#steven universe future audio leak
anomycamps · 6 months
Does anyone remember during the steven universe future days when people were spreading a fake leak that had audio from the forest
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keelee-doodles · 5 years
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So,,,, that audio leak huh.
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herradiantclarity · 5 years
Connie: S..Stev en? 
 Steven: Connie...Will you marry me? 
 Connie: What?! 
 Steven: Let's get married and live as Stevonnie! 
 Connie: WHAT?! *Laughs* Steven..Maybe we should talk about this first? 
Steven: I know you might think I'm being sentimental, but this makes sense! For example I don't know what you've been studying, but Stevonnie does! We could go to college together! 
 Connie: Steven.. C'mon! We're.. really young! 
 Steven: But Stevonnie.. 
 Connie:  Of course I do, but I want to be my own person too Steven: Yeah.. 
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danielave2001 · 5 years
AAAAHHH!!! It took me so long but it's finally done!!!
This is my first Steven Universe Animatic (Based on that audio that Leaked some days ago) soo :’’ Hope u like it!!! 💗💕✨ 
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bigsteeb · 5 years
ok so I want to come back to these parts from the promo along with the first bit of leaked audio since after growing pains we now know why steven turns pink. it’s his unique way of coping with the high amounts of stress he falls under, it’s the reaction to a trigger, & with the events to come from the promo & leaked audio… the gems are on thin fucking ice.
let’s start with the beginning of the audio leak;
pearl: “how could this happen? you crushed the van with greg inside, you know how fragile he is! these pink outbursts of yours are getting out of hand-”
steven: “it’s not an oUTBURST!”
pearl: “see? this is exactly what I’m talking about! what’s happening to you?”
steven: “nothing! it’s nothing.”
he’s right, it’s not an outburst. this is clear evidence that the gems don’t have a clue what happened at the hospital. no clue that steven has trauma & c-ptsd & these pink attacks, I’m calling them that now since they’re basically intense panic attacks, are a result of him dealing with stress, I hope. pearl asking him what’s happening to him screams that the gems don’t check in on steven, & then steven just immediately dismissing it as nothing when it clearly is something. he doesn’t feel secure enough in talking to the gems about this, like they’d really care to know since they’ve been so distant with his as of late, I’m gonna link @universallywriting​‘s prediction here about what could happen in the coming episodes, because it tracks extremely well.
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now to the next part of the audio that connects to this frame from the promo;
pearl: “steven! where are you going? we’re not through talk- steven!! drop this wall!”
steven: “uh! pearl I’m sorry, I’m trying- I just.. need some space, ok? I’ll be in my room.”
amethyst: “not so fast my dude! you’ve gotta tell us what’s going on!”
garnet: “it looks like steven is trying to avoid a serious discussion about this altogether.”
steven: “no I’m NOT!!”
he isn’t avoiding it, but at the same time he is. he wants to talk about it but right now it’s stressing him out to the point where he’s turning pink off & on. these pink attacks actually hurt him now. they stress him out, give him pains in his chest & quickened breathing. christ with what we saw in growing pains they stress him out to the point where his body physically can’t control itself. steven being pink is inherently bad, it was to begin with but even more so now & the gems aren't picking up on that because they don’t know what the fuck it is. steven does however. so does greg, priyanka & connie, but it seems no one has even mentioned it to the gems. let me also remind you all of why he made this wall. that was a trick he didn’t, his gem did. he didn’t consciously make that wall between him & the gems his gem did, because it felt him being threatened. like how in growing pains a bubble formed around his leg when priyanka was about to test for reflexes. his gem reacts to small threats due to his trauma, & it fucking sucks to watch.
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now lets talk about these next parts;
garnet: “steven! you have got to calm down & talk to us!
amethyst: “just chill, man!”
I want to talk about the three yells steven does in the audio, because I believe they get progressively more powerful & painful to steven. the first one he does probably causes him to go pink, then calming himself down after he says it’s nothing. the second yell after garnet says he’s avoiding it, for fuck sake garnet, is more charged than the first. it cracks his house’s window & the frog mug. the mug from connie & the mug greg made him a hot chocolate in at the end of growing pains. I’ll get to the final one in a moment.
