#steph blogs mundanely
Guys i just found out kfc chips in the us don’t use chicken salt apparently ??
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I posted 406 times in 2022
66 posts created (16%)
340 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 78 of my posts in 2022
#the owl house - 19 posts
#toh - 18 posts
#toh hunter - 10 posts
#toh spoilers - 9 posts
#moon knight - 5 posts
#khonshu - 5 posts
#hunter toh - 4 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 4 posts
#soul eater - 4 posts
#the owl house hunter - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#honestly the thought that hunter can and does ask belos mundane questions about things he doesn't know about is.
My Top Posts in 2022:
The loose end that is Anubis should be solved in the 2nd season. Because there were
1. No mention of him
2. Taweret had flash cards, so she probably didn’t really know what she was doing even after all those years (she sent Layla’s dad to Reed so she��s been doing this for quite some time already)
3. Anubis’ face was on the scales
4. There are more gods imprisoned by the other gods.
53 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Franken Stein from Soul Eater is trans and autistic. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
68 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
I saw someone on TikTok say that Darius was going to betray Raine and the comments were literally like “yeah that makes so much sense”. Right now I’m thinking “this doesn’t make sense” because Darius is against Belos (and probably dictators altogether). This person said that Darius was going to take the throne for himself, but that doesn’t seem to be in his character. Darius is shown to work together in a group, so why would he want the throne to himself when it can all be peaceful and democratic? Plus, Darius is queercoded, and I don’t think Dana would do that to a queercoded character.
I conclude this rant to say that in the end, Darius is black and queercoded, so making him the secret villain of the show would make everything look terrible because there is no reason to do that to Darius.
70 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
I read some of the Deadendia comic and it turns out Barney’s name is Barney because he really likes dinosaurs, so the love of Dinos are from the comics aswell.
79 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have a headcanon that whenever Stephanie goes on patrol and a really big movie came out (that she ofc watched on opening day), and a villain just so happens to not have the opportunity to watch the movie, she’ll spoil the movie, because her hero name is Spoiler.
This was a really big fear when Avengers Endgame came out (just pretend marvel exists lmao) and she runs into the Joker while she’s co patrolling with Jason.
Steph: did he watch avengers endgame yet?
Jason: how should I know
Steph, knowing full well that Jason spied on him that day: 🤷‍♂️ but would he have enough freetime
Jason: probably not, you’re planning to spoil it after our group watch with everyone else?
Steph: 🤫
*they sneak in*
Then Jokers gang is like aww man because they didn’t watch the movie. Anyways very crack headcanon
126 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amplesalty · 5 years
Christmas 2019: Day 1 - Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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A burning Christmas tree!
And the angel said unto them, fear not for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day another marathon of Christmas related movies and TV specials. As is tradition, we start by saying what a tradition it is to start the month with a horror. As we shall come to see, a not as serious Christmas Horror movie this time. Well, having said that, Silent Night Deadly Night is pretty silly at times. My horror tastes have a tendency to lean towards the silly anyway and I did do all 31 days this year so there’s perhaps less of a need to make up for lost time by extending it over in Christmas. Look, stop going on about it, it’s Anna and the Apocalypse.
It makes for a fairly obvious choice to open proceedings, it’s a Christmas zombie movie. What more do you want? Well, how about a musical? Yeah, this is like Nativity crossed with Shaun of the Dead. Or more appropriately, High School Musical crossed with Shaun of the Dead. Or, as the marketing goes with, La La Land crossed with Shaun of the Dead. I think that movie is cursed to be forever associated with anything vaguely zombie related and comedic. It’s like the new ‘It’s Die Hard but…’
Anyway, we start with the eponymous Anna on her way to school with her bestie, John, and her dad who is the janitor at the school. This is meant to be a British film, I think you’ll find it’s caretaker, lousy Americanisation. I think this is more specifically Scottish made actually, whole bunch of English people around mind you but there’s a few Scots mixed in as well. I feel like there was a lot of Scottish made kids shows when I was growing up, I dunno if they just get good investment up there or if it’s like a tax or lottery thing or something?
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There’s a total Michelle Keegan thing going on with the girl who plays Anna, not a bad thing since she is one of the most desirable women in the world.
