#steven Meeks imagines
heliads · 9 months
LISA REQUESTS ARE OPEN AHHHH!!! I have been waiting for this moment!!
Could I pretty please request Steven Meeks (my beloved) with a female reader? The reader is a student at Welton who’s disguised herself and pretended to be a boy at her family’s request since Welton doesn’t accept girls but she was smart enough to get in and her family wanted her to have a good education. Since she’s friends with Neil and Charlie, she gets invited to be a part of the Dead Poets Society, and because of that she gets to know Meeks and gets closer to him, but she feels terrible about lying to him. So one night at a Dead Poets meeting, she stands up and admits to being a girl, and though she’s terrified about them reacting badly the other Dead Poets promise not to tell anyone because she’s their friend (except for Cameron, obvs, but the others kind of bully him into promising). And then afterwards she has a one-on-one conversation with Meeks where she tells him how she feels and he admits he feels the same (and maybe he even felt the same about her when he thought she was a boy but was scared to say anything) and it’s just really cute?
Of course, if you don’t wanna write this that’s totally cool!! Thanks in advance, and I hope you’re doing well, beloved!! <3
'the secrets that we keep' - steven meeks
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a/n: in the fic, b/n stands for boy name. since reader is pretending to be a boy, you need a boy name for Vibes and Plot
Although dutifully called on by schoolboys to change the age-old protocol, Welton Academy has never admitted a girl to their brilliant ranks. For reasons of religious purity, single-minded pursuit of study, and otherwise knowing how easily distracted teenage boys are by a pretty face, the doors of this bright school have shut in the face of willing and able female candidates for years. It is a long-standing rule, as familiar as not running in the halls or sneaking off campus to engage in underage drinking. Similarly, this rule is about to be ignored by yet another student, and this one is you.
Headmaster Nolan firmly intended to maintain this rule. Your parents wanted a good education for their daughter. Never before has such a violent clash rocked the hills of Vermont. Not in a while, at least. It took many, many heated arguments and a good deal of defensive letters, plus a promise to secure an internship at a nearby hospital for the son of Headmaster Nolan’s good friend, a certain Mr. Perry. Also, you would have to promise to keep the whole girl thing under wraps.
This may seem impossible, but they were the terms of your acceptance to the prestigious school, and you were willing to live by them. No doubt Headmaster Nolan would be watching you like a hawk for even the smallest of slip ups, but you don’t intend to give him even a second of victory over you. You’ll play according to his rules, and you’ll ace your classes at the same time. Wouldn’t it be funny if one of Welton’s brightest pupils was a girl?
These were the sorts of thoughts that helped tide you over the summer until your first day of school. When that inevitable day came around, though, you couldn’t help but feel paranoia wrap around your stomach with cold, digging claws. This whole idea seemed impossible. How could you possibly pretend to be a boy the whole time you were at the school? You could cut your hair short and deepen your voice, stomp around the halls and act as if you were just like the rest, but what a thing to do. Still, whenever you think about quitting, you think about the triumphant expression on the headmaster’s face, knowing he’d assigned you the one task he thought impossible. If you were going to do anything, you could at least prove him wrong.
With this mindset in place, you move your belongings into Welton. You’ve been given a single room, as the headmaster decided that having a roommate would only complicate things. Smart move there; it might be difficult to hide your evident lack of masculinity from someone who’d be with you around the clock.
There are plenty of singles in the Welton dorms, the students placed inside for various reasons. It’s nothing uncommon. Still, it does draw a fair amount of attention during move-in, as students pretend not to openly stare at you while you’re unpacking your luggage to see what kind of kid could manage to pull the lucky slot of a dorm room all to themselves.
One group of boys in particular seems keen on making your acquaintance, although their attention, unlike that of many of the other students coincidentally passing by your door, seems pleasant instead of demanding. Their apparent leader, Neil Perry, drops by to say hello. Always glad to see a new face, or so he’d claimed.
Neil was the first, quickly followed by his new roommate, Todd Anderson, plus Neil’s best friend, Charlie Dalton. An additional entourage of Gerard Pitts and Steven Meeks joined them soon enough, and a redheaded Richard Cameron followed up the tour, although judging by the not-so-subtle hostility in everyone’s glances his way, Cameron would be the least favored of the whole group.
At first, you’re terrified to have that much attention directed your way. Your goal was to skate under the radar, only making friends when you absolutely had to so you could both avoid detection and focus on your studies. Although it might make for a lonelier experience, staying undercover was far more important. Your parents were sacrificing a lot to keep you in Welton’s halls. You couldn’t afford to disappoint them by getting caught all because you started feeling alone.
However, none of the boys seem to notice that you’re not what you claim. They take up your explanation of having recently moved there readily enough, as it would explain why they’d never heard of your boy name before. You picked that one out earlier that month as if it were a new notebook or yet another school supply: B/N. It’ll be tricky to remember to respond to that name, but no trickier than any other part of this little scheme.
Besides, once classes start to kick up, all of you have far bigger fish to fry than unraveling the precise identities of the latest addition to the friend group. Soon, questions about where you grew up and how you managed to get yourself cast down to Hellton are replaced with frantic trig study sessions and grievous Latin complaints.
If there’s one class none of you seem to mind at all, though, it would be English. The other boys heard rumors that you’d be getting a new teacher, but none of them knew a thing about this Mr. Keating. The general consensus is that English this term would be no different from English at any other time of year; plenty of assigned readings, loads of essays required to be written under short durations, and all of the other joys that a required literature course often brings.
This, however, was not to be the case. From the moment Mr. Keating opened his mouth, all of you knew you’d be in for a treat. Some of you were less hesitant to embrace Mr. Keating into your hearts, namely Cameron, but the rest of you have been quick to appreciate what you have. For once, you’re having fun in class. Who could have an issue with that?
And, when Neil swoops by your seat and asks you if you’d be willing to engage in the first meeting of the new Dead Poets Society out in the woods that evening, you know that the impact your new teacher has on his students is far more drastic than even you’d envisioned. You agree readily, and the rest of your friends look pleased with themselves for managing to boost their numbers with such an agreeable fellow.
If there was one boy who looked the happiest that you’d be joining them after hours, you’d have to say that it was Steven Meeks. Although he may not be the loudest of the set, Steven has quickly been rising through the ranks in your mind. He’s been working on this radio set almost nonstop with Pitts, but every time Steven accomplishes even the smallest of achievements, he immediately has to put everything aside to rush to your side and tell you all about it. It’s wonderful to watch him, how his eyes light up as he talks, hands waving wildly in the air while he talks about receiving signals and communication potential.
You should know better than to get attached. There is a significant chance that your whole ruse will be revealed sooner rather than later, and you’ll be unceremoniously removed from Welton, never to speak to any of these boys again. Still, watching Steven’s ginger curls fall messily about his bright eyes, tracing the path of his hand absentmindedly combing back the strands so he can focus on repeating the information he’s just learned, you can’t help but wonder if maybe this one connection wouldn’t be so bad. Your friends wouldn’t turn you in.
Besides, cutting yourself off from Steven sort of feels like chopping off a limb. When the lot of you sneak out from the dorms that evening, running and howling through the forest, Steven stays by your side the entire time. Dry leaves crunch underfoot, and the moon hangs low and bright overhead. Your heart beats erratically from its cage in your ribs, and you wonder how you could ever have been afraid of something like this. This is living, you decide. You and Steven in the endless night, laughing like crazy, more free than you’ve ever been even as you live your greatest lie.
The first meeting of the Dead Poets Society is a wild success. You take turns reading off various stanzas and prose, alternating between oohing appreciatively at a particularly good turn of phrase and teasing each other wholeheartedly whenever someone provides the opportunity. Despite the jokes, the atmosphere in the cave is reverential, almost. Everyone believes in the strange spirit that’s bewitched all of you, the knowledge that what you’re doing here will make you gods of men. It’s entrancing and awe-inspiring and the first thing you ask the next morning is when all of you will be meeting up to do it again.
Charlie breaks into raucous laughter. “See, that’s the spirit we want! Even B/N here wants more. We’re high off poetry, imagine that.”
You scowl at him, even as the others laugh along. “What do you mean, even B/N? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Charlie rolls his eyes. “Nothing, honestly. Just that you didn’t seem all that inclined to hang out with us at the start of the semester, that’s all. We got worried you didn’t like us so much, but obviously that’s not so anymore.”
You arch a brow incredulously. “Of course I like you guys! Would I put up with Neil’s monologues if I didn’t? Or Cameron’s bullshit? Or all of you howling in a cave past midnight so we can pay homage to dead poets worldwide?”
Steven snorts, more at the disbelieving look on Cameron’s face than anything else. “Now that’s a vote of sympathy if you’ll ever get one. I, for one, never doubted you.”
Charlie scoffs loudly. “Of course you didn’t, Steven. Anyone who listens to you ramble on about the benefits of the modern radio as much as B/N would have to be your best friend. Honestly, I’m surprised that didn’t scare him off more than anything else.”
Steven’s face falls, and to cover up for it, you say quickly, “I don’t mind the radio talk. Honest. It’s interesting.”
“Sure it is,” Charlie says a little too loudly, “So’s the company. Anyway, B/N’s right. How about tomorrow night for another meeting? Bring your best limericks, I want to be entertained.”
Neil breaks into choking laughter. “Absolutely, your highness. All your jesters will do their best to make you crack a smile.”
“It’s an honor and a privilege, you know that,” Charlie defends himself.
As you watch the friend group devolve into cackling laughter, you can’t help but meet Steven’s eyes across the table. Instead of getting caught up in the mock argument between Charlie and Neil, he hasn’t lost focus on you for one instant. When he catches you looking, he smiles quietly and mouths, thank you. You smile back.
The meetings of the illustrious Dead Poets Society carry on for weeks. As they go, you realize that you’ve never had friends like these, and it feels as if you never will. They’re the best, brightest bunch of boys in the world. You trust them more than you do anyone else. Those sacred spaces in the caves off campus, baptized by moonlight and wild imagination, make you feel more like you than anything else.
Except, of course, for one secret that still hangs in your way.
You haven’t told anyone that you’re a girl. Your silence carries with it the weight of your studies at Welton. If you want to stay, no one can know. It’s as easy as that. Still, in the quiet, happy moments when the wild laughter fades and you’re left looking around at the faces of the boys who have become your brothers, you can’t help but wonder if maybe you could tell them after all. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they knew. Maybe they would even help you maintain your cover.
It would be nice to have a little bit of this burden off of your shoulders, after all. It feels as if every waking moment not spent studying is chained to making this lie work. Every time someone talks to you, you’re certain they’ve figured you out. This sort of paranoia is driving you mad, and being able to finally share the secret feels like a relief akin to offering a drink of water to a man dying of thirst.
The opportunity to share comes up sooner than you expected. At one of the Dead Poets Society’s meetings, Neil turns to you with a slight frown when they’re asking around for someone else to share a piece.
“B/N, do you want to go next? You’ve been quiet all meeting, I don’t want to speak over you accidentally.”
You shake your head a little too quickly. “No, no, I’m good. Just thinking.”
This, more than anything, attracts attention. Charlie grins, leaning over to you dramatically. “Thinking about what? World domination?”
You snort. “I’ll leave those plans to you, thanks.”
“Come on, B/N, talk to us,” Neil urges. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Your breath hitches in your throat. This is it, your chance. They’re all here, all willing to hear you out. If not now, then when?
“Alright,” you begin, “There is something I do need to say. I’ve, uh, been keeping a secret from you. A pretty big one.”
Charlie arches a brow. “A big secret? Let me guess, you’re secretly a teacher in disguise sent to keep an eye on us.”
This would usually elicit a laugh from you, but tonight you’re so worried about getting this right that you can’t even muster up a weak chuckle. “Not quite, Charlie. I’m–” The words dry up in your throat. How do you say this, after all this time?
The other boys stare at you expectantly. You’ve started now, you can’t back out anymore. “I’m a girl,” you say in a rush. “My parents wanted me to get a good education so they sent me to Welton. The headmaster really didn’t want to let me in, but he only allowed me to enroll if no one knew I was a girl. He said he didn’t want to mess with his pristine record of only letting boys inside or something. It’ll still show up on my college record that I went here, and he wouldn’t have to handle the difficulty of more girl students. I’ve been pretending to be a boy this whole time, but I’m not. I’m a girl.”
The words hang in the air. For once, the cave is absolutely silent. You can hear quiet breathing all around you, nothing more. Your eyes are fixed on the stone in front of you, resolutely refusing to meet anyone’s gaze. You’re certain that if you were to look up, you’d only see disgust or disbelief on their faces. This was their sacred space, and you’ve broken it to bits with your secret. You never should have told them. You never should have thought you could pull this off in the first place.
