#steven meeks headcanon
jupitarjar · 2 years
meeks will literally buy anything his friends like in bulk just because. it's like his love language. he overhears todd saying that he loves tangerines bam 20 sacks of tangerines appear the next day
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transias · 3 years
Don't Knock It Till' You've Tried It.
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Pairings: Steven Meeks x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None! Only if you count Meeks being an adorable bastard a warning :)
Summary: The reader has been having difficulties with Latin, Meeks offers to tutor them and one thing leads to them sharing a kiss.
I had a love/hate relationship with Latin. I thought it was a beautiful and majestic language. But at the same time, I wanted to throw my Latin books off of a cliff.
I groan silently, not wanting to disturb any of the Poets' conversation. I only manage to catch the attention to Meeks, who looks over at me with a somewhat worried look on his face.
"Everything okay, (y/n)?"
I shake my head, "Latin is kicking my ass. So far, i've managed to get my work in but i'm extremely worried for this Thursday's test."
Meeks nods, "Well, if you'd like, I can tutor you this afternoon. If you'd like of course."
I glance at him and raise my eyebrow, "You would do that for me?" He nods once again, "Yes, we're friends! It's what we do, help each other."
Right... friends.
Lunch is over soon and we stand up, "Meet me at the library at four o'clock. Okay?" He asks. I nod at him before we start walking towards our next class.
Four o'clock rolled around soon and I was waiting for Meeks in the library, lightly tapping my foot.
"Hey, sorry i'm a bit late. Cameron fell in the mud and he didn't take too kindly to Charlie's jokes." Meeks chuckled.
"Aww, damn! I always miss the good things." I mumble.
The two of us began studying soon, Meeks seemed a little more fluent in Latin than I did. A thought crosses my mind and I let out a small laugh.
He glances over at me, "What?" I shake my head quickly, "Oh uh- nothing, just a silly thought I had, that's it."
"What was it about?" Meeks asks. I sigh, "You won't make fun of me, will you?" Meeks shakes his head, "Of course not!"
"You know, in these comics I read, there's this alien princess, right? Well, when she comes down to Earth, she basically learns English and other languages by kissing the people who can speak that language. I just thought how much easier it'd be if you and I kissed and blam! I suddenly know your level of Latin." I chuckle nervously.
Meeks smiles softly, a rosy color rising in his cheeks. "I uhh- yeah, that would be easier."
I tilt my head a little, "You wouldn't- wanna kiss, would you?" I tease. Steven slowly sits up straight, his cheeks now turning into tomatoes basically.
"Ye- I mean, you still wouldn't be able to speak Latin." He replies.
I chuckle and shake my head, "Hey, don't knock it 'till you've tried it."
I move slightly closer to him, "This is okay with you, right?" I ask. Steven nods, leaning in a little.
We sat in silence, waiting for one of us to make a move on each other. 'Come on, (y/n)! You've thought about kissing him all the ti-'
My thoughts pause as soon as I feel Steven's soft lips on mine. I kiss him back and all I can think of is him, all I feel are butterflies paralyzing my entire body from head to toe.
We pull away and he looks at me, "Quid agis?" He asks. "Excuse me?" I ask.
"Oh, that means 'how do you do?" in Latin. So I guess your little alien princess kiss thing didn't work out." Meeks replies, a playful smirk resting on his lips.
"Shut up, dork."
After a few more minutes of studying and swooning over each other, the tutoring session was over.
We walked out to the hallway and before we parted ways, Meeks stopped me, placing his hand gently on my arm. "I uhh- I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me sometime? Just the two of us without the rest of the guys."
I raise an eyebrow, "Mr. Meeks, are you asking me out on a date?" He nervously chuckles and nods, "Y-yeah, I just didn't want to seem too straight forward incase it freaked you out."
I smile at him and nod, "Don't worry, I would love to go out on a date with you."
