#steel welders near me
hotheavyweldings · 6 months
Steel Shops Near You: Your Local Source for Quality Steel Products
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Looking for steel shops near you? Look no further! Our local steel shops are your go-to source for quality steel products. Whether you're working on a small DIY project or a large-scale construction job, our shops have everything you need to get the job done right. From steel beams to sheet metal and everything in between, we offer a wide range of products to suit your needs. Plus, our knowledgeable staff are here to help you find the perfect steel for your project and offer expert advice on fabrication and welding. Visit our steel shops today and see why we're your local source for quality steel products.
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ironmetalcraft · 10 months
Iron Metal Craft
Website: https://www.ironmetalcraft.com/
Address: 889 Clarkson Ave Suite 103, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Phone: +1 347-903-6763
We specialize in Welding, Fabrication, Window Guards, Storm, Gates, Fences, Handrails, Cellar Doors, Fire Escapes, Stairs and much more. We cater to both Residential and Industrial. We cater to both Residential & Commercial. We specialize in Welding, Fabrication, Window Guards, Storm, Gates, Fences, Handrails, Cellar Doors, Fire Escapes, Stairs and much more in Brooklyn NY.
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eibaqin · 2 years
Usaha bengkel las termasuk kedalam opsi anda dalam membangun pemasukan. Dewasa ini banyak dari kita yang mencari peluang dan peruntungan di luar kebiasaan dan aktifitas kita sehari – hari seperti bekerja di kantor. Bahkan tidak sedikit dari kita yang terkena imbas dari covid-19 pandemic. Bengkel las bagi Sebagian orang diihat sebagai usaha yang bonafid.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
No matter what you do, people will always find a way to criticize it. If you get lost in the forest, don't fret. Just start welding something and wait for someone to show up and yell at you about your terrible technique. Then you can kill and eat him, so at least you won't starve.
Welding, for me, has always been a "need to do" rather than a "like to do." That's not saying that there aren't true artisans, magicians who can do things like "not keep getting the wire stuck in the workpiece." For those individuals, I'm sure it is very painful to watch a bumblefuck like me steering a MIG torch around like it's a flashlight, leaving a horrific graveyard of burned globs of half-steel, half-air in my wake.
I am also certain that those same individuals are not the ones leaving angry replies on my popular YouTube videos: "Need To Fix My Frame" and "Need To Fix My Frame VI" (for some reason, the middle five episodes are not very popular, probably due to algorithmic bias.) The world is full of armchair welders who dispense little in the way of useful wisdom and a lot of invective about how I should not be allowed near any power source that produces more than about five volts. Guess what, idiots? You're actually agreeing with my court order, so that's the company you're keeping.
Don't worry, though. If I let the haters get to me, then I wouldn't weld anything at all. And then my car would be in two or more pieces, instead of one slightly banana-shaped one that whistles every time the wind blows. My confidence is high that by doing more welding, I'll get better at it with experience. I'll learn from my mistakes. And that's great, because I just hit a pothole and it's been about two weeks since "Need To Fix My Frame XII." Don't want to piss off my loyal audience.
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Memorandum relating to racialized violence at the Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Company in Mobile, AL, where some Black workers had recently been promoted to welders. May 25, 1943. 
Record Group 211: Records of the War Manpower Commission
Series: Speeches by Members of Regional Office Staff and Other Material
FORM OEM-32 [top left side of paper]
(8-7-42) [top left side of paper]
[A date stamp appears on the top right side of the paper.  The stamp is circular with numbers 1 to 12 around the circumference with an arrow pointing to 9. The center part of the stamp says RECEIVED MAY 27 1943 War Manpower Commission Atlanta, Ga.]
[Below the stamp are what appear to be initials, handwritten, with a check mark on top of them. The name Allen is handwritten below.]
TO:  Mr. Constangy [left side]
DATE:  5/25/43 [right side]
FROM:  Toulmin G.A.T. [The initials are handwritten to the right of surname] [left side]
5:30 PM [right side]
SUBJECT:  Racial Disturbance - ADDSCO [left side]
Attached are clippings from the afternoon "Mobile Press".
Today, I have had contacts with the following and have obtained what I believe to be reliable information from them.