Just when you’re debating the merits of running for the dorms to get out of here, Charlie starts clapping loudly. You jerk up, expecting him to be mocking you, but instead his expression is celebratory. “Let’s go!” He says. “I’ve been waiting for a girl to go here forever. Of course Headmaster Nolan would be an asshole about it. Wow. Can you get more of your friends to enroll, too?”
You stare at him incredulously. “You’re not mad?”
Neil breaks in. “Why on earth would we be mad? That’s totally cool. You’re like a spy or something. We should write a poem about it. Maybe even a play.”
You can’t help but laugh at that. “It would be an honor to be your muse, Neil. But seriously, you’re all fine with it?”
“Of course we are,” Charlie assures you. “Jesus, have you really been worried about that? What were we going to do, kick you out? Your secret’s safe with us. We’re not rats.”
“We’re not?” Cameron chooses this moment to pipe up.
Immediately, he’s hit with death glares from every other boy in the cave. “No, we’re not,” Neil says firmly. “And if anyone even hints to an administrator or other student that B/N’s not a boy, they’ll get their ass kicked. Is that understood?”
Cameron nods, not meeting your eyes. Still, you have a feeling he’ll keep your secret.
Pitts raises a hand. “If you’re not a boy, is B/N your real name?”
“No,” you answer him. “I’m actually Y/N.”
“Sick name,” Charlie comments.
You swat him on the shoulder. “Shut up, Charlie.”
“Nuwanda,” he says in a dramatically injured tone.
Just like that, the tension is diffused. Once you’ve been assured a few more times that no one will say a word about your inherent lack of boyhood, the agenda turns back to poetry more. It’s like nothing even happened, except everything did. Your friends still support you. You feel more free than you could have even imagined, knowing that everything worked out.
On the way back to the dorms, you hang back a little, wanting to take in the events of the past hour by yourself. Steven notices and joins you.
“So,” he says quietly, “Y/N.”
“Y/N,” you affirm. “It’s not too weird, is it?”
“Trust me, it’s not,” Steven says. “This actually answers a lot of questions for me.”
You cock your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
It’s hard to tell in the darkness of night, but you swear his cheeks have started to heat up. “Well, I realized– or, I thought, really, I was sort of still deciding that for myself, I mean– Well, Y/N, I think I love you.”
Silence in the forest. “You love me?” You ask cautiously.
Steven scratches his head. “Yeah, I do. Hadn’t really admitted it to myself yet because I thought you were a boy. There was a lot of reflection going on. This makes a lot more sense, though.”
You can’t help it, but break into laughter. “I’m fascinated by that. What have the past few weeks been like for you?”
“Very confusing,” he answers. “Still a lot of questions left unanswered.”
“Like what?” You ask.
“Like if you like me,” he says quietly.
You smile again. “Well, I thought that one was obvious. I love you too.”
Steven stops walking completely. “Really?”
“Really,” you laugh. “Now come on, we have to get back to our dorms before an administrator notices we’re gone.”
Steven sighs dramatically. “The administrators are the last thing I want to talk about right now.”
You think your smile might never fade. “Me too. We’ve got plenty of time for that, though.”
Plenty of time indeed. The rest of this term, then on and on until both you and Steven can sum up perfectly what it feels like to be absolutely happy. For now, though, you think you’ll let the sensation of him taking your hand for the first time to lead you back through the forest do the explaining for you.
requested by @faerieroyal, i hope you enjoy!
dead poets society tag list: empty for now!
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
DPS Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
all works include a femreader. requests are open for any of the boys. I hope you enjoy <3
Charlie Dalton
Getting Red
Only Thing Left to Live For
Snowed In
Red Lips 18+
I Can See You
First Snow
You’ll Be Okay
Perfectly Me
Guilty as Sin? 18+
Turn Back Time
The Best I Could
Truths Of Our Past series
Goes On series
Getaway Camp series
Neil Perry
New Romantics 18+
First Time 18+
Sick Day
It’s Just Practice 18+
Todd Anderson
Study Buddies
All (not including reader)
Trapped in Time
It’s Not Christmas Without You
One’s Hour Has To Come
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urrockstar-xe · 8 months
❤the xe-verse❤
here to help navigate ur journey thru the xe-verse!
❥ a little about me
requests are open!! please read the link above before sending asks
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one-shots and imagines banners by @cafekitsune
❥ fem!reader - ★
❥ gn!reader - ☆
❥ platonic!reader - ✧
❥ smutty - ♥︎
fics under the cut :D
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❥ imagines (definitions are wacky so in this case it's anything under 600 words)
tears, panic, noise. - chad meeks-martin ✧ ★
pretty - chad meeks-martin ★
study buddy - chad meeks-martin ☆
please, please, please - dick grayson ★
pros n cons - tasm!peter parker ★
❥ headcanons
jj maybank w a girly gf
steven grant w a witchy gf
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❥ oneshots
potions test - sirius black ★
alone time - peter pettigrew ★
delicate lover - steve harrington ★
nail polish - steve harrington ★
six months - jj maybank ★
stargazing - jj maybank ★
meant for each other - jj maybank ★
bad friend - jj maybank ★
baby blanket - jj maybank ★
talk fast - jj maybank ★
got your back - jj maybank ★
comfort - jj maybank ★
never enough - jj maybank ★
precious - jj maybank ★
happy birthday - jj maybank ★
if u leave me - jj maybank ★
you are everything- jj maybank ★
melodic love - chad meeks-martin ★
liquid courage - chad meeks-martin ★
movie nights n pretty girls - chad meeks-martin ★
sneaking out - tara carpenter ★
i'll be right there, sweetheart - tasm!peter parker ★
math test - tasm!peter parker ★
detective sweetheart - nick amaro ★
❥ series
🕷 starstruck - tasm!peter parker ★
winter formal - starstruck pt 2
♡ the pogues react to pregnant!reader - a jj maybank headcanon ★
❥ Holiday specials
❥ valentine's day
forgotten valentines - peter parker ☆
steven's first v-day - steven grant ☆
3 teen boys vs 1 pretty girl - jj maybank ★
fuck valentine's day - elliot from euphoria ☆
valentine's day with dick grayson - a headcanon ☆
❥ xemas
decorating the tree - frank castle ☆
wrapping presents - steve harrington ☆
family scrapbooks - steve harrington ☆✧
snow day - marauders ☆
looking at lights - marauders ☆
mistletoe mishaps - jason todd ★
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grungelvrr222 · 3 months
doom scrolling on allelon ruggiero’s instagram and i think i’ve never found anything more funny lol. especially this one pic where he is wearing new glasses dylan kussman commented “DANG you look good😍” and its so funny to see them interacting like this even decades later lol
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multifandom-imgns · 1 year
to give me a character + a trope
Neil Perry x Reader
Opposites attract.
(I hope this is the right way to request if it then i apologize in advance)
ps: nooo it's the right way, thank uuu <3
i hope you enjoy!!
my requests are always open for give me a character + a trope.
Neil Perry + opposites attract: gender neutral!!
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you met neil because of steven.
you were sneaking to welton in the night cause you had something that your parents give you for steven.
there's no need to lie, you hated welton with all your heart. the students here have always had to be perfect. that was something you appreciated. yes, you were getting good grades, and that was enough for you to pass the classes.
even you hate the school's system there were one person you always look up to, neil perry. he was your opposite, he was everything you want to be. unlike you he can talk to his parents about his future, but you were just following your parents' dreams.
i guess that was the reason you fell in love with him.
"steven?" you whispered and looked around. where was he?
"steven has to deal with something, with gerard." you heard neil. "i can help if you want."
"well, i just have to give these to steven."
neil smiled at you and walked towards you. you knew there was nothing special going on, you knew he only loved people like him.
you gave him the books and smiled.
"so, how was your school?"
"nothing but classic welton."
"yeah." and that's how the conversation ended. he didn't say anything and the silence began to be uncomfortable. "i have to go, good night then."
"wait, not right now." he grabbed your wrist and walked to his room really fast. you assumed that this was a 'sleep' time control.
he rushed you into his room, almost pushed you.
"y/n, is there a problem?" you heard todd's voice. he was your best friend after steven. "why did you dragged you secret crush in your room?" he said while laughing.
"i didn't."
"thank you todd, you just ruined my love confession."
you looked at them in surprise. "what? can somebody tell me what's going on?"
"well," neil said as he put the books on the table. "i was gonna confess but thanks to your best friend, it ruined."
"you like me?" you still don't understand, or simply you don't want to believe.
"i didn't like you at first, but over time you changed my mind. taking care of you or spending time with you was my favourite thing. i love helping you in trigonometry. "
you smiled. "trigonometry?"
"yeah," he laughed. "don't you like me?"
"i do neil, but i'm just shocked. it was unexpected."
"then, so that you won't be surprised, I'm telling you that I'm going to kiss you." he said while walking towards you.
"hey! i don't want to see my two friends kissing." todd closed his eyes. "please find another room."
"then please turn your behind todd." neil said as he came close to kissing you.
you stopped him by grabbing him by the shoulders. "i wanna kiss you to neil but i don't think it's a right time." you smiled and kissed his cheek. "see you tomorrow then?"
"yeah, see you tomorrow." you left the room smiling.
when you closed the door, you heard neil tell todd that he ruined your first kiss moment. you laughed silently and walked away with a big smile.
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cheezy-whizz · 1 year
Charlie Dalton:
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midwest-quill · 3 months
Meeks was the very first anderperry shipper (if you have saw that scene when knox called chris on the phone) he already knew it! He would’ve published something inspired by those two but as you know, Neil ended it all which could also be one of the many reason/s of Meeks’ grieving for his friend.
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moony-books · 1 year
❝You were listening weren't you?❞
pairing: Steven Meeks x fem!oc
summary: steven is asking the poets for advice.
requested: no
authors note: this is my first time writing something like this, i am a writer or as i would like to be called 'a poet' (you see what i did there) and i usually write 'actual' books (i am currently working on one!!). also-this is steven being a shy, nerdy little cutie!!
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please do not repost or steal my work
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
How could she just sit there and look so beautiful? He repeated that to himself over and over in his head. He came here to study. He shouldn't be distracted. But how could he not be distracted when there she is, sitting next to those old brown bookshelves, all by herself? She looked so peaceful. So pretty. So perfect. He got up from his seat and went to someone he can trust. Someone he can get advice from.
"Boys..." He whispered as he entered the room. He saw all of his friends on the couch talking about something. "Went to the library again?" Todd asked. Steven nooded his head and sighed. "Listen, I need advice. How do I come up to a girl?" The boys shared looks. And again, and again, and again. They were looking at eachother for solid twenty seconds. Then their eyes fell on Steven. "What?" Steven said.
"You got that, big boy? Neil asked. "I think so." Steven replied. "Really it's no big deal, just come up to her. Just act...normal."
A few minutes later Steven is in the library again. He's looking if she is still there. There she is, right where she was when he left, a new pile of books next to her. "Hello, ummm, I am Steven. What is your name?" He asked shyly. "Annie. Annie Smith." She smiled. "Umm, I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go out sometime..."
"Excuse me?"
"Would you like to gooutsometime?"
"Sorry, could you speak up?"
"Would you like to go out sometime?"
He starts losing hope, frowning.
"Oh, yes. Yes, I mean... Yes!! Um...when?"
His frown quickly turned into a smile.
"Is friday alright? Around eight?"
"That is perfect..." She smiles widely.
"Umm... alright then, I will met you in front of the library then... ummm goodbye!!"
"Goodbye, Steven."
He waves at her a little then turns around (mentally cursing himself for doing that) and starts making his way to the big brown doors, opening them and leaving. As soon as he opens the door all of his friends fall onto his feet. "You were listening weren't you?"
part two?📜🗞️🤎 also, sorry this is so short!!
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final-girl96 · 2 months
Killer Geek Chapter Eleven
The Cabin
Randy turned off the road onto a long paved driveway that led to the cabin. When we pulled up to the house Billy, Stu, and Eric's cars were there. Randy parked the car, turned the engine off, and we got out. We rounded the car going to the trunk, where Randy opened it. “Where the fuck were you two?!” Billy came barreling out of the house, down the steps, and towards us. I simply just rolled my eyes at him. “We stopped to get groceries for the weekend, like I told you we needed to do!” I said, getting an eye roll back.
“Let's get this party started!” Stu cheered, grabbing two cases of beer from his jeep. “Of course, you of all people brought alcohol,” I said, pushing past him. Everyone came out and helped bring the groceries inside and we brought all our bags in. The cabin has four rooms, which means I would end up having to share with Randy since everyone else is a couple. That filled me with nerves.
“So what're you ladies making for dinner?” Eric asked. We all turned to look at him and the smug smile he had painted across his face. “What? It's a joke, calm down. Damn,” He said, throwing his arm over Tatum's shoulders. “Yeah such a funny joke,” I mumbled. Randy helped Sidney and I put everything away then we all sat in the living room and discussed what we were going to have for dinner.
