mayfairemooncorsets · 2 years
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I am exceedingly pleased with how the pattern matching is going on this one. #silk #bridal #corsets #commission #elegance #corsetry #artisan #handmade #custommade #steelboned #costumes #paymentplans #custommade #bespoke #satisfaction https://www.instagram.com/p/Co78C2bLN0i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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corsetstreetofficial · 3 months
Black Cotton Steel Boned Faux leather Underbust Gothic Corset
Elevate your gothic style with our Black Cotton Steel Boned Faux Leather Underbust Gothic Corset. Expertly designed, it features sturdy steel boning for excellent support and a faux leather exterior for an edgy, sophisticated look. Perfect for waist training or as a statement piece, this corset offers comfort without compromising on style. Ideal for gothic, steampunk, or cosplay enthusiasts.
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honourablejester · 4 months
Heart: The City Beneath Character Concept: Gnoll Vermissian Knight
Trying out actual character creation over here. And I really want my train knight, my armoured paladin of a warped subway network that got hooked into a vast, reality-breaking eldritch thing.
Character creation in Heart is pretty easy. Pick your ancestry, which has no direct mechanical impact. Pick your calling and record the core ability from it. Pick your class and record the core ability from it. Pick 1 major and 3 minor abilities from your class. Pick your equipment. Pick two starting story beats from your calling. Fill out the details around the mechanical core, including answering the questions from your ancestry and calling. Voila! So:
Character Sheet: Ahkoura Roselight, Vermissian Knight
Name: Ahkoura Roselight
Ancestry: Gnoll
Class: Vermissian Knight
Calling: Enlightenment
Skills: Discern (Enlightenment), Delve (Vermissian), Endure (Steelbones), Hunt (Phantom Lens)
Domains: Technology (Vermissian), Warren (Tunnel Rat)
Active Story Beats: Gain favour with a faction that can help you learn more about your goal. Find a helpful text.
Equipment: Scrapsword (kill, d6), Magelight Rig (delve, d6).
Resources: Spare Wires & Capacitors (technology, d6).
Trinkets: Small sphere with a southern star map on it (Gnoll). Brass-inlaid tin half-filled with brown, gritty stimulant (Gnoll). Book of handwritten theories and observations (Enlightenment).
Core Ability (Enlightenment): “UNORTHODOX METHODS. You blend together method and madness in pursuit of your goals. Gain the Discern skill. Once per session, before you roll dice to resolve an action, instead state that your result is a 6. You succeed but take stress.”
Core Ability (Vermissian Knight): VERMISSIAN PLATE. Your armour is made up of scavenged, barely-understood technology from the alternate realities inside the Vermissian network. Once per session, when you consume a resource with the Technology or Occult domains by augmenting or repairing your armour, roll the resource’s dice and choose one of the following:
• Remove stress marked against Blood, Mind or Echo equal to the amount rolled.
• Inflict stress on a delve or adversary equal to the amount rolled.
• (D8 resource or higher) Gain access to a skill or domain for the rest of the session.
• (D8 resource or higher) Increase your Blood protection by 1 for the rest of the situation.
Major Abilities (Vermissian Knight):
AETHERIC FIELD. Your armour buzzes with static that makes your hair stand on end; this discharge can keep you safe from the body-warping effects of the Vermissian. Once per session, activate this power. You gain +3 Echo protection until the end of the current situation.
Minor Abilities (Vermissian Knight):
TUNNEL RAT. You have performed the Rite of Suffocation, and know ways of slowing your breathing to survive longer. Gain the Warren domain. You can hold your breath for a very long time, allowing you to stay underwater or in toxic areas for extended periods.
STEELBONES. Your armour bolts onto special implants that absorb harmful energy and distribute it through your body. Gain the Endure skill. You can fall distances of up to 3 storeys without taking damage.
PHANTOM LENS. Various blood, ichors and spittles have been used to treat these lenses, allowing you to see into dimensions other than the material. Gain the Hunt skill. While you wear these lenses, you can track anything – even if it doesn’t leave a tangible trail.