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The real star of the show here though is Paul Kaye as Mr Savage, a jobsworth assistant headmaster who we first meet warning off one of the students, Steph, who is running a piece on the school blog about the local homeless problem. Mr Savage points out that the local council set their budgets so it’s probably best if she drops the whole thing. When she threatens to go over his head to the more soft touch headmaster, we learn that he’s retiring next month and Mr Savage is taking over and things are going to be a lot different around here. Kaye is hamming it up a bit as Savage but in a more reserved way? He pretty much delivers every line in this very hushed but stern tone, it’s like he’s a villain in a cheap action film but he’s really just a teacher at a small school in Scotland.
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We very quickly get our opening number ‘Break Away’, dealing with the problems that Anna, Steph and John are dealing with. Anna wants to get out of this town and see the world, John has an unrequited love for Anna and Steph feels abandoned by her parents who are on the other side of the world. It’s a powerful song that talks about wanting to be more and the girl playing Steph is really giving it socks and emoting. I don’t think they’re dubbing their voices or anything so fair play to her. They even work in some lyircs that tie into the whole zombie thing; “As I wake half dead in this same old bed at the dawn of another day”. It does catch you off guard though when you’re not expecting a musical.
This would work well as one of those deceptive genre bending movies you could trick someone into watching and be like ‘Boom, zombies!’ halfway through. At the very start there’s a radio piece that kinda spells it out before it’s cut off midsentence that talks about a supposed super flu that has now being discovered to cause ‘reanima-‘. But there’s little nods here and there otherwise that make it sort of cute like those lyrics or people theatrically clawing at a wall like a zombie.
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The songs in the Christmas show don’t quite match up. They’ve probably got that whole non-demoninational thing to adhere to where they can’t sing about Jesus so instead they’ve got two break dancing penguins dancing to a fish rap. Yes, fish rap. “My favourite dish is fish, mother flipper, and I eat it for the hell of it!”
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Then there’s Lisa’s song which is basically an attempt to seduce Santa. Think ‘Santa Baby’ but a bit more explicit. Like, she invites Santa over to ‘empty his sack’ at one point, that sort of thing. Then you have a bunch of backing dancers who are all topless and wearing short shorts. This is a high school production, right? Seems a bit risqué. Mr Savage seems to agree so too, though at first it just cuts to him saying ‘Filthy....salacious...’ whilst pulling these funny faces, almost like he’s getting some illicit thrill from all this. Thankfully he ends that thought with ‘and it must be stopped!’ before storming off.
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Going back to the zombie movie in disguise thought, when we finally do get the zombies, the movie still plays dumb to the whole thing by having Anna and John walking to school whilst performing a musical number (Turning My Life Around) where they say they’re ‘miles away’ whilst being totally oblivious to the carnage unfolding behind them. This rather disturbingly includes a zombie eating the contents of a pram. It’s an amusing scene, the juxtaposition of this bright, upbeat song and these two cheery characters with no knowledge of all the death and destruction behind them. The song has a similar message to ‘Break Away’ but looked at from a slightly different perspective, much more optomistic and poppy.
Mr Savage’s breakout moment comes when everyone gets trapped in the school after the outbreak and they hear of evacuation plans that call for them to stay put and await the arrival of the army. The headmaster seems to be out of the picture and he revels in taking charge. But, when days past with no contact, everyone wants to head out and Savage has a bit of a run in with Anna’s Dad. Savage snaps before sulking off in a corner muttering that this is his school now, hearing zombies clattering at the door and seemingly having a ‘lightbulb above the head’ moment. I’ve made comparisons before to Dead Rising and how the proper movies based on it missed the ‘psycho’ characters. This right here is a psycho character, that sense of a rather mundane character being pushed over the edge in this apocalyptic situation. I’m thinking specifically here of the supermarket worker in the first game who thinks you’re looting and tries to run you down with his adapted trolley that has a bunch of pointy things stuck on it whilst screaming ‘THIS IS MY STOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!’.
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Speaking of looting, Anna’s dickbag ex shows up to help her and her friends out of a jam with a trolley full of toys he’s ‘found’. Him and his friends arm themselves to take out a nearby hoard but I feel like only two of them are actually trying. He has his baseball bat and another guy puts knives in his hands like they’re Wolverine claws. I don’t know how useful knives are going to be, especially wielded like that, but at least he’s making a better effort than the other two who have a video game controller used like a mace and the last guy who has two watermelons. Okay, so we see a vaguely similar situation to this earlier in the movie in a bowling alley where someone squishes a zombies head in between two bowling balls so maybe that’s what this guy was thinking? Well, A) I don’t think that’s going to work with watermelons and 2) say it does, that’s only going to work once with watermelons because they’re going to explode. What’s your secondary plan once they’re done with? At least the guy with the bat can keep on swinging it.
