#stfu caatofags
fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Tooru, the main villain or the red herring?
aka “Tooru, the underrated villain”
Tooru, the mysterious boy who started from being an unassuming part-time worker and Yasuho’s ex-boyfriend, is currently the main focus in JoJolion since chapter 97.
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Tooru appeared first in chapter 81, during the middle of Dr. Wu fight. It happened casually as Yasuho coincidentally met with him and they greeted like an old-friend, it was then revealed that he was her ex-boyfriend. He doesn’t give strong impression to the readers, though his sudden appearance while a Stand fight was still going on is quite suspicious. In the pursuit of HD, he bumped several times with Yasuho (and the gang) with the intention of going steady with her again, while sometimes he acted rather suspiciously.
The mystery regarding Tooru is slowly being revealed, in chapter 97 we begin to see him as a villain: he didn’t come to Higashikata’s mansion to save Yasuho, he seemed to know the situation that had happened in the mansion, he is “somehow” connected to The Head Doctor that he seems to know what is going on there (hospital) and finally, he also wanted The New Locacaca.
Chapter 98 even revealed the bigger twist that Head Doctor Akefu is actually a Stand! It is quite impressive that a Stand can hold an important position as Head Doctor in a well-known hospital, it even held a conference not long ago. This chapter also revealed the connection between Tooru and Akefu, he knows the situation there through Akefu’s eyes. He also mentioned “calamity” which is the keyword for HD’s ability. Another mystery brought by Tooru is that he knows about “the saint”.
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JJL chapter 98: Endless Calamity – part 4
Chapter 99 revealed greater information about Tooru, that he is a rock-human. This answers the mystery of how he knows about “the saint”. Furthermore, we found out the name of HD as a Stand, 「Wonder of U」. 「Wonder of U」 also revealed that he had a hand in ruining Rai’s life in the past.
Chapter 100 still affirmed 「Wonder of U」’s involvement in Rai's past and talked about “calamity”. This chapter also reinforced the notion that Araki does eventually change Rai's backstory (so that the story in chapter 75 becomes less relevant).
Therefore, what we got about Tooru so far:
He is a part-time worker in T.G.U Hospital.
He is Yasuho’s ex-boyfriend who dated her during her high-school years.
He is somehow connected to the Head Doctor Akefu.
He is a rock-human.
He wants the New Locacaca.
He knows about “the saint”.
He knows about “calamity”.
Head Doctor Akefu is a Stand named 「Wonder of U」 and Tooru could be the user.
What are still lacking from Tooru are his personal backstory and his motivation, but given that Araki is focused on him right now, I am sure that this mystery will soon be resolved.
How is Tooru underrated?
Many readers doubt Tooru’s role as a big villain, the main reason is because of him appeared in the story fairly late. I myself am still wary and do not immediately believe that he will be the main villain.
However, with those eight points above Tooru had in recent chapters, should be enough to consider him a big player in “the race of (New) Locacaca”. If he is not the main villain, at least he should be a major villain.
TL;DR is available in the end
Tooru and 「Wonder of U」
One of the things that makes readers doubt him is about his connection to 「Wonder of U」. Some have already believed that Tooru is its user, whereas some others haven't. Those who don’t believe it assume that Tooru is more of a partner to the original WOU’s user. Perhaps the thing that makes it difficult for readers to consider Tooru as WOU’s user is because Araki had been building up WOU as a figure, “The Head Doctor Akefu Satoru”.
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Prior to Tooru’s debut, HD Akefu became a major player associated with Locacaca and the rock-humans organization. He had been hinted since chapter 76, the end part of Ozon Baby arc. He led the Head Doctor gang, he let Damokan Group to roam around (under his watch), chapter 99 and 100 also revealed that he has been involved in Rai’s past.
When the first hint of HD existence emerged, his subordinates had begun to fall one by one at that time (Urban Guerilla and Poor Tom). HD became the main focus in the pursuit by Josuke’s gang since chapter 83.
HD Akefu has prominent role in the struggle of Locacaca and the rock-humans, HD Akefu to the readers is like an individual character (a rock-human) who has a hand in the race of New Locacaca. Therefore, when he was revealed to be a Stand, it becomes difficult for the readers to accept that.
How can a Stand be able to act like human-being? Of course in the previous parts of JJBA, we already know about the existence of "sentient Stands", such as 「Anubis」, 「Baby Face」, 「Cheap Trick」, and 「Foo Fighters」, etc. But, no Stands have sentience capability to the extent of HD Akefu as it was able to hold a prominent position as The Head Doctor in a well-known hospital and even held a conference not long ago.
As readers, we should also remember that what we are reading here (JJBA) is the work of fiction, with Araki as “the god” in this fictional world. Thus, he has the right to change or add new things in his work and one of them might be: “a whole new type of Stand”.
The problem of some readers nowadays is that they are too fixated on the old rules/establishment, even though every rules contained in fictional stories can be added or changed at any time as the author wishes. JJBA might add new rule or category to its universe, as far as it doesn’t destroy its own world-building.
With the mindset that a Stand should not be able to do so, some readers have speculated that the real Head Doctor named “Akefu Satoru” character might actually exists, whether he is the big boss who is currently hiding or even as a posthumous character whose identity got stolen by rock-humans.
In addition, some readers are a bit uneasy to accept Tooru's plot twist that started from being a part-timer boy to be the leader of HD gang out of sudden. Which I think it’s quite contradictory to Caatofags who want a plot twist from an ex-housewife to be the grand mastermind. However…
In fact, the connection between Tooru and Head Doctor/「Wonder of U」 has been hinted at by Araki since his first debut.
Tooru made his debut in the two chapters prior to the pursuit of HD since chapter 83. His debut was in JJL chapter 81 during the middle of Dr. Wu arc.
Akefu Satoru is first mentioned in chapter 83, then made his first appearance in chapter 84. The title of chapter 84 itself is:
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What a coincidence that HD Akefu's debut was in a chapter with its original name as 「Wonder of U」. Though it’s originally titled “The Head Doctor of TG University Hospital - part 1”, but the change of title is still Araki’s decision.
Besides, Tooru who coincidentally bumped several times with Yasuho (and the gang) acted like harmless neutral individual who is willing to help them modestly. As a part-timer in the hospital, he made them believe that he could lead them to Akefu.
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JJL chapter 84: The Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love) – part 1
Yeah, the first time Tooru led them to Akefu was also in the same chapter with the fully debuted Akefu, in the first part of “Wonder of You” arc as well. Six chapters (one volume) later, he was acting suspicious again as he lured Yasuho back into chasing Akefu.
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JJL chapter 90: The Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love) – part 7
Then, in the same chapter just before his suspicious action, Tooru had been talking about wireless charging, with electricity spills out and flies into the sky without the holes in the power lines.
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I don’t want to be those Caatofags who’re overthinking everything, but this could be a hint of how he can connect with The Head Doctor, of how both he and his Stand can act independently, despite their great distance, and how both of them are able find out their respective situations at the same time.
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Then he also told about the existence of “anxiety” and “anger” side by side. What he said reminds me of the duality in Diavolo and Doppio, perhaps this is a hint that there is also a duality between Tooru and Akefu Satoru/「Wonder of U」 or at least about Tooru’s true nature.
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I may be thinking too much though, knowing how Araki likes to put small pieces of information unrelated to the plot yet quite informative. But putting that aside, there is another hint regarding Tooru and 「Wonder of U」, that both have blank eyes for a moment.
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In chapter 97, there was a moment where Akefu was seen standing still strangely, like a machine that was turned off.
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It is as if Tooru and Akefu take turns moving their consciousness. In addition, the same chapter also showed that Tooru was aware of the situation regarding Josuke in the hospital. Notice Tooru's eyes that didn't look blank at that time!
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Endless Calamity – part 3
The recent chapter of 101 further emphasizes that Tooru is indeed the user of 「Wonder of U」.
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JJL chapter 101: Endless Calamity – part 7
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The Climactic Power of 「Wonder of U」
Out of all the Stands in JoJolion, 「Wonder of U」 is the most powerful Stand that has ever been shown so far. WOU has given a lot of trouble to the many factions in JJL who are actively fighting over The New Locacaca.
Sadly, some readers (especially The Caatofags) downplay its power and the fight that goes with it. They compared WOU arc like arcs with Vanilla Ice (3), Cioccolata (5), Donnatello Versace (6) and Axel Ro (7), that WOU will just be a closing fight between the protagonists and the last side villain, which will lead them to the actual main villain. How are they even comparable to be honest?
First, let's compare the arc length of each:
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side villains comparison (by Caatofags)
Keep in mind that up to part 6, JJBA was published on “Weekly Shounen Jump”, in which the average number of pages per chapter at that time was only ±17 pages. Take a note as well that Wonder of U arc is still on-going, therefore the number of chapters on it will continue to grow.
As a side note, Underworld (Donatello)’s arc was dominating only up to chapter 124, the focus of subsequent chapters are then divided on “Heavy Weather arc” with Pucci and Weather Report. It's just that I decided to include them because Donatello officially died in chapter 137 (at the end of Heavy Weather arc).
But actually, that's not what's truly important. We should also consider how their respective arcs were being played out:
Vanilla Ice 「Cream」
Being brutally honest, comparing the WOU arc to Cream's battle is ... ridiculous. Why? Because the storyline of each part is already very different.
Let’s talk about part 3, it started with Kujo Holy who fell seriously ill, it turned out that the illness was caused by the awakening of the Joestar family’s Stands who was forced out by DIO. In order to save Holy (Jotaro's mother), The Stardust Crusaders went to Egypt to pursue DIO and stop him. Since then, DIO’s underlings appeared one by one to block the crusaders.
In short, since the beginning, the main story in part 3 focused on the crusaders' journey to stop DIO. DIO since the beginning had been the main objective for protagonists, in other words, “the main villain”. Yeah, the storyline in part 3 did not hold much mystery and was more straightforward. We knew the main villain since the very beginning and there was no surprising plot twist halfway that distorted the original objective.
Therefore, since the beginning, Vanilla Ice was just a side villain. Since the beginning of his debut, he was immediately introduced as DIO’s loyal servant and nothing more. Even if his battle with Polnareff and Iggy (RIP Avdol) was dramatic and tense, Vanilla Ice from the start was still a side villain whose sole purpose was to lead the crusaders to his DIO-sama.
Besides, the 「Cream」’s fight did not involve all the crusaders: Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin were away and uninvolved at the time.
Caatofags definitely need to learn how storylines actually work before they come up with any weird theories.
Cioccolata 「Green Day」 (and Secco 「Oasis」)
Comparing the WOU arc to the Green Day’s fight is just as ridiculous as “Vanilla Ice”. Unlike part 3, the appearance of the main villain in part 5 did happen a bit late. Throughout the Buccellati’s gang’s journey in uncovering his identity, he had remained mysterious.
However, since the beginning, part 5 has also been about Diavolo as the mafia boss. The protagonist joined his mafia, the protagonists gang was his underling. Since the beginning of the story, the protagonists have been somehow connected to the main villain.
The nature of the boss is so mysterious to the point that his underlings questioning him. Giorno as supposedly the main protagonist was targeting him, he intended to approach him via Buccellati and then overthrow him. Buccellati gang's first assignment (as Capo) was to escort the boss' daughter, during that mission they were blocked by the traitor gang, La Squadra Esecuzioni.
Apart from the boss's identity, his role initially was not very clear. Would he only become Giorno's boss to be eventually dethroned, or would he become their main enemy? However, after the end of La Squadra and Bruno successfully escorted Trish to the boss, that was when “the status of the boss” became clear: that he ultimately became the main enemy of the protagonist's gang.
Since then, Buccellati’s gang had been pursuing the boss while trying to uncover his identity. A character named Vinegar Doppio appeared, whose character had been closely tied to The Boss. Just then, Cioccolata and Secco made their debut as the members of Unita Speciale to stop the protagonists.
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VA chapter 113: Pronto! On The Line – part 2
And just like Vanilla Ice, Cioccolata and Secco were not the main villain since the beginning. The Boss was talking about them to Doppio. Therefore no way that Cioccolata is the main villain.
The length of Green Day arc was quite long, though keep in mind that Vento Aureo was released weekly on WSJ, which made the average number of pages per chapter was about ±17. Besides, the fight with 「Green Day」 happened alongside with 「Oasis」. Therefore, we didn't just witness a single Stand battle in that arc.
The battle also didn't involve all the protagonists: only Giorno, Mista and Bruno. Although Green Day's ability was quite menacing that it made some parties and almost entire citizens paralyzed.
Anyway, Green Day (and Oasis)'s battle hardly be compared to WOU, because it was clear that Cioccolata and Secco were not the main villains.
Caatofags definitely need to reread JJBA.
Donatello Versace 「Underworld」
Still published on WSJ, Underworld arc alone only happened in 6 chapters, hardly comparable to Wonder of U. Besides, the fight did not involve all protagonists: only Jolyne and Hermes.
After his solo arc ended, Donatello betrayed Pucci by stealing Weather Report's Memory Disc, Weather eventually regained his memory back. Thus, began the Heavy Weather arc where Donatello was no longer the main player. The focus shifted to the family drama between Pucci and Weather Report Wes Bluemarine. Donatello eventually died in the hand of Jolyne and Anasui, thanks to 「Whitesnake」’s illusion.
It was clear since the beginning that Donatello was not the main villain, he was introduced together with his half-brothers: Rikiel and Ungalo. Since the beginning of Stone Ocean, we followed Enrico Pucci’s character as antagonist.
Pucci started from being shady until a few arcs later, we can see how he dominated the clash against the protagonist, that he sent his underlings, that he was a villain with grand purpose, that he had the most powerful Stands compared to other antagonists, thus made him the main villain. All of that was revealed even before Donatello’s first debut.
Caatofags definitely need to realize that JJBA has a broader plot and concept in every part than their fan-made parallelism.
4.       Axel Ro 「Civil War」
As part 7 was started to be published on “Ultra Jump”, the average number of pages per chapter became greater than on WSJ, it is ±35 on average. Civil War arc only last for 4 chapters, which is ridiculous to even compare it to WOU, though I’d say that it had troubled most of the protagonists (excluding Lucy).
Civil War arc has been very meaningful arc, and it had paved the way to the beginning of confrontation with Funny Valentine, the main villain. Since then, the long battle between the protagonists (plus Diego and Wekapipo) and the main villain has begun. The D4C arc itself was slightly punctuated by the Chocolate Disco arc, albeit very briefly.
Funny Valentine, as the US president, had fairly major role since the beginning. He had also clashed with Johnny's gang several times in gathering the Holy Corpse’s parts. But, the direct confrontation between him and the protagonists (with other factions) eventually began after Civil War arc ended, thus his status as the main villain became very clear.
Axel Ro himself only appeared in his arc Civil War, which of course it made him absolutely NOT the main villain.
Caatofags definitely need to improve their reading comprehension.
「Wonder of U」
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main villains comparison
Wonder of U arc began at the same time as the investigation and the pursuit of Josuke's gang on HD Akefu's identity. Since then, WOU has been attacking them with "calamity". It has directly been attacking major factions that are fighting over The New Locacaca: Josuke, Yasuho, Rai, Jobin, and Mitsuba.
If we also consider the "calamity" that WOU said in chapters 99 and 100, that it also affects those around the target indirectly:
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The calamity that happened to Rai's family, starting from the insects’ infestation, the death of Rai's father by a landslide caused by a typhoon, the destruction of his pear orchard, the debt trap that had caught his family and the death of Rai's mother.
Then it can be assumed that what is happening in the Higashikata family right now:
Mitsuba has met Tooru, the school incident involving Tsurugi happened, Mitsuba saw the Head Doctor on CCTV, Jobin committed murder on Ojiro and Makorin, Tsurugi's illness that is getting worse, WOU which once again attacked Mitsuba exposed the New Locacaca, Norisuke IV’s investigation to the New Locacaca, the murder committed by Jobin got exposed, Jobin attacked Norisuke IV fatally, Norisuke IV’s dying, the terror of WOU to Mitsuba which eventually led to Jobin’s dying.
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All of those happened because WOU had been attacking Mitsuba!
Don’t forget that Yasuho is also seriously injured and lost an arm at the moment because she was pursuing the HD.
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And that’s how Rai is fatally injured by Josuke’s Soft & Wet.
WOU had successfully been causing chaos to the major parties: on Josuke’s side, Yasuho is seriously injured and Rai is also fatally injured. On Higashikata family, Jobin and Norisuke IV are dying and Tsurugi’s condition is getting worse, the rest of the family is also in panic.
And all of that happened in the chapters titled “Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love)” and it’s still being continued with “Endless Calamity”, which is the keyword for its ability. Then how can the outcome in “Wonder of U” fight become comparable to the Cream, Green Day, Underworld and Civil War fights?
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I think it’s kinda fortunate that Caato on her first debut has already revealed her Stand. If not, I'm sure Caatofags will take their opportunity to say that she is the real Wonder of U’s user. 
Read further: The Climactic Battle of 「Wonder of U」
Read also: Wonder of U and its mechanism so far
The (weak) buildup of Tooru as “the villain”
Many readers have complained about Tooru's late debut and their lack of familiarity to him. They think that his role as “the big villain” was too sudden and out-of-nowhere.
I myself also don't want to rush to think of him as the main villain, at least until JJL's story is completely done. But for me, he deserves to be considered as a major villain. He alongside HD has provided greater tension than the previous villains in JJL.
Let’s get back to the readers’ doubt regarding Tooru's connection to 「Wonder of U」, I have just explained how powerful 「Wonder of U」 is with its ability that has been troublesome for most major characters, all “the calamity” that befell Rai’s family in the past and the Higashikata family (including Josuke’s gang) in the present are the work of 「Wonder of U」. Then…
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The cover chapter of 99 really suggested that Tooru is connected to all the events that are happening. I do not know where the event in question began, is it only limited to the WOU arc? Or is it all the events that happened in JJL since the beginning? Or does it include the past as well?
Whatever it is, seeing 「Wonder of U」 which is also behind him, this made me even more convinced that he might be its user.
Suppose that he is the main villain…
Unlike most of the main villains from previous parts, in which they have started to play an active role at least halfway through the story, Tooru's debut happened when JJL seems to be entering its final arc.
That is also the reason for Caatofags who believe that Tooru will only be the final side villain, and they prefer Caato as the real main villain just because she appeared earlier in the story (despite her very limited appearance and development). Some of them also believed that JJL would have 40 or 50 more chapters to properly develop her. Only time will tell.
Tooru and Diavolo
The previous main villain who has a problem similar to Tooru is Diavolo. Diavolo's official debut happened when Vento Aureo was about to enter its climax. Since the beginning of part 5, Diavolo was just a mysterious figure who preferred to hide behind the scenes. His identity was unknown to his underlings. We had never seen his face until his debut in the beginning of the final fight. We don’t really know his personality (other than being hysterical and protective to Doppio).
But with the existence of Doppio, Diavolo and Doppio can be considered as one individual (who later experienced DID/split personalities), then Doppio's personality can also be considered as part of Diavolo's personality as well.
But there is a dispute between the opinion that believes them to be “two souls in one body/possession” and those who believe them to be “a case of DID”, that there are also readers who regard them as completely different characters. Regardless, I am pleased that Araki keeps this thing ambiguous.
However, Diavolo's role existed long before his fully appearance, we know that he was the boss of the most powerful mafia in Italy named Passione. We followed Giorno who joined the gang as a rookie. Starting from there, we knew the existence of "The Boss" and his mysterious nature.
Starting from Buccellati’s gang who carried out The Boss' orders to protect and escort his daughter, then turned into the betrayal from the gang. The boss who started as their superior turned into their main enemy. All of this happened before Diavolo even showed his face.
A bigger problem with Tooru compared to Diavolo is that: from the start of the story, we did not follow his character. We never heard about this part-timer who is also Yasuho's ex-boyriend. Let alone Tooru, we did not follow Head Doctor’s character as well since the beginning, both were built-up fairly late to the story.
Tooru and Kira Yoshikage (part 4)
While Kira had appeared much earlier than Tooru and Diavolo, Kira in part 4 also had a bit similarity with Tooru, namely that there was no foreshadowing of his character at the beginning of the story. He was only mentioned a few chapters away before his debut.
The beginning of the story in Diamond is Unbreakable did not start with Kira as a serial killer, but began with Josuke meeting his distant relative (Jotaro) and learning about his father (Joseph). After that, the story developed into the discovery of Stand users who had sprung up in Morioh.
Kira's existence was mentioned for the first time during the adventure of Rohan with Koichi. They met a ghost girl named Reimi who told them about a murder case in the past and the fact that the killer was still on the loose. A little intermezzo with Shigechi's arc until the official debut of the serial killer.
Kira was first mentioned in chapter 69 (volume 8) and officially debut in chapter 77 (volume 9) with the number of chapters in part 4 totaling 174 (18 volumes). Thus, Kira entered to the story right in the middle of part 4.
Unfortunately, Tooru had appeared much later than Kira in their respective parts and also with no apparent foreshadowing about him (prior to his debut). Of course, complaint from the readers become legit, especially for those who has a habit of comparing each part.
“With the lack of foreshadowing, Tooru as the big villain feels out-of-nowhere.”
Let us reexamine how the story works in part 8 since the beginning, a mandatory quick recap (just skip this if you find it boring):
It started from amnesiac Josuke who was found by Yasuho, together they were looking for Josuke's identity. They found about Kira Yoshikage, a ship doctor. Then Josuke met Norisuke IV and got adopted by the richest family in Morioh, The Higashikata.
