#steve gorman
balladofsallyrose · 5 months
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The Black Crowes, 1992 photographed by Ross Halfin
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Television Co-founder Tom Verlaine Dead at 73
- “This man’s importance can’t be overstated,” Scott Metzger says
Tom Verlaine, the guitarist and singer who co-founded the influential punk band Television, has died at 73, Rolling Stone reports.
The magazine cited Patti Smith’s daughter, Jesse Paris Smith, who said Verlaine died Jan. 28 following a “brief illness.”
“More 2023 fretted heartbreak,” a “saddened and bummed” Vernon Reid wrote on Twitter.
“One of the great punk lead stylists. Tom Verlaine was a true downtown hero.”
Television’s 1977 debut, Marquee Moon, is considered a touchstone; it is one of only two albums the band released in its initial incarnation.
“Not many first-time-hearing experiences in my life compare to the first time through Marquee Moon,” drummer Steve Gorman (the Black Crowes/Trigger Hippy) tweeted. “There weren’t any words then, and there really aren’t any right now.
Guitarist Scott Metzger of Joe Russo’s Almost Dead concurred, calling the LP “a holy grail of creative rock guitar, song craft and arranging that I always end up going back to year after year.
“This man’s importance can’t be overstated,” Metzger wrote on social media. “RIP, Tom Verlaine.”
After Television’s demise, Verlaine would release nine solo albums between 1979 and 2006, even after Television reformed 1992 and continued to play sporadically. But Marquee Moon had the greatest impact; Jason Isbell said he and the 400 Unit walk onstage to that LP “most nights” and he called Verlaine “the realest deal.”
“May Tom Verlaine rest in peace and love,” Todd Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation said.
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musicmags · 11 months
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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The Black Crowes
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drawing that man with the biggest, wettest brown eyes you've ever seen is a full time job. and brother i've never called in sick
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otachishusband · 6 months
save me old british white man (ben willbond, steve coogan, burn gorman)
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jtownraindancer · 10 months
So I didn't think I could get attached to any more of Burn's characters, but Chief Concern has become my Main Concern™.
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assiraphales · 1 year
while I don’t think it’s fair to actors to question them exclusively about shipping content & it can be a topic to tread lightly on, I do love when they’re like actually I have thought about this. james mcavoy saying that “it is a little bit of a mini-tragedy that [prof x] and magneto don't, you know, have sex and become married and become best friends." sean astin saying sam and frodo could have kissed bc it was a long way to mordor. charlie day and burn gorman saying they played their characters in pacific rim as though they had feelings for each other. scott caan saying steve n danny in hawaii five o should date. michael sheen saying aziraphale is in luv w crowley. it’s like oh! u see the vision !
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poemaseletras · 1 year
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diceriadelluntore · 7 months
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Storia Di Musica #316 - The Black Crowes, The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion, 1992
La musica rock americana a fine anni ’80 è un calderone emozionante di vibrazioni che ribolle in continuazione. In quegli anni ci sarà una straordinaria concentrazione di visioni musicali, che a seconda della zona dell’immensa nazione prende dal passato per proiettarsi nel futuro. Se per esempio a Seattle la tradizione viene usata per fare a pezzi il vecchio e diventare occasione per buttare fuori tutta l’ansia del periodo, nel profondo Sud è il trampolino di lancio per catapultare nella contemporaneità il rock “classico”. La storia di oggi ci porta in Georgia, ad Atlanta, dove i fratelli Robinson crescono in una famiglia nella quale, nei decenni precedenti, la musica ha regalato qualche soddisfazione: infatti il padre, Dan, arrivò addirittura in classifica con un singolo, Boom-A-Dip-Dip, nel 1959. I fratelli Robinson, Chris alla voce e Rich alla chitarra, prima si avvicinano al punk, ma ben presto trovano molto più stimolante il rock anni ’60, sia quello tipico delle loro parti, il southern rock dal suono caldo e coinvolgente, sia il rock blues anni ’60 portato negli Stati Uniti dai gruppi inglesi. La prima formazione si chiama Mrs. Black Crowe’s Garden, ma nel 1988 cambiano nome in The Black Crowes: diventano localmente richiestissimi nei club di Atlanta e dintorni, dove li nota un emissario della A&M che fa registrare al gruppo dei demo. Non se ne fa nulla, ma una sera a sentirli suonati c’è George Drakoulias, famoso produttore e talent scout, che li segnala alla persona che in quel momento è il produttore più interessante del paese: Rick Rubin. Sebbene non suonino metal, la specialità della Def American di Rubin, i ragazzi suonano meravigliosamente nel loro mix di vecchio e nuovo, un rock solido e arricchito di soul, gospel e passione, e vengono messi sotto contratto. Tutta questa passione si percepisce già dalla copertina del loro primo disco, Shake Your Money Maker (1990): prodotto da George Drakoulias, si rifà nella grafica del titolo e nella foto a quelle mitiche dei gruppi british blues di 30 anni prima, fa pensare ai Faces e ai primi Rolling Stone, e il dubbio scompare sentendo con che voce si presenta Chris Robinson: un mix selvaggio di Rod Steward e di Mick Jagger, il suono potente e solido di brani come She Talks To Angels, Twice As Hard o la superlativa cover di Hard To Handle di Otis Redding. Il successo arriva quasi inaspettato: milioni di copie vendute e una fama crescente, frutto anche delle stupende esibizioni live, pirotecniche e imperdibili, che convincono pure gli spettatori delle band metal della Def American a cui sono chiamati ad aprire i concerti.
