#steve 💯 will sort it out
kiraixi · 7 months
modern au or smth where Billy pilfers makeup from the store or dates and uses it to cover his bruises from Neil following tutorials online. Him and Steve are going steady for a fews months and Billy becomes a bit ansty when Steve tries to rough kiss him. He’s sporting a bruise under his eye but is perfectly hidden with concealer.
Cue Steve backing off when he picks up on Billy’s uncomfy tells (clenching fists when Steve nears his face and huffing when he tries initiate)
Later on Billy walks out the shower forgetting his injury is uncovered now and Steve lets out a big WOAH while lounging on the bed.
He’s never seen Billy with any wound on his face, only ever sore knuckles which he’d always assume came from his bf looking around for a release before they started dating.
Steve questions Billy relentlessly while the other keeps trying to swerve around the topic until finally his smile turns bitter and relents, first joking that his technique must be so good for Steve to not have noticed at all especially these last few months.
The rest of the evening is spent huddled together whispering back and forth in bed. Billy racks his brains for the most tame arguments and run-ins he’s had with his old man lest Steve dump him for having “too much baggage”.
The clock is hitting 2AM when Steve asks “How did you cover your face so well?”
He laughs, of course Steve would get stuck on something so arbitrary.
“Saw some vid of a girl swatching the best concealers on her skin after she got in a car crash, snatched the same $20 dollar cream from some rich chicks vanity and hey presto..”
Steve sets his mouth in a firm line and wraps his arms around Billy, hand behind grasping his curls tight.
“Baby, I promise you’ll never have to hide anything on your face again because of that man.”
Billy giggles, Steve’s delusional but sure, it’s the thought that counts. “I’m sure you will pretty boy…”
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matchalattegreen · 7 months
HIII!!! COUILD YOU WRIT STEVE X A EXTROVERTID MALE READIR?? only see shy readirs 💔💔💔💔💯💯💯🤦🏼‍♂️
I got you!!
Steve Randle x Extroverted Male Reader
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You and Steve actually get along so well
He also loves seeing the way you talk to people
It gives him butterflies :3
Some days he'll bring you to work with him and watch you greet all his customers as they walk in and make small talk with them
Steve also loves how well you get along with the gang
You and Two-Bit love to crack jokes together
When you're alone Steve will just let you talk and talk and he'll just listen bc he loves hearing you talk :)
Steve never really hung out with anyone but the gang so you got him out of his comfort zone
You took him to all sorts of parties and he made a bunch of new friends (still greasers tho)
He eventually took you to a Buck Merill party (he'd only ever been to one) and you two had the best time ever
When you two go to parties he loves watching you talk to other people bc it reminds him of how you two met
You two actually met at the DX
You took your car in just for an oil change and you made some small talk with Steve and you two hit it off pretty quickly
You hang out with the gang a lot now
You established game night for the gang and everyone was pretty skeptical of it but they ended up loving it
Steve loved watching you take control
The entire gang loves you, especially Two Bit and Soda
Steve's glad he found you
Sorry this is kinda short anyway hope you liked it!!
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citylighten · 10 months
🖊️ 🎶 💘 🎂 🍝 😊 😥 for rosie and 💯 🔺 🐈 🍎 🖤 🍸 🧐 for pietro <3
This took me SO long to answer but that's because the questions were so good!!
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🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? Do they want any (more) tattoos?
Rosaria has a tarot card tattoo on her arm and a rose tattoo on her thigh. The latter came a bit before she started her first college semester. It was her 17th birthday and her sister insisted that she needed a tattoo before her college journey began. Since Sonia is a tattoo addict and Sal also has a handful of tattoos (I need to make more of his but I'm lazy shh) for Rosaria to get one was like a ‘rite of passage.’ Either way, she likes her thigh tattoo because she thinks it looks like an intricate design when she puts on stockings. But the downfall of this is when she wears stockings with intricate designs, her tattoo is still visible and throws the design off. The tarot tattoo is more recent and it also serves as a display for how much she loves colored tattoos rather than black and white ones. Rosaria has seen some really cute tattoo ideas of flowers at the ankles or a kitten hugging the moon, and she would love them on her but, because of her career goals she thinks they could be very unprofessional or at worse, look immature. 
