#stepmother's marchen
loeh · 27 days
From the moment he saw your portrait, his life began to change in ways he could hardly understand. At first, he attended the auction out of obligation. He was indifferent to the event until he saw you, captured in a frame, almost lost among the other items on display.
You didn’t stand out at first. Your beauty wasn’t the kind that demanded immediate attention. Yet, when the bidding for your portrait began, he found himself compelled to participate. Was it boredom? A reckless display of wealth? He couldn’t say, even to himself.
The moment he brought your portrait home, he placed it in his room—an odd choice, one that puzzled him. It started as a mere curiosity. What was it about you that had so many people interested? Why did you look so serene, yet so stern?
Your gown, with its deep crimson velvet, was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, clinging to your form like a whispered secret. The intricate lace on the bodice gracefully embraced your delicate shoulders, while the silk train flowed like liquid fire. It was mesmerizing, yet it was your expression that truly captivated him. It wasn’t one of joy or contentment, but of solemness—a quiet command that demanded respect and obedience.
Each night, as he looked upon the portrait, he became more obsessed, wondering who you were, what thoughts filled your mind when you posed for this image. It was as though you had reached out from the canvas, drawing him into a world where he couldn’t escape your gaze, a world where he was slowly losing himself to an obsession he couldn’t explain.
His curiosity had become an all-consuming obsession. The more he stared at your portrait, the more he needed to know about the woman who had captivated him so completely. He scoured records, questioned merchants, and chased down rumors, but for the longest time, his search led nowhere. You seemed to be a ghost, a figure lost to time.
Finally, after what felt like an endless pursuit, he encountered an elderly man who claimed to know your story. The man spoke with a somber tone, revealing that you were once the Crown Princess of a proud and flourishing kingdom. But tragedy had struck when your father’s own brother, betrayed the royal family. He committed treason, igniting a rebellion that tore the kingdom apart.
Despite being outnumbered and facing overwhelming odds, you stood as the last line of defense. You took up arms, leading the loyalists in a desperate attempt to save your home. The man recounted how you fought with unmatched bravery, refusing to yield even as the kingdom crumbled around you. But in the end, your efforts were not enough.
The last anyone saw of you was during a fierce duel with your once loyal knight and lover on the edge of a cliff. Some say you were killed in that final battle; others believe you vanished, your fate a mystery. The man who recounted this tale was none other than the head butler of your kingdom, a loyal servant who had witnessed the downfall firsthand.
Through further questioning, he learned that after your supposed death, your uncle’s reign quickly fell into chaos. The kingdom, once thriving, could not withstand the internal strife and soon succumbed to external wars. These conflicts were so devastating that they effectively erased the kingdom from history, leaving nothing behind but forgotten ruins and faded memories.
The more he uncovered, the deeper his obsession grew. You were no longer just a figure in a painting; you were a tragic heroine. The thought that your story, your life, could be forgotten by time haunted him. He felt an inexplicable connection to you, as if understanding your past could somehow fill the emptiness he felt within himself.
In the end, his search led him to a humble barhouse where you, once a Crown Princess, were now reduced to serving as a maid. The sight of you, stripped of your former grandeur, struck him like a blow to the heart. How could someone of your noble stature have fallen so low? The injustice of it consumed him, feeding the obsession that had taken root within him.
Determined to restore you to the glory he believed you deserved, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He married you, forcibly and without your consent, convinced that he was saving you from a life of indignity. To him, this was an act of love, a twisted belief that he was doing what was best for you, even if you couldn't see it.
He impregnated you with his children, two daughters who became the center of his world. In his mind, he had found his happy ending—a life with you by his side, a family that completed the vision he had constructed in his obsessive heart. He had given you back everything you had lost, or so he thought.
But you, despite everything, continued to resist. You sought every chance to escape, your spirit undimmed even in the face of his control. You spoke of how you didn't love this life, how you longed to be free from the gilded cage he had created. To him, your words were incomprehensible. How could you not see that he had given you everything? How could you reject the life he had worked so hard to build for you?
In his eyes, your ingratitude was maddening. He had rescued you, loved you, given you the children he believed would bind you to him forever. Yet you still sought to flee, still spoke of a life you wanted to escape from. To him, it was baffling—shouldn't you be more grateful? Shouldn't you love the life he had crafted for you with such care and obsession?
But in his twisted perception of love, he could not see the prison he had built around you, nor the pain he caused in his relentless pursuit of a happiness that was his alone.