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The Exchange Student~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
D- Steven Meeks falling for a “cold” looking exchange student and getting jealous of her male friends.
- Welton isn’t exactly known for its exchange students. It’s highly selective: only the best of the best; or the richest of the richest, are welcome and of those few, most have been going to the school since they were young. So it isn’t everyday that the academy suddenly has a bunch of new faces.
- And yet, here you were, along with a few of your friends and other students; though transferring wasn’t exactly your choice. Your old school was closing down so all of its students were forced to find a new academy to go to; which meant you landed in Welton along with all the other kids whose parents preferred it.
- Because you would be joining the school in a somewhat abnormal way, the headmaster held an assembly to explain the situation to the rest of the students. That’s where Meeks first saw you.
- The minute his eyes land on you, he finds himself unable to look away. He spends the rest of the introduction glancing over at and admiring you, unable to believe that someone like you is going to be attending a place like Hellton.
- Meeks has always been bad with girls but there’s something else about you that makes him terrified to talk to you. You have a ...how you say, resting bitch face?
- Oh yes, there’s no doubt about your good looks but the icy demeanor that you give off is what really makes him nervous. He doesn’t find it unattractive; not in the slightest, but it does make you seem far less approachable, and when you’re a nerd like him, the last thing you believe you can do is talk to an unapproachable girl.
- So, even though the whole Carpe Diem lesson is constantly running through his mind, he can’t bring himself to talk to you. You’re so cool and tough in this feminine sort of way and he’s, well, him. You wouldn’t be interested, he knows you wouldn’t be, so he admires you from afar.
- He watches you with your clique, wishing that he could know you like they do. But there’s one person in particular who he wishes he could be.
- It’s a boy, of course it’s a boy, one you’re very close to and never seem to be far away from for long. The two of you are always sitting next to each other, always talking, always touching, and the boy makes you smile, this small, radiant smile that he’s never seen you make for anyone else.
- He’s your boyfriend. Sure, Steven doesn’t know that for sure, but he has to be. He’d be surprised if he wasn’t, what with the way the two of you act around each other. And the thought of you being taken dampens his mood for the rest of the week.
- But then something amazing happens. You’re sitting with your group of friends and the boy leans over and kisses another girl. Steven watches as you look over and roll your eyes, miming playful disgust at your other friends, and it’s then that he realizes that there’s absolutely nothing but friendship between you and the boy.
- And sure, you could have a boy back in your home town that would probably kill him if he so much as looked at you but for right now, for right now you’re single and the thought brings him more joy than he could have ever imagined.
- He tries so hard to gather up the courage to talk to you but he just can’t do it, even as he sees you warming up to people and acting sweet. He can’t shake the irrational fear that he’ll humiliate himself and lose every chance that he has with you.
- He’s definitely thought of doing the whole secret admirer thing but he doesn’t think that his poetry; or anything that he could write, would be good enough to woo you.
- You start to take notice of the red head sort of at random. There’s still very few girls at Welton, and you are an exchange student, so you think nothing of it when you first catch him looking. You’re used to people staring at you and though you certainly aren’t a huge fan, you’ve learned to live with it. It could be worse, right?
- But there’s something different about the way that he looks at you. It’s the way that he reacts mainly. The way his ears turn red and his eyes widen before his face shoots down to look at his paper whenever you catch him. The way he sporadically glances up to see if you’re still watching.
- He’s shy, cute, ...and absolutely in love with you; or at least the idea of you. And you know what? You think that he’s cute too, so you certainly don’t mind whenever you see him staring.
- Although, you’re starting to get a little tired of it. You’ve been waiting to see if he’d approach you, in fact, you’d been hoping that he would, but it seems like if anything is going to happen between you, you’re going to have to take the initiative.
- So, you just go up to him. You give him your friendliest little smile and say hello, asking about the little doohickey that you saw him tinkering with along with his friend; just to show him that you’d been watching him too and to get him talking about something that he’d undoubtedly love to discuss/explain.