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steven: “ugh-”
pearl: “we need to do something about this before someone gets hurt!”
steven: “ugh!-”
someone?! pearl steven is already hurting here!! he’s fucking trembling on the stairs trying to control himself before he cracks under the pressure the three of them are putting him under! he’s sweating & grunting in pain! idc at this point if they know or not, your kid is shaking, cowering, in front of you & you’re still pressing into him? you’re fucking garbage gems. any good person would look at steven in this exact frame & think “no that’s enough! get back away from him you’re stressing him the fuck out!” but the gems can’t see that, they never really have been able to have they?
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& finally;
garnet: “don’t let this power control you! you’re better than this!”
this shit right here? it’s nasty. telling him to control something you’re causing him to go through!? he’s crying during this final yell! like… what the fuck!!? this is terrible, it fucking hurts me. he didn’t want to yell, he tried so hard to keep calm but they broke that calm. I fully believe this final yell causes something as to what happened with smoky in guidance. I believe he slows time down just enough to give him the space to run. to run away from the gems stressing him out, to a place where he feels safer & can calm down. a place… that we will probably see in fragments. 
in conclusion;
these parts of the promo & the first batch of leaked audio are now fucking terrible after watching growing pains. his grunting? he’s in pain. the gems? completely in the wrong & don’t even try to prove me wrong about it. whether they know about what happened at the hospital or not they should not at all have done what they did to steven in the audio. they cornered & pressed into him about why he isn’t being honest with them &, quite frankly, I hate them for it. like… completely hate them. they haven’t spent any time with him since he left little homeschool, they go on field trips & leave him at home, alone, to comfort eat because he has literally no one to talk to about his issues. he has fucking no one to rely on until the events of growing pains! fuck me at the end of together forever he spent several hours in a pit, crying, & garnet just fucking sat there for god knows how long & waited. you have no idea how happy I was when steven got angry at garnet, she deserved it.
the fact that it’s greg too that’s there for steven, his father, is telling. he needs new parental figures in his life, a new support system who will be there for him & his struggles. as much as the gems are good people… they’re terrible parents. they neglected him for ages, made him feel like he had to his mother to them, etc. they need to apologise to him after all of this has happened & here’s the thing, steven doesn’t need to accept that apology or to forgive them. he has every right to tell them “I love you, but I can’t be near you right now.” it’s not selfish or mean, it’s him putting himself first for once. these next episodes are gonna be tough to watch honestly, I’m probably gonna go offline whilst I watch them. if any of you reading need to do that too that’s completely valid! the crewniverse are really leaning into the serious shit now & it’s a lot to process.
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willosword · 5 years
something i noticed about the leak is that, while i absolutely love the crystal gems, they’re doing pretty much the opposite of what you should do when someone you love is freaking out/having a breakdown, especially when they say they want to be left alone
pearl: talks down to steven in a tone that shows she’s disappointed in him, emphasizing the fragility of his dad which he presumably almost hurt, adding more to the guilt and shame that he absolutely feels already
amethyst: tells him to ‘just chill’, which is pretty much impossible until he has space and time to calm down. telling him this likely just makes him more anxious
garnet: tells him ‘you’re better than this’ which. oof. oof oof oof i understand tough love but considering steven’s specific trauma and insecurities i can’t see a scenario in which he takes that well at all
and this isn’t a diss on them either! they’re probably just as freaked out as steven right now, so i 100% wouldn’t expect them to be on top of things. just kinda.. heartbreaking details i noticed
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unknownentry404 · 5 years
You ever have a 2 am moment where your third eyes opens and:
Steven’s gonna join Greg on his tour in “Mr Universe.”
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tonoiho · 5 years
holy shit these leaks are getting out of hand but anyway Pearl really be hittin them notes
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flowery-draws · 5 years
you both are still young!!!