“We could make burgers on the grill,” I suggested. “I got stuff to make salad. I have some fruit and other snacks. Sit out by the lake.”
Everyone nodded and the guys got up and went outside. When the back door closed behind them Tatum, Sidney, Casey, and I went to the kitchen. “Hey, Tate, you need to get rid of Eric after this trip,” I said, opening the fridge. “He's not that bad,” she said, leaning against the counter.
“He seems a little full of himself,” Sidney said, taking things from me and putting them on the counter. “He's an asshole. I've heard stories about him,” Casey chimed in. Tatum just gave her an eye roll. Tatum and Casey never really got along. My personal opinion is because Tatum likes Stu. “Well, like I said, he's not that bad. Besides, it was just a stupid joke.”
We made the burger's up and Sidney took them out to Billy so he could put them on the grill. Then we set up toppings for them and make a large salad and put out chips. Then we took everything out onto the back patio, where we ate and joked around. The night was good. Stu of course grabbed one of the cases of beers he brought and Billy started A fire in the fire pit.
Everything was relaxed. We told stories from the past and everyone was laughing and having a good time, even Sidney's mode was cheerful. She was leaning into Billy, laughing along with everyone else. It was definitely something we all needed. I don't think I've seen Billy this relaxed in a while. “We should go swimming!” Stu said, jumping up to his feet. “Are you crazy? That water is going to be freezing, Stu,” I said.
A goofy and mischievous smile spread across his face. He bent over, picked Casey up, and ran towards the water.“Stu, put me down!” Casey screamed. The rest of us stood up and watched as he threw her into the lake. “If you say so!” Casey screamed as she hit the water and Stu jumped in right after her.
“What an idiot,” Billy mumbled. There was a few seconds of silence before Sindey let out a surprised yelp. Billy picked her up and was running towards the lake. Eric had Tatum and followed shortly after. “Billy, don't!” Sidney screamed as he jumped into the lake, submerging them both. Eric threw Tatum in and jumped in after.
“Well, maybe we should join everyone else.” I turned my head and looked at Randy. “What? No way. You're fucking crazy if you think I'm going to get in that water.” Randy hummed, turned around and walked to the cabin. “Where are you going?” I asked. “I'll be back in a second!” I turned back around and looked out towards the lake where everyone else was splashing each other and laughing. I was so focused on our friends that I didn't hear Randy sneaking up behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist, picking me up bridal style. “No, Randy, don't you dare!” I was engulfed by cold water a second later. I surfaced gasping for air, pushing my hair out of my face. “Oh, my god, it's fucking cold!”
We played around for a few minutes before getting out and running back inside the cabin to get dry and warm. The air was cooler up here being up in the mountains. The fire outside was put out and a fire was started in the fireplace in the living room. Everyone was in comfortable clothes, popcorn was made, and a movie was put in. Everyone was cuddled up. Tatum and Eric were sucking each other's faces off. Casey and Stu got up at some point and snuck off somewhere. Billy had his was wrapped around Sidney's shoulders and she was leaning into him.
Then there was Randy and I, sitting beside each other, thighs touching, his arm resting on the back of the couch behind me. I had a blanket laying over me with one leg curled up and was leaning close to him. A shiver racked through me when his arm went from the couch to rest over my shoulders. Then his breath was tickling my skin. “Are you cold?” He whispered into my ear, lips brushing the shell of my ear. He moved a little closer and pulled me into his side. His lips trail from the shell of my ear down to my neck.
A shiver rippled down my spine, spreading goosebumps across my skin. “Let me kiss you, please.” I looked around the room. Tatum and Eric must have gotten up at some point to go to their room. Sidney and Billy were standing up from where they were sitting. “We're heading to bed. Don't touch my fucking sister, Meeks.” Billy took Sidney's hand and headed up the stairs. I looked back at Randy and slowly nodded my head. “Okay.” He looked at me, scanning my face. “Yeah? You're absolutely sure I can kiss you?” He asked. I nodded softly and he smiled, leaned in and softly pressed his lips to mine.
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pancake-lovy · 9 months
Would anyone read Dead Poets Society one-shots/imagines written by me?
Once I finally get back to working on the ones I'm supposed to post...
FUTURE: I've already added the DPS characters to the list of people I write for. I just need ideas...
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futurewriter2000 · 4 months
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A/N: Yes, I am alive. Yes, I am writing... from today again. Lemme live okay, there has been a lot going on but I haven't forgotten about my fics. Lucky number request 7 was picked up. Anyways I loved writing this one. Very soothing.
REQUEST: Hello it’s me, do you think you could write a cute jealous Charlie or Meeks, like the reader goes to different school so they don’t have a lot of time together, so one day Charlie or Meeks sees them talking to a guy, and they get jealous.
PAIRING: Charlie Meeks x reader
Year 1959 started off with an odd coldness in the air. Not only because of the winter, but because of all the pressure and the stress of your surroundings.
Exams of the first semester were coming up and your father had you under strict rules, you weren't really obliged to follow. You had no idea why your education was so important to him, as if he wasn't planning about to marry you off anyway.
You never had those hopes for yourself. Yes, you did like to stay at home alone- it was one of your favorite pass times but you had ambitions and dreams of your own. You believed you could achieve them, however with no support of your father, who basically carried the whole family- it was harder to achieve.
Yes, 1959 was cold. Cold and cruel because it made you realise that world isn't that much nice to women your age. You're obliged to act a certain way, play a certain role and be a certain person.
You went to your bed and covered your cold feet under the covers. You thought of your ginger boy. Your sweet Steven. If you could have seen your eyes, you'd see a mirror of glow. You've never thought you'd fall in love with a boy who was all ginger and freckles. You've never even thought about that being close to your type of man but he swooned you over.
The two of you met in one of the hotels during the summer and realised you live close by, only weak 20 minutes away from each other. It was a surprise because you never saw him in your town before but your father didn't much allow you to go out and meet boys.
You did though. That summer, you met this freckly sweet boy, who did nothing but charm you and make you laugh. You thought it was too perfect to be true but there was something in him. Something you couldn't pin down. When he took down those glasses and you could see his gorgeous brown eyes, sometimes just jumped in your stomach.
You've been in love- with him and only him. You could still think of when the two of you first held hands and kissed on the wet grassy field as it rained. It sounded like a fairytale- a movie. It just seemed to be too good to be true and you were afraid that you would jinx it sooner rather than later.
But you didn't have to jinx it, when your father was doing all the work. You haven't argued in a house as much as you did at this age. You've had built up anger, holding it inside over the years. Yet, you never wanted to go too far, not now... because in a way, your father frightened you.
Now that your mother was away, taking care of your ill aunt in another state, your father has gotten worse. Like a little child he drinks and smokes inside. You clean after him, you cook for him, you do his laundry, you- it's like taking care of a child and you felt more exhausted than ever. So exhausted, you haven't had the energy to fight him anymore.
So you endured and you missed the only person who would make you feel better.
Private school for boys... could it be any worse? Nine months of barely any contact. You felt like you were about to explode from all this pressure.
He was your safety net. He was the one to catch you, to soothe you, to take care of you when you were so emotional and not being able to even shower. You walked towards the window and looked out.
A big hole in your chest formed because you missed him so much. You wished you could talk to him. Just to talk. He makes everything feels so much better but how, when he is so far away and you are so far away?
Steven Meeks has been feeling similiar as you do, except that he simply adored you more than you could ever know. He always asked himself why him and you always told him why not him. Of course, he was still insecure about himself but that was always a great motivation to keep him prooving himself to you. When Knox told him that he is going to your school to talk to the girl he's been fancying, he knew it would be a great opportunity to surprise you.
However, he was somehow oblivious to the fact that there were other boys in the school with you. He walked in with your favorite chocolate candy in his hand, a box shaped as a heart- even though he knew it was cheesy, you always blushed and laughed at it. To him that was only one out of many sights he loved to see on you.
His colour drained when he saw a large, bulky man standing over you. His hand was leaning on the locker and he had one of those pearly white smirks. Unfortunately, he didn't see your face because he was behind you but it was the perfect opportunity to release the rage he has been holding the minute his eyes set on the two of you.
Something went off in his mind. Something he never thought he was capable of. i
He slammed his hand on the lockers behind you, making you jump a bit and turn around. The guy looked up and raised an eyebrow.
It took you a minute to gather yourself because you haven't expected somebody so similar to your boyfriend appear right next to you. You haven't even believed it until he started to speak.
Meeks' eyes narrowed, his lips thinned and his chest puffed out. "You lost?"
The guy threw his head back in shock. "What?"
"You deaf too?" Meeks continued. "I don't see a single reason why you should be talking to my girl?"
He let out a laugh and took a step forward but Meeks didn't even blink an eye. "Your girl? You? Where you from? Popsicleland?"
"At least my clothes fit, yours are about to tear any minute." he continued to glare at him and you could see the way this was only about to escalate if you wouldn't interfere.
You pushed them away and dragged Steven, barely, around the corner. He was still huffing and puffing but you didn't even care. You didn't care about his challenging male outburst or fragile male ego- you simply jumped into his arms and hugged him so tightly, you were about to burst.
His anger drained slowly into a realisation who was holding him so tightly. The smell of your parfume hit reduced the anger and he hugged you so tightly and as he did so, you started to sob into his arms.
"Shh... I'm here..." he started to caress your back with his hand but you felt this huge amount of release when he did that. When he pulled away to see your drained, grey face he immediately became worried.
He cupped your head into his hands and looked deeply into your eyes. "(Y/N), what's wrong? Why are you sad?" he whispered, his eyebrows furrowing worriedly.
"I just missed you so much." you hugged him back, leaning your head on his chest and squeezing him. He simply didn't know what to do except pressing your head against him and kissing the top.
Oh how he loved you. His heart was simply throbbing from the sadness and the love he had for you. Why were you sad? What did he miss? Why wasn't he here more than he is?
"I love you so much, (y/n)." he mumbld against your head and pulled away, cupping your head again. "I love you and I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. I'm so sorry."
You laughed, wiping the tears off your cheeks. "You're too perfect to be sorry." you smiled and put your hand on his cheeks. "I just love you too."
You told him- you told him how pressured you felt and he felt enraged as you continued your sad, pitiful story. He held you so close to him, tightening his grip around your waist, kissing the top of your head whenever your voice started to quiver.
But oh the warmth of him. The presence, soul and love of him. It soothed you like no other thing in this entire world. You didn't know what it was. Was it love? Distance? Longing? But oh how warm and loved you felt by this man.
"I am so sorry." he said.
"What are you sorry for?" you smiled, caressing the hand that held you so close.
"Sorry you had to go through this alone." he said and your smile faded. You leaned back on his chest as you watched your feet drag up the grass until your knees were bent. You laid them on his outstretched legs and he pulled you even closer up to him. "It's my last year there..." he said and looked down at you. You looked up and your eyes met.
You could always read him so well. "Meaning?"
"Meaning I'll get the job as soon as possible and I'll save up for a wedding and a house- even a dog if you want."
You started to laugh. "What about your dreams as a literature professor?" you sat up, serious this time and placing your hand on his cheek. "What about Knox and Charlie and Neil-"
"They're my friends but you're the person I want to spend my life with." his eyes softened. "I want to marry you."
You leaned your forehead on his and smiled. "That's a shame because I want to be married to a literature professor."
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
One’s Hour Has to Come
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Dead Poets Society Fic
Summary: A story in which you walk through the timeline of each of the Poet’s deaths and how they faced their end and experienced their lives in all endeavors. 
word count: 13.4k
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The first time any of the boys experienced a funeral that actually affected them, they were only sixteen turning seventeen. Too young to ever know the unforgiving cold heart of death and how in just seconds it could turn your entire life around. It was seared into each of their brains. How it had snowed that day, how the women cried, how heavy the casket was on each of their shoulders as snow crunched beneath their feet, how the roses already started to wilt due to the cold. 
They had lost a friend, a companion, and worst of all someone their age. It was a wake up call, a notion that life wasn’t as dependable as they thought. That at any moment anything could possibly happen to change that. Life wasn’t guaranteed and the timeline was unknown. Hadn’t that been what Keating had talked about this whole time? To make much of time and experience it as one should. So how come his teachings had played a part in the very death of their friend? It may have not been the reason but now that each of them were aware, it already started to feel like the time was running out. 
Neil Perry was an irreplaceable soul in a world of people who wasted the hours away. So as each of the boys faced the question of ‘why him?’, they realized death didn’t pick and choose. It was required and could not be changed or erased. Whether you were a saint or devil incarnate, your time was your time, and nothing could get in the way of that. Neil was only on this earth for a mere 17 years and that had to be enough, even if it felt like it didn’t. It had to mean something or the world wasn’t as each of the boys had thought. The world was cruel and unforgiving and happiness could be crushed at any moment. So as they faced the death of their friend together, mourned and lost, they realized one day it would be their turn, and there was no telling when. 