Maximillian Ashet, Dylan Sean Blathe, Anastacius de Alger Obelia, Dion Agriche, Cruel Harte, Rezef Hill, Eros Vasilios, Callisto Regulus, Ahin Grace, Theobold von Baden Mismarck, Noah Wynknight, Abel Heilon, Prince Escalus, Luciano Valeztena
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uhhhsmthrandom · 5 months
i know a banger when i see one
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nymphea0 · 1 month
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Hello Anon🦋, thanks for your request, this is my first time getting a request and also my first time making a headcanon.
it took me a while to make a headcanon, because i didn't read this manhwa before, so i read this manhwa and i need to analyze the nature of jeremy's character based on the original story.
this is a good manhwa, a complex depiction in terms of plot and character.
might have some bad grammars, correct me if there are any mistakes in the words in this headcanon I wrote.
i hope you like it Anon🦋 , i'm very sorry, i accidentally deleted your question TvT, hope you forgive me, and enjoy Anon🦋. Love - Neva🦋🦋.
Manhwa : The Fantasie of a Stepmother/A Stepmother's Fairy Tale / A Stepmother's Märchen .
Author And Illustrasion : Spice&Kitty / ORKA(Art).
Publisher : Kakaopage And Tapas.
*Source Image : Pinterest
Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein'
● Jeremy, the man is the heir of the  Neuschwanstein family, a wealthy noble family. While you, you are just an ordinary girl who works as a gardener at the Neuscwanstein manor.
●you and Jeremy are childhood friends, you play together and grow up together, until all that changes when his mother dies of illness, Jeremy's attitude is not the same as the jeremy you know, he changes.
●as time goes by you are quite close to his stepmother Shuri Von Neuschwanstein, Shuri is very kind to you, she is gentle and respects you very much even though you are just a gardener.
●In Shuri's eyes, you and Jeremy are an ideal couple, shuri had thought that you and jeremy would get married someday, but that plan was forced to disappear when Duke Heinrich proposed an engagement between Jeremy and his daughter Ohara Von Heinrich.
●From there, your relationship with Jeremy, which was previously not close, changed to being like strangers. In Shuri's first life, she could conclude that Jeremy was willing to let you go for his honor.
● For Shuri, in her first life, Jeremy was very protective and liked to spend time with you compared to his younger siblings. Jeremy laughed and cried only with you. For Shuri, Jeremy in her first life was a figure who was very protective of you, pure love.
● However .... in her second life, Jeremy is different from the one in her first life.
● This Jeremy is more passionate and direct towards you. He doesn't care about his status as a noble when he is with you.
● Initially, Shuri thought that this might be Jeremy's true nature, but unfortunately Shuri was very wrong.
● because the current Jeremy is the Jeremy who is willing to burn the world just for you.
● Jeremy is not good at expressing his feelings through words, so Jeremy expresses his feelings through actions.
● he can kiss you, hug you secretly, even when you are busy taking care of the garden.
● Jeremy, he has had the same recurring dream for 1 year, the dream includes his mother who died right on his wedding day and himself who married a noble girl he didn't know, and not you.
●Jeremy was very angry and upset when he remembered the dream, Therefore with the permission of his stepmother Shuri Von Neuschwanstein, Jeremy asked for permission to marry you, which was answered with Shuri's agreement.
●You certainly think rationally, you reject Jeremy, you reject him by giving a reasonable reason, You are just an ordinary person, and not a noble lady who lives in luxury, but an ordinary person who lives in hardship.
● Jeremy rejected your excuse, 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, and many times Jeremy tried to convince you to marry him, even with the help of Shuri and her younger siblings, Elias, and the twins Leon and Rhacel, but the results were still in vain.
● Until when you decided to leave by quitting your job as a gardener, Jeremy decided to marry you by force. He locked you in his room.
● Shuri and her younger siblings tried to convince Jeremy that what he did was over the line.
● But this was Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein they were facing, a Neuschwanstein lion.
● Shuri and her younger siblings could only hope for the best for your fate with Jeremy.
●During your life with Jeremy, he was an incredibly responsible man, although sometimes he was jealous for no apparent reason, but my dear, Jeremy loves you very much, with Jeremy's life as marquess and you as marchioness
●Your life is like heaven with Jeremy in other noble lady eyes. While they never know what is secret behind Jeremy love for you.
