stellar-chrondrite · 5 years
Here we go with the merch post for Comic Con! (This thing’s turning into an annual tradition XD) Like the last two cons I dressed up - but this year since we went for the whole weekend I donned a couple of different costumes: 25th = Seto Kaiba (because I couldn’t not dress up like him for his birthday!!!) 26th = Chara 27th = ... half me, half casual Kaiba I guess! (I’m gonna sketch out what I mean by this later)
Read on for the whole lowdown! Be warned: this one is extremely long!
So ... much ... stuff ... to do ... OMG it was all so fun!!! Shops to visit, cosplays to photograph, mini-games to play ... I still can’t get over it all! 
Ironically enough, I saw more Yami Bakuras on Friday than I did Kaibas - I think I was the only Kaiba there for that day! At least Bakura got recognition on his birthday for a change and he dominated instead of our grumpy CEO!
Talking of CEOs ... Pegasus ruled the roost on Friday along with Mai! It was a blast meeting Darren Dunstan and Erica Schroeder and they are both so welcoming and enthusiastic. May I also add very photogenic too - not only did me and my best friend get pictures with the pair of them, they took photos of us as well! We managed to get on Darren’s Instagram and Erica took a photo of me and my art for hers! I still feel amazed that they liked my art and our costumes!
And as for signatures ...
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My art signed by Darren and Erica! I love how Darren signs Pegasus with the Millennium Eye and he drew Grovyle’s eye to match! (I am that much of a nerd to know he voiced Ash’s Grovyle)
Erica signed as both Blaze and Mai. Blaze is my favourite Sonic character so she had to get in on the drawing somewhere! 
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I was a bit sneaky and got Scatlink Sean to get my cards signed (there was a limit on signatures) but it was worth it to add these to the ones I got signed by Wayne Grayson and Jonathan Todd Ross last year!
It was amazing to meet them both and I say if you get the chance to meet them - take it. Take it and don’t let go of it. You won’t regret it!
(For those who like watching the YCS Duels, check out Day 2 of the YCS London coverage. Darren and Erica take part and do some interviews with fans as Pegasus and Mai! Timestamps below.)
2:42:58 - Pegasus and Mai head out to rate some impressions! Plus where is Joey with Mai’s waffles?! 4:08:06 - MCM Yu-Gi-Oh! Booth gets visited by Rudolph Weissinger and Johnathan Rogers - the presenters for the livestream coverage - and guess who’s around to sign a game mat ...? 5:19:41 - Interview with Erica Schroeder! 6:46:09 - Interview with Darren Dunstan!
Phew ... now that that’s all spoken about, let’s move on to the merch!
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Sticking with Yu-Gi-Oh!, here’s the game mat for this year! Mai and Pegasus in their Duel Links artwork - but not with their ace monsters. Mai has Amazoness Swords Woman and Pegasus has Toon Summoned Skull!
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Ha ha! The 2019 Gold Sarcophagus tin and a Duel Devastator box! I will admit I got a bit impatient and opened the Duel Devastator box whilst in London. Sadly no Kaiba Field Center card for me ... but I did get Mai and Pegasus’ ones ... it’s like it was fate.
I have opened the tin now and at last I got a Kaiba related card - Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon*! My other special cards were Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon*, Dimension Shifter, The Winged Dragon of Ra* and Slifer the Sky Dragon*. * - art by Kazuki Takahashi
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My favourite booth didn’t have any Kaibas this year ... but they did have the Yami Yugi counterpart to my Kaiba acrylic charm I got last year! I also got Zane Truesdale and a One Coin Blue-Eyes figure!!! Ahhh I love it so much - it’s even dabbing! It was over double the price that Mokuba was, though ... ouch.
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Need to start a Duel but can’t find a coin to toss? Look no further than an officially licensed Game Flip Coin! It even has the ‘It’s Time to Duel’ logo on the back!
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Ahhh at last! A replacement Winged Dragon of Ra for the one I got signed last year. Now I can play all the God Cards again! 
I also bought a Super Quantal Mech Beast Lusterrex for Scatlink Sean since the ‘Super Quant’ archetype is based on Power Rangers and Lusterrex links with the White Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger which is his favourite.