Nine years. That was all it took. Barely even a decade before the group had to face another death. Pitts often wondered what it was like for Charlie the day Neil died. The thoughts going through his head as he set his sadness to the side in order to inform all of them. Pitts figured he would never have the answers to these questions until the telegram in his hand trembled. His mind hadn’t caught up with his heart yet. His body reacting as if it had just experienced deep trauma, which in a way it did. 
Gerard Pitts,
The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that Sergeant Steven Meeks was killed in action on Thirty January 1968 in South Vietnam. This confirms personal notification made by a representative of the secretary of the army Major General, USA F48 Adjutant General. 
He wasn’t sure what to think at first. He hadn’t seen Meeks since they had graduated from Yale, he had briefly heard he had been drafted but what he never expected was this. This meant Meeks had listed him in his emergency contacts and now on this very day he had to face exactly what Charlie had too. So dropping the telegram from his trembling hand he reached for the rolodex in search of numbers he prayed would still reach each of the boys despite it having been years since contact. 
That was how they had all ended up here, in a stuffy church among the pews that they once found unbearable in their formative years. The wooden seats have provided nothing but stiff backs and unwarranted lectures in discipline. Now Pitts liked the feeling of it, the pain reminding him that this moment was real as he sat beside Meeks’ parents, who were now worn with age. Mrs. Meeks red hair had now started to fade into white and Mr. Meeks face had begun to sink in. Pitts briefly wondered if that's what Meeks would have looked like if he had made it to old age.  He hated that there wasn’t more family here to grieve, just the three of them, yet when each of the Poets walked through the door the weight on his shoulders lifted more and more. 
Todd had been able to take off of work a few days, leaving his third graders behind with a substitute teacher. He had really come into his own in college and found a love for teaching, but preferred kids much younger. When you're a kid the world is much less daunting and people are much more forgiving, he wasn’t sure he was ready to take on the responsibility of influential teenage minds. The best he could do was teach them young and hope they did what was best as they grew. 
Charlie, now as influential as his father in the business world, left behind the big city and stocks, driving somewhere other than Wall Street to send off a friend. You could smell success on him from the perfect cut of his suit and the expensive fabric. All with a dainty brunette tucked against his arm, the boy had made something of himself whether he wanted to or not. It was comforting to see, not knowing how the boy would end up after he had been expelled.
As for Knox, much to no one's surprise, he came with a still just as beautiful Chris by his side. He had taken over his fathers firm right after college and had been doing well for himself since. He was living the life he always dreamed of having, you could see it in his eyes with the way he looked at the one year old boy in Chris’ arms. They had been married right after college and before he got busy with the firm, it just made sense that babies were on the way. They had eloped, mainly to avoid an over the top wedding provided by his parents, and after their anger subsided they started to live a beautiful life together. 
What shocked everyone the most was to see Cameron walk through the door. Still just as awkward as he was as a teenager, slipping into a pew in the back as if not to be seen. He wasn’t even sure himself what brought him to come today. He hadn’t seen Meeks since High School graduation nor heard from him. He was shocked to hear the boy was even in the war let alone lost his life to it. Something deeper though, more important than even him or the other poets drew him here today and if he was anything, he was a man of deep respect. These were guys he grew up with and it was important to offer his condolences, at least to him. 
In front of them the Pastor starts to speak, a casket covered by an American flag in the front of the room and Pitts can't bring himself to believe that his friend was now inside of there. His body had been shipped back for the funeral and was to be a closed casket for undisclosed reasons. Whatever Pitts imagined made him sick anyway. Steven Meeks, the army hero, who would've thought? He never imagined what their funerals would’ve been like but if you had asked him years ago, the last response he ever would've had was a military funeral. 
When the crowd leaves the church to go to the gravesite, the majority of the boys have found themselves in tears. Todd stands beside Charlie and Knox, their wives behind them as they watch them lower the casket in the ground. Todd flinches when the rifles go off for the Three-volley Salute. This brings Charlie to wrap an arm around his shoulders, tears in Todd’s eyes matching his own. After they all walk through to drop roses on the casket, the group finds themselves off to the side, sharing a moment alone in the memory of their friend.
“Long time no see fellas’ Charlie is the first to say, a prideful arm still wrapped around Todd and his wife. Knox brings himself to smile softly, cradling the small boy in his arms.
“Been too long” he agrees and Pitts finds himself reaching for the child, long fingers grazing along his hairline. It was so odd to him that there could be something so young and safe from the dangers of the real world, that this child was starting on the path of a lifetime with an unwritten ending. 
“Clearly, you have a kid” Pitts chuckles, glancing up at Chris who held the same features as the small boy in Knox’s arms. He liked that there was hope for the short lifetime you were given, that you could be with your one true love and live a happy life. 
“I did, everyone meet Johnny” Knox offered up his arms, showing off the boy who was just starting life at a gathering over the end of a life. Pitts found tears rimming his eyes just at the thought of how much Meeks would've loved to meet him. 
“Hi Johnny” Todd smiled, face a mix of happiness and sadness. He had become quite fond of young life after years of teaching and to see Knox, who once was young, now holding him was unreal. 
“Like Keating?” Charlie said with a nod, half question and half matter of fact and Knox smiled as he removed an arm from the child to wrap around Chris.
“Yeah, like the Captain. The man who made me confident enough to chase after the girl of my dreams. Little Johnny wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him” Knox confirms and Todd steps out of the grasp of Charlie who had oddly taken over the role of Neil, making sure Todd was well looked after. He got a phone call once every two weeks, a lot like a mother hen, just making sure he was still alive. 
“Can I hold him?” Todd asks and Knox smiles, immediately offering up the young boy to his meek and quiet friend. Todd carefully accepted the child into his arms, tucking him against his chest and admiring the softness of his skin. 
“Meeks would've been just as surprised you actually had a kid” Pitts suddenly says and the group freezes, almost not expecting any of them to actually bring up the reason why they were all here. 
“I didn’t even know he was drafted” Knox whispers, ignoring Pitts statement and nods came from each of the boys amongst the group. Charlie had once tried writing to him but had never received a letter back, he just assumed he may have had the wrong address. He had no idea the boy was off at war when the majority of them had been able to avoid the draft due to money or ineligibility. 
“Couldn’t avoid it, he was a radio operator in the field. Doesn’t surprise me that Steven would be able to make a radio work and contact people in the middle of the jungle” Pitts says with a teary laugh and the boys let this sink in, picturing their small red headed friend in army green and deep in the woods fighting a war none of them could truly comprehend. 
“He was too smart for his own good” Charlie says with the shake of his head, remembering all those school years where Meeks had practically carried him on his back though the classes he struggled in. 
“He would've been glad we were all here, even Cameron '' Todd says, eyes never leaving the bright blue ones of baby Johnny, because of this he doesn't see how his sentence makes each of them stiffen. Things with Cameron never got smoothed over and they all went their separate ways. Pitts wasn't even sure why he called him, some deeper force out there brought him to do it. 
When no one responds, Todd finally lifts his head to see each of the boy's eyes cast on the red haired boy who was talking to Meeks parents. It was odd seeing him all these years later. He hadn’t really changed, he was just a touch taller and his eyes weren’t as bright as they once were. That much is true when his head turns to spot each of them, a tight lipped smile crossing his face before turning and walking off in the opposite direction. 
“Feels like a lifetime ago” Knox mutters, not really needing to explain his reasoning for the sentence. Cameron had always been uptight but he was once one of them. A young and innocent kid who thought the entire world was his oyster. They were all going to conquer it together until it all fell apart. 
“It’s nice, that he came” Charlie says with a cough, eyes darting to his wife in order to avoid eye contact with any of the boys who are shocked by this sentence. Charlie had never had anything nice to say about Cameron, they’d just have to chalk it up to grief over Meeks. 
“It’s nice that you all came” Pitts says and the group smiles at him, a sadness in each of their eyes as it finally settled that Meeks was really and truly gone. Charlie is the first to usher them into a group hug, one that each of them welcomes as they accept the embrace of friends they hadn’t seen in a longtime. 
“We always will”
Charlie dreamed of the day he would finally receive a letter from John Keating. With how quickly both him and Keating had been booted from school he was never able to find a way to contact him. He had spent many years exhausting searches for a man that more than likely returned to his life in London, too far for a young boy in the 60’s to ever discover. So he gave up, he met his wife, worked hard at his job, and raised his two kids. So when he opened the mailbox one morning, he never expected to see a letter marked with multiple postage stamps, a return address scribbled on the side of a Keating in London. He never moved so fast, rushing inside in search of his letter opener in order to read the first words he’ll ever hear from Keating after all these years. 
Dear Charles Dalton, 
I’m writing to you on behalf of my husband John Keating who had once teached you for a few brief months back in 1959. I regret to inform you that my husband passed away due to a cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma that has been slowly eating away at his life. I want you to know that he did not die in vain and that he was very happy with the life he lived before it was taken from him. He always loved you boys and he never stopped thinking about you once. Up until the very end he would share stories of the best students he had ever taught. Please do not resent him for the distance that he has kept all these years. Despite how much I assured him, he still felt like he took some blame for the death of your friend. Unable to escape that guilt he felt it was best to keep his distance in order to avoid causing anymore harm. My husband was a smart but stubborn man which I am sure you know. 
His funeral will be held here in London in a week's time. I know it is short notice but if you’d like to attend or have further questions I’ll leave my number here. Please do reach out, my husband was very proud of each and every one of you and I’d love to get in touch and meet the boys that changed his perspective on a lot of things. He passed very young and had a lot more life to live but thankfully my husband knew how to seize the day and I hope each of you still are too. 
Sincerely, Elizabeth Keating
Charlie can’t bring himself to comprehend what he has just read. Tears rim his eyes as he realizes all the possibilities he imagined when opening this letter, not a single one included his death. The death of the very man that single handedly changed his life for the better. He always wished he’d have the opportunity to thank him but now that chance is gone. With his eyes trained on the number written at the bottom of the letter he finds himself picking up the phone and making a call he never thought he’d have to make. 
After discussing things with Keating’s wife he went through and called the rest of the poets that he was just realizing now that he hadn’t heard from in almost ten years. He hated that they had all lost touch but that was sadly how life worked. You grew up, moved away, met new people, and as the days go it gets harder and harder to reach out. Charlie didn’t find it hard this time to inform them all of another death yet the part that hurt was how he knew how to do it, He had once broken the news to them all before. When they all agreed to go along with him, Charlie booked the tickets and pretty soon they were off. 
Keating’s wife still looked just as she did in the picture that used to be in his room at Welton. Her hair was lighter but she must've still been dyeing it, other than that only a few new wrinkles covered her face. Charlie didn’t expect the tug on his heart when he saw her, especially since he had never met her in person before. For him though, it was the closest he ever got to seeing Keating again which is why he is the first of the boys to pull her in a tight hug. 
“We really loved him” he muttered into her shoulder and the small woman slowly rubbed a comforting hand over his back which brought tears to his eyes. 
“He loved all of you, the boys that continued his legacy” she fondly says as Charlie pulls back, offering a warm and gentle smile. 
“I thought we rather mucked it up” Todd says and Elizabeth turns to see the young blonde boy she could easily recognize from all the descriptions Keating had given her. Yet she supposed he wasn't so young anymore, nearly forty years old now. 
“I wouldn't say that, John was quite fond of your book” she tells him and Todd freezes, resembling the quiet boy he once used to be. Todd had never planned to write anything worth reading in his entire life but all these years and nowhere to put his ideas they just fell on a page, as if he had to get them out. The last thing he ever expected was Keating to read it. 
“He read it?” Todd asks, voice just as mousy as the seventeen year old boy within him. 
“Of course he did. He kept track of all of you. He was quite proud in knowing his young pupils had paved the way of great lives. Todd not only a teacher but author, Charlie the legend of Wallstreet, Knox the head of his own firm, Pitts the successful engineer, and Cameron the strong politician” Elizabeth proudly says, having developed a sense of pride over the boys her husband never shut up about. All four boys follow the gesture of her hand to find once again Richard Cameron among the crowds and Charlie is unable to stop the anger from crossing his face. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” he seethes, fists clenching at his side. Meeks funeral was one thing, that was a peer, a friend. This was different, Cameron never liked or understood Keating and was the sole reason blame was put on him when Neil died. If anybody shouldn’t be allowed at the funeral, it was him. 
“I invited him” Elizabeth calmly says and each of the boys look to her with shock, confused as to why she would dare do that when she definitely knew it was the boys fault Keating had been fired. Elizabeth laughs lightly at their bewildered faces before deciding to explain. “A few years ago when Cameron first ran for office he found our address and reached out. He apologized to John who never blamed him for what happened. He has been a kind and good friend to us the last few years. It was only right to make sure he would be here today”
“He got to talk to Keating?” Charlie whispers, entire body deflating at the idea Cameron got to speak to him one last time and he never did. It wasn’t fair. 