Nel 1992, in un paio di settimane, registrano il loro secondo album, chiamati all’arditissimo compito di replicare il successo del primo: ma sin dalle prime note, The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion, che prende il nome dal titolo di un inno di William Walker, un pastore battista dell’800, non delude le aspettative e sarà un disco epocale per bellezza e successo. È sempre la copertina che rivela la nuova strategia della band: i musicisti sono fotografati in bianco e nero facendo intuire che stavolta più che il rock blues inglese è la tradizione del southern rock alla Allman Brothers Band e Lynyrd Skynyrd ad essere di ispirazione. Con l’innesto di Marc Ford alla seconda chitarra (il resto vedeva Johnny Colt al basso, Steve Gorman alla batteria e Eddie Harsch alle tastiere), il suono diventa più pieno e pastoso, l’aggiunta di cori femminile rimanda alla grande tradizione Soul, l’affiatamento generale e le doti da cantante di Chris Robinson, davvero convincente, ne fanno un disco che schizza in vetta alle classifiche, con 4 singoli numero uno nella classifica di Billboard, record rimasto per anni imbattuto. La travolgente Sting Me apre il disco, seguita da Remedy dove si innalza il piano di Eddie Harsch a cadenzarne la ritmica . Thorn In My Pride, un super blues, come No Speak No Slave, ha echi zeppeliani (amore mai nascosto, dopo anni la band registrerà un live nientemeno che con Jimmy Page in persona). Bad Luck Blue Eyes, Goodbye è una ballatona ariosa e stupenda, come Sometimes Salvation, dove Robinson canta alla maniera straziante di Janis Joplin. Hotel Illness è il brano più immediato, come la bellissima My Morning Song. Chiude un omaggio a Bob Marley, Time Will Tell, che sigilla con una struggente natura gospel un disco che si ascolta tutto d’un fiato. Dopo l’ennesimo tour a mille e pieno di soddisfazioni, cambiano produttore e pubblicano nel 1994 Amorica: però più che per le canzoni è ricordato per con la famosa copertina, anche censurata, di un primo piano di un succinto slip a stelle a strisce che appena copre un pube di una donna nera. La band, dopo vari avvicendamenti (il più famoso fu l’allontanamento di Marc Ford come secondo chitarrista, per i gravi problemi di dipendenza da droghe di quest’ultimo) pubblicherà un altro grande disco, By Your Side del 1999, e continuerà una strepitosa carriera live nei più grandi festival e con collaborazioni prestigiose (oltre al già citato Page, anche i mitici Dead) ma i dissidi tra i fratelli, anche economici, porteranno ad una serie di liti e reunion, intramezzati anche da un ottimo disco, Warpaint del 2008, fino allo scioglimento del 2015.
Nel 2019 però l’inattesa svolta: prima l’annuncio di un tour celebrativo di Shake Your Money Maker, poi lo stop per la pandemia Covid-19, ma dal 2022 nuove date e addirittura un nuovo, inatteso disco, che uscirà la settimana prossima, il 15 Marzo 2024, dal titolo che è un programma: Happiness Bastards. Quando uscì, oltre 30 anni fa, Shake Your Money Maker (che è il titolo di un classico blues di Elmore James) la band era considerata la next big thing del rock a stelle e strisce, persino all’esordio musicale band dell’anno 1990 per la rivista Rolling Stone. A distanza di anni si può dire che in parte hanno disatteso quella speranza, ma hanno lasciato degli esempi di musica genuina e viscerale che sembra quasi stridere con tutto quello che in quegli anni diventerà preponderante.