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I’m all set for Christmas this year now that I have the 2019 Advent Calender! It has Performapal Kuribohble on one side and Winged Kuriboh on the other! How cute!
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I’ve got things planned for this Bulbasaur Funko! I’m currently gathering lots of Bulbasaur for a certain little secret project that only me and Scatlink Sean know about ...
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The tiny figures are back! Last time I found Treecko, Mienfoo and Haxorus. This year I have the whole Treecko family - with a different pose for my fav starter as it’s Ash’s Treecko!
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Last, but certainly not least, is THIS beautiful boy! For £50, I finally got my hands on the First4Figures Spyro statue! I remember seeing this last year on display so it makes me really happy to have this in my possession! He’s beautiful - the red gem sparkles in the light and I really like his expression.
So that’s it! All the merch I got this year - majority of it was Yu-Gi-Oh! related (typically). I had an amazing time and now it’s time to get myself back into the daily monotonous routine of life. *sighs*
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sunnyflightcharity · 6 years
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What: A massive fan project containing 641 pieces of work, including art, writing, and comics with all proceeds going to The Seeing Eye, a school which breeds and trains guide dogs for the blind and is working to improve canine health worldwide! Where: Buy the full zine (which includes the exclusive comic by Xan, LOBSTER the Complete Saga) or Xan's comic by itself on Gumroad! gumroad.com/sunnyflight Or donate through PayPal to: [email protected] Who: Here are the amazing people who contributed work to Sunny Flight! 1. AzureDragonOfNether - poem 2. BluBoltra - art 3. Constelia - art 4. CosmicRhapsody - 2d felt art piece 5. Esiar - art 6. FatherOfMusho - story 7. Lastdragondreamer - art 8. LastKrystalDragon - 10-page comic 9. magic-retina/Razzek - all of my all-ages Spyro art/stories from 2007 to present (over 500 pieces) 10. MissRiverstyxx - writing 11. norithecat - 3 color character sketches 12. OgaraOrCynder - 2 art pieces 13. PanDeSalvado - multiple art pieces 14. redmetaldragon - poem, letter, story 15. RubyDragonCat - essay 16. RusCSI - art 17. Splotchy Ink/Gattlin - 3D printed sculpture 18. StellarChrondrite - art 19. Svartya - art 20. TheLeatherDragonI - multiple art pieces 21. Viperwings - art 22. WandererTamplior - art 23. wolfofdarknesse - art 24. Xannador - 20-page comic (available to donators only!) 25. Zenmashta - art 26. Xein000 - 3 art pieces Welcome to Sunny Flight, a Spyro fan celebration for charity!</u> What do you love about Spyro the Dragon? What does this cute, weird, funny series about a purple dragon and his friends mean to you? Sunny Flight is a celebration of a franchise that’s been around for almost 20 years and has come to mean a lot to so many. Maybe it was your childhood or it got you through some hard times. Whatever it is, you love this purple dragon, his worlds, his friends, and even his enemies. I (Razz) wanted to know why and do something good not just for those of us who are fans of this series, but for the world at large. Over the course of two months, twenty-five amazing people contributed their creativity and talent to this project (see the full list above)! All proceeds gathered from the sale of this zip archive from April to August, 2018, will go to The Seeing Eye, a school which trains guide dogs for the blind and is working with organizations around the world to improve canine health. If you would like to donate to The Seeing Eye beyond this project, you can do so and learn more at their website linked below! The Seeing Eye: www.seeingeye.org/ If you have acquired this archive without purchasing it during the April to July 2018 donation drive, please consider sending a donation to The Seeing Eye directly or adding to the amount we are working to raise through PayPal at [email protected] Special thanks to OgaraOrCynder for creating promotional materials for this project! Spyro the Dragon and all related characters are © 1998 – present Universal Interactive Studios and Activision. All artwork and written materials are © 2018 the individuals who created them. Please do not redistribute these materials without written permission of the creators. Sunny Flight is a non-profit project made by fans for fans. All proceeds, barring PayPal and Gumroad storefront fees, will be donated to The Seeing Eye. Sunny Flight and its contributors are not affiliated with Activision, Toys for Bob, Insomniac Games, or The Seeing Eye.