Lt. Campbell, Naval Intelligence
Arthur Kearney, ADDSCO
Mr. Craven, " [ditto marks below ADDSCO above]
John Boucher, CIO - ADDSCO Union Rep'v.
J. C. Gates, Mgr., USES, Mobile.
Chas Baumhauer, Commissioner, City of Mobile.
Apparently the disturbance came off when the morning shift went on at 7 o'clock.  It is said that the first shift of negro welders went on about 11 o'clock last night and were finishing up their work at 7 this morning.  The whiteworkers [sic] began to collect in groups and it is said that they first threatened to strike.  Later, according to eye witnesses, they began to throw various pieces of steel, etc., at negroes near the work.  One white foreman is said to have been injured when he attempted to make the white men desist.  Mr. Craven said it was understood that one of the men hit him with a 2x4 rail and knocked him out, also a cut necessitated surgical treatment with a number of stitches for the wound.
One of the negroes who saw the trouble came up and [sic] here and said about five negroes were injured.  This seemed to be so, but I was told later that none of the injuries were very serious.  Large numbers of both white and negro workers left the yard and came back to the city.  A group of about 2 hundred negroes went first to the union headquarters and then were persuaded to go home until better order was secured.  The negro who came up to see me said his foreman urged his crew of laborers to leave the yard until order was restored and safety for them assured.
So far as can be ascertained this evening, no further trouble has developed at the yard.  However, instructions have been issued for women and children to remain off the streets and for citizens to be conservative in their talk, being careful not to stir up any further racial feeling.
[Stamp at bottom of page shows a soldier with a rifle and along side are the words FOR VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS]
[page 2]
FORM OEM-32 [left side of paper]
(8-7-42) [left side of paper]
TO:  [blank] [left side]
DATE: [blank [right side]
FROM:  [blank] [left side]
-  2. - [typed in the middle of this section]
SUBJECT:  [blank]
It seems that the better element at the yard took no part in the demonstration this morning, and I heard from Hugh Cornelius, General Superintendent for Doullut & Ewin, General Contractors, who have an office near where the trouble began, that he felt that the attack on the negroes was without any justification whatever and the action of a bunch of hoodlums.
It is hoped that the Management of ADDSCO will restore order and that the Yard will resume operations tomorrow morning.
The United States Employment Service has been cautioned to be particularly careful in handling releases during the next few days so that as little disruption of labor market conditions will result from this unfortunate incident as may be.
Dr. Morley will return to the office tomorrow morning and will, no doubt, keep you advised of any developments.
Encllsures [sic]
[A stamp appears on the bottom left side of page with a soldier holding a rifle and alongside are the words FOR VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS]
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Fittergirl (Real name is Kathy Thompson)
Dripping wet, 98 pounds, it’s summer, carrying steel from one side of the room to the other. “Hey, , why you want to do this?” I think to myself, “She wants a baby and we can’t live on a woman’s pay” I say, “I was unhappy sitting behind a desk.” “Hey, Fittergirl, I thought “take your daughter to work day was YESTERDAY!” (laughter) I continue working. Home, soaking wet, exhausted, bruises on my shoulders from carrying pipes. “Kathy, can you go get me MacDonald’s?” “ok.” “Hey, Fittergirl? can you bring me a left handed pipe wrench?” My middle finger goes up. I decide I need to focus on something to be valuable. Because being a 98 pound girl won’t cut it. I decide I’m going to be a kick butt welder. I go to the hall and practice for hours each night. I get decent. Time for a new job site. New foreman, I’ve never met him before. “you ain’t like M.W. are you? ’cause she’s an asshole and you better not be like her.” “I don’t know her, but I’m my own person and hopefully not an asshole.” “Hey Fittergirl? do you wanna suck me off?” I carry a core drill up a ladder because there’s no stairway yet. No I don’t want to suck you off. “She wants a baby, that’s why I’m doing this.” Home. She hasn’t brushed her hair. There’s food in the garbage disposal from yesterday. She’s playing video games. “Can you get me MacDonald’s?” “ok.” It’s raining, next day on the job site. Mud. Slogging. The welder doesn’t show up. My chance. I say to the foreman, “I can weld.” ~skeptical look across his face~….”okay, let’s see what you’ve got.” New machine, plugs it in. I put on my welding hood; I’m going to totally impress him. The rod spits and sputters, just won’t run right. I felt sick. Terrified that maybe I didn’t know how to weld after all. “It’s not working right.” He curses and puts on the