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
She has a nostalgic love for 80s rock and 80s pop due to her parents always playing it when she was little. Beyond that she grew up in a house with all sorts of music: Sal loved rappers, Sonia loved rock! Rosaria found herself leaning towards indie pop and indie rock. Because I’m the sort of person who has to know what sort of music my OCs listen to so I can get into their headspace, I’m gonna name off some musicians! Tennis, The Bird and the Bee, Florence & The Machine, Lana Del Ray (she got into her during like, 2014 or 2013 tumblr. same with Florence), Mitski, Steve Lacy, and Toro y Moi.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Her immediate family is very important to her, because it feels 'small and fragile.' Her mom died when she was going into Middle School, her dad began living his life self-destructively soon after therefore, Rosaria consequently grew up worried about her siblings dying young in addition to herself dying young. Her cat Briscola is also very important to her, because Rosaria feels like domestic animals depend on humans and consequently, if something happens to them its her fault and she's a failure in some way.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? Rosaria’s birthday is March 26, she’s 28 going on 29 and her sign is Aries which hopefully puts every one of her confrontational scenes in a better context 😂 I’m gonna be honest and say Rosaria’s behavior is based on my grandmother who is also an Aries who switches from being a diligent worker, a sweet, pleasant, caring person, then the most combative person ever.
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Grilled chicken wraps, tortellini with ricotta and spinach.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? When Rosaria was a kid she wanted to be the President. Looking back, Rosaria recognizes she always wanted to make the world a better place, because in addition to fixating on history, she was obsessed with how the creation of laws and rules were formed. When she learned that people in government made laws, that’s when Rosaria decided: “oh! I want to be President so I decide which laws exist!” ‘cause you know, kids simplify logic like that. She wanted to be a lawyer in Middle School and High School, but by High School she felt like her family wasn’t likely to put her through Law School due to their low finances. Once she was in college, she majored in Communications because she felt like she would graduate quickly with some sort of [dead-end] job to satisfy her family. Rosaria still wanted to make the world a better place though, so she would always participate in activist rallies and protests.
As she studies to be a lawyer now, Rosaria still aspires to help people. [Unaware that Raphael allegedly wants her to be a consigliere.] I consider middle-aged Rosaria, in the Sink or Swim AU, to be an Immigration Lawyer which ties into her passion about helping others have a better life.
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
Rosaria is prone to anxiety. In a mild case she’s overthinking a situation, but in a severe case she’s having panic attacks. High levels of neuroticism runs on the father’s side of her family. But beyond that, a good deal of Rosaria’s general stress comes from her overworking herself and setting high expectations for herself. To receive bad feedback in college, or work, can send her into a brief depression.
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 1. Because he immigrated at seven years old and was thrust into English-speaking schools he struggled reading, writing, and speaking. Because this school was [shitty] and underfunded, apathetic teachers would consequently place Pietro in Special Education Classes that did not help him either. Dissatisfied with school [and seeing it as a place where he would just be humiliated] Pietro would stop going at fourteen years old. 2. His English gradually improved because his big sister, Donatella, would take him to the local theater every Saturday and they would watch movies. It was more of a listening experience than anything else.  3. Pietro was coerced into a sexual relationship with Daciano’s mother, Maria Falcone when he was twenty. Neither Ernesto or Daciano are aware of this. But, Pietro was residing with Ernesto and Maria at the time. Ernesto and Maria were splitting up, and Maria frequently made passes at Pietro wanting to fulfill a personal fantasy of having a young, fit guy fulfill her needs. As a result, Pietro felt to secure the fact he had a roof over his head, he had to sleep with Ernesto's wife.
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? If it was required for Pietro to cut up a man, he could do it with expertise. This is because his father, Umberto, made his living as a butcher and had his sons assist with the shop. He knows how to cut chickens and remove their innards and just the same he knows vital spots on the human body. Frankly, he would prefer to use a gun to kill. 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? Pietro is a man with a few close friends. However, he feels it’s good to be sociable and know others: because when people think that they know you, they can be resourceful in times of need. Prison taught him the importance of keeping his circle small, but even as a child and teen Pietro was a quiet, observant boy. He could be in a group of people, only making a meaningful connection with roughly three or four other kids.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Pietro was born in Sicily [Tartosa] and now he resides in America so he is nowhere close to his birthplace. He misses Sicily, although he isn’t quite sure if he romanticizes his home country or not. Either way, Pietro isn’t fond of city living. Apartments terrified him as a kid - it’s too much noise and it didn’t seem right to stack people on top of each other. Houses located in busy districts are just as worse as the noise persists. He would rather live in quiet, unassuming suburbs where nothing happens or the countryside. However, living in the countryside means the commute to work would be too long, so Pietro settles for suburbia.