“Keating would’ve liked that we were all here” Pitts says, eyes darting between Cameron and Charlie, just waiting for a reaction he knew they’d have to stop if Charlie got too upset. 
“He would, he would've liked seeing how well you all grew too” Elizabeth confirms with a nod and Knox smiles at her, feeling a sense of happiness despite the heavy reason for them all being here. 
“My son Johnny, I named him after Keating. I always hoped they’d get to meet one day” Knox tells her and tears well up in the older woman's eyes at the thought. 
“How old is he?” she curiously asks, noticing how Charlie still has a glare plastered in the direction of Cameron as he lets the new information sink in. 
“Thirteen and he is definitely giving me a run for my money. Especially with his two little sisters” Knox says with a laugh, thinking of the twin girls at home, Clara and Chloe. They were only five and guaranteed neither him or Chris ever got any sleep these days. 
“I’d love to hear more about them, in fact I’d love to learn all about each of you” Elizabeth says and the Poets find themselves recognizing Keating in her. That spirit that always made them feel safe. 
So that's what they end up doing, they tell her all about their lives and milestones they've experienced over the last few years. Knox explains they waited a while after Johnny to have their girls and now that they had twins it made sense to wait before having anymore. Todd talked about how he just got tenure and still loved teaching third grade. Yet with the safety net surrounding his job he had more time to write now and that was exactly what he did. It all worked out for the best anyway considering the young publisher had caught his eye and they had now been married for four years. Charlie and his wife Emerson waited a few years before having kids, now they had Elijah who was seven and Nell who was five. The young girl named after Neil because from the moment he held her he just knew that she embodied his spirit. He wasn’t sure they’d have anymore kids but he was quite happy with where he was now. As for Pitts he was unmarried and spent the majority of his time dedicating himself to work, yet Elizabeth could see it in his eyes. He hadn’t found a companion yet because he wasn’t looking, he had lost too much. 
“I better be off to greet some more guests, thank you so much for coming” Elizabeth says once they've all caught up and the boys smile, bidding her goodbye in various ways as she moves across the room. They had learned Keating didn’t want a stuffy and formal funeral, just a wake where people could mingle and discuss their favorite memories of him. It was interesting to see the differences of the people in the room that the man had touched. 
“I’m going to say something to him” Charlie starts, unable to distract himself from the anger held towards Cameron. Yet before he can stomp over there Todd grabs his arm and stops him from making any rash decisions.
“Don’t Charlie, this isn’t high school anymore” he says, voice steady and eyes begging him to not do anything stupid. 
“I know but this isn’t right. It isn’t fair that he got to be in contact with Keating all these years and we didn’t. I tried for years to find him and Keating did so much more for us than Cameron. Cameron is the one who wanted to place the blame on him, he didn’t deserve to be the only one who got to talk to him.” Charlie says, the anger turning into tears, words crying out as he practically pleads with Todd to let him go and say something. 
“Keating forgave him, Charlie one day you will have to.” Knox tells him and Charlie breaks his arm from Todd’s grasp and wipes away the tears that had streamed down his face. He knows they're right but he hates it, he hates it so much and he hadn’t felt this type of anger since Neil died. 
“Let’s pay our respects, '' Pitts says, grabbing his shoulders and guiding him to the casket in the center of the room. It's hard for them to see the face of their old mentor, beat and worn with age. His hair was entirely gray but features were still soft. Charlie always wondered if he’d be able to recognize him if they ever crossed paths and he knew now he would. That Keating hadn’t really changed, not at all, and that fact alone was comforting enough. 
“He got old” Charlie snorts, more tears filling his eyes and the boys laugh as they each stand over the casket of a man that meant so much to each of them. 
“It’s a nice thought knowing they're all together right now” Todd says looking at his friends with teary eyes and they nod, knowing exactly what he means as they think of their lost friends. Enjoying the very thought they were together and experiencing poetry and freedom in the after life. 
“Just like us,” Pitts says, using his large arm span to squeeze the four of them together. The boys smile, now realizing they were depleting in numbers and maybe they don't talk or see each other anymore, but the love was still there. Charlie finds his gaze returning to Cameron one more time who was already watching the four of them say their goodbyes. Cameron slowly moved his hand up in a small wave but Charlie just turned away, not returning the same sentiment and staying in the moment with his friends. 
“The way it should be”
The phone that was once in Todd’s hand lays on the ground, dial tone deafening as the words that he just heard continued to ring through his ears. He’s unable to process anything he has just heard, all he knows is that tears are falling out of his eyes and his body hasn’t caught up with the devastation that has just occurred. The last thing he expected when he sat down in his home office was a phone call from anyone, especially Chris Overstreet. 
“Todd, it's horrible. He was on his way home, he had just left work. I don't know how it happened. They say it was a drunk driver but it can't be true. He had just called to tell me he was leaving, we have Liam’s soccer game in an hour. I don’t know what to do”
That was when the phone dropped from Todd’s hand, disconnecting him and the blonde girl he hadn’t heard from since the announcement of their son Liam in 1983. He had to be seventeen now. Seventeen, the age they all were when Neil died. Now his father is gone. Hit by a drunk driver at only 59 years old, still half of his life head of him. As soon as these thoughts register he scrambles to pick up the phone and redials the Overstreet number, ready to help wherever he can. 
Which is how Todd finds himself on a journey back to Vermont, a series of taxis, trains, and ferry’s, all in order to leave the city and return to a town he hadn’t been in since the day he had graduated. He always wondered how Knox had stayed all these years but as he spots the Fall leaves crumbling off the Vermont trees, he’s reminded of how serene this place really was. It only held bad memories he never wanted to return too, and now sadly he had to add one more. As he stands in the driveway of the Overstreet home he sees geese flying above his head, perfect V formation as they head south for the winter. Todd wishes that was him, flying far far away from here and the sadness he has to face. When the front door opens Chris crumbles to her feet before him and he knows he made the right choice to be here. 
A week later after funeral planning and many tears shed, Todd finds himself standing at the front of the chapel next to Chris, Johnny, Clara, Chloe, and Liam. They had all grown so much since he had last seen them. Johnny was thirty three now, was working with his Dad at the firm, and married to a beautiful young girl named Marie. They had a four year old daughter Olivia, and she was adorable in her little dress and small white shoes. It was comforting to know Knox at least got to be a Grandpa, even if only for a short time. Clara and Chloe were twenty five and had been out of college for two years now, they started their own fashion line and had a small boutique in town. Still just as identical, and still a mirror image of Chris when she was that age. As for Liam, he was seventeen, and eerily looked just like his father when Todd had first known him. 
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” an older woman tells Chris, Todd's arm wrapped around her as her back shudders with the tears that never seem to stop. That's when he sees Charlie and Pitts greeting young Liam, faces looking an awful lot like his when he realized Liam could be Knox’s twin. You could see it made the young boy uncomfortable, knowing how many people here saw his father in him. Saw the Knox that Todd first got to meet. Charlie had opted to leave the family behind to be there for Pitts who still was unmarried and dedicated to his work. He had designed some of the grandest buildings in the world but still lacked any conviction in his personal life. The boys worried, had tried talking to him even, but Pitts was broken. He gave up on love a long time ago when he lost too many people in his life. 
“Chris” Charlie calls out as they make their way down the line of kids and as the blonde girl turns to spot more of Knox’s friends her tears turn to full on weeping, pulling Charlie into a tighter hug then any other guest here. 
“I’m so sorry” he whispered to her, hand rubbing up and down her back and trying to keep his eyes off the urn in the center of the room. Chris cried into his shoulder, body shaking harder as Pitts wrapped his arm around them both.
”He really loved you, you know” Charlie tells her as they pull back and she nods, wiping at her eyes which is useless as more tears come. 
“He loved you from the moment he saw you” Pitts says with a smile, still remembering that day Knox came back completely smitten over a girl he barely talked to. Chris tries to laugh through her tears but it comes out strangled, any memory of her husband making the crack in her heart grow bigger. 
“Thank you for coming guys” Todd tells them and Charlie is quick to wrap the boy in a hug. When Todd had called to tell him the news he wasn’t sure what to think, yet his heart eased when he knew he’d be here for Chris. Once Charlie lets go Todd guides the two boys away to give Chris the space to greet more guests. 
“Is the family coming?” Pitts asks Todd, referring to his wife Anne, and their eighteen year old son. Todd wasn’t sure he wanted kids after knowing all the things him and his friends had been through. So he and Anne agreed on one. Not long after that they had a son named Walter and every time Todd looked at him he remembered the quiet boy he once used to be. 
“No, Anne had a deadline to meet and Walter had exams at school. My son is a college boy if you could believe it” he tells him and the boys chuckle, Charlie himself knowing all too well how surreal it is to watch you kids grow up. Elijah was twenty seven now and engaged, and Nell was twenty five, fresh out of college and just hired as a big time journalist for the New York Times. 
“I can’t actually” Pitts jokes and Charlie and Todd laugh lightly, almost forgetting the heavy reason they were all here. Todd ushers them to the side, allowing more people to shuffle down the line and offer their condolences. 
“I saw Cameron is here” Charlie nods, having spotted the boy right away when they walked in the door. Charlie didn’t give him a second glance but Pitts offered a wave, so many years having separated their anger with him now. Charlie still wasn’t entirely over the Keating thing. 
“Yeah, I figured he should know and considering he’s been to them all, it seemed only right” Todd tells them, leaving out the part he had a good long chat with the boy who had become Governor of Vermont. Made sense honestly, especially with how much of a rule follower he was back in the day. Cameron had made something of himself and was married with four kids. It was surprising at first but then Todd realized it kind of made sense that Cameron became exactly what he thought he’d be. You had to respect it even if he didn’t let himself enjoy life like he should. 
“It’s nice that he comes” Pitts agrees as he spots the once red headed boy who watches them with hope. Dying to talk to them, apologize, reconnect. Yet as Charlie and Todd turn to look in the same direction, their eyes catch another person in the crowd that’s just as surprising. 
“Is that Chet Danburry?” Charlie asks, voice a shocked hush and Pitts turns just to confirm that the once meat head boy was now a full grown man with a wife and kids, offering his condolences to his ex girlfriend. The very girlfriend Knox stole from him. 
“It is, I never would’ve expected that” Todd says with the shake of his head, watching as Chet guides his family to some seats for the service. 
“It’s kinda cool, big of him. Glad to see he isn’t an angry teenager anymore” Pitts smiles, knowing long ago they all cringed at the thought of big ego Chet Danburry. 
“Sorry to interrupt boys but the service is about to start. Would you please sit with us?” Chris asks, eyes glimmering with hope and tears. Todd had already planned on it, knowing how much Chris was struggling with the idea that she has to continue to go on and take care of her kids for many years to come, all without the loving support of her husband. 
“Of course Chris” Charlie agrees, smiling at the line of kids and legacy that Knox had left behind. Once Chris and her children were sitting in the front row, Todd and the boys shuffled behind and took their seats. Charlie fought tears as he watched Todd squeeze the girl's shoulder to remind her they were right here. 
“Sorry, do you mind?” a voice interrupts and the three look up to see Richard Cameron pointing at the open seat beside them. Charlie can’t help but sneer yet Pitts has already shuffled over to allow him to sit. 
“Dad would be happy to see you guys here” Johnny turns with a smile, the four year old girl sitting in his lap and offering them a wide grin. When the Pastor sets Knox’s picture on the easel at the front of the room, the little girl reaches to it, soft giggles falling from her lips. 
“Papa” she calls out and Chris starts weeping again, Clara wrapping an arm around her in a hug as she cries beside her mother. Tears stream down Pitts face, Charlie reaching over Todd to rub his back as he fights off his own tears. 
“Thank you all for coming today to celebrate the life of Knox Overstreet. Husband, father, grandfather, and most of all, friend” the pastor starts, eyeing the large crowd the boy had brought in. Charlie’s own tears break through as it settles in that his old friend is now gone. His friend that once seemed so unwise about life and had become the most successful at it. As the pastor talks the group passes tissues, waiting to see each of the kids stand to give a speech. Johnny was first, smiling out to the crowd of people who also loved his Dad as much as him. 
“My Dad was the best, and I’m being serious. He was always there for me. Never said no when I asked to play ball in the yard, always supported me no matter what crazy thing I told him I wanted to do next. He always let me borrow the car, and was there anytime I struggled at work. He never let life or his job slow him down. If I wanted a treehouse, he’d build it. It didn’t matter that he had no idea how to use the tools and that very treehouse had fallen down a day later with him in it. He just wanted to make sure I was happy. Thing was, he never had to worry about that because I was already the happiest kid for having him as my Dad” Johnny laughs lightly to himself, thankful he had gotten so many years from the man he admired so much. “He will forever be the greatest loss of my life but at least I got to be loved by him, if only for a short time” Chris is in tears, watching her oldest son mourn the loss of her father, trying to manage her sadness and all of her kids' own. As Johnny leaves the stage he smiles at his two younger sisters who stand to take his place. 