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years
Back from Comic Con! For my third time I’m enjoying it more and more! It gets better every time in my opinion! Just like May I went as Seto Kaiba - now with a wig to better mimic his hair!
Keep reading for the full lowdown as this one’s a really long post!
There was so much to do this time round; lots of famous people, video game demos, the Yu-Gi-Oh YCS tournament (of which a friend participated in) ... I didn’t get to do it all but I had such fun!
Me and my best friend got interviewed for the tournament and we had tokens made with photos taken of us! There was no Kaiba template for me to pick, but there was a Yami Yugi one so ... guess who’s got herself a Prideshipping Token? ;D
So ... many ... cosplayers ... I saw a casual Callie, a professional cosplayer (as the Mighty Morphin’ Yellow Ranger this time!) and I reunited with a person who was Kisara in May again! And that’s only a few examples of who I saw ...
Lots of signatures this time too; way more than I usually get! Veronica Taylor is so sweet; it was a pleasure to meet her! I’d post a photo of what she signed for me, but it has my name on it so ...yeah. Unexpectedly, I also met Wayne Grayson and Jonathan Todd Ross - that’s right, the VAs of Joey Wheeler and Marik Ishtar/ Yami Marik! I found out they were going to be there the night before, so I had to find something for them to sign. In the end it was Scapeghost (I has no Scapegoats) and The Winged Dragon of Ra!
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Both of them are so friendly so if you ever get the chance to meet them, take it! You won’t regret it!
(Bonus: Joey and Marik introduce us to the YCS here!)
Also unexpectedly, another Comic Con exclusive mat! This time Yami Marik and Joey are on it in their Duel Links artwork!
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There was also a Duel Links mat for those who won 6 Duels or something like that, but I didn’t have time to do that. There was also the advent calendar on sale, but there was only one left for display purposes. 
Update on my Kaiba plushie search; no luck. To make matters worse, my best friend found and bought one of the final two Yami Yugi plushies! Argh! Why can’t I find that Kaiba plushie ANYWHERE?! I KNOW it exists!!!
... ok. Let’s move onto happier things. I may not have the Kaiba plushie, but I did find something else I’ve been hunting for!
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Oh yeah! Capsule Monster Coliseum is finally mine! I’ve been hunting for this game in my local game trade shops for a couple of months now with no luck. But now I have a copy! I’ve wanted this game ‘cause it has FULL VOICE ACTING! That’s a huge tick in ‘video game attributes that I like’; plus now I can learn how to play Mokie’s favourite game!
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I found my favourite stall in the last fifteen minutes and found some more Yu-Gi-Oh figures! In May I honestly thought the Yugi Jump Festa figure I bought was the only one of its kind. Nope! I found Yami and Kaiba just waiting to be picked up!
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THIS ... is probably my fav purchase of this con. An adorable Mokuba figure!!! If I’m correct this is a One Coin Mini Figure by Kotobukiya and I know these little guys can fetch a hefty price; this one was £13. 
Short story is ... now I have two things to look out for. A Kaiba plushie and a Kaiba One Coin Mini Figure. 
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Had to get a Sandshrew to go with my Sandslash. Even though one is from Kanto, the other Alola. I love Sandshrew and Sandslash!
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I think this Bounsweet and Pikachu pack will make a great addition to Yami and Kaiba’s flat - whenever I get round to actually making the set! I totally want to pose Yami with Pikachu on his back.
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Finally I picked up these Pokemon-related figures. The Treecko keychain is the only colour-accurate thing here lol! The top figures (Treecko, Haxorus and Mienfoo) are soooo tiny but I do want to repaint them so they’re more accurate. Grovyle is missing his head leaf but I can fashion him a new one. The Altaria, though, I’m going to leave as is - I’m gonna nickname it Stormcloud Altaria!
And that’s it for my purchases! I could barely walk after leaving Comic Con and my body still aches from the day but I’m glad I could go. There’s a con called HyperJapan coming up in November and I kinda want to go to that ... but it falls in term time and invigilating season is quite close. Plus it’s also in Kensington which is further than the ExCel. Boy do I wanna go though ...