Being adopted to The Higashikata gave Josuke chance to investigate the family tree, through the record, he found out about Holy Joestar, Kira’s mother and a doctor as well. The mother currently is seriously ill and being admitted at T.G.U Hospital. Josuke met Kyo and discovered about the “equivalent exchange” ability on Higashikata’s land.
Later, Josuke got attacked by Yagiyama Yotsuyu, the architect who works for Higashikata. Yotsuyu revealed the existence of rock-humans and Locacaca, the miraculous fruit. Apparently, Tsurugi, Norisuke IV’s grandson is hit by hereditary rock-disease, The Higashikata’s family curse.
Tsurugi’s illness is similar to Holy's condition, Locacaca fruit is believed to be able to heal them. Josuke intends to get the fruit to cure Holy, the fruit is connected to Jobin, Norisuke IV’s son. Josuke then investigated Jobin and found out about Damokan Group. Jobin and the group had been doing illicit business of smuggling Locacaca and money-laundering. Their business was discovered by Kira two years ago.
Josuke (Yasuho and Tsurugi) had been attacked several times by Damokan Group, who turned out to be the rock-humans. Sometimes ago, he met Karera and discovered about Josefumi, a part of his identity.
Josuke and The Higashikata family got attacked by Damo, the leader of Damokan Group. Damo revealed that Kira and Josefumi had stolen the Locacaca from them some months ago. The group got rid of them, but then it is revealed that Kira and Josefumi got fused and became Josuke because Locacaca fruit planted on Higashikata's land is consumed by them, which then dubbed as The New Locacaca. With the last of its member died, Damokan Group was disbanded.
The Higashikata's land does have healing properties, the Higashikata mothers (Tomoko and Caato) had been using the land in the past to cure their son of the rock-disease using a method called equivalent exchange.
Josuke and Yasuho were investigating Jobin, it was revealed by Dolomité that Jobin was a gofer aka not the big player in the “Locacaca games”. Dolomité hinted the existence of a bigger organization than Damokan Group.
Josuke set his eyes to get The New Locacaca in order to cure Holy. Josuke met Mamezuku Rai, a plant appraiser works for Higashikata, to identify The New Locacaca. Josuke, Rai and Yasuho got attacked by Urban Guerrilla, whom then also revealed as a doctor in T.G.U Hospital, he was instructed by Poor Tom who was also a doctor in T.G.U Hospital.
Meanwhile, Jobin worked with Poor Tom, to get rid Josuke and the plant appraiser. Jobin got tricked by Poor Tom and in return, he tricked Poor Tom (and Josuke) back by burning the orchard and using Tsurugi’s illusion). Poor Tom was eliminated by his own comrades who were disguised as ambulance drivers and Jobin secured the branch of The New Locacaca, which he would plant and use to cure his son.
Josuke and Rai were investigating the ambulance, meanwhile Yasuho was in T.G.U Hospital. She met Mitsuba, then both got attacked by Wu Tomoki, another doctor in T.G.U Hospital. In the middle of their fight, they met Tooru, who works as part-timer in the hospital. Wu revealed that Holy created the hidden Locacaca lab at the hospital but she failed in her research. Josuke finally came to finish off Wu.
Josuke, Yasuho and Rai began researching T.G.U Hospital and discovering its history and profile, they learned that Wu Tomoki, Urban Guerrilla, Poor Tom, and the unseen head doctor of the hospital were the only people to have entered the secret laboratory. Unable to find any information on the mysterious head doctor, they began to investigate him and that was where the Dangerous Pursuit with The Head Doctor had begun.
Josuke’s gang (with Yasuho and Rai), Jobin’s side (with Tsurugi and Mitsuba) and The Head Doctor gang, all of the factions are actively fighting over The New Locacaca for their respective objectives.
Just focus on the bolded words! Rock-humans, rock-disease (illness), equivalent exchange, Locacaca (the cure), doctors, hospital, etc, those are the core points in the story of JJL.
Problem 1: “The lack of foreshadow in Head Doctor gang as the big villain group.”
Part 8 which began with the search for Josuke's identity, also began with medical/health theme with “doctors” and “hospital” from the beginning (besides the motherhood of course). Just after Josuke got into a fight with Joshu, the setting moved to the hospital.
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JJL chapter 2: Soft & Wet – part 1
Then, Josuke and Yasuho discovered Kira, a ship doctor.
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JJL chapter 6: Soft & Wet – part 5
Later, Josuke found out about Holy, Kira’s mother who was also happened to be a doctor at T.G.U Hospital. She is currently being admitted at said hospital.
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JJL chapter 11: Family Tree
Then we learned about the rock-disease, a mysterious illness that afflicts Higashikata family from generation to generation:
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JJL chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata’s Goal and The Architect
and Locacaca, a mysterious fruit with healing properties:
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JJL chapter 32:” I am A Rock” – part 2
38 chapters later, after Josuke finished dealing with Damokan Group (and Jobin), Dolomité gave him a hint about the existence of greater organization.
A flashback with Yasuho also had hospital as one of its settings.
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JJL chapter 71: Hairclip of the Qing Dynasty
In a flashback of Jobin’s first meeting with Damokan Group at a stadium, he had a quarrel with his father a moment before. He mentioned about the doctors from T.G. University who have indirectly interfered with their family business:
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JJL chapter 72: The Northern Higashikata Estate, The Orchard
Josuke’s gang had been fighting with Urban Guerilla, another doctor and a rock-human:
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JJL chapter 70: Urban Guerilla and Doremifasolati Do – part 3
Josuke, Rai, with Jobin and his family were against Poor Tom, the rock-humans. The losing Poor Tom got eliminated by his comrades disguised as medics in an ambulance.
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JJL chapter 77: Head to T.G. University Hospital
Said ambulance led Josuke’s gang to the T.G.U Hospital, the fight with one of Poor Tom’s comrades, Dr.Wu also happened there. And Tooru also made his first appearance there as a part-timer:
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JJL chapter 81: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves - Part 3
The fight with Dr. Wu revealed the Locacaca lab created by Holy. Josuke’s gang began investigating to anyone who has ever entered the lab and found a group of rock-humans who work as doctors in the hospital:
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JJL chapter 83: The New Locacaca
In the same chapter (83), Tooru also revealed to Yasuho that he is a med student:
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And the main fight with 「Wonder of U」 has been happening mostly in T.G.U Hospital.
Therefore, since the beginning, “doctors” have been prominent in JJL story, “the hospital” also becomes the dominant setting in Morioh (besides Higashikata’s house).
JJL has main themes such as "breaking the curse", “family” and " motherhood", but what can link all those things in JJL’s storyline are medical-related such as illness, the cure, hospital and doctor that are reflected in the presence of “rock-disease”, “Locacaca fruit” (as a miracle drug), the profession of majority characters as “doctors” and “the hospital” being one of the main settings.
Albeit subtle, having a villain group as the rock-humans gang who work as doctors is in line with the theme JJL has. As such, they have more involvement and closest influence in using Locacaca fruit or conducting research on it.
Besides, “doctors” and “hospital” as profession and place for taking care the sick and the weak often traditionally associated with the nature of nurture in “motherhood”.
Problem 2: “The lack of relation and coordination between Head Doctor gang and the previous villain gang, Damokan Group.”
The Head Doctor gang only debuted after around 2/3 of JoJolion’s story up to the latest chapter (100), without apparent foreshadowing either. This becomes problem for some readers, so their opinion is divided. Some of them think that Head Doctor gang and Damokan Group are separate groups that operate independently, besides the plot hints that Damokan Group is connected to HD.
Therefore, readers find it a little difficult to think of HD gang as Damokan Group's superior. They consider Damokan Group and HD gang more as “two separated & independent villain groups” than as “one structured villainous organization”, and then concluded that HD gang is not an organization belonging to the main villain.
Such way of thinking is not false, the manga itself has implicated several times that there is a lack of coordination between HD gang and Damokan Group, even more so than Passione with its mysterious Boss.
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JJL chapter 70: Urban Guerilla and Doremifasolati Do – part 3
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JJL chapter 92: The Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love) – part 9
The only things connecting them are: the fact that they are the rock-humans, Locacaca which is in their interest, and that they know each other. So, it is the case of yes but actually no.
The rock-humans and Locacaca, those two things are what defined JJL (part 8). The rock-humans came as the race of mysterious beings, who live side by side with humans but do not have mutual relations.
Araki has several times provided information regarding rock-humans, about their biology and also how they work in society, while he has made rock-humans into “the villain”. As both HD gang and Damokan Group are the rock-humans organization, let’s focus on the info regarding “how the rock-humans work in society”.
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JJL chapter 46: Love Love Deluxe – part 4
From the beginning, Araki had emphasized that the rock-humans have incompatibility relationship with regular humans, that they have differences in the ways of life, philosophical views, and so on. Since the beginning of their debut through Yotsuyu (who had stolen a man’s identity), the rock-humans’ nature is antagonistic to the humans.
Therefore, it's no wonder that Araki made them “the villains” for the protagonists (and regular humans). It’s a reminiscing of The Pillar Men from Battle Tendency (part 2).
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Based on Araki’s narration, rock-humans shouldn't have been created to conflict with carbon-based (regular) humans, but rather to serve as a backup instead those carbon-based beings fail. But over time, their existence has become like “day and night”, “sun and moon”, “black and white”, etc. Eventually, the rock-humans will always conflict with carbon-based (regular) humans.
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Chapter 99 also said that even with each other, rock-humans do not have close bond or affection for each other. Starting from the rock-women who have no affection to their babies, the rock-humans live without parental figures and rely only on survivability.
The fact that since the very beginning they were born, the rock-humans were not familiar with the concepts of affection and intimation. Even in working together, there is no love and friendship between them.
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JJL chapter 99: Endless Calamity – part 5
Therefore, based on all the explanations regarding the rock-humans, of course it makes perfect sense that the relationship between HD gang and Damokan Group were so lacking, it would not be any further than just mutual benefit.
Even when compared to the relationship between the teams in Passione, where there were (still) competition, selfishness and hidden agendas between them, HD gang and Damokan Group feel less coordinated than Passione.
But that's how rock-humans work in collaboration and organization, that’s how they operate. A sense of detachment is what truly defines rock-humans:
Rock-human babies are detached to their biological mothers.
Damokan Group is detached from HD gang.
The members of HD gang are detached from each other (as we don’t really see them communicated to each other “on-panel”).
Tooru, as the leader of HD gang, is detached to his underlings (as we never see him leading his men “on-panel”).
Suppose that Tooru is “de facto” leader of HD gang…
A brilliant Anon from 4chan summarized a possibility of Tooru as the big villain, orchestrating the plot in JJL:
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Tooru as the true mastermind in Locacaca conspiracy through Head Doctor gang represents exactly how the rock-humans work (in society). “Blending” and “not standing out” in society are their nature. Tooru as the hidden leader of HD gang has also successfully made us the readers completely unable to predict his existence (something some readers complain about as: the lack of foreshadowing).
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JJL chapter 92: The Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love) – part 9
Tooru and Diavolo are both “The Boss” who lead their underlings in the shadows. But in the case of Diavolo, we can still see him giving instructions to his men remotely (via message), his underlings aware of his existence while questioning his identity.
And in the case of Tooru, who was impersonating as The Head Doctor Akefu Satoru, using his Stand 「Wonder of U」, his subordinates (perhaps) were completely unaware of his true existence, let alone his identity, which ultimately rendered himself unknown to us (the readers).
Tooru and 「Wonder of U」 are Diavolo’s wet dream. Diavolo who had been desperately hiding his identity was still terrorized by his former underlings who were after him. However, until now, Josuke, Rai, Yasuho and the Higashikata family who has been terrorized by WOU still don’t realize that Tooru is the source of all this.
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Thematic Parallelism and Aesthetical Points
Rather than using story progression, action sequences and information (such as narrative box and mentions), JoJo fans nowadays prefer to focus on thematic significance (such as parallelism) and symbolism (aesthetical points) in determining “who will be the main villain”. It’s not that Tooru is lacking in those things, it's just that the fans overlook them in favor of hyping another character.
For example, in the panel above (just now), it is the members of the Head Doctor gang, taken from chapter 99 when we got new information regarding the rock-humans and their purpose to exist in this world. HD gang has become the antagonist group after Damokan Group finished.
Tooru is placed at the back (which coincidentally, he also appeared the last). The positions of the other members in front of Tooru are placed in a zigzag manner. Even Poor Tom, who is at the very front, leans slightly to the left.
Tooru’s position is in the middle of the panel and the most obvious, with his body also clearly visible, that he is standing behind them as if everything the other members were doing was under his instruction.
What is even more interesting: there is the absence of Akefu Satoru, I think this should be an implication that Tooru might indeed be HD Akefu's true identity, not his right-hand man as readers (wanted) to think initially.
Tooru also has little accessories that adorn his attire, as readers often think that JJL has a "motherhood" theme, the accessories on his attire could also be a symbol representing that theme:
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Yeah, it’s a “bear”, so what do bears have to do with motherhood? Forgive me for answering a question with a question, but have you ever heard the term "mama bear"? Like many other mammals depicted throughout history as predators, bears are actually passive animals, and won't attack humans unless provoked. Despite this, if you even think about getting between a mother bear and her cub she'll tear straight through you. Threaten her children, and you are in for a world of hurt.
Of course, Tooru doesn’t have to be a mother to be the villain as Josuke the protagonist himself is not a mother (LOL).
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JJL chapter 99: Endless Calamity – part 5
In addition, rock-baby Tooru also took over the body of hornet queen, “mother among mothers” which kinda implied that he became “the mother" of the hornet colony (for multiple generations).
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Interestingly, in the cover of chapter 99, Araki has drawn a part of Tooru's trousers with Locacaca as the motif. Perhaps Araki really wanted to say that Tooru has a hand with Locacaca.
Then, regarding the parallelism, what is popular among readers is about "selflessness vs selfishness" that both protagonists and antagonists might represent. In mothers, it has been represented by Holy and Caato. It could also be represented by Josuke and Jobin, but what about Tooru?
His appearance which is still far less than Jobin makes it difficult for us to judge his true personality. However, his latest revelation as a rock-human can be used as a reference to his true nature, that being rock-human is not much different from being selfish. At least, we have seen that he has no intention of saving Yasuho (an act of selflessness) and he chose to continue his objective to acquire the New Locacaca (an act of selfishness).
Lastly, the Head Doctor gang and Damokan Group, both are the rock-humans villainous organization where one represents “medical experts/specialists” and the other represents illegal “pharmacy” that supply Locacaca (the cure) like a drug cartel… and Tooru supposedly was behind them.
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Read also: JJL chapter 101: The Good and The Bad of “Symbolization”
Rock-Humans’ & The New Locacaca (Tooru’s possible motivation)
There is a small theory on why Tooru wants to perfect the Locacaca's Equivalent Exchange using the "New Locacaca", it has been written by u/TheNemesisT on reddit:
It's been pointed out during the exposition about Rock Humans birth process how the Female Rock Humans can reproduce with normal humans, but not the other way around. We've been also told in said exposition, that:
They also treasure places and objects that grant them special abilities. (JJL chapter 99)
Rock Humans lack the capacity to form "social bonds", with some exceptions such as the “Damokan Group” and the T.G.U. Doctors.
JoJolion has touched a lot of themes through these 100 chapters, but the recurring theme since chapter 001 has been “family and identity”, the rock-humans have neither of these, they are fabricated beings with fabricated identities, so to speak.
Despite the fact that Rock Humans lack the capacity to form social bonds, we've seen how some of them, such as Aishō tried to form relationships other than business, but ended up failing due to his rock-human nature.
Taking what we've seen up until this point of Tooru and Yasuho's relationship, we can assume Tooru is indeed the kind of rock-human that has tried to form relationships but ultimately, he put his nature to get anything that upgrades his being first.
From the speech given by "Akefu Satoru" we know that the New Locacaca's equivalent exchange is perfect, and it can mix and heal anything so perfectly that it would be unnoticeable. Putting it in simple words: Why would Tooru care about health if he lacks actual compassion for other beings?
The New Locacaca is the object rock-humans need to evolve. If it works as intended and the mix is perfect, it would give the rock-humans the ability to reproduce properly, it would grant them something they've never had, families and identities, the New Locacaca would grant them the ability to become “humans”.
This also relates to the theory proposed by u/Mamezuku from reddit:
What if rock-women no longer exist anymore? We have never seen any rock-woman (besides the flashback), only groups of men so far. What if the Doctors are trying to use the Locacaca in order to create a legacy, a rock-baby? That's why the perfect New Locacaca is very important to the Head Doctor’s gang. Notice how the narrator specified in this very chapter how normal men can make babies with rock-women, but not vice versa. The growth process that a rock-human has to go through is extremely harsh and difficult, hence why there's not many rock-human alive. What if no rock-women survive in this generation and only rock-men are left now? This would be an awesome motive for the rock-humans (Tooru) and so far it looks like it's heading this way.
Tooru and the other remaining villain candidates
Jobin and Tooru
Assuming that Jobin will survive (as his death isn’t confirmed yet): compared to Tooru, Jobin definitely had more screen time than him, which automatically makes him a more developed character. We have been following Jobin’s character much longer than Tooru, thus he left a deeper impression on readers than Tooru.
We already know who he is and are pretty familiar with him, we know what thing he likes, his relationship with his family, and his background is pretty clear. We have seen his flashback, we also have seen plenty enough about his Stand 「Speed King」. His motivation is not grandiose and idealistic but very humane, he only cares to his family and it’s always about his family.
He has a pretty good standing as the heir of Higashikata family, the richest family in Morioh. He was cooperating with Damokan Group in Locacaca smuggling and money-laundering, but Damokan Group's position as underling to HD gang and Jobin status to them as merely a gofer makes his connection to the Locacaca less influential compared to “Head Doctor”.
Tooru seemingly has a greater objective in utilizing The New Locacaca. He is just confirmed as a rock-human being and allegedly is the leader and the mastermind of the Locacaca Organization. As he has the access to assume The Head Doctor of T.G.U Hospital, it’s clear that he’s holding a high position. His Stand, 「Wonder of U」is already considered powerful and very dangerous.
However, his real identity and his origin as an individual is still unknown, his personal motive is also still in the dark. Though slowly but surely, his identity is being revealed. Chapter after chapter increasingly assures us that Tooru will be the actual “Head Doctor” that was in undercover.
Chapter 99 confirmed that he is a rock-human and also the perpetrator who ruined Rai's family & his life in the past. It's clear that Tooru also wants The New Locacaca. It’s also implied that being a rock-human, he is older than he looks and he also knows about “the saint”. There is still a possibility that we will see his connection with the pasts that have not been revealed yet.
Caato and Tooru
Caato had appeared 26 chapters earlier than Tooru, thus making the readers more familiar to her than him. Besides, her first appearance also gives a very strong impression on the readers. Araki totally dedicated her debut by giving her a dramatic shoots in the first chapter she appeared.
Caato's second appearance also added to the hype for readers, the supposedly entertaining family reunion scene also added mystery to her character regarding the murder she committed and the mysterious “15 years contribution” to the family business she claimed.
Caato also got her backstory along with Jobin, making her character even compelling and more solid. But unfortunately, many readers have misunderstood the true meaning of her backstory as Caato is surrounded with the overhypeness her supporters do for her.
Tooru did appear later than Caato, his appearance which was done very natural gives little impression to the readers. We knew almost nothing about Tooru during his early appearances. However, Araki is passionately developing his character in his recent chapters. We got information and solid hints regarding Tooru much more than Caato (and her supporters try to provide).
So far, Caato only appeared in 4 chapters and that's only how much her actual development is. Tooru had appeared in 10 chapters, he had already surpassed her appearance (and development) and will likely more. Unless, Caato will reappear again… only time will tell.
Conclusion (aka TL;DR)
Tooru’s debut which came quite late and with a weak impression as well causes the readers doubt his role as major villain. Even if the main villain's role will be his, readers would probably rate him fairly low (a similar case to Diavolo).
Jobin can even end up being fan-favorite villain, besides him not being “the main”. And if Caato will end up to be the main villain, I don’t think that she will be rated highly too, people will realize how ridiculous her hype was at the time.
So far, JJBA already had 8 story parts in it, and the story of each part is very unique to one another. Therefore, the conflict and the villain’s situation contained in each section should not work similarly.
Based on those eight parts, pattern and formula are getting noticeable. However, we should be aware that those patterns are being played with flexibility.
That Araki might use the "pattern" as a reference so that he doesn't make JJBA deviate from its world-building that has been set since the beginning.
But the pattern should not limit his creativity either, because as “the god" in the world he created, he has the right to add new ideas and concepts that have never been considered by readers before.
Here, I am trying to dig deeper into the story of JJL, in “what is this really about?” By studying the true meaning of JJL, I found that the concept of Tooru as the main villain in this story is very likely to work.
But Araki is not “the perfect” writer, we humans can't possibly please everyone. Using Tooru as the main villain has the potential to disappoint some readers. Because the readers’ taste does not always correspond with what is truly desired by Araki.
That's why I respect Araki, he is such unwavering writer. The opinions of his readers do not affect what he truly wants to say in the stories he writes.
He is also an experimental writer who is often interested in trying (and adding) new things to his world. Stone Ocean's failure did not discourage him, so he was able to create “a part” that becomes the most favorite among today's readers: Steel Ball Run.