- It works. Of course it works, Meeks is at his best while talking about academics so the two of you spend the next half an hour talking about his radio. Your conversation only ends because you’ve got to get to your next class.
- So, the two of you say goodbye and you give him a smile, telling him that it was nice talking to him and to not hesitate to come up to you. He smiles and nods shyly, giving you a wave as you walk away.
- And there he is, sitting in a sort of disbelief, wondering if he really just spoke with you for that long and realizing that he is completely in love.
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A study date with Steven Meeks would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- A lot of your dates with Steven are study dates. Hellton expects a lot from their students so if you want to do well than you’ll have to have your nose in your books most of the time. Luckily for you, you have the smartest boy on campus in your pocket. 
- If there’s anyone that Steven actually enjoys helping with work; no matter how much praise Charlie gives him, it’s you. I mean, study dates are really just an excuse for him to flaunt his knowledge and spend time with his girlfriend; his two favorite things in the world. 
- Occasionally, studying together is just quietly enjoying each other’s company while doing your own thing. There aren’t always questions or things you need to help each other with and you both understand that.
- That being said: he tends to spend a lot of his time trying to help you since he gets his own work done disgustingly quick. He has a good grasp on just about everything he’s taught so study dates are easy for him and frustratingly boring for you, even if your teacher is cute.
- Steven has been tutoring people for quite a while; he’s grown very patient over the years. You never have to worry about him getting annoyed with you because it’ll never happen.
- There’s something so adorably pitiful about you getting frustrated and he literally cannot explain it. Every time you groan and put your head on the table, he feels his love for you grow just a little bit more.
- This man has...such good notes? They’re literally perfect and they’re all yours to copy.
- You know all those little tricks that help you remember certain things, like those acronyms you’re taught in class? He somehow has one for everything you need to know. Who’s teaching them to him? Why does he have all the secrets? You’ll never know nor understand. 
- He puffs up all proud every time you call him a “genius” or compliment something of his. 
- He’s sure to praise you when you’re doing well, especially when you think you’re doing awful. Whenever you feel like quitting, he’s always there to lift you back up and motivate you to try again. 
- The easiest way to make him feel special is to ask him to proofread your work. Its because a) you trust him enough to let him read your papers and b) you think he’s smart enough to be able to give you legitimate input.  
- While he doesn’t tend to need it, he does appreciate when you help him with his work or studying. He always seems to be the one helping people; not the other way around, so he likes that you care enough to offer your services. 
- Usually, he’ll just need you to help him memorize material, asking him questions to make him think off the top of his head; that sort of thing. Occasionally, he’ll ask you if something sounds right while writing a paper but that’s about it. 
- He tries not to let you distract him, especially when he knows you really need to work on something, but after a little bit of precise persuasion, his resolve will start to break and he’ll start to stumble on his words. He turns to putty in your hands if you have the right technique. 
- Lean your head on his shoulder, move in close, let him feel your breath on his neck; just fluster him and he’s yours. Even if you just wind up being a tease and forcing him to cuddle with you: he can’t say he’s disappointed. 
- Whats better than a cuddle break after busting your brain studying? He may continue to protest a little but he’s hardly upset; he just doesn’t want you to be unprepared for whatever you’re studying for. 
- Kissing him will distract him long enough for you to get yourself all snuggled up against him. At that point, even he knows that there’s no stopping you, not that he really wants to. 
- He’ll still try to help you out while you’re laying together, asking you little study questions here and there to make sure you do in fact understand and aren’t just saying it to write him off. If you answer enough of them correctly, he won’t force you to get up and study more later on. 
- Feel like a having a break? Just drop your pencil and don’t come back up. The minute he feels you unbuckling his belt, he’ll ask you what you’re doing but he definitely won’t complain, at least not for long nor with any amount of serious vigor. 