Character Concept:
I wanted the Vermissian Knight:
“The Vermissian is a cursed, centuries-old mass transport network that the people from the City Above built to get from place to place quicker. To power it, they tapped into the wellspring of potential that is the Heart, and damned every single tunnel and station to eternal weirdness. The Vermissian never officially opened. Now, desperate people, fringe historians and heretic cults hide in the infrastructure, using the strange unreality within to further their own ends. Using barely-understood technology and living in the space between worlds, the Vermissian Knights do their level best to understand the parasite reality and protect others they find there. They are in high demand as companions on delves: they have an understanding of the Heart, a good sword arm and a suit of powered armour built from scavenged train materials that helps keep them (and their allies) alive. Knights will inscribe the names of landmarks that they have discovered, or found stable routes to, on their armour – it is as much a research project and an advertisement of their prowess as it is a means of protection. Each knight’s suit is utterly unique, using technology taken from a dozen different places: different gauges of steels, different weights and levels of protection and flexibility and controls that are often inscrutable to anyone but the creator themselves.”
I love them instantly and completely. I’m gonna be a train knight and explore a cursed mass transit system.
And because most of what I want to do with this character is explore a cursed mass transit network, I had two main callings to choose from: Adventure and Enlightenment. Adventure because exploration is half the goal of that calling, and Enlightment because I don’t just want to see things, I want to know how and why they happen. I did go for Enlightenment in the end. I don’t just want to explore the Vermissian as it is now, I want to seek forbidden, dangerous knowledge on how a fuck up this titanic and massive happened. And, possibly … could it be fixed? Or used?
And. With that in mind. Ancestry has no direct mechanical benefit in Heart. But. The gnolls. See, humans are the tinkerers of the setting, they’d have reasons to want to unravel the Vermissian. The aelfir, high elves, the ones who built it, might want to know how they’d botched it. But the gnolls. The gnolls are currently at war with the aelfir and the City Above, Spire. They’re the enemy. And the gnolls come from a techno-occult culture:
“The gnollish empire (and its capital city Al’Marah) is founded on their advanced demonological and mechanical abilities; there are tales of djinn being bound into brass spheres to power uncanny devices. In the confines of the Heart, where the gaps between realities are thin, they can achieve unthought-of results in mechanoccultism – and great machines from ages past thrum and whirr in the hidden depths, just waiting to be found.”
“Al’Marah, the capital city of the southern gnollish desert kingdom, has no state religion. The government there dictates that the souls of all people who die within sight of the central ziggurat of Al’Marah are absorbed into the Source: a coruscating realm of energy from which djinns and ifrits are drawn to power gnollish machinery. They know this to be a scientific fact because specially-shielded teams have braved the depths of the ziggurat, found heaven and reported back on it with first-hand eyewitness accounts.”
The Vermissian was an attempt to run a mass-transit system off occult energy bored from the core of an eldritch extra-planar nascent god/reality seed/parasitic reality/thing. And the gnolls. The gnollish capital city is powered by their heaven. They hooked up their machinery to their afterlife.
Can you imagine a gnoll coming to the Spire, looking at the massive fuck up that was the Vermissian, and just going … How did you all fuck up this badly? This is basic occult power transmission! What did you do, or what did you plug into, that managed to do this?
One of the options for how you, as a gnoll (who are, again, currently at war with the City Above), even wound up in the Heart in the first place is that you are an escaped prisoner of war. And I was thinking. She escaped through the Vermissian. She ran into the weirdness of the tunnels, and no one followed her, and it turns out there are good reasons no one followed her, and she nearly died (or worse than died), and the only reason she’s alive now is that the Vermissian Knights pulled her out of the mess and got her to Derelictus. So she’s washed up in the undercity, very battered, very confused, and maybe she should be thinking about how to continue escaping and get home, but …
What was that? What she saw in there. How do you get that? What has to happen?
And the Knights. The Knights helped her. They pulled her out of there. They looked after her.
And just. The Vermissian. How do you manage to get … What has to happen? What did you plug into? How did you do it so badly?