I’m amazed if you read through this all! Hope you enjoy your day!
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years
Aargh London ComicCon is next month and I’m getting super nervous. Mainly ‘cause I’ll actually be cosplaying this time as my favourite grumpy CEO! Most of the stuff is nearing completion - all thanks to an awesome and creative mother and no thanks to my lazy and stingy self. 
It’s just the coat that’s proving to be tricky. Oh Kaiba why does your coat have to be so awkward and difficult to make? Especially for a useless novice seamstress like me?
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years
I think I’ve finally come up with a decent tag name for the AU where Kaiba is searching for the Millennium Puzzle pieces in a medieval world. I’m calling it ‘Lost Pride’ because it ... well, it focuses on Prideshipping and it’s all about the search for the lost pieces of the puzzle ... or is it the companionship?
I’ve added #lost pride au as a tag to my (ever-expanding) AU list. Come check it out if you want!
I even have a couple of ideas for musical inspiration - definitely music from shows such as Winning Lines and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The beautiful Industrial Gothic music that only Celador could produce has always been a firm favourite in my playlist of OSTs right when I was young. A couple of examples would be the theme for Looking After Number One and £64,000 Question.
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years
It felt so depressing entering my local Toys R Us store for the very last time ... when I was small every time I got money for my birthday or Christmas I begged my parents to take me there. Good times ... noisy, but good times ...
I’m still a little kid at heart and it made me feel really depressed that I was never going to step into that shop again. I still feel sad now ... ugh, a huge part of my childhood is going to disappear in less than a month ... in fact, it reminds me of a nightmare I had last year, where I was inside that big warehouse and it was totally empty. No merch, no people, nothing. Just some broken plaster on the floor and me.
I sometimes feel like my dreams signal the future. 
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stellar-chrondrite · 6 years
StellarC’s Vega Team Masterpost!
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I felt like making a compilation post about my Vega team because I’ve recently rediscovered why I love them sooooo much! Designing Gijinkas for them is a ton of fun so I’m going to link them all here. Keep reading to find all the info!
Pokémon Vega Wiki (please feel free to contribute if you have info!) Keep an eye on the links below; they’re constantly being updated and I’m trying to complete as many Fakemon pages as possible.
Main Game Team
Rushlink - Syleafid - Gijinka Design Chaos - Serplant - Gijinka Design Penelope - Yunesis - Gijinka Design Mayhem - Dizasol - Gijinka Design Seto - Solarisen - Gijinka Design Light - Hantama - Gijinka Design
Other Pokémon
Delboy - Houndoom - Gijinka Design coming soon! Blizzard - Nymphrost - Gijinka Design coming soon! Toxicity - Komoragon - Gijinka Design coming soon! Shroud - Jarmit - Gijinka Design coming soon! Sophia - Kinegasus - Gijinka Design coming soon! Iccina - Aurostice - Gijinka Design coming soon! Wallace - Basilux - Gijinka Design Sonarz - Feroceros - Gijinka Design coming soon! AR - Bakeko - Gijinka Design coming soon! Mokie - Guldawn - Gijinka Design coming soon! Cecilia - Gardevoir - Gijinka Design coming soon! Bladen - Glamarde - Gijinka Design coming soon! Amaterasu - Kaminary - Gijinka Design coming soon! Ghostly - Porygon - Gijinka Design coming soon! Lola - Wikken - Gijinka Design coming soon!
More Pokémon coming soon! ObeyWallaceForIfYouDon’tHe’llAbductTheOneYouLove
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
If anybody wants to request a YGO drawing from me, go right ahead! I am super bored and I don’t get many requests ... if any. As long as it’s tame I’ll draw it!
Closing requests for the time being ‘cause - well look at me. I take for gosh-darn EVER to finish them. I’ll open ‘em up again in the future though so keep an eye out!
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
When I do PvP on Duel Links, I try to laugh as much as I can. And this latest Duel had me in stitches!
My lousy home-made, slapdash, novice Kaiba Dragon Deck has got me a few wins ... and losses ... but it always gives me laughs. This latest Duel had me up against a Silent Magician / Ultimate Insect Deck and I ended up with 50 LP for a lot of it whilst my opponent had 3800 LP. Yeah, not good.