hood, picks up the stinger, and lo and behold, doesn’t work for him either. Machine was hooked to the wrong voltage. “Hey, Fittergirl? you shouldn’t be welding. you shouldn’t be here.” I was up near the ceiling. Somehow a shower of sparks happened to fall on the guy who said that. Foreman: “you won me over, you have that line over there to weld, I’ll give you K.Z. to pimp.” Home. It’s my thirtieth birthday. She throws a twenty at me and tells me to buy something. Lovely. “She wants a baby but I don’t think she’d be a good Mom.” “Hey, Fittergirl? Wanna go out with me?” Not really. My welding hood drops and he’s gone and she’s gone and all that exists is the glowing puddle of metal. Salvation. Resurrection. Zen. Meditation. Peace. “Hey, Fittergirl? You’re ok.” “I’m damned good, is what I am.” © 2021 Kathy Thompson, Madison WI
from the summer 2021 edition of Pride and a Paycheck
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mowu-moment · 1 year
Mob Rule: Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree
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My name is Mowu, and if there's one thing I hate as much as I hate rules, it's cards. What do you mean someone can play a card and mess with my stuff? We can't let them have any of those, and this hole in the sky that opened up behind me seems to agree. Welcome back to Mob Rule, a blogpost/article series about Rule Zero commanders, a unique(ly bad) deck tech around them, and what legendary creatures to substitute for them if the lawmages get too much on our backs.
Turning of the Handle
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Since we've yet to have a colorless Praetor, there are three parts to Realmbreaker we get to focus on: mill, lands, and abilities. Mill is fairly straighforward: put cards in the graveyard. Colorless affords few great options, but enough good ones: Sands of Delirium, Whetstone, and Keening Stone all capitalize on our oodles of mana, while Ghoulcaller's Bell, Altar of the Brood, and Codex Shredder come down early to help our commander get rolling.
Spinning of the Grave
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Mill goes hand in hand with graveyard synergies, and similarly has a few good pickings for colorless. A sampling of reanimation with Grimoire of the Dead and Portal to Phyrexia, a taste of big creatures with Bonehoard and Unlicensed Hearse, and a few funnier things like Myr Welder and Dermotaxi. While Realmbreaker takes its share of the lands, these cards pick up the creatures and artifacts that get milled in the process, so nothing is wasted.
Reaping of the Sown
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Lands are harder to find additional synergy with, the only standout cards being Blackblade Reforged and Seer's Sundial. However, there are replacements for Realmbreaker should our tree be chopped down: Canoptek Scarab Swarm bombs a graveyard in exchange for a board full of tokens, Mirran Safehouse (ironic, I know) gives us the much of same potential outright taking the lands does, and worst comes to worst, we can twiddle our own thumbs with a Crucible of Worlds (along with a good package of sac-lands).
Spreading of the Tree
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The greatest thing about ability copying, like the new Abstruse Archaic, is that it not only applies to our commander, but anything that might come attached to the realms we break (except mana abilities, but things like Inventor's Fair or Maze of Ith are still welcome). We also run some untappers like Voltaic Servant and Manifold Key to spread our infection a few more times each turn.
Staying of the Hand
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We're a mill deck, so combat is nowhere near a focus, but we still need a solid package of creatures for the Vehicles and Equipment that we need for the strategy. To make some use of them, we're either taking creature-based removal, like Bladegriff Prototype and Steel Hellkite, or anything that can slow the board down, like Silent Arbiter and Rug of Smothering. If one had the budget, they could opt for a graveyard shuffler like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, as a failsafe if they mill themselves too much, but we won't do that today.
Replacing of the Commander
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This time around, there are very few options for proper commanders as a whole, much less ones that can do anything for the strategy. There are two self-shufflers we could choose, but they won't do much from the command zone. If you want to make a point to your playgroup, I'd go for Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, as his exile ability resembles mill if you squint, and can make decking an opponent a viable strategy. If they're scared, Hope of Ghirapur works as a board-staller as well as a good body to hold Equipment (even if there's only four).
The full decklist can be found at https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mob-rule-first-i-break-your-realms/ .