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Titanic sub suffered 'catastrophic implosion,' all five aboard dead
By Joseph Ax and Steve Gorman
23 June 2023
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June 22 (Reuters) - The five people aboard a missing submersible died in a "catastrophic implosion," a U.S. Coast Guard official said on Thursday, bringing a grim end to the international search for the vessel that was lost during a deep-sea voyage to the wreck of the Titanic.
"These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world's oceans," OceanGate Expeditions, the U.S.-based company that operated the Titan submersible, said in a statement.
"Our hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time."
An unmanned robot deployed from a Canadian ship discovered the wreckage of the Titan on Thursday morning about 1,600 feet (488 meters) from the bow of the century-old wreck, 2-1/2 miles (4 km) below the surface in a remote area of the North Atlantic, U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger said at a press conference.
"The debris field here is consistent with a catastrophic implosion of the vehicle," Mauger said.
The five aboard included the British billionaire and explorer Hamish Harding, 58; Pakistani-born business magnate Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his 19-year-old son, Suleman, both British citizens; French oceanographer and Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77, who had visited the wreck dozens of times; and Stockton Rush, the American founder and chief executive of OceanGate, who was piloting the submersible.
Rescue teams from several countries had spent days searching thousands of square miles of open seas with planes and ships for any sign of the 22-foot (6.7-meter) Titan.
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The submersible lost contact with its support ship on Sunday morning, June 18, about an hour and 45 minutes into what should have been a two-hour descent.
Mauger said it was too early to tell when the vessel's failure occurred.
The search operation had sonar buoys in the water for more than three days and had not detected any sort of loud explosive noise during the period, Mauger said.
The buoys had picked up some sounds on Tuesday and Wednesday that temporarily offered hope the people on board the Titan were alive and trying to communicate by banging on the hull.
But officials said analysis of the sound was inconclusive and that the noises might not have emanated from the Titan at all.
"There doesn't appear to be any relation between the noises and the location of the debris field on the sea floor," Mauger said on Thursday.
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Robotic craft on the ocean floor will continue to gather evidence, Mauger said, but it is not clear whether recovering the bodies will be possible given the nature of the accident and the extreme conditions at those depths.
Five major pieces of the Titan have been found, including most of the pressure hull, officials said.
The search had grown increasingly desperate on Thursday, when the estimated 96-hour air supply was expected to run out if the Titan were still intact.
The Titanic, which sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg, killing more than 1,500 people, lies about 900 miles (1,450 km) east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and 400 miles (640 km) south of St. John's, Newfoundland.
The expedition to the wreck, which OceanGate has been operating since 2021, cost $250,000 per person, according to OceanGate's website.
Questions about Titan's safety were raised in 2018 during a symposium of submersible industry experts and in a lawsuit by OceanGate's former head of marine operations, which was settled later that year.
The sweeping search covered more than 10,000 square miles of ocean - about the size of the U.S. state of Massachusetts.
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On Thursday, the deployment of two specialized deep-sea unmanned vehicles expanded the search to the ocean's depths, where immense pressure and pitch-black darkness complicated the mission.
The missing submersible and subsequent hunt captured worldwide attention, in part due to the mythology surrounding the Titanic.
The "unsinkable" British passenger liner has inspired both nonfiction and fiction accounts for a century, including the James Cameron blockbuster 1997 movie, which rekindled popular interest in the story.
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balladofsallyrose · 1 year
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The Black Crowes (1990)
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Earlier today, I was struck by a sudden memory: I think Rob Brydon did a really weird in show in 2006 that was in the same sort of fiction-reality blend as his The Trip movies, where most people play ficitonalized versions of themselves (they’re reading a script and not improvising, but also those characters have the same name and jobs and basic persona as the real person), but also some actors play fictional characters, and it’s made by the BBC in reality but also the fictional world is about a show being made by the BBC. And there’s a show within a show, a panel show within a sitcom. Sort of near Amstell’s Grandma’s House levels of fictional. Almost exactly The Trip levels of fictional, which might be why I remembered it today, because I was downloading Alan Partridge things today and remembered that Steve Coogan exists.
