mrsronan · 6 years
April 27, 2018. 
I had CT scans last week. The results were mixed. Most of the tumors remained stable or shrunk. A couple of the tumors grew. The growth makes my oncologist think it might be time to pivot to a new treatment regimen. The clinical trial we’ve been talking about will have openings for new patients in 8 weeks. The treatment plan right now is to continue on my ful-fox/ful-furi chemo treatments, then get CT scans again closer to the time there will be openings in the clinical trial and determine then if I should shift to that clinical trial. 
There are a couple reasons this might not be the right time for me to get on the trial: 
The dose level of the medication increases with each round of new patients on the trial. It might be better for me to wait until a higher dose is being administered. 
Some of the side effects that the medicine in the trial produces that make people aware if the medicine is unsafe for them are symptoms I already have. This means it would be more difficult to notice if the medicine isn’t working well for me and I need to stop it. If the medicine isn’t stopped in the right timing it could create an abruption in my intestines meaning I’d have to have a colostomy bag the rest of my life. 
I initially had grief upon hearing that some of the tumors were growing again, but in the past week the Lord has settled my heart and refocused my thoughts on Him and His power. 
Throughout my cancer battle, I’ve been praying that God will somehow use my experience to draw people to Him, to reveal His love for His children, and to show His power. I’ve specifically been praying for all of the medical professionals working with me to see that what is impossible with man is possible through God. Last week one of my medical providers and I were talking about the longterm plan for my treatments. In the conversation she said she knew that, for me, the most important part of my healing process is my faith. She said she could see that my God is working really hard to keep me alive, and He’s doing it. I was so thankful she had that realization. 
You might wonder what my medical care team looks like. I have a fantastic oncologist that I see every three or four chemo treatments. I’ve said before that I hope you never need a GI oncologist, but if you do, come to me for a recommendation. My oncologist is amazing. She is basically the Beyonce of oncology. By Beyonce, I mean she is on top of the game, making things happen, and is highly respected in her field. 
I have an integrative oncologist that I see every two months or so. He provides guidance for herbs, eating habits, exercise habits, and other lifestyle practices that are known to impact a persons health. I’m thankful my hospital and insurance include this kind of care. 
I see an acupuncturist about twice a month. She is wise, kind, generous, and effective. I’m always amazed at the results. I’ll tell her what symptoms are bothering me most, and within 24 hours of seeing her I notice improvement in whatever I’ve told her about. It helps with nausea, neuropathy, fatigue and everything in between. 
I also work with a friend from my childhood that has become a holistic doctor. I’m always impressed by how insightful and wise she is. She guides me on eating, herbal treatments, oils, exercise, and so much more. We address how my emotional and relational life impact my health. She always encourages me to give more of my life to God in every way from my cancer battle to my marriage and parenting. Because of our almost life long friendship, she is working with me free of charge and it has been the best gift. 
But ultimately, my life is in the hands of the Great Physician. If you know me, you know I’ve been a vegetarian since I was twelve, I’ve exercised faithfully my whole life, of the two years before my cancer diagnosis I had eliminated all added sugars from my diet, I don’t drink or smoke or use plastic water bottles. I don’t eat junk foods (even though they tempt me every time I’m in a convenience store). Instead, I eat “superfoods” like acai bowls and goji berries. Once my primary care doctor told me I was the perfect picture of health. It makes no sense that I got cancer. 
When I was in college and in my twenties two of my aunts were diagnosed with breast cancer. One treated her cancer with chemo and traditional western medicine. One treated her cancer with alternative holistic medicine. I clearly remember thinking, “I’ll never get cancer, but if I did, I’d use both of these methods at the same time.” A man in my church was diagnosed with terminal cancer years ago. He says he used a three pronged approach in treating cancer; western medicine, holistic care, and intense prayer. He has been cancer free for decades. I’m following his example and going for the three pronged approach. I’m trusting God for a miraculous healing. In the meantime, I’m thankful for each day of life I have and using every opportunity I have to tell what the Lord has done in my life. I hope it’s encouraging you!
Other noteworthy things: 
My hair has started growing back!! I have several patches of inch long hair growing through. It sticks out a bit, and some people might think it looks funny, but I love it. I am so thankful. I really thought those spots would stay bald as long as I remained on chemo, but praise God for unexpected growth!
I’m experiencing pretty strong neuropathy. My hands and feet constantly feel like they are asleep. Being in the cold or touching cold things makes my hands feel like hundreds of needles are poking them. My handwriting is getting messy, and it’s challenging to button things. My feet get numb and heavy if I’ve walked a decent distance. 
One of my best friends and her family came to visit recently. It was a wonderful encouraging week with them. 
I’ve had the opportunity to speak at 4 churches and 2 MOPS groups in the past year.  
Several times this year my platelets have been too low for me to get chemo. When that happens my treatment is simply pushed back by one week. That happened last week.
My husband sends an update via email each time I get chemo to people who want to pray for me.  If you want to receive that twice a month email sign up here: https://chastidy-ronan.squarespace.com/contact/ 
The chemo regimen I’m on right now is the last FDA approved treatment that seems like it would be a successful option for me. I’m hoping that if I am a part of the clinical trial it will not only help me, but that my participation will help heal many others who walk a similar path through cancer. 
As normal western medicine options approved by the FDA are getting fewer and fewer for me, my holistic doctor is helping me get more diligent in caring for myself with alternative practices. I’ll be starting new herbs and oils right away.
Yesterday was my 40th chemo.
The Warriors won their first round of NBA Playoffs. 
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everythingischipper · 9 years
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Nectar of the Chips. #flatwhite #stfrankcoffee (at St. Frank)
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indoamericanism · 9 years
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checking one more spot off the list: St. Frank Coffee. Beautiful interior and wonderful coffee. #vsco #stfrankcoffee #coffee #coffeesesh #coffeeshop #coffeeshopcorners #gibraltar #cortado #modbar #interiors #design #minimal #sanfrancisco #explore #takemorepictures #leftcoast (at Saint Frank Coffee)
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