This is the lead in to the ex’s song ‘Soldier at War’ which is really good as well. Between the delivery of the song and the way it’s acted physically, there’s this kind of sultry, seductive thing going on? Apparently Rocky Horror Picture show was an inspiration for this movie and I definitely get a Dr. Frank-N-Furter vibe from this.
They all eventually fight their way back to the school only to find Savage is just calmly eating his Christmas dinner. He points them in the direction of their parents, only to lock them in a room full of zombies. He even gets a villain song as they all struggle to survive, basically summarising that for too long he’s been held down but now it’s his time. There’s a fast paced energy to the song and, at the risk of making another Shaun of the Dead comparison, having it cut to shots of the kids fighting off the horde and the fact that it’s called ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now’ makes me wonder if this wasn’t a conscious nod to the big climax at The Winchester.
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Things come to a head when Anna tries to track down her Dad, only to find him tied up with Christmas lights on the stage with Mr Savage waiting for some sort of final showdown. I say showdown, it’s more a duet with Anna fighting off zombies and Mr Savage prancing about on stage trying on top hats and wrapping himself in tinsel like they’re cheap feather boas and he’s a fifty pence tart. There is a bit of fisticuffs between Mr Savage and Anna’s Dad in the end though and there’s even a call back to a moment from the start of the movie to serve as the final blow which is neat.
I was a little taken aback upon the revelation that this was a musical but it turned out to be really good fun. Just a really cool mix of genres with some good songs that are complimented at times with on screen theatrics. For the zombie portion of it, there’s some creative kills in one portion of the movie in the bowling alley but otherwise it resorts to blunt force trauma in order to ‘destroy the brain’. But the kills can be suitably over the top with a lot of blood splatter so that all adds to the cheese factor it’s got going on. It’s a suitable addition to the Christmas Horror or even just comedy-horror sub genres.
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fiti-vation · 5 years
Hi! I've been following you for a while and since you know way more about exercise than I do I was wondering if you knew any good books on fitness and exercise? I'm trying to get fit but have no idea where to start or who to ask. If not thanks anyways! Keep being great!
Hey there,Surprisingly enough, I don’t have any books that are specifically on fitness or exercises at home or in my Google books library. I mostly read sport nutrition, running, skincare and motivational/wisdom books. Note, I however read lots of articles on fitness, bodybuilding and exercise.That said, I am the type of person who prefer learning through direct experience or apprenticeship rather than vicariously via books or lectures. Most of my knowledge about fitness, exercising and nutrition comes from my coaches, teammates or watching documentaries. After all, they say you learn by doing things. Having knowledge is great, but then putting that knowledge into work is another thing. Simply put, there’s a big difference when it comes to learning vs. doing. There’s a reason Nike’s slogan isn’t “Just learn it” …
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Don’t get me wrong  though, I’m obsessed with learning and believe it’s super valuable. That’s why I spend hours each week compiling and sharing the things I learn via my blog. But as valuable as learning is, so is doing.
It’s not learning that will create change, build momentum, and make things happen for you— it’s doing.