©️Nymphea0 2024 ,Headcanon.
Please dont steal my work, or use without my permissions , Always be good people Dear. Much love , Neva🦋🦋.
@snowflakes666 @aenishas @elleflying07 @cannyyyyy
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ru8yx · 4 months
Jeremy from A Stepmother’s Märchen fluff headcanons please 💕
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Jeremy, bound by the unbreakable ties of unwavering loyalty, stood beside you like a steadfast sentinel, ready to come to your defense at a moment's notice.
Scandal, gossip, or accusations held no sway over him, as his devotion to you remained unshakeable.
No matter the situation or the challenges that arose, Jeremy would be your first line of defense, unyielding and resolute in his allegiance.
When Jeremy falls for someone, his heart is consumed by an eternal devotion.
He believes that you truly deserve the world, even if your desires may seem peculiar. Your words, no matter how outlandish, become a melody of beauty to his ears.
Even if your affections may be elsewhere, his love remains unwavering.
He fervently prays for your happiness, knowing that genuine love is about selflessness, and he finds contentment in serving as your guide and supporter, no matter who your heart may ultimately choose.
Jeremy, devoted to your safety and honor, will fiercely defend you against any noble, regardless of their status.
Should even the slightest suggestion of misconduct arise, he would not hesitate to unsheathe his sword in retaliation.
The noble offender would not only face a battle against steel but also a public humiliation, as Jeremy would ensure that the offender's transgressions are exposed for all to see.
Jeremy's protective nature and unwavering loyalty ensure that no harm shall come your way, and he will fiercely guard your safety at all costs.
Jeremy, upon glimpsing you, would instantly push aside any sense of exhaustion. He would rush to your side, his gaze filled with tender affection and curiosity.
Gently lifting your hand, he would bring your knucklesto his lips, all that while maintaining a warm and intimate gaze.
His eyes would speak volumes of admiration and devotion, their intensity mirrored in the slight tremble of his lips as he bestowed a gentle kiss upon your hand.
In that moment, time would stand still as he savored the connection and inquired about the details of your day.
Jeremy would pay meticulous attention to every facet of your being, taking notice of even the smallest details.
He would present you with exquisite jewelry that reflected his own features, adorned in the same shades of verdant green and golden hues.
With these gifts, he aimed to silently proclaim to both you and the other nobles that he held a special place in your heart.
He envisioned himself as your devoted partner, the one who would greet you with a smile each morning, offer solace in times of sorrow, and stand steadfastly by your side as your adoring husband.
Jeremy longed for the sight of you and his family bonding as one, sharing moments of genuine happiness and laughter.
The thought of you forming a relationship with his younger siblings and stepmother filled him with joy, for they held a special place in his heart. He envisioned you all coming together as a unified family, cherishing each other's company and support.
Though his presence may not always be guaranteed, he yearned to see you continue to lean on one another in his absence, creating a tight-knit and loving family bond.
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|❝ im sorry if it wasnt what u wanted!!! I took me 20 mins to write it since i was in a hurry😭❞
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akoichoi · 3 months
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nanaosaki3940 · 5 months
Korean Manhwa/Webtoon Recommendation List (Romance-Fantasy Genre)
I recently got into the romance-fantasy (rofan) genre of Korean manhwa/webtoons and wanted to make a recommendation list about it. This is a recommendation list but I want to briefly talk about some newly released rofan manhwa that I really liked.
(My recommendation list will be divided into different categories so you'll be able to understand what kind of stories they are...)
So recently, I got into these newly released rofan manhwas:
The Wicked Ladies in Waiting 
The Promise Isn't Mine 
Turning the Mad Dog into a Genteel Lord 
Fallen to Paradise 
I Swear We're Just Friends 
Please Don’t Reply!