So she decided to stay. Nascent loyalty. Raw fascination. She decided to become a Vermissian knight, and work her way up the order, and somehow get to a point where she can find the original plans for the system, and figure out what the blue bloody hells went wrong.
She can justify it a bit. If this went so badly wrong here, will the ziggurat back home eventually go wrong too? Her people need to know. Maybe the enemy, the aelfir, just fucked up on a titanic scale, maybe the gnolls won’t ever have to worry about this happening because they’re not incompetent, but … just in case. What if it was something else? Is it just the nature of the Heart? What is the Heart, and how does it compare, technologically, with the Source? Was it a fuck up of method? Did the aelfir do something very silly with their couplings? What happened, and how replicable a mistake was it?
So. Her calling questions: What impossible thing is she hoping to achieve in the City Beneath? What’s the first step on her journey?
She wants to find the original blueprints for the Vermissian network. She wants to find the original insertion point, where the aelfir ‘dug deep into the City Beneath and pierced the Heart Itself, seeking to use its unimaginable energy to bind each station with one another on a mystical level’. She wants to find out what went wrong.
And her first steps there are to ingratiate herself with the Vermissian Knights, to join them, work for them, build up trust within the order. And to search for documentation that could give her hints towards what she seeks. Hence our starting Enlightenment story beats: “Gain favour with a faction that can help you learn more about your goal. Find a helpful text.”
For her Vermissian elective abilities, I kitted her out for exploration and tracking, mostly. I was tempted to give her ‘Black Knight’ to get the Occult domain, which would make sense from her backstory, and if I was actually running her I’d talk with a GM about that.
I also took no abilities that would actually give her any protection, aside from Aetheric Field. I probably should have. I was tempted by the Arcane Rebreather for permanent echo protection, or the obvious Armour Plating or Stalwart. But. I just want her to poke around? No fall damage. Ability to hang around underwater or in toxic locations. Tracking ability. I want her to look for things, not necessarily survive them. And, I mean, Vermissian Knights are fairly tough from a standing start.
So yeah. There’s Ahkoura Roselight. A gnoll Vermissian knight who just really, really wants to know, in exacting detail, how the hell you manage to fuck up this badly. Heh.
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN : Division United
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This story is the one I currently focus on.
It follows the Seventh Division, a dysfunctional superheroes team protecting a fictive, slightly futuristic version of the USA ruled by a martial law. Most of the plot revolves around them and the teenage MC Erwan fighting different antagonists with or without special abilities, while trying to handle their chaotic daily life together.
Created circa 2019.
Protagonists :
A teenager with a mysterious power who meets the 7th Division after a terrible misunderstanding.
ROXANNE (Chlorine)
A superheroine of the 7th Division who will become Erwan's best friend.
ALOÏS (The Clockworker)
The leader of the 7th Division.
EZRA (Queen Elizabeth)
Aloïs' twin brother and the creator of the Division.
ARTHUR (Day Bird)
The only member of the team not to have a surhuman ability.
A superheroine and member of the 7th Division.
MYKO (Nuclear Blast)
The latest hero to have joined the team.
RUBY (Dead Whispers)
Arthur's teenage daughter who has psychic powers.
Antagonists :
LILYAS (Reborn 7.0)
A man who was genetically modified in order to bring Roxanne back to the mafia.
A mad scientist who creates giant chimeras to eradicate the human race.
JORDAN (Gambling Joe)
An animated skeleton controlling fired, eternally cursed after selling his soul to a vampire.
The vampire Jordan sold his soul to.
LEANOR (Red Velvet)
Ezra's former best friend who resents him and aims at his downfall.
The leader of The Purge, an antagonist and rival group of superheroes.
THEO (Motionless)
A member of The Purge.
HA-YOON (Steelboned)
Another member of The Purge and Theo's best friend.
RAVI (Thunderstruck)
Ginger's boyfriend and teammate in The Purge.
MILDRED (Krystal Klear)
The youngest member of The Purge.
Minor characters :
LOUISON (Mimesis)
A young freelance superheroine who admires Roxanne and tries to look like her.