- Another surefire way to distract him would be to sit on his lap and “absentmindedly” move/wiggle. It fills you with immense pride to see his fingers tighten around his pencil and to hear his voice grow weak. 
- The aforementioned plan will also allow you to take an even longer break since you can “innocently” tell him that you’ll “just have to take care of that problem, won’t you?”. He’ll call you evil but he won’t protest. 
- He’s quite fond of having you ride him while asking him questions, changing your pace to “reward or punish him” when he gets something right or wrong. What’s better than a little teacher/student roleplay?
- Wanna play a fun game? How about strip studying? If an answer is correct then the asker strips; if it’s wrong, the person answering strips. He doesn’t understand what you get out of it but he’s certainly not going to complain. 
- You’re definitely assured a reward if you get a perfect score on whatever you were working on/studying for. ;)
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Spending Valentine’s Day with Steven Meeks would include~
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(Gif credit to @joe-mazzello hope you don’t mind, I really loved this gif) (requested by anonymous)
- If you were to tell Meeks a year ago that he would genuinely enjoy Valentine’s Day he would have rolled his eyes at you. He never hated Valentine’s Day, just …greatly disliked it, mostly out of spite since he never really had a girlfriend before you. Up until you came along he was pretty sure love didn’t exist …at least not for guys like him. Now that he has you he finally understands the hype.
- When you wake up on Valentine’s Day you aren’t exactly expecting anything because…well because you’re dating Meeks. He doesn’t exactly seem like the type to be into this sort of thing.
- But then you head to class and are intercepted by your brilliant boyfriend tinged pink and carrying something behind his back. And it takes you a while to get him to show you what he’s hiding but when he does you can feel your heart melt right there.
- It’s a music box; hand made, intricately carved and painted, and when you crank the handle a little bear clutching a tiny red heart spins inside the box. You could almost cry and that’s just the start of your day.
- The good thing about today is that it’s Friday; your day is a bit more lenient, the boys and girls are allowed to leave the school and return later than usual, you get a nice afternoon of relaxation.
- After classes end you head over to your usual meeting spot clutching your own gift that you grabbed right before you came. Believe me, he turns bright red and flustered when you give him your present. It could be the ugliest thing he’s ever seen and it’ll still mean so much to him.
- While it seems to make the most sense to him to bring you to some fancy restaurant for dinner he also knows that the two of you have enough formality in your day to day lives. You just want to be two kids in love for the day so he skips the reservations and just decides to go whichever way the wind blows.
- The two of you wind up traveling through the woods, holding each other’s hands and talking about your days. After a bit of walking you find a nice spot to stop, far away from the school where you can sit and be alone together.
- He lays his jacket down, pulling out a book of poems and some candy hearts and the two of you cuddle up under a big oak tree basking in the warmth of the sun. 
- You lay your head on his shoulder while he reads you poetry. 
- A lot of kissing happens and the both of you are more than happy that it does. 
- After you’ve had your share of romance you take a break to play a little game of hide and seek or tag. By the end of your game you’re both going to be red faced with leaves stuck in your windblown hair but neither of you mind.
- You best believe he’s going to make you a makeshift flower crown with wildflowers the two of you found while wandering between the trees. He jokingly calls you his little fairy. 
- The day goes by too quickly and before you know it the sun is setting. He chuckles and strokes your hair when you whine that you don’t want the day to end. 
- The two of you watch the sun set and share a long kiss before you have to go back to the real world.  
- After he walks you back to your dorm house he admits that he has another “gift” for you. He hands you a homemade card and tells you that you aren’t allowed to open it until you’re in your room. When you finally open the card, you find an original poem and a long letter he’s written for you. 
- In the letter he reminisces on all the special times you’ve had together during your relationship, how much you mean to him and how much he loves you. It nearly brings a tear to your eye and you curse at him for not letting you read it when you were capable of giving him a hug. 
- One things for certain, you know that you love this boy more than you can handle. 
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