High Society 
The Wicked Ladies in Waiting
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Yulia, who was born an orphan, was killed in exchange for falling in love with the Young Master of the Marjoram Family and was left on a snowy mountain. But when she opened her eyes, at the same location as any other day, she was rescued by the Commander of the Imperial Army, Carus. She was hit by a curse of being unable to die, and this is now her 8th life. After realizing that she would be stuck in the loop forever if she didn't take down the Marquis, she became a servant (2nd prince's lady-in-waiting) within the Palace to utilize the Royal Family’s power to demolish the Marjoram Family in her 8th life. I really love both the FL and the ML here. At first, the ML was suspicious of her when she revealed the truth to him in her 8th life that she had regressed back to the past 8 times, and each and every time she died in various ways, she encountered the ML and he somehow always tried to save her each and every life (even though he doesn't have the memories of his previous 7 lives like the FL). To make him believe her, she offered him help by predicting some future events that were going to occur later on because she had already seen or known about those events from her previous 7 lives. In this way, the FL saved the ML and his comrades' lives in this 8th life, and because of that the ML believed her regression story and offered to help her lifetime. Their relationship progressed well from suspicious strangers to trustful allies. Although we haven't seen much of them yet, I'm still waiting for some romance and fluff to happen in their relationship. The 2nd prince whom she works for and the 1st lady-in-waiting who is her colleague are also interesting characters and have immediately become the FL's good friends and strong allies just like the ML. The FL is strong, smart, and lovable, and the whole revenge plot is really interesting. You would love to see her succeed in her missions. Highly recommend this manhwa/webtoon.
The Promise Isn't Mine
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When her twin sister Leyla, the Holy Maiden, suddenly disappears one day, the ordinary Elena finds herself having to marry Crown Prince Kyle, a man infamous for his ruthlessness, in her stead. After a dreadful marriage ceremony, Kyle demands that a certain promise be fulfilled, to Elena’s confusion. Elena and Kyle are actually childhood sweethearts btw. They've both been in love with each other since their younger days. The ML immediately realized who she was, but she didn't recognize him; although she does vaguely remember him from her past, but doesn't know that the man she married is the same boy from her teenage days. I can't wait for her to realize who he actually is; that he's her childhood sweetheart. Also, it's kinda funny how the ML and FL look like Iske and Ruby from "How To Win Over My Husband". However, this ML is a whole lot different from Iske since the ML is genuinely nice, kind, and caring towards the FL from day one. And not to mention that he's still in love with her and immediately recognizes her after meeting her so many years later again. Highly recommend this series.
Turning the Mad Dog into a Genteel Lord
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Diarin, a priestess without any noteworthy family background or connections, always gets the toughest assignments. So when her boss tells her to help Ceres, a war hero, reintegrate into society, she decides to stop being a pushover and get as much as she can out of it, including a juicy promotion. But upon reaching Ceres’ manor, she’s greeted by a growling hound instead of a human. Tasked with the impossible job of turning the mad dog into a proper gentleman, she dedicates herself to caring for him. But his unexpected obsession with her was never part of her plan. This one is my No. 1 personal favorite at the current moment!! You can tell by the pictures how funny and hilarious this series is. I won't tell you guys anything more. Just go and read this one as quick as possible!! STRONGLY recommend this series!!!
Fallen to Paradise
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Ange, the daughter of Duke Glaster, believes her life is all planned out as she is set to marry Philip Cardiner, the rightful heir to the throne. However, her plans are disrupted when Philip's brother, William Cardiner, schemes against him and removes him from the line of succession. In order to secure his power, William forces Ange to marry Aiden Fitzroy, an illegitimate child born between the emperor and a commoner. Will Ange learn to love the humble stranger she was forced to marry? Another hilarious yet very cute manhwa!! At first, the FL didn't like the fact that she was getting married off to the illegitimate son of the emperor and that the ML lived in the countryside and was also a farmer. The ML also found her a nuisance in the beginning because of her whining and throwing tantrums, but as time went on and they started to understand each other, they began to fight less and tried to get along. Romance also started to blossom between the two as they went on with their lives in the countryside on the farm by planting crops and vegetables and raising cows and pigs. I love how the FL, who was the Duke's daughter and was once the next crown princess, is now just a military officer/farmer's wife, and yeah sure, in the beginning, she used to complain about everything and anything, but she quickly went through a major character development, and now instead of whining and throwing tantrums, she tries to understand her husband and even willingly participates in the farming works. The ML was cold at first and found her annoying, but eventually he also later tried to understand her and her situation and started warming up to her. Very cute manhwa!! Highly recommend this!!