Besides, as time goes by, readers are also beginning to appreciate Stone Ocean. In the end, the message that Araki wanted to convey in part 6 finally reached the readers who are willing to explore it more in depth.
SBR's success did not make Araki satisfied in his comfort zone, so he created a whole new story concept that very differs from SBR and all the parts he's ever created, a story with mystery as its main theme named JoJolion.
And with the mysterious nature JoJolion has, Araki makes the identity of the main villain much more mysterious than the previous parts. We as readers are still wondering who will be the main villain even after 100 chapters have already passed. Will it be Tooru? Again… only time will tell.
Of course there was always a risk in making Tooru the main villain, however, I believe that Araki is ready to accept that risk. He is such a writer who writes what he wants to write, not what his readers ask.
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Related post: The cacophony of JJL main villains (how JoJolion can be saved)
Read also: Kira Holy Joestar, the underrated 52-years-old mother
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
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Caato vs Rock-Woman
Just when the hope that theory of Caato as a rock-human was almost realized, at the same time it is also instantly debunked in the same chapter.
Just accept it, that she is really a 52 years old gilf, nothing more to it. Because:
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
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Shame? It’s a bless that Araki did not fall for that shit, that’s why I still have faith in him.
I always thought how ridiculous that idea was and wondered how those Caatofags had come to believe this bullshit all along.
Caato is a legit well-written character, it’s truly a shame that her characterization is tainted with ridiculous hypes from her supporters who really wanted her to be the “main villain”. During her actual scenes (that happened a long time ago, for many chapters ago), the hype was an innocent ‘dream’, and now it has turned into 'delusion'.
I wish I could reply him/her directly on 4chan, too bad that thread has already been archived.
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
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Caato vs Tooru, the problem with “aesthetic interpretation”
Caato’s supporters often like to use “aesthetical points” such as illustrations and designs that they think symbolize something: such as Caato’s hair that represents everything that is necessary to hype her or Caato’s cards (and Stand) that symbolizes "game" and "trick" which ultimately leads to the idea of her as “the mastermind”.
The left picture:
Let’s look at the left picture, it’s about the players involved in the race of Locacaca. On the top panel, there was Caato there together with her son Jobin, her grandson Tsurugi and Damokan Group behind them, despite zero “actual” information about Caato's connection to Locacaca so far.
However, with the infamous theory of Caato's collaboration with Damokan Group, which is only based on her relationship with Jobin and her infamous 15 years contribution to Higashikata’s business, the left picture with her adding another fuel to her hype.
Let’s examine the picture without bias, Damokan Group is on the same panel with the Higashikata because of their evident association with Jobin and Caato is also on the same panel because of her relationship with Jobin. It’s pretty clear that she is on Jobin’s side.
It is “family vs family”: “The Higashikata vs Kira-Joestar” families, as their precious family members are very ill and desperately needed Locacaca. Therefore in the case of the top panel, Araki put the Higashikata family in front of Damo’s group. Also note that those who are sick (Tsurugi & Holy) and in need are put at the front!
Now, pay attention to The Higashikata’s position, from the front to back are Tsurugi, Caato then Jobin. None of them seemed dominant/”suggested as the leader” there as they are placed in zigzag manner. Jobin who is in the back is followed by Damokan Group, suggesting Jobin's cooperation with the group.
Also, Damo is placed in the middle with his group because he is the leader of Damokan Group.
Caato is closer to Tsurugi than Jobin to his son, but until now we haven't seen the relationship between Caato and her grandson, we have never seen them interact at all. Therefore this means nothing for me.
Overall, what I understand here is that Caato should also be involved in the race of Locacaca, but not in the sense of "wow" which put her as the leader, let alone the mastermind. A possible role for her is as a supportive parent to Jobin, in which she is ready to help Jobin at any time as she had done in chapter 59, like the role of Kira’s father Yoshihiro from part 4.
Unfortunately, even at the climax moment until now (when her son Jobin is dying atm), we don't see her anymore and her role at all.
The right picture:
The picture on the right is the members of the Head Doctor gang, taken from chapter 99 when we got new information regarding the rock-humans and their purpose to exist in this world. HD gang has become the antagonist group after Damokan Group finished.
Their position is not based on the order of their debut, although it's a little weird considering Urban Guerilla is in that panel twice. Tooru is placed at the back (which coincidentally, he also appeared the latest). The positions of the other members in front of Tooru are placed in a zigzag manner. Even Poor Tom, who is at the very front, leans slightly to the left.
Tooru’s position is in the middle of the panel and the most obvious, with his body also clearly visible, that he is standing behind them as if everything the other members were doing was under his instruction.
What is even more interesting there is the absence of Akefu Satoru, I think this should be an implication that Tooru was indeed HD Akefu's true identity, not his right-hand man as readers (wanted) to think initially.
Okay, here’s the problem, Caato’s being hyped since her very first debut up to the latest chapter (100) of JoJolion, despite her being absent since her backstory in chapter 64. Now, Tooru the newcomer (and player in the race of New Locacaca) is currently being developed by Araki in recent chapters.
Caato’s advantage over Tooru is that she appeared earlier than him and had already left strong impression on the readers, but…
Tooru’s advantage over Caato is that his appearance and information about him had already surpassed her (10 chapters vs 4 chapters).
Caato has been supported by theories and speculations created by her supporters, whereas Tooru has been supported by evident clues shown by Araki himself.
Fan-speculations or canon facts? Of course I prefer the later. Unless if Araki eventually follows those speculations, I will surely accept it as long as it becomes “canon”.
And dear Caatofags, if you really like to use an aesthetic interpretation as the basis of your theory, show me a more convincing panel of Caato which truly illustrates that she is indeed a genius mastermind in “Locacaca's game”!
I’m sorry Caato, I don’t hate you but your supporters really suck!
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Caato’s Stand and the speculation of its potential (JoJolion)
In my previous post, I have discussed the mechanism of Caato's Stand so far as it was shown and speculation of its other capability that is not yet demonstrated but is possible.
Here, I want to discuss a little further about the possibility of its other ability “that has been implied but not yet confirmed”. A speculation related to the hype of her as the main villain by those Caatofags. The speculation starts from here:
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We all know that Caato's Stand ability is to store and release objects using her French playing cards. However, the other weird thing in this panel is that Caato had pulled out a phone that was released in 2011. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to have that phone as she was put in jail since the mid-90’s (1996). An observant reader also found that the model of Caato’s phone resembles Docomo Sharp SH-11C which came out around 2011.
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Caatofags considers this as part of her Stand ability, and this ability enables them to strengthen the theory of her capability to interact with the outside world (and rock-humans) during her incarceration. Even so, I keep denying it because there is still other possibility, that Jobin could have smuggled and given it to her when he met her through family visits, and then Caato hid it within her Stand. That's why she also has Jobin's contact number.
But what if it is indeed part of her ability? There are two possibilities for how this happen if this is indeed part of her Stand mechanism:
Using her Stand, Caato is able to take out objects that are in different timeline.
Using her Stand, Caato is able to take out objects that are in separated place, away from her and her playing cards.
Between those possibilities, I’m more convinced about the second one (only if this is indeed true). The first one is highly unlikely, because we’ve only seen her pulled out a 2011 phone in 2011, not a few years before.
Even so, it makes me wonder, we did not see Caato using her Stand at all in her infamous “Mother & Child” flashback. If she really has this ability, why didn't she use it at all, perhaps to eliminate the traces of her murder of the Bully Boy? Unless at that time she did not have her Stand yet, but I was also quite surprised when she seemed calm to see how the bully boy was dying due to Jobin's Stand, as if she already familiar with Stand. Maybe her Stand is indeed useless in the flashback.
Caato has never even shown a 'feat' like the second point (taking out objects that are in separated place, away from her & her cards), considering a panel in chapter 58 where Caato once said that “there certainly are a lot of chairs in this house, so you wouldn’t notice if I hid one between my cards, would you?” Therefore this means that she took out a chair from her cards, a chair that belongs to Higashikata's house, which is in the same world as her and the family.
There is also this infamous hype from Caatofags who frequently compare her Stand with D4C because their "dimensional-based" ability and "caught-in-between" mechanism.
「D4C」 has access to different parallel worlds/dimensions, it can also pull other people or items to other dimensions, but according to Caato’s own words, her Stand does not cross between dimensions in its mechanism, therefore the hype that her Stand has the same ability and power as the 「D4C」 has not been proven!
Besides, I'm still not comfortable with those two points above, too overpowered as if Caato is a big villain (unless you believe so like those Caatofags). I hate to support or deny it because both can only be done with assumptions, namely speculation against speculation. This is the result of how little her information that we have so far and the lack of her active role in this current arc. I hope that one day, we will be sure of what is really true.
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
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Caato: never-ending hypes and never-ending absence (JoJolion)
I'm amazed, her ±11 fans still have hope in her.
I still have my money on Caato as the big villain of JoJolion. We haven’t seen her do anything during this entire arc and we haven’t seen her stand nor do we know specifically what it does yet.
And this is your main problem, Caatofags! Shouldn't it be weird if she hasn’t done anything at all as the big villain during the climactic arc?
Yeah, apparently it made perfect sense of why Kyo Kei had been missing-in-action before, her absence and her unawareness of the situation will protect her from 'calamity'.
The same thing might happen to Caato, she can be protected from 'calamity' if  Araki decides that she will do something later.
But NOT AS THE BIG VILLAIN! Not anymore. The absence of her role and action should further discourage Caato as a 'big player' let alone ‘main villain’.
This is why Araki continues to develop Tooru character. Tooru keeps appearing in each chapter recently, we are getting to know who Tooru really is and how he is able to orchestrate the events leading up to this climactic arc!
And Caato has not showed up and gotten involved in this at all, she is completely absent, meaning that Caato had absolutely nothing to do with this 'calamity'!
If Caato is ‘the big villain’, it should have been a few chapters ago Araki brought her up and gave us some hints!
Caato’s unnamed Stand is clearly overrated at this point. 「Wonder of U」 already fits into the theme of main villains’ Stands with 'fate manipulation' in it. Your assumption that the main villains’ Stands in this reboot verse will have 'dimensional manipulation' has never been proven!
I doubt that Caato’s unnamed Stand will have humanoid form (in which every main villain has), her Stand is clearly a tool-type. Her feats are not that impressive and only on par with 「Enigma」 .
Caato also fits with the core concept of family more than Tooru. She wants to take the Higashikata family for all it’s worth which establishes motive as the villain.
This is your second problem, Caatofags! You consider the Higashikata family as ‘everything’ in JoJolion's story. While they play a big part in this story, they aren't everything!
The center point of JoJolion’s main story is ‘the magic cure’ aka. Locacaca fruit, which later evolved into the ‘New Locacaca’.
Higashikata family is one of the players involved in the 'game' to take advantage of that miraculous fruit.
Higashikata family is divided with Norisuke IV siding with Josuke and Jobin with his little family.
Then there's Holy’s family (where Josuke sided with them).
Then Josuke's allies, Yasuho and Rai (Rai sided with Josuke thanks to Norisuke IV).
And finally, the rock-humans (Tooru with Head Doctor gang and Damokan Group).
'Family' (and 'motherhood') is indeed one of the things that become the theme in this story. However, the 'importance' of this Higashikata family is still below the 'New Locacaca' fruit.
Sure, Higashikata family is like the richest family in Morioh, they also play a major role in this story, but when there will be a clash between normal humans and the rock-humans (which was implied by HD gang and Tooru as his motivation), they are just a small part in this society.
Without dealing with Locacaca, the rock-humans and Higashikata family would not be linked.
If Caato is the main villain, then she must have done something big with ‘Locacaca’ or at least her motivation also has an impact on the rock-humans.
Araki also nudged the 'family' theme towards rock-humans and alluded to ‘motherhood’ in their society, why did he tell about the rock-mother, the growth of a rock-baby and explain of how different their ‘social structure’ is from normal humans?
The rock-humans are not detached from the theme of 'family' and 'motherhood'.
Caato with her motivation so far to get back at her family and take their fortune for all it’s worth would only make her an antagonist in a family drama, her motivation has nothing to do with the rock-humans.
Caato only has a grudge against Norisuke IV, her ex-husband who has abandoned her. She threatens that she will take what Norisuke IV has (yeah, something that might break their family apart in process).
You might think that the conflict between Caato and Norisuke IV will have an impact on Josuke, because Norisuke IV is the one who has been taking care of the amnesiac Josuke and gave him a shelter to live.
Josuke is not heartless person, I’m sure Norisuke IV's 'death' would somehow have an impact on his feelings. However, Josuke remains an outsider in Higashikata family conflict!
Norisuke IV's death (which might be Caato's doing in your opinion) is not the biggest issue for Josuke. Their children (Jobin, Hato, Joshu and Daiya) have more rights to be involved in said conflict… and to solve it.
Norisuke IV was probably the one who looked after Josuke for several months (given that JoJolion story takes place in 2011 and the latest chapter is still in 2011). But Norisuke IV was the father of Jobin, Hato, Joshu and Daiya for many years in their whole life.
Using ‘Norisuke IV’ as final conflict of JoJolion between Josuke and Caato is not a great idea to close the story of part 8, unless you are willing to accept the switch of protagonist from Josuke to the Higashikata (probably Joshu lol).
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The Higashikata family drama won’t hold a candle to the exploitation of New Locacaca against the society.
All of the Higashikatas are in someway named after cards but Caato is the Japanese word for card implying that she wields the whole deck.
LMAO, you fail! Only the women (Mitsuba, Hato, Daiya) and Tsurugi are named after cards. The men’s names have nothing to do with ‘cards’. Araki just wanted to give this exiled Matriarch a 'playing cards' as a theme in her character concept.
And your third problem, Caatofags! You depend too much on symbolization.
Araki mentions that rock human woman can give birth but don’t particularly care about their children. We see this in Caato, she doesn’t care about her family members aside from Jobin and she just helped him to get back at Norisuke IV.
Your fourth problem, Caatofags! Always rely on unproven theories everytime you hype her. Caato is a rock-human, where is the proof? It is still a theory.
You also failed to read the characterization about Caato! From where do you think Caato doesn't care about her children?
You guys fail to understand of what really happened during the “Higashikata family reunion” because you are too delusional about wanting Caato as the 'big villain' and always think of her as an ‘oh so evil’ woman!
So, let me explain it to you (even though I'm actually getting tired with this scene of chapter 58):
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Caato, who just got out of prison, went to Higashikata's house to reunite with her children after being separated for 15 years, she really missed them. No wonder she talked a lot and reminded them of their childhoods and everything she knows about them as their mother.
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Her ex-husband, Norisuke IV did not take her visit well. He was being hostile, and then so are her children. Why was that? Because all this time Norisuke IV considered Caato as not part of their family and wanted his children to forget about her.
Only Hato vaguely recalled of what actually happened to Caato, that her mother had been jailed for "murder". After big sister revealed it, Joshu and Daiya also become wary of their mom.
Caato did attack Joshu, but that doesn't automatically mean that she hates her children. She only gave a lesson to him for doing a despicable thing to her… and Joshu totally deserved that (lol).
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Of course Caato was disappointed with her children who became wary of her. The ‘warm reunion’ she had expected became a 'hostile reunion' instead.
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Then, if your argument is that Caato doesn't care about her children because she let herself went to jail (and abandoned them for 15 years), let me remind you that Caato certainly did not expect that she would be caught and go to prison after she had cured Jobin!
After the ‘murder incident’, Caato might have thought that she could get away with the incident and would live peacefully with her family for 5 years until finally she got busted.
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At this point, the only hope for Caatofags is that JoJolion will have one more arc left after 'Wonder of You' and the conflict with the rock-humans, with Higashikata family as the main focus (±30 chapters, they wish).
My biggest issue with Caatofags is: that their theories often direspect Araki's writing style, they are stubborn, fanatical, and delusional. At this point, they should have just accepted that Tooru will likely become the 'big villain' of JoJolion like how I accepted the death of Jobin and my dream of him as ‘the main villain’.
Read also:
How does the hype of Caato turn really bad?
Caato’s potential role towards the end of JoJolion
The cacophony of the main villains in JoJolion
2 notes · View notes
fauzhee10069 · 4 years
How does the hype of Caato turn really bad?
Just scroll down to the “conclusion” if you don’t have any patience to read this long post!
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The idea of Caato as the main villain was actually quite legit during the beginning of her appearance. She appeared just after the last member of Damokan Group: Damo Tamaki, whom was the very first character being nominated as the main villain, met his demise.
Damokan Group was the first group to introduce the existence of “rock-humans” and “Locacaca”, both of which are major parts of the story in JoJolion. And Damo was its leader. Damokan Group was also associated with Higashikata family through Jobin, they do illegal business by smuggling and trading Locacaca, and also doing money laundering. Jobin had been teaming up with the group behind his family's back (particularly, his father Norisuke IV).
How did it begin?
JJL Chapter 55:
Caato appeared for the first time while she was in the process of being released from prison, the first person she contacted at that time was Jobin, who turned out to be her son. In the same chapter, she also used her Stand which has “space manipulation” ability using special designed French playing cards.
Apart from that, Caato looks very attractive to the readers. She is 52 years old, and being the mother of Jobin also automatically makes her Tsurugi's grandma. As a granny, she has no visible wrinkles.
The impression that Caato gave to readers at that time was:
What has she done to get her thrown into prison?
Why did her family never talk about her?
Why does she look so young?
The mystery Caato had brought was quite interesting to the reader. I think some readers may have started to associate her with Damokan Group, but they weren't quite sure at that time. However, seeing how young she looks despite being a grandma and knowing that rock-humans are “older than they look” as they have longer life span than any regular human, speculation that Caato might be a rock-human begins.
JJL Chapter 58:
After that, Caato had sneaked into Higashikata’s house to reunite with her family. Her children were surprised but not really welcomed her. Joshu and Daiya didn't really remember her as their mother. Hato had been very wary of her. Norisuke IV disliked her presence. Hato revealed that the reason Caato went to prison was for murder, Hato also mentioned her age to Josuke. It has also been revealed that Norisuke IV and Caato were already divorced.
Feeling abandoned, Caato also stated that she wants to take revenge on Norisuke IV. She wanted to get hold of the Higashikata family’s fortune which she thought was also her right. She specifically claimed that she also contributed to the success of Higashikata's business over the past 15 years.
The new mysteries that Caato brought were:
Whom did Caato kill and for what reason?
How could Caato have contributed to Higashikata's business for 15 years if she was supposed to be in prison at that time?
In my opinion, answering the first question was very difficult. However, if we look at the characters who might have died prior to JoJolion, there were Josefumi, Kira, and Kira's father. Josefumi and Kira were automatically eliminated. Did readers suspect that Caato might have killed Kira's father at the time? I wonder. However, Kira’s father died around 1991 according to Joestar family tree, which didn’t really match with 15 years Caato went to prison (NOTE: I use the mindset when chapter 58 was the latest chapter at the time).
The second question becomes the reason to reinforce a theory that Caato is associated to rock-humans (via Damokan Group). She is in contact with Jobin, whom is also associated to Damo. Jobin has been doing illicit business with Damo, that may just be the main reason for the success of Higashikata's business. Jobin has been doing this behind Norisuke IV's back, Caato is in a bad relationship with Norisuke IV. Therefore, Caato might have made Jobin to work with Damo.
In addition, “speculation” that Caato is a rock-human strengthens the possibility of her connection with Damo. The problem is: Caato had met her family (and also Josuke who is a freeloader newcomer). Is it true that Caato supposedly looks much younger than her age like Lisa Lisa? If so, why isn't anyone (in-universe) commenting on that? Why her youthful look did not get the recognition in-story and only we, the readers think so?
JJL Chapter 59:
Caato appeared briefly (as a fan-service wearing bikini) when she secretly observed Norisuke IV and Josuke from afar. She briefly interacted with Norisuke IV and noticed her ex-husband's habit then knew that he was hiding something she did not really know. She called Jobin to warn him and also saw that Josuke was carrying a cellphone, she concluded that he was going to meet someone.
Not much information about her in that chapter, I think.
JJL Chapter 64:
Narrated by Tsurugi: Caato and Jobin appeared on their backstory together, it was 20 years ago (±1991) when Jobin went to his school trip, he was bullied there but the bully got attacked by Jobin’s Stand 「Speed King」 in self-defense. Jobin had already been hit by family curse, the rock-disease. And Caato was actually looking for a way to cure him, she also already knew about equivalent exchange ability possessed by Higashikata’s land. Caato took the chance to use the dying bully boy as a sacrifice in Jobin's healing ritual, instead of using herself. She justified her action that it was the bully boy's fate, and that they, as Higashikata, were above him. Five years after the incident, Caato went to prison for what she did.
Therefore, the mystery of why Caato went to prison and the murder she committed got answered in this chapter. She didn't kill any important character. We learned more about her character that she has the selfishness not to put herself below. But her mother’s love for Jobin enabled her to make sacrifices in her own way, that she was willing to do bad things for his sake.
Caato’s character flaw here is what makes some readers (Caatofags) believe that she could be the main villain.
Out of 100 chapters of JoJolion, Caato has only appeared in 4 chapters. After that she was mentioned several times, but all of her mentions so far only refer to her backstory in chapter 64.
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How bad the hype of Caato actually is?
If we leave aside the speculations made by Caatofags and focus “only” on the facts that we have so far:
Caato's youthful look has not been confirmed in-universe, there is still no “in-world exposition” about it, so far it is still only thought from the readers outside JJL.
