#steph probably hates or fears Greta after the incidents
alvindraperzzz · 2 years
Ngl, I think it’s weird how chummy Kon and Steph are in the preview panels of Tim’s upcoming special. 
I know, I know, it’s a new universe, multiple reboots removed from the post Crisis / pre Flashpoint universe I typically read. But it is odd seeing how friendly Young Justice has been with Steph since 2019, when pre-Nu52, most of them either wouldn’t have a clue who she is, or if they did know her, canonically did not like her… and vice versa. Steph and Young Justice were not friendly, for several reasons:
The Greta incident, wherein Greta attacked Steph in a bout of jealousy and resentment
Greta snubbed Steph’s peace offering during the Zandia thing
The second Greta incident
Steph makes no mention of Tim’s closest friends despite them being a huge part of his life, and expresses zero interest in meeting them
The fact that there are a lot of girls on the team and Steph gets pissy and jealous over every girl Tim interacts with
Superboy is pissed when he finds out she replaced Tim as Robin, and is a jerk to Steph about it
Wonder Girl knows how badly Steph hurt Tim when she “died,” and dislikes Steph for swanning back in acting like nothing happened
Steph betrayed Tim, sabotaged his investigation, hired assassins to attack him, and in doing so not only got people hurt/killed but greatly damaged Tim’s trust — not an interaction with YJ, but plenty of reason for them to despise her
Seriously, every single one on one interaction between Steph and the members of Young Justice pre reboot was negative. Betraying Tim would do nothing to endear her to them (in fact, may even elevate from cool distance or vague dislike to actual animosity). The rest of them probably don’t even know who she is (I don’t think she’s ever exchanged a single word with Bart).
This is strictly from a pre-Nu52 standpoint — like I said, we’re currently several reboots away from this. But it is why I think Steph being tight with Kon and the rest of YJ is weird, especially now that they have a hodgepodge of memories to draw from.
Schrodinger’s canon, and all that
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