I Swear We're Just Friends
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When Rienne transfers to the elite Alena Academy, she never expects Karcion, the most popular mage in school, to recruit her into his club and she definitely doesn't think he'll fall for her! But the grumpy Karcion soon makes it clear how much he adores her, and she starts finding him too cute to ignore. Still, he's a future duke and she's a commoner, so Rienne knows his feelings won't last. Can Karcion magic his way out of the friendzone? Or will Rienne prove they're just friends after all? A typical high school setting kinda story with enemies to lovers troupe; the only twist is that it's a historical fantasy story, not your typical modern high school romance. The FL is a cool smart girl and I loved her from the start. Meanwhile, at first, the ML is also shown to be this cool smart dude and is very popular in school but later it is revealed that he's actually a big tsundere crybaby and is very expressive when showing emotions which makes the FL want to tease him more and more whenever they interact. Since it's a high school romance in a historical fantasy setting, it has a different spin to it and has made the read very much enjoyable which was unexpected. Definitely check this one out! Highly recommend this series.
Please Don't Reply!
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What’s worse than someone who leaves you on read? How about someone who doesn’t know when to end the conversation? Mira Hexen is cursed to always be the last one to reply for a whole year or she will be turned to stone. But that’s a bit difficult when you’re the chief of a company that produces a massively successful messaging device. Mira’s latest VIP client is Euryx Deyra, an extremely friendly duke who feels the need to respond to every little thing she says. If only she could just tell him to shut up already...! By reading the synopsis you can already tell where this story is going. Read only 4 chapters and found it really cute, funny, and wholesome. Definitely worth checking out. Highly recommend this as well!!
High Society
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While scheming to get out of an arranged marriage, Cesare runs into Adele, a shoeshine girl from the slums. The two make a 3-month deal to help Cesare elude marriage. However, Adele is so different from the women he's met before that he can't help but be drawn to her. Okay, so this series might not be everyone's cup of tea since the ML is a super red flag, and the FL is kinda like a doormat. Sure she fights back from time to time, but since she's under a contract with the ML and he's the Duke of a powerful ducal family, she always can't say anything she wants to him. At first, the ML didn't care that much about her and didn't see her as a woman with whom he could have a potential romantic relationship but as time went on, he fell more for her beauty and personality, but there was a problem - the ML had already introduced the FL to the high society that she was his blood-related little sister. Now how could he have a romantic relationship with his so-called "blood-related little sister"? The thing is, the ML was trying to get out of this arranged marriage alliance that was set with this crazy woman from another powerful ducal family. But this marriage alliance was very important for political reasons and also to maintain a good relationship between those two families in the empire. But the ML didn't want to marry that crazy woman, so he found the FL (who was willing to help him out btw) on the streets one day, took her in, and used her as a shield to stay away from that marriage. How so? By offering the FL as the bride of that crazy woman's little brother. The FL would get married off to that crazy woman's brother while the ML won't have to marry that crazy woman anymore, and therefore with that, the alliance would still be made between the families without him getting married, of course. But what is he gonna do about this situation now that he's falling for the FL? Is he gonna let the FL go and let her get married to that crazy woman's little brother? Or is he gonna seduce her and make her his and only his?? The ML is super toxic and a huge red flag, but he's so fucking beautiful that I just can't, y'all!!! Like, look at his dimples OMG!!! Although the ML is super toxic and a major scumbag at times, the story is still super engaging not gonna lie. Highly recommend this to check it out!!
Also, here's the link to the photo gallery of Cesare Bonaparte, a toxic yet sexy and beautiful male lead - Link
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Now the entire recommendation list I mentioned earlier:
Regression Genre (the FL goes back to the past):
The Fantasie of a Stepmother 
The Redemption of Earl Nottingham
Marriage of Convenience 
Baroness Goes on Strike 
Please Marry Me Again!
June Peach
Saving My Sweetheart 
My Sweet Enemy, Thy Name is Husband
I'm the Queen in This Life
I Am the Real One
The Contracted Grand Duchess 
The Villainess Lives Again 
The Taming of the Tyrant
Leveling Up My Husband to the Max
Why Are You Obsessed With Your Fake Wife? 
Adeline's Darkest Night
I Tamed My Ex-husband’s Mad Dog 
The Empress of Ashes 
The Tyrant Wants to Be Good 
The Duke's Bored Daughter is My Master 
Rewriting My Husband's Tragic Ending 
You Mustn't, Your Majesty! 
I Shall Master This Family 
My In-Laws Are Obsessed With Me 
The Villain’s Daughter Plans To Run Away 
The Grand Duke is Mine 
Seducing the Lady's Lover 
The Villainess Needs Her Tyrant 
Crazy Like a Fox 
So I Married the Abandoned Prince 
While I'm Back in Time, I'll Get My Revenge 
Are We Still in Love? 