The basis of the theory that Caato is connected to the rock-humans (particularly Damo) is still limited to her relationship with Jobin and her “15 years contribution” claim to Higashikata’s business. Caatofags add it with the conflict that exists between Caato and Norisuke IV.
To be honest, the link of these three premises is still lacking. Between her relation with Jobin and her family business contribution claim, they attribute it to Jobin and Damo's partnership in their shady business. Of course their illicit business had been beneficial to the Higashikata. But then, how can the collaboration between Jobin and Damo suddenly become the work of Caato?
There is no hint that Caato has ever been in contact with Damo, there was no indication that Caato had ever discussed it with Jobin. Caato has never talked about rock-humans or Locacaca. Jobin never said or thought about Caato's connection with the rock-humans or Locacaca. (There is still) not a single rock-human has ever hinted or mentioned anything about Caato.
So far, we only know that Caato is still in contact with Jobin… full stop.
They’re questioning the “15 years of contribution” Caato claimed. They believe that in the span of 15 years, Caato had been collaborating with Damo, which they also believe that it happened long before Jobin got to know Damo. They just believe it, there are no chapters and scenes that hint at that in the story. Then comes…
JJL chapter 72:
… where there is a flashback that Jobin officially met with Damokan Group. There is no time mark to indicate when they met, but there is a hint with a single panel showing the sketch of the new design of Higashikata’s house Yotsuyu was bringing, which means that the renovation might had not started yet. Then when did the renovation begin? If you were being an observant reader, there is a panel in chapter 30 when Norisuke IV told Josuke about Yotsuyu, that he started working for the Higashikata about three years ago before JJL event started.
We know that Jobin met Damo’s Group in the past, it was Yotsuyu who initiated their introduction. It was three years ago, since then their shady business might have started. Kira found out about rock-humans and the smuggling of Locacaca two years before JJL event started, which makes it a year after Jobin met Damo’s Group, which of course they'd been running the business for about a year.
Yotsuyu introduced Jobin to his group, in the same chapter Jobin had a quarrel with his father just before they met. In the same chapter we saw that Jobin showed his ambition and disagreed with Norisuke IV’s old ways. Jobin had differences with his father regarding how to do business, Jobin met Damokan Group, Jobin got the chance to do business with them, of course Jobin decided to hide it from his father.
Which sadly makes the conflict between Caato and her ex-husband as the reason of this shady business behind Norisuke IV’s back no longer vital, as Jobin also has similar reason for that.
Chapter 72 solved the confusing timeline between the start of Jobin-Damo’s cooperation and Kira's findings. Ironically, the mystery of Caato's "15 years of contribution" has not been resolved up until now.
Instead, it raises bigger questions, if the collaboration between Jobin and Damo is the work of Caato, why is there 12 years gap from 15 years ago to 3 years ago? Had Caato been doing the collaboration alone for 12 years? Was she able to do it while in prison? If so, why did she end up asking Jobin to do it in the last three years?
This is so far-fetched that I don't believe Caato's "15 years of contribution" has anything to do with shady business with Damokan Group.
Then again, if Caato was indeed working with Damokan Group, how long do we have to wait for it to be revealed? Will this plot twist work as Damo’s group had already “disbanded”?
With this made-up theory, Caatofags are still struggling to make sense of it, so in the end ...
They have to underplay Jobin's character and demean him…
…by using chapter 64, when we get back to Dolomité. Because Dolomité have said that Jobin was merely a gofer for the rock-humans and Locacaca. Jobin, for the rock-humans, is only a pawn. He's not in high control in this Locacaca-centric game.
Then Caatofags linked him that Jobin was only a son being used by his mother (Caato). They use the flashback in chapter 64, that Caato's past deed and sacrifice would make Jobin feel so indebted to her, that she is able to easily control him.
Because she is the true mastermind behind Locacaca game and the rock-humans… which in fact, even her connection to them is still non-existent.
Caatofags portray Jobin as indecisive character who is being controlled without his knowledge, that he only follows his mother's (non-existing) guidance on doing business, one of which is the cooperation with Damokan Group.
They downplay both Jobin and what had happened in chapter 72. Besides, chapter 72 shows that Jobin was capable to make his own decision to cooperate with them. Damo’s group has Locacaca, a fruit capable of producing very large amount of profit. They met right after Jobin wanted his business to grow much bigger (in a way that went against his father). No wonder Jobin eventually agreed to work with them, his ambition to make his family even more prosperous will be possible.
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It is unfortunate that Jobin's respect for Caato has only made Caatofags see him as if he is subject to her or that she is controlling him. What's wrong with a child respecting his mother?
Caato earns Jobin’s respect more than Norisuke IV, her "selfish" sacrifice that made both of them staying alive until now (which Norisuke IV won't do) had a huge influence on Jobin and his growth, her action had shaped him, making him the man we know today. 
On the other hand, as a mother, Caato remains supportive for Jobin by trying to warn him and provide him information as best as she could. Jobin often mentions her positively.
Jobin’s respect for his mother is exactly the same as Joseph’s respect for his grandma Erina. Caato loves and supports Jobin as her son and Jobin respects Caato as his mother, it’s a filial piety I’d say. It is a shame that this beautiful dynamic (which uniquely exists in the antagonist’s side) gets devalued by the words "mastermind", "control", "manipulation" and so on.
Caatofags also overlooked what Dolomité really meant about Jobin as a gofer. Dolomité is a rock-human, Dolomité (with his condition) needs Locacaca, Dolomité knows about Damokan Group and their business, which means that he also knows Jobin’s connection to them. Dolomité was talking about Jobin and Damokan Group, then he said that Jobin was a mere gofer. Yeah, he said that Jobin in the Locacaca game is not the main player.
What Dolomité meant is: Jobin should not be Josuke's main priority in his investigation, he is not the big player, it is the rock-humans. Just after Jobin’s revelation as a gofer, Dolomité was hinting the existence of a bigger organization within rock-humans (The Head Doctor gang), that Damokan Group is nothing compared to that organization, and that should be Josuke’s main concern.
And of course after the scene with Dolomité ended, we headed to the arc about that organization, with new players like Urban Guerilla, Wu Tomoki and The Head Doctor. Then why is this suddenly linked to Caato? There are no hints connecting her with HD gang. We don't even have a single “real clue” regarding her connection to the Locacaca!
Yeah, there is a single panel of her during Urban Guerilla arc, about the race of Locacaca where she was on a panel together with her family and Damokan Group. But does that make her automatically linked to Damokan Group? That’s not necessarily true, Damo’s group is clearly on the same panel with them because of their existing association with Jobin, and Caato is (surely) also on Jobin’s side.
Even if Caato is actually connected to Damo’s group, Locacaca, or rock-humans in general, why don't we wait for real confirmation about that? A clearer hint: such as mention or any actual scene about them?
Caatofags even read her backstory in chapter 64 wrong. What does it make Caato a manipulative and controlling mother? Before the murder incident happened, Caato was shown as a doting mom, she really loves Jobin and took care of him. She didn't want Jobin to get hurt, she almost cried (see the beginning scene when he climbed a tree), she was very worried about him.
Then the incident happened. Caato, like any other Higashikata mothers, wanted to get rid of the family curse that hit Jobin. Unlike Tomoko who sacrificed herself, Caato took another path where she didn't have to die. The bully boy was dying, bringing him to the hospital does not guarantee that he will survive… she thought. She made a selfish decision, sacrificing the dying bully to cure Jobin. She cares for her family, but not for outsiders (that's the implication of what she said to Jobin). She justified her action as an attempt to save her son and that’s why she doesn’t regret it at all.
What Caatofags have missed is ... that Caato is a woman who doesn't like to be controlled (specifically by men). However, if she had to sacrifice for the sake of her son Jobin, she is willing to do so. That’s what she literally said in the flashback. Thus, there is no way Caato could be a controlling mother. Instead, she is a supportive mom for Jobin and this has been shown in chapter 59.
Caatofags also missed one possible reason of why Caato have done this because they were so focused on their wish for Caato to be “the villain”, that she needs to be evil. The reason why Caato refused to sacrifice herself as a mother might be because of her circumstances at that time. Jobin had a very young sister (Hato), Caato was about to have another baby, imagine if she had to die at that time.
Or… imagine if she had to die after that, leaving her three very young children behind. The situation back then hardly could be compared to Tomoko and Norisuke IV (where there was no need for siblings to be left behind). Yeah, according to the family tree, Norisuke IV also has three siblings, but I believe that they were already big by then and (maybe) were ready to be left behind by their mom. I believe Norisuke IV was the youngest children.
Of course, this is ironic, because with Caato's incarceration, in the end, she also left her young children behind.
Chapter 58 alone has proven that Caato has real affection for her children, she was excited to meet her children, she was being hostile only to her ex-husband Norisuke IV. She was mad at Joshu but considering what he just did to her? Who could not be angry?
Caato does have her character flaw, she is not a saint or role-model mother like Holy, she had done a bad thing at some point. However, these are what make Caato a deep and compelling character.
Sadly, Caatofags are too ambitious to make Caato becomes a bad guy to the point of disregarding her complexity. Instead, they portray Caato into a cliché villain with a cliché plot twist, that she is a heartless, or has no feelings, that she is just acting like she cares, that she takes advantage of the people around her (particularly Jobin), that she is currently in hiding behind the scenes and will appear as the mastermind at the end of the story as a big plot twist to the readers (which unfortunately has been done by Tooru “from being a part-timer to be the real Head Doctor through his Stand”) and eventually…
Caatofags, not only they underplay Jobin, they also ruin Caato in the process.
Then, with Caato's role still missing, even after the newest chapter was released, with actual hint’s still lacking, Tooru appeared as a new player in the race of The New Locacaca.
Here comes Tooru…
Tooru appeared out-of-nowhere casually, his appearance also became a mystery to some readers. But due to his weak impression at the beginning, most of the readers did not really pay attention to him. We only knew him as Yasuho’s ex-boyfriend and that he is a part-time worker in T.G.U Hospital, he also dresses like a typical Stand user in JoJo.
JJL Chapter 97:
Until the latest chapters, Tooru's character begins to develop, he begins to get the main focus. We began to be sure that he is a villain in chapter 97. He didn't really want to save Yasuho and he also seemed to know the situation that had befallen the Higashikata family. We also saw that Tooru is “somehow” connected to The Head Doctor, that he seems to know what is going on there (hospital). And apparently, he also wanted The New Locacaca.
JJL Chapter 98:
Then chapter 98 also revealed that Head Doctor Akefu is actually a Stand! It is quite impressive that a Stand can hold an important position as Head Doctor in a well-known hospital, it even held a conference not long ago.
In this chapter, it is clear that Tooru is connected to the HD, he knows the situation there through HD’s eyes. He also mentioned “calamity” which is the keyword for HD's ability. Another mystery brought by Tooru is that he knows about "the saint".
JJL Chapter 99 and JJL Chapter 100:
Chapter 99 has revealed greater information about Tooru, that he is a rock-human. This answers the mystery of him knowing about "the saint". Furthermore, we found out the name of HD as a Stand, 「Wonder of U」. 「Wonder of U」 also revealed that he had a hand in ruining Rai’s life in the past.
With that being said, this becomes an increasingly clear indication that Tooru via HD is a big player in the race of the New Locacaca. Sadly, Caatofags put him aside and are still adamant that Caato will be the actual big player.
Caatofags have to disagree…
… because they believe in the premises about Caato which might enable her to be the main villain, the premises that are still weak and unproven… more than the actual hints that Tooru already provides.
Their baseless theory of Caato as a rock-human, which only relies on her “unconfirmed” youthful look and the aesthetical points that are meaningless (her eyes are splits! Her hair resembles this and that!), and those overpowered the obvious proof Tooru had in chapter 99.
Their baseless theory of Caato’s connection to the Locacaca, which relies on their baseless and unconfirmed theory of her as a rock-human. While their reason is still remain unproven, they already created new speculation that Caato needs Locacaca to hide her identity as a rock-human, a Caatofag already made up following theory: that Caato used Locacaca to fight off her hibernation period.
Suppose that Caato hides her rock-human’s identity for years, Caatofags had completely forgotten how (regular) Locacaca actually works. Or… perhaps they have lost track of time, as they might have been thinking of The New Locacaca all this time (which its purpose is still mysterious).
The theory also relies on another unconfirmed theory of her being connected to Damokan Group, which in turn only relies on “her relationship to Jobin” and “her unanswered 15 years contribution claim”. Let me explain the major drawbacks of using these two premises (and why combining them like this to conclude something is not recommended):
”Big Smoke is associated with the Grove Street Families” and “Big Smoke also works with Tenpenny”. Does that mean GSF and Tenpenny are cooperating? Nope, they are mutually hostile.
- GTA San Andreas
Note: Big Smoke in this example is not Caato, but Jobin.
Their baseless theory of Caato and her Stand, which they believe, is on par with D4C. They only used "dimensional manipulation" as the sole reason that she would be the main villain.
In fact, the theory regarding the comparison of main villains’ Stand in OG verse and SBR verse, that the main villains’ in the SBR verse will have a "dimensional-based" Stands because the main villains’ in the OG verse already have "time-based" Stands as a pattern is still unproven. Caatofags even admit that they are not really sure yet, but they are already exaggerating Caato's Stand ability too soon.
Sadly, Caatofags are not as creative as Araki. Their speculation (read: imagination) regarding Caato’s Stand’s ability is limited to using D4C’s ability in the form of playing cards. “Caato is able to send objects to another dimension with her card, I am sure that she will also be capable to send persons too, blah blah” etc. Just think of D4C in the form of playing cards and you will get that.
This made me doubt Caatofags and their theories even more, for what Araki creates the main villain in this part (8) to have the exact same ability as the previous main villain (from part 7)? Even though the main villains in OG verse have "time manipulation" abilities in their Stands, their abilities still pretty differ to each other.
Eventually, in an attempt to validate their theories regarding Caato as the main villain and get rid of Tooru as her challenger…
... they also have to underplay Tooru's character and demean him.
First, they take issue with Tooru who appeared fairly late in the story (the thing that I also thought so at first), because by doing so, Araki had to give Tooru the focus and build-up for his character, something that in our opinion as the readers were already too late. We thought that Tooru's late appearance would make it difficult for him to become a compelling and memorable (main) villain.
However, with the release of recent chapters, Tooru proved that he had such potential. Araki cleverly got Tooru, the unassuming part-timer, tied to Head Doctor Akefu, whom has been developed by Araki for much longer. Araki had been previously building up HD Akefu as a major player associated with Locacaca and the rock-humans organization.
HD Akefu had been hinted since chapter 76, the end part of Ozon Baby arc. His subordinates had begun to fall one by one at that time (Urban Guerilla and Poor Tom). HD became the main focus in the pursuit by Josuke’s gang since chapter 83. Interestingly, Tooru also made his first appearance in the previous two chapters (JJL chapter 81) during the middle of Dr. Wu arc.
During the pursuit of HD, Tooru has appeared several times, while sometimes he acted rather suspiciously. Those should be hints showed by Araki that Tooru has a connection with HD, though unfortunately, not everyone thought about it.
During the pursuit of HD, We've already seen some of his abilities (which later got revealed as a Stand named 「Wonder of U」). Its main power is “probability and misfortune manipulation” to the people who pursue it. In addition, it also has “phasing and teleportation” ability. The range of its ability appears to be infinite.
However, Caatofags put aside the ability of 「Wonder of U」 because, despite being deadly, WOU does not fall into their "dimensional manipulation" category which they believe to be an ability that will be possessed by the main villain. A criterion they created alone which hasn't even been proven true.
Their made-up criterion even beat WOU’s actual feats which are clearly troublesome for major players who are fighting over The New Locacaca. They are hyping Caato’s Stand which so far is no better than 「Enigma」 while putting aside WOU which has already provided us climactic Stand battle in JoJolion.
Ironically, Caato herself said in chapter 58:
“there certainly are a lot of chairs in this house, so you wouldn’t notice if I hid one between my cards, would you?”
「D4C」 has access to different parallel worlds/dimensions, it can also pull other people or items to other dimensions.
But in the case of Caato’s Stand and her words: she took out a chair from her cards, a chair that belongs to Higashikata's house, which is in the same world as her and the family. In other words, Caato’s Stand does not cross between dimensions in its mechanism, therefore the hype that her Stand has the same ability and power as the 「D4C」 has not been proven!
Just because WOU doesn’t have “dimensional manipulation”, they consider that it is not in the same category as D4C, and then they concluded that it can’t be the main villain’s Stand.
In fact, WOU has something in common with D4C, that they both have "fate manipulation" in a form of directing “misfortune”. D4C enables Valentine to access the worlds where fate is different and allows him to surpass death itself, later he got 「Love Train」 which allows him to redirecting bad luck away from him.
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Though until now, readers still have doubts about Tooru's connection to 「Wonder of U」, they don't want to rush into believing that Tooru is WOU’s user.
But Caatofags who also do not want to instantly believe in Tooru as WOU’s user contradicts their belief that Caato will be the main villain just because of her "space manipulation" Stand, using their made-up & unconfirmed criterion as their reasoning.
The (New) Locacaca
It was very clear beforehand, that 「Wonder of U」 aka Head Doctor Akefu has prominent role in the struggle of Locacaca and the rock-humans, that he led the HD gang, that he let Damokan Group to roam around (under his watch), that he has been involved in Rai’s past.
And as WOU’s user, Akefu's role automatically became Tooru's role as well. In chapter 97, we saw that Tooru also wanted to get the New Locacaca. However, the problem is: for what purpose he needs that fruit? What is his motivation? Question that I'm sure will be answered soon.
And in the absence of an answer to this question, Caatofags argue that Tooru lacks motivation (which they shall have just waited for rather than jumping to their conclusion). Then, they link him to Caato, that Tooru is merely her underling, that Caato is the one who had the real motivation for the fruit.
Of course, this AGAIN is so far-fetched. When we saw with our own eyes ON PANEL that Tooru has an interest in New Locacaca, why is this being linked to Caato all of sudden? We haven't seen that Tooru is connected to Caato, there have been no single hint such as mentions or scenes.
If Tooru still lacks motivation, moreover Caato. Because we don't even know if Caato is dealing with Locacaca, let alone her motivation.
It’s not like that Caato lacks motivation, she has her own motivation back in chapter 58: when she declared that she is gonna take Higashikata’s fortune, but how is this magically related to Locacaca? With the missing link between her motivation (in chapter 58) and Locacaca, Caatofags come up with their reasoning:
”It’s for her fortune and her family business.”
Given that Jobin also uses Locacaca to prosper Higashikata’s business, coupled with the theory of Caato's association with Damokan Group (which AGAIN has not been proven), they automatically tied her with Locacaca. They popularize this motivation while regarding Jobin as Caato’s underling (or a son being taken advantage by his mother).
Problem is, this motivation will hardly make her to be a compelling villain. She will be just a villain with simple materialistic objective which doesn’t align well with Josuke’s motivation to cure his mother. Even so, Caatofags disagree. For them, Caato will make a good antagonist for Josuke because both will make great parallel: “selfishness” vs “selflessness” (which should have been tied to Holy instead) and “to take back her lost identity” vs “searching his identity”
They also use Higashikata, particularly Norisuke IV as the center of their clash: “the man who abandoned her” vs “the man who takes care of him”. As interesting as this idea may sound, this idea has left out the most crucial things in JJL: Locacaca and The Rock-Humans, in which both are the focus of JJL's story beyond the Higashikata. Hence, Caatofags ONCE AGAIN come up with their theory to validate it:
”Because Caato is a rock-human.” (if)
They use this unconfirmed theory as their reason. They use the premise of Caato as a rock-human, and the premise that the rock-humans need Locacaca (as said by Urban Guerilla). Therefore, Caato needs Locacaca. The first premise is a mere unproven theory whereas the second one is a fact.
Using these two premises and creating a new theory that Caato needs Locacaca: a Caatofag has come up with a new theory that Caato uses Locacaca to fight off her hibernation as a rock-human, with the narrative that Caato hid her identity as a rock-human from her family and society, and therefore no one will suspect her until future chapters will reveal it.
These three premises are also being used as backups for the theory:
Caato was able to perform the penal hard labor for 15 years and became the model prisoner. (chapter 55 and 64)
“If I lose focus for even a moment, my skin becomes hard like rock and I sleep and sleep…” said Aishō (chapter 42)
Yotsuyu was able to cure the dog Iwasuke of the rock-disease by feeding it a piece of a Locacaca. (chapter 32)
Then, they have drawn the conclusion that “Caato used Locacaca so as not to lose focus and break her rock body”, it is the case of “fallacy of exclusive premises” to be honest. Two premises cannot give a logical foundation for a conclusion, as they will invariably be independent statements that cannot be directly related.
Why? Because the fact that Caato became a model prisoner may have nothing to do with the mechanism of rock-humans’ body or her being a rock-woman, every normal humans could be model prisoners like Caato, this statement should have weakened the possibility of her being a rock-woman. Ironically, this conflicting fact is instead being used to create the excuse that as a rock-human (which is still unconfirmed), Caato needs Locacaca to achieve this.
Aishō described the consequences as rock-humans if they ignore the hibernation period, Yotsuyu was able to cure the dog Iwasuke of the rock-disease by feeding it a piece of a Locacaca. Those two premises seem to be related in which we can conclude that: "the skin that has become hard like rock can be healed by Locacaca".