As mentioned in one of previous posts, if you’re new to fitness, one of the best ways to get into it and become consistent at it, is to join some sort of team sports, intramural sports, or a local club. Most cities have running clubs, basketball clubs, yoga, etc. Find an activity that you really enjoy doing and join a club. As well, as I’ve also mentioned previously, I think there is no better way to invite a human being to view their body differently than by inviting them to be an athlete, by revering one’s body as an instrument rather than just an ornament. It’s a really great way to reorient how you see your body so you can see it as this incredible, awe-inspiring machine that you need to fuel well in order for it to function.Considering what I just said, I shall emphasize here that there are two major mistakes in my opinion that too many people make when they embark on a fitness journey. One, too many people make the mistake of viewing their bodies as this onerous living and breathing machine, constantly needing care, love and attention – almost a burden.  On the contrary the human body is way more than that. The human body is an emblem; a temple; one of the most impressive machines built for performance – it is capable of so many amazing physical deeds. In this regard, by becoming an athlete, one learns the importance of nourishing their body instead of simply “ornamenting” it. You quickly learn that for your body to perform well on the track, on the court, on the field or whatever your sport, it must be nurtured. The concept of pre and post workout perfectly illustrates what I’m trying to say here. The entire concept of pre and post workout nutrition is practically built around improving every aspect of training and recovery. For your body to be able to train properly, it needs to be fuel properly. As I always say your body is like a car it you fuel it with junk it will perform like junk. If your body doesn’t receive the appropriate nutrients it might not recover from your workouts. I did not learn the concept of pre and post-workout by reading, but practicing - as an athlete.The other mistake that too many people make is viewing fitness as an end goal. Every new year, most people always seem to have these same mundane resolutions: losing fat, building more muscles, etc. But what a lot fail to realize is that fitness is not an end goal, it is not a number on a weighing scale, it is not a dress size, fitness is a lifestyle, it is a JOURNEY. And that you won’t necessarily learn from any books… It took me years of ups and downs to come to that realization. When I started being serious about fitness at 18, I was one of those who viewed their bodies as a statue and exercise as a way to “decorate” this statue. I wish my 25-year-old self could go back in time and tell otherwise to my younger self. But hey, you live and learn.On a final note, if e being honest, instead of reading fitness/exercise books, I’d recommend reading more motivational, wisdom, and/or sport psychology books, articles, etc. Prior to an aesthetically fit body one’s mind must be aesthetically fit. Train the mind and the mind will train the body. Willpower is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The starting point of all achievements is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results. I said it a hundred times and I will not stop repeating myself, if you look good externally, but aren’t doing so well internally you are not healthy. Fitness isn’t just about exercising and eating healthy – it’s way more than that… 
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Too many people think about “wellness” in terms of physical health only; as something we achieve by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, etc. The word invokes thoughts of nutrition, exercise, weight management, blood pressure, etc. Wellness, however, is much more than physical health, it involves much more than your pant size. Wellness is a mindset and a holistic way of life. It means that we take responsibility for the quality of our lives, striving for balance in all areas. Wellness doesn’t accidentally happen. We have to pursue it—intentionally. Wellness is a full integration of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life. Wellness is commonly viewed as having seven dimensions. Each dimension contributes to our own sense of wellness or quality of life, and each affect and overlaps the others. At times one may be more prominent than others, but neglect of any one dimension for any length of time has adverse effects on overall health.
Strengthening your mind is primordial because the first couple of months that you embark on this journey the body will want to give so many times. I’ve been there, so believe me you. If you have a weak mind you will easily fall off the wagon, but if you’ve worked on that willpower it will be so much easier to overcome these mental barriers that are preventing you from achieving physical greatness.The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. The body achieves what the mind believes. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it, and you put the work and time into it. I think your mind really controls everything. The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can invasion the fact that you can do something, you can do it as long as you really believe 100 percent.Soreness, fatigue, injury, breathlessness will be some of the challenges, but the biggest challenge will be that little voice in your mind telling you that you can’t. Finding the motivation, the courage to continue, the willpower, the perseverance and determination to reach the apex when all odds are against is something books can’t teach you. This internal fire, strength and burning desire to be successful, to push your body to places it has never been before, comes with the ups and downs of this amazing journey you are about to undertake.Although, I don’t have any fitness/exercise books to recommend, here are a few great recommendations to help you get your mind into the game:
Are You The Best? By Kareem Heshmat (My fav!!!)
The Gigantic Book of Running Quotations
Unleash Your True Athletic Potential by Julianne Soviero
Building indestructible athletes : the small things that make athletes great! By Donny Mateaki
Champion Minded: Achieving Excellence in Sports and Life,  by Allistair McCaw
The Sports Motivation Master Plan
Best of luck on your journeyXOXOSteph 🤗
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lutefisk-kingdom · 6 years
Dear Miss Mathilda: You will no doubt be surprised to receive a letter of this nature from me. Perhaps prudence would dictate that I should, for the present, at least, withhold this confession…and even if you expressed the unnecessity of it, still, my admiration for your blog obliges me to write these words.