I Accidentally Tamed the Duke 
I’m Done Being Your Best Friend 
I Tamed the Male Lead Who Tried to Kill Me 
The Villainess's Road to Revenge 
The Villainess Behind the Mask
The Crimson Lady
Please Obsess Over Me
Let Me Die in Peace!
Libera Me
What the Duke Picked Up in the Forest
Peony: Dreaming of the Dangerous Grand Duke
Reincarnation/Transmigration Genre (the FL is reincarnated/transmigrated into a novel/webtoon/otome game)
I Am the Villain (Sejji) 
My Little Tyrant
Secret Lady 
Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story
The Villainess is a Marionette
Author of My Own Destiny
Father, I Don't Want this Marriage
The Monster Male Lead Living Under My Bed
Behold the True Villainess
Beware the Villainess!
Villains are Destined to Die
I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game!
I Met The Male Lead in Prison
An Extra Stole the Male Leads
I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster
Elissa's Whirlwind Marriage
Fortune-Telling Lady
How to Win My Husband Over
The Villainess's Maker
Viola Tames the Duke
The Beloved Bashful Villainess
My Ray of Hope
Who Made Me a Princess?
The Heiress's Double Life
The Villainess's Blind Date Is Too Perfect
Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion
Writing My Male Lead's Happily Ever After 
Villain Duke's Precious One
My Sister Picked Up the Male Lead
I Bought Land, Not a Man!
Just the Male Lead's Friend
The Villainess Flips the Script!
I Met the Male Lead in Prison
The Viridescent Tiara
Philomel the Fake
I Married the Male Lead's Dad
The Villainess's Stationery Shop
The Rules of Rose Ivy Manor
The Tyrant's Only Perfumer
Your Ultimate Love Rival
I Hold the Tyrant's Heart
I’ll Become the Heroine in This Life
I Became the Tyrant's Dishonest Adviser
Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
Contractual Marriage to a Surly Duke
It Was Love at First Sight, Mr. Villain! 
Lia's Bad Ending
The Villainess Just Wants To Live In Peace!
How to Tame the Merciless Villain 
Grand Duke of the North 
The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife
The Fake Saintess Awaits Her Exit 
The Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses Adoption 
Wicked No More 
I Became the Young Villain’s Sister-In-Law 
I Became the Villain's Mother 
I Became the Mother of the Evil Male Lead 
The Sea Captain's Bride 
Living as the Villain’s Stepmother 
The Rewards of Marriage
Flirting with The Villain's Dad
Childcare Diary With the Villain 
I Became The Stepmother Of An Irrevocable Dark Family
Beloved by the Male Lead's Nephew
I Ended Up Raising the Children of the Female Lead and Male Lead 
I've Become a True Villainess 
I Didn't Mean to Seduce the Male Lead!
Becoming the Obsessive Male Lead's Ex-Wife
My Personal Favorite Transmigration Stories:
Kill The Villainess
Charming the Duke of the North
The Strong Empress:
Remarried Empress 
I Abdicate My Title of Empress
FL as Knights:
The Age Of Arrogance 
The Night Without Shadows 
Runaway mothers:
How to Hide the Emperor's Child
The Vanished Duchess
Smutty or Spicy Goods:
Please Kill My Husband
Winter Wolf
Beast’s Flower 
Tempting My Salvation 
The Bondservant
Toxic MLs:
My Husband Who Hates Me Has Lost His Memories
Bitten By The Dog I Abandoned
The Mistress Runs Away 
The Problematic Prince 
I Belong to House Castielo
Obsidian Bride
It Was All a Mistake
My Secretly Hot Husband 
Taming the Marquess 
Royal Marriage
Lady Evony
A Royal Princess with Black Hair
When You're in Love
Raising My Fiancé with Money
Catherine's Key to a Happy Life 
Lips Upon a Sword's Edge 
Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard
I Stan the Prince
Becoming the Lady of the Cursed Ducal House
Betrayal of Dignity 
My Beloved Oppressor 
Your Eternal Lies
What It Means To Be You
Lies Become You
The Psycho Duke and I 
From BFF to Obsessive Hubby
I Listened to My Husband and Brought In a Lover
My Husband Changes Every Night
The Elegant Sea of Savagery
My Unexpected Marriage 
Seducing the Monster Duke
The Duke's Cursed Charm
Here Comes the Silver Spoon! 
