#steve harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening series
corrodedbisexual · 1 year
I swear they were JUST TALKING five minutes ago— ugh I have no power here. These two are too horny for each other.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Communication is key
Steddie | M | ~4.7k | AO3 link
Featuring: Fluff, POV Alternating, Developing Relationship, Sharing Clothes, Self-Discovery, Insecurity, Communication, Dom/sub Undertones, Non-Sexual Submission, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Tickling, Laughter, Boys Kissing, Cuddling, Soft dom Steve Harrington, Inexperienced Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is Steve Harrington's good boy
Eddie takes a deep breath, reminds himself that he survived nearly becoming dinner for a swarm of bloodthirsty demobats. He can do this. “How much do you know about BDSM, Steve?” The boys brave through the mortifying ordeal of discussing their newfound sex dynamic.
By popular request in the comments, a non-smutty part 3 of Steve Harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening is here 🥰 (with a promise of more smut to come because what can I do... they live in my brain now)
Steve’s not sure how long they’ve been lying there quietly, on his couch, tangled together underneath the blanket. Eddie’s still half on top of him, head tucked underneath Steve’s chin. Steve can feel the boy’s slightly damp breaths on his skin. 
He’s heavy, but it’s not an unpleasant weight. Comfortable. Grounding. Steve could really get used to this; and it's not just that he's been feeling terribly touch-starved lately. He's not so desperate as to be jumping at the first opportunity of cuddling with someone. But with Eddie... it feels kind of perfect. And there's something about him, about how Steve felt being intimate with him, that makes him want to wrap his arms around the boy and never let him out of his sight again. It's probably not healthy to suddenly feel so dangerously possessive of someone after a couple of orgasms. Right?
Lost in his own thoughts, Steve assumes Eddie has drifted off; until he hears his voice, quiet, uncertain behind the humorous bravado.
“You freaking out yet, or should I wait a few more minutes?”
Steve frowns. 
“What do you mean?”
The weight lifts off his chest; Eddie shifts, tries to roll onto his back and yelps, losing his balance on the edge of the couch. Luckily, Steve’s reflexes are quick enough to catch him by the waist and pull him back in.
“My savior,” Eddie giggles in his face. 
“You’re welcome,” Steve replies, grinning, a bit stunned by the boy’s shy smile in front of him. It’s really pretty. Not the kind he usually shows in public, teasing and making fun of everyone and everything around him, although Steve wouldn’t call him not pretty when he does that either. But it’s these soft, unreserved smiles directed right at him keep doing funny things to Steve’s stomach. Kind of like being at the top of a rollercoaster, anticipating the big drop. 
He shifts as deep into the couch as he can, rolling onto his side so there’s enough space for Eddie to lie on his back next to him. 
Steve watches the side of his face for a moment. Eddie really is genuinely attractive, he thinks; kind of baffling how girls in school were always chasing after some of his jock ex-friends, at least half of whom, to be fair, didn’t offer much to look at, when Eddie was right there. Although from what Steve has put together over the past week, without Eddie explicitly saying it out loud, he likely wouldn’t care much for their attentions.  
“So… you were saying..?” He nudges Eddie’s foot with his own.
Eddie’s eyes dart towards him, then back up to the ceiling. He throws an arm behind his neck, resting his head on it; thankfully, it’s the one closer to the edge of the couch, or he probably would have accidentally elbowed Steve in the face. 
“I mean…” He looks uncertain, struggling with his words. “You hooked up with a guy. Twice now. That doesn’t bother you?”
Right. Steve has been expecting that question sooner or later. He’s not sure what he would have said if Eddie had asked him a week ago; luckily, he’s had time to think about it. He had a suspicion guys don’t normally rank other guys around them on their attractiveness. 
“Bother is probably the wrong word. It’s… different.” Steve rests his palm on Eddie’s chest, fingers brushing through the rare hairs there; Eddie’s not as hairy as himself, but it’s still there, one of many reminders the naked body next to him isn’t a girl’s. And that’s not a bad thing. It is different. Still hot, though. 
Steve looks up and meets Eddie’s eyes; his eyebrows are raised, like he expects Steve to elaborate. 
“Look, I don’t know what to tell you," Steve says honestly, shrugging with one shoulder, the one not currently trapped between couch cushions. “I wish I could say I meditated on this for five hours and came up with some striking revelation. I didn’t.”