“Our Dad could never keep up with us” Chloe started, a light smile on her face as the crowd laughed. “The good thing was at least he tried”
“He never got mad when we would try to switch places and confuse him. One time we even switched at school so Chloe could take a test for me. He was more impressed than anything” Clara adds, smiling at her sister with misty eyes. The crowd laughed again, the majority of them knowing that was exactly something Knox would do. 
“He did his best. He came to every tea party, let us cover his face in makeup, we even got him in a pink tutu once. He was the best at playing Barbie’s and told the greatest bedtime stories. Most people in life aren’t lucky enough to have even one great parent and somehow we got two. Two parents who loved each other more than anything, well maybe except for us.” Chloe is in tears now, words croaking out as she struggles to get them past the tears. Clara wraps an arm around her sister, struggling to keep her emotions at bay as well. 
“We could only hope that one day we get to see him again, dance on his feet like we’re little girls again and laugh when he’d tickle us both. If we had known the last time we saw him was going to be the last, we’d have hugged him just a little bit tighter” Clara finished for them and the two young blonde girls are hugging in front of everyone, tears streaming down. Not a dry eye in the building, attending the funeral of a man who left this earth way too soon. 
As Liam ascends the stage Todd recognizes his body language, mirroring his own when he was that age. A fear buried deep in his gut as he looks out to the intimidating crowd of people he now has to share his sadness with. When he catches Todd’s eye in the crowd, he gives him a nod to reassure him, reminding him that this was for his Dad and nobody else.
“My Parents would never admit it but I was an accident” the crowd laughs despite Chris’ mortified face, yet the giggles from her other children quickly reassure her. “It's true, and it's okay. I know most people who have already had three kids and are in their forties don’t normally have more. Despite all of that, my father never wanted me to feel any less than my siblings. I knew he was tired, he was just beginning to move a little bit slower. The thing about my Dad though was he never stopped trying. He came to every game, helped with my homework every single night, reminded me it was okay to be sad” the boy's head dropped as a fresh wave of sadness washed over him. 
“The worst thing about all of this, is he would be the only person in the world able to comfort me during this, and he isn’t even here. What happened to us is unfair but it’ll get easier. It won’t always hurt this bad and that’s because I had a Dad that showed me it was okay to have a big heart. I got to love him with all of mine just as he loved me, and because of that I’ll forever get to keep him in here” the crowd watches as Liam holds a hand to his heart, tears rimming his eyes and Todd finally breaks out in a sob he is unable to stop. He had told himself he’d be strong but to see someone who reminded him so much of himself at that age struggling with heartbreak just as he did, he couldn’t help but cry. 
The boys turn to face him, memories of the very day they watched Todd breakdown coming back. It was so long ago now that sometimes it felt like a dream, but the old man beside them now looked seventeen years old all over again in the face of grief. Charlie hugs him tightly, crying into his shoulder as he offers any comfort he can. Liam descends the stage just as Pitts grabs onto the both of them too. Cameron reaches a hand out, nearly an inch from touching them but he freezes in place, remembering that it had been a long time since they ever sought any comfort from him at all. With a heavy heart he drops his hand and allows the boys to grieve on their own. 
“We're going to offer up the floor to anyone else who wants to speak on Knox’s behalf” the pastor says softly into the microphone, trying his best to accommodate the heavy sadness filling the room. 
“I’m going to say something” Todd says suddenly, wiping his tears as the two boys release their hold on him so he can stand. They watch with worrisome looks as he navigates himself past Pitts and Camerons legs just to move to the stage in the front of the room. Todd uses the pedestal to ground himself as he faces the large crowd of people that once would have froze him with fear. If only Keating could see him now. 
“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Todd Anderson. A lifetime ago I attended high school with Knox at Welton. Yes he was just as big hearted and goofy then, he just wasn’t as cool about it,” laughs come from the crowd and it gives Todd the confidence to keep going. 
“When we lost our dear friend Neil, Knox took me under his wing. We even roomed together our senior year. He was there for me in ways I never would've imagined when I first met him all those years ago. You could say he once took care of me just as he did his kids. I loved Knox like family and that's why I’m here with them today.” Todd offers Chris a smile who returns it with a puffy red face covered in tears. 
“We once had a teacher who taught us about Carpe Diem. In latin, that means seize the day. Some of us took that seriously and others not so much, but Knox, he wouldn't have had this beautiful life if it wasn't for that very lesson. The idea of seizing the day brought him to call Chris for the very first time, I should know because I was standing right there. In every moment after that he seized every opportunity he could when it came to love and life. He married Chris, the girl of his dreams, and got to raise a beautiful family. I’m going to miss my friend more than anything but there is something awfully beautiful about knowing there is more of him in this world and he’ll get to continue on in many generations to come” Todds eyes are glassy from the tears but the smile he offers Chris and her beautiful children is nothing short of genuine. In this moment they feel closer to him than ever, knowing there were still people here who knew their father in the intimate way they all did. He was always telling them about the good old days and it was nice knowing there were still people here that could talk about them.
“Thank you Todd” Chris mouths as he descends the stage and Todd nods in acknowledgment, slowly returning to his seat where his friends greet him with prideful pats to the back.
“Knox would have loved that” Pitts tells him and Todd smiles, looking at the picture of their lost friend. Another Poet passed on to a different life and Todd hopes that whatever is out there after death includes something as beautiful as them all being together again. What a comforting thought it was to think that in the next lifetime and others after that, they would all find each other once more. 
“All of them would have”
Charlie sits at his desk at work, readers resting low on his nose, as his eyes scan the computer in front of him. It was odd to think that when he first started in this business, computers weren’t even a thought, and now the entirety of his job relied on it. He hated to admit that it confused him, practically deeming him an old man in mockery. It made sounds and showed things he couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Just as it dings again, a new sound he hadn’t heard before, he groans out in frustration, ready to just give up and call it quits.
“Mr. Dalton, is there something wrong?” his secretary Elise calls from the doorway. Charlie sighs, pulling the glasses from his face to rub a hand down it. 
“My computer just dinged and I have no idea what it means” Charlie feels stupid for saying it, remembering when he was once the cool hip guy at work. Apparently berets were long out of fashion and saggy pants were in, who knew?
“It sounded like a Facebook notification sir” Elise said, entering the room and preparing to assist the man because after all, it was her job. Charlie automatically rolled his chair to the side so Elise could save him from whatever mid life crisis he was experiencing. He wished Meeks was still around, he not only would have loved Facebook but he would have at least taught him how to use it. 
“Anything important?” he inquired, leaning forward to see she had brought up the profile his wife had made for him around the time Facebook first came out. She claimed it was a good way to reconnect with old friends but so far Charlie had only received one flimsy notification from Hopkins and another from Spaz. 
“You have a message sir, from a Mr. Pitts” the excitement of hearing from his old friend nearly has Charlie knocking the girl over as he rolls back in place to see. He quickly guides the mouse over the message button just to see what his old pal had been up to. It had been since Knox’s funeral he had seen him last. 
Charlie, I hope this message reaches you since it was the only form of contact I can find. You should know Gerard passed away two days ago from liver failure. He has been a struggling alcoholic for quite a few years now and never wanted you and your friends to worry. His funeral will be held at the end of the month. Please share with whoever else you think would want to know. Thank you for always being a good friend to my son. 
“Oh God” is the first words to fall from Charlie’s mouth and Elise realizes this is her cue to exit since whatever Charlie just read, was not good news. 
In the next few moments Charlie has Todd on the line, informing him of the message he just received. As the words come out of his mouth he realizes just how real this all was. When Todd finally calms down he tells Charlie he is going to call Cameron and the boy can’t bring himself to sneer in face of the bad news. Letting him off the line he calls his wife next in order to tell her the bad news and that he was expected in Vermont at the end of the month. 
For the entirety of the funeral Charlie finds himself more angry than anything. The anger wasn’t directed towards the universe for taking his friend and it wasn’t directed at Cameron who he sadly had to sit next to the entire funeral. The anger was directed at Pitts himself. Charlie had known to an extent that he was struggling. You could tell since the boy never married or made new friends, devoted his entire life to his work until he ran dry. He was angry that Pitts never told any of them and had chased the bottle for comfort instead. That he had sought a drug to heal wounds that it could only worsen. Pitts killed himself, slowly but intentionally and Charlie was angry. Then he was angry with himself for being angry with Pitts when Charlie knew he could've done more to reach out even if he was busy with his wife and kids.
“I wish I had known,” Todd says, eyes cast over the large lake he hadn’t seen since his Welton days. It was pitch black out, only the moon illuminated the black water beneath them. Charlie chuckles dryly, eyeing the bottle of whiskey in his hands that he can’t entirely bring himself to drink under the circumstances.  
“You're telling me” he sneers, tipping the liquid back and allowing it to burn down his throat. He reminded himself he never abused the substance and he was free to have a drink while facing the loss of a friend. 
“You could've at least shook Cameron's hand” Todd says as he sits beside him, grabbing the bottle and taking a swig himself. Charlie is impressed that the alcohol doesn’t bother him but he supposed there were a lot of things he no longer knew about the boy. 
“I was in no state to play nice, even with Cameron” Charlie tells him, accepting the bottle back but not taking a sip quite yet. He trained his eyes on the soft ripples in the water, the way the wind blew them slowly against the shore. He once used to spend hours rowing in this water and now even just the thought hurt his shoulders and knees. He hated that he was getting old, slowing down, losing his friends. 
“Did you notice he turned all gray?” Todd asked with a chuckle, remembering just a few hours ago he saw his once red headed friend with fully gray hair. Not even a sliver of the youthful boy that once used to be. 
“We all are, I just tell my wife I’m turning blonde. It also doesn't help that he’s a politician” Charlie says with a smirk even though he hates the wrinkles on his face and the deep bags under his eyes that never went away. Sometimes when he looked in the mirror he could picture Nolan and that thought made him angrier than anything. 
“I suppose that's better than getting old” Todd agrees and Charlie sighs, head tipping up to glance at the stars that somehow seem brighter tonight. Brighter than they ever were in all the years he lived here. Tears burn at the back of his eyes as he thinks about his friends. 
“I hate that he did this to us” Charlie mutters, chin trembling at the admission and Todd is surprised to see the sadness within his friend. He’s quick to wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close into his side. 
“He was struggling, Charlie, no more than Neil,” Todd reassures, feeling his own tears building up at the sight of his strongest friend breaking down. Charlie shakes his head, sighing heavily as he leans to rest his cheek against Todd’s shoulder. 
“That doesn't matter Todd, he knew how badly Neil's death hurt us and he still did it anyway. All those years, he was all alone and none of us did anything” Charlie cries and Todd feels his own tears seep out as he rests his head on top of Charlie’s. 
“We didn’t know and he didn't want us to know. Losing Neil was hard for all of us and he lost Meeks right after. Loss like that can do a lot of things to a person. Pitss tried to go on and we can’t judge him for how he handled it. You have to remember he hid it from us, all those times we saw him” Todd says, his own eyes casting up to the sky to keep the rest of his tears from spilling out. Even he hated that today he had to face his friend's 90 year old Dad and offer his condolences for losing his son after already losing a wife. No parents should outlive their child, even Mr. Perry. 
“He deserved more, they all did” Charlie says with a sad sigh, realizing that in this very moment it was just him and Todd. If he was to be honest with himself, Cameron too, and he found himself briefly wishing that he would go before Todd because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to attend that funeral. 
“Promise we keep in touch, I don't need you disappearing on me either” Todd says, not caring if he sounds like a sap or some emotionally unstable old man. His friends were lessening in numbers and the only two left on this earth that understood everything he had been through were too distant for his liking.
“I promise, if not for us but for Pitts who deserved so much more than he got” Charlie says and Todd chuckles even though nothing about this is funny. In reality they were just two old men drowning their sorrows in a shared bottle of whiskey by a lake that once felt like a barricade to a life they couldn't escape. 
“To making the most out of the rest of it”
He had just celebrated his 70th birthday. That was all Charlie could think as he ended the call with Anne Anderson. Just last week he had called to wish the boy a happy birthday and now he was gone. Lost to a broken heart or in other words a heart attack. The strain of which his latest book had put on him and all those years of teaching. Charlie briefly wondered if the damage had begun to start when Neil had died. Either way he was brought back to the night of Pitts funeral and he realized that his wish didn't come true. Todd had gone before him and now he had to face something he wasn’t prepared for. Being the last poet alive.