I Don’t Want to Be a Lady
Married to a Duke Called Beast
I Don't Love You Anymore
Disobey The Duke If You Dare
When Fate Finds Us 
Like A Wind On A Dry Branch 
The Price of a Broken Engagement
My Three Tyrant Brothers
Searching for My Father 
A Tipsy Marriage Proposal for the Emperor
The Villainess Empress's Attendant 
Trash Will Always Be Trash
The Last Straw
Carnephelia's Curse is Never Ending
To My Husband's Mistress 
Go Away, Romeo 
Ones that came out this 2024, but I haven't check them out yet (but I will do it very soon...):
A Beast Swallowed by a Flower
Traces of the Moon
I Was Tricked Into a Fraudulent Marriage by the Obsessive Villain
An Unexpected Proposal
No, I Only Seduced the Princess?
Until The Real One Shows Up
I’m Unmarried With a Time-Limited Lover
The Youngest is Trying to Prevent the End of the World
Reasons for Avoiding the Perfect Guy
Confined Together with the Horror Game’s Male Lead
I Became The Tutor of The Royal Twins
Till Divorce Do Us Apart
I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband
Now Come and Regret
The Villainess Captured the Grand Duke
Corrupting the Heroine’s First Love
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multongsisig · 5 months
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An adaptation of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake starring the Late Empress of Kaiserreich and the Witch of Neuschwanstein Castle
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fleeingmoonlight · 1 year
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Do it for her
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robboyu · 6 days
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Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein and Shuli Von Neuschwanstein || On the quiet, all-consuming loves that toe between companionship and romance, grief and simple happiness, looming tragedy and guilty pleasures, and thus shouldn't be acted upon.
Illustrations from A Stepmother's Marchen / Hedgehog's Dilemma, Wikipedia / Waiting Room by Phoebie Bridgers / A Poem From The Adult Daughter To The Narcissistic Mother by Katherine Fabrizio / People Will Say We're In Love, Oklahoma! / Twilight by Stephanie Meyer / tumblr post by starpeace / The Cart by Mary Reufle / Haiku [for you] by Sonia Sanchez / Close to You by niki / Spend Some Time by Eminem / Every Day by David Levithan / Unknown / In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive by Clementine Von Radics / Anchorite (Love You Very Much) by Car Seat Headrest / Unknown / Biotherm (for Bill Berkson) by Frank O' Hara / New and Selected Poems Volume 1 by Mary Oliver / tumblr post by chateauofmymind / Unknown / Kate McGahan / Waiting by Caitlyn Siehl / P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han / Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs / tumblr post by poetrylovesongs, / The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks / song for a lover (of long ago) by Bon Iver / please don't forget me and all the things that we did by Isaac Love / The Sea, the Sea by Iris Murdoch / The Winner's Kiss, Marie Rutkoski / In another universe by Dana Lee / The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts by Arthur Miller / Two Slow Dancers by Mitski / Maybe In Another Universe, I Deserve You by Gaby Dunn / Next Time by Team StarKid / Jonathan Carroll / The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives / Pyrrhic Victory, Wikipedia / Raushan Ranjan / All My Pretty Ones by Anne Sexton / Your Best American Girl by Mitski / twitter post by fran (galacticidiots) / War of the Foxes by Richard Siken / Crush by Richard Siken / The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway / twitter post by mountain. (sainticide) / The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath by Sylvia Plath / Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick / SANDARAFREEDOMPARK / Unknown / Unsent Project / twitter post by aiman (dumbsoftheart) / there is no absolution for the fallen, only the dying by p.d / Unknown / Someone New by Hozier / Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays by Christa Wolf / A Self-Portrait in Letters by Anne Sexton / Unknown / “I get so jealous of euthanized dogs” by June Gehringer / Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
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webtoon-brackets · 2 months
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dyinggirldied · 18 days
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stepmarchen · 4 months
Ludovika vs Shuri, a facial comparison breakdown
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While it's obvious that Ludovika and Shuri have their similarities, as pointed out by various members of the ASM cast, let's break down some of their differences, shall we?
But before we do, let's address a few things!
ORKA takes design seriously! We can't just chalk up slight differences to "one-off mistakes." As you can see below, she did a study on her OWN designs, micro detailing down to the curve of each character's eyebrows. But to be fair, we will only be using art from recent chapters, as ORKA's style has evolved since the early chapters.