Eddie chuckles, head rolling back again. He watches Steve’s hand trace random patterns on his chest, looking pensive; Steve can’t tell what Eddie might be thinking. He wishes he could be more reassuring. Better at saying words, putting what he’s feeling into them. He’s never been good at that. 
His hand drifts to the edge of Eddie’s chest, dips into his armpit. The hair’s longer and thicker there, where girls would usually shave it clean. Because they are supposed to, apparently. Steve remembers locker room talk, some guys laughing at a girl in their class whose biggest crime was walking around with hairy armpits. He found it kind of hypocritical; what’s wrong with girls having hair in places where it naturally grows? 
He idly runs his fingers through the hairs, brushing the soft skin underneath, and Eddie squirms. 
“Hey. I’m ticklish, and I kick.”
“Sorry,” Steve grins, moving his hand back to Eddie’s chest. “Got distracted.”
“By my pit hair? ” Eddie stares at him, eyebrows up to his fringe. 
“Everything about you is distracting,” Steve replies earnestly. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie mutters under his breath, turning away, failing to conceal his goofy smile. “Still not sure how I stumbled into this parallel universe in which Ste-e-eve Harrington finds me distracting, but you won’t hear me complaining, I guess.”
Steve snorts.
“We’re all in a parallel universe now, dude. Somewhere out there, there’s a version of me that… I don’t know, is off to college or something. Maybe hasn’t fucked things up with Nance. But I’m here, and… well. Life’s kind of insane here.” 
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie and settles more comfortably against him. He looks at one of the jagged scars above his hip, bigger and rougher than Steve’s own. Proofs that their nightmares are real. 
“So you ask me if this bothers me, and…” He chuckles. “You know what, I’d probably be bothered if I was suddenly attracted to demogorgons. Or Vecna.”
“Ew.” Eddie wrinkles his nose.
“Exactly. This, though? I don’t know. Feels normal. And the sex is… yeah, we should probably talk about it, but, I mean. Wow.” He mimes mind blown, then grins, seeing Eddie’s face. “You’re so fucking cute when you blush.”
“I have a feeling I’m gonna be doing that a lot with you around.” Eddie sighs, but he looks genuinely amused more than embarrassed.
“Feel free to, anytime,” Steve grins, leaning in to kiss Eddie. Just to check that he can, and… with the way Eddie opens up to him right away, yeah. He totally can. 
And he meant it, they should have a conversation about the rest of it, because honestly, while he’s not that weirded out by being attracted to Eddie, it’s… certain things he feels, when they’re intimate, that confuse him. But maybe they should get dressed for that, actually, because he’s not sure if he can keep that conversation going with Eddie’s naked body leaning into him under the blanket. 
Besides… he’s actually kind of hungry. And he needs to pee.
“Hey,” he says, pulling back from Eddie’s lips; Eddie’s eyelids flutter before he opens his eyes, looking a bit dazed. Steve’s grumbling stomach gives him just enough willpower not to push the man into the cushions and ravage him. “You hungry?”
“Uh. Yeah, I guess, I could eat.”
“Okay, come on then.” Steve runs his knuckles softly across Eddie’s cheek. “I’ll make us something.”
“I’m gonna need to borrow some clean boxers.” Eddie’s eyes dart down, at his own skull-patterned boxers peeking above Steve's waistline. “Quid pro quo, I guess.”
Steve smiles, sitting up and scrambling off the couch. He’s still wearing his jeans, but Eddie’s mostly naked, trying to wrap the blanket around himself like a makeshift toga.
“What, you suddenly shy?” Steve grins at him teasingly. 
Eddie rolls his eyes.
“No, I just look fucking ridiculous with my dick hanging out and my socks still on.”
“So lose the socks,” Steve jokes, finding his own T-shirt behind the couch and tugging it on, then turning and heading towards the stairs. 
Grumbling something under his nose, like ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ and ‘will be the death of me’, Eddie picks up his own clothes, scattered all around the living room; then, he follows Steve upstairs, stepping on the edges of the blanket and stumbling every few steps.