…”I am sure that you have won my whole heart, my attention and my appreciation for the reflection of your mind in your blog. What more could you do were those charms, intelligence and eeriness of yours, which have so easily captivated any mortal who stumbles upon what you touch, reblog and show.Real and true appreciation are not vegetable that must grow, neither are they a thing of logic that depend upon sequences and conclusions; but they are a thing of passion of the soul, which may, like thought, be born in an instant, especially in the presence of the beauty, mind and magic such as you possess.And I excuse myself if my words might be confused for what they are not when I mention beauty. I am not referring to physical beauty. No, what I mean is beauty of the mind and the spirit. Of your resilience amidst hardship, of the wandering of your mind to magical realms to alleviate yourself from this mundane reality.I am aware of it all, must I say. Of the intrinsic qualities of your mind, of the faerie call of your soul to what’s beyond what is real, but most of all…of your strength disguised as softness, or maybe both. And therefore, I urge you to never consider changing any of it, but to strive within yourself. To reach for your own depths and to keep walking in between the real and the magical, as you have until this day. That’s your salvation and your strength.
It is with these words that I hope my upmost admiration is known. Ever your most affectionate, Steph.”
This is genuinely the best thing anyone has ever sent me.
It was a truly spiritual experience to scroll through the countless asks about which dick size I prefer only to find a literary masterpiece.
If you can’t send your favorite mutuals elaborate Victorian love letters then what’s the point?
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philharmaddy-blog · 6 years
Disney Tag
So I think in the coming weeks I’ll be alternating posts between fun/hype and informational, so I thought I’d start off with a Disney Tag! Thanks to Steph for letting me steal her Disney Tag format, you can find her blog on her upcoming DCEP here.
So without further ado, let’s get into it... Grab your snacks, because this will be a long one!
Disney Movie: This is a hard one, but I think I have to go with The Little Mermaid just because of the number of times I watched that movie as a kid on VCR purely because my parents wouldn’t let me watch the behind the scenes footage that played after the movie unless I watched the whole thing through! FUN FACT: I was terrified of all animated movies as a kid, because I thought they were all as scary as A Bug’s Life, the crazy creations of Sid in Toy Story and the two terrifying scenes from Fantasia (Rite of Spring dinosaurs and Night on Bald Mountain)
DCOM Movie: Does The Lizzie McGuire Movie count?
Pixar Movie: The Incredibles. I love that soundtrack so much!
Disney Sequel: Either Lion King 3/1.5 or The Rescuers Down Under. Although I’m sure with Wreck It Ralph 2 coming out soon, my answer will probably change!
Disney Song: Belle. The writing is brilliant, the backing orchestral score is beautiful, and it sets the scene of the small provincial town so perfectly as the opening number of Beauty and the Beast.
Disney Love Song: It’s not a duet (well, it kind of is if you count the Muses), but I Won’t Say I’m In Love from Hercules is one of my favourites. 
Disney Villain Song: This one is easy. Poor Unfortunate Souls is such a classic.
Disney Song that gets stuck in my head: My brain will switch between Someday My Prince Will Come and A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. But nothing is as much of an ear worm as It’s A Small World...
Disney Soundtrack: If we are including Pixar, it would be The Incredibles, because I love Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band. If it’s strictly Disney Animation, then I would go with Sleeping Beauty since they used Tchaikovsky’s ballet score. Or maybe Princess and the Frog for that sweet Dixieland jazz? I don’t know, it’s too hard to decide! Never ask a musician what their favourite music is...
Disney Quote: “I give myself very good advice, but I seldom follow it” (Alice in Wonderland)
Disney Ride: I think I have to go with Expedition Everest after my younger brother and I tricked my dad into riding it (we didn’t tell him about the bit that goes backwards!). Plus I love that documentary about its construction, even if we now only have the Disco Yeti.... 
Disney Show: Wishes will always be my favourite. 
Disney Parade: Festival of Fantasy, although I don’t know if it’s as good now that the dragon has gone down in flames.... literally...
Disney Food: The beignets at Port Orleans French Quarter
WDW/DL? I have to go with WDW since it’s the only one I’ve visited
WDW Park: Has to be Magic Kingdom since it’s the one that I spent the most time in, but I also adore Animal Kingdom
Disney Photo:  It has to be my amazing candid shot with Gaston. 
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Time for some characters!
Princess: Anna, she’s such a goofball!
Disney Princess Dress: I love the classic Cinderella dress. Although Merida’s looks super comfy!
Prince: Either Flynn Rider or Prince Naveen, I love those suave, charming personalities
Couple: Meg and Hercules
Side-Kick: Mushu
Villain: I love all the villains so it’s hard to choose, but I narrowed it down to Ursula and Hades. All the sass!