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ramblingguy54 · 5 years
Pearl: Steven, these Pink outbursts of your’s are getting out of control!
Steven: *this video*
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starleo · 5 years
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stevewasherelol · 5 years
Thinking about the leak for Together Forever.
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I wonder if its gonna be like throughout the episode we know hes gonna propose or if he drops the bomb when he actually does it. Is it going to be a buildup plan or like a panicked last resort?
"Connie has a very clear vision of her future and Steven wants to make sure he's a part of it."
Rewatched Bismuth Casual to get some info. Connie seems to have been busy and might be on some sort of break from Cram School (or maybe a weekend off for hangouts). Being we haven't seen her since episode one's cameo showing her studying, she seems to have been busy a lot and very absent from Steven's life.
"When Connie and I were fighting to save the universe things were sort of easier. We were fighting the same fight, now it's like we're living different lives. I wonder if I am even her best friend anymore."
Hes been feeling like this for a couple months.
"Connie I'm sorry...I dont want to hold you back."
"I don't mind."
"You've got cram school, new friends, you're going places and I'm happy for you, but I feel like you're drifting away from me. I wish we could reconnect but...I DONT KNOW HOW TO SKATE."
"Skating is what you're worried about?"
This convo makes me feel Connie doesn't fully grasp what's going on with Steven. She's confused and misled into thinking he's just talking about skating in general. She does not realise Steven's issue I don't think.
And everyone who's heard the audio leak might have came to the same conclusion that the Stevonnie fusing in this episode might also have jumpstarted the idea of Steven wanting to be a permafusion. Stevonnie helped him connect with Connie again. Stevonnie solved a problem. For a moment he wasn't alone.
Plus the scene from the promo of seeing Ruby and Sapphire and whatever convo they have after unfusing. A recipe for disaster for sure.
Also a thing I noticed:
"I know you might think I'm being sentimental but this makes sense!"
Then we have a quote from Aquamarine:
"That's the problem with you fusions. Sooner or later, you will become sentimental."
Steven Universe Fear here we are.
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topititi · 5 years
people get mad at gems for how they act in the audio leak but is like they always were like that ??? since the beginning of the show ??? I do not know who are surprised ???. I say the gems never fully understood Steven's human side. Maybe one would like to think that after so much growth they changed but apparently not. you heard pearl: "this pink outbursts of yours is gettin outta of hand". They think it's gem stuff. they think it is an out of control power that appears when Steven is angry but they don't wonder where the anger is coming from. they don't realize Steven has a human psyche or directly do not know how a human psyche works.
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haemosexuality · 5 years
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su-nlt · 5 years
Another piece of audio from an unaired episode of Steven Universe Future. Subtitles for what is being sad is featured at the end of the video. Watched at your own risk!
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bigsteeb · 5 years
listened to the leaked audio again so I can re-gain my thoughts, with audio like this my brain tends to go off on imagining what's actually happening. for instance, steven's pained grunting noises give me the vision of him violently flashing pink whilst he's trying to calm himself down. these two specifically give me the idea of the shot being zoomed in on him, whether it’s his face or his gem or just steven in general
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what he’s doing in this audio file is very telling as to how much he’s trying to calm himself down so that he doesn't hurt his family, god he may have already hurt greg with what pearl said happened, & the fact that the gems are being so persistent with him & not seeing how painful this is for him is terrible. they never stopped treating him like a kid did they? garnet’s “you’re better than this!” pearl’s “STEVEN! drop this wall!” amethyst’s “just chill, man!” they don’t see he’s hurting.
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then there’s this. this will be like what he did at the reef surely. his shouting will cause a blast that will send the gems flying backwards, if not hurting them, & it’ll hurt him even more to the point where he leaves his broken home. potentially setting up his pov being stopped, but this is just my theory obsessed ass screaming at this point ahfghfhagd
(I’d like to thank @universallywriting​ for making this transcript because trying to hear those words over that music was a challenge afhafag)
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