Grace's wife.
RONNIE (Dark Eagle)
Arthur's close friend, an influent informator and occult expert.
Erwan's biologic big sister from another planet.
Lyssandera's childhood friend and ex lover who's forced to fight her.
A giant harpie, originally one of Kreator's failed experiences.
Aloïs' girlfriend/lover/crush.
Ezra's personal secretary.
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pr-letoilebeaute · 2 months
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着用中のボディメイクやお腹引き締めなどに PR宣伝
#筋トレ #コルセット欲しい
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chickensgod · 4 months
I’m so tired and I’m in line to graduate and also I’m in a steelbone corset and four inch heels so I can’t walk at all and also no one can even see the corset through the gown so what even am I doing
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I wish i woukd havestarted wearing corsets right after both kids were born then maybe I wouldn't look like Mike wosowski from monsters Inc right now. But also my c section scar was hurting super bad especially after the second baby! That one hurt soo bad!!! Like even being in the car ride was painful . So I couldn't put pressure there 😖 plus whenever I wear a regular waist trainer or one of the velcro ones my incision would get so resort and painfully it still does sometimes but with a steelbone corset it doesn't I can wear it comfortably for hours
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onkar · 2 years
Four Winter Haiku – 6
By: Jim Bates Cold weather walkingWinter birds flitting alongSinging merrily. Sleet switching to snowIcy land turns softly whitePleasantly peaceful. Hard sub-zero coldSettling in like frozen steelBone deep and chilling. Bright full moon settingShining through snow covered pinesLighting thoughts of joy.
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xxsugartitsxx-posh · 2 years
#crosslinked hyaluronic acid
#steelboned corset
#juicy couture
#gifts for her
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mayfairemooncorsets · 2 years
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Fall is officially over one week from today. But the days will start getting longer. Seems like that's a dichotomy, doesn't it? It's been a grueling season, and I'm hoping winter plays nice this year. I'm also hoping to see a fox running up my street in the snow again. That was *magic.* Just remember this particular fox can come to your house this winter, too. And if you want to run up the street in the snow while wearing it, I won't tell anyone. #corset #corsets #paymentplans #commission #pretties #ribbons #custom #custommade #handmade #artisan #steelboned #tistheseason #craft #readytowear #presents #fox #foxes #embroidery #fae #fairies #forest https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHxKexJcIs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sheweapon · 6 years
🌈 for a random encounter starter @steelbones 
she has cast a spell of smoldering darkness over the store, rolling off the walls like a thick smoke. that lovely feeling of dread, disease and death hangs in the air, as heavy and penetrating as ever. it follows her around like a second skin, like a perfume that she can’t quite shake. nor does she want to. “ i thought i made it quite clear that i wanted this place empty, tonight, “ she says after a while. fingers trace a skull that lays on display, mindlessly, barely noticing how a curse buzzes beneath her finger tips, threatening to break free. “ my family is quite patient with the way this place is being run, but everyone has a limit, “ she adds, a threat much more severe than that of a cursed skull lingering in her voice. the shopkeep disappears before she decides to act on it, and her attention diverts to AUGUSTUS. a slight smile appears on her hips, and her stance softens ever so slightly. shoulders hunch downwards, and her wand is slipped back into the sleeve of her robe. the darkness still doesn’t fade. “ you should know better than to follow me, rookwood. “ there’s a pause. smoke continues to roll across the floors of borgin & burkes, making it very hard to see much of... anything. but some errands are worth the precaution ( and some people are just that dramatic, too ). “ or are we calling this a merry twist of fate? a happy coincidence? “ she continues, feet crossing in front of her. her eyes sparkle in the dark, some form of twisted amusement lingering far below the usual clouded darkness. “ men like you usually don’t walk into places like this. “ or, they do. but like her, she assumes that he’s smart enough to do it when no one’s looking.
