for the engine. A fragrant white cloud behind you, though, is one of the signs of a blown head gasket. Stop the engine as soon as you notice something is happening.
When the engine is warming up, the cylinder head and engine block typically expand at different rates, and the head gasket typically fails when it is unable to seal the newly formed gap. Some engines with an iron cylinder block and an aluminium head make this problem worse. Additionally, certain engines are known for failing and have heads that are prone to warping or poor clamping force from the head bolts.
A failed head gasket might result in a variety of issues. If you see any of the following signs of a damaged head gasket, schedule an appointment for your car with a qualified mechanic by looking online for vehicle service near me garages:
1.Overheating - A blown head gasket can also lead to the engine overheating, which can lead to head gasket failure if it happens too often (due to a clogged radiator, coolant leak, broken fan, etc.). An overheated engine might result from hot exhaust gases leaking into the cooling system or coolant leaking into the cylinders and burning off as steam. The alloy cylinder head may distort if the automobile is driven while it is overheated, and steam damage to the catalytic converter can greatly increase the cost of repair. To get an appointment with a repair to look into the overheating problem before it becomes worse, search online for car garages in Reading.
2.Power loss - When compressed air or fuel escapes from a cylinder due to a failing head gasket, the compression of that cylinder is decreased. A harsh functioning engine and a noticeable drop in engine power are the results of this lack of compression. Usually, a sound resembling an exhaust leak occurs along with this kind of failure.
3.Oil contamination: The milky sludge on the inside of the oil filler cap or the dipstick, frequently colloquially referred to as a "milkshake" or "mayonnaise," is one of the most obvious symptoms of head gasket failure. This is brought on by coolant and oil mixing together. This is a typically good indicator and a sure sign that your engine needs to be disassembled to identify the source of the contamination, even though it is not absolute proof of head gasket failure. Before the engine sustains additional damage, search online for garages in Reading and schedule an appointment as soon as you can with a qualified mechanic. Additionally, since the oil will now be tainted with antifreeze, any driving will swiftly destroy the engine's bearings. Repair calls for a minimum engine oil flushing, a new oil filter, and frequently complete disassembly of the engine's bottom end to check for broken bearings and remove all tainted oil.
4.White Smoke - The most typical symptom of a damaged head gasket is billowing clouds of fragrant white smoke emanating from the exhaust. The antifreeze that leaks past the gasket and into the cylinders, where it is converted to steam during combustion, is what causes the smoke. A blueish smoke might result from a less frequent, but still conceivable, leak from an oil channel to the cylinder. This can also result in the emissions test failing during your subsequent MOT. If you have any past garage repair invoices, use them to determine what repairs were made to solve this problem and whether a previous MOT test failed because of the emissions test by using an online MOT history checker. Both of these gasket failures will allow combustion pressure to enter the cooling system or the oil breather system. This could be the cause if the dipstick won't stay in place or if a radiator hose suddenly loses its water outlet.
5.External leaks - A straightforward coolant or oil leak may emerge from a cylinder head gasket blowing in the direction of the water or oil path and the engine's exterior. Although not as bad as a damaged head gasket, this situation is nevertheless serious. If the coolant level is permitted to go too much, an exterior leak can cause major engine problems even though it may not immediately present itself as a problem (other than making a mess). The hot exhaust could become contaminated by leaking oil, causing noxious smoke and even fire.
Preventing Failures of the Head Gasket
Spending a few extra quid now rather than several hundred pounds later to repair a blown head gasket is considerably preferable. Yes, the replacement gasket is inexpensive, but the labour-intensive nature of the entire disassembly and reassembly process greatly raises the cost of repair, particularly for modern vehicles.
The simplest approach to avoid a head gasket failure is to make sure your cooling system is in good shape. A head gasket frequently fails after repeated overheating or if you drive after the car has overheated. If your car does begin to boil over, halt it, let it cool for at least an hour, and then restart it with fresh radiator fluid.
The cooling system can be easily checked, which is good news. All you need to do is ensure that the radiator is operating well, the thermostat opens properly, and the coolant is filled off to the proper amount. If there are any leaks, you'll be able to tell by the moisture in the pipes and joints. Additionally, check that the fan—whether mechanical or electric—is operational, has all of its blades, and is shrouded to maximise efficiency.
The credible source is to look for combustion fumes in the cooling system if you have a suspicion of a head gasket failure. This test will demonstrate whether the cooling system has been affected by compression leakage, indicating whether the head gasket has blown. An old mechanic's tip is to start the car, remove the radiator cap (only while the cooling system is cold), and then check the coolant for air bubbles.
The lack of gases in the cooling system doesn't really ensure a good head gasket, however, as these will not reveal if there are any other failure locations in the head gasket.
Because of poor design, inadequate strength, or a combination of the two, several older head gaskets break. It used to be a greater problem with earlier metal gaskets because they would only survive so long before failing from being hot to cold. The majority of applications can now benefit from contemporary MLS (multiple layer steel) replacement gaskets, which are more dependable.
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