Here's what I thought of today without looking it up: It's a sitcom about Rob Brydon hosting a really shit history-based panel show, with Dave Gorman as a team captain, and we see the making of the panel show as well as little clips of the panel show itself, and there are lots and lots of celebrity guests because people keep turning up to play themselves as guests on the panel show. One time, Rob Brydon ends up nearly having a threesome with Eamonn Holmes and his wife, I think? At some point James Corden shows up, playing himself, as is gay with Russell Tovey, even though James Corden and Russell Tovey are the only two people from the entire History Boys movie who did not appear to be gay with each other. Also, there’s a whole long storyline about Rob Brydon falling in love with Russell Tovey. And even though it’s 2007 (in season 2) and this is a satirical comedy show where nothing is real, it’s not treated as a joke. I mean, they make jokes about it, it’s not a romantic drama or anything, but it’s like a genuine romantic subplot and not just a joke about how it would be funny if Rob Brydon were gay.
I remembered that today, and then I thought that’s an interesting fever dream I had a few years ago, I wonder why I came up with that. But no, I took the internet and confirmed that this did happen. That shouldn’t really have required confirmation, since it’s only been a few years since I watched it and that shouldn’t be long enough to forget it exists, but it’s such an odd thing that I did briefly, honestly wonder if I’d made it up.
I downloaded it today, thought I might re-watch some. Because I recall it being pretty funny, but I don’t recall much else about it even though I watched it fairly recently (early 2021, I think, maybe late 2020), probably because most of it would have gone over my head. I know it’s full of self-referential in-jokes about the British TV industry/comedy industry/celebrity world circa 2006-2007 – possibly enough in-jokes about that sort of thing to be annoying to the average discerning viewer. But I am not the average discerning viewer, and I tend to like that sort of in-joke thing even though I know it’s not the exactly the highest form of comedy, and for some reason I also happen to have an obsession with British comedy circa 2006-2007. I’m sure I missed a lot of references when I first watched it that I’d be more likely to get now that I have spent more time obsessively learning about British comedy circa 2006-2007. Also, I have no TV shows to watch at the moment, and I don’t really want to start one I’ve not seen before right now because that would require focus, so this seems like a fun thing to re-watch. Not necessarily in its entirety, but at least skimming it enough to confirm it happened.
Does anyone else remember this? Has anyone else seen it? Are we sure it’s not a fever dream I had? Because what I’m remembering, particularly that business in season 2, was really quite strange.
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musicmags · 4 months
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meret118 · 9 months
Video footage showed Collins restraining Ellis by the neck as Burbank fired a Taser into his chest while he lay on the ground. Ellis, who was unarmed, could be heard repeatedly saying: "Can't breathe, sir," during the encounter and was declared dead at the scene.
Defense lawyers for the officers said the police stopped Ellis because they saw him approaching a passing car in an intersection, while a witness said she saw Ellis just standing at the corner when police called him over to their car.
. . .
Prosecution witnesses testified that the officers were the aggressors in an unprovoked effort to subdue Ellis that began while he was standing on the sidewalk, and that they did not see Ellis fighting back. The Pierce County medical examiner ruled his death a homicide caused by oxygen deprivation.
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jayhawksofficial · 1 year
Jayhawks Tour Update October 2023
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The Jayhawks have announced their 2023 Holiday Show: Saturday, December 16 at the Palace Theatre in St. Paul, MN. After a memorable 2022 holiday show with "Golden Smog Unplugged," the Smoggers will be plugging in this year to kick off the evening's festivities with a rockin' electric set. Joining Golden Smog (for this show: Gary Louris, Kraig Johnson, Dan Murphy & Marc Perlman) this year will be The Jayhawks' old pal, label mate and touring buddy, Steve Gorman on drums.
Tickets go on sale to the general public Friday, October 6 at 10am CT.
Ticket link: bit.ly/JHholiday2023
Later in October The Jayhawks will be returning to the east coast for shows in Boston, Albany and Northampton, followed by two shows in Wisconsin in November for Flannel Fest.
For the October dates, John Jackson will be joining The Jayhawks and Freedy Johnston will be the support.
Oct 19 Boston, MA - City Winery Boston (SOLD OUT) Oct 20 Boston, MA - City Winery Boston (SOLD OUT) Oct 21 Albany, NY - The Egg Performing Arts Center (SOLD OUT) Oct 22 Northampton, MA - Academy of Music Theatre Nov 10 Appleton, WI - Poplar Hall (Flannel Fest) Nov 11 Madison WI - The Barrymore Theatre (Flannel Fest) Dec 16 St. Paul, MN - Palace Theatre (Holiday Show with Golden Smog) April 19, 2024 St. Louis, MO - The Sheldon
Tour dates & ticket links: bit.ly/JayhawksShows
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