However, they missed the story in chapter 42 where Aishō had to leave his then girlfriend for several months because of his hibernation as a rock-human. If Locacaca can restore rock-like hardened skin, why didn't Aishō use it? As a member of Damokan Group, wasn't it very easy for him to get the fruit? Why should he bother being honest with her if he had a big chance of hiding that fact.
But Aishō was just a mere underling to the group whereas Caato “might be” the mastermind!? The idea of her as the mastermind itself is still unconfirmed theory. Again, we go in circles.
Another plot hole, they also missed the story in chapter 64 where little Jobin was affected by his rock-disease, why didn’t Caato used Locacaca? She just used equivalent exchange on Higashikata’s land, just like her mother-in-law, Tomoko in the past. We didn’t see any Locacaca in her possession there, which should contradict their theory that Caato has access to the fruit to hide her hibernation.
Yeah, Locacaca alone might not be effective solution to cure him, but why didn’t she try to combine it with the land’s equivalent exchange ability? As her grandson Tsurugi in chapter 32 also believed that the fruit should be able to cure the rock-disease.
If Caato is indeed a rock-woman, shouldn’t a rock-human know better of how Locacaca works than any regular human (like their claim that she had used it to herself)? Because like Urban Guerilla said that “Locacaca works better to the rock-humans,” isn’t Jobin also part of rock-human (as Caatofags would like to believe)? It might work better to him.
Besides, since when did Caato start hiding her identity as a rock-woman? Only 15 years during her incarceration? I don’t think so, because Norisuke IV only found out about rock-humans' existence after his fight with Josuke against Yotsuyu in chapter 32.
Therefore logically Caato had also hidden her status as rock-woman from her family, meaning that she used the Locacaca to fight off her hibernation way before 15 years ago. So logically, Locacaca should had been in Caato's possession since her marriage to Norisuke IV, including during the flashback in chapter 64.
In short, chapter 32, chapter 42 and chapter 64 should contradict this theory instead!
It seemed Caatofags had completely failed to understand the abilities of the (original) Locacaca fruit or purposely ignored certain plots.
The Rock-Humans
We had been questioning Tooru's identity: his origin and whether he is a rock-human or just a regular human. However, with 「Wonder of U」as his Stand, we are already sure that he is associated with HD and his gang.
Then, chapter 99 revealed additional information about rock-humans until the end part of the narrative revealed Tooru as one of them. Therefore, it very makes sense that Tooru is associated with HD gang, that Tooru also wants New Locacaca (like the rest of the rock-humans), this also answers the mystery of why he knows about "the saint".
But then, along with that, the theory of Caato being a rock-human had been popular once again. It began from her (unconfirmed) youthful look to the chapter 99 that hinted the existence of female rock-humans… and their possibility to reproduce with human males.
I also wonder why Araki told about the possibility of reproduction between human males and rock-women, which then led to the revelation of Tooru as a rock-human? Does he mean that Tooru is half rock-human? Or does he give us a hint to the origin of the rock-disease that has befallen to the Higashikata family for generations?
But how is it ONCE AGAIN automatically tied to Caato? It has been pretty clear that Caato is the ex-wife of Norisuke IV and the mother of his four children. Why does the idea of her being a rock-human suddenly pop up?
With Caato being a rock-human, it will make things even more complicated, because then, we also have to begin questioning again about what Jobin, Hato, Joshu and Daiya truly are? Are they half rock-humans, fully rock-humans or just regular humans? The problem is: we’ve been following their characters and there is absolutely no hint that these four were somewhat different from regular humans.
It also becomes more problematic for the Vitamin C arc with Damo and Hato, “a rock-human who dates a human”. Their relationship in JJL serves as an example to represent that the relationship between rock-human and regular human are indeed not compatible and always end up in break-up. Making Hato into a rock-human or a half rock-human will only ruin that.
Chapter 46 told that “95% of rock-humans are Stand users” and “all members of the Higashikata family become Stand users”, but this fact should not use as a reason for the theory that made Caato a rock-woman.
Besides, her children were not natural-born Stand users, Joshu and Daiya awakened their Stands as they were being near the Wall Eyes. Joshu got his Stand through a bite-mark in the same way as Yasuho got hers. Norisuke IV and Mitsuba are Stand users, is Caato also the cause of this?
Can we just accept that Araki made all the members of the Higashikata family as Stand users because he wanted to make that family unique (and more interesting)?
And if Jobin is a half rock-human with Mitsuba as regular human female, is it possible for Tsurugi to be born then? (Inb4 Caatofags say that Mitsuba is also a rock-woman).
While this problem is still unresolved, Caatofags have again made up a speculation that she is somewhat responsible for the rock-disease that has befallen Higashikata, a family curse that existed long before Norisuke IV and Jobin ever born, but this idea is also challenged by the flashback of Johnny and Rina.
To avoid this problem, Caatofags make the excuse that Norisuke IV is also descended from a rock-human (which might be true tbh). If so, how is Caato being a rock-human still relevant? Another excuse for them is that she will tie the two halves of the story together, perhaps the past “that concerns the origin of the family curse” and the present which “tells the current situation of the Higashikata family”.
But, we already saw how she handled the family curse in the past (chapter 64), and in that scene we did not see “her as rock-human being” and its relation with the curse. It would be convoluted and redundant to have Caato reappears as a rock-human and involve her in Higashikata’s family curse once again.
Besides, if Higashikata family are descended from a rock-human at some point (since the first generation), then the two sides of the story will inevitably get tied together regardless Caato being a rock-human or not since the Higashikata would still be hybrids either way, this would also still tie to the chapter 99.
Unlike Caato, whom the idea of her as a rock-human is still purely fan-speculation, chapter 99 has clearly proven that Tooru is a rock-human, which solidifies his connection to HD gang and Locacaca conspiracy. But Caatofags who “just strongly believe” in her as a rock-human instead consider Tooru as her underling, who is fighting the protagonists as the strongest minor villain ala Vanilla Ice or Cioccolata and will lead them to her, the true main villain.
Despite his actual revelation as a rock-human…
Despite his actual connection to the rock-humans organization…
Despite his actual objective to get the New Locacaca…
Despite his very powerful Stand...
Despite his involvement in Rai’s past...
Despite his knowledge to “the saint”…
I feel sorry to him, for he is only considered an underling of a granny who did absolutely nothing for 36 chapters.
Even worse, some Caatofags think that Tooru is Caato’s bastard child by using another pointless aesthetical point (the swirls).
Assumption vs Canon
Caato is a rock-human: assumption
Tooru is a rock-human: canon
Caato had cooperated with Damokan Group: assumption
Jobin had cooperated with Damokan Group: canon
Caato has “dimensional manipulation” Stand: canon
The main villains in SBR verse have “dimensional manipulation” Stands: assumption
And now... I really wonder, why some readers are so insistent that they want Caato to be the main villain despite her very limited appearance? Is it because of her initial hype? Is it because of the lack of female main villain in JJBA, that they are wanting a female main villain in JJL? Sadly, with how Araki directs his story at this point, I think it is less likely possible. In fact, Caato’s character doesn’t really match for a main villain since the beginning.
Is it because Caato’s status as” a mother” in JoJolion which has the “motherhood” theme?
But Steel Ball Run was about the “fatherhood” and Funny Valentine is not “a father” (yeah, you can say that he was a “father” to his nation, but he had no bio child to be involved in his drama).
It’s not that I don’t want a female villain… in fact I really do. But at this point, I have already accepted that Caato might not be “the villain” in this story.
What is even sadder, I see how her supporters, who are still hoping that Caato would be the main villain somehow, can be really bad.
Starting from one theory they’ve created, instead of waiting for that theory to be confirmed, they keep developing new theories based on their old theory that has not even been proven yet. From then on their ideas of Caato as the main villain are getting wilder and weirder.
They are using so many unconfirmed speculations as justification of their fan-theories, as if they become the writers by themselves.
Caato has only appeared in 4 chapters with some mentions of her referring to her backstory in chapter 64. That's the fact. Only that much can be used as concrete proof.
Therefore, they should have just waited for her new actual scene or any meaningful reference which brings something new about her.
But nope, they don’t have patience to wait for her, but they also couldn't give up their idea of her as the main villain.
So this is what has been happening and will continue to happen, they no longer use valid data such as “scenes” and “mentions”. They only rely on their wild imagination which sometimes is backed up with aesthetical points & symbolization, and they are hardly accurate.
「The World」 is not related to 「Crazy Diamond」
「Goo Goo Dolls」 and  「Ozon Baby」’s spiked helmets don’t make them related
Bruno & Giorno’s tiddy window don’t make them related
Diavolo & Anasui’s stripper look don’t make them related
Kars, Bruford and Yukako’s long flowing hair don’t make them related
Why it is hard for Caatofags to leave the idea of her as the main villain even just for a while? At least, until we can get better hints of her possibility from her scenes, mentions, or more information refers to her.
I was Jobinfag since the beginning of his early appearance, but the moment he is dying (or perhaps died but it's still unconfirmed atm), I’m ready to give up about the hype of him. I'm not even a Toorufag yet, but I believe in Araki if he is going to make him as the main villain.
Even if Araki suddenly decided to make Caato as the main villain, I am sure that he will create a much better plot twist than what Caatofags have ever proposed.
Then again, Caatofags should also begin to consider that (their) plot twists could potentially become “a case of bad writing”.
The worse thing Caatofags do is they begin to underplay some characters for the sake of Caato. Jobin and Tooru are among the victims. Ironically, by doing so, they have also ruined Caato in the process.
That’s why I hate every single hype of Caato. This doesn’t mean that I hate her character. But her supporters who are over-glorifying her only make her character looks bad.
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I'm not saying that the notion of wanting Caato as the main villain is absolutely wrong, but all these assumptions and made up theories, why can’t you just wait until more actual stuff happens to her?!
Related posts:
Caato Higashikata, the case of a character getting overhyped
The Wildest Theories of Caato
Caato Higashikata, 32 chapters (8 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
Caato Higashikata, 36 chapters (9 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
JoJolion: The Main Villain and The Red Herrings
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Caato’s inconsistent hairstyles and the hypes she got (JoJolion)
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She was in jail? There is “Stone Ocean” written on her uniform? Look at those twin buns as well! Caato is the AU!Jolyne.
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Those curls, she must be the secret illegitimate descendant of Funny Valentine, the main villain of previous part! Therefore Caato must be the main villain as well!
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That must be reference to the spin, the spin is the main focus in SBR verse! And it’s recently also mentioned by Rai in the latest chapter (100)!  Caato is the main villain because she is related to the spin!
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Her hair resembles the wasp abdomen, you see! THE F*CKIN’ WASP!! The wasp has had a role in the previous chapter (99) as a host in rock-humans’ growth. The wasp is related to rock-humans, Caato must be related to rock-humans… holy shit! Caato is the rock-human female we’ve been looking for!!
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Look at those two braids! She must be… err… do you remember any previous JoJo character with those braids? Or what do you think the braid symbolizes? Ah shit! I can't think of anything about it! At least those twin buns are consistent, she is definitely an AU of Jolyne. Jolyne is the main protagonist of part 6, therefore Caato will be the main villain of part 8!!!
Caatofags’ve been funny but now they are annoying af :/
Read also: JJL chapter 101: The Good and The Bad of “Symbolization”
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
The Wildest Theories of Caato (JoJolion)
This might be my last post about analyzing and debunking the hype of Caato. Maybe some of you are also getting tired, though I myself am also tired with those Caatofags who still appear occasionally. Back to the topic, here are the theories I mean:
”Caato is a rock human with an agenda”
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Due to the strange shadow in her eyes during her first intro, the readers were theorizing about the possibility whether Caato is a fusion-human like Josuke or a rock-human.
But according to the colored manga, she doesn't have two different eye colors like Josuke. Besides, I noticed that Caato's eyes do not have the small cracks that signaled a fusion like him, only weird dark shadows.
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I have also explained further about this issue in my previous post below:
How the manga coloring team determined that Caato doesn’t have split eyes
So I will skip this and immediately explain the theory of her as a rock-human. If the basis of this theory is her so called splitted-eyes, this is less acceptable, because it is not part of the rock-human’s characteristic.
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Yagiyama Yotsuyu
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Dainenjiyama Aishou
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Damo Tamaki
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a rock-woman
Moreover, it also contradicts the need for rock-humans to blend with ordinary human.
The other basis of the theory is the youthful looking Caato had, especially when she was compared to Holy's first appearance. It has been explained that rock-humans don’t age gradually, instead they grow by molting and changing their form all at once. They have longer life span than ordinary human and can look much younger than their actual age.
Even so, her youthful looking had little relevance to the plot. I think Araki simply likes to draw hot milf as callback to Lisa Lisa.
This theory also continues with the notion that Caato has an agenda… or mission, either as an agent or the mastermind herself. Whatever the agenda is, it is also associated with Higashikata family curse, the hereditary rock disease. Readers have thought about the theory of how the Higashikata got the rock disease curse, one of them speculated that they were cursed by the rock-humans. I also believe that this has something to do with the rock-humans (hopefully Tooru will reveal it in the future).
From this speculation, a crazy idea emerged from a reader that there was a forbidden love relationship between a rock-human and a Higashikata (as a mere human), born of the fruit of love from them who since then passed on the rock disease.
Then the connection with Caato as a rock-human is that she had a role in Johnny Joestar's death and the birth of equivalent exchange ability in Higashikata’s land, perhaps the rock-humans also needed to obtain the Holy Corpse.
In her current mission, Caato approached the Higashikata and successfully married to Norisuke IV, which should have made it easier for her to complete the whatever mission. But on the way, she made mistake and accidentally ended up having four children with him. Hmmm… that sounds intriguing- nah, THIS SOUNDS STUPID!
Why would you make this mistake by accidentally having kids… repeatedly?? It would make sense if it is only once (like Diavolo->Trish’s case), but four times? I doubt they were accidents, of course they were planned as it was implied in the family tree.
In addition, this reader must have missed a crucial fact about rock-humans: they could not have children with ordinary humans as they are biologically incompatible.
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JJL chapter 46: Love Love Deluxe - part 4
If Caato is a rock-human, it is impossible to her to bear a single Norisuke IV’s child, let alone four- NO, it’s still possible actually.
!!! Spoiler of chapter 99 !!!
The most recent chapter of JoJolion (ch 99) added more information about rock-humans that:
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JJL chapter 99: Endless Calamity – part 5
Therefore, if Caato a rock-human, it’s still possible for her to have child with an ordinary human (Norisuke IV). Theories regarding rock disease curse as a result of “this relationship” have also become increasingly possible. However:
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The rock-women don’t have strong affection or bond to the child they gave birth and Caato certainly has affection and strong bond to her children as it was shown in her flashback.
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Besides, the rock-baby at birth is only as big as beetles.
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And we have seen how big Caato was when she was pregnant.
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We’ve also seen baby Daiya in the flashback as well and how her children grew up like any normal human in contrast to the rock-human who lived as parasites in a wasp hive for 17 years until they began to venture into the outside world.
Wise non-Caatofag readers have said:
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I like how the chapter 99 raises the theory that Caato is a rock-woman, with the fact that only rock-women and humans can have children, and AT THE SAME TIME disproves it by literally showing us how rock-women give birth to their children.
If Caato was a rock-human then that would've meant everyone except Norisuke IV and Mitsuba were rock-humans, and Tsurugi wouldn't have existed.
Moreover, if Caato was the reason for the curse upon the Higashikata, what about Rina who also contracted long before Norisuke IV and his children were born?
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JJL chapter 21: Shakedown Road – part 4
If indeed the Higashikata family was hit by a curse due to forbidden relationship with a rock-human, rather than Caato, I think it is more appropriate to suspect Teru (Norisuke I's wife) that she could be a rock-human.
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Caato was created as a comparison between Higashikata mothers’ role regarding of their decision and action in dealing with rock-disease and the knowledge of equivalent exchange as shown in JJL chapter 64 (her infamous flashback).
It is acceptable if this theory was created before chapter 64 was released, but pretty dumb if it came after the chapter was released.
There are still a lot of forced arguments issued by her supporters that you can read further here: Is Caato a Rock-Woman?
”Caato is descendant of Funny Valentine”
WHAT THE- How? I believe this is just a pure crack theory, there is absolutely no basis to strengthen this theory… other than their sorta similar hair curls:
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The second one kinda reminds of Valentine’s under the effect of Tusk Act 4
And a silly word play in which the connection between Valentine and Caato would form the word: "Valentine Card." If you want to use puns, I recommend learning Japanese first! Because the explanation of the name "Caato" as a reference to "Card" is much more complicated than you might think.
Other than that, their links are very far away, one is American and the other is Japanese, one is blonde and the other is dark haired, etc (it is still possible though, considering the generation gap).
Hair curls aside, the hype of Caato’s Stand which often compared to D4C due to the similarity of their theme and mechanism (dimension-based and caught-in-between) might strengthen the relation of her as Valentine’s descendant.
But I think this should not be considered, given that some Stand users with blood relations such as Joseph-Josuke-Jotaro-Jolyne, DIO-Giorno, and Diavolo-Trish, even Caato and her own children (etc), each have Stands whose mechanism, design and theme are very different to each other.
Perhaps this theory was created to validate Caato's relation with the Holy Corpse and her hype as the main villain. However, the main villains in JoJo never had blood relationship between them. Their relationship is only “causal connection”:
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and it should have been connected to “Dio” instead (LOL)
Besides, the curls in Caato's hair are also inconsistent, often not visible or even ignored.
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her hair resembles more like bee abdomen
Also, don’t forget how her hair looked in her first intro:
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where’s the curl? her hair looked very straight
She also has different hairstyle in the past.
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It is not her curls that are consistent, but her “twin buns”. Of course, based on her hairstyle, it will make much more sense to regard her as an AU version of Jolyne than to link her as Valentine’s descendant. Moreover, Araki also put some call-backs such as the name of the prison where she was incarcerated (Stone Ocean), the duration of her sentence (15 years, the initial sentence of Jolyne) and the reason of her incarceration (murder).
And last, this reader again missed (I'm more sure that he deliberately ignored) an obvious fact that Valentine and his wife had no children.
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SBR chapter 61: Both Sides Now - part 2
Maybe this reader used the argument that some characters in JoJo such as Joseph and DIO have illegitimate children they didn't know about. Considering Valentine's willingness to have sex with other woman and his relationship with his wife which implied not so harmonious (he didn't really mind his wife’s death & his wife was a cheater as well), he might accidentally sired bastard child.
But this possibility is not confirmed yet and it will be more ridiculous to use this unproven theory over the canon statement Valentine said in SBR chapter 61!
The idea of Caato as Valentine’s descendant is too silly and ridiculous, I’m gonna laugh my ass off.
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These theories are too far-fetched and extremely forced.
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fauzhee10069 · 5 years
Caato Higashikata, the case of a character getting overhyped
aka. Caato Higashikata, the most overhyped part 8 character or Caato and Jobin, the perfect mother & son duo.
Warning: This contains JoJolion (part 8) spoilers, if you are a fan of JJBA but haven’t caught up yet, I suggest to ignore this post (and/or save it from later). This was written when chapter 92 is the latest chapter in JoJolion. I’m not responsible for future errors and contradictions in this post caused by the retcon from the chapters onwards.
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Yeah, currently she is one of the potential main villains nominated by the fans, besides Jobin and The Head Doctor.
However, lately Caato hasn't made any new appearance, but the hype from her fans is still raging. She is pretty cool character but sometimes her hype is getting annoying lately. It’s similar case with Suiryuu from One-Punch Man back during the Super Fight arc, when his fans were hyping him to be one of Saitama’s greatest threat, even as strong as Boros. Now, what is left is only the meme (“Suiryuu’s leg band is his limiter LOL”) and I don’t want Caato to be left as a meme.
This post is not about bashing Caato, it explains the problem in overhyping her. It contains about my thought about her, how I view her current role, the character study  and how we should take her character at this moment.
Read carefully because if you’re speed-reading, you likely miss my points and accuse that I’m bashing her.
What do you think about Caato?
Why don't you think that she will be the main villain?
What are the common reasons for Caato’s fans who want her to be the main villain and what are your thoughts?
What does Caato really need to be a proper main villain?
How about the other main villain candidates, Head Doctor and Jobin?
So how do you see Caato’s role currently?
How shall we consider Caato’s role right now?
<TL;DR is available at the end of the post>
What do you think about Caato?
Like what I said before, she is pretty cool character. Her first appearance is pretty iconic, when she was just released from prison and she coolly called her son. The way she threw away her wedding ring, symbolizes that she has left the past behind.
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Then when she casually slipped into the Higashikata house, shocking her children and especially her ex-husband, owning Joshu for humiliating her. It’s pretty fun, reminds me of Joseph and Lisa Lisa’s interaction before he realized that she is his mother.
Then came the flashback, about her and Jobin. Her desire to save her son but on the other hand she also had the desire to live a long life. Resulted in her success in saving Jobin and staying alive by sacrificing the lives of stranger’s son, but at the expense of going to prison and becoming a criminal. Thus, sacrificing 15 years of her life, away from her family and freedom. And instead of lamenting, she casually returned to her normal life without considering her ex-husband’s objection while still supporting her son by providing information.
Her design is quite unique and attractive, though I don’t consider her being that hot and enchanting (not on Lisa Lisa and Lucy’s level). Her style and the way she dresses tends to be more eccentric (like any other Higashikatas).