  The rest on AO3
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Hmmm do I give good boy Eddie the mechanic job just so Steve can eventually have the wonderful option of asking him to "take a look at his car" and then slowly fucking him against the popped hood while making poor barely coherent Eddie explain to him what's what and how everything works, and praising him for how smart he is for knowing all that (completely unironically, because competence kink)
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Communication is key
Steddie | M | ~4.7k | AO3 link
Featuring: Fluff, POV Alternating, Developing Relationship, Sharing Clothes, Self-Discovery, Insecurity, Communication, Dom/sub Undertones, Non-Sexual Submission, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Tickling, Laughter, Boys Kissing, Cuddling, Soft dom Steve Harrington, Inexperienced Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is Steve Harrington's good boy
Eddie takes a deep breath, reminds himself that he survived nearly becoming dinner for a swarm of bloodthirsty demobats. He can do this. “How much do you know about BDSM, Steve?” The boys brave through the mortifying ordeal of discussing their newfound sex dynamic.
By popular request in the comments, a non-smutty part 3 of Steve Harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening is here 🥰 (with a promise of more smut to come because what can I do... they live in my brain now)
Steve’s not sure how long they’ve been lying there quietly, on his couch, tangled together underneath the blanket. Eddie’s still half on top of him, head tucked underneath Steve’s chin. Steve can feel the boy’s slightly damp breaths on his skin. 
He’s heavy, but it’s not an unpleasant weight. Comfortable. Grounding. Steve could really get used to this; and it's not just that he's been feeling terribly touch-starved lately. He's not so desperate as to be jumping at the first opportunity of cuddling with someone. But with Eddie... it feels kind of perfect. And there's something about him, about how Steve felt being intimate with him, that makes him want to wrap his arms around the boy and never let him out of his sight again. It's probably not healthy to suddenly feel so dangerously possessive of someone after a couple of orgasms. Right?
Lost in his own thoughts, Steve assumes Eddie has drifted off; until he hears his voice, quiet, uncertain behind the humorous bravado.
“You freaking out yet, or should I wait a few more minutes?”
Steve frowns. 
“What do you mean?”
The weight lifts off his chest; Eddie shifts, tries to roll onto his back and yelps, losing his balance on the edge of the couch. Luckily, Steve’s reflexes are quick enough to catch him by the waist and pull him back in.
“My savior,” Eddie giggles in his face. 
“You’re welcome,” Steve replies, grinning, a bit stunned by the boy’s shy smile in front of him. It’s really pretty. Not the kind he usually shows in public, teasing and making fun of everyone and everything around him, although Steve wouldn’t call him not pretty when he does that either. But it’s these soft, unreserved smiles directed right at him keep doing funny things to Steve’s stomach. Kind of like being at the top of a rollercoaster, anticipating the big drop. 
He shifts as deep into the couch as he can, rolling onto his side so there’s enough space for Eddie to lie on his back next to him. 
Steve watches the side of his face for a moment. Eddie really is genuinely attractive, he thinks; kind of baffling how girls in school were always chasing after some of his jock ex-friends, at least half of whom, to be fair, didn’t offer much to look at, when Eddie was right there. Although from what Steve has put together over the past week, without Eddie explicitly saying it out loud, he likely wouldn’t care much for their attentions.  
“So… you were saying..?” He nudges Eddie’s foot with his own.
Eddie’s eyes dart towards him, then back up to the ceiling. He throws an arm behind his neck, resting his head on it; thankfully, it’s the one closer to the edge of the couch, or he probably would have accidentally elbowed Steve in the face. 
“I mean…” He looks uncertain, struggling with his words. “You hooked up with a guy. Twice now. That doesn’t bother you?”
Right. Steve has been expecting that question sooner or later. He’s not sure what he would have said if Eddie had asked him a week ago; luckily, he’s had time to think about it. He had a suspicion guys don’t normally rank other guys around them on their attractiveness. 
“Bother is probably the wrong word. It’s… different.” Steve rests his palm on Eddie’s chest, fingers brushing through the rare hairs there; Eddie’s not as hairy as himself, but it’s still there, one of many reminders the naked body next to him isn’t a girl’s. And that’s not a bad thing. It is different. Still hot, though. 
Steve looks up and meets Eddie’s eyes; his eyebrows are raised, like he expects Steve to elaborate. 
“Look, I don’t know what to tell you," Steve says honestly, shrugging with one shoulder, the one not currently trapped between couch cushions. “I wish I could say I meditated on this for five hours and came up with some striking revelation. I didn’t.”
Eddie chuckles, head rolling back again. He watches Steve’s hand trace random patterns on his chest, looking pensive; Steve can’t tell what Eddie might be thinking. He wishes he could be more reassuring. Better at saying words, putting what he’s feeling into them. He’s never been good at that. 