Animal: Maximus (the horse from Tangled)
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Pixar Character: There are so many good ones to choose from! But I think Dory takes the cake
Disney character I most identify with: Probably Ariel or Anna because I am overly enthusiastic about the most mundane things
Pixar character I most identify with: The seagulls in Finding Nemo any time there is food around
Disney movie I would star in if I could: Probably Hercules because I would love to be a Muse.... but really, we could all do with having a new Disney film where the princess is an alto...
Disney movie that makes me laugh: Again, Hercules. Despite how badly inaccurate the movie is to Greek mythology (even the name itself is wrong), I still think it’s one of the funniest of the animated movies. Either that or Aladdin, because Robin Williams is a gem.
Disney movie that makes me cry: Not technically Disney since it’s Pixar, but Up. Every time. Storytime: my state orchestra were doing ‘Pixar In Concert’, where they played medleys of the soundtracks with clips of the movie up on a massive screen. But not for Up, no.... They played the entire first 15 or so minutes of the movie with the soundtrack live. I think everyone in that entire theatre was sobbing by the end of it.
Disney item I collect: I don’t have any at the moment but I’m hoping to start pin trading and collecting signatures once I get there! I’m more of an experience over material kind of girl.
Most treasured Disney item: A card that says “If you can dream it, you can do it”, signed by all the teachers of the music department from my high school that I was given at the end of my final year when I was music captain.
First Disney movie I ever saw: Fantasia. I had a Sorcerer Mickey plush in my room, but I was asleep for the majority of the movie. Except for the two sections I mentioned earlier that scared me off watching more animated movies for years...
What I would like to see in a Disney movie: Please make the princess an alto and non-belter! Please!!! For the sake of all of us girls with low voices who can’t belt out Let it Go or warble along to Sleeping Beauty or Snow White!
What I would like to see at a Disney park: Still waiting for that fifth gate based around Disney Villains filled with thrill rides! Or maybe shooting a bit lower in expectations, a revamped version of the old and forgotten Fire Mountain idea for Adventureland in the form of a roller coaster themed around the volcano from Moana?
Park character I was/am looking forward to meeting: I’ve met Gaston which was pretty great. But otherwise I really want to meet some of the other princes! In particular, Flynn Rider and Naveen. Also can’t wait to meet Chewie in Hollywood Studios!
Best Disney Story: So to set the scene, it’s just as the park is about to open after Extra Magic Hours, I had been hanging out in New Fantasyland solo while my dad was sleeping in. I go to try and find where the meet and greet for Cinderella’s step family are, only to be given the hint by a Character Attendant to get in line for the carousel. I end up on a horse in between Anastasia and Drizella, with Lady Tremaine a few horses away! But that’s not the end of the story… After getting off the ride, I end up walking with Lady Tremaine to her character spot, idly chatting about how awful Cinderella’s hospitality was at the Royal Table last night, how the matriarchy will rise again, etc. Finally get to the character spot and see a massive line has already formed. So I get ready to say farewell to the characters. But no! I get told by Lady Tremaine that I’m a “VIP” and as a lady of such high class deserve only the best. And so I skip the entire queue and get an amazing photo right away!
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And that’s all, folks! 
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! My next pre-DCEP hype post will probably be a full bucket list - so probably even longer than this one!
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Hello my dudes! (typed “hell my dudes” originally, hilarious, tempted to leave but did not)
I’m back, maybe! What a time, what a world. I have bronchitis and I’m procrastinating some life tasks, plus today’s the last Queen’s Birthday holiday for a long time and I’m pretty sure she would have wanted this.
You’ve all grown so much, I don’t even recognise this site anymore. Look how tall and handsome you are now!
Rest assured I am not here to creatively contribute to any spaces, or provide entertaining content - I think we all know full well that was never going to happen. But I think I’ve been missing this kind of alternative means of quasi-social interaction. A lot of people in my real life are hilarious sorts, and although some of them don’t like communicating solely in memes and obscure references, they’re very forgiving as far as personality flaws go. So I naturally had to come here to find some memesters who are prepared to judge me ruthlessly (are we still making “that’s my kink” jokes in 2022?).
I don’t really know who’s still here - probably no one from IRL as most people my age are nearing fully formed adulthood and no longer chattering into the virtual equivalent of a semi-empty hall, a handful of other people spread out around the place, also chattering away, personal projector screens up behind them, still playing vines because we can’t move on from what was essentially humanity’s greatest creation. That’s probably for the best.