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Yeah, I ended up liking her character. She is normal as a character in JoJo standard but very fun as a mom character in every anime/manga. She is already a fine character, her portrayal is solid. She is already perfect as she is. Therefore, she does not have to be the main villain.
Why don't you think that she will be the main villain?
I have written my reasons before, why I won't like it if she becomes the Main Villain. To be honest, I don’t think her character concept and designation role are suitable for a main villain.
First, her cool introduction. I like how Araki drew the angle and prespective in the day of Caato’s release scene. Her face that partially hidden then the angle trick that only reveal a little hint of how she looks. This surely gives us the vibe of major character, that she would be important in the future. Who is she and what is her role? Not only that, he also drew her fairly attractive in contrast to those ugly extras. The chapter also implied that there is something dangerous will be brought by this character.
Then does this mean that she is main villain? Nope. Araki’s introduction of how the main villain (and other major characters) appears is pretty unpredictable. Remember Lucy Steel? Her first appearance is “she was just there” besides Stephen Steel with no dialogue, her design (and face) also looked pretty generic (with that Steely Dan’s hairstyle). I didn’t expect her to be important, she was just a random girl happened to be Stephen’s eye candy (like Yuuya’s girlfriends). But then, fast forward later, she becomes the best girl in Steel Ball Run with prominent roles. Once she becomes important, Araki also draws her later as the hottest JoJo chick since Lisa Lisa.
Then, there is Sandman. We started the Steel Ball Run chapter with him. We saw his POV, he was greatly misunderstood by his fellow Indians from reading the white men’s books. If you are not familiar with JJBA and just happened to read this chapter as your first introduction to the series, you likely would misunderstand Sandman as the main protagonist. As we all know, the main protagonist must belong to the Joestar’s bloodline.
Then what about Caato and her cool intro? I can guarantee that she is important as a character. That’s all. I think between Caato and Lucy’s introductions, it’s only a matter of when Araki decides the role for his characters.
Conclusion: Caato might be a character with important role, full stop.
Character Background
What is Caato’s background? She is introduced as the mother of four Higashikata children, ex-wife of Higashikata Norisuke IV, the current patriarch of the family and the head of its family business (The Fruit Company). An ex-convict as her interesting background. Kinda weak character background for a main villain imo, but this does not automatically debunk her to be the main villain. Some JoJo main villains have very flashy backgrounds, we got non-human entity like The Pillar Men and that flashy vampire, mafia boss, the priest and U.S president. But we also got a mere salary man who wants a quiet life. Jobin himself is just an heir to his family (and business).
However, let’s compare their respective settings, especially in part 4. Kira Yoshikage is just a salary man with his hand fetish who wants a quiet life. Let’s focus on his salary man part first. While Kira only held such ordinary occupation as a main villain, the setting of part 4 in JoJo doesn't have anyone else in more glorious positions. Okay wrong, there are grandpa Joseph as a real estate tycoon and Jotaro as marine biologist. But what do their careers have to do with the plot and main goal in part 4? Nothing. Those career are not required to chase a serial murderer, it requires Stand users.
What about part 8? At least there are currently two people who hold more prominent occupations than the Higashikata mother and son duo. They are The Head Doctor and Holy Joestar-Kira. There was also Damo as the head of the smuggling cartel in the Locacaca Organization but he was already ruled out from the main villain candidate. Is there any correlation between their occupations and the main theme in part 8? Of course, because the main focus in this part is The Locacaca fruit. Both Head Doctor and Holy have conducted research on the fruit as scientists. Just like Caato and Jobin, all of them need (and are fighting over) that fruit. But Head Doctor and Holy were few steps closer in utilizing the fruit for greater purpose. Not only that, the Head Doctor is also the presumed mastermind of the Locacaca Organization and its members are extremely knowledgeable in the nature of the Locacaca.
Besides come from the rich family who can buy that worth hundreds of billions fruit, the lack of prominent position held by Caato and Jobin weakens their potential as the main villain, but that doesn't mean I eliminate them as candidates.
On the other hand, if I really want a female to be the main villain, surely I would prefer Holy over Caato. Sadly but fortunately (and just as I thought), chapter 92 seems to have debunked Holy as the potential villain.
Conclusion: Caato’s character background got challenged.
Objective and Motivation
What is Caato’s objectives likely? What I know so far are: she wanted to save her son’s life, freeing him from the Rock Disease. But it had been solved in the past. After she got released from prison, she wants the Higashikata’s fortune, to take back what she thinks her right. She holds revenge on her ex-husband due to him abandoned her. Her other possibly objective is helping Jobin to get the New Locacaca fruit to save her grandson, maybe… but so far she is still MIA.
Okay, let’s compare her objective with the other main villain’s candidates. What about The Head Doctor? What exactly is his goal? His goal is not very clear yet, but being the presumed mastermind of the Locacaca organization makes me feel that he has grand plan. We can guess that among of them is to gain the power of the New Locacaca's equivalent exchange along with the refinement of Locacaca fruit for medical applications. Also, his current objective is to secure the New Locacaca for its medicinal properties along with the benefit of at the very least the members of his organization and possibly the Rock Human race at large (implied by Urban Guerrilla).
With this, Caato’s motive becomes very personal and ordinarily plain but also more humane and relatable to us whereas the Head Doctor’s motive sounds more grandiose and idealistic. Though personally, I’m more interested in the Head Doctor’s objective because it sounds more interesting to be challenged by our protagonists. Besides that, I'm also not interested in the Higashikata family drama that Caato will bring likely. To get the family’s fortune and take over its business (by controlling her son ala queen mother?). Why would I bother to read a seinen battle manga with a conflict like this if I could just watch some TV dramas with similar plot? Not that I completely reject this plot, but for me this kind of conflict should not be the main focus (and goal) in this story.
Then, what about Jobin’s objective? He finally got the grafted branch and betrayed the Locacaca group. His priority right now is to save Tsurugi and cure him of the rock disease. He is also motivated to improve his family's business with innovation (with this, he often at odds with his father).
Caato might shares similar goal with Jobin, but for me her motivation to achieve one of her goals (in saving Tsurugi) sounds rather weak. I'm not saying that she doesn't care, of course she cares about her family. But I do not feel that her will to save her grandchild would be as strong as her will to save her son years ago. Because for me the family bond between mother and child is definitely stronger than grandmother and her grandchild.
Unless when she has lost all her children and her grandchild is the only offspring left for her (coughErinacough). Of course at this time Caato does not experience that, all of her children are still well and there. Moreover, we haven't seen her interaction with her grandchild yet, how could she develop a strong bond with him? But for Jobin, he was feeling a great urge to save Tsurugi, a feeling similar to what Caato has felt in “Mother & Child” flashback.
So, Caato’s motivation in fulfilling the objective to save her family is more likely for the sake of Jobin than for Tsurugi. Chances are, she will help Jobin due to her empathy. She might just do anything for her son Jobin, including saving her grandchild Tsurugi. But that is because it started from Jobin who really wanted to save his son. Because her motivation is not based on her own will, but from her son’s urge, this motivation is not suitable for a main villain but perfect for a supportive character (either for villain or protagonist).
But what about Pucci? Isn't his motivation and objective largely due to DIO’s influence? Yeah, that’s true. But in my opinion it is also because Pucci and DIO are already match-made-in-heaven (beginning with their friendship). I mean, they are perfect as friends. Before Pucci met DIO, he was already the person who would do anything he can to accomplish his goals, even kill and manipulate others, because he really believes it is for a greater good for everyone. After DIO influenced his belief, Pucci aspires to implement a plan long formulated by DIO to "achieve heaven" to obtain the true happiness. So, from the beginning they have the same goal and when Pucci can fulfill it (with DIO’s help posthumously), why not?
Even if you are not satisfied by this explanation, let’s say that Pucci and Caato's motivations are equally weak, the role of the main villain still favors Pucci more since DIO is posthumous character in part 6 (which is already dead and only appeared in flashbacks), unlike Caato and Jobin which are both still alive and exist in the storyline. Pucci’s objective also sounds grandiose and idealistic just like The Head Doctor. This is fit for the main villain. He achieved heaven by speeding up the time until the universe reset itself. Then the souls of the living would be transferred over to the 'new' universe. Everyone in the new universe gained a sort of clairvoyance, predicting the events just before they happen, something which Pucci believes is true happiness. Pucci’s desire is to make sure everyone knows about their destiny and have them accept it. Demanding alimony and divorce settlements or saving her family member is relatively small goal compared to attaining heaven.
If so, how about part 4 Kira? He doesn’t have any motivation besides wanting a quiet life with his girlfriend. Again, the theme in part 4 and part 8 is completely different. The main objective of part 4 is to pursue a serial murderer who cleverly manages to hide his identity and crime. That serial murderer is Kira Yoshikage, he is the main target in the story. Prior to become a target, he was casually committing his crime. Only when he realized that people began to hunt for him, he developed his new motivation to protect himself. Then, what is the main focus in part 8? It’s about breaking the curse and the Locacaca fruit. The target is not an individual, but rather an object. If so, how will we get the main villain? Either we get none or it will be someone in a high position and has a very big influence, someone that is closest to take the advantage of that fruit, the biggest mastermind or… character that we’re already very familiar with, Jobin. So, comparing part 4 and part 8 wouldn’t work (besides they took in the same setting).
Conclusion: Caato either needs motivation that will affect many characters or a high ground. It doesn't have to be grandiose, but her motivation must be independent from anyone especially Jobin.
What are the common reasons for Caato’s fans who want her to be the main villain and what are your thoughts?
”Her Stand had space-themed ability, just like D4C.”
Caato's Stand appears to take the form of a simple deck of playing cards. However, by placing an object between two cards of the deck, she can store that object in the deck itself as if nothing was there. She can store objects that are considerably larger than the deck, as seen when she brings forth a chair. Currently, its name is still unknown. “Placing an object between two cards” part kinda reminds of D4C in application. Many people also consider Caato's Stand to be space-themed like D4C. Considering that the main villains’ Stands were time-based on the original verse, many fans assume that the main villain’s Stand in the rebooted SBR verse will be space-themed. Thus, the hype of Caato's Stand and conspiracy theory of Kaato as part 8 main villain began.
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Not only that, Caato also successfully surprised her family when she managed to sneak into his residence suddenly. How can it possible? Did she use her Stand? It's possible, but this is not always the case. Instead of Stand ability, it could just be a simple comedy scene. You can’t really judge the character’s power from a comical scene, do you think that Nami is physically stronger than Luffy just because she can punch him occasionally? Seriously. Judging a character’s power would be more accurate if that happens in a tense/menacing moment. This is just another fun dynamic of The Higashikata family, but this time also featured the mom/grandma. Come on, she just wanted to be reunited with her family.
If you still demand in-universe explanation, well... JJBA has a rule that Stand users with the same bloodline are be able to feel each other's presence. Since all members of the Higashikata family are Stand users, they should be able to sense each other's presence. But as Joseph from part 3 had said that they are unable to tell exactly whom and how many they sense.
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SC chapter 138: DIO’s World - Part 5
if this rule still applies, it would make sense that those Higashikata did not even realize that someone (who is related by blood) had sneaked in their home and they were not aware that their numbers were increasing.
The D4C-alike theory sounds nice but let's look at the facts we have currently: has it been confirmed that Araki will use space as the new theme for his main villain’s Stand? Or will he try out new creative ways by not sticking to the theme? Time-based Stand started in part 3 and we could only see the pattern after at least two villains onwards have the same type of ability. But what about part 1 and part 2? The main villains did not use Stand at that time didn’t have time-based ability, are we going to ignore this possibility in the future?
What I see so far in Caato's Stand is that it works similar to Enigma but limited to her 52 deck of cards, of course it’s still early to judge that its ability is only limited to that, given that the first time we saw D4C, it wasn't very impressive either. But it’s also too soon in hyping that she will demonstrate OP ability. It’s hard to predict whether we will see further into her Stand again or not, but we need to if we really want her to be the main villain. However, problem is that we are getting closer to the climax and end-game. Is there still enough time to hype Caato? Speaking of further abilities, do you remember when Jobin said that there is hidden ability from Speed King that he had not demonstrated yet? Flash forward, we finally have seen more of Speed King ability in his fight with Ojiro.
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In addition, there are also those who say that Caato uses cards as medium for her Stand, her French playing cards are used to symbolize the game and she likely holds the trump card, meaning that she would be the master of the game and likely would be the winner. What is the game? The main plot in part 8: the race of the Locacaca fruit. This also related to her name being named after “Card”. But wait, doesn’t Daiya’s Stand also use a game namely chess as a medium? Even compared to playing cards, chess game is closer to symbolizing strategy and mastermind. Moreover, California King Bed’s ability deals on memory, it's more fitting for mastermind.
Read further: Caato’s Stand and its mechanism so far
”Her eyes look split, she could be rock human, or fusion human like Josuke.”
Due to her strange eyes close up in her first introduction chapter coupled with her youthful look, a quite popular theory emerged that Caato’s having the split eyes like Josuke due to the strange dark shadow in the middle of her iris. Speculation that she is a rock human or fusion human of two individuals like Josuke had sprung up (and it still continues among her fans).
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However when the official colored JoJolion chapters got released, the coloring team didn't color Caato’s eyes in two different colors. Why did they decide that?
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I had tried to break down it and this is the result:
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For further explanation, please click here.
”She looks young and the reproduction between human male and rock-human female is possible now, she could be rock human.”
What about her youthful look? Sure, she indeed looks young for a 52 years old gilf compared to Holy who’s also 52. But unlike Lisa Lisa who is indeed considered to be ageless in the story (being a hamon user, Joseph estimated her being around 20s and was shocked when he discovered that she was actually 50), Caato’s sudden appearance in front of her family only surprised them and made them wonder who she is? No comment about her supposedly youthful look, Hato even immediately mentioned her age correctly.
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Not only that, her youthful look seemed to have been debunked once Holy made her new appearance in recent chapter and she is no less young looking than her. In the end, this is just a matter of Araki’s new art style. In short, Caato’s youthful looking ended up being irrelevant to the plot.
Read further: Caato Higashikata, is she Lisa Lisa 2.0?
Apart from those matters, chapter 81 also stated that rock humans are able to have sex with humans, but they’re always incompatible (相容れない) with them. It’s still not known whether it means “they can’t reproduce” or “conflict will be inevitable”. But chapter 46 actually said in the pages about Rock Humans that they can’t have children with humans. Unfortunatelly, I could not check whether there is a translation error or not because I can’t find the Japanese raw with the size large enough to be able to read the kanji.
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However, recent chapter of JoJolion (99) updated the information regarding the rock-human that only rock-women and humans can have children, but it also showed us how rock-women give birth to their children. If Caato was a rock-human, then that would've meant everyone except Norisuke and Mitsuba were rock-humans, and Tsurugi wouldn't have existed.
Read further: Is Caato a Rock-Woman?
”She got that menacing Aura and she might has hidden agenda, what if she is the mastermind behind all this?”
Based on the theory above, it develops into conspiracy that she becomes the mastermind behind The Locacaca Organization, even she is allegedly the Head Doctor’s superior. I don’t know what basis could have produced this theory other than the assumption that she is a rock human. Could it be due to her menacing aura and being full of mystery? Or how Jobin is being respectful to her? Or maybe is it because her little charm as the officers in the prison like her, because main villain always needs charisma (but Kira and Diavolo). But, of course when you’re leading something, you need charisma (except Diavolo).
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We all know that menacing aura, especially among JoJo females, is not limited to villains or people with very high positions. Remember Lisa Lisa’s cold glare to Joseph during his pillar training?
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Or Yukako’s horror aura to Koichi in that window scene which is so iconic till it becomes a meme?
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Even though menacing Caato looks the best thanks for Araki’s evolving art style, her simple cold glare and menacing aura do not guarantee her to be the main villain… just not enough yet. Yeah sure, her family were wary of her, but it's more because Hato heard the little info about her mother that she was in prison for a murder that she doesn’t recall the full story, Joshu was wary of this unknown woman and Norisuke IV was surprised to her sudden arrival as she did not notify him first. Nothing about her being ultra dangerous.
What about Jobin’s respect for her? Isn't it nice to have a main villain who is well respected… by one person? Why is being respected by Jobin making her potential main villain? Most likely because after all this time the fans predicted Jobin as the main villain, they saw at him as he is subject to her. I think the train of thought like this is still too hasty. For me what's wrong with a child respecting his mother? Of course Caato deserves his respect, she is a loving mother, wanting to save her son’s life from the rock disease. It might sound selfish since she didn't want to sacrifice her life but it’s also very humane. Perhaps she thought that Jobin shouldn’t lose his mother figure too young. Moreover, Jobin is not the only child she had. What about his younger siblings if they have to live without their mother. Although this very ironic, because despite being alive, she eventually left her children and made them grow up without mother figure. Jobin’s respect to his mother is exactly the same as Joseph’s respect to his grandma Erina.
Then, since Jobin shows his respect to Caato, there is also emerging rumor that Caato is controlling Jobin as the mastermind. Does this mean that all this time Jobin's actions have been under her control? How is that possible? Since Jobin might had been the only child who had ever visited her in prison, do you think she often instructed him to do something at that time? So far, have we really seen Caato give any instructions to him? I do not remember. What I can remember the most is when she called and warned Jobin that:
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“There is something fishy between Norisuke IV and Josuke but actually I don't really know what. I was married with him for years so I know his habits. There must be something your father is hiding now, you must be careful!” (JJL ch 59 "Dolomite's Blue Lagoon - part 1")
What I really take in her character based on this scene is that she is very supportive mom, taking her time to help Jobin while she also has her own business with Norisuke IV, not controlling him. This reminds me of Yoshihiro’s role in part 4. She even caught their suspicious behavior from them based on her spending time with Norisuke IV as his wife. This kind of intuition commonly can be felt by any married women, no need to be the mastermind to be able to do it.
Is it possible that Caato is the true mastermind? How does she take care of her organization? If indeed she is secretly managing a secret organization, since when? If it's been a long time and she was very busy with it, why did she married a human who is fruit parlor owner, wasting her life for around 17 years and produced 4 children with him? For what purpose? How does she manage of her organization while hiding this fact from her family?
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”Surely she was very busy managing the organization.”
If it's been since she was being incarcerated, how was it done? More importantly, does Jobin know? If Caato is indeed leading a secret organization, there's still a lot we need to see: what kind of organization is that? How does Caato run it? What is its main goal? Who are the members? When will they begin to act?
I also hate when they treat Caato as if she is omniscient. One thing that is certain is that she did not know about Mamezuku Rai, the plant appraiser employed by Norisuke IV a year after she was incarcerated (unless Jobin tells her later). Then:
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This could have double meaning as well, either she really just learned that the house has been renovated or simply commented about the renovation (I still bet the former). Take a note that the renovation was done 2 years ago (she was still incarcerated atm). But if Caato already knew about renovation (and that shaddy business), how could she not figure out the details of Norisuke IV and Josuke’s secret plans?
As for Locacaca, we still don’t know whether Caato knows about it or not. However, Holy is already ahead of her as Holy even tried to do scientific analysis of it.
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Lastly, I also don't think that Caato is really that powerful (as in influence/not Stand) as she was unable to get out of prison earlier (unless you argue that she did it on purpose). Even being a model prisoner didn’t grant her remission. In fact, I become suspicious, is there anyone who intentionally keep her in prison?
”Caato is the true mastermind who led/works with Damokan group as Jobin is just a gofer.”
There is also theory that Caato is the true mastermind from Higashikata family who works with Damokan group in money-laundering and smuggling the Locacaca, instead of Jobin. How so? I bet the theory was born because of this little panel:
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They said the timeline with Jobin does not match, I don’t know it doesn’t match with what? I guess it’s about the time between “when Jobin first met Damokan group” and when “Kira discovered Rock Humans’ existence and their illegal fruit business”. Regarding the timeline, actually I've just compiled the timeline of JoJolion events. The thing is that Jobin met Damokan group around 2008 whereas Kira discovered the Rock Humans & it’s shady business in 2009. The key panels here:
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JJL chapter 30: King Nothing
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JJL chapter 72: The Northern Higashikata Estate, The Orchard
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JJL chapter 49: Hato-chan Brought a Boyfriend Over – part 3
So, the time is still match if Jobin is the one who started cooperating with Damokan group. Even if Caato was the actual perpetrator, shouldn't she was still in prison at the time? Can you guarantee that she can act in the outside world while incarcerated? If we look at her backstory, we don't see her using her Stand at all, so we can assume that she didn't have Stand yet at the time (or that her Stand was useless).
They said that this could be a hint:
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I think she just meant: “I was helping your business too, how dare you ignore my merits just because I went to prison?”
Her claim that she also helped the family business running smoothly for 15 years is a hint that relates to smuggling, perhaps because the 15 years she said happened to coincide with the length of time she was in prison. However, this word still have double meaning, it’s still possible that 15 years she meant is the time during her marriage with Norisuke IV prior to her incarceration and divorce. When she got arrested, Jobin was a teenager who was around 15 or older (hm… actually he was 17 at the time).
Even if her 15 years of contribution was done during her time in prison, how is that automatically related to the smuggling of Locacaca? I don’t think that Damokan group started operating as long as 15 years ago, at least there is no hint yet that the Rock Humans (and Locacaca) had been invading Morioh 15 years ago.
Read further: 
JoJolion Cardspiracy: Caato and Damokan group
What actually happened in Mamezuku Rai’s past? (chapter 99 spoilers)
”She already got her flashback.”