Then it suddenly hit him that he wasn’t. The dread that fills his gut instantly makes him feel guilty because this was for Todd. The grudge he had all these years should not be stopping him from doing what was best for his friend. So much to his dismay he went into the contacts on his phone, doing exactly as his daughter Nell had taught him when he got this dreaded Iphone. He still remembered when you had to spin a dial just to make a phone call and now something as small as this could fit in your pocket and be with you on the go. If only these had been around when he had received a phone call from God. 
“Hello” the sadly familiar voice picked up and Charlie scowled before loosening his shoulders and responding into the phone. 
“Hey Cameron, it’s Charlie” he muttered and the worn down man quickly perked up because he knew what this meant. There was only one thing in the world that could get Charlie Dalton to call him. 
“What happened?” he instantly asked, tears already flooding his eyes. He’s brought back to the very first time he ever saw Todd, how he called him a stiff. He suddenly cringes at the memory. 
“Heart attack, Anne said it was a long time coming” Charlie said, suddenly reminded of the very reason he was having this phone call. He had lost Todd, they had lost Todd, and none of it was right. Todd deserved to be here longer, he had more reason to be here longer. 
“Jesus,” Cameron said, falling back into his seat. Charlie stayed silent, letting him process the very thoughts he still hadn't come to terms with. Todd was an unexpected friend. They all may have not known him as long but he had been there ever since. In a way he was the last piece of a puzzle that made them all feel close to Neil. That’s when Charlie realizes the two are together again. At least that was a comforting thought during this har time. 
“Anne said the services will be held next week, I can text the information as soon as I have it” Charlie whispers, trying to imagine Cameron sad. It was hard considering the two barely knew each other anymore. At one point in time this was the guy he slept in the same room with for years. The last time he saw him was when Neil died and even then his vengeful actions covered up the sadness pretty well. The only time Charlie ever saw him since then was at funerals and even then Cameron was tough as stone, never breaking down like any of the boys had. Face as still as a painting in a museum.
“Thank you Charlie, thanks for calling me” Cameron brings himself to say and Charlie feels seventeen all over again, innocent and excited to be in the real world. If he had known it was this sad, he might've stayed a kid a little longer. 
“Yeah, sure” Charlie says before muttering a goodbye and hanging up the phone. As he drops the device on his desk his eyes catch the old black and white photo. The gold frame is a stark contrast to the pale faces of the young boys who had no idea what was to come. Despite the fact none of them had ever stayed that close it was heartbreaking to know that all but two were still alive. He once used to look at this picture and only miss Neil, but now, he yearned for all of them. As much as he hated to admit it, a small part of him yearned for Cameron too. 
When the day of the funeral comes Charlie finds himself in the back of a taxi alongside his wife Emerson. He’s wearing the same suit he wore for Pitts funeral and he hates that this had now become his death suit. This was the suit he made Todd promise him to go first in and now here he was saying goodbye to him too. The brunette girl shuffled closer to him in the backseat, streaks of gray now filling her hair. They sadly were getting old too. 
“Are you okay?” She curiously asks and Charlie offers a weak smile, one she knew well after all these years. She fell for a prideful man but even the happiest of them all had to fake it sometimes. 
“I will be” he tells her honestly and she nods, curling her hand into his own and feeling the sadness pour out of him. She had only seen Charlie beam a few times in her life. When she said yes to marriage, their wedding, the birth of their kids, and whenever he talked about the Dead Poets Society. She knew that a loss like this cut deep. 
When they pulled up outside of the funeral home Charlie saved face and helped his wife out. He watched as many people passed and entered the building. He briefly wondered who each of them were. It was odd to him that he once knew all the same people Todd did and now every single one of these people was a stranger.
Anne has him pulled into a hug the minute he finds her inside. Crying softly against him and muttering condolences as if Charlie had lost something more than her. Charlie once used to be an important person in Todd’s life but now none of it compared to her. The only girl Todd ever loved. The only person Todd ever loved since Neil. “I’m sorry Annie”
”Hey, don’t be. It’s life and the doc had been telling us for a while his heart wasn’t good” she assures Charlie as she steps back from the hug but Charlie can see the heavy sadness in her eyes, the desperation for her husband. Now he was wishing he would go after Emerson because he never wanted her to wear this look.  
“Where’s Walt, is he doing okay?” Charlie curiously asks as Emerson pulls Annie into a brief hug, offering her own condolences. The blue eyed girl smiles and nods her head to the side. Charlie turns to find the spitting image of Todd standing beside a young red headed girl, accepting condolences from other guests. 
“He’s holding up, that’s his fiance Ariana. She’s been a big help during this whole process” Anne catches them both up and Charlie wraps his arm around his wife’s shoulders, remembering a time he was once young and flaunting off his beautiful fiancé. 
“He’s so grown” Charlie tells her and Anne nods, smiling at her only child who hopefully pretty soon would make her a Grandma. Yet the excitement wasn’t entirely there now knowing there wouldn’t be a Grandpa by her side. 
“Walter, come say hi to your Uncle Charlie” and the man’s chest constricts as Anne calls him this, suddenly feeling like the worst person alive for never actually getting close with the kid. The kid who was now thirty years old, much expired from the lessons he once learned at seventeen. 
“Hey, thank you so much for coming.'' The boy approached, a smile on his face and Charlie realized just how tall he was, most definitely taking after the bigger side of the Anderson family. He had to have been taller than Todd even. 
“Of course, I loved your father like a brother” Charlie nods, feeling the tears coming to his eyes again and Walter chuckles at this sentence because if there was one thing he knew about his father, it was how much he loved all of them. 
“Yeah I know, he never shut up about you guys” Walter says and Charlie smiles, head tipping back to avoid the fall of any stray tears. Of course Todd would be the one to continue their legacy, even if the rest of them grew old and got distracted. Todd would always be back in that Welton classroom. 
“That’s good to know, especially since there was once a time I couldn’t get Todd to talk” and everyone laughs despite the sadness surrounding them. Two families who had all faced loss and somehow still had each other, even if only briefly. 
“Here, I actually wanted to give you this, '' Walter says, letting go of his fiance's hand to rush over to a small table. The group watched as he dug into a bag there, pulling out a stack of white papers and moving back towards them. “It’s a printed copy of Dad’s book. He had just finished it the day before. I’m pretty sure he wrote it for all of you”
“Walter this is so kind, thank you” Charlie says, ready to cry all over again for something entirely different. Walter smiles and nods, knowing that Charlie and his Dad once shared the same sadness and that things like this could be so healing.
“We better find our seats, we’ll catch you after” Anne says, grabbing her sons arms and offering the pair a smile. Charlie and Emerson bid their goodbyes, watching as they moved into the mass of people. Once they're out of sight Charlie looks at the first draft of the book in his hands. It was heavy and for a moment Charlie pretended it was Todd’s hand in his own, bidding him one last goodbye. Slowly he flips the pages until his eyes finally catch something worth stopping for. 
For my friends, the Dead Poets Society. My life wouldn’t be what it is without any of you. I once thought no one would understand me and in the end I found six people who did. The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. Thank you for being a part of mine. 
A tear drops on the page, soaking through the paper and Charlie finds himself unable to stop, staring at the black ink. The last thing Todd would ever say directly to him. It was as if he had known. Charlie hates he wasn’t there to say goodbye to him. 
“I’m really going to miss him,” Charlie says, tears streaking down his face. Emerson gives a pressed smile, wrapping an arm around his waist as she watches her husband grieve. She didn’t need to see what Todd had written to know it struck deep with him. 
“I know baby, I know” she comforts and Charlie is quick to wipe his eyes, tucking the book close to his chest. When his vision clears he spots Cameron across the room, already looking at him with a sad stare. For a moment Charlie allows his eyes to lock with his own, looking on with no anger or resentment. This time he looked at Cameron with understanding and peace. Cameron stays frozen, waiting for any possible reaction from his old friend, desperate to grieve alongside him. Acknowledge they shared the same sadness. Slowly Charlie offers him the smallest of smiles in which the boy quickly returns. Comforted by the fact that after all these years Charlie had finally accepted him as he was. 
“Let’s go find our seats” Charlie urges his wife and Emerson nods, glancing at the man her husband just stared down. If she was correct, that was Richard Cameron, and her husband had just communicated with him in a way she would never understand. They shared a moment meant to be healing for them both. 
Charlie and Cameron may always be opposite sides of the same coin but they shared one thing in common that would always tie them together. They once were just boys together. 
Cameron hates the way his hands shake as he tries to read the morning paper at the kitchen table in the morning. The very hands in front of him looked nothing like they once did. He wouldn't even recognize them anymore. He was an old man, a lifetime beneath his belt and not many more years ahead. All he had was this old rickety house that he once raised his kids in. Now they were off raising his grandkids and for some reason he was still here, waiting to join his wife in heaven. 
As he flips the age of the newspaper he finds he's reached the obituary section. Faces old and young littering the page, people who lived lives just as interesting as his own. It’s when his stare falls on a familiar set of eyes does he freeze completely. The picture is of an old man, that much was abundantly clear, but they were the eyes of a child. Very eyes he had looked into a hundred times in his life that always held a freedom Cameron never understood. A childlike wonder he yearned for even as he got older. 
Charles Dalton, 1941-2033. Loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Charles Dalton is a proud alum of Welton Academy and Columbia University. He went on to become a very successful businessman, a proud member of Wall Street. He passed on Thursday December 15th surrounded by friends and family. Services will be open to the public on December 23rd. He is survived by his two kids and their families. 
Cameron sucks in a sharp breath as he rereads the date one more time. Seventy four years ago to the day Neil Perry had passed. Cameron's eyes darted around the page, much faster than his body was these days. He wonders if it means something, if the universe had connected to the two still after all of these years. He once used to be jealous of the friendship the boys shared and the fact they had spent over seventy years without each other and still had a bond stole his breath away. 
Cameron finds his heart stuttering in his chest, trying to comprehend the tears that are coming to his eyes at the realization that washes over him completely. For the first time since 1959 he realizes what a fool he had been. He knew he was somewhat wrong, had accepted the blame, but suddenly all these years later it just clicked. Life wasn’t all about following the rules and leading a path of success. It was about love and friendship, feeling free and tied to the world in unexplainable ways. All these years doing what was thought of him and never enjoying it the way he should. 
“God dammit Charlie, you were right” he mutters through his tears as he drops the trembling newspaper down. He no longer wanted to be reminded he was old now, a shell of the boy he once used to be. A stubborn boy who just now at 92 years old realized there was so much more life to live. 
When the revelation began to wear off Cameron finally decided to attend the funeral. It didn't matter he now had a cane and every step he took hurt. It didn't even matter that he looked nothing as he once did as a boy. Charlie was the one poet that would have sacrificed everything for them, in a way he did. It was Cameron’s turn to be there for him, especially as the last remaining member of the Dead Poets Society. 
“Dad, let me help you” Violet, his youngest daughter of four kids, scolds him as he attempts to get out of the car himself. She was in her 50’s now and the only child of his still willing to help him get around, even if her own kids were now in college. 
“I’m fine Vi, I once was nimble” he tells her, trying to muster as much arm strength as he could to pull him out. He doesn't miss the roll of her eyes or the ‘not anymore’ she mumbles under her breath. He lets her hook under his arm just as he gets close to up right and smiles at the big church in front of him. Only Charlie could manage one of the grandest buildings in the city and have it opened to his adoring public. Cameron was just thankful he was never famous. 
“This friend of yours was a popular guy” Violet mutters as they approach the church steps, taking them slowly up to a line of the recently deceased family. Cameron’s heart races for something entirely different then old age. 
“Thank you for coming” an older boy says when they get to the top and Cameron reaches his trembling hand to shake his own. For a moment it feels like Charlie and he pulls away quicker than intended. 
“Of course, Charlie was my roommate many moons ago” Cameron says and suddenly their eyes light up. Cameron hopes it isn’t from terrible stories Charlie had shared of him over the years. 
“Cameron right? Back in his days at Welton” one of the older girls says and Cameron nods, shaking her hand as well.
“That would be me, and you are?” he inquires, desperate for a glimpse into the life of a boy he once knew like the back of his hand. A hand he no longer recognized as his own, many years between it and the days it once knew Charlie. 
“I’m Nell, and this is my husband Robbie” she says, arm reaching to hook around another gentleman beside them. ‘This is my older brother Elijah and his wife Diane. Our kids are around here somewhere. It hasn’t been easy for them, they really loved their Grandpa” Cameron realizes the boy that had greeted him was a direct extension of Charlie. It was no wonder his hand had reminded him so much of days as teenage boys. He takes a moment to soak them in, noting the features that had to have been Charlie’s and the features that were definitely his wives. “This is my youngest daughter Violet”
“Nice to meet you” Elijah smiles, shaking her hand and Camerons heart clenches in his chest, wishing Charlie was here to see their kids together. Versions of themselves they once used to be. 
