#stepan trofimovic verkhovensky
catcoffeeenjoyer · 6 months
Almost forgor to post
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catcoffeeenjoyer · 7 months
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I nevee forgot, anywhoo chapter four 😎
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catcoffeeenjoyer · 8 months
Tagged by @vostok3-ka let’s goo
1. Three non romantic duos
No one said they don’t have to be obvious, first one is Fedka and Kirillov, THEY ARE JUST IMPORTANT TO ME LIKE-
Perhaps more explenation would be well seen - Fedka is a run away convict, who was sold to the army by Stepan Trofimovic long time ago. Since the beggining of his life, he was dehumanised, because he was born as a serf - he was the property of Verkhovenskys, that is all. And even once he comes back to the city N, he is seen by most as a threat, or as lesser than them (here mostly Pyotr comes to mind), with exception of his family. And then he meets Kirillov - a man, whose whole idea revolves around self sacrifice and belief that once someone learns that they are good, they will be good. And while Fedkas mother was somewhere else, due to family death, Fedka stayed at Kirillovs, drinking tea and talking (also reading Apocalypse). That is to say, he stayed with someone who didn't really see him as a threat, and knew full well he was a murder, and yet treated him with kindness. And what happened? Fedka changed. Well, he still commited the murder, but he did change.
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Then we got Cottard and Tarrou from the Plauge…
For those not in the loop, I recently reread the Plauge, and this storyline is similar however not exactly - Cottard is a man who keeps running away from the police, and is lonely. Like has no friends, because no one can relate to his constant fear, and he cannot talk to anyone about his fears because what if someone betrays him and out him to the police. Enter Tarrou - a man who is not a fan of police (due to his past, from what I understood), and who somehow finds out about Cottards constant escape. While Cottard is furious at first, soon he finds out that Tarrou is the only person he can trully talk to. He doesn't judge him, nor can he out him to the police. And they become friends. And at the end of the Plauge, once Tarrou is gone (and the Plauge), Cottard goes insane, because not only he might now be wanted again and no one can relate to him now, but also he lost his friend, the one he trusted the most.
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The third is rather a comedic duo, more than a great and deep relationship... but you if I have the Plauge... if I have Demons.. then for the great trinity we have to have 1670 - the duo is Bogdan and Jakub
The reason he is only that they bounce of eachother well - and their subplot about exorcisms was funny. It had to be mentioned though, it was funny.
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2. A ship that might surprise others:
... I don't think I have one? I'm pretty open about them.
3. Last song:
The age of the understatement by the last shadow puppets
4. Last film:
Niebezpieczni Dżentelmeni 2023 - rewatch for the fourth time
5. Currently reading :
Finishing up "The Text" by Gluhovsky, and then starting Illiad <3
6. Currently watching:
Alternatywy 4
7. Currently consuming:
8. Currently craving:
Break from school
9. Tagged: whoever wants to do it lmao
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