His hand drifts to the edge of Eddie’s chest, dips into his armpit. The hair’s longer and thicker there, where girls would usually shave it clean. Because they are supposed to, apparently. Steve remembers locker room talk, some guys laughing at a girl in their class whose biggest crime was walking around with hairy armpits. He found it kind of hypocritical; what’s wrong with girls having hair in places where it naturally grows? 
He idly runs his fingers through the hairs, brushing the soft skin underneath, and Eddie squirms. 
“Hey. I’m ticklish, and I kick.”
“Sorry,” Steve grins, moving his hand back to Eddie’s chest. “Got distracted.”
“By my pit hair? ” Eddie stares at him, eyebrows up to his fringe. 
“Everything about you is distracting,” Steve replies earnestly. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie mutters under his breath, turning away, failing to conceal his goofy smile. “Still not sure how I stumbled into this parallel universe in which Ste-e-eve Harrington finds me distracting, but you won’t hear me complaining, I guess.”
Steve snorts.
“We’re all in a parallel universe now, dude. Somewhere out there, there’s a version of me that… I don’t know, is off to college or something. Maybe hasn’t fucked things up with Nance. But I’m here, and… well. Life’s kind of insane here.” 
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie and settles more comfortably against him. He looks at one of the jagged scars above his hip, bigger and rougher than Steve’s own. Proofs that their nightmares are real. 
“So you ask me if this bothers me, and…” He chuckles. “You know what, I’d probably be bothered if I was suddenly attracted to demogorgons. Or Vecna.”
“Ew.” Eddie wrinkles his nose.
“Exactly. This, though? I don’t know. Feels normal. And the sex is… yeah, we should probably talk about it, but, I mean. Wow.” He mimes mind blown, then grins, seeing Eddie’s face. “You’re so fucking cute when you blush.”
“I have a feeling I’m gonna be doing that a lot with you around.” Eddie sighs, but he looks genuinely amused more than embarrassed.
“Feel free to, anytime,” Steve grins, leaning in to kiss Eddie. Just to check that he can, and… with the way Eddie opens up to him right away, yeah. He totally can. 
And he meant it, they should have a conversation about the rest of it, because honestly, while he’s not that weirded out by being attracted to Eddie, it’s… certain things he feels, when they’re intimate, that confuse him. But maybe they should get dressed for that, actually, because he’s not sure if he can keep that conversation going with Eddie’s naked body leaning into him under the blanket. 
Besides… he’s actually kind of hungry. And he needs to pee.
“Hey,” he says, pulling back from Eddie’s lips; Eddie’s eyelids flutter before he opens his eyes, looking a bit dazed. Steve’s grumbling stomach gives him just enough willpower not to push the man into the cushions and ravage him. “You hungry?”
“Uh. Yeah, I guess, I could eat.”
“Okay, come on then.” Steve runs his knuckles softly across Eddie’s cheek. “I’ll make us something.”
“I’m gonna need to borrow some clean boxers.” Eddie’s eyes dart down, at his own skull-patterned boxers peeking above Steve's waistline. “Quid pro quo, I guess.”
Steve smiles, sitting up and scrambling off the couch. He’s still wearing his jeans, but Eddie’s mostly naked, trying to wrap the blanket around himself like a makeshift toga.
“What, you suddenly shy?” Steve grins at him teasingly. 
Eddie rolls his eyes.
“No, I just look fucking ridiculous with my dick hanging out and my socks still on.”
“So lose the socks,” Steve jokes, finding his own T-shirt behind the couch and tugging it on, then turning and heading towards the stairs. 
Grumbling something under his nose, like ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ and ‘will be the death of me’, Eddie picks up his own clothes, scattered all around the living room; then, he follows Steve upstairs, stepping on the edges of the blanket and stumbling every few steps.
The rest on AO3
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corrodedbisexual · 5 months
Hanging on a moment
Steddie | E | ~13k | AO3 link
Part 5 of my so unfairly neglected (7 months!! I'm so sorry baby!!) Steve Harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening series. Thanks @subeddieweek for this glorious occasion to kick my own butt and finally update.