First, what is the purpose of flashback? Flashback is a literary device in a story that provides some background information on events, situations or a character's past history; flashback’s often used to reveal some important truth about a character's past. Have we ever seen Kaato on a flashback? Yes, on JoJolion chapter 64 “Mother & Child”. What did we get from that chapter? The reason why Caato went to prison. She wanted to cure Jobin of his Rock Disease through Equivalent Exchange without sacrificing her life. When a random boy (who bullied Jobin) was dying (due to Speed King’s attack), that's when the opportunity arrived. Jobin successfully cured and Caato was still alive. Alas a few years later the boy's body was found and Caato became the only suspect (and went to prison).
The question is: who is this flashback about? Certainly Jobin and Caato. But who does this flashback actually belong to? If we look at whose point of view was being used in this flashback, this actually used Jobin’s point of view. How so? Surely this flashback have been told by Tsurugi’s POV. But let's think of it, where did he hear this story from? Certainly from his father who is none other than Jobin. It makes no sense if Tsurugi got this story directly from Caato, Tsurugi is currently 10 years old whereas Caato was incarcerated 15 years ago.
That sounds possible, but are you sure? Unless Tsurugi ever visited her grandma in prison so that Caato got a chance to tell him this story in her version. But I can tell that chapter “Mother & Child” uses Jobin’s perspective. At the beginning of the flashback we saw Jobin and Caato in one location. They were still in the same place until Jobin finally joined the scout group. After that we see how Jobin was bullied by the Boy-scout Bully.
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Until finally the bully got attacked by Speed King and Jobin rushed to his house and went to see Caato in a panic. Jobin who was deeply scared and did not know what to do really needed his mother’s help. That's when we see Caato took an action and made her decision to do equivalent exchange for Jobin. Jobin had constantly been seen in this flashback whereas there was moment where we didn't see Caato. We have never seen what she was doing when Jobin was away.
The flashback tells us nothing about Caato or Jobin’s motivations, but it serves well in showing the growth of a certain character. Who is it? Of course it’s Jobin. What we got from Caato is that she wanted to save her son but also wanted to stay alive, she succeeded but had to pay for her action by going to prison, full stop. What we got from Jobin is that this incident and what his mother had done have evoked his ambition, he aspires to do innovation for his family business, expanding the trade, getting rid of his competitors and elevating his family’s social standing, to be on top. Despite her absent for 15 years, Caato is the parent who had the biggest influence on Jobin, becoming what he is today.
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If to be a main villain requires flashback, sadly this is not her flashback, this one belong to Jobin. Most people focus on the theme of Stand ability as the main villain pattern. If we really rely on pattern to determine the main villain, we shouldn’t forget the flashback that shows the growth of main villain, aka childhood flashback.
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Then, whose childhood flashback did we get in part 8? Of course it’s Jobin, again.
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Read further: Caato Higashikata, 34 chapters (8 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
What does Caato really need to be a proper main villain?
Her own motivation which does not depend on anyone and will affect all players on the game
In her case, a motivation that is not shared with Jobin and the motivation/objective that will interconnect with other characters, affecting their actions and in this part 8, it shall be related to the Locacaca.
The Higashikata alimony dispute can’t be the main villain’s objective because that objective will only have an internal impact on the Higashikata family, not on the Head Doctor, Holy’s side and Locacaca Organization. The desire to cure her grandchild Tsurugi which requires Locacaca is also not good enough to be her main villain’s motivation because it more belongs to Jobin. Caato requires motivation that comes from her individually and that is not the kind of motivation "to help muh family."
However, those two motivations/objectives do not devalue Caato as a character, the alimony dispute makes her stand out as a character that has her own motivation and doesn’t depend on other characters. Helping Jobin will make her a very supportive character that's a solid role.
Flashback that really tells about her, preferably her childhood (or at least her origin that is outside the Higashikata)
We still need to know more about her a lot, where was she born from and where was her social standing prior to her married life with the Higashikata? How was her childhood life? Her origin? Why did she marry Norisuke IV? And most importantly what past events caused her to be the individual we know today?
How her current position can work to achieve her goals
Will being an ex-convict and Higashikata widow really help her achieve her goals? If not, is there any other status/position that she is currently hiding?
Further ability of her Stand
We need to know the name of her Stand and what else it can do? Of course she also needs ability that must be very difficult to be challenged to by most Stand users.
How about the other main villain candidates, Head Doctor and Jobin?
Head Doctor Akefu (Tooru?)
The head doctor (which his real identity might be Tooru) already seemingly has a grand objective that sounds grandiose and idealistic. A rock human being, allegedly he was the leader of the Locacaca Organization and the mastermind. Even if it’s false, as The Head Doctor working in T.G. University Hospital, it was clear that he’s holding a high position. His Stand, 「Wonder of U」 is already considered dangerous, seeing how our protagonists are struggling with it.
However, his real identity and his origin as an individual is still unknown, his personal motive is also still in the dark. How about his personality? What things he likes? What is his hobby? His relationship with other characters? Daily habits outside his role as villain? 
Even so, slowly but surely, his identity is being revealed. Chapter after chapter increasingly assures us that Tooru will be the actual “Head Doctor” that is undercover. Chapter 99 confirmed that he is a rock-human and also the perpetrator who ruined Rai's family & his life in the past. It's clear that Tooru also wants New Locacaca. It’s also implied that being a rock-human, he is older than he looks, which means that there is still a possibility that we will see his connection with the pasts that have not been revealed yet. We need to see more about him and I’m sure we will, because Araki is putting his focus on Tooru’s character arc right now.
Jobin Higashikata
We already know who he is and are pretty familiar with him, we know what thing he likes, his relationship with his family, and his background is pretty clear. We have seen his flashback, we also have seen plenty enough about Speed King. The motivation is not grandiose and idealistic but very humane, he only cares to his family and it’s always about his family. He has a pretty good standing but his position making his relation with the Locacaca less direct compared to Head Doctor. Although he is my best main villain candidate, he is still a wild card in reality. He is closer to be a villain but there is also possibility that he would be reluctant ally for Josuke.
So how do you see Caato’s role currently?
Despite her relatively small appearance, Araki really wrote her character pretty well. We can see a little of her personality, her little background and her relationship with her family. I’ve seen her own motivation as stand-alone individual. Her character is humane and relatable, wanting to save her son while wanting to stay alive as well. Her character is established based on the mother’s role. Like all mothers, she was willing to sacrifice her life for her son. However, her action makes an interesting contrast to Norisuke IV and his mother, both of them chose to sacrifice their own lives. By sacrificing other people's lives, she might be seen as a selfish person. But perhaps because she had more than one child, she needed to stay alive so that they won’t lose their mother figure too young. Eventually she had to pay for her action by going to prison as another form of her sacrifice. Ironically, her selfish way in saving Jobin made her lose 15 years of mother role for her children. Nevertheless, she readily accepted that consequence.
Caato is the parent who earned Jobin’s respect more than Norisuke IV. Her sacrifice (which Norisuke IV did not do) had a huge influence on Jobin and his growth, her action had shaped him, making him the man we know today. Even at this present time, as a mother, she remains supportive for Jobin by trying to warn him and provide him information as best as she could. Jobin often mentions her positively.
Caato’s portrayal might be largely based on the mother’s role, but her characterization doesn’t always revolve around her being a mother. This is shown by her personal intention who wants half of the Higashikata fortune as the payback for her sacrifice. She wants to take back what's rightfully hers.
Only appeared in a few chapters, Araki successfully wrote Caato as a solid character. As a character with "the mom" role, she is already in relatively high tier compared to the other JoJo moms. Regarding her role against the protagonists, she is still the wild card. We do not know yet whether she will fight them or help them later, what's clear is that she's on Jobin’s side.  However, I agree with JoJo wikia which compares her role to Yoshihiro (part 4 Kira’s dad).
How shall we consider Caato’s role right now?
I think we should just wait and see, surely she is an interesting character. There is nothing wrong in wanting a female gets a major role, especially as the main villain. Because so far we have never gotten a female as the main villain in JJBA and this is the era where a lot of entertainment media become "woke" and sided with feminism. However in Caato’s character, her potential to be main villain is still weak and not visible yet, although I feel there is already the potential of her to be a villain. My suggestion is we should treat her as a wild card character for the moment.
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So for those of you who want Caato to be the main villain, please shut up, just wait and see! Stop overhyping her in every JoJo thread that she will be the main villain, at least don't treat her like she already is, especially when JoJolion's focus is on the Head Doctor right now. Sure, I still want to see more of Caato again as I believe that her role is not finished yet.
To be honest, I also want a JoJo main villain to be female, but with how Caato was created and established, I don’t think that she is set to be the main villain. Sure, it's still too early to say, if indeed Araki would make her the main villain, hopefully he could play it correctly. I also want to see a female main villain in JJBA, but I won’t be disappointed if the main villain we get in this part 8 is another man. Because honestly, I don’t want JJBA becomes woke just for the sake being woke by putting political correctness and feminist agenda over the quality of storyline.
Caato are you ok?
So, Caato are you ok?
Are you ok Caato?
They don’t want you
They don’t think you
Will be main villain
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”I’m okay, so what?”
TL;DR: Caato is already a well written character, she doesn’t have to be the main villain to make her standing out and be a prominent character, not being the main villain doesn't make her lack of anything. It’s fine if you hype her as the main villain but we still need to see her further. So please don't tell us that she will definitely become the one as if it becomes a fact.  There is still long way to go and we need to see more of her.
See also:
The legit hype Caatofags once had
JoJolion: The Main Villain and The Red Herrings
JoJolion timeline LOG
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Caato Higashikata, 36 chapters (9 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
“Ah shit, here we go again.”
Sister post: Caato Higashikata, 32 chapters (8 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
Sorry to finally break my promise about not roasting Caato’s hype once again. Despite her total absence, the hype still continues thanks to “the idea of Caato as a rock-woman getting popular once again.”
This also brings me back to my other post about “JoJolion: The Main Villain and The Red Herrings”. Those Caatofags once thought that Jobin was just a red herring, now they also think that Tooru is a red herring as well. They still believe that Caato is behind Damokan Group's shady business (which I am trying to fix by tying her to Rai's past instead).
With her very limited appearance and information (thanks for being 36 chapters MIA), actually the points that resulted in her hype as the main villain have not changed at all. I have also explained those several times in my previous posts until I'm getting tired by them.
”Caato is behind Damokan group.”
Caato’s first appearance was after the end of Damokan Group which led to “Caato as the mastermind behind the cooperation of Higashikata and Damokan group.”
“Caato’s Stand is similar to D4C.”
Caato used her Stand in the form of French playing cards and displayed space manipulation in its ability which led to “Caato’s Stand is D4C 2.0 because the main villains’ ability in SBR verse has space manipulation as a theme in contrast to the OG verse which has time manipulation as the theme.”
Before we talk about Caato’s Stand, let’s focus on this premise first:
because the main villains’ ability in SBR verse has space manipulation as a theme in contrast to the OG verse which has time manipulation as the theme
To be honest, this argument alone, has it been proven?? Let’s review the main villains’ ability in OG verse, from part 1 to part 6:
Dio Brando (part 1): vampirism through the stone mask, Jonathan Joestar countered it using hamon, a technique that is deadly to supernatural beings. This part has nothing to do with time manipulation.
Kars & The Pillar Men (part 2): one of those supernatural and immortal beings, The Pillar Men. They’re above those vampires but susceptible to sunlight, they eat vampires (& humans too). They created the stone masks for that purpose as well. Kars was looking for a way to become immune to the sunlight, he needed Red Stone Aja (which was in Lisa Lisa’s possession atm) to achieve that. He finally became the ultimate being and got a whole ‘nother level of superhuman abilities but time manipulation. Joseph Joestar defeated him using hamon as well plus his wits. This part has nothing to do with time manipulation.
DIO (part 3): entered the Stand era. DIO has his vampirism and 「The World」, a Stand with “time stop” ability. Kujo Jotaro countered it using his Stand: 「Star Platinum」which actually has the same ability (time stop). This is the first part that has something to do with time manipulation.
Kira Yoshikage (part 4): his Stand, 「Killer Queen」did not have “time manipulation” ability, rather it has explosion-based ability until his Stand had evolved and developed new ability: 「Killer Queen: Bites The Dust」with “time loop” ability. This part has something to do with time manipulation only during the climax (later part of the story).
Diavolo (part 5): 「King Crimson」since the beginning has “time skip” ability, with 「Epitaph」as a complement which has the ability of clairvoyance. Besides “time manipulation” (which this part definitely has), this part also has a very deep "fate" theme. Giorno Giovanna countered his villain using his ultra hax 「Gold Experience Requiem」which reset the fate to zero. I personally prefer to say that the major Stands in this part have "fate manipulation" ability: 「King Crimson」, 「Silver Chariot Requiem」, and「Gold Experience Requiem」.
Enrico Pucci (part 6): his Stand is kinda similar to part 4, he started with 「Whitesnake」which has “steal no dignity” ability (memories & Stands), then evolved into 「C-Moon」with “gravity manipulation” ability and then 「Made In Heaven」which finally has “time acceleration” ability. Therefore this part also has something to do with time manipulation only during the climax (later part of the story). However, this part also has “fate/destiny” theme through MIH and its ending as well.
Conclusion: the “time manipulation” in OG verse is only valid from part 3 and 6, and it’s not just as simple as “the main villains have time manipulation Stands” as we can see in the case of Kira (part 4) and Pucci (part 6). Broadly speaking, I actually see the "fate/destiny" theme in each part.
Now let’s review the main villain’s ability in SBR verse (which unfortunately there is only one at the moment), Funny Valentine and his 「D4C」 (part 7):
「D4C」in the beginning has the ability of “dimensional hoop”, it allows different parallel worlds/dimensions to co-exist at the same time and/or in the same place. It also allows its user to visit these parallel worlds/dimensions and interact with them. The condition to go to the other dimensions is by putting himself or sending the others to be caught between two objects. 
Caato’s Stand which has similar mechanism with D4C (caught between two objects) is the reason that makes those Caatofags believe that her Stand is D4C 2.0.
Later, Valentine had his Stand evolved into 「D4C: Love Train」, which has “misfortune redirection” ability. Once again, it’s related to “fate/destiny” theme.
I have explained about how Caato’s Stand actually works, not by pure speculation, but with her existing feats. I have also discussed the potential ability it might have without exaggerating it:
Caato’s Stand and its mechanism so far
Here’s what a Caatofag said:
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Even they are not sure yet that “space-dimensional manipulation” will be the theme for the main villains in SBR verse. Then, why are they so sure that Caato could be the main villain with her so called “space-dimensional” Stand?
I have also compared her Stand with the Stands mentioned by him/her above: 「Cream」, 「Sticky Fingers」, 「The Hand」, 「Enigma」and「Man in the Mirror」, they also have similar “space-dimensional manipulation” abilities. 「Cream」is the only “space-dimensional” Stand in part 3 and this doesn't mean anything. 「The World」is not the only Stand with “time manipulation” ability because 「Star Platinum」exists yet it is still the Stand of the main villain (DIO). What about 「Bites The Dust」and 「Made In Heaven」when「Star Platinum: The World」 also exists in those parts?
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Like I said before, I see the "fate/destiny" theme in every JoJo parts more than the “time” and “space”. Let’s talk about Tooru whom those Caatofags consider him less prominent than her. His Stand 「Wonder of U」 since the beginning has the “misfortune redirection” ability which reminds me of 「D4C: Love Train」.
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Wouldn't that make a better parallel than Caato and her D4C 2.0? Let me drop this once again:
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In short:
Caato’s Stand has “space-dimensional manipulation” ability: confirmed
The main villains in SBR verse will have “space-dimensional” ability as theme: unconfirmed
Every main villains since part 3 to part 7 have humanoid Stands: confirmed
Caato’s Stand has humanoid form: unconfirmed
”Caato is a female rock-human.”
Which I already explained mostly in my posts:
The Wildest Theories of Caato
Is Caato a Rock-Woman?
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That’s why I consider her youthful look to be just a fan-service to us (readers) rather than have any significance to the plot.
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Yeah, and I wonder why all of sudden the information we got in chapter 99 related to Caato instead of Tooru whom obviously we saw during the end of the narrative about rock-humans?
Besides, things that are still not answered yet:
Is there any difference from rock-women when they are carrying rock-babies (sired by rock-men) and babies sired by human males?
What kinds of babies result from reproduction between human males and rock-women? A human babies, rock-babies or crossbreeds?
What are the characteristics of the crossbreeds that can distinguish them from carbon-based humans and silicon-based rock-humans?
Because there is still a zero hint about Caato being a rock-woman: we saw her pregnant like any normal human female (irl), we saw that she has affection to her children (like any mother would), her youthful look has no relevance to the plot other than a fan-service to us.
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Still, Caatofags move on to the aesthetic point by saying that her hair resembles a wasp abdomen which coincidentally, the wasps were involved in rock-humans’ growth in chapter 99. Caatofags literally said that “Caato’s hair which resembles wasp abdomen has something to do with the growth of the rock-humans.” They even go so far as to argue that the “abdomen” is a part of the body that reflects “motherhood”, the wasps in chapter 99 have played the role of as “surrogate mom” to the rock-babies because their mother had little affection to them and abandoned them. Caato is a mother, this has something to do with her.
Though it sounds very deep after being put together, let me show you how “aesthetic meaning” hardly gives a weight to your theory (than actual narration): click.
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Just like in my previous post, Caatofags also linked the allegation of her as a rock-woman with Higashikata's family curse. Thanks to (still a) speculation of Caato as rock-woman, they also suggested that her children: Jobin, Hato, Joshu and Daiya are half rock-humans as well (crossbreeds). What is the proof? Only Jobin who had been affected by the rock-disease in the past? It has long been told that it only affected to the first born (Norisuke IV, Jobin and Tsurugi) and some women (Rina and Holy) whom I guess were the first born as well.
Then Caatofags claim that it is the work of genetic in which children born later acquired fewer genes and become recessive, that’s why Hato, Joshu and Daiya are unaffected. Is this how genetic really works? Why Alexei who was born later was the one who got hemophilia? It has nothing to do with being born sooner or later.
Till their excuse is: ��it’s a fiction, just suspend your disbelief!” Even it is a fiction, we still don’t have the basis of how the gene of rock-humans’ crossbreed actually works. How can I suspend my disbelief to a fictional fact that doesn’t even exist?
By the way, I have a feeling that the genetics in rock-disease will probably work more similar to the genetics in Joestar's birthmark.
“The crossbreeding between a rock-human & regular human must have something to do with Higashikata's family curse.”
I also believe in this, but must this also involve Caato? Rock-disease has been a thing ever since little Norisuke IV got it in the past, and perhaps his father too. It's been said that Rina (Johnny’s wife) was affected too, which means that the family curse existed long before Norisuke IV was born. Therefore those Caatofags argue that Norisuke IV is a descendant of rock-human as well. Yeah, I also suspect that Norisuke I's wife, Teru could be a rock-woman. Still, it has nothing to do with Caato.
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And if we truly need a full-blooded rock-human to be physically present for the finale, it doesn't have to be Caato, it can be anyone, it can be Tooru.
In short:
Caato has a youthful look like Lisa Lisa: unconfirmed
The rock-disease has been around since the early generation of Higashikata: confirmed by Rina
Jobin, Hato, Joshu and Daiya are half rock-humans: unconfirmed
Norisuke IV is a descendant of rock-human: unconfirmed
”Caato as a rock-human has connection to Locacaca.”
There is still missing link between Caato and the Locacaca, which serves as the main focus in JoJolion. Caatofags also try to make it up using (still) speculations they have created and tied them together.
First, by connecting her to the illicit business conducted by Damokan Group. Where is the hint that Caato is indeed connected with Damokan Group? It’s still Zero. Her “15 years contribution” claim? There is absolutely no indication that her statement could be linked to Damokan Group or even any rock-humans.
I think the main key here is Jobin, he was the one who had been secretly associated with Damokan Group. After that, we see that he's still in touch with Caato (as she contacted Jobin the first time she got released). Jobin is treated by Caatofags like an intermediary between Caato and Damokan Group, is that correct? It’s possible but there is still no proof at all. It's just like Jobin has two acquaintances, his two acquaintances do not necessarily know each other. Think like this:
Big Smoke is associated with the Grove Street Families, he also works with Tenpenny. Does that mean GSF and Tenpenny have mutual relationship? Nope, they were even enemies.
- GTA San Andreas
Note: Big Smoke in this example is Jobin, not Caato.
We still need further hint that Caato does have a relationship with rock-humans gang apart from using Jobin as a sole reason.
By believing Caato to be a rock-woman (which is still unproven), Caatofags are already looking for a reason why she might have used the Locacaca at some point. They make a question of how Caato hid her “hibernation period” which led them to believe that she consumed Locacaca to “stay awake”.
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Rock-humans’ hibernation happens at different times depending on the individual and will last anywhere from 30 to 90 days but after waking up, a rock-human won't sleep again for at least two months.
These three premises are also being used as backups for the theory:
Caato was able to perform the penal hard labor for 15 years and became the model prisoner. (chapter 55 and chapter 64)
“If I lose focus for even a moment, my skin becomes hard like rock and I sleep and sleep…” said Aishō (chapter 42)
Yotsuyu was able to cure the dog Iwasuke of the rock-disease by feeding it a piece of a Locacaca. (chapter 32)
Then, he has drawn the conclusion that “Caato used Locacaca so as not to lose focus and break her rock body”, it is the case of “fallacy of exclusive premises” to be honest. Two premises cannot give a logical foundation for a conclusion, as they will invariably be independent statements that cannot be directly related.