May or may not stick around, but going to make a short-lived effort to engage with my interests and see where that lands me. Stuff I’ve been into in the gap: 
Killing Eve
Bo Burnham’s Inside
Our Flag Means Death
Also wanting to reconnect with ye olde asexual community. How’s The Discourse these days? Warm?
And look, if it doesn’t work out... I mean, I want to say “it’s not you, it’s me”, but let’s just be honest with ourselves and agree this website needs to take at least part blame.
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So here's a fun thing. For a year or so now I've been hiding pictures of John Mellencamp around my boss's desk. This wasn't my choice - he told me I couldn't play Hurts So Good on my music day because he hated Mellencamp. It was like a sign from god/satan.
First I just hid some print outs in his files etc., and put a sticker under his desk. He took maybe 3 mths to find them all, finally saw the sticker while fixing some cabling.
Lots of fun, and I didn't get fired, so naturally I escalated.
I put a large decoy picture of Mellencamp captioned "happy birthday" on his monitor before I left one day. And I collaged a tiny Mellencamp into a photo of his kids he kept on his desk. 6 wks to notice that one.
While he was at our interstate head office for a meeting, I got a coworker there to hand him a folded piece of paper like it was an important phone message. Obviously, it was a Mellencamp.
He's just found the Mellencamp I stuck onto April 1st on his desk calendar back in Jan. Here's his bottle of hand sanitiser:
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His son has agreed to wear a Mellencamp tshirt if I buy it for him, and I think his wife would probably be down too.
I'm thinking about ordering one of those custom cake image things for his next birthday, or maybe a cardboard cut out I can stick in his car.
I am going to mentally destroy this man.
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fuck yeah international women’s day. fuck yeah voting & financial independence
everyone, you are wonderful and have come so far, and you are strong enough to make it on your own
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Nothing is as hurtful as messaging someone to see if they want to go to bunnings and them telling you they're already there
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K I’ve started watching new Interview with the Vampire and I am reeling
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Okay but actually though, I’ve had a half glass of wine just in case it’s secretly the cure to my ongoing, frankly tiresome bronchitis (could be! we just don’t know), so we’re in chat mode - and this ties in greatly with something else I meant to berate you all for anyway, i.e. no one told me the ace community here died, or yeah okay, maybe it’s my fault for expecting to find something different than the back and forth arguing about validity with the rest of the gays, even though now I think about it that’s pretty much exactly how I remember it being five years ago, and maybe I should have sorted through my expectations around reconnecting with a community to which I was never really connected in the first place -
Point being: dating apps. What a nightmare. I have twice in the space of a year made what I felt was a genuine, genuine attempt to dig around in my soul and extract a little thread I could tie onto another person and think “nice”. And I mean like, time and money and silly talk about future holidays and exchanging home addresses and thinking “this could work” and all that shit. I have thrown vulnerabilities and insecurities into conversations like hurling pasta at the wall, thinking if it sticks then I’ll stick. I speedran emotional intimacy, had personal conversations I didn’t even know I was capable of. I thought, “If I tell someone this, I will have to trust them. They’ll have a piece of me.”
And then week 3 would hit, and I would think, “No... No, I don’t think so.” And that’d be it. Turns out I wasn’t even that attached to the most personal pieces of myself, and I could leave them stuck on the wall. And I felt a little bad for wasting someone’s time, and a little sad for myself, but overall I didn’t really feel anything. I felt like I had confirmed what I already knew about myself.
I don’t know how anyone does it honestly, absolute madlads.
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hey yo since i’ve just been lurking since new year’s updates for you:
i was supposed to be living elsewhere by now but pandemic + my sister’s new bf = i’m still with parents
i’m 90% i’m gonna quit my job and go do another degree next year, thinking dual maths & it
i haven’t eaten since this morning when i had a really not great ham cheese tomato sandwich from a bakery that apparently thinks salt and pepper are optional, i got halfway through a mug of wine and ordered $40 of mexican so waiting on that to show up. 2020 is fucked up and we’re all in the end times, though today our accounts lady sent me photos of her in the 90s and i’m in love. hope you’re all doing lovely, message me if you’re bored, i’m about to start a marathon of kristen stewart movies, stay safe out there
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Spent NYE on the flight deck of a navy ship in sydney so pretty wild, pretty good, happy new year lads
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I love the look people get when they see someone they love man it's one of maybe 2 pure things that exist in this world
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There are 7 billion other people on this planet, and they're all thinking about Shrek
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