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Featuring: Porn With Plot & Feelings, Fluff and Smut, Dom/sub Play, Established Relationship, Soft Dom Steve Harrington, Sub Eddie Munson, Self-Discovery, Self Confidence Issues, Kink Discovery/Negotiation, Consensual Somnophilia, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Teasing, Orgasm Control/Edging, Light Bondage, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Subspace, Subdrop, Aftercare, Laughter During Sex, POV Eddie Munson
“Steve?” Eddie whimpers, reaching down almost instinctively because holy shit, he needs something, any kind of touch. Steve’s hand catches Eddie's, threading their fingers together in a way that’s almost sweet, if it weren’t so frustrating in the moment. “Hands above the waist, Eds.” “What一” “I told you there’d be consequences, didn’t I?” *** Eddie and Steve make some more interesting discoveries about things they enjoy intimately. Under his gentle dom's guidance, Eddie’s confidence grows, and he slowly learns to ask for what he wants.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Good things come to those who wait
Steddie | E | ~9.9k | AO3 link
Part 4 of Steve Harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening series
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Featuring: Porn With Plot, Smut, Fluff, Morning After, Developing Relationship, Communication, Laughter, Banter, First Date, Flirting, Holding Hands, Cuddling, Dom/sub Play, Traffic Light System, Orgasm Control, Teasing, Laughter During Sex, Masturbation, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Spit Kink, Come Eating, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Post-Coital Cuddling, Confessions, Relationship Negotiation, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love, Dorks in Love, Gay & Inexperienced Eddie Munson, Soft Dom & Bisexual & Confident Steve Harrington, POV Alternating, Eddie Munson is Steve Harrington's good boy, Robin Buckley is very big brained, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Dialogue Heavy, Seriously these boys just can't shut up, Subspace, Subdrop, Crying, Eddie goes through sub feels neither of them understand yet
"Be a good boy for me and hold off until I see you again.” Eddie’s entire body feels like an electric shock went through it. His dick twitches helplessly. “You want me to…” Eddie lets out a shuddering breath. “To not touch myself all week?” *** Eddie tries to make it through a week of sexual frustration. Steve makes sure that his obedience was worthwhile. In the meantime, the boys keep growing closer, intimately and emotionally.
Snippet below!
The phone keeps ringing as Eddie swings the bedroom door open and jogs towards it, awkwardly adjusting himself before picking up.
“Hey, Eddie.”
Eddie can’t help the joyful smile that tugs on his lips.
“Hey, Stevie.” He grabs the phone off the wall and makes sure the cord isn’t tangled around the furniture. “Hang on, just gonna… drag the phone to my room… one sec.”
“You sound a little winded, baby. Been working out?” Steve’s tone is teasing, and Eddie feels his cheeks burn.
He shuts the door again, drops the phone on the bed and flops down next to it.
“Uhhh… something like that.”
On the other end of the line, Steve chuckles. Eddie bites his lip and thinks. He’s being ridiculous, really. He doesn’t need to be hiding the truth… right? Not with everything that has transpired between them. But it still makes him agitated and hot all over. You don’t just tell a guy you’ve been touching yourself thinking about him, not in Eddie’s experience. And what if Steve thinks it’s gross?
“Thanks for the breakfast, by the way, that was… like… really sweet of you,” he says instead. “And for letting me sleep in.”
“You’re welcome.” Eddie can tell Steve’s smiling. “I gotta admit, the latter wasn’t easy, considering…” Eddie hears him inhale deeply, and realizes… Steve’s a bit nervous.
“Considering what, Stevie?” He prompts gently.
Steve hesitates for a few more seconds, but when he speaks, his voice sounds more firm.
“Considering I really wanted to ditch work and wake you up instead.”
Eddie grins and clutches the phone a little tighter to his ear.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. You were all over me, and you were hard, baby. Wanna know how I’d wake you, if we had time?”
The room is suddenly way too warm again. Eddie can sort of predict what comes next, just from Steve’s tone. And yet, he still can’t fully believe this is his life now. Steve Harrington speaking filthy things into his ear.
“I’d put my hand on you. Rub your dick. See how long it takes for you to stop snoring and open those pretty big eyes for me, sleeping beauty.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie whispers under his breath, squeezing himself through the boxers.
“Would you even wake up?” Steve’s voice continues to torment him. “You seem like a heavy sleeper. Maybe you’d just hump my hand in your sleep until you came.”