Why? Because the fact that Caato became a model prisoner may have nothing to do with the mechanism of rock-humans’ body or her being a rock-woman, every normal humans could be model prisoners like Caato, this statement should have weakened the possibility of her being a rock-woman. Ironically, this conflicting fact is instead being used to create the excuse that as a rock-human (which is still unconfirmed), Caato needs Locacaca to achieve this.
Aishō described the consequences as rock-humans if they ignore the hibernation period, Yotsuyu was able to cure the dog Iwasuke of the rock-disease by feeding it a piece of a Locacaca. These two premises seem to be related in which we can conclude that: "the skin that has become hard like rock can be healed by Locacaca".
However, they missed the story in chapter 42 where Aishō had to leave his then girlfriend for several months because of his hibernation as a rock-human. If Locacaca can restore rock-like hardened skin, why didn't Aishō use it? As a member of Damokan Group, wasn't it very easy for him to get the fruit? Why should he bother being honest with her if he had a big chance of hiding that fact.
It seemed that whoever made this theory had completely failed to understand the abilities of the Locacaca fruit or purposely ignored certain plots.
But Aishō was just a mere underling to the group whereas Caato “might be” the mastermind!? The idea of her as the mastermind itself is still unconfirmed theory. Again, we go in circles.
Also, if she really needed to hide it, it means she had been doing it since she first married to Norisuke IV (at least). That also means that Locacaca had been in her possession since that. She should have known that Locacaca could be used for equivalent exchange.
Little Jobin was affected by his rock-disease, why didn’t Caato used Locacaca? She just used equivalent exchange on Higashikata’s land, just like her mother-in-law, Tomoko in the past. We didn’t see any Locacaca in her possession there. Yeah, Locacaca alone is not effective solution to cure him, but why didn't she try to combine it with the land's equivalent exchange ability?
If she is indeed a rock-woman, shouldn't a rock-human know better of how Locacaca works than any regular human? Because like Urban Guerilla had said that “Locacaca works better to the rock-humans,” isn't Jobin also part of rock-human (as Caatofags would like to believe)? It might work better to him.
Besides, since when did Caato start hiding her identity as a rock-woman? Only 15 years during her incarceration? I don’t think so, because Norisuke IV only found out about rock-humans' existence after his fight with Josuke against Yotsuyu in chapter 32.
Therefore logically Caato had also hidden her status as rock-woman from her family, meaning that she used the Locacaca to fight off her hibernation way before 15 years ago. So logically, Locacaca should had been in Caato's possession since her marriage to Norisuke IV, including during the flashback in chapter 64.
In short, chapter 32, chapter 42 and chapter 64 should contradict this theory instead!
At this point, I feel bad for those Caatofags. Well, let me give them a little hope. Remember my joke post about the growth of Higashikata children?
Childhood in Higashikata, growth problem or possible retcon age?
What if the growth problem of Higashikata children in their childhood was related to their (supposedly) rock-humans’ gene? I was thinking that it was caused by the rock-disease, but why the slow growth also affected little Hato? However, this theory also has a bit little flaw since baby Daiya looked quite normal as human baby (unlike that tiny rock-baby). Unless, you argue again that crossbreed babies work like that (in which again… it’s still unconfirmed).
A Caatofag’s delusion
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Yeah, she is clearly opposing her ex-husband (and regarded Josuke as a freeloader), but how can calling Jobin because she was suspecting Norisuke IV turned into “outstanding manipulation” that led up to the most recent event? You credited her too much LOL! She was just calling her son because she noticed her ex-husband’s habit which she knows because she had lived with him for a long time (a less impressive ability compared to Terunosuke’s). She didn't even know what he was hiding. She used her deductive skill that Josuke was about meeting someone because she saw him bringing a phone, it was a smart thing but not that extraordinary.
Her being the mastermind orchestrating anything is still your imagination, because any reason you have that she got in touch with rock-humans & Locacaca through Damo/Jobin… and that she is a rock-woman have not been proven nor hinted at all. Besides, Dolomité and Poor Tom did not care about Jobin’s safety, which contradicts the notion of them being her underlings. Would Caato let Jobin be in danger? What does her backstory in chapter 64 mean to you? Caato called Jobin because she supported him, not because she manipulated him. I think you read her character wrong.
At this point, Tooru more likely indirectly lead The Head Doctor gang than Caato.
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It is your opinion that is silly for me. Did you just say that Caato’s 「unnamed French playing cards D4C wannabe Stand」 is superior to 「Wonder of U」?
You brought up 「Cream」, 「Green Day」, 「Underworld」and 「Civil War」… why did you also mention 「C-Moon」? It’s Pucci the main villain’s Stand for God’s sake!
I don’t think 「Cream」 is comparable to 「Wonder of U」because when 「Cream」was menacing to Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy, 「WOU」has affected almost all parties involved in the struggle of Locacaca in JJL. Then, how can we expect 「Cream」 to be main villain Stand? Jotaro's party had been pursuing DIO as their main objective since the beginning, we all know that DIO is the main villain and his Stand is not 「Cream」. Vanilla Ice is not DIO, therefore he is not the main villain.
The same thing also applies to 「Green Day」, part 5 since the beginning is about uncovering the mafia boss’ identity. Cioccolata as GD’s user was clearly not the main villain, since he had been introduced as Unita Speciale’s member and got ordered by The Boss. 「Underworld」 as well, with how Donatello was introduced, of course he wouldn't have a super big role in part 6.
Do you seriously believe that Tooru, who is clearly a rock-human, who has “The Head Doctor Akefu” as his Stand, which said Stand posed as the leader of his gang and also has prominent position in T.G.U Hospital is a mere pawn to Higashikata Caato who still has zero hint that she is connected to the rock-humans and Locacaca?
I am also tired with the "thematically relevance" that you cherish so much. I might as well advise you to study the basic of writing a fiction and how “story progression” works. How is Tooru not thematically tied in the core idea of part 8? He is a rock-human, he wants Locacaca (the center in this part), and it’s heavily implied that he has mother issue (chapter 99).
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You got it wrong honey, if Caato is the main villain because of that, may as well have Kira Holy Joestar as the main protagonist instead of Josuke.
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And you got it right, kudos for you.
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The order of character introductions has nothing to do in determining the main villain, stupid. It is their role, how they’re related to the main story, their motivation, their actions that affect the protagonist, etc.
Again, you used the argument that Caato was in contact with Damo through Jobin, the thing that I have explained so many times how far-fetched the theory is because it still lacks concrete proof.
Jobin worked with Dolomité and Poor Tom, but both ended up betraying him and the later almost killing him for a branch. If Caato was orchestrating this event, why would AGAIN she let Jobin in near death situation? Mind you it was not just Jobin, but his son (her grandson) and his siblings (aka her other children) were affected by Ozon Baby as well.
If you argue that Caato lacks affection to her children because she is a rock-woman, reread her backstory in chapter 64! Why would she be willing to let a child die and go to prison for the sake of Jobin if she doesn't have any love to him?
Besides, the Ozon Baby arc would only make Caato look like an idiot mastermind if she was truly behind it.
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At least you treated it as “opinion” rather forced “fact”, I may as well respect your opinion. But I hope your opinion is wrong, because that would really make a bad writing which I pray Araki won’t do.
Why Tooru works better than Caato
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It is sad that Caatofags underplay Tooru’s Stand 「Wonder of U」 for the sake of Caato’s unnamed Stand which has only one trait in common with D4C (caught-in-between) and mostly works like 「Enigma」.
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A main villain is the source or main threat to a conflict, if we go by that definition the Head Doctor (or Tooru if he's the actual mastermind) could be considered the main antagonist of part 8. It's similar to what Araki did in SBR. There's a main villain (Valentine/HD) and a sorta rival/villain guy (Diego/Jobin).
It is sad that despite Head Doctor Akefu aka 「Wonder of U」has been confirmed as Tooru’s Stand (or at least he has connection to it), despite being confirmed as a rock-human as well, despite his knowledge about the Saint, which makes him closer to be the true mastermind behind Head Doctor gang and the conspiracy of New Locacaca, Caatofags underplay him for the sake of Caato’s still non-existent connection to all of this, just because of being Jobin’s mom, being a call-back to Lisa Lisa (and Jolyne) and being menacing to her ex-husband.
TL;DR Please, Caatofags… just stop! All the hype you've done for Caato at this point has only been damaging her character. The act of over-glorifying her only makes her existing solid role feel worthless. Not only that, you’re also underplaying the other characters’ role & purpose numerous times for the sake of glorifying her.
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I'm not saying that the notion of wanting Caato as the main villain is absolutely wrong, but all these assumptions and made up theories, why can’t you just wait until more stuff actually happens to her?!
0 notes
fauzhee10069 · 4 years
JoJolion Cardspiracy: Caato as the mastermind behind the cooperation of Higashikata and Damokan group
The theory that is still popular among Caatofags is that Caato is the real mastermind behind the collaboration between Higashikata and Damokan group. How can this theory develop?
The timing of Caato’s first appearance
She appeared just after Damo was eliminated. Damo Tamaki, the leader of Damokan group (aka. the Locacaca smugglers) was the very first candidate to be the main villain. He was the last member of Damokan group who was still alive, after Damo died which became the end of the group, Caato’s introduction with her cool & mysterious vibe led to the hype from the readers. Moreover, she also has motivation.
The issue:
In my opinion, it is too hasty to conclude such, we were not sure if Damokan group is the only dangerous group that is at odds with Josuke. The end of the Blue Hawaii arc even revealed the existence of a larger and more dangerous organization than Damokan group.
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Then let’s say, if the more dangerous group is led by Caato, for what Dolomité considers Jobin (her son) a mere gofer. Why would she let him divulge Jobin’s name offhand to Josuke?
Since then (until chapter 98) we have not seen any (impactful) actions carried out by Caato behind the scenes, something naturally should have been started by the main villain (like Tooru).
She has dimensional Stand ala D4C , the Stand of the previous main villain. She just hasn't shown its full capabilities yet
There are various speculations about the true nature of Caato’s Stand that liken it to D4C, just because of the caught in between two objects mechanism both Stands have.
The issue:
Sure, she is able to send objects to an invisible dimension just like Valentine, but such ability is not exclusively similar to D4C. Stands such as 「Cream」, 「Sticky Fingers」, 「The Hand」, 「Enigma」 (even 「Man in the Mirror」) also have similar abilities, conjuring pocket dimension and/or sending objects to otherworldly dimension (albeit their mechanism varies). I have also explained more about Caato’s Stand here: Caato’s Stand and its mechanism so far.
There is nothing wrong in speculating but we should have waited for more of her feats. So let me just drop this:
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With her Stand, Caato can operate behind the scenes prison ala Polpo
This still related to the hype of her Stand. During her first intro, she pulled out a cellphone using her Stand. What was really strange at the time was the model of the phone, an observant reader found that the model of Caato’s phone resembles Docomo Sharp SH-11C which came out around 2011.
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Logically, she couldn’t have that phone if she was put in jail in the mid-90’s (1996). Caatofags believe that this is purely by the power of her Stand, this somehow becomes their proof that she can interact with the outside world during her incarceration. There are many speculations that she was able to communicate with people outside or use her Stand over long distances or even go as far as to think that she can take objects from another dimension/world ala D4C (why do they always liken her Stand to D4C so much as if it is D4C 2.0? Are they really underestimating Araki’s creativity?).
The issue:
Unfortunately, with so little information we get from Caato, I can only respond their speculation with another speculation. As Caato was able to make contact with Jobin (when she was still incarcerated in Stone Ocean prison), it is possible that she had been in communication with Jobin (privately) for about 15 years. Is it by using her Stand? Maybe, but it’s not necessarily just by that. Surely Jobin can still see her through family visits, though it's pretty strict in Japan.
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But their chance to communicate remained. Given that both are Stand users, their deception will not be easily detected by ordinary people. I think there was chance for Jobin to give her the most up-to-date phone and Caato hid the phone using her cards. I'm not sure if she was allowed to bring her cards during family visits.
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But apparently the warden allowed it, as they considered it nothing dangerous and suspicious. Therefore, that's what actually could have happened.
The timing of Jobin met Damokan group for the first time vs Kira who discovered the relation between Higashikata and Damokan group
By the complexity of JoJolion’s plot and various mysteries that emerge, it is understandable that sometimes we lost track of the time, especially considering Araki’s current style that likes to put flashback and flash forward randomly. It is the confusion about timeline that makes some readers suspect that Jobin cannot possibly cooperate with Damokan group on his own behalf. Especially those who believe that Kira’s discovery of Higashikata and Damokan group’s cooperation happened before Jobin started working with them, coupled with the possibility of Caato being able to operate behind the scenes, it makes them even more believe in her involvement.
The issue:
I will try to explain how the chronology actually happened. When did Higashikata start making contact with Damokan group? It all started by Norisuke IV innocently.
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JJL chapter 30: King Nothing
JoJolion started in 2011, so three years ago was around 2008. Around that year, Norisuke IV got acquainted with Yotsuyu, interested in his talent, he offered him a job as his architect to design his mansion and the tea house. It’s not out-of-character for Norisuke IV as he also did the same thing with Rai ( hiring him for his talent).
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JJL chapter 72: The Northern Higashikata Estate, The Orchard
After he got hired by Norisuke IV, Yotsuyu met Jobin at the stadium when he was still in the process of designing a new house for Higashikata (as we can see his drawing), thus I suspect that it was still around the same year (2008). What Jobin said implied that he had known Yotsuyu before, but here at this stadium, he met with the rest of Damokan group. Just as previously he was having an argument with his father (Norisuke IV) regarding the difference in their business outlook, family honor and so on. Of course the temptation to make more money made Jobin willing to work with Damokan group and get involved in their illicit business.
Then a year later (2009), Kira Yoshikage who worked as cargo ship doctor discovered the existence of Rock Human (Aisho) aboard his ship. Out of curiosity about Rock Humans, Kira found their association with Higashikata Parlor Fruit.
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JJL chapter 49: Hato-chan Brought a Boyfriend Over – part 3
When Kira found out about this, they had already been importing these illegal fruits several times. The Rock Humans disguised as rocks for use in an artificial garden, I suspect this deception was planned by Yotsuyu (Damokan group) and Jobin. I also believe that at least the renovation was in progress at the time, so both guys were tricking Norisuke IV and unrelated common people (which unfortunately an unrelated individual Kira discovered it by accident). In short, it makes sense that they were already doing their shady business at this point.
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Still from the same chapter (49), Hato did say that her family had rebuilt the house two years ago (2009). That means, Yotsuyu’s house renovation began in 2008 and were completed in 2009. If the renovation was completed that year, can they still do the smuggling? They can, given that Norisuke IV also assigned Yotsuyu to design their tea house. And during 「I Am a Rock」 arc, Yotsuyu still lived in the basement of the Higashikata family, meaning that he was still being hired there (until his demise).
Caato claims that she has helped the Higashikata business for 15 years
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JJL chapter 58: Dawn at The Higashikata House
Caato stated that she also had a role in the success of the Higashikata family business for 15 years. Quite impressive that one-line from her carries a considerable amount of hype from Caatofags. Hadn't she been jailed for 15 years? The 15 years she said happened to coincide with the length of time she was in prison coupled with the speculation that she can act behind the bar, both of which become hints to support the theory that she was involved in smuggling and money-laundering with Damokan group. Quote from one of her fags:
Caato claims to be the only reason the family Fruit Parlor is so successful, she is the main suspect for the one who contacted the rock humans originally and brought them to Morioh in the first place.
And she can’t be the only reason because her line clearly said: “…are thanks to me, too.”
The issue:
The hype actually makes sense if you combine several points that I have gathered above. However, this word might also have different meaning, it’s possible that 15 years she meant is the time during her marriage with Norisuke IV prior to her incarceration and divorce. When she got arrested, Jobin was a teenager who was around 15 or older (actually he was 17 at the time=1996-1979). But if they had indeed been married for 15 years at that time, does this mean that Jobin was conceived out of wedlock? Sorry I did not mean to accuse.
Even if her 15 years of contribution was done during her time in prison, how is that automatically related to the smuggling of Locacaca? I don’t think that Damokan group started operating as long as 15 years ago, at least there is no hint yet that the Rock Humans (and Locacaca) had been invading Morioh 15 years ago.
Even if we try to sort them, Damokan group (and other Rock Humans) barged into the life of Higashikata (Kira Holy and many JoJolion characters) with chronology like this:
Wu Tomoki became a doctor trusted by Mitsuba (unknown timeline, but it can’t be more than 10 years ago)
Damo dated Hato (the exact timeline is unknown but Hato stated they'd only met recently during her modeling work)
Tooru dated Yasuho during her high school days and broke up a year ago (2008-2010)
Yotsuyu and Damokan group met Jobin at stadium and started working together (2008)
Yotsuyu was offered to work by Norisuke IV (2008)
Holy began to fall ill as the hospital gained a new number of doctors as well as a new Head Doctor (unknown timeline, 2005-2009: as long as we’re sure when exactly she started to fall ill)
All of these happened no more than 10 years ago (let alone 15 years ago), if indeed Caato has contributed for 15 years and it has something to do with the Rock Humans (particularly Damokan group), why their actual action has only happened recently? Perhaps at that time she was still making plans before they began to act, but 5 years planning with no action, for what? Tbh that’s pretty silly for a mastermind.
Even if the points above were indeed orchestrated by her, it still doesn't make sense. Why would she sacrifice her own family to be taken advantage by the Rock Humans? Well, I can see that to Norisuke IV as she holds a grudge against him. But how can she let the rock humans take advantage of her own children, Jobin and Hato? We know that she cares to them, even when the later was wary of her. I don’t think that Caato is willing to put her children at risk, remember how Damo almost murdered the entirety of the Higashikata Family in the house? That would contradict her character in her flashback (chapter 64).
Even if Caato is the one who introduced Damokan group to Jobin behind the scenes, it does not necessarily make her a mastermind, rather she might be a Yoshihiro who gathered several allies to assist Jobin (this alone is still speculation).
Even so, I still hope that the mystery (and the meaning) behind the 15 years she talked about will be answered someday.
Read further: What actually happened in Mamezuku Rai’s past? (chapter 99 spoilers)
Do the readers (Caatofags) credit her too much?
Now, I’d like to try to assess the extent to which Caato is able to plot something as an antagonist (even with very limited data).
She had Docomo Sharp SH-11C, if an internet connection is available inside the prison, chances are she can obtain information via internet, she can also get it from Jobin via message. It is not surprising if she learned about Rock Humans and/or Locacaca from Jobin.
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Her comment regarding of the renovation, this might have double meaning, either she just realized that the house has been renovated or simply commented about the renovation. Take a note that the renovation was done two years ago (when she was still in prison). If it is the later, it means that she knows Yotsuyu. Therefore, she might have connection with Damokan group. Or it could be the other way around, Jobin could have told her about the renovation (and the architect who have been working on it).
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JJL chapter 59: Dolomité’s Blue Lagoon – part 1
Just before Dolomité arc began, Caato called Jobin and notified him that his father and Josuke were planning something, something that unfortunately she did not know what. However, due to her experience of having been married to Norisuke IV, she takes note on his habit so she found out about something fishy he was hiding. Impressive? Nope (for mastermind standard), but that was enough to help Jobin. This also shall disprove fan’s speculation that she can use her Stand to gather information remotely.
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But I shouldn't discredit her wits either, she is quite intelligent in using deductive logic. Though still, this doesn’t automatically make her the mastermind as there are plenty highly intellectual characters in JJBA.
If it is confirmed that Caato was involved in Damokan group’s shady business…
To be honest, even if this will be confirmed one day, at this point, I think it's too late and no longer have any significant impact. But I still have an interest in this matter so actually, I made a diagram about the Locacaca dispute and the players involved in it, including fan’s popular theory that links Caato with Rock Humans-Jobin.
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So, even if she is involved in it, it's still quite difficult to think of her as the main villain. Her motivation (which sounds pretty cool) can’t really compete with others, even to Jobin due to her estrangement from her family. How is her relationship with Tsurugi compared to Jobin-Tsurugi? It is almost non-existent.
Then what about her grudge against Norisuke IV (the struggle for the throne)? I think that won't have much impact on Josuke, the main protagonist, especially if it is fortune that becomes her focus. Although it might still be able to affect Josuke if Norisuke IV's life was taken because of that. I’m also quite lazy to talk more about this because this still has nothing to do with Locacaca.
The main problem here is Locacaca, which is the main focus of the story in JoJolion. Caato has a relative weak link to it and this is still in hypothetical scenario! We all know that the three factions: Josuke, Jobin and The Head Doctor (Tooru) are fighting over it. Where will we put Caato? Behind Jobin, I guess. But what's worse is the fact that until now (chapter 98), there are absolutely no hint of the connection between Caato and Locacaca.
TL;DR There is still not enough data available to prove the relationship between Caato and Damokan group (and Locacaca). So far Caatofags still rely more on speculation than on actual data and feats. Even if her involvement is confirmed, her link is quite weak compared to the other factions.
See also:
JoJolion: The Main Villain and The Red Herring
PS: I decided to change the spelling of 「Kaato」 into 「Caato」 from now on because it should be Caato, not Kaato (although I prefer the former one because it’s more Japanese feel and less ridiculous). Because of this, you might find several of my previous posts are edited.
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