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immortalmetalswelding · 10 months
Immortal Metals
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Website: https://immortalmetals.com/
Address: 10410 66th St N Unit 2, Pinellas Park, Florida 33781, USA
Immortal Metals, a family-owned business led by Travis and Adelyn, specializes in custom metal fabrication and welding. With over 18 years of experience, they offer a range of services for residential, commercial, and industrial needs, including custom metal structures, welding, machining solutions, and heavy machinery repair. Their commitment to quality craftsmanship and personalized service makes them a prominent choice in Pinellas County, Florida.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/immortalmetalswelding
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/immortalmetalswelding/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/immortalmetals/
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chatburnspacialart · 11 months
This week in the workshop we did some individual project idea creation, and were put into our pairs for the second assignment. Firstly, for my initial project idea, I took inspiration from the seedpods found in Barrambin/Victoria Park. Near the area where the seedpods were found, there was also a imprint of a riverbed. It was dried up and hidden at the bottom of a hill, but it was there.
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My idea for this project was to use the shape of the seedpods as bases for boats. I was to install them in the dried up riverbed, almost like a tribute to what had been. I'm sure that the former river was more of a stream, however I think it works as a tribute very well either way.
To make this, I first created a skeleton/armature. I traced the oval-ish shape of the seedpod, then had an arching line underneath to keep the curved shape. I used the flash welder (I think that's what it's called) to attach the skeleton together. I had thought to also add shorter arches along the underneath, just to keep the shape more rigid. However, with the time I had I didn't think that I could add those.
I wasn't sure what to use as the outside of the boat, but I thought it would be interesting to use wire. The wire I used reminded me of fishing nets, and I thought it would fit, given I was creating boats (albeit a mockery/representation).
Overall, the creation of this sculpture was a fun challenge, especially with creating the base skeleton underneath. I found it difficult to put into photoshop because of my use of the chicken wire, and in the end I ran out of time to put it in there. The chicken wire was the most difficult part, as it is very tedious to attach to the metal frame. That, and it was difficult to judge where I should cut the wire, so I ended up having too much in one spot. Therein, I had to do a bit of cutting and overlapping in order to make it work. One end ended up less curved than I would have wanted it, but I found that it looked alright either way.
Overall, I did like making the sculpture, however I probably won't go back to using chicken wire in a while. I liked how it ended up, but it was too tedious and I could have used a better material.
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I found this sculpture of a boat online. It's located in Lismore and was commissioned by the council to be installed in the Lismore CBD. The delicate-looking structure is mounted on a concrete platform, contrasting the delicate curves of the skeleton. The way it's constructed is through a central skeleton curving around the top perimeter and down the ends and bottom. Then the 'bones' of the structure curve from the bottom and up, forming the shape of a boat.
Despite the negative feedback from Lismore residents regarding it, I like the sculpture a lot. There's an air of arrogant elegance, as the boat sits on a platform above everything else, looking down. There is also an air of uselessness, as while it is a boat, it is a ghost of one. It isn't useful in any way because of it's skeletal nature.
It's mildly similar to mine in that we have similar ideas to keep the main structure of the boat see through. While not as present as my own work, there is a sense of 'what was there' left in the work, through the ghost of a boat.
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This sculpture is called The Boat in the Field, and is part of Dublin's Art in Public Places program. It's located in the M.L. "Red" Trabue Nature Reserve, standing at 25 feet tall and resembling the skeletal structure of a boat on stilts. It's made with steel, limestone and recycled granite. Ilan Averbuch, the artist who was commissioned for this piece, is well known and successful artist.
I like this work because of the contemporary elements in the composition. I love how the boat structure is held up by the steel beams, and the colours used work well with the environment it's installed in. In an article I found on this installation, it states that the structure is installed by a pond, which I found quite interesting. My initial thought was why hadn't they installed it in the pond? Then again, a pond isn't a very big body of water, so it makes sense. I thought that it would make for an even more interesting sculpture if it was installed in the pond. Because the structure is a boat, it would make an interesting contrast with the stilts and the natural environment. As it stands, the structure is beautiful as it is now.
In terms of relating to my own structure, I think Averbuch conveyed the skeletal nature much better than I did. With the materials and time I had, I did create something good, and that I'm happy with. However, I think I would have liked to create more of a literal skeleton in some similar nature to Averbuch's. Nevertheless, his sculpture and mine are similar in, of course, the skeletal nature. I like both works.