“I was so sorry to hear of his passing” Cameron brings himself to say and they smile at him, comforted by the fact there was someone still here who knew him as intimately as they did. Someone his age still carrying life lessons that he did. 
“He was too. You know our Dad. Always claimed he’d go out with some big bang, a great ending like James Dean. He was so disappointed to know it was as an old man in a bed surrounded by his family” Nell says with a chuckle, still able to see her father so full of life and so loud. It used to embarrass the hell out of her how outgoing he was and now it was all she yearned for in the face of his loss. 
“If I knew anything about Charlie he didn’t mind that at all. He was happy to know he had great kids and people who truly loved him as he went out” Cameron says, smiling softly at each of them even though the majority of his face had sunken in with age. “Charlie was good at talking straight out of his ass”
“Now isn't that the truth” Elijah laughs along with him and Cameron laughs hard enough for it to lead into a cough. Violet rubs his back as the group calms. 
“You guys got a good man for a father, I always wanted to be him” Cameron says and they smile, knowing this is most likely a statement their father did not get the privilege of hearing. Cameron smiles anyway, happy the Dalton line would continue to live on when he once wished he could remove it from the world. 
“Thank you, he really would have appreciated you being here” Nell tells him, knowing he needs to hear it, a deep sadness surrounded by regret clear as day on his face. 
As Cameron steps into the church he vows to not waste another day, even if there isn't many left. He’s going to make the most of life and not when he comes to die discover he had not lived. For the first time in seventy years he understands the true meaning of Carpe Diem, seizing the day. For the first time in his life he was actually going to do it. The only thing was he wished the Dead Poets were by his side to finally see it.
Charlie most of all. 
Two years. That was all he got out of a lifetime finally living his life the way he wanted. Cameron passed away as an old man with a big beautiful family and an honorable career. He made his life exactly the way he wanted and in the end died with only one regret. That he did not seize every opportunity at its fullest. 
A funeral was held for not many people to attend. For he was one of the last people his age to die. So the service was not surrounded by loving friends or thankful peers. It was a memoriam for his kids and the people he passed his legacy onto. None of them would know him for the Dead Poets Society or have no idea what it had entailed. 
They had become lessons lost to a lifetime, ones lived in various different ways. Cameron had decided during those two years that if he was not capable of seizing the day, his blood line would. He shared these lessons with his kids and their kids and hoped there was still some chance for them yet. To not lose the people closest to them. No one should watch all their friends die and in the end find themselves with regret. Cameron would always have that, a deep sadness that out of everyone he was the only one to waste it and live the longest. 
On his last day all he could think of was Neil. The one out of all of them who deserved the long and successful life. Cameron had lived triple the amount of lifetimes the boy did and yet he was still the biggest part of him that came to him in his final moments. Neil may not be remembered anymore, a flicker of a lifetime that once existed long ago. A boy who faced tragedy in just a few short months. He had deserved to live but life was not that fair. Neil was survived by each of them and that was all there was to offer. 
Poets who found successful careers, made families, legacies, and shared the knowledge of living life the way it should be. Living life as your own and not as who people want you to be. Boys who once spent their adolescent years in a small cave bursting with big and hopeful dreams. Freedom becoming the very reason for their being. Saved from a life full of resentment and hate. Now survived by lives full of respect and love. They may all be gone now, lost to nothing but memories told through stories they had shared. In the end there was only one thing.
They were now all officially members of the Dead Poets Society. 
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Taglist: @octaviasdread @jeantjoque @desire-mona @good--merits-accumulated @theluminoussunflower @pencileraser1 @xxselenite @inamagicalhallucination @ionlycareaboutyou @domorebemore
wanted to include my lovely DPS Discord community <3
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urrockstar-xe · 8 months
heyhey hi!!! this is an official announcement!!! I'm writing the last two requests in my inbox and starting up a valentines day countdown for feburary but most importantly im opening requests!!! heres who i write for, as of rn there's no prompt list but I'll probably make one this weekend, and fair warning I dip in and out of hiatus' and breaks i don't have a timestamp for when anything is released!
I'll write anything from headcanons, to oneshots and I'm also giving smut a shot but go easy on me lol
heres who i write for!
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years
heyy! I was wondering if you could do a Todd Anderson x fe!male
I read your rules I fully respect them but idk if you find this rather awkward but here goes nothing.
*stands up on desk*
Todd Anderson x fe!male reader- readers on her period and she feels completely awful, bad- HORRID cramps! can't even move her legs. Todd is a sweetheart in this! pls?
Just a oneshot- if you do onshots, if not hc are good. even if its short, idc. Love your writing! ur amazing!
Period. [ Todd Anderson/fem!Reader ]
TW/CW: Reader is on her period/talk of blood/ she/her pronouns are used!
of course this is one of the plots that are set in the 50s bcs yk i just do it thag way sometimes. There is 0 shame in being a menstruating person! But in the 50s that was a different story! So that will be shown here in the story of course if wanted I could do a similar story but have it be modern!
You sat at the library, you were studying for an upcoming exam in Trig. You took in a deep breath when it was announced that it was lights out.
You stood up when a rush of something went down. Your heart dropped when you realized that your menstrual cycle started. Your eyes widened as you checked the chair for a sign of a stain.
You sighed in relief when you saw nothing. You groaned before deciding to deal with this later. Your period usually was tamed and not at all messy. If you could get a pad from your roommate everything will be better.
Walking up the stairs the uncomfortableness of the feeling bugged you.
“Please, not right now.” You cried as you rushed up the steps and into your dorm room.
Your roommate gave you a confused look as you began searching all your things for anything!
“What’s going on?” Your roomie asked as you nervously sighed.
“I just started the curse,” you whispered here eyes widened. “I can’t find anything!”
“I have like one extra in my closet hidden behind my clothes!” She quickly got up and began to search her closet.
She found it and handed it to you with a gleeful smile.
“A life savor!” You hugged her before quietly and quickly walking out of your room and into the ladies restroom.
After the whole fiasco was over you decided to turn in for the night. Getting into your nightclothes you shut down for the night.
The worry of what you’re going to do with your problem haunting you.
The next morning you woke up with the absolute worst cramp humanly possible.
You held your stomach as you began to softly sobbed.
“You alright?” Your roomie asked as you shook your head. “Want me to go to the nurse? I can ask for some medication?”
“Could you? I have to get up for this stupid Trig exam,” you deeply sighed the realization that you would have to put up with this horrible sensation all day.
Your roommate quickly rushed to get some medication, anything would be helpful.
She came back in with a Tylenol and a cup of water. “This is all she would give me.”
You gave her an appreciative smile before taking them. “I just hope this keeps me alive for at least the rest of the day.”
Sighing you got up and the rush of blood came down as you held your stomach.
“I wish they did more to help the menstruating population of Welton.” Your roommate sighed as you two began the journey to class.
“Ha! Welton doesn’t care about us. We are only here because the parents insisted the girls get the same education as the boys,” you mumbled.
“Hey!” The cheery voice of none other then your boyfriend Todd Anderson smiled as he approached you.
“Hey! Good morning Todd,” you smiled as he hugged you.
“You okay?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Just some personal problems, no biggie,” you laughed as a terrible cramp began. You had to hold the smile so he wouldn’t notice.
“You sure? You look like you could use a cig,” he laughed.
“She said she was fine Todd, now stop insisting!” Your roomie shouted angrily.
“Oh…” Todd awkwardly smiled as the walk to Trig was silent and tense.
Class was over as you survived day one of your cycle.
“It wasn’t that bad!” You smiled as a cramp began. You groaned in pain as you and your roommate walked to the dorm room.
“You looked like you were in awful pain the entire time.” Your roommate said and you rolled your eyes.
“Probably because I was in absolute pain,” you mumbled as you two entered the dorm room. “I don’t even know if I have the energy for any studying or doing any homework!”
“You should rest, maybe I could go get another Tylenol from the nurse,” she smiled as you shook your head.
“I’m just going to take a quick nap to sleep away the pain.” You mumbled as you got into bed and shut off for the night.
You woke up the next morning, day two of your cycle to the most excruciating pain you have ever felt. It felt like knives were being impaled onto your stomach.
“You okay?!” Your roommate asked as she rushed to your side. You shook your head quickly.
“Tylenol will not help this,” you cried hugging yourself tighter as the pain increased.
“You have to stay in bed!” Your roommate said as she looked at you.
“I-I can’t! I have to go to class!” You groaned as you kept your eyes shut.
“Please, I will explain to the nurse and see if she can do anything about this.” Your roommate rushed out the room as you laid there holding your stomach.
You heard a knock before someone entered.
“You okay?” The sweet voice of Todd Anderson whispered. “I just saw Gregoria rush out the room.”
“I’m swell! Just not feeling my best!” You tried your best to keep a happy smile on your face as you turned to look at him.
“You don’t look amazing…” He whispered as he crouched besides you. He felt your forehead, “it isn’t fever.”
“Todd, darling, you’ll be late for class if you don’t rush over there right now.” You mumbled facing him.
“I’d much rather stick by your side then go to class.” He smiled.
In that moment your roommate barged in, “The nurse said she’ll talk to the professors and suggested that you stay in bed!” Her expression dropped when she saw Todd.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked and Gregoria shook her head refusing to say.
“Todd, I’m on my period and the cramps are seriously killing me,” you whispered holding his hand. His dace went bright red as he nodded his head in understanding.
“My mom takes this tea when she was you know.. on her period.” He smiled as he caressed your hair. “I can sneak and make you a cup of it.”
“That would be lovely, I’m staying in bed all day.” You laughed as you turned and looked at him caressing his cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss.
“Well, I guess this is the que for me to go to class. I’ll share my notes for each class… For both of you of course.” She smiled before excusing herself.
“You really don’t have to stay here, you still have time to be in class…” You whispered even though you hoped he would refuse and stay by your side.
“Nonsense, I can’t leave my girlfriend to lay by herself in pain,” he laughed as he kissed you again.
“You’re so lovely Todd,” you whispered bringing him in for another lovely kiss.
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sxtapee · 7 months
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♫ my dead poets society masterlist !!
there’s nothing here yet..
there’s nothing here yet..
there’s nothing here yet..
there’s nothing here yet..
there’s nothing here yet..
there’s nothing here yet..
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Our Last Summer - Charlie Dalton
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x reader
Warnings: None!
Summary: It’s Y/n’s last summer in Vermont before going to college. And it’s the last time she will see de poets & Charlie.
The end of summer was coming and the poets and y/n arranged to meet each other at the train station for a last goodbye.
Y/n was packing her suitcase, alone, in her room. She would not see her friends again. She thought everyone would forget the crazy adventures they had, the meetings, the laughters… She thought everyone would forget about her, that they would get on with their lives. That everyone would go to college, would get married, buy a house and find a good job. And those days would be just a memory.
But she was even more sad because apart from all of those things. She would never see Charlie again. She loved him since the first time she saw him, but she was too shy to tell him nothing. She treated him like a normal friend. She didn’t show any kind of affection towards him, but in the inside, she was dying to tell him, she was dying for him, she was dying for a kiss.
She couldn’t think about anything else right now, and she thought that she needed to tell him before disappearing from his live forever . She stopped packing, she grabbed her jacket and her bike, and she went to Charlie’s house.
She stopped at the hall, she knew his parents weren’t home and she remembered Charlie told her they hide a copy of the keys inside the mailbox. She grabbed it, and she stood still in front of the door before opening it. Thinking if she should do it.
“Fuck it!” She said to her self in a low tone of voice.
She entered the house and went straight upstairs to Charlie’s room, almost tripping. She opened the door, hardly breathing, exhausted. Charlie turned startled. Y/n looked at him in the eyes, with a tenderly look in her face.
“I LOVE YOU, I love you ever since I’ve known you Charlie. I love you and I’m so sorry for not telling you before. I just wanted you to know” said y/n, she turned around to leave, but Charlie grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug.
“I love you too y/n, but I was so scared to tell you. I thought you didn’t like me back” said Charlie grabbing her face by the chin now.
“We can’t do anything now right?” she asked almost crying.
“I don’t think so darling” said Charlie placing his head on hers and letting a tear roll down his face.
The two teenagers stood there for a moment in the middle of the room, hugging each other. They felt the touch of their skins rubbing against each other, his warm breathe on her neck, his strong grip around her waist, her hands caressing his hair, drying his tears with her thumb.
Charlie, bended down a little bit, and kissed her, he kissed her so softly and slowly. The world seemed to stop for both of them. They separated a little, their noses still touching each other. Their eyes so close.
“I love you, and i will always remember you” said Charlie still grabbing her face close to his.
“I’ll miss you a lot Charlie” she said holding the tears back.
“I will never forget you”
She started crying, he hug her tightly and they stood there, one against each other, hoping that moment would last forever.
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