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Another reason why we will be only using recent chapters is to avoid differences that may be as a result of Shuri being several years younger than Ludovika. I will also try my best to take this into account as we go.
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First things first, let's get the obvious differences out of the way. Ludovika has a lavender hair, parted down the middle and golden eyes. Meanwhile. Shuri has light pink hair parted to the side with green eyes. So you might be thinking, if not for the color differences, they would look exactly the same!
But that's not the case! In some instances, seen from Max or Johannes' POV, Ludovika and Shuri almost seem 1:1. However! We must take into account that given their history with her, they are unreliable narrators, and may show a warped perspective on their memories of both girls.
So why don't we remove all the color! Here we have Ludovika on the left and Shuri on the right down below.
Since we don't have a 1:1 shot, here's the two in similar lighting situations with similar expressions and another with a similar angle.
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Here are all the points of differences I noticed below!
Ludovika's long arched brows vs Shuri's downward sloping brows with no arch
Ludovika's long, straight, and slightly wider nose vs Shuri's small pointed, upturned nose
Ludovika's narrow and long face with a distinctly V shaped chin vs Shuri's fuller cheeks and shorter face
Ludovika's full lips, distinctly her full bottom lip but also the way the middle of her upper lips under her philtrum has more volume, often highlighted with a tint on pink (that may be makeup) vs Shuri's thinner, almost pointed lips (almost in an elfy way)
Ludovika's narrower eyes that sit higher on her face as a result of her brow to tip of nose ratio being greater than the top and bottom thirds of her face vs Shuri's larger eyes and 1:1:1 proportioned face (though this may change with age)
It's so fascinating how ORKA illustrates the two to look so similar, yet different. Noticing these small details really shines in on the fact that the two are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE.
We've seen so many members of the cast chasing old ghosts that we're forced to compare and contrast Ludovika and Shuri. In reality, it seems like there are more differences than we initially thought, right?
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margaret-97 · 2 months
obligatory redraws of memes with asm characters
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ru8yx · 4 months
Your Jermey headcanons were so good, could we get some for Nora 🥹??
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Nora's lips would curve into a dreamy smile at the mere mention of your name, as though the very sound of it held the power to ignite a flame within his heart.
Whenever his gaze would find you, his eyes seemed to light up with the warmth of affection, and his love-struck smile would widen naturally.
Each instance of you walking past him, or even just the sight of your genuine smile in his direction, would spark a wave of joy and contentment within him.
Nora cherished the hope that your relationship would never mirror the loveless and dutiful bond his parents shared.
He yearned for a love that transcended obligation, one that would bring not just duty but genuine affection and warmth into your hearts.
His quest to make you fall in love with him repeatedly not only ignited a spark in your eyes but also served as a testament to the unwavering commitment he held for you.
He dreamed of a future where the ring on your finger wouldn’t just symbolize responsibility but would be a tangible symbol of the deep and passionate love you shared.
Nora relished the tranquil moments spent in the garden with you, where the soft chatter of your words filled the air and left a joyful smile upon your lips.
As he sat across from you, his gaze remained fixated on your every feature—the way strands of your hair caught the sunlight, your eyes dancing with happiness, and the way your clothes perfectly complimented your angelic aura.
Each detail was etched into his memory, and he found contentment in observing the picture of you painted before him as if you were an angelic vision sent directly from the heavens just for him.
Whenever Nora engaged in training, he diligently kept a watchful eye for your presence, cherishing any opportunity to impress and entertain you.
When he was particularly playful, he would delight in flexing his muscles and showcasing his agility with weapons.
With a flick of his wrist, he would lift the hem of his shirt, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his toned abs, before wiping away the sweat from his forehead and tossing you a mischievous smirk.
His actions were a dance of prowess, designed to captivate and enchant you while he reveled in the moment.
During those moments of respite, Nora would seize the opportunity with a sly smirk, skillfully trapping you between the embrace of his arms on the bed.
As he pressed himself close, his kisses would land on the most ticklish spots of your body, igniting a symphony of giggles and laughter that escaped your lips.
He reveled in the adorable sight of you playfully trying to push him away, your legs kicking out in a valiant attempt to escape his teasing.
However, his gaze would pause upon your face, utterly entranced by your captivating beauty before finally capturing your lips in a languid, passionate kiss.
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murasaki-cha · 10 months
I'm a grown adult woman. I do not get flustered or blush because of manhwa panels. I'm a strong grown up individual. I don't-
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