#stex Killerwatt
bogusbyron · 4 months
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stex bits and bobs, & my components designs. ive actually changed a couple of them slightly since i did those refs LOL but theres no huge changes, krupp just has different makeup & his outfit shape resembles OBC a bit more.
plus the usual cheater boys stuff cause uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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captainmvf · 1 year
Stex Electra + Components Charms for Sale!! 🚂⭐️
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🌟They’re available on my online store right now! Please check out the link for more details! 🌟
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lune-tic · 2 years
💫 Starlight Express🚂 as miscellaneous textposts
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green-planets · 10 months
StEx Appreciation Month Day Twenty-Three: Killerwatt!
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Favorite Songs/Moments: Pearl/Dinah You've Been Honored, when he gets flustered and panics
Favorite Costume: The current one, but it doesn't fully read as a train car. I hope we see some tweaks soon!
Favorite Ships: Freeze Guard (Killerwatt x Zero) is nice, but I don't actively ship him with anyone
Unpopular opinions: He's just a nervous guy trying to do his job! He deserves more love!
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starburst2000 · 10 months
StEx Appreciation Month 2023!!!
Day 23: Killerwatt!!!
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On average, Killerwatt spends about 1 hours every day in fixing his hairstyle. Also, nobody knows the true color of his eyes.
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isaterriblebore · 10 months
StEx Appreciation Month Day 23: Killerwatt
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Favourite Actor Jay Le Marrec is my favourite but I love Benjamin van Eelen. I’ve seen both of those live and I love them! Favourite Songs/Scenes Pearl/Dinah you’ve been honoured! But also in the background of Pearl’s Twirl and ‘Ich Bin Ich (reprise). Favourite Costumes The current one? Lol Favourite Ships I enjoy Killerwatt/Zero (post 2018 Volta)! Headcanons I think he is Krupp’s apprentice or something. He’s quite inexperienced but he’s learning! Unpopular Opinions He’s literally fine. I totally understand people don’t like him because they got rid of Purse and Krupp, and that’s 100% valid but I don’t mind him personally 😊
Photo 1: Benjamin van Eelen - Bochum 2021. Photo 2: Huon Mackley - Bochum 2018. Photo 3: Kai Cameron Jay - Bochum 2022. Photo 4: Luuk Hartog - Bochum 2022. Photo 5: Michael Eborall - Bochum 2022. Photo 6: Daniel Joey - Bochum 2018.
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neacle · 1 year
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⚡ I am Killerwatt, Elektra’s Security Truck ⚡
Pt. 1
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whistlingstarlight · 2 years
“I am Kilowatt, Elektra’s security truck.”
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StEx Appreciation Month: Components 💅
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Krupp: Christian de Varas, Wrench: Kati Heidebrecht, Volta: Dawn Leigh-Woods, Purse: Gary Albers, Joule: Kirsty Wone (Bochum 2000); Wrench: Louise Conte, Krupp 2: Bernie Blanks, Purse: Wayne Williams, Joule: Bonita Bryg?, Krupp 1: Wilton Anderson (Japan Australia Tour 1987)
Favourite Songs/Scenes: AC/DC, Wide Smile, Dinah‘s Disco, I actually love all the scenes they’re in ⚡️
Favourite Costumes: actually always Broadway (I just prefer early Bochum Make Up for Purse, I’m not really into that silver makeup he had)
Unpopular Opinion: I prefer five or more components over the four we currently have & I don’t think they should all be played by actors of only one gender and rather like Wrench is played
Favourite Component: Purse 💰 I miss him
Favourite Ships: Electra × Components
Favourite Actors: Keoma Aidhen (Joule), Danielle Burgio (Volta), Kai Cameron-Jay (s/w Killerwatt), Dean Coach (Krupp), Brad Corben (Wrench), Robert Dean (Krupp), Daniel Ellison (u/s Purse), Stacey Heinz (Wrench), Zoë Hershaw (s/w Joule), Dawn Leigh-Woods (Volta), Jayred Lempriere (Volta), Louanne Madorma (Joule), Jonathan Mawson (Purse), Gianni Salvucci (Purse), Dennis Spee (s/w Killerwatt), Anthony Starr (Purse), Jared Thompson (Krupp)
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finleyforevermore · 10 months
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 22: Killowatt the Security Truck
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Daniel Joey in the first picture, Michael Eborall in the second picture, and Luuk Hartog in the third picture.
Favorite Actor: Ben Whitnall (2023-2024)
Face Claim/Voice Claim: Michael Eborall (face) and Ben Whitnall (voice)
Favorite Song/Scene: "Pearl, You've Been Honored"
Favorite Costume: The one he has isn't bad at all!
