khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Okay here is a thought. In IALS, Max and David become very famous through the show right? I mean the first lady watched it. So, Bella Hadid probably knows about Max's crush right? I can see her being asked in an interview about her opinion on it. And she would be like, well he is gorgeous, because come on it's Max Lightwood-Bane, who can resist right? I can just see Max fangirling over this. I can see him teasing David about this. I can just see David rolling his eyes and being like, well you can always go for it. I can see Max being like nah, even Bella Hadid can't be you babe. I can see David falling even harder. Just fluff, fluff, fluff. How do you think that would go??
*rolls up sleeves* okay let me set the scene. this happens after Mexico and somewhere in between South Africa.
it starts with Bella Hadid and the interview where someone asks her about it and she agrees to finding Max attractive and says he should DM her if he is interested (And yes Max does send the clip to literally everyone he knows. David is not amused)
And then like a while later the two of them meet at some event. Like a White House Correspondents' dinner or whatever. And someone posts this picture and #Mella starts trending.
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And of course it's just a random exchange where Max gets a flower and he gives it to her instead (because he is a gentleman like that) and maybe he gives her his jacket because she gets cold hehehe anyway everyone starts freaking out because they know Max isn't dating anyone (even though he is secretly dating David)
And it doesn't help that Lance likes a tweet that says 'bella hadid is #stepmomgoals'.
Anyhoooo, enter Jelly David. He is not happy about this shit at all. He is all 'why can't she get her own flowers' and 'why are you staring at her legs like that' and 'did you get your jacket back yet?'.
And Max is having the time of his life.
anyway both Max and Lance have a lot of fun with this thing but Max eventually gives up (much to Lance's disappointment) because David has been pouting for too long.
I can see Max reassuring David and saying 'it was just a rose. anyone can get a rose from me. but only special people get white lillies' and David being 'awwwww take that bella hadid'
the end :)
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forgottenvalentina · 1 year
OOC | Valentina & Eithne
ok so!!!!!! i apologize in advance!!! for the weirdness that is about to unfold re: these two!!!!!!
so i think, in the beginning, valentina sort of mentally labeled eithne and aoife as her less objectionable stepkids! kind and certainly more accomodating than brigit, anyway, they were the 'good' ones...which wasn't necessarily a desirable label bc valentina did, of course, press them into service alskjdaflkjsdf but i do think she was more willing to overlook any perceived infractions etc bc they were good girls, really, they just had unfortunate manners and of course they're only nobility whereas valentina and her children are of ~royal blood and whatever else she tells herself to make this all seem ok in her head alsjdfkjdfj
but now things are changing BIG TIME! valentina now feels that she made a huge mistake in giving eithne "so much leeway" bc she now sees her as a conniving little schemer whose crept her way into cassimir's heart due to valentina's own lack of direct supervision and has thus abused all of valentina's kindess, despite all valentina does for this ingrate of a family!!!!! aldskjfkjdsjds (which is nothing btw except scheme up possible treasons which could get them all beheaded and run up its debts alksdjflkjdsfj) she def thinks that eithne is intentionally seducing cassimir and that she's a viper in the nest. but! she's got a notion to help take care of this!
valentina means to get her eldest stepdaughter married -- with or without her consent -- to the most convenient man who'll take her off her hands and keep her out of cassimir's reach! so, someone whose far away and has no court connections so cassimir won't be seeing her, and whose remote and difficult to find etc etc etc but also someone w absolutely no power bc valentina doesn't trust eithne, now, so that probs means someone whose poor and therefore can't take care of her sisters, so basically destroying everything eithne was hoping for in so doing alksjdfkjdf #stepmomgoals anyway im so sorry about her!! </3 eithne deserves wayyyyy better!!!
oh! plus there's the whole thing w arthur and valentina DEF doesn't like that either bc that's sonya's backup man as far as she's concerned, plus it urther reinforces to valentina's mind that eithne is clearly hunting powerful men! smdh
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smartin16-blog1 · 7 years
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I love making their wishes come true I work to be better than the fairy godmother. Magic is what u try to provide.. I'll do what I can, whenever I can, my stepdaughters are amazing, they are gifts to me and I love them both. ❤️💯 #notsowickedstepmom #lovemystepdaughters #stepmomgoals #stepmomlife #lovehisbabies #unconditional #biologyisnteverything #loveinallforms #stepdaughtersrock #grateful #thankful #familygoals #familyisntjustblood
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