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lucy-corsetry · 6 years
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Can you spot the difference? In the left I'm wearing a new corset with a straight busk. In the right I had gently bent the busk so that the top does not put any pressure on my sternum, the waist curves inwards for a more contoured profile silhouette, the lower corset cradles my lower abdomen and the bottom edge doesn't poke outwards in a distracting way. The smallest, almost imperceptible changes can make the biggest difference in comfort and support! It is relatively easy to curve your own busk once you know how! (For Tumblr, I've edited the photo so the link is to my tutorial, not to my Instagram page.)
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versatilecorset · 2 years
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Want a lightweight corset for daily wear? Our NEW Versatile Waspie is it! Our Waspie fits a wide variety of figures, has single steel boning and is made of lightweight but sturdy satin. Available now, in-stock, in this gorgeous Nude-Champagne Satin. ⠀ ⠀ SHOP bit.ly/WaspieCorset ⠀ ⠀ Model: @kristinadoesmuah ⠀ Photo: @lemewphotography ⠀ ⠀ #corsetmaker #womenownedbusiness #womenrunbusiness #corsetiere #customcorset #customfittedcorset #altfashion #fetishfashion #fetishstyle #corsetlove #waisttraining #steelbonedcorset #steelbonedcorset #steelboned #waspie #nudecorset #pinup #altlingerie #pinupgirltattoo #pinupgirlmakeup #muah #model #curvygirl #curvy #curvygoddess #waistcincher @corsetlovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CcnpyCvFRZi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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memwazz · 1 year
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I finally found the motivation to create costumes for all the members of The Purge after years of procrastination yaaaay 🎉 The Purge is another group of superheroes in SEVEN. They are the 7th Division's rivals and act like terrorists because their leader's viewpoint is criminals can't be saved and have to be killed. Which also makes them a criminal but let Ginger be Ginger 🤷 1) Ezra joins The Purge after losing his mind and leaving his own team during his corruption arc. He gives up on Queen Elizabeth's colorful costume to become Killer Queen and causes a lot of trouble, both in the streets and in The Purge itself. 2) On his right stands Theodor, mostly known as Theo or by his pseudonym Motionless. He's able to temporarily paralyze enemies or slow their moves with a simple touch. He doesn't have any convictions/motivation/reason to live and doesn't quite know why he's here. He disagrees with Ginger but stays because he owes him life and has nowhere else to go. The friendship and Dad-Son relationship he will build with Ezra will help him to get out of apathy. 3) Then comes Ginger, the head of the team. He's convinced he's right and is the good one and also thinks she's kind of a genius who should always be obeyed and listened to. Because of this, he's physically and mentally abusive with his team and half of them hate them. Their ego is absolutely over-inflated. His pseudonym is just GINGER in caps locks and he doesn't wear a mask/costume because he likes his name and face too much. Also they can shape shift a bit so they don't need to hide. His powers are originally related to technology though. 4) Jeong Ha-yoon or should I say Steelboned, is Theo's best friend and longstanding mission partner : she would do anything for him. However, she hates Ginger like no one because he kinda tortured her so her power would be more effective. Ha-yoon still stays in the team because Ginger can help her getting the revenge she's obsessed with, but they always argue and even beat each other's asses. She's a metal bender btw
5) Mildred is nicknamed "Krys" by everybody and it doesn't seem to make sense, but it's actually because her pseudonym is Krystal Klear. When her power is activated, she can see through people's eyes for a short time and therefore predict their moves and attacks. She's the only person from the team to agree with Ginger and to think they're doing the right thing. She swore them loyalty and follows orders blindly.
6) Last but not least : Ravi's probably here only to kill people and fuck with the leader. He's Ginger's boyfriend and a fucking sociopath who kills the people The Purge arrests with an extreme violence. He's also the person behind the identity of a famous serial killer who mutilates his victims' faces. He's can produce little lightnings with his single finger and therefore his pseudonym is Thunderstruck.
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pr-letoilebeaute · 5 months
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(コルセット Burvogue ウエストニッパー 補正下着 ボディシェイパー くびれ ボディシェイプ ダブルボーン ロゴ :Double-SteelBoned-corset21531:レトワールボーテ - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピングから) PR宣伝
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undeadzombiedoll · 4 years
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