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dial2expert · 11 months
Get Welding Service at Your Doorstep
We offer a variety of door-to-door welding repair services. All little and large repairs are included in our door step steel welding services. Metal products including metal gates, metal railings, metal structures, metal tables, metal chairs, and metal stools all require regular maintenance. Metal products have a longer lifespan thanks to maintenance. You don’t need to travel far to get small repairs fixed since our welders will come to you and take care of the problem. In India, Dial 2 Expert offers its doorstep welding services.
Metal Gates
Metal Grill & Railings
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 888 275 4731
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tomkrush · 1 year
Steel welders near me
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Hot & Heavy Welding proudly holds the distinction of being the top steel welders near me. With their unmatched expertise and commitment to excellence, they have become the go-to choice for steel welding projects. Their skilled team of professionals possesses in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in working with various types of steel, ensuring precise and durable welds. Whether it's structural steel fabrication or intricate welding repairs, Hot & Heavy Welding delivers exceptional results every time. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a dedication to customer satisfaction, they have established themselves as the trusted steel welders near me, setting the standard for quality and craftsmanship.
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hotheavyweldings · 6 months
The Welding Workshop: Crafting Solutions for Your Metal Repairs
Finding reliable welding places near you can be challenging, but with The Welding Workshop, you can trust that your projects will be completed with the highest level of craftsmanship. Our certified welders have undergone extensive training and have years of experience working with a variety of metals, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.
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Quality Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail
At The Welding Workshop, we understand the importance of quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. That's why we work closely with our clients to ensure that their vision is brought to life with meticulous attention to detail. Whether you need a custom metal sign, gate, or railing, our expert fabricators can create a piece that meets your exact specifications.
Comprehensive Welding and Repair Services
In addition to our fabrication services, we also offer comprehensive welding and repair services for all your metal needs. From industrial equipment to automotive parts, our team can handle repairs of all sizes with professionalism and efficiency. We use the latest welding techniques and equipment to ensure that your repairs are completed to the highest standards.
Safety and Efficiency
Safety is our top priority at The Welding Workshop. We adhere to strict safety guidelines and protocols to ensure that our work is completed safely and efficiently. Our team is trained to handle all types of welding projects, from small repairs to large-scale fabrication, with the utmost care and professionalism.
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Choose The Welding Workshop
When you choose The Welding Workshop for your welding and repair needs, you can trust that you are getting the best service possible. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your projects are completed to your satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about our services and see how we can help with your next metal welding or repair project.
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The Top Tools Every Fabricator Needs in Their Shop
Fabrication is a process that requires precision and accuracy. As a fabricator, you need to have the right tools at your disposal to ensure that your work is of high quality. Whether you are a seasoned fabricator or just starting out, having the right tools is crucial to your success. In this blog, we will take a look at the top tools every fabricator needs in their shop.
Welding Machine
Welding is a critical aspect of fabrication, and having the right welding machine is essential. There are several types of welding machines available, including MIG, TIG, and Stick welders. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your needs. If you are unsure which type of welding machine to get, consult with a professional fabricator near you.
Angle Grinder
An angle grinder is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including cutting, grinding, and polishing. It’s an essential tool for fabricators, and it can be used to shape and smooth metal surfaces. When choosing an angle grinder, look for one with a powerful motor and a comfortable grip.
Plasma Cutter
A plasma cutter is a tool that uses a high-velocity jet of ionized gas to cut through metal. It’s an essential tool for fabricators, as it can cut through thick metal quickly and efficiently. When choosing a plasma cutter, look for one with a high amperage rating and a durable cutting torch.
A bandsaw is a tool that uses a continuous band of metal to cut through materials. It’s an essential tool for fabricators, as it can be used to cut through metal, wood, and other materials. When choosing a bandsaw, look for one with a powerful motor and a large cutting capacity.
Drill Press
A drill press is a tool that is used to drill holes in metal and other materials. It’s an essential tool for fabricators, as it can be used to create precise holes in metal plates and other materials. When choosing a drill press, look for one with a powerful motor and a large drilling capacity.