Favorite Ship: Eledtronents (Eledtra x Components)
Headcanon(s): ....I can't think of anything--
Unpopular Opinion: I like him!
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engine-of-love · 10 months
Stex Appreciation Month 2023
Day 23: Killerwatt
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Favorite Actor
Luuk Hartog, Ryan James
Favorite Song
Favorite Costume
Current Bochum costume
Favorite Ship(s)
FreezeGuard (Killerwatt/Zero), SecurityBlanket (Killerwatt/Duvay)
He has a habit of staying up late working on different things, the others trying to break him out of this. He's also a bit of a workaholic
Unpopular Opinion
Still think he's pretty cool
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Incase anyone else hasn’t seen…
(Like/reblog for part 2)
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
Stex Components Headcanons
Krupp the Armaments Truck: The oldest of the components. A former military freight who takes his job very seriously. He was assigned as Electra’s bodyguard when the Engine was new off the assembly line and a still in training racer. Krupp comes off very harsh and almost cold, often frightening other trains. He is actually very protective, almost parental towards Electra and the other components. When they are alone, with just the other components, Electra will sometimes teasingly call Krupp ‘Pop’. Krupp in turn will teasingly call Electra an ‘Insolent youth’ and has been heard to complain about ‘kids these days’ when the engine is being especially stubborn.
Purse the Money Truck: a former freight truck for a bank. Electra saved him from being scrapped for being out of date and paid to have him converted to electric. Purse is brilliant with numbers, not only carrying all of Electra’s money while on trips to different competitions but overseeing all his finances. He is Joule’s brother.
Volta the Freezer Truck: The youngest of the components. Volta is fully electric, built after Electra, often coming off arrogant and preening because of this. Her role falls between Security and Repair, mainly in charge of making sure no one overheats and helping Electra loosen up before a race. She is a bit of a player and is very aware of her looks.
Wrench the Repair Truck: They are a former steam freight. They were highly skilled in repairing Diesels and Steam Engine’s but were going to be decommissioned due to being out of date. Electra had them converted to electric since there weren’t any electric repair trucks built yet due to electric engines being so new, a dangerous position to be in considering the rigors of being a racer. There are no trains, Engine Freight or Coach, that Wrench does not know how to repair. They are gender-fluid or nonbinary and use They/Them pronouns. They are a bit more timid then the other components, quite sensitive, and can get a bit flustered being constantly surrounded by the intense personalities of the other components and Electra. But they are the most confident and steady when focusing on their job.
Joule the Dynamite Truck: A former Diesel racing engine. Joule had a catastrophic crash that compromised her exterior to the point she could no longer handle the strain of being an engine and would have been scrapped because of the excessive damage. Electra paid for the cost of her repairs and had her converted to an electric freight. The two bonded over their shared racing past, Joule understanding him better then anyone else.
The two have a romantic relationship and Joule is very protective of him. Electra is polyamorous and wishes to find a third train to join their relationship. Joule is very supportive of this but also rather suspicious of anyone who takes an interest in him. Electric trains don’t express their emotions in ways other trains understand, not having whistles. this has been the reason anyone else he’s tried to romance has dumped him despite knowing this fact. Because of this, Joule has taken to vetting any romantic interests of his to spare him future heartbreak.
Joule is in charge of Electra’s pyrotechnics and helps him train. She is very temperamental, possessing a fiery personality. She and Volta often clash due to having a opposing personalities. Purse is her brother.
Killerwatt the Security Truck: the newest addition to Electra traveling entourage. Killerwatt is fully electric and Krupp’s protege. He takes his job seriously, wanting to make Krupp proud and prove himself to Electra. He is also a bit of a show off and very high energy, tending to forget himself when he’s having fun or dancing and having to be made to refocus.
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marastriker · 1 year
My StEx HC Looks
Killerwatt the Security Truck
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Yes that's his name get over it
32 years old
Anxious over his job and is still learning, prone to freaking out when things go wrong
Mixed race - half black, half white
Body claim - Brad Corben
Skin color claim - Jay le Marrec
Voice claim - Gary Sheridan
Has an aura of looking imposing, but is just really good at faking it
Ellie's bodyguard
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wonderful-magician · 2 months
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Messy train sketches from this week, still finding my style for these silly guys.
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starburst2000 · 2 years
Starlight Express Appreciation Month!
Day 19: Killerwatt
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Favorite Actor: Jay Le Marrec
Favorite Song: Inviatation Pearl/Dinah
Favorite Costume: He's only had one so far LOL. But it's a nice design!
Favorite Ship: KillerZero, KilleLektra, PurseWatt
Headcanon: He's the lovechild of Krupp and an unknown infantry wagon.
Unpopular Opinion: none for now.
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