Still, Kaiba always comes through for me. Black Pendant saved my skin and Ancient Runes let me summon Blue-Eyes and Felgrand Dragon in one turn - one Special Summon and one Tribute Summon. And that power helped keep me from losing those last 50 LP.
Kudos to my opponent - they really had me on the ropes! I was just waiting for the finishing blow, or laughing about finally losing to a Yami Yugi. That Deck looks pretty powerful - now that I’ve had a chance to see it I might give it a go!
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
I ... can’t take ... the Kaiba ... cuteness ... overload!!!
In other words, I have Mokuba on the DM Duelist roster now. After only one day? Yep! And I love him to bits.
Also, there was this really funny video linked in with the exam presentation today. Figure I’d share it - can you imagine Mokie taking a test and Seto being the headteacher and Atem the invigilator and the two Prideshippers doing this?!
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
Comic Con 2017 Report - :D
I am back from Comic Con with a sore shoulder, aching feet and so much happiness I need to bottle it up. I loved it there; it was so much fun and awesome to see all the different stands and cosplayers!
I bought less stuff than I thought I would, which is good for my bank and spending habits. I got a purple dragon that sits on my shoulder and three Yu-Gi-Oh figure keychains - two of Kaiba and one of Yami. 
I achieved my goal of getting that exclusive (Prideshipping) playmat - but the bonus comes in that I managed to get it signed by both Dan and Eric! Even more of a bonus - me and my friend managed to get a photo of us all! And we were the last ones of the day so we cut it close.
It was so much fun for my first time going; I really want to go next year! Considering I am known in RL for being super shy and, dare I say it, cowardly ... this was a big achievement for me.
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
I think I’m going to give my Yami and Kaiba figures a proper flat set for them to live in with their Zygarde pet. It’s just a case of making it ... and I want to post photos of it in progress.
I say this ‘cause they’re getting a neighbour in Dark Magician Girl and I want someplace to pose all three of them for photo shoots. Give them a home instead of standing on a shelf.
It may also be because I want to decorate the Prideshippers ‘flat’ with BEWD pics and DMG’s ‘flat’ with posters of anime boy characters ... XD
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of people RPing lately ... should I jump in on it? I don’t really know a lot about role-playing online ... if anyone would like to do a YGO RP with me it would be a learning experience. 
I say this, and then admit I do act out Kaiba and Mokuba a lot during my day XD, so if I RP I’d like to be one or both of these two.
I run on BST (British Standard Time), so I’m most likely +5 Hours ahead. 
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
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Aww, look at my cute little dragon! He’s my new addition to the collection and he’s got the cutest face! Not sure what to call him yet, though ...
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Unfortunately he may have a bit of an ‘obsessive’ fan ... come on Yami, hold Kaiba back until I can get the new recruit safely into the display case!
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stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
Spreading the Good Luck!
I don’t know what my luck has been like lately, but I want to spread it!
- On the first day of the Elegant Mai event she gave me two Swift Birdman Joe and Rex’s Titan Showdown skill - Today I pulled a Secret Rare from the Pokemon Sun and Moon Guardians Rising Elite Trainer Box - Rainbow Vikavolt-GX! (I love my Vikavolt in Pokemon Moon btw) - Going back over my Yu-Gi-Oh cards, I realised that I also pulled a Secret Rare from a Maximum Crisis single pack the other day (if you’re wondering it’s Unending Nightmare)
I’m spreading the good luck! Hope you get lucky too - whether it be with games, pulls or general life!
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stellar-chrondrite · 5 years
Top 5 Favourite Anime Characters!
Tagged by @uglifish​​!
1. Seto Kaiba || Yu-Gi-Oh!
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2. Ash’s Sceptile || Pokémon
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3. Zakuro Fujiwara / Renée Roberts || Tokyo Mew Mew
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4. Jack Atlas / Jack Atlus || Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
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5. Vegeta || Dragon Ball (Abridged Vegeta is so funny!!!)
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And ... do I have to tag 10 people ...? No, I don’t have time. I tag anyone who wants to do this!
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