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust? Hurting others comes with the nature of Pietro’s occupation. However, an instance of Pietro harming someone within Sink or Swim can be seen when he and others pummeled Mendel the dentist. Pietro has broken hearts and trust more on a profound level when it comes to his family. And that is something we will dive in later within this story’s narrative.
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? Bourbon!
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional? Pietro is sneaky, but he is also logical and level-headed. He analyzes situations and he is a reflective thinker. He is capable of becoming emotional in certain situations, but it’s because something he really loves is on the line or something he cares about is at stake. Sometimes, you can get away with jumping and doing something risky when wrapped up in your emotions. But sometimes you can’t afford to. 
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anauro · 2 years
hey you watch stranger things?? what are your thoughts???? how did you like this new season so far? thoughts on potential byler? max? vecna?? (omg sdjfgh im sorry for being so obsessive)
also, this is a bit weird, but do you associate any of the stranger things characters with the marauders? e.g. steve harrington is a james potter variant, but are there any others you can see? personally, i reckon robin radiates sirius black vibes... thoughts?
Hi possum babe 💖
I am very intrigued by the new season, but I think I preferred season 3.
Like, I found a lot of it predictable so far, although I don’t know how exactly they plan to tie, what, four or five different story lines together and I’m very excited for that. I’m also not the greatest fan of the Russian gulags storyline, because I got traumatized as a Polish teenager by being forced to read about some Polish dude surviving these camps and what he described was much worse than what the show has showed us.
But I love Max and I love the new Robin x Nancy friendship! Also Argyle, the comic relief so desperately needed and Murray “my fingers are arrows” ❤️
Also the finale battle between El and Vecna will be epic, I can just see it 🤤❤️‍🔥
When you say Byler, you mean Will x Mike? I’ve seen it on tik tok and the that scene where El says Will has been acting different and doing the drawing happened and yeah, kid is fruityyyy. I’m not sure if Mike will reciprocate, but then he hasn’t been saying love to El for a while, so maybe he has a sexuality crisis of sorts too? Would be interesting to see how this pans out.
Also honorary shout out to Suzie for, as always, saving the day and also the “Never ending story” scene is my absolute fave 💖💖💖. Not even the singing, but everyone’s reaction as they’re trying to save the World, but instead they have to listen to two kids being cute and in love 🥰
And YES, Marauders!!! I can’t watch anything or read anything without associating it with Marauders. So here are my thoughts:
Steve Harrington is James Potter confirmed, no arguing there whatsoever. He’s hot, he’s popular with chicks, he’s the ally and the babysitter friend. I have a feeling someone will die in the series and I really, really hope it’s not him.
Robin to me has Marlene vibes, but this could be just me loving Marlene a lot. But Steve and Robin “platonic with capital P” is just James and Marlene.
That makes Nancy Wheeler Lily! And look, it would work perfectly cause her and Steve dated and, I know they will likely get together again, but Robin x Nancy would be an amazing ship imo. I know Lily x Mary is the popular ship, but I have to be edgy and I prefer Lily x Marlene or Mary x Marlene. Nancy x Robin works beautifully for me, although I know it won’t happen.
Dustin is Peter. I like the idea of Peter not being the idiot friend and also the way Dustin worships Steve, but also constantly mocks him is how I imagine (dass) James’ and Peter’s friendship.
Max has strong Regulus vibes with how closed off she is, but actually very vulnerable on the inside. Also, she outran Vecna and it’s a total Regulus parallel.
I think look wise, Eddie reminds me of Sirius and although I don’t love Sirius, I don’t think he’d be a coward. But the hair and the clothing is 💯 Sirius. Also that conversation between Eddie and Steve about Nancy, would totally be Sirius and James about Lily 🥰
As for the rest of the characters…. I’m not really sure tbh.
I guess Eleven gives off Regulus vibes too and Will reminds me of Remus, but neither is my favourite character and I think their involvement in season 4 has been quite minimal so far tbh. I guess El could be Sirius too.
Dr Brenner is a total Dumbledore tho. And I hate him sooo much.
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