underdome-times · 1 month
Stiket's Biggest Stars
You won't want to miss this set of interviews! We'll be covering some of the biggest names to ever set food on Stiket's sands as the hours count down to the tournament. I'm Ov'lath G'Rah, your devil on the dirt.
Bolivica Pride
Bolivica I must say I am star-struck. What brings a celebrity like yourself into the arena?
Ov'lath I am just flattered. Now you may know my tour has just finished its run right here in Zuros and while we're hard at work making a new album I just couldn't bare to be away from my fans for too long.
[She gestures to a group of fans standing behind a velvet rope, all wearing merchandise of her latest album: Red Hot Heart. They cheer, peaking my microphone]
And Harvey are you excited to show off your skills outside of drumming?
Ain't no skills outside of drumming, man. Even walking? That's drumming with your feet.
Very insightful. The smell of weed really drives it home.
Oh Harvey we're late for our shoot with Rogue Magazine. We really have to be going. Sing your heart out!
[Bolivica turned invisible, leaving a puff of glitter behind. In response the crowd goes wild, permanently damaging my hearing. Harvey left the building with no such magical prestige]
The Solitary Monks
Hevard, Mensk, how are you two doing?
The state of one's being is quite small, compared to the collective. You care for me, for such a small being. On such a big day with much larger affairs, that is truly something to be commended to find it in your heart to...
[Hevard continues on this speech well past my character limit]
Rumor has it you two are entirely non-violent. How do you intend to win the tournament.
Not every trial must end in death, devilkin. Within the rules of Stiket, champions like us may yield willingly. We need only convince them of the greater good.
That might be an uphill battle, friend, but an honorable one. Best of luck to you!
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blatpolana · 5 years
Hey, guys, I have a dream to make Good Omens stickers. Please, comment this post if you’d like to buy some.
(I think one striker could cost about 1-2$)
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born2travelit · 4 years
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Italy 🇮🇹 Sauze d'Oulx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 When you travel, safety is paramount: for our children, for us and for the small world we carry inside our backpack. 😌☝️ Today we wanna show you the new SOS STIKETS service! Now the Stikets metal tags include a QR code that offers a "LOST and FOUND" service and facilitates the localization of suitcases, bags or any lost item thanks to your Stikets Tag. 😃 This new system allows the person who finds the lost item marked with the Stikets metal plate to contact stikets, who will act as intermediary right away. They take care of sending a courier to pick it up and transfer it wherever required by the owner. 👍 These are the collaborations we like! Useful and in line with our world of traveling! 🙏 Thanks @stickets_italy ● ● ● ● 🇮🇹 Quando si viaggia la prima cosa è la sicurezza: per i nostri bimbi, per noi e per il piccolo mondo che ci portiamo dentro allo zaino. 😌☝️ Oggi vi parliamo del nuovo servizio SOS STIKETS! Ora le targhette metalliche Stikets includono un codice QR per offrire un servizio di "LOST and FOUND" e facilitare la localizzazione di valigie, borse o qualsiasi oggetto smarrito con la nostra Targhetta Stikets. 😃 Questo nuovo sistema consente alla persona che trova l’oggetto smarrito contrassegnato con la targhetta metallica di Stikets di contattare stikets, che farà da intermediario. Si occupiamo di inviare un corriere per prelevarlo e trasferirlo ovunque sia richiesto dal proprietario. 👍 Queste sono le collaborazioni che ci piacciono! Utili e in linea con il nostro mondo di viaggiare! 🙏 Grazie @stikets_italy #travel #born2travelit #stikets #stikets_italy #stiketsfamilyfirst (presso Sauze d'Oulx) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLi2gMBJXM/?igshid=n6zavxdcnzdf
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Estado vegetativo
Anoche mi mamá y yo estábamos sentados en la sala hablando de las muchas cosas de la vida... Entre otras cosas estábamos hablando de la vida y de la muerte. Le dije: -Mamá, nunca me dejes vivir en estado vegetativo, dependiendo de máquinas y líquidos de una botella, si me ves en ese estado, desenchufa los artefactos que me mantienen vivo y bota los líquidos de los cuales dependa, prefiero morir". Entonces, mi mamá se levantó y me miró con una cara de admiración que yo nunca le había visto ... y me desenchufó: el televisor, el DVD, el computador, el Ipod, la XBOX ... Me botó el aguardiente, el ron y todas las cervezas ... y lo que mas me dolió en el alma, me botó el iPhone. COOOOÑÑÑÑOOOOOO .... ¡CASI ME MUERO! ))))))))))) presentado por https://descuentos.guru/stikets
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chistes21 · 6 years
Charla con Dios
Estaba un hombre caminando por la playa, de repente alzó los ojos al cielo y con toda la devoción que pudo, pidió a Dios que le concediera un deseo. Dios al verlo se apiadó de él. -Pedid y se os dará - exclamó una voz desde lo alto. -Mira Dios, tengo una novia que vive en España, yo vivo en Mallorca y me cuesta mucho ir a verla, ¿No podrías construirme un puente que una las islas con la península? -Eso que me pides, es un trabajo muy materialista. Tendría que erguir grandes pilares de hormigón que profanarían mis océanos. Debería emplear cientos de toneladas de hierro y asfalto, reflexiona hijo mío, pídeme algo que me honre y glorifique. A lo que el hombre respondió: -Me he divorciado tres veces, me gustaría tener el don de saber escuchar a las mujeres, comprenderlas, saber por qué dicen no cuando quieren decir sí y viceversa, qué quieren decir cuando callan, por qué lloran sin motivos, ¿Cuál es el secreto para hacer feliz a una sola mujer? Dios desde lo alto carraspeó y respondió a su deseo con una pregunta: -¿Y de cuántos carriles dices que quieres el puentecito? :-) presentado por https://descuentos.guru/stikets
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testerbar · 4 years
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*Werbung*Gewinnspiel* Die erste Woche beim #tagespapa haben wