#steve would just stare fondly
steddiealltheway · 3 months
One thing that sucks about fighting monsters from some weirdly dusty and gooey parallel universe to your own… is going back to school. Specifically going back after telling all your friends that they’re actually trust fund assholes and your girlfriend - ex-girlfriend - ends up with the one guy she swore up and down was just a friend.
Not that Steve really blames Nancy for that. Jonathan’s a good dude. Plus, it’s not like Steve was the perfect boyfriend or anything. He tried, but maybe it just wasn’t enough.
Maybe it’ll never be enough.
Steve takes a sudden right, making a detour from all the student rushing into the lunchroom in favor of being anywhere but there. He barely registers walking out of the school until he notices the woods in front of him. Why does everything always lead him back to here?
He doesn’t know why, maybe it’s what Dustin call his “mother hen” instinct, but Steve continues walking into the woods, wondering if maybe there are more monsters lurking about that he can spot early this time. God knows he would do anything for those kids - not that he would tell them that. Dustin especially does not need the ego boost.
So Steve wanders, listening closely for any unusual noise.
And then he hears one.
It’s just the thud of something metal sounding against maybe… a tree? Something solid. Then a crunch of leaves. And…
Steve slowly peaks around a tree and finds the source of all the noise.
Eddie Munson.
Steve nearly rolls his eyes but finds himself fondly watching the boy as he drums on a wooden picnic table singing some song Steve has never heard. It’s when Eddie does some type of ridiculously uncoordinated twirl that Steve ends up snorting. It’s loud enough that Eddie ends up hearing it, startling mid turn and head bang that has him misstepping and landing right on his ass.
Steve tries to let some sheepishness bleed through the amusement in his expression. “You okay, man?” He asks, stepping forward to offer him a hand.
Eddie eyes it wearily. “Depends. What are you doing out here?”
“Just…” Steve stares at Eddie for a moment, trying to find a normal answer, but instead he shrugs and sighs, “I don’t know, man.” He takes another step closer and pointedly looks down at his offered hand.
Eddie narrows his eyes at him before taking it carefully. Steve is caught off guard by the cold metal rings but hauls Eddie up easily who wobbles when he gets to his feet. “Thanks,” Eddie breathes out, lingering in Steve’s space.
Steve just nods and wonders if Eddie Munson’s eyes have always been so big and brown.
“So, Steve Harrington,” Eddie starts, drawling out his name while taking a step back and brushing dirt off his pants, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Steve raises an eyebrow.
Eddie marches over to the picnic table and gestures dramatically at his lunch box. “I’m assuming you’re here for the goods?”
“The what?”
“Drugs, Harrington. Are you alright?” Eddie asks with a tilt of his head leaning forward as if assessing him.
Steve shrugs. “Fine. And no. I’m not here for your drugs which you evidently keep in your lunch box for any teacher to find.” Eddie’s brows furrow. Steve rolls his eyes. “I know you sell, but Tommy usually does this part.”
“I know,” Eddie replies as he hops up on the bench and crosses his arms. He faces Steve and bends at the waist - Steve ignores the urge to reach out and steady him so he doesn’t fall again. “So what are you doing out here? Are you here to… beat me up?” Eddie asks dramatically, hopping onto the table and pretending to brandish a sword.
Steve simply raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms.
Eddie’s arms drop. “Okay. Surprising but I guess you would’ve already taken a swing if you wanted a fight.” He squats down on the table until he’s eye level with Steve. “You’re not here because of the rumors, right?” Eddie asks, dropping his voice and appearing weirdly serious.
As for the rumors, Steve’s sure he’s heard more than he can count - including one about Munson being a vampire - so he’s not sure what he’s talking about. He’s also not sure if he wants to know which rumors he’s talking about. Steve runs a hand through his hair and settles his hands on his hips. “I just needed to clear my head. I didn’t know you were out here.”
Eddie squints at him. “You’re clearing your head by taking a walk in the woods?”
They hold eye contacts for a few moments, and Steve can’t really tell what they’re silently sizing each other up about. Eddie reluctantly stands up and jumps off the table. “Fine. What are you clearing your head about?”
Steve stares at him.
“Why do you want to know?”
Eddie steps closer to him and obnoxiously twirls a piece of hair around his finger. “Because you’re Steve Harrington, and I must be the luckiest guy in all of Hawkins since I’ve got you here alone with me.”
Steve laughs loudly and gently shoves Eddie away. “Shut up.”
Eddie’s cheeks flush pink, and Steve can almost see him biting back the words “make me.” Then he’s reminded of the rumor that Eddie bats for the other team, and Steve suddenly wonders if it’s true - not that he would mind.
Steve pushes the thought away as Eddie smiles sincerely and pushes some hair in front of his face. “Maybe I wouldn’t mind the company. Plus,” he turns and sprawls back on the picnic bench, “You can tell me anything. I’m great at keeping secrets, and even if I wasn’t, it would be your word against mine.”
Steve considers what he’s said before asking, “And how crazy of a secret would you not only keep but believe?”
Eddie smiles almost manically. “Try me.”
Steve looks around wondering if the government people or whoever they were can hear him out here. He’s not sure if it’s been long enough to guarantee there’s not someone keep track of each of them, waiting for them to slip up. He also wonders how cruel it would be to unload all of this onto Eddie. Steve knows life was much simpler before he knew that demogorgans existed.
“I’ve been fighting… some monsters recently,” Steve settles on, hoping Eddie doesn’t take it so literally.
Steve nods and takes a step closer to where Eddie is sitting, gesturing at nothing as he continues, “It started when I was an asshole to Nance and then she ran off with Jonathan and the rest is history there but… they really dragged me into some heavy shit.”
“I can imagine. It’s not every day that your girlfriend runs off with another guy. Which is a shitty thing to do by the way.”
Steve tries to steer the conversation away from his failed relationship without setting off Eddie’s alarm bells. “It’s not that I really blame them. I mean you’ve seen them, everyone has, they’re kind of made for each other. Who am I to get in the way of that? Especially since I was a shitty boyfriend. But that’s not the point. Before Nance left, I was pulled into helping some…” he pauses, trying to think of a way to talk about the kids out of context without sounding like a creep. “Well, there was this guy who needed help and so… I helped him and his friends out.”
Eddie fixes him with a carefully blank look. “Helped this guy out… how exactly?”
Steve shrugs and sits next to Eddie as he figures out how to phrase things. “He… well. His cat… di- escaped! It escaped. And I was helping him find it, and we actually grew pretty close.”
Eddie knocks his knee against Steve’s. “So… you and this guy grew… close.”
Steve nods and smiles. “Yeah, he’s this dumbass genius k-,” he cuts himself off before he can say kid. “Anyways, then his friends needed help, and I helped them fight… their monsters.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows at him. “So you helped… multiple guys… fight their… monsters?”
Steve nods. “Yeah. But that’s over and now I have to go back here and pretend that none of that ever happened. It just… sucks, man.”
Eddie nods. “Uh. Yeah. I can imagine pretending for so long is... exhausting.”
“Tell me about it,” Steve says with a laugh.
A silence falls between them and Eddie glances over at him. “You know… you don’t have to pretend with me.”
Steve smiles and wonders what not pretending means now, but it’s sounds good nonetheless. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Eddie softly smiles and his eyes move down to Steve’s lips slowly. “Yeah?”
And oh. Oh. There was definitely a miscommunication somewhere along the way. And… okay. Fighting monsters and helping guys fight their monsters is maybe not the best phrasing. But Steve thinks he likes Eddie remaining so blissfully ignorant.
So, Steve kisses him.
And yeah. Maybe there are quite literally hundreds of different ways he could’ve let Eddie remain oblivious to the whole vague Upside Down retelling, but Steve can’t really complain when Eddie kisses him back, finding the scrape of stubble against his face surprisingly pleasant.
And Steve finds himself taking his time thoroughly allowing Eddie to believe this story that Steve wishes were true rather than the real thing. It’s only when Eddie’s watch beeps that they finally pull away for longer than a few seconds.
“Shit,” Eddie mumbles, resting his forehead against Steve’s, “Time to head back in.”
“Can’t skip?” Steve asks, wondering why he’s trying so hard to solidify his false story.
Eddie sighs and pulls away. “Unfortunately, if I skip anymore, they’re not going to let me graduate. Although right now I think spending more time with you might be more important than my diploma.”
Steve laughs and feels himself pleasantly flushing. He nudges Eddie’s shoulder with his own before standing up and offering his hand to him again. “Come on. We can’t have you not graduating again.”
“Again? Harrington, are you keeping tabs on me?”
Steve raises his eyebrows at him as Eddie takes his hand and pulls himself off the bench. “And what if I am?” He flirts easily.
Eddie smiles giddily and grabs his lunch box. “Then I really must be the luckiest boy in Hawkins.”
Steve doesn’t say anything when Eddie doesn’t let go of his hand as they walk out of the woods toward the school. It’s only as the school slowly comes into sight that Eddie drops Steve’s hand and shoves his hands into his pockets. He stops in his tracks and turns to Steve. “Hey, thanks for not pretending with me.”
Steve glances at the school before moving in to give Eddie one final kiss. He lingers in it before breaking away to say, “Thank you for listening.”
They wordlessly separate as the head back to the building, knowing that even with the few weeks of school left and both of their tarnished reputations that they can’t truly risk it all.
As Steve makes it to his class just before the final bell rings, he’s left to wonder if maybe he really does have some other type of monsters to fight. And he really hopes Eddie Munson can be there to help him with those ones again.
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corrodedbisexual · 4 months
Steve's sprawled across the couch watching a movie and doesn't react at first to the movement on the opposite side of it; he's so used to Eddie fidgeting all the time, even in his sleep, that he barely notices anymore. But then, there's the unmistakable weight and warmth of his boyfriend crawling across his body, and Eddie's face in his peripheral vision finally makes Steve turn and look.
Okay, well, that's a new one. But it's Eddie Munson, so pretty much every day there's something new.
Steve raises an eyebrow at the boy's face looming above him, grinning around a gummy worm dangling from his teeth.
Eddie mumbles something unintelligible around the candy; the only part Steve can make out is the final 'oh fuck' as sugary spit starts running down Eddie's chin, and he has to rip the gummy out of his teeth and wipe his mouth with a sleeve.
Steve chuckles and shakes his head fondly. He's way too far gone, because it's just endearing when it should, probably, be off-putting.
"I brought you a worm," Eddie finally says clearly, his mouth free. "Get it?"
Steve just continues to stare at him, both eyebrows raised now. Eddie rolls his eyes.
"I'm courting you? Like, bird-style? You're supposed to accept my worm if you like me."
Steve bursts out laughing; he can't help it.
"Courting me? Eds, we've been dating for six months."
Eddie sighs, his smile turning sheepish as he starts moving away.
"Uh... You know what, never mind, t'was stupid—"
"Nonono, babe, get back here," Steve interrupts him, still chuckling, and grabs the front of Eddie's shirt to tug him back in. "Come on, I'll gladly accept your worm."
With a nearly blinding grin, Eddie shoves the gummy back between his teeth and leans in. Steve leans forward a bit and gingerly takes it with his teeth, their lips brushing briefly. As Steve chews through the sour-sweet gummy, his boyfriend giggles above him, eyes sparkling.
"You liiike me, then."
"I love you, you dork," Steve points out to him, unable to stop grinning now.
"Well, yeah, but now I also know you'd like me if we were birds."
"Oh yeah. I bet your mating dance would win me over right away, too."
Steve was absolutely prepared for Eddie to take the bait, and yet he's still in stitches from laughing as his boyfriend pushes himself to his feet and starts dancing around the couch, flapping his arms and making loud chirping noises.
Bird Steve would certainly be swooning. Human Steve just keeps falling harder every day.
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 11 months
{ Thank you for the idea @imsodonewiththissite !! It almost got angsty but i controlled myself!!! }
"What in God's name is that?" Dustin’s voice goes almost shrill as he walks behind Steve, looks down at his pumpkin. Eddie's head shoots up from where he's carving his own pumpkin, his legs shot out in front of him, his feet hitting Steve's across from him. Steve flushes, tells Dustin to shut up, and shoves at his legs to get him to move on.
"Alright alright jeez! It's just... I've never seen a pumpkin like that. Did you even try?" Dustin huffs as he settles back into his own carving area between Lucas and Will.
"Yes. I did try. Thank you very much. Henderson." Steve huffs, wipes at his pumpkin, then wipes his hand in the grass to get the bits of guts off. Eddie sits up taller, making a show of trying to see Steve's carving, but not really trying to see, they'd agreed to show each other at the same time.
Steve hadn't really had any idea what to do, so he'd just done something silly. But he could see Will and Dustin’s and theirs were detailed, and spooky. And his just looked... stupid, now. Steve sighed and put the top back on his, waiting for Eddie to finish.
He was staring, he knew he was. He couldn't help it. He loved when Eddie was in full concentration mode, his tongue poking out between his lips, his brows crinkled. Steve would never tell him that. But he could look. No harm in that.
Eddie looked up and met his eyes, smiled brightly, and dusted of his own pumpkin before popping the top back on. He tilted his head, this way and that, a few times and then looked at Steve again.
"Okay. You ready?" He asked, drumming his fingers on the gourd resting under his hands. Steve scrunched his nose.
"I'm having second thoughts." He said quietly, the kids were all yelling, in their own little world, but he still didn't want them to hear.
"Aww. But I'm excited to see it! Especially with the way Dusty Buns reacted." Eddie drooped, his eyes going wide and sad, the way Steve was weak agaisnt. He sighed, his own body drooping.
"Ugh. Fine. On three?" He tilted his head. Eddie nodded.
"On three."
"Twosie." Eddie wiggled his fingers, Steve rolled his eyes fondly.
"Three!" They both said it together and turned their pumpkins toward each other.
Steve's eyes shot open, Eddie's was... good. Like really good. Everything a spooky jack-o-lantern should be. Creepy eyes, sharp teeth, what looked like a skull nose.
"Holy shit Eds. That's... holy shit. Mine is so shit compared to- why are you making that face? What's happening?" Steve changed directions mid sentence because Eddie's mouth had dropped open as he stared at Steve hideous excuse for a carving.
"Oh my god you hate it." Steve grabbed at his pumpkin, about to turn it back toward him and hide it forever but he froze when a sound started coming out of Eddie's open mouth.
It took a moment to really form, but once it got going, Steve could hear it. Manical giggles were bubbling up out of Eddie's mouth. He slapped his hands over his face to stop them but they just kept coming.
Steve wasn't sure if he should be offended or not. He frowned though, his brows dropping on his head and Eddie immediately shook his head.
"Oh my god he's ADORABLE!" Eddie cackled the words, shoved his own pumpkin genlty aside and crawled toward Steve's, his hands outstreched and grabbing.
"I know it's- wait what?" Steve was so confused.
"Steve I love him. Look at his stupid little face." He'd devolved into baby talk and was scratching at the pumkin like you would a babies chin. Steve felt himself smiling.
"Wait you actually like it?" Dustin guffawed from behind him. Eddie spun around fast, guarding Steve's pumpkin from sight.
"Excuse me?! 'It'? Don't you ever speak like that about my son- our son!" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Steve. Dustin rolled his eyes.
"It's not even scary! It's just a big mouth!" Dustin’s hands flailed. Eddie screamed at him dramatically, clutching his chest.
"He has a tooth! And two adorable teeny tiny eyes!" Eddie moved, pointed at the face Steve had made. El and Will both aw-d, Max and Lucas smiled, Mike just rolled his eyes.
"He's not- it's just-" Dustin stammered a bit.
"What? Dustin. He's what?!" Eddie asked, his hands still clutching at his chest.
"He's ugly! Okay? It's an ugly pumpkin!" Dustin yelled, Steve didn't even have time to feel hurt, because Eddie shrieked again, his voice going impossibly high.
"Dustin Henderson! I can't believe you just called your brother ugly. You heathen!" Eddie practically hissed the last word before he hopped to his feet and bundled Steve's pumpkin into his arms.
"Unbelievable. We don't need them Steve. Let's go." He popped his nose into the air and looked to Steve. He knew he had to look like a deer in headlights, not sure exactly where they were meant to be going.
"Kitchen." Eddie whispered, giving Steve a wink.
"Oh right. Okay yeah." Steve stumbled toward the door, opening it for Eddie as he stomped after him.
"Oh what you're going inside? Just leaving us out here?" Dustin called, Will and El booing him as he kept taunting Steve and Eddie. Eddie spun, looked at Dustin, propped the pumpkin on his hip like a toddler and pointed his finger accusingly.
"Yes. And we are leaving... in a huff!" Eddie's accent sounded slightly French at the end as he spun around again and stomped into the house.
"Slam the door Steven. Show them we mean it." Eddie said with an air finality. Steve grinned, fighting back laughter, and slammed the door. He tugged the blind closed too, for good measure. He turned to find Eddie wiping at the pumpkin with a wet washrag, getting all the little shavings off.
"You didn't have to do that." Steve said, moving to stand next to him. But not too close.
"Do what?" Eddie asked, grabbing the dish towel off the little hook and drying the pumpkin now. Steve sighed, leaned his butt against the counter and looked at the floor.
"Play it up liked you love the pumpkin. To make me feel better about my complete lack of skill." Steve laughed a little, shrugged, and looked up to find Eddie staring at him. He tossed the towel down and took a step forward.
"Oh no. Unfortunately for you, Steven. That was a genuine reaction. I fucking love this thing." He patted at the side of the pumpkin and grinned at Steve. Steve frowned.
"Really? It's not... I mean it's nothing special. Did you see Will's, I swear there was a castle on it." Steve shook his head. Dismissive.
"Oh I saw it. Still like yours more." Eddie said, matter of fact.
"Why?" Steve was still frowning. Eddie sighed, walked over and stood next to Steve, his arm pressed agaisnt him, warm.
"Me and my mom used to buy four pumpkins. Every Halloween. Always four. Two for her. And two for me." Eddie's voice was soft, the way it always was when he talked about his mother. Steve found himself trying not to breathe to loudly, he wanted to hear everything Eddie had to say.
"We'd each do a classic, spooky guy. But the other one. The other one we used to make just... the most ridiculous faces. Or the dumbest ones. Anything cute and silly." He looked at Steve for a moment, a soft smile on his lips at the memory.
"It very quickly became a contest of who could make who laugh the most. Just by carving some silly face." Eddie shook his head and laughed gently.
"I haven't made a funny one since she died. And you turned that pumpkin around and it took me back. To all those stupid pumpkins and how we used to laugh. And I mean really laugh." Eddie's voice was getting tight as he spoke, a little wobbly, and Steve wanted to hug him, wasn't sure if he could.
"She had the best laugh Steve. She'd have loved this." He moved his hand over the pumpkin again, gently stroked down it's side.
"And you."
It was almost too quiet. Steve almost didn't hear it. Wasn't sure he had until he looked up and saw the way Eddie was looking at him. Steve is so sure that it's the same way he'd been looking at Eddie for months now.
"It's the perfect pumpkin Steve. The best one I've seen in years." He's so serious, when he says it. Steve feels like he might cry. Feels a bit reckless, with Eddie looking at him like that. So he leans toward Eddie, his heart fluttering as Eddie smiles, just a barely thing, and leans toward him too.
The kiss is soft, Eddie makes a little sound in the back of his throat when Steve's hand moves to his neck and pulls him closer. They kiss until they're both smiling so much it's just their teeth clicking together and Eddie dissolves into manic giggles again and buries his face in Steve's neck as he holds him close.
"You have a good laugh too Ed's. " Steve sighs, pulling Eddie closer as he hums and nuzzles into his neck, his fingers pressing into Steve's back as he cuddles closer. Steve breathes deeply, his nose buried in Eddie's hair, and feels Eddie smile against the soft skin of his neck.
( below is an approximation of their pumpkin faces. I fucked up the eddie one's mouth dont looookk at meeeee )
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So High School (1/2)
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
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synopsis : the one wherein the reader and Bucky navigate the initial stages of falling in love, and well, it feels a whole lot like high school <3
themes : friends to lovers, slight jealousy, Bucky and the reader are Avengers, everyone is alive!
word count : 2k ▪︎ masterlist
a/n : inspired by Taylor Swift's So High School - that song makes me so fuckin happy I can't even begin to explain it... This fic is all giddy and warm, kind of like when you have a crush, playfulness and jealousy abound 💙
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You are almost certain that you left your beloved leather jacket back on the quinjet.
The mission made you exhausted, like they always do, and you remember taking your jacket off and settling in for a nap on the ride back to the Avengers compound.
"FRIDAY, is the quinjet still at base level?" you ask aloud to the compound's omnipresent AI overseer.
She chimes in straight away, "Yes, the quinjet is undergoing routine checks downstairs."
"Well," you say to yourself, "I could use the walk."
FRIDAY speaks again, unprompted, "There is one James Buchanan Barnes heading to your door right now."
Bucky? "Oh, right now?"
"Yes, he'll be knocking in 3... 2... 1..."
And sure enough, he does.
You open the door to his sheepish, easy smile. FRIDAY would definitely be picking up on your vitals, noting your clammy hands and jumping heartbeat.
You desperately hope that she would shut up about it, otherwise you might just literally throw hands with Tony.
"Hi," he greets. Just that - just 'hi' - and he has you blushing like a schoolgirl. Damn it.
"Hey," you reply. Glancing down, you realise that he has just what you're looking for.
The jacket. You mean your jacket. Mind out of the gutter, you kick yourself internally.
"I, uh, think you left this back at the - "
" - the quinjet."
"Right, and I, well - " he stammers, and you don't understand why, when you're clearly the nervous one here.
"You're... here to give it back to me," you help him out, smiling.
"Yeah," he nods, smiling back at you. Leaning against your doorframe, he stays right in place, and you suddenly feel conscious by the way he's just looking at you.
"Uhm, Bucky?" you break the silence after a while, anxiously laughing.
"Yeah, doll?"
"My jacket?" you hold out your hand expectantly.
"Oh, here," he quickly hands it over to you, and you thank him. But he stays, rubbing the back of his neck, brows furrowed in thought. "Listen, I was wondering if - "
"There you two are!" Sam's booming voice startles you, and you spot him walking down the hall. "Debriefing time, kids, come on."
"Oh, right," you groan, tossing your jacket somewhere behind you. Shutting your door, you turn to Bucky, "Sorry, Buck, can it wait?"
"Can what wait?" Sam butts in, ears like a bat. He nudges Bucky with his shoulder, and you swear you see Bucky glare at him, while blushing all the while.
"Nothing," he mumbles and the three of you make your way towards the elevators. When Sam becomes distracted by some new panelling Tony installed recently, you catch Bucky's eye, and shrug as if to say - you can tell me later.
He simply nods. When the doors open, you feel his hand on the small of your back, guiding you in. Just for the briefest of moments, but it lingers in your mind.
So much so, that Tony tosses a pencil at you during debriefing when you're spaced out and didn't answer his question.
"Daydreaming, princess?" Tony smirks.
"Leave her alone, Tony," Steve comes to your rescue, ever the considerate leader. "She's tired, just like the rest of us."
"Yeah, sure," Tony shrugs. "Or maybe Bionic Man over there is distracting her with all the staring he does."
"Shut up, Tony," Natasha protests, catching your surprised look.
"I'm not staring," you hear Bucky say.
"Oh, man, you stare all the time. At everything," Sam counters. "Especially at her."
"No. I don't."
"Yes, you do. Doesn't he, Steve?" Sam laughs, twisting around to share the joke with Steve, who just fondly shakes his head, patting Bucky on the shoulder.
Your mouth feels dry, face flushed from the suggestive bickering partially at your expense, and when you ask, "Alright, alright, what was your question, Tony?"
Tony cheekily smirks, and says, "Quick, Barnes, look away."
"Oh, god," you tilt your head back and stare at the ceiling.
It's a collective, "Tony!" that followed, likely from Steve and Nat. Possibly Bruce, too.
Tony asks you again, something about the safety measures in place for the civilians left behind.
When you answer his question, you can't help but feel a certain pair of blue eyes looking at you.
But that means nothing, right? Bucky's just listening to whatever you have to say. The mission had been important, after all.
Five minutes later, in the middle of Bruce's explanation, you feel it again.
So you look to the side, only slightly, catching Bucky quickly turning to draw his attention back at Bruce.
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"What are you smirking at me for?" you approach Natasha, while tightening your hand wraps. Some of the Avengers have convened for routine combat practice. You've been looking forward to it, mostly being cooped up in the two weeks after the recent mission.
Natasha sports her signature knowing look when she says, "You're paired with Barnes today, milochka moya."
"Bucky? And?" you clear your throat, and you clock Bucky and Sam entering the gym in your periphery. Is it just you or did your voice just crack? No, it couldn't have.
There's no reason to be nervous, no reason at all.
Sure, he'll get all sweaty and he'll have to get his hands on you and he'll get close... very close... pressed against...
"I see I've lost you already," Natasha is quick to note. "And we haven't even started yet."
Wanda joins you, greeting with, "Did you know you'll be paired with Barnes today?"
Oh my god. You exclaim, "Why is everyone making a big deal out of it?"
"Because," is all Wanda responds with.
"Thanks, Wanda," you nod sarcastically. "Thank you both. Can we just get this over with?"
"Guys?" you call out loudly, addressing everyone in the room.
"Yes, everyone. It is best if we start," Vision says, him being the supervisor for training today. Leave it to an all-knowing entity to be well-versed in every fighting art in existence.
He reads off the combat pairings for the day, and their assigned fighting style.
Clint and Nat, krav maga.
Wanda and Sam, aikido. Though to be fair, she doesn't really need to use her fists should it come to that. Wanda's powers were beyond your comprehension. This is mostly just a fun little exercise for her.
And finally, Vision says your name followed by Bucky's, with the fighting style of jiu-jitsu.
That damned close-contact sport. You're well-trained in it, thanks to your job, but it involves a lot of straddling and the opponent heavily breathing down on your face. It wasn't exactly your first choice out there in the field.
But here? Well, it seems like you don't really have a choice.
Well, you do. And would you really choose otherwise?
Close contact with Bucky?
"Hey, doll," he walks right over, all prepped and ready. Clad in a black compression shirt and grey sweatpants. One look at him and you know you're not likely to survive this training session.
"You ready to get your ass kicked?" you cheekily say, as you to walk over to your designated area of the room with him right on your tail.
He smiles, mumbling something which sounded like, " - let you do anything you want to me."
"I'm sorry?" you blurt out, occupying yourself with the control panel for the instructional hologram.
"Nothing," he bites his lip. Oh, he just knows you heard him.
"Okay, so - " The hologram starts right up, showing faceless figures go through a standard combat routine. Ankle sweep. Closed guard. Arm bar. Back and forth until someone taps out. Then all over again.
"Fun," you remark, moving to circle him on the mat. "Give it your best shot, Barnes."
He makes the first move, trying to sweep your leg with his own and failing. You're too quick for that. As long as you don't get sidetracked by that shit-eating smirk on his face, you'll be just fine.
He rushes at you again, but you jump out of the way. You manage you hook your leg around his torso, and use your whole weight to force him down on the mat.
You end up with one knee pressed to his chest, your forearm applying the slighest pressure on his throat. It's an easy position to counter, and he should be propelling you off of him already. Maneuvering your arm out of the way. Something. Anything.
But the man just stares.
You'll be damned, but Sam was right.
"Bucky, come on," you snap.
Instead of a countermove, he hits you with something more disarming. "You look good up there," he says.
"I like the view," he only adds, speeding up the rush of warmth to your face.
Your body goes slack, and your pressure on his neck eases. You struggle to think of something nonchalant, something blasé to say in turn, when he takes advantage of the moment and flips the two of you over.
He ends up on top of you, legs caging you in, hands gripping your wrists by the sides of the face.
"Shit," you curse when you realise what just happened. "Well played."
"Thanks," he responds. "I meant it though, you do look pretty. Like always."
"Another trick, Buck?" You attempt to play it cool. Maybe you can play off the obvious flush on your face as physical exertion. Not whatever this is. Not because of him.
He only smiles, getting back on his feet and extending a hand out to you.
"Not a trick," he says, as you both get ready for the next round.
"I'd say I'm flattered, if you weren't trying to beat me in hand-to-hand combat."
"Doll, I think it's safe to say that you won already," he says, his gaze softening.
What is he on about? "Uhh, no, that was barely anything. We're supposed to keep going."
His brows furrow, though his smile stays in place, albeit a bit strained. "That's not what I meant," he exhales, reaching forward to attempt a restricting hold.
His expression turns serious then, steely gaze boring into you, analyzing your every move. He lunges at you, and you block him. But he tries again and again, each move more precise and forceful.
He steps back to take a breath, and you use the opportunity to sweep his ankle, but he sees it coming. In a flash, he pulls your arm and twists you around so that your back is pressed to his chest. You wrangle against him, making him fall on his back, but he keeps his hold on you.
His metal arm encases your torso with your arms pinned to your sides, and his legs wrap around yours. Air rushes out of you in shaky pants, and you move your head to the side, the only part of you still mobile.
And he's right there, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek. The tension is almost too much to bear, because you feel all of him - the solid planes of his torso, the coarseness of his facial hair growing out - and for the love of all things sacred, you hope you don't accidentally wriggle your ass against his crotch.
Bucky wishes so too. He would never be able to live that down, especially if one of the others would come around and notice.
"Do you yield?" His voice is rough, commanding against your ear. Even though it's nothing more than an assertive whisper, a shiver runs through your body.
"Y-yes," you muster, "I yield."
He keeps his hold on you a moment longer, and before you can ask him if something's wrong, and why he's not letting you go yet, he releases you.
And it doesn't bring you relief, surprisingly. Almost as if you just want to go right back into his embrace.
As you two get back on your feet, Vision's sudden appearance almost makes you keel over, startling the living daylights out of you.
"That was good," Vision comments.
"What the - Vis!" you place a hand on your chest to calm down. "Maybe announce yourself when you show up please!"
"But I've been standing here for approximately 37 seconds," he expertly says.
"Okay, well - "
"You both did not notice me," he goes on, matter-of factly. "Perhaps it might have something to do with your sheer focus on one another - "
"Okay, Vision, thank you," you attempt to intervene, to no avail.
" - which is good. In combat, you do need to stay hypervigilant. Although, might I comment, that the sudden increase in arousal hormones is not really conducive to battle - "
"Vision!" you and Bucky exclaim in unison.
Thankfully, Wanda notices and comes to your rescue, "O-kay, Vis, why don't you come and check mine and Sam's progress, hmm?"
"Of course," Vision complies immediately and they walk away hand in hand. Must have something to do with his undying penchant for Wanda.
Wanda throws you an apologetic shrug, before her eyes get drawn downward to something else near you, and she has to bite her lip to hold back a giggle.
You feel Bucky's hand take hold of your waist, ever so gentle, and everything else is quickly forgotten.
"You okay?" he asks, the ghost of a smile on his lips.
He stands close, and you catch a hint of his scent, sandalwood and mint, layered beneath a musk that can only be undeniably Bucky.
You hum in affirmation. Shaking you head, you respond with, "Vision was just being... Vision. Can never keep his observations to himself." His thumb moves, caressing lightly at your waist, the movement seemingly instinctive for him.
"Yeah, well," he smiles to himself, before reaching up and tucking back a stray lock of hair from your face, "the thing about that droid is... he doesn't lie."
He steps back, rolling his shoulders, getting ready for another bout of combat. As if he didn't have you subdued already.
"He wasn't lying about me, at least," he smirks, before getting into a stance and putting his arms up.
Feeling brave, because there's no way you're going to come out of this interaction as the only one flustered, you respond with, "He wasn't lying about me, neither."
Bucky doesn't expect that, used to being the suave and cockier one out of this dynamic. His fighting stance loosens, and he barely croaks, "What?"
It doesn't take long for you to sweep him off his feet.
When you're left straddling him once more, you hit him back with, "I like the view."
He bites his lip, and then laughs, flushed and impressed.
Still on the ground, staring up at you, he decisively ends the match, the final blow too much for you to bear. Because he settles for saying, "Still doesn't beat my view, beautiful."
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After more than an hour of fidgeting around your room, clothes strewn everywhere and music blasted to calm you down, you were finally ready.
Bucky had asked you what you were doing for the weekend, and you said you didn't have anything in mind, but asked him if he wanted to watch a movie in the common lounge with you.
He eagerly agreed, before you two were interrupted by Sam mentioning something about new upgrades to Red Wing.
So you didn't get to clarify what the nature of the plan was. Likely it was just another hangout. It wouldn't be the first time you and Bucky watched a movie together, went on excursions on your motorbikes, or headed out to grab some sushi.
Save for Natasha and Wanda, he's the one you spend the most time with.
And none of those times ever was a date.
But you feel nervous as you walk down the hallway. You've been nervous all the while you spent getting ready, unable to choose the right top, and eventually settling for a V-neck cobalt blue shirt that he once said he liked on you.
You're nervous because tonight could be it. You've taken it upon yourself to finally ask him.
Ask him what exactly? Whether he likes you as someone more than a friend? Whether there is a reason to all that staring that he does?
Whether he wants to kiss you as badly as you want to kiss him?
So, something along those lines.
He's standing right around the entrance to the common lounge, and you immediately think at how sweet it is that he's waiting for you.
Until he broke the news.
"Doll, I - " Bucky says, right after you come into view. "Oh, wow, you look great."
Smiling widely, you look down like it was nothing, like you didn't just spend the last hour worrying. "Thanks, Buck."
"Uhh, I have something to tell you, actually. You remember Yori? The man from - "
"Of course I remember him," you nod, now confused at what he's getting onto.
"Yeah," he hesitates, not sure he wants to speak further. All he wants is to spend the night curled up in the lounge with you, but all that is gone when he continues, "he kind of set me up on a date."
"A date?" your stomach sinks.
"With Leah. You know Leah? The girl who works at the restaurant that we go to sometimes with Yori?"
"Yeah," you shrug and look away, hoping your expression doesn't give away too much, "I know who she is. So you have a date, huh?"
"Tonight," he confirms. "I didn't... didn't even ask her, really. But last night at dinner, Yori asked and she heard and said yes - "
"She's really lovely. This is good, Buck."
"Yes, but we made plans, and I didn't want to - "
"No, don't worry about it." you put your palms up, as if to show him that you take the situation lightly. It was no problem, after all. He has to go on this date. You can watch movies together any time.
"Doll," he sighs. "I was actually thinking that, since we had plans already, you could come with me? I'm sure she would understand - "
"Bucky," you laugh dryly, "I am not crashing your date."
"But - "
"No buts," you have to affirm. "You have a date, so it has to be just you and her."
He purses his lips, nodding. He tries to gauge your expression, whether you're pissed at him or anything, but he's only met with a reassuring smile.
"What time is your date?" you ask.
"In about 40 minutes," he replies, giving you a good once-over again, taking you in fully. You really looked good, and he wants nothing more than to just stare at you the whole damn night. If only he wasn't so polite. If only he had the guts to just turn Leah down.
His face falls when you say, "I guess you better go," with a hint of enthusiasm, not knowing that it's your attempt at putting on a brave face.
"What will you do?" he asks.
"I don't know," you shrug. "I'm sure I'll find something. The others are mostly around so - "
"Hey!" Steve rounds up the corner, still clad in his riding jacket, having returned from outdoors.
"Going somewhere, you two?" Steve asks, his signature congenial smile in place.
"Not me," you respond, smiling back. "But Bucky here has a date actually."
"A date?" Steve says, taken aback. Did Bucky not tell him about this? He looks between the two of you, trying to put things into place, "Do you mean - ?" He trails off, gesturing at you.
"No!" A nervous laugh bubbles out of you. Of course, not with you. You wish.
"Really?" Steve makes a face, like the thought of Bucky going on a date with someone else was ridiculous, but he quickly collects himself. It's none of his business, for now. But he'll surely grill his bestfriend on it later.
"Don't you have to leave, Buck?" you turn to him. "You don't want to keep Leah waiting."
"Yeah, I suppose I should. I'll, uh, talk to you later, okay?" He says, taking a few measured steps back. Not wanting to turn away, and have you out of his sight.
"Sure," you smile, but it's weak and you know it is. Watching him walk away, you can no longer hide the disappointment you feel.
Bucky is still within earshot when you turn to Steve and innocently ask, "Are you busy, Steve? Care to watch a movie in the lounge?" Steve of course agrees, and lets his arm drape around you.
Bucky knows that you and Steve are just friends. Steve has gotten a hint of how he feels about you, and far be it from him to take his friend's girl.
But it doesn't quell that sinking feeling, when he looks back. He sees you smiling up at Steve, as the two of you disappear into the lounge.
It's going to be a long night.
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hawkinsbnbg · 5 months
Prompt: top | word count: 510 | rated: E | tags: dry humping, mutual pining | @steddiemicrofic | ao3
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When Eddie lunged at him for his teasing, Steve let the momentum land him on his back with Eddie on top, pinning him to the floor.
For all Steve knew, it was just a mock wrestling match, innocent and harmless.
But Eddie’s unexpected strength left him thinking. About what, he couldn't figure out yet.
By the time Eddie released him, he was already half-hard. He had returned to his room and jerked off to the feeling of being pinned down by Eddie.
The next time when Steve was on his back and with Eddie above him again, he just… opened his legs slightly wider than necessary.
He wrapped them around Eddie's waist, welcoming the other to get in closer. He had no excuse other than the heat that pooled in his stomach, anticipating what was to come.
Eddie didn't disappoint. He ground his crotch into Steve's, prompting them both to moan breathlessly.
“Don't,” he cut Eddie off and dug his heels into Eddie's lower back. “We're just having fun, okay? So don't think too much about it.”
Eddie gave him a searching look. Whatever he found on Steve's face must be convincing enough, because he had doubled down and thrust his hips until they both came, moaning into each other's open mouths.
Since then, they started wearing only boxers in the privacy of their apartment.
It kind of escalated from there.
Every time, he would let Eddie tackle him to the floor, the couch, and even the bed.
When his boxers ended up soaked with their mixed release, he would try to pretend it didn't turn him on like no other.
But when he ran into a naked Eddie in their bathroom one day, he started having thoughts. Dangerous thoughts.
“What are you doing?” Eddie gaped at him.
Steve threw his boxers aside with a nonchalant shrug. “Just tired of having to wash it all the time.”
Eddie only stared at him, flush pink and leaking, for a few seconds before taking off his boxers as well.
“You're right, we can save more water this way.”
Stifling a laugh at his seriousness, Steve nodded. “Yeah, for the water bill.”
“For the water bill,” Eddie echoed in amusement and settled over Steve, trapping their rigid cocks between their stomachs.
This close, Steve could see the freckles on Eddie's nose, the caramel in Eddie's eyes, and the blazing desire they both shared.
It was a wildfire, this feeling he had for Eddie, spreading in his chest and consuming his every fiber.
Sometimes, he felt like Icarus, flying too close to the sun.
But Steve was a moth drawn to the flame, a burning star that was Eddie Munson.
“Kiss me?” He whispered, hopeful.
Eddie moved faster, making him moan and tremble in mindless pleasure.
Then, hot lips were on him, eating the noises he made, sucking the breath out of his lungs.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie pecked his lips softly once they finished. “Go out with me?”
“It's a date?” Steve perked up.
“It's a date,” Eddie smiled fondly and kissed him again.
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rogueddie · 1 year
Steve nearly winces when he steps into the room, following behind Dustin and Mike. He's already wishing he'd tried to shut Lucas up as soon as he'd tried to say that "no, really, I don't mind!"
Because of course he's this unlucky. Of course his date would skip out almost last minute, of course he'd end up with no excuse to avoid helping Dustin with his stupid D&D game and of course the person who probably hates Steve most is crouched on the biggest chair like it's a throne.
Eddie Munson eyes lock on him immediately. He stares for a while, making Dustin and Mike shift awkwardly beside him.
"Absolutely not. No way." He's grinning though. His eyes narrow slightly at Steve, like he's daring him to do something.
"You asked for a sub, we delivered."
Steve simply raises an eyebrow, pointedly shifting the sheets Dustin had helped him make up. It draws Eddies attention off his face, finally. When he looks back up, he's smiling a little more genuinely.
The guys standing at his sides are still glaring, looking almost cruelly excited when Eddie stands up, meandering his way over to them.
He gently plucks the sheet out Steves hand, eyebrows slowly raising as he reads.
Everyone is waiting, eyeing Eddie impatiently. Dustin and Mike are tense, as though waiting for Eddie to blow up. The others seem to expect the same, though Steve imagines they're more excited for it.
"Why did you come?" Eddie eventually asks, still holding onto the character sheet. "What could possibly be so important about this that King Steve would miss the championship game?"
"Dustin said this one was important," Steve shrugs. Fights to keep his calm demeaner. "Something about it being the last one or something. He's been going on about this shit forever. Seemed cruel to leave him high and dry at the last leg."
"Well…" Eddie eyes the character sheet before handing it back. Looks Steve up and down, before finally grinning. His eyes crinkle at the edges. "Welcome to Hellfire, Lady Elora."
He sticks his hand out. Steve shakes it, trying not to grin back.
Even with how often Dustin has talked to him about the game, Steve is clueless. Dustin and Mike both save him from embarressment every time though, quick to argue different options in such a pointed way that he knows the others aren't fooled by.
But Steve doesn't mind, often finds himself rolling his eyes at their antics only to find Eddie eyeing him almost fondly.
He finds that he enjoys it though. He'd make the character Elora as a joke, mostly just throwing whatever seemed to fit at random. An Elf who's a ranger, chaotic neutral, swinging around a bat with nails.
He wonders if it sounds as stupid to everyone else as it does to him.
He's often lost on the story too. But Eddie is brilliant at telling it. Even when he doesn't understand what he means, he flinches when the others yell at a reveal. Anxiety bubbling up when things get tense, slowly getting more and more invested in the game. Even he can tell that they're nearing the end, the final fight.
"You're scared, you're tired, you are injured," Eddie says. "Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?"
Steve already knows the answer before Dustin speaks up; "I say we fight. To the death!"
"To the death," Mike echoes, nodding.
"To the death." Steve sniffs, doesn't bother fighting the grin.
Eddie grins back at him, the others chanting the sentiment. Steve feels warm with his attention locked on him.
Steve has the first roll. He still doesn't understand the numbers, but the others cheer so he assumes it must be good. But then it goes downhill, so many bad rolls.
Everyone is too hyped up for Steve to keep up so he focuses on Eddie. He's jeering, jumping up out of his seat, encouraging the chaos and seeming to control the energy of the room. When he laughs, he sounds more like a movie villain.
And then, one of them calls time out.
They huddle into a circle, just like they did in basketball. Steve is surprised by how easily two of the older boys pull him in.
"Guys, I hate to say this but we have got to flee."
"I concur."
"Didn't we just agree 'to the death'?" Steve frowns. He's not ready to give up yet. He can feel how close they are.
"That wasn't literal!"
A hand tightens on his shoulder. "Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players."
"You too?" Dustin sounds just as annoyed as Steve feels. "Vecna only has 15 more hit points left, don't be pussies!"
"Pussies? Really? Cause we're not delusional?"
"No, no, Dustins right," Steve butts in. Barely holds back a warning to Dustin about his language; it's not the time for babysitting. "We're too close now, we can't give up!"
"HEY!" Eddie calls, easily drawing all their attention back to him. "If I may interject, gentleman… whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Garreth the Greats concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today."
Something about his smirk and stupid head tilt just makes Steve more determined. If he has to continue fighting this stupid game alone, god dammit, he will.
Steve only half pays attention to Mike talking strategy. He's already made up his mind.
"What do you say, Elora?" Dustin turns to him, looking uncertain.
"We can kill him." Steve sounds more sure than he probably has any right to be. But he is. He can feel it in his bones. They can win.
"Fuck yeah we can," he grins at Steve. The others look more uncertain. Dustin turns back to Eddie, shoulders back, chin up and looking almost proud. "Let's kill this son of a bitch!"
Dustin gets first roll and it's bad.
It's all down to Steve.
He can feel how tense everyone is. Dustin and Gareth start yelling when he takes to long. But he can't roll yet, follows his gut; he has to get this right, has to roll at the right time.
It's just like swinging a bat in baseball, he tells himself. Just gotta time it right…
He rolls.
The dice seems to move in slow motion. Steve can almost hear each time it bounces off the board. The tension is so thick that it almost chokes him, for a moment he's sure that he can't breath.
There's a moment where no one reacts. Then Dustin yells, grabbing Steves arm and shaking him in his excitement. Mike, a more similar height, throws his arms around his shoulders. It's a little painful to have him shouting directly in his ear but, he too, is too excited to care.
The others have started yelling too, Eddie dramatically overacting his shock too. Steve can't help but laugh.
It takes a while for everyone to calm down. An even longer moment to stop talking enough so they can start packing their things up. Steve only brought his jacket and character sheet, so he stays stood at the end of the table to wait for the kids.
Eddie keeps glancing up at him as he packs most of the pieces away.
"Harrington," Grant grins at him. "Never thought I'd be saying this but... thanks for coming."
"Oh, uh, yeah, no problem," Steve tries to smile.
"Dude, you missed the championship game to save our asses in DnD," Gareth grins, throwing his arm over his shoulder. "Who woulda thought, though. Steve Harrington, huh?"
The other two laugh. Steve finally feels a little lighter, on safer ground.
"How the mighty have fallen, huh?" Steve tries. And they laugh, Jeff slapping him on the back.
At the doorway, he lingers for a moment, whilst everyone else starts heading down the hall.
"Thanks for letting me play," Steve says, turning to Eddie. "I know I'm not... uh..."
"Don't strain yourself," Eddie waves him off. "It's fine. The kids have raved about you enough for me to figure out that you're a good dude."
"Oh. Thanks."
"You should join their next campaign."
"I don't know. You're graduating, right?"
"Aww, you like me that much, big boy?" He puts a hand to his chest, batting his eyelashes.
But Steve remembers the rumors that went around, remembers exactly how true they were proven to be. And, well...
"What would you say if I am?" He fires back.
Eddie, true to his reputation, is never one to back down from a fight; "then I'd tell you to ask me out like you mean it."
"Alright. If you're free tomorrow, 8pm, would you wanna go on a date? With me?"
"You picking me up in your fancy car?"
"If you want."
"Yeah, I'm free."
"So... that's a yes?"
"Yes, that's a yes."
Steve can't help but fistpump, but it makes Eddie giggle, so he counts it as a win.
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rainbow-nerdss · 2 years
"How come you never talk to me about sports?"
It's late in the afternoon on a lazy Sunday, and they're just curled up on the couch together. Eddie's got a book in one hand, and he's carding the fingers of his other through Steve's hair. Steve's got the sports pages from the morning paper in his lap, and he's looking through it idly.
He stops when he hears Eddie's question, though, cranes his neck back to look at him.
"How come you never talk about sports? I just realised I don't even know what teams you support." Eddie dog-ears his book and sets his book aside as he asks.
Steve frowns. "But… you don't care about sports. Like, at all. Why would I bore you by talking about it?"
"Are you bored when I talk about D&D?” Eddie asks, hand stilling in Steve’s hair. Steve shakes his head. “I tell you about my sessions all the time. I tell you about the books I'm reading and music shit, and you always listen to me. You don't really care about any of that stuff, either."
Steve shakes his head. "Yeah, but that’s different,” he tries to argue.
“How so?”
Steve wracks his brain for the words to describe it. “I like listening to you talk about D&D because you get so excited. I like hearing you talk about something you care about."
Eddie smiles and kisses Steve’s forehead. He looks almost smug, like he’s won a debate Steve hadn’t even realised he was part of.
"So let me ask again. Why don't you talk about sports more?"
Steve is quiet, staring at nothing in the distance as he puts the pieces together.
"I never... Nobody ever.... I mean, except Lucas, but Robin and Dustin always rolled their eyes when I made references to it, so..."
Eddie cups Steve’s face and looks him in the eye. "Tell me something."
"I don't know. What's the drama right now? How's your team doing in the league or the championship or whatever it's called? Tell me about the last game you saw on TV! I wanna hear you talk about your interests, too."
Steve feels warmth burst in his chest as he sets the newspaper aside. 
Eddie leans back against the couch, watching fondly as he listens. Steve is hesitant at first, stumbling over his words. A little voice in the back of his head keeps tripping him up, telling him Eddie doesn't care about any of this and you're boring him, wrap it up.
Every time he lets the voice win, though, every time he stops talking, trails off, or tries to change the topic to something Eddie might enjoy more, Eddie asks him a question.
"What does that rule mean?"
"How does team selection even work?" 
"What would your dream line-up look like right now?"
And Steve answers. And Eddie listens.
When Eddie finally runs out of questions, Steve's surprised by how happy he is.
"You're really cute when you talk about sports, you know that right? Your face lights up with it."
Steve leans in and kisses Eddie. "I love you."
"Love you too, babe. I really do."
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Just having more thinkee thoughts about casually bisexual Steve and Eddie who doesn't have a filter on his mouth, ever. Mature 18+
So they're out at a bar and it's been awhile for Steve and he is just out for a one-night stand. He would like more, sure but tonight is about getting his dick wet.
Robin has already hit the dance floor with their friends, Nancy having managed to drag Jonathan with her.
Steve knocks on the table. "All right, time to find a pussy to put my dick in," he mutters to himself more than Eddie's who's the only one left at their table.
And without thinking Eddie blurts out, "Well if you ever wanted an ass to fuck, give me a call, sweetheart."
And Steve suddenly at Eddie's side faster than he can blink and slots himself between his spread legs.
"That a serious offer, Munson or are you fucking with me?"
Eddie half shrugs. "A little bit of fucking with you with huge dash of wanting you to fuck me."
Steve runs his tongue over his teeth as he thinks it over. "Hmm... if I'm honest I always assumed that if there was fucking you'd be the one giving, not taking."
Eddie just shrugs. "You're not going to hold it against me are ya?"
Steve grins, feral. "You'd like that, huh? Me holding you down, while I fucked you?"
Eddie's brain has completely whited out. Just static.
"I'd drag you to the bathroom," Steve purrs, "but I want to see you under me, hair splayed out on my pillow as fucked into you."
Eddie tries to get up so that they can do just that, but Steve puts his hand on his chest.
"Not so fast, rockstar," Steve says with a sly smile. "If we leave now, our friends would be upset since we just got here. So can you be a good boy for me and wait?"
Eddie gulps and nods. "How long?"
Steve checks his watch. "Is an hour okay?"
Eddie nods again, so Steve pulls his hand and drags him out on the dance floor. The music slows to a love song and Eddie thinks Steve's going to pull away, only he doesn't.
He pulls him closer and they're dancing cheek to cheek.
"I have to tell you," Steve says a little desperate, "if I take you home tonight, that's it--"
"Oh," Eddie says trying to pull away, trying not cry.
"It's you and me as a couple," Steve continues and Eddie just stares at him wide-eyed. "And if that's something you don't want, I'd rather we didn't do anything at all. Because if I got to taste you and not keep you I don't think I'd surv--"
He never finishes that sentence because Eddie is kissing him on the lips as firmly and sincerely as possible.
"Oh!" Steve says brightly. "So that's a yes to the boyfriend thing?"
"Yes, Stevie," Eddie says shaking his head fondly, "it's a yes to the boyfriend thing."
On the other side of the dance floor both Jonathan and Nancy are putting money in Robin's hands.
"Do you think it's just sex or..." Nancy asks.
Robin cackles. "Oh it's definitely sex, but it's a relationship all the way."
Nancy huffed. Not because she didn't believe her, she could see it with her eyes. But if it is a relationship--
They kiss and Nancy sighs, digging out another five dollars and handing it Robin.
"How did you know it would happen tonight?" Jonathan asked after handing Robin his own five dollars.
"Eddie has no filter especially two cocktails in," Robin explained, cocking her head to the side and half shrugging. "And Steve loves to bitch about not getting any lately. So you put the two together..." she smashed her hands together, "and you get at the very least, sex in the bathroom. But this is Steve, the most romantic bastard in all of Indiana if not the whole country, he'd only be willing to have sex with Eddie, if it led to more."
Jonathan and Nancy sighed. They really never should have bet against best friend knowledge.
Later that night when Steve has Eddie right where he wants him, he reaches out and strokes his cheek.
"You're sweet, Stevie," Eddie murmurs, "but if you don't start soon, I may explode!"
Steve laughs and gets to work fucking wildly into Eddie as they both starts spouting inanities and endearments.
Steve grabs Eddie's cock and works him in rhythm to his own thrusts, with Eddie tripping over his words as he holds on dear life.
After they've both come, and they've cleaned up, they'll lie next to each other on Steve's bed.
Eddie gets up on his elbow to look down at Steve, "So boyfriend privileges means shot gun right?"
Steve bursts out laughing. "Sorry, love," he says shaking his head. "Robin would murder us both."
Eddie cocks his head to the side and then nods. "Yeah, that's fair."
End ~
I don't usually write sub/bottom Eddie, because I picture Steve as a pillow princess all the way, but this wouldn't leave my head. Especially the fucking line. It was too good of a pun not to write, if I'm honest.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
based on this post by @liightsnow <3
“Lucas, what’s your favourite song?”
“Oh, uh. I don’t know.”
“Figure it out,” Steve says tightly. “And tell me. If we don’t have the taPes we can get some in town in the morning.”
The room is quiet, tense, and everyone knows what’s going through Steve’s head.
Just in case.
It’s almost uncomfortable, all of them sitting around the basement of Nancy’s house, on the sofas and the floor like they’re waiting for something.
“Mine’s Time After Time,” Erica says after a moment. “Cyndi Lauper.”
Dustin snorts.
“Excuse me?” Erica says, tilting her head, and Eddie suppresses a smile, looking back and forth between them. “Why is that funny?”
“Nothing,” Dustin says, shrugging.
“‘Nothing?’ Why’d you laugh then, huh?”
“Just…” The others are all watching too, suppressing their own tired smiles as they bicker. “You’re such a hard-ass, it’s kinda funny that your favourite song’s a romantic ballad.”
“Language,” Steve scolds. Eddie’s smile grows.
“What’s your favourite song, then, asshole?” Erica asks.
“Language,” Steve says louder. Eddie is grinning now, rocking back and forth, looking away from Steve’s scandalised expression to Dustin’s face, which is now flushing pink.
“…Angeleyes,” he admits. “By ABBA.”
There’s a chorus of muffled laughter around the room.
“ABBA?” Eddie questions, making a face, and Dustin raises a finger at him.
“This needs to be a judgement-free zone—“
“You were just laughing at me for Cyndi Lauper,” Erica interrupts, shoving at him.
“That’s ‘cause it was funny.”
“ABBA’s kinda funny, too,” Lucas says, shrugging. Max is next to him, giggling behind her hand, headphones around her neck, and Eddie can’t remember the last time he saw her laugh. Dustin flips Lucas off.
“What’s your favourite song?” he asks, slumping into his seat and crossing his arms, almost pouting.
Lucas pauses, thinking for another moment before he says, “Rio,” firmly. “Duran Duran.”
Steve gives an approving nod, and Eddie rolls his eyes. Figures the jocks would have the same music taste.
“Why?” Dustin asks. Lucas makes a face, tossing a hand.
“‘S a good song, why do I need a reason?” he asks, then leans forward. “Why do you like Angeleyes?” he teases. Dustin turns pink again.
“Makes me think of Suzie,” he says begrudgingly. “Does Rio make you think of anyone special?”
“Shut up,” Lucas snaps, backing off. Eddie glances at Max, whose cheeks are pink she she looks down, still smiling. Eddie’s grin widens.
When he glances at Steve, he’s smiling too, watching the kids fondly. And Eddie is grateful for this moment, for the softness and banter and bickering and normalness, even if it’s brief.
“Robin, what’s your favourite?” Lucas asks, ignoring the way Dustin is snickering at him.
“Uh,” she sighs, looking up at the ceiling, arms around her legs that are drawn to her chest. “Emerald Eyes, Fleetwood Mac.”
“Wait, do we all have the tapes for these?” Steve asks. "I think I have Fleetwood Mac, but..."
“I have Erica’s,” Nancy says. “In my room. I might have Dustin’s too.”
“I have mine at my house,” Lucas says. Steve hesitates.
“I might have it too,” he says. “I’ll check when we stop at mine tomorrow.” Lucas nods. “Nancy, what’s yours? You have it?”
“Yeah,” Nancy says. “I have it, its’s One Way or Another. Blondie.”
Steve nods.
The rooms falls quiet again. Eddie looks at Steve again, at the way he’s sitting on the floor, arms around his legs like Robin. at the way he’s biting his lip, deep in thought. There’s a crease between his eyebrows. He looks too old, not at all like the boy Eddie used to see in the hallways at school. It feels weird to miss him.
“Steve,” he says quietly. Steve blinks, looking up at him like he’s startled. “What’s yours?”
“Uh, Shout At The Devil by Mötley Crüe,” he says. “I have it in my room.”
He’s met with silence.
Eddie finally stops rocking back and forth, staring at Steve, wondering if he really just said what Eddie heard. Steve blinks and looks back at him, then at the kids.
“Mötley Crüe?” Lucas says slowly.
“Since when do you listen to metal?” Dustin says, and Eddie would go after him for his tone (he sounds disgusted) if he weren’t still frozen, stuck in place.
“Since, like, middle school,” Steve says defensively, rocking Eddie’s world even more. “What’s your deal?”
“I thought you were gonna say something by, like, Wham,” Max says dryly. Steve makes a face.
“Or ABBA,” Erica adds, dodging Dustin’s elbow.
“He listens to metal all the time,” Robin says, and Eddie finally tears his eyes away from Steve to look at her, wide-eyes. “Drives me crazy.”
“You don’t mind Van Halen,” Steve says defensively, leaning forward to look at her, and Eddie’s gaze finds him again.
“I do when I get out of school,” she says sassily. “And I’m tired, and I want a nap, and I get into your car to hear some guy yelling—“
“It’s not yelling, oh my god—“
Eddie’s lips are parted as he looks at Steve in awe as they bicker. He snaps out of it when Steve looks at him, their eyes meeting across the coffee table, and he blinks.
“What?” Steve says, half-smiling like he knows. Eddie shrugs, starting to rock back and forth again.
“Didn’t know you had it in you,” he says lightly. Steve raises an eyebrows. (God, why is that hot?)
“To have good music taste?” he asks, amused. Eddie shrugs again.
“The hell do you mean debatable?” Steve says, defensive again. Eddie grins.
“Mötley Crüe’s glam metal—“
“You are so fucking annoying,” Steve says, his eyes wide. “Oh my god.”
Eddie throws his head back with a loud Hah! as a chorus of Language! rings around the room, followed by giggles as Steve makes a face.
“What’s yours?” Nancy asks, kicking Eddie lightly from where she’s sitting on the sofa.
“Master of Puppets,” he says, his smile fading. “Metallica. I have it in my room, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to get it from the trailer—“
“I have it.”
Eddie’s eyes snap back across the coffee table. Steve is looking at him. Earnestly. Seriously. Eddie furrows his brows.
“What?” Steve says. “I have it.”
“Who are you?” Dustin says, and Steve finally looks away from Eddie to glare at Dustin.
“You be quiet, Angeleyes.”
“It’s a good song—“
“For a twelve year old girl, maybe.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Erica interrupts.
Their voices turns to white noise. Eddie stares at Steve, his cheeks flushing with heat, and he pulls a piece of his hair across his face absentmindedly, gazing and gazing and gazing at Steve while he bickers with Dustin. Steve’s smile when Lucas joins him in teasing Dustin makes Eddie’s face flush warmer, and Eddie blinks hard, dropping his hair and looking away so he doesn’t combust.
He turns a little bit to find Nancy staring at him, her head tilted, eyebrows raised a little, her eyes shining with amusement even though her expression kind of looks like she’s watching a house fire.
“Unbelievable,” she says after a moment, and his face turns hot, and he knows he’s blushing profusely as he points at her.
“You can’t say shit to me.”
She raises her hands in surrender, wide-eyed.
She gives him the same look the next day when Steve comes back with the tapes. Steve calls, “Eds,” while Eddie is laying upside down on one of the sofa, and Eddie tries to sit up before Steve tosses the tape to him. He manages to catch it, looking at it curiously in a lapse of memory before he remembers just as he spots his name written on the label, slanted and a little loopy in Steve’s handwriting.
He looks up at Steve while Steve walks away to find Robin, and he’s smiling again, and Nancy is rolling her eyes.
“You’re acting like he made you a personal mixtape,” she says when Steve is out of earshot. “He’s getting you a tape so you don’t die a gruesome death—“
“Listen, Wheeler, I’ve been through a lot,” he says, letting his head fall again as his eyes close. holding up a hand to shut her up. “Let me have this, please.”
“Okay, Eddie.”
She’s smiling.
Without you, my hope is small Let me be me all along
Eddie inhales slowly, feeling coming into his body. He can see bright light through his eyelids, and he feels cold, but something warm is touching his hand.
Let the fires rage inside Knowing someday I'd grow strong
Fingers playing with his, tracing them, running across his knuckles, squeezing and massaging and holding gently. The music that's playing is quiet, like it’s coming from headphones instead of a speaker, and Eddie’s lips twitch into a smile when he recognises the song.
Without you, without you
His hand finally shifts, his fingers twitching, and the hand holding his tightens as weight makes the bed he’s on shift.
Eddie exhales, squeezing his hand a little bit and turning his head. The pillow he’s laying on is really soft, and he hears his hair scratch over the fabric.
“Hey, Stevie,” he says weakly. His voice is scratchy and rough and almost unintelligible, and it hurts to speak. He winces. Feeling seeps back into his body, and he groans.
“You okay?” Steve asks softly, and his other hand is touching Eddie’s face, tracing his cheek lightly.
“My whole body hurts,” Eddie grumbles, closing his eyes again.
“Yeah, no shit, moron,” Steve says, but he’s laughing a little, and Eddie snorts, coughing. He turns his head so he isn’t coughing into Steve’s face.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Steve says softly.
Eddie sighs, relaxing into the bed as Steve touches his face again, squeezing his hand. His fingertips brush over his forehead and cheek and the bridge of his nose.
But with you in my life You're the reason I'm alive
Eddie slowly turns his head toward the music, squinting in the bright lights of the hospital that reflect off the sterile walls and while blankets that are covering his body. There’s a walkman next to him on the bed, the chord of the headphones tangled as the music plays quietly but loud enough to be heard. Eddie closes his eyes again, smiling softly.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind glam metal,” Steve says. Eddie can hear his smile. “Pretentious fucker.”
Eddie laughs weakly again, coughing.
“I don’t mind,” he whispers.
He turns his face into Steve’s palm and kisses it. And then his face flushes with heat as Steve leans down and presses his lips to his forehead. He wants to hide behind his hair, but he’s too tired to reach up to pull it across his face, and then he doesn’t really want to hide as Steve smiles at him with this softness in his eyes that no one’s ever looked at Eddie with before.
“I thought they were gonna follow us through,” Eddie says quietly. “The— The bats. ‘S why I stayed.”
Steve squeezes his hand.
“I told you not to be a hero,” he whispers.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
Steve kisses his forehead again, and then he leans over Eddie, pressing their foreheads together.
“You’re okay,” he breathes, so softly that it seems like it’s to himself.
Eddie sighs, focussing on the pressure of Steve’s forehead against his, of Steve’s fingers twisted around his. He smells like expensive soap, citrusy and warm.
“You wanna go to a Sabbath gig with me someday?” he mumbles. Steve laughs softly.
“Yeah. Sure.”
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luveline · 10 months
If you’re taking any requests could I request prince Steve and his soulmate wanting to have their first kiss before the wedding since they’re shy about so many people witnessing it
for you my love ♡ prince!steve au
You glance over the pages of your book to watch the Prince. He's stretching by the balcony, the summer air ruffling his hair, the sun kissing his skin. He's tan from weeks of being outside, and when he moves, it's almost like watching the sun itself. Too much. Your eyes burn after a few moments and you look down again. 
“Steve?” you ask, turning a page. 
He stops stretching his shoulders to smile at you. His button up rolled at the sleeves and tight on the arms, he's a poster boy. He's everything a Prince should be, and very soon he's going to be your husband. He's barely even your boyfriend. 
Your soulmark jitters through colours. It's an odd thing, gaussian and scratchy at once, wrapped around your wrist like poorly wound bandages made of light. His, whenever he's with you, glows a steady pinky-purple. You've no idea what it means. 
When you see him, yours is almost always white burning blue. But he smiles fondly and it melds to a softer pink, almost too pale to detect. “What?” 
“We're getting married in sixteen days.”
He crosses the room to sit beside you on the bed. Your sheets are white as the soulmark, crinkled under his weight. “There's still time to send you away.” You laugh a startled laugh and try to keep that lightness about you when he clasps your knee. “But I'd die alone, after that, and the kingdom would collapse, and I'd be miserable, so…” He smiles at you, a silky smoothness to his voice as he continues, “I'd rather you stayed.” 
“I want to stay. I want–” You bite the soft inside of your bottom lip. “I wanted to ask for a favour.” 
“Anything you want. Unless it's to help you with your tutoring. That's never going to happen. I'd make it worse–” 
“No, it's not that.” Bite the bullet. Ask the question, even if you're sitting in bed together, even if he's the most beautiful boy this side of the ocean. “I was wondering if you'd kiss me.” 
Steve stares at you, slack-jawed for a sliver of a second, but he realises himself and his teeth click as he closes his mouth. 
“I don't want the first time we kiss to be– to be in front of so many people. I don't even know what to do.” 
“You don't?” he asks. 
“No.” You rub your thumb against the pages of your book before sitting up to escape. “It was a stupid thing to ask you for, I'm sorry.” 
He takes your arm into his hand. “It's not stupid. I'll kiss you. I want to kiss you, I really want to. I've been worried about it, too. Kissing isn't one size fits all, you know? It's different for everyone.” 
“Right.” Your heart beats in your ears. “So you will?” 
“I will,” he says, quieter than either of you had been speaking before. He takes the book from your hand carefully and puts it aside, pulling at your arm with similar care as he shuffles close to you on the bed. 
You resist the urge to bury your face in your hands. You hadn't thought he'd kiss you straight away, but what difference does it make? You want him to kiss you now, you want—
“You sure?” he asks. 
You nod, not trusting your tongue to make words, the weight of it like lead in your mouth. Steve's hand climbs carefully from the bracelet at your wrist to your elbow, but eventually it slides between your arm and your side to the place just below your breasts. 
The other. He almost kills you, his other hand, brought so tentatively to your face. He doesn't cup your cheek but his palm turns upward, and his fingertips trail from the skin shy of your nose to just under your chin, and then he closes his eyes and you follow suit, too afraid to see anything after that, your skin alive with his touch. 
He kisses like a prince. 
Soft. Delicate. Steve clasps your shoulder very gently and guides your face to his, your lips pressing together, the thrum of a spark between you like a firecracker, a Catherine wheel, that spinning expense of energy with nowhere to go but your mouth. His lips part the slightest bit against yours as he kisses up into your lips. 
When he pulls away a handful of seconds later, your faces are awash with a lavender light. 
“Was that okay?” he asks. 
The light turns darker, a terrible heat flushing through you. You wish you had the bravery to ask for another kiss. “Yes,” you say, nearly whispering. “That was fine.” 
“We can do better than fine, yeah?”
You almost choke on air. "Yeah. Yes."
He's smiling as he leans back in.
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Mirror, Mirror | Six: Epilogue
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Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You never really thought about Wanda other than the fact that she's your best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. It just wasn't in the realm of possibilites, so you never let yourself develop feelings. At least until someone points out that you have a very specific type when it comes to dating, so maybe it is all subconscious? Reader's POV
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: Mini Series is completed! Thank you so much for tagging along with me <3 Explicit version available in a week.
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~3.1k
You rarely think about sentences that could change your life.
There are too many instances that could change your life; therefore, it would be moot to think about.
You have a terminal illness. 
You've won 69 million dollars.
Someone you love has horrifically died—no, there were no remains.
It's all too overwhelming to think about; therefore, you don't. Yet, somehow, if you ever did think about life-changing sentences, you didn't think it could ever be, "Hey, have you noticed how you seem to exclusively date girls who look like Wanda?"
And it was like the ground crumbled underneath you. It was such a sickening realization—not that Wanda was in any way sickening—it was the fact that you might just be subconsciously a pervert. 
The more you thought about the words, the more horrifying it became. Every one-night stand, every situationship, every girlfriend—god, they all looked like Wanda. 
You're too scared to think about it deeper in fear of what it would reveal subconsciously every time you kissed or fucked a girl. Were you thinking of Wanda? God, you just couldn't think about it.
This was all Bucky's fault. You wished you had never gone out onto that balcony that night. 
3 months prior to that night at the bar with Wanda & Steve
The cool air felt better, and the breeze settled on the back of your neck. There was definitely too much wine going around, and you only managed to escape as Tony brought out the hard liquor. 
The crowd dispersed after several shots you didn't partake in. You stared into the distance, thinking idly how Tony had way too much money. Old money was ridiculous. Why does someone need a garden fountain as big as a pool?
Movement caught the corner of your eye, and you saw Wanda and Vision walking through the dimly lit garden. You smiled fondly at your best friend as she laughed at whatever charming thing Vision had managed to say. 
Vision was...just okay, in your opinion. You thought he was too nonchalant about Wanda, and that was why they were so on and off rather than consistently being together. Wanda deserved someone who loved her fiercely, and you couldn't imagine Vision always putting Wanda first. 
You watched with slight melancholy when Wanda linked her arms through his as they sat on the ledge of the garden fountain. You wished you had also brought someone along for this party. 
"Hey, thought I saw you sneak out here."
You turned around and saw Bucky holding a glass of beer. You smirked at him with mirth. "You know what I must do when Tony starts bringing out the grey goose."
Bucky shuddered, clearly having been roped into a few shots. He came and stood next to you, catching the scene you were staring at. "Guess they're back on then?"
You shrugged. "Guess so. We'll see how long it lasts. I'm betting 3 months."
"Be realistic. It'll be 2 and a half months," Bucky snorted. 
"Ye of little faith," you teased and then sighed. "I wish I also brought someone along. I should've brought that girl I met at my photoshoot."
"The brunette with green eyes?" Bucky asked, and you nod. "You know what I've noticed?"
"Hm?" you hummed in response to Bucky's casual tone. 
"You seem to have a very specific type when it comes to dating," Bucky mused. "They're always brunette—save those two girls from university—and they always have green eyes." 
You furrow your brows in serious thought. "I suppose so."
"Yeah," Bucky nodded, his tone still casual. "They always remind me of Wanda, especially from the back. I always have to make sure I'm careful not to mix up your date with Wanda." 
Bucky ended it with a chuckle, stating he was getting cold before he left without another world, leaving you alone outside.
The connect dots snapped into place almost instantly, horrifying you as you continued to stare at Wanda from above. 
Oh, fuck. 
Maybe it was a good thing you didn't bring anyone tonight. You're not sure how you'd be able to take someone home into your bed with the daunting realization you go after girls who look like your best friend...because you actually want your best friend. 
The three months since that discovery had nearly driven you to insanity. Since you refused to talk to anyone about it, most of your thought process was, " Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no."
But in the end, you resolved that it couldn't happen. Wanda would never reciprocate your feelings in a million years, especially since she had Vision. Wanda occasionally even talked about the possibility of marrying him down the road. 
It wasn't happening. It was never going to happen. 
Wanda was more important to you than anyone in the whole entire world. You would never allow anything to risk the friendship—even your feelings. 
You felt like a sick sexual deviant. 
Despite your resolve to bury your feelings and continue on as normal, it was getting increasingly weird to continue to see girls who looked like Wanda. Yet, you couldn't stop. It wasn't doing it for you otherwise. 
But now, every time you kissed a girl, all you could see was Wanda in her. Sex was beginning to become a guilty pleasure for all the wrong reasons. 
When you met Raye, it felt like another sinful thing to lust after, knowing how much she physically reminded you of Wanda. But you could see a big personality difference in the short time you spent chatting with Raye. 
Wanda was the type you spoiled, indulging in her strange, wacky ideas. She could be very emotional, swinging from one side of the spectrum to another. She had such a big heart, willing to love, but also held grudges and was wicked if crossed. Wanda was a brat in all the loving ways you could mean. 
Raye could be best described as emotionally consistent. On the surface, she portrayed a wicked sense of humor and was fun to be around, but she was much more guarded than Wanda. She was very independent, not liking anything that might even intrude on her freedom. Raye kept her true feelings close to herself and seemed to be teasing you to come find out. 
It was different. You didn't mind, maybe liking it even (purely in the sense it was the opposite of Wanda, and you couldn't afford to keep lusting after your best friend in all possible ways).
Even so, your mind was distracted on the first date.
"Have you ever done a boudoir photoshoot?" Raye asks, her tone low and seductive.
"Can't say that I have," you smile, trying to remind yourself to be present during the date. It's been long since you've properly wined and dined someone, and Wanda kept entering your thoughts. 
"Well, there's a first for everything and you might even have a willing model," Raye bit her bottom lip suggestively, her index finger stroking the back of your hand. 
And while the southern twang does stir something in you, and you feel your stomach tingling, you're very aware that it's because Raye physically reminds you of Wanda. So, your mind traitorously imagines Wanda biting her lip and saying seductive things to you. 
You whip your head around, swearing you heard Wanda. When there was no sign of her, you furrowed your brows in confusion, turning back to Raye.
Was this a sign of insanity?
You resolve right then and there to focus on the lovely brunette before you and enjoy the date. It was easy enough if you relaxed and earnestly asked Raye questions about herself. 
It was easy enough to hold Raye's hand and swing it back and forth if you just thought about how warm they were. 
It was enough to giggle when Raye leaned in closer to whisper something silly or naughty in your ear if you just thought about how her breath felt on the shell of your ear.
Suddenly, the car next to you went off, the alarm beeping loudly enough to make you and Raye jump in surprise. You turned around and noticed the couple behind you were gone. You thought they looked slightly familiar, but it was too difficult to determine when they were so far away in the dark under passing streetlights. 
Ultimately, you walk Raye up her steps, unsure what you want your next move to be. Everything feels strange since the revelation. You feel guilty for your lust, but specifically what causes it. 
But when Raye pulled you in for a hot, searing kiss, you decided to just go with the flow...which also ended up being nothing as she got a call from her sister while clothes were discarded. 
The call was only bordering on 40 seconds, but you decided your momentum was lost, and you needed that momentum to have sex with someone else while you tried (unsuccessfully) to not think about Wanda. 
Fuck. Darcy.
Those were the only words that could come to your mind after Wanda texted her vague answer about whether or not she was returning home tonight. 
You sighed as you scrolled through the videos and photos, trying to get a headstart on putting together the video for Tony and Pepper. As you began opening up files, many were corrupted by the inability to open or glitchy images. 
With another sigh, your chair scraped against the floor as you shifted back, pulling out your phone and shooting a quick text to the videographer asking if you could meet up tomorrow to get the SD card for the originals. You got a prompt reply with a thumbs-up emoji with a time and place. 
You thought you might've just heard something shuffle in your room, but you forget about it when it's quiet again.
In the end, you spent another 45 minutes scrolling through some other photos that weren't corrupted, catching Wanda in the background and staring with a lingering thought about how absolutely pretty she was.
A part of you was in disbelief that Wanda was interested in women. You had so many questions that still lingered, but you didn't want to push Wanda or make it seem like you were interrogating her, and she needed to prove it.  
Still, you wondered what exactly made Wanda come to terms with the fact that she liked women.
Specifically, why couldn't you be the reason she was interested in women? You shoved those forbidden feelings down, beating them back into its box to put away. 
It didn't matter. 
It shouldn't matter.
You're with Raye, and Wanda may be with Darcy. Or some other girl, or maybe even with a guy again.
It's just not going to be you. 
And that's okay, you tell yourself. You can love someone without having to pursue anything. You just want to be there for Wanda. 
Of course, all of this changed the moment you watched a slanted confession video from an unaware Wanda while your roommate was out for lunch with a client.
Shock is the only thing that registers upon the video finishing. Were you hallucinating again? Was this like the first date with Raye where you kept thinking you could hear or see glimpses of Wanda?
But you played the video over and over, blinking every time it was finished.
Then a burst of strange laughter bubbled from your mouth, and then horror dawned on you that, 'oh, fuck. She actually feels the same way.'
It was unclear whether or not Wanda was trying to let her feelings be known or if she was also facing the same issue as you, where she was suppressing them. Either way, Wanda would unlikely be brave enough to say anything soon. 
You spent the week humming and hawing about what pursuing a relationship with your best friend would mean. What would the consequences be if things didn't work out? What would the consequences be if you declined to pursue anything more despite if Wanda confessed? What would the consequences be to watch Wanda move on and love someone else?
Your stomach dropped. 
You needed to break up with Raye. 
Your stomach dropped. 
You wait 3 more days before confronting Wanda since she's clearly a chicken.
"You knew you had feelings for me for at least 3 months?" Wanda screeches. "And you said nothing?!"
"Okay, relax, you banshee," you wince at the sound. "How is that the only thing you hung onto out of everything I just told you?"
"But...but!" Wanda narrows her eyes on you. "It was getting serious with Raye!"
"Serious?" you raise your brow at Wanda. "What gave you the idea it was getting serious? We were dating but I saw her maybe a few days out of a month with how much she flies out for work."
"So, it wasn't getting serious at all?" Wanda frowns.
"Well," you purse your lips. "Maybe for Raye. She was considering transferring to another department so she wouldn't have to fly out anymore."
Wanda's mouth hangs open, her face pale with the worst thoughts of what might've been if they never confessed their feelings.
"Which," you cut in like you're able to read her mind, "obviously, I told her to not do as I wanted to end things with her."
"How did she take it?" Wanda asks curiously.
You look uncomfortable as you shift in bed, but Wanda waits patiently. "I think she just emotionally shut down. There were no tears, no screaming, or any accusations about why I was ending things. She just looked impassive as she accepted it and asked me to leave."
"Oh," Wanda bit her bottom lip. She feels bad in a way, but not bad enough to regret making you hers. "I'm sorry, bug."
You sigh as you reach over and pull Wanda close, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. The blanket shifts down, exposing Wanda's neck and collarbone where you had unabashedly marked up.
"Now, are you done with the questions, or can we resume where we left off?" You ask mischievously, pressing languid kisses against the side of her neck. 
Wanda closes her eyes with a soft hum, pressing her body closer to yours until you shift and move over Wanda. 
"I notice that you didn't mention anything about Darcy."
"Mention what exactly?" You say between kisses, stroking Wanda's hip. "That I was insanely jealous and wished her ill? Although, now that I know it was a fake date and neither of you had interest in each other, she seems nice."
Wanda laughs. "Even after she hacked your laptop?"
"With your help, might I remind you," you pull up and pointedly look at her. "But if she never corrupted those wedding files, I would've never got the original SD card and found out about your feelings."
"Very true," Wanda muses as she throws her head around your neck and pulls you close. She pecks your lips charmingly. "We should get her a nice bottle of wine."
"What about Steve and Bucky."
Wanda scoffs. "They're meddling little school girls who are probably kicking their feet and giggling."
You can't help but laugh before you dive in for another kiss, eager but slow. Oh, man. You were going to love Wanda for the rest of your life.
After a moment, Wanda sighs. "Okay, fine. We can give our McDonald's coupons to Steve and Bucky."
You laugh again. "Alright, brat."
"Okay, stinky."
"Here we go again with that," Wanda rolls her eyes with a smile. "I'll have you know that if I were a witch, I'd be the most powerful and best witch ever."
"I bet you would," you agree very readily. "Instead of cursing people to death, you'd be saving their lives...or causing mass chaos. Huh, I guess that's not so different from now." 
Wanda scoffs indignantly before she starts tickling you. You laugh, trying to jerk away, but Wanda is persistent in keeping you in place. 
"Mercy!" You laugh as you roll to the side. 
"Take that back! I do not cause chaos!"
"I take it back! You're clearly an A-List superhero!"
Wanda continues to tickle you anyway. "Say you love me!"
"I love you!"
Only then does Wanda stop, grinning wickedly as she presses a chaste kiss to your lips, and you're breathing heavily.
You want to call her a menace, but you're afraid that will only result in another tickle fight. 
Wanda smiles warmly.
"I love you, too."
"See, I told you Wanda would be the one to confess!" Steve smirks.
"That's because you're a little cheater who went and nudged Wanda along," Bucky rolls his eyes with a smile.
"Oh, yeah, like you're the perfect picture of fair," Steve narrows his eyes. "Don't think I don't know that you went to Bug first. I had to step in and nudge Wanda to make the odds even."
"Was it really Wanda who confessed when it was Bug who technically discovered her secret."
Steve seems to think about it before he slumps into the sofa, "I feel like that's a gray area." Then, Steve frowns. "Ugh, but then that means neither of us wins the bet."
"We can just call it even," Bucky shrugs, laying his head on Steve's shoulder.
"Oh, no," Steve shakes his head. "I won't let you wriggle out of our bet. We will watch all the Lord of the Rings movies if you lose."
Bucky groans loudly. "But there's so many and they're so long."
"You really think I want to watch the Star Wars movies?" Steve rolls his eyes.
"They're a classic!" Bucky argues.
"So is Lord of the Rings."
Bucky huffs but concedes. "Fine," he wrinkles his nose. "Should we bet on something else?"
"No, I like the thrill of two people getting together, even if it takes time. Besides, we have the time since we have to finish a whole bunch of shows," Steve says.
"Hm, which ones of our friends are due to get together?" Bucky muses.
"We could try Nat and Maria," Steve suggests.
"No, too hard since Maria doesn't live here," Bucky shakes his head and then offers, "Yelena and Kate?"
"I think they're actually already together," Steve furrows his brows. "But if they're not, I'm too scared of Yelena to get involved in her affairs."
"I think that's all our friends who are technically single with a viable date option," Bucky sighs.
Silence falls between them before Steve suggests, "Want to bet when Tony and Pepper will announce they're pregnant?"
They stare at each other for a moment before they yell out their guess at the same time. 
"6 months!"
"6 months!"
The silliness of it all leaves Steve and Bucky giggling. 
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
It's El's birthday, and she gets a Polaroid camera. It's from Jonathan but funded with the help of Steve who tells him not to tell her, but after a little negotiating, Steve agrees to say the film is from him and the camera is from Jonathan.
Some people are a little weirded out by the whole thing since Jonathan and Steve were never really close, but Steve had been adamant about how he wanted to help in any way possible with the party. When Jonathan had voiced his concern about how much the perfect gift was, Steve immediately chipped in putting down any protest Jonathan had.
And there El sat with the Polaroid in her hands, gazing down at it with such wonder and joy that Steve couldn't help but know he had made the right decision - even if he was digging into some of his savings from Scoops, but no one needed to know that.
Only, Eddie leans over and nudges him as El is thanking them and moves on to unwrap the next present. Steve turns to him and furrows his brow. What? Eddie raises his eyebrows and tilts his head toward the camera. That's not a cheap gift. Steve just shrugs as nonchalantly as possible, but Eddie shakes his head with a smile and squeezes his knee. You're unbelievable.
And that's the thing about Eddie, ever since the Upside Down, it was like they were inseparable when put in the same room together. He somehow always knew what Steve was thinking and could communicate with a few looks.
And everyone thought this was way stranger than the whole Jonathan and Steve buying a joint gift thing.
Dustin was especially exasperated by the way they would sometimes look at each other and just burst out laughing, yelling at them to stop talking about him in front of him. Steve and Eddie would argue that they had no idea what he was talking about especially since they hadn't said anything (but most of the time it was about Dustin).
After El gets through the rest of the gifts, she grabs her camera and asks Jonathan how to work it as everyone starts to scatter a bit. Steve finds himself on the couch next to Eddie as Robin and Nancy talk about the latest thing Nancy had written for Hawkin's Post.
Steve is telling some random story from work when there's a bright flash to his right. He flinches but recovers quickly when he sees El smiling as the picture develops. She glances up at Eddie and comments, "You have a very pretty smile." Then, she goes on to Nancy and Robin, waiting for the perfect candid photo opportunity, but Steve can only stare at Eddie.
He's staring off at El with a slight blush on his cheeks and a bashful smile. Steve can't help but think about what El said. He had never really thought about that before, but she was right. He has a very very pretty smile.
The party goes on, and Steve can't help but try to make Eddie smile as often as he can which isn't too hard considering Eddie seems to smile at anything Steve says - even his lamest jokes. But eventually, the party is wrapping up, and Steve is in charge of taking Dustin and Robin home.
Eddie says a quick goodbye to Steve and gives him a hug that Steve tries to linger in as long as he can before he fondly watches Eddie pull Dustin into a tight hug that makes the younger kid shriek. He feels like he's bursting at the seams with joy.
He gets tapped on the shoulder and turns to find Jonathan looking at him and waving him to the side. Steve follows him quickly. "I just wanted to thank you again for your help with El's gift, and I also wanted to congratulate you, man."
Steve's brows furrow in confusion, and Jonathan claps him on the arm. "Eddie's a really great guy. And, hey, I talked to El, and I thought you'd want this."
Steve is a bit confused by the random mention of Eddie until he looks down at what Jonathan is handing him. It's the Polaroid picture from earlier with him smiling at Eddie, going on about something as Eddie fully smiles back at him, leaning toward him with his hand on Steve's knee. How had he not noticed how close they were before?
The picture sends a wave of warmth through him and his heart beats a bit faster, but he thanks Jonathan and puts the photo in his wallet. The two linger and Steve kind of thinks to hell with it and hugs Jonathan before saying goodbye. Maybe all the bad shit can just be pushed behind them.
He turns and finds Eddie staring at him with a smile that looks forced and tight, but he when tilts his head, Eddie just shakes his head. Nothing.
Steve continues to look at him but decides to shrug it off. Eddie knows he can always talk to him, but Steve can't help but hope his genuine pretty smile will return soon.
Steve finds himself pulling the photo out of his wallet a lot. Especially when he's having a bad day or feeling down. It's used as a kind of secret happiness drug. All he has to do is pull out the picture and look at Eddie in it to get a burst of joy and energy.
The problem is that people start to notice. And by people, he means the kids.
It happens when they visit Family Video a couple of times, and Steve finds himself longing for Eddie to be there with the group, so he'll hide his wallet behind the counter and pull the picture out where the kids - and Robin - can't see it.
But one time, he finds himself staring at the picture for too long and Dustin demands to know what he's staring at. Steve brushes it off as nothing, and Dustin narrows his eyes at him for a moment before letting it go.
Steve vows to be a little more careful after that, but that leaves him wondering why he's being secretive about this picture of him and Eddie. And what does that mean?
It's a few days later when Steve rushes into the basement of the Wheeler home, trying to get Dustin to leave before he breaks his curfew. Dustin begs him for five more minutes which Steve grants him, but he can't help but wonder if he would've gone quicker if Eddie was there.
Thinking about it leads Steve to wander off away from the kids so he can open his wallet and look at the picture. He instantly gets that surge of warmth that has him biting his lip to keep from giggling. He nearly rolls his eyes at himself since he's acting like a middle school girl with a crush. He takes a few moments to try to fully memorize the picture when it hits him.
A middle school girl with a crush.
He puts the picture back in his wallet immediately and stuffs it in his pocket. He looks at Dustin who is already looking at him. "Whose picture do you have in your wallet, Steve?"
Steve turns bright red and it only further confirms his feelings. Oh god, he has a crush on Eddie Munson and has a picture of him in his wallet which he uses to feel happy. Oh shit.
Steve just says, "Come on, Henderson."
As the others start yelling at him asking who it is, Steve snaps that it's none of their business which only makes them pry further. He ignores them all the way to his car, and once he gets in, he tells Dustin, "Bring up the picture again, and I'll make sure to drive under the speed limit the entire way home."
Dustin glances at the clock and mimes zipping his lips, locking them, and throwing the key away. It only reminds Steve of Eddie.
The rest of the drive is fairly quiet as Steve thinks about the new development. He has a crush on Eddie. That's fine. That is definitely fine. It is all good and fine.
When he gets to Dustin's place, the boy turns to him and asks, "The person means a lot to you, don't they?"
Steve looks at Dustin and catches the seriousness of his look. He nods confirming what he said.
Dustin smiles. "Well, I can't wait to figure out who they are."
With that, he gets out of the car and jogs off to the front door, waving before he gets inside.
Steve drives away after a minute of making sure everything is okay and is left with his thoughts again.
Everything is not fine. And he doesn't know what's happening, so he goes to the only place he knows will help.
He parks his car and gets out, rushing to the side of the house to knock on the window. The light comes on and the curtains open. "Steve?"
The window is quickly lifted up and Steve climbs through. "Hey, Robin."
Then, he promptly has a meltdown of confusion and confesses everything to Robin. He pulls out the picture and hands it over.
Robin takes a few moments to stare at the photo before she hands it back to him. The two sit in silence until Robin finally says, "Oh my gosh, you have a crush on Eddie Munson."
"Yeah," Steve says in response.
And before he knows it the both of them are laughing loudly, trying to muffle it so they don't wake Robin's parents up which only causes them to laugh harder.
Steve says through the laughter, "Am I gay?"
Both of their laughter dies down, and Robin answers, "Probably bisexual."
"What that?"
"When a person likes men and women."
Steve sits in it for a second and nods. "Yeah, that makes sense."
And for some reason, this has them both laughing again. Steve can't help but hold up the picture and stare at it again. He really really likes Eddie Munson.
Two days later, Steve is trying to determine how much longer he can avoid Eddie. It's not exactly avoiding him when they just don't happen to run into each other, but pretty soon, it might turn into purposeful avoiding.
It's just... Steve doesn't know how to act around Eddie anymore. And he knows that when he has feelings for someone he's all or nothing and extremely obvious. And all the kids are a little too smart for their own good.
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He doesn't know what he's going to do.
The doorbell rings, and Steve sighs again. Better not be the kids.
He opens the door and is not prepared to find Eddie Munson at his front door.
"What are you doing here?"
"Hello to you, too. I thought I'd stop by, have a little chat," Eddie says with a smile but sounds extremely suspicious.
Shit, he might know.
Eddie tries to slip past him, but Steve steps in his way. All this does is get Eddie way closer to him than Steve can handle at the moment but he manages to ask, "What are you really doing here?"
Eddie's eyes deceive him and Steve clearly sees there's an ulterior motive. Eddie throws his hands up. "Fine! I was sent here on a mission."
Steve crosses his arms and steps back. "A mission?"
Eddie nods with a small smile. His eyes flicker past Steve, and that's when Steve realizes he messed up.
Eddie shoots past him and up the stairs. "Munson!" Steve calls after him slamming the front door close before racing after him.
Steve finds Eddie in his room with his wallet in his hand. Oh shit.
Steve stands in place, trying to feel out where Eddie is going next. "Give it back now. I'm serious, Eddie."
Eddie holds the wallet up high and slowly walks back. "I've been tasked... to find out who is in your wallet." Steve slowly steps forward, hoping to corner Eddie as he talks. "Now, the kids were worried that maybe it wouldn't be an appropriate picture if you know what I mean. So, I graciously accepted because I, too, am curious. Who has caught Steve Harrington's eye and given him a picture to remember them by?"
By now Steve is only a few steps away and ready to take the wallet back. Steve waits for Eddie to open his wallet before darting at him, but Eddie instead does the unthinkable.
He charges at Steve and somehow tackles him onto his own bed. Then, he climbs on top of him, straddling him and holding the wallet up high.
Steve's brain goes slightly fuzzy, so the only thing he can do is yell, "Please, you don't want to know!"
But Eddie opens the wallet and easily plucks out the picture, and all Steve can do is watch as he's trapped under Eddie. "I told you you wouldn't want to know," Steve mumbles, flushing red.
He watches as Eddie stares at it with a blank look on his face. A few moments pass and Steve quietly requests, "Can you at least get off of me?"
Eddie looks down at him and finally says, "No, I'm not going to let you escape." He makes it a point as he fully sits back on Steve's thighs.
Steve runs his hands over his face.
"Where did you get this?"
"Jonathan gave it to me after El's party," Steve answers staring at the ceiling, not wanting to know what Eddie's reaction is.
He feels him shift above him. "And... And this is the picture you've been staring at?"
"Yep," Steve replies immediately.
"Oh," Eddie says in a tone that Steve can't begin to describe.
"Yeah. Oh," Steve repeats back.
A few moments pass and Steve risks glancing at Eddie, but he's still staring at the photo. "Steve?"
Steve sighs, preparing for the letdown. "What, Eddie?"
"So, you know?" Eddie asks nervously.
Steve props himself up on his elbows. "Know what?"
Eddie shakes his head with a laugh. "Come on. You've stared at this picture long enough to read me." Eddie turns the picture around as if proving a point.
Steve feels that same heat as he stares at the photo, he lightly smiles at it. "You look happy. And El was right, you have a pretty smile."
Eddie groans as if frustrated with his answer which causes Steve to fully sit up until he's practically nose to nose with Eddie. "You asked me to read you, and you already figured out my feelings, so why are you mad?"
Eddie groans again and thrusts the picture between them. "You're able to read every look of mine except this one. Come on, Steve. Look."
So, Steve looks back at the photo. At the way Eddie is leaning into him, the hand on his knee, the big smile, the way his eyes are lit up. Then, Steve does something he hadn't thought of before. He looks at himself.
He looks at the way he's staring at Eddie, looking for that approval but mirroring him in his look. Steve looks back at Eddie as he seems to be hanging on to every word he's saying, not even paying attention to his surrounding. Neither of them are because...
Eddie has feelings for him, too.
The realization hits him quickly, and he can't believe he never saw it before. He loves the picture so much not only because of the way Eddie looks in it but because of the way Eddie is looking at him in it.
The picture slowly moves away and Steve breathes out, "Holy shit."
He refocuses his gaze on Eddie and sees that same look. The look that's always been there, but the only one that Steve has been unable to read. Eddie slowly smiles, and Steve can't help but mirror him.
Then, Eddie's eyes flicker down, and Steve knows exactly what that look means. But Eddie looks back into his eyes searching until he raises his eyebrows Can I? Steve nods, and they both surge forward closing the already small distance between them, kissing like there's no tomorrow.
Steve breaks away for air and asks, "Can I get a picture of this, too, for my wallet?"
Eddie laughs and replies, "As long as I get one to match." Then, he kisses Steve again, and Steve feels the same way he does whenever he looks at that picture - bursting at the seams with warmth and happiness.
Luckily when Dustin goes digging through Steve's wallet days later, he only finds the picture of them on the couch and doesn't notice the picture behind it of Eddie winking at the camera as he kisses Steve.
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bucksangel · 3 months
Milk and Honey ask…
It doesn’t have to be this version of Stucky exactly it could be whatever you want but imagine Bucky and reader surprising Steve by setting up all his art supplies and then them posing for him.
I can imagine Bucky teasing him and being like “paint me like one of your French girls.” 🤭🤭🤭
I know you said Milk and Honey but this is giving me ideas for another au I’ve been thinking about writing, so I hope this is okay😭😭
Pairing: stucky x reader
Word count: 946
Summary: Steve has been in a little rut as to what to paint, so when he comes back from a weekend at DC, his loves have taken it upon themselves to help get him out of it.
Warnings: this is just an overwhelming amount of fluff, titanic references, steve and bucky are retired, hinted smut at the end so 18+ minors DNI
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It’s just past three in the afternoon when Steve steps out of his truck, and for a moment, he just leans against it, staring up at his little cottage with a fond smile. He’s just gotten back from a short trip to DC so he could go to a kids' charity event he was requested to be at and he is tired. Now, he could’ve said ‘no’, he is retired after all, but saying no to helping those in need is just not who Steve is. So, even though he had to leave the loves of his life for a few days, the smiles of joy on the kids’ faces when he’d walked into the building almost made it worth it.
As his eyes roam over the newly added fairy lights intertwined with the posts on the porch he hears a shriek of laughter – loud and boisterous and happy. The front door swings open, and a head of dark brown hair pokes out before looking back inside.
“Stevie’s back!”
Steve smiles wider, no doubt sporting heart eyes when the door opens wider as you practically shove Bucky aside so you can go rushing down the stairs. Steve steps away from the truck, opening his arms and laughing when you launch at him – and he’s just glad he’s a super soldier or else you would have knocked him to the ground.
“Hey, baby. You missed me?” Your arms wrap around Steve’s torso and your face tucks into his neck so even though he can’t see it, he knows you’re rolling your eyes. When you simply huff, he pokes your side, then grabs the backs of your thighs so he can hoist you up and wrap your legs around his waist. “I was only gone for a couple of days.”
“So?” Bucky comes jogging up behind you, stopping right next to you. “You can’t say that you didn’t miss us too.”
It’s Steve’s turn to roll his eyes, but he quickly closes them when Bucky puts his metal hand on the back of his neck and tugs – pulling him into a kiss. The kiss lasts for about five seconds, soft and chaste before Steve has to lean back and swat at Bucky’s hand that dropped down to grab his ass.
“Of course, I missed you guys,” Steve says fondly, adjusting you to rest on his hip so he can wrap his free arm around Bucky’s waist. In turn, Bucky places his metal hand back on Steve’s neck, and he has to suppress a shiver when he feels the ring on Bucky’s hand.
After five years of marriage, he would have thought the excitement would wear off, that maybe he’d become used to coming home to both of you, or doing mundane things together just as an excuse to be with each other. But it hasn’t, and Steve has never taken for granted the warm feeling in his chest whenever he’s with you, even if you’re together all day or haven’t seen him in a week.
Steve just loves you both more than life itself, he can’t help it, okay?
“My turn,” you whine, lifting your head up and puckering your lips so Steve can dip down and kiss you as well. “Now, c’mon, Stevie. Let’s go inside,” You say happily when he pulls back.
“We have a surprise for you.” Bucky’s smiling wide, looking over at you. When you nod, Bucky bolts into the house, shouting “We’ll get your bags later!” behind him.
Steve is a little apprehensive to go inside. Lord only knows what you two have gotten up to while he was away. But then you kiss his cheek, and the look of excitement in your eyes breaks down his walls and he makes his way towards the house as well.
He doesn’t know what he was expecting when he walked through the threshold and into the living room, but it wasn’t this. Most of the furniture has been pushed off to the side, and in its place is his easel, a few canvases, and the cart he keeps all of his paints and brushes in. With the curtains open, it’s perfectly positioned to give him the best lighting. Sitting opposite from the setup is one of their comfiest couches.
“What’s all this for?”
“You’ve been in a rut with painting, so we wanted to try to help with that.” You giggle at Bucky’s response, your face tucking back into Steve’s neck. And he can tell Bucky is trying to hide his mischievous smirk.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Steve finally sets you down, though you keep your arms around him.
“Well…” You trail off, playing with the short hairs at the base of your husband’s neck. “Remember when we watched Titanic last week?”
Steve rolls his eyes and groans. He knows exactly what scene you’re talking about. And, while he does feel like you both might somehow manage to give him a heart attack with your schemes and pranks, it’s moments like this that makes him think that it’d be worth it.
He’s so loved.
He feels it in his bones, at his core he knows that you and Bucky want him to be happy.
“Come on, Stevie baby,” Bucky says, saddling up behind his husband. “Paint us like one of your French girls.”
Steve can’t help but snort, and he feels Bucky smile into his neck. He takes a long pause, pretending to think it over even though he’s dying to say yes. He scrunches up his face like he’s thinking really hard, and that’s when you poke his side.
“Well,” Steve chuckles. “I guess you guys better get undressed then.”
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stucky taglist: @justsebstan
main taglist: @lilyalone | @goldylions | @yeehawbrothers | @buckyssweetheart | @buckysprettybaby | @sushiseoks | @heytheredelulu | @somnorvos | @ozwriterchick | @pxgeturner | @gentlelimerence | @buckysbarne
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reallyromealone · 7 months
Maybe a part 3 to resilient?
Resilient chapter 3
Eddie Munson x male reader
Stranger things
Warnings: omegaverse, male reader, angst, Omega male reader, implied mpreg, Eddie feels like Dookie
(sons name) excitedly ate his pancakes, (name) looking fondly at his kid as Hopp drank his coffee while reading the morning paper "so ducky, you are gonna hang out with grandpa today, isn't that fun?" (Name) Gently cleaned the pups face as they moved on to their bacon, extra crispy just like (sons name) liked it.
(Sons name) Looked giddy before glancing at his grandpa "what we doin!?" He asked with an aggressive level of excitement and Hopp chuckled "you gotta see bud" his eyes holding a glimmer of excitement as he finished his coffee "now finish your food"
Eddie stood infront of the apartment door, nerves invading his mind as he hesitated to knock, pulling back when he was about to and pacing slightly in a small circle.
"Stop being a bitch munson... Just knock on the door" he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting anxiously for ten minutes before knocking once more "he's not there" a withered old voice said as Eddie turned to see an elderly woman at the door across the hall "do you know where he went?" Eddie asked anxiously and the woman sighed "moved to his dad's or whatever... Good kid, gonna miss 'em" Eddie thanked the woman and left the building, a shuttered sigh escaping his lips as she toyed with his car keys, thankful that no one really cared about him as he got inside his mustang and just rested his head on the wheel.
"Fuck" he was at Hopps? That was practically a death wish for Eddie... Hopp had zero qualms for shooting people off his property and added bonus of Sheriff... Yeah he wasn't going there.
He drove around town, aimlessly looking for any sign of the Omega as he tried not to let anxiety flood him as well as avoid anyone he may know, especially Robin and Steve... The two were a danger within themselves.
(Name) Was happy as he ended his shift, walking to the local toy store to get his toddler a few gifts as he had a fair more amount to work with now that he didn't pay rent, already having decorations hidden in his closet for the party in just a few weeks.
(Name) Looked at the toys his son would like, large building blocks and paw patrol were big contenders as he looked at his options carefully "I am not getting that... To many parts" parts he and his dad will definitely step on eventually and frankly that's not what they needed.
(Name) Was excited as he left the store with a few bags of toys, giddy he got to splurge on his little sunshine.
He wasn't expecting to lock eyes with Eddie... He always thought of this day... The day he would eventually see him, have something witty to say or maybe be cool and put together and make Eddie regret hurting him like he did...
But all he did was stare, throat tight and body suddenly freezing cold as Eddie looked like a sad puppy "can... Can we talk?" Eddie said softly, (name)s breathing uneven as he felt himself grow dizzy with anxiety... Suddenly he felt like the helpless teen he was almost four years ago.
It was extremely tense as they sat before one another in the back of a small diner, coffees infront of both of them, neither speaking for a solid ten minutes.
"So... You're back" (name) whispered as he fidgeted with his fingers, Eddie wanted so badly to reach out to him but he knew that would be a terrible idea "I am... Wayne showed me the letters... I-I didn't know" (name) just stared at him coldly, anger flooding through him "yet you still did what you did" (name) whispered, voice shaking with anger as he looked Eddie in the eye "never did you think to believe me, to listen to me... But now suddenly I matter? I don't care if you didn't know, I will never forgive you" (name) seethed, a strength rushing through his veins that he didn't know he had and Eddie looked gutted at his words. Good.
"You sent me a cease and desist, I don't understand why you are talking to me since you clearly despsie me" (name) was more confident as he leaned back "after all, I'm just a gold digger and a whore who wants to earn THE Eddie munsons favor again" paraphrasing Eddie and his band mates + parts of the gangs words and Eddie looked like he was killed over and over again "I am so sorry... I'll cancel the cease and desist! I-I just wanted to make amends... Meet my son..."
"You can meet him but know I will never forgive you..." (Name) Said coldly "you can even do a DNA test if you want... Make sure you are actually the father of a whores pup" (name) knew he was the dad, (sons name) was literally a mini Eddie down to his smile but god did he want to rub salt in the wounds.
"I have to go, I have things I need to go do, I'll let you know when he and myself are ready to see you" the Alpha shakily handed (name) his number, he watched as (name) lifted bags up "goodbye, Munson" (name) said coldly and left Eddie in the diner, coffees untouched.
(Name) Rushed to his car, his dad giving him his old truck to drive and drove off, unsure where as he reeled at what just happened, god he was shaking.
He got home, sitting in the driveway as he felt anger and anxiety flow through him, he avoided ANYTHING Eddie related for almost four years and bam! There he was with a shitty apology and god (name) felt like he vindicated his past self for telling off his ex, fuck Eddie Munson frankly.
(Name) Left the toys in the car, unsure if his kid and dad were home, not wanting to risk it as he unlocked the door "YOU HOME!" (sons name) Squealed as he ran towards his dad, (name) smiling as he lifted the pup in his arms "so are you my little firecracker!" (Sons name) Gently bonking his forehead against his dams, having learned cats do it do it was his new favorite thing "how was your day with grandpa?" (Name) Asked as he walked into the kitchen area where he saw cookies and Joyce along with his siblings "what are you two doing here?" He knew Joyce had gone to go see them but... "Mom got us, we can't miss our favorite nephews birth" will said softly and (name) smiled stupidly before looking at his son "they came just to see you!"
When (sons name) went down for his nap, (name) spoke of the meeting with Eddie to his family as he nibbled on a cookie "he apologized to me and all that but god I just wanted to beat him with the mug... How dare he act remorseful when he was so cruel to me" how dare he expect that sympathy and empathy when he denied (name) it all those years ago, (name) crushed the cookie in his hand as he grew more angry, thankfully wearing scent blockers so no one had to smell the death stench of an angry Omega.
"So are you going to let him meet (sons name)?" Joyce would support anything (name) decided as her step son sighed "...I- I will let him meet him but on my terms... I plan on meeting him again and maybe bring Steve when bringing my terms... Everything is about (sons name)s comfort"
(Name) Spent the night putting the terms together, thinking of anything needed.
Then he sent off the text for a meeting to set boundaries with a deep sigh.
He didn't know if he wanted his son to have Eddie in his life but he knew it wasn't fair to his pup... Didn't mean he liked it though.
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
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Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles, prompt "spring" | wc: 1.000 | also written for the Stranger Things writing guild prompt "new beginnings" to celebrate @pearynice's birthday 💜| tags: second chances, blind date, exes to lovers, modern au
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Eddie often wonders why he can't say no to Chrissy. It's become as much a part of his life as his love for Metallica or his ambidexterity. Whenever Chrissy insists, "You can't stay home every night and mope, Eddie. It's time to get out there and meet new people. You should start dating again, Eddie. New city, new opportunities." he tries to reason with her. He explains that he's not moping, for heaven's sake, and that he's meeting lots of people through his guitar lessons. He insists that he's content to be single. But Chrissy is relentless, wearing him down until he finds himself clad in black jeans and a burgundy button-down he never knew he owned, heading to his favorite bar to meet the mysterious blind date Chrissy has arranged for him.
Chrissy hasn't provided much information about the guy, just that he's about Eddie's height, athletic, and apparently very handsome and 'dreamy' - whatever that means. Eddie isn't convinced that this is his usual type, nor is he sure that he fits the bill for what this guy might be looking for. But Chrissy has a point; it's been over five years since Eddie's last serious relationship, and none of the guys he's dated since have been anything more than casual flings. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to try something different.
Since moving to New York eight months ago - first as Chrissy's roommate, then as her friend - Eddie has been searching for a sense of purpose. Los Angeles had lost its allure; too superficial, too jaded, too artificial. The only real connection he had there was Steve, who left the city and Eddie years ago, leaving Eddie adrift. Eventually, Eddie came to terms with the unlikelihood of his rockstar dreams and decided it was time to face reality.
Hence his move to New York in search of a fresh start. And maybe, just maybe, a chance at a lasting relationship - one that can mend the Steve-shaped hole in his heart.
It's hope more than anything that brings Eddie to the Hideout to meet his blind date on a warm spring night in late May. According to Chrissy, the guy would stand out with his overly preppy attire - a stark contrast to the Hideout's dive bar atmosphere.
The bar is bustling, as usual for a Saturday night. As Chrissy predicted, Eddie spots his date almost immediately - not because of his outfit, but because of the familiar figure perched on a barstool, nursing a beer.
It's Steve Harrington sitting across from Eddie, every bit as captivating and alluring as the day they first met seven years ago, when they were both waiting tables in Los Angeles.
The moment Steve spots him is unmistakable and his wide eyes convey that Steve, too, had no idea that Eddie would be his blind date - a twist of fate that brings them together again after so many years and miles apart.
"Steve," Eddie croaks, his throat dry and his heart racing as he approaches. "I had no clue, I swear. If I'd known Chris was setting me up with you, I would've warned her that you'd probably never want to see me again. Been there, done that, right?" He chuckles nervously, realizing he's on the verge of putting his foot in his mouth - his usual tendency. "God, I'm so sorry, really."
Steve continues to stare at him, blinking as if trying to make sense of the situation. Slowly, like shifting tectonic plates, he returns to the present, acknowledging the awkwardness of being set up on a blind date with his ex.
His voice, slightly breathless, finally breaks the silence, accompanied by a faint smile. "Well, you didn't ramble quite as much on our last first date."
Eddie can't suppress the laughter that bubbles up from within him, recalling fondly their first first date. "I have no idea how I pulled that off, to be honest. I was so nervous, I thought I was going to puke."
Steve's laughter fills the air, drawing a grin from Eddie. "Yeah, you looked even paler than usual, and the bar for that was actually pretty low."
"Oi, just so you know, it's called alabaster skin and it's considered very sexy."
Steve lets his eyes roam over Eddie's slender form in a way that still manages to fluster him, heat creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks.
"Sure," he agrees easily after a moment's pause. Then, meeting Eddie's eyes, Steve continues, his tone serious. "Listen, I had no idea you'd be my blind date, but now that we're both here... maybe we can catch up? It's been a while, and truth is, I miss you. I've been thinking a lot about you, about us. I know we broke up for a reason, but I feel like... maybe we could've tried harder, y'know? I could've tried harder."
That's so Steve, Eddie thinks, feeling a pang in his chest. He's never met anyone who wears his heart on his sleeve the way Steve does.
Pulling a five-dollar bill from his pocket, Eddie places it on the bar before reaching out to Steve. "Wanna get out of here? Take a walk and talk?"
"There's nothing I'd rather do," Steve replies, intertwining their hands as they leave the bar and step out into the warm, spring-scented night air.
They find themselves in a nearby diner, where they spend the night talking - about their past, their present, and, tentatively, their future. They only part as the sun begins to rise, a soft kiss goodbye all they allow themselves to end this magical night.
A kiss and a confession.
"I'm so glad we got a second chance, Eddie," Steve whispers, voice full of sincerity. "I don't want to start it off with a lie.A friend stood me up; that's why I was at the bar. Not as your date."
Spring, with its promise of new beginnings, has never smelled sweeter, Eddie thinks as he kisses Steve again with a grin on his face.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
The Missing Piece
A/N: Just to let you know, Steve’s scar story is a true story that happened to me when I was younger that I didn't realize was so awful until I told it someone. Halfway writing about Rosa, I realized that I was thinking of Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99. So, loosely based on her.
Steve doesn't like to talk about his parents much. It's not that he hates them or anything. They weren't around enough for him to have a reason to hate them. He doesn't really know them well enough. They don't hit him or anything, and they pretty much leave him alone when they are around, only talking to him to remind him not to embarrass them, which is fair. So, they're not terrible parents. Not really.
"Hey, I have to ask. How'd you get that scar on your upper lip?" Eddie asked.
Steve had invited Eddie and Robin over to hang out at his house. It was safe to say that Eddie was quickly becoming their best friend as well. Although there was this fuzzy feeling in his stomach that told Steve that Eddie might mean something more.
"I'm such a klutz," Steve said chuckling.
"It's true, he is," Robin said.
"So, you know the story," Eddie said.
"Okay, fine. Fine. When I was younger, I went grocery shopping with my mother, but the sounds and everything always overwhelmed me even now, but I like to think I'm better at handling it. Anyway, I used to scream my head off, it made shopping hard for my mother, and she quickly got tired of having to bring me to the restroom to pop me in the mouth. She finally came up with a solution to just leave me in the car while she shops. I was okay with it for a while, but I didn't like how sleepy the hot car made me, so I tried running after her. I slipped and fell on the pavement. Busted my lip pretty good. My mom ripped me a new one for not listening to her. I was a shitty kid," Steve said, smiling fondly.
There was silence as Robin and Eddie stared at him.
"Did you know this about his mom?" Eddie asked.
"No! I would have killed her!" Robin exclaimed, horrified.
"Where was your dad in all of this?" Eddie asked.
"Away on business like always or cheating on my mom," Steve said.
"Why are you saying it so casually?!" Robin asked.
"You're his best friend, shouldn't you know these things about him?!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Excuse me, she knows plenty of things about me. Like my favorite colors are yellow, blue, and pink. She knows I like blueberries and snap peas. She knows I'm bisexual. She knows that I lost my virginity to a guy - "
"I do NOT! You're bisexual?!" Robin said.
"I told you in October!" Steve exclaimed.
"I thought you were talking about getting a new bicycle!" Robin exclaimed. "You lost your virginity to a guy?"
Steve leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"I told you about Tommy," Steve said.
"I thought you said Tammy," Robin whispered back, and then she waved her hands about. "Okay. Okay. Look, whenever Steve did talk about his parents, I always thought they were boring, stuffy, rich people, not abusive assholes!"
"They're not abusive. You have to actually be around for them to be abusive. I mean, honestly, they could be, but I don't know them very well," Steve shrugged.
"I don't think I was in this much denial when my own dad walked in and out of my life," Eddie said as he paused and placed his hands on Steve’s shoulders. "Steve, sweetheart - "
"You called me sweetheart," Steve said with a crooked smile, and he giggled softly.
"Yeah, I did do that. Focus," Eddie said. "How often did your parents leave you alone so often?"
"Oh, they decided that I didn't need a nanny anymore so. . .8! Yeah, eight. Although, I kept calling her mom up until I was about four. I cried like a baby when I found out they fired her, and a year later, when I found out she died in a car accident," Steve said, looking sad. "She taught me Spanish, you know, and she used to make me spaghetti with hot dogs. I loved it. You would have loved her, Robin. You remind me of her sometimes."
"Steve, why don't you talk about her?" Robin asked.
"It hurts too much to talk about. I do think about her. What would she think of me now? Would she be proud of me? Would she still love me?" Steve shrugged. "I wasn't even allowed to go to her funeral. I don't even know where she's buried."
"Sweetheart, what was her name?" Eddie asked softly.
"Rosa," Steve said, and tears came to his eyes. "Rosa Sanchez."
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the tears from coming. Eddie grabbed his hand and pulled it away.
"Let them come," he said softly. "No one is here to tell you not to."
Steve burst into tears and fell into Eddie's arms.
"He always told me that Harrington men don't cry!" Steve sobbed.
"Everyone cries. Your parents were abusive, uncaring, and the most awful people on the planet. Rosa was your mom, in everything but blood, Rosa was your mom, and you should be allowed to mourn for her," Eddie said.
Steve buried his face into Eddie's neck and let it all come out. Robin came up behind him and hugged him tightly. Eventually, it became hard to hold him up, so they moved him to the couch, where he fell asleep, crying into their laps. Eddie gazed lovingly at him as he stroked Steve’s hair.
"You're totally in love with my platonic soulmate, aren't you?" Robin asked.
"He makes it easy," Eddie replied.
"We have to find out where Rosa is buried," Robin said.
"And we know just the person to crack this case," Eddie said.
"Nancy," Robin and Eddie said in unison.
The next morning, Steve woke up to find Eddie snoring in his face. They were curled up on the couch, their legs intertwined. Steve could feel Eddie's hand pressed up against the small of his back. Steve's shirt had bunched up during the night, so Eddie's hand was touching his skin. The touch caused a fuzzy feeling to spread throughout his body, and it also made his head buzz. Steve bit his lip and brushed his knuckle against Eddie's cheek. It caused his body to shudder and Eddie to startle himself awake. He almost jumped right out of Steve's arms, but Steve threw his leg over his hip and pressed him back down on the couch.
"I don't think so. I'm quite comfortable," Steve grinned.
"Uh, so, how are you?" Eddie asked, his nose suddenly brushing up against Steve's.
"Good. . .better and much lighter, like there's a weight off my shoulders," Steve said. "It's all because of you and Robin. Thank you."
"Anything for you," Eddie said honestly. "I'm glad we can be of help. You should know that Robin left. She had to talk to Nancy about something."
"Anything that I should know about?" Steve asked.
"Not yet," Eddie said.
"Hmm, okay, I trust you," Steve said with a happy sigh as he nuzzled his nose against Eddie's. "Can I kiss you?"
"You want to kiss me?" Eddie asked, his eyes widening comically.
"Mm-hm," Steve said. "Very much."
Steve pressed his lips against Eddie's with another happy sigh. Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's shoulders, pulling him deeper as Steve flipped him onto his back. Steve's heart was singing with how well their bodies fit together. . .how well they fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces. Steve broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"You make me so happy," Steve said.
"Ridiculous idea but I'll accept the fact that Steve Harrington says that I, Eddie Munson, makes him happy," Eddie said and paused. "You make me happy too."
The next few weeks flew by, and they were spending all their time together. It was complete bliss for the both of them and Steve was so glad that there wasn't the expectation of sex. They had both agreed that it would be better for their relationship, and it was. It wasn't hanging over their heads like they thought it would. They were just enjoying each other's company. They had already come out to the group so when Joyce and Hopper had a little get together there wasn't any pressure to hide their relationship.
"It's so nice that everyone can come together like this," Dustin said.
"Uh, you're missing someone, genius," Max said.
"Who?" Dustin said.
"Nancy isn't here," Steve replied, his arm wrapped loosely around Eddie's waist.
"Oh, shit," Dustin cursed. "Where is she?"
"She called and said she would be by later," Robin said.
"You know something," Steve said with narrowed eyes.
"It's good, I promise!" Robin said. "At least, that's what Nance said but she wouldn't say exactly what was good about it, just that it was good, and it was good for you."
"Okay, I'm trusting you guys," Steve shrugged.
Nancy didn't show up until an hour later, and Steve was now sitting on the porch with Eddie in his lap as he talked animatedly to Dustin. Steve's hands were firmly on his hips because if they weren't on his hips, Steve knew that if Eddie got too excited, he would start bouncing and he did not need that happening in the middle of the party.
"Steve," Joyce called out from inside the house.
"Be right there," Steve replied and got up before depositing Eddie back into the chair.
"Aww, my comfy chair is leaving," Eddie said and Joyce's head popped back out the door.
"You might want to come, too," Joyce said.
Eddie shared a look with Steve before taking his hand and walking into the house. Joyce was standing around the table with Hopper, El, and Nancy.
"What's going on?" Steve asked.
"Nancy told us about Rosa, your real mother. She also told us about your parents," Joyce said and hugged him. "I'm sorry but Nancy does have good news for you."
She squeezed his arm before pulling away. Steve turned and looked at Nancy with confusion.
"When Robin told me about Rosa, I had to find out where she was buried. With the help of Hopper and El, I was able to find her. When your parents fired her, she fought like hell to stay with you but finally, they threatened her by threatening you and so she left because she wanted to protect you," Nancy said, tears in her eyes. "I never found a gravestone, not even a death certificate. I didn't. . . because Rosa's still alive. . . Rosa?!"
Steve's heart stopped when the woman he had been missing every single day of his life walked into the room. . . the woman he thought had died. The last time he had seen her was when he was eight years old, and he had tried to get to her stay. He remembered the last word that he had uttered as she walked out the door, the word he had promised his parents that he would never call her. . . the word that came out now.
"Mama?!" Steve sobbed.
Rosa let out a strangled cry and rushed toward him, throwing herself into his arms. Steve put his arms around his nanny. . . no, his mother for the first time in years. He immediately began rambling in Spanish.
"Steve, Steve, slow down. You're going to make yourself sick," Rosa said as she brushed away his tears. "Oh, you've grown so much."
"Sorry, I know my Spanish is a little rusty," Steve said. "I haven't used it in a while."
"You will learn again," Rosa laughed. "My curious little boy, you've always had search thirst for knowledge. Always wanting to know the answer to everything."
"It took me forever to learn things. You know that I used to crawl backwards," Steve muttered.
"We learn in different ways," Rosa said. "You still learned and eventually you did start crawling forwards and who did you start crawling towards?"
"You, mama, always you," Steve said and she patted his cheek with a proud smile.
"I'm proud of you. I've heard you've got a big family now," Rosa said. "Introduce me."
"But first. . .," Steve said, looking at Eddie questioningly, and Eddie nodded. "I want you to meet my boyfriend, Eddie."
"Do you make him happy?" Rosa asked.
"That's what he keeps telling me," Eddie grinned. "He makes me happy, too."
"Then I am happy," Rosa said and hugged Eddie.
Steve grabbed his mother's hand and led her outside.
"Hey guys, you want to meet my mom?" Steve asked, laughing as everyone surrounded them.
Steve grinned as he told them the story, his heart filling with joy. The hole that had been left there was now gone as the most important person in his life was now found again. All the pieces had now come together.
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