“Holy shit. Steve.” Eddie’s erection has barely flagged since they started talking, and now… yeah, it was like there was no interruption at all. He bites his lip as he slips his hand under the waistband again and rubs his palm over his dick, playing out Steve’s fantasy. “I… I don’t know. Maybe.” Feeling brave all of a sudden, he adds, “Maybe you should find out. I could come over on Saturday.” He’d have to move a jam session with the guys to Friday, and come up with an excuse, but it’s doable. “So you could… do that. On Sunday morning. No work. Oh fuck…” He knows he’s panting into the speaker, knows Steve can’t not hear that.
He does. Of course he does.
“Oh wow. You were touching yourself when I called.”
Eddie lets out a winded laugh, hand still working over his dick.
“No shit, have you ever seen me working out?” He bites his lip. “Guess what I’m doing now, Stevie.”
“Oh, I know what you’re doing, baby. Having fun without me again, are you? Tsk-tsk .” Something in Steve’s voice makes Eddie pause. “It’s not fair, you know. When I can’t be there to see you, see how pretty and worked up you are for me.”
Steve Harrington will be the death of him.
“Fuck.” Eddie withdraws his hand and rolls onto his side, still hot all over, and a little embarrassed. “I just… I can’t stop thinking about… yesterday. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby. I’m thrilled that you’re thinking of me. Just… be a good boy for me and hold off until I see you again.”
Eddie’s entire body feels like an electric shock went through it. His dick twitches helplessly.
“You want me to…” Eddie lets out a shuddering breath. “To not touch myself all week?” He quickly does the mental math. That’s… five days. Five days of being constantly horny because there’s no way he’d be able to stop thinking about this call.
“I’m not a complete monster,” Steve replies teasingly. “You can do that. Scratch an itch, if you feel like. Just don’t let yourself come.”
“Oh my god.”
There’s no way he’d be able to do that. He’s always had zero patience when it came to getting himself off, but… maybe that’s kind of the whole point. The whole idea is frustrating in the best possible way, especially when he knows Steve’s getting off on this, on controlling him like this.
Eddie wonders how Steve came up with this. Was it an impromptu idea, just because he caught him like this? Or was he planning this all along? Did he fantasize about it? Jesus, he probably did. And he, Eddie Munson, has the power to please Steve like this… It’s fucking exhilarating.
“Eddie?” Steve’s voice breaks the silence. “Sweetheart. Talk to me. Color?”
“Green, holy shit. This is hot as fuck. I’m going to die,” Eddie laughs, a little hysterical. “Make sure to put it on my tombstone. Here lies Eddie Munson, who died of blue balls.”
The sound of Steve’s answering laughter in his ear makes Eddie’s insides all warm and squirmy.
“You’ll survive. You want to get your reward at the end of it, don’t you?”
Eddie perks up. “Reward?” He grins. “I’m listening.”
“Nuh-huh. It’s a surprise.”
“No buts.”
Eddie sighs dramatically.
“Oh, and Eddie?”
“Good luck tomorrow. With the job. You’re gonna rock it.”
Read the rest on AO3
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
For the fanfic writer questions: 19, 25, 65
- steddieasitgoes (one day Tumblr will let us send asks from our sideblogs!)
(Fuck you tumblr seriously)
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
It's actually easy to find out scientifically on the profile page
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All of my readers rn, probably:
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25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
I think I'm pretty lucky with the amount of feedback I get 🥹🧡 My earliest fics have the fewest amount of kudos/comments but when I look back at them I'm like "yeah, fair, I think my new stuff is better"
Love blooms, love hurts, love prevails I guess is the one that I hoped would make it to top 3 but didn't, which... also fair, a lot of people see Hanahaki and expect it to be super angsty and life-threatening to a character and nope the fuck out, but it's actually not like that bc I used a prompt in which you only get the disease when you try to hide your feelings and as long as the other person knows, even if it's not reciprocated, you're not gonna die, so it's less angsty and more bittersweet and I'm rly proud of this fic 🥹
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I'm looking forward to finishing the bang because... I love the project, but the inspiration comes and goes, and deadlines are stressful, and sometimes I regret ever signing up, and other times I'm high off red bull at 4 am writing 5k words like a maniac, so it's... a fucking rollercoaster.
Steve Harrington's unexpected soft dom awakening series though is my blissful refuge from stress and I just have fun pouring all of my kinks into it and it's what I'm usually working on when I'm procrastinating on literally anything else
Oh! And I'm super looking forward to what will become of @chooseyourownsteddie because it's my first collab and also the first time I literally have NO control over where the story goes and it's very fun.
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