Grinding Wheel
A grinding wheel is a tool that is used to grind down metal surfaces. It’s an essential tool for fabricators, as it can be used to shape and smooth metal surfaces. When choosing a grinding wheel, look for one with a durable abrasive surface and a comfortable grip.
Measuring Tools
Measuring tools are essential for fabricators, as they are used to ensure that materials are cut and shaped accurately. Some of the most commonly used measuring tools include tape measures, rulers, and squares. When choosing measuring tools, look for ones that are accurate and easy to use.
In conclusion, the tools listed above are essential for any fabricator. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, having the right tools is crucial to your success. If you are looking for steel fabrication near me, be sure to choose a fabricator who has the right tools and equipment to get the job done. With the right tools and a little bit of practice, you can become a skilled fabricator and create high-quality products that will stand the test of time.
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aonemmla · 1 year
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Re-pinning backhoes, tightening tracks on excavators, balancing the swash plate on a crane, rebuilding turn decks…. This is our bread and butter work. If your farm or construction equipment needs repair, welding, servicing, or some complicated hydraulic diagnostics, Mobile Diesel Medic has the experience and equipment to diagnose and repair your toughest equipment headaches.
Our mobile repair trucks are equipped to handle heavy equipment repair calls throughout the Los Angeles, California. We pride ourselves on our large inventory of tools, hardware, wires, hoses, cables, nuts, bolts and steel. Our certified welders can weld and fabricate on the spot and we do all our own computer and electrical diagnostics. We are here for you 24 hr, 7 days, weekends and holidays.
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Glendale LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Santa Clarita  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Lancaster  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Palmdale  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Pomona  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Torrance LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
El Monte LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Downey LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Inglewood LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
West Covina  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Norwalk  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Burbank  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Compton  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
South Gate  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Carson  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Santa Monica  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Whittier LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Hawthorne LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Alhambra  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Lakewood LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Bellflower LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Baldwin Park  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Lynwood LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Beach  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Pico Rivera  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Monterey Park  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Arcadia  LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Paramount LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Rosemead LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Glendora LA, Mobile Farm Equipment Repair Near Me
Valley, The Verdugos, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Glendale, Santa Clarita , Lancaster , Palmdale , Pomona , Torrance, El Monte, Downey, Inglewood, West Covina , Norwalk , Burbank , Compton , South Gate , Carson , Santa Monica , Whittier, Hawthorne, Alhambra , Lakewood, Bellflower, Baldwin Park ,Lynwood, Beach ,Pico Rivera , Monterey Park ,Arcadia ,Paramount, Rosemead, Glendora Angelino Heights, Echo Park, Elysian Heights, Elysian Park, Elysian Valley, Historic Filipino town, Los Feliz, Pico-Union, Silver Lake, Solano Canyon, Sunset Junction, Westlake, Franklin Hills, Lake Elizabeth, Antelope Acres, Leona Valley, Rosamond, Littlerock, Quartz Hill, Mojave, Tehachapi, Lancaster, Palmdale, Lake Los Angeles, Aqua Dulce, Acton, Arleta, Canoga Park, Chatsworth, Encino, Granada Hills, Lake Balboa| Lake View Terrace| Mission Hills |NoHo Arts District |North Hills | North Hollywood |Northridge | Pacoima| Panorama City| Porter Ranch |Reseda| Shadow Hills| Sherman Oaks| Sherwood Forest| Studio City| Sun Valley| Sylmar| Tarzana| Toluca Lake| Toluca Terrace| Toluca Woods| Valley Glen| Valley Village| Van Nuys| Warner Center| West Hills| Winnetka| Woodland Hills| Altadena| Glendale | La Crescenta| La Cañada Flintridge| Pasadena| Sunland |Tujunga California
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hotandheavywelding · 3 years
Welding companies near me
Are you looking for the best Welding Companies near you? Hot and Heavy Welding provides pipe welding, structural steel welding, custom fabrication, stainless steel and aluminum welding, and many more services across Melbourne. We are a family owned welding company operated for both shop fabrication as well as mobile welding services in Melbourne. Request a call at 0432 591 825 for any kind of welding needs. Visit our website to explore our services. Visit now - https://hotandheavywelding.com.au/
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Welders near me   can help to create a larger structure, such as a building, or help with the smaller services such as repairs and needs with buildings or tools. There are many varieties of services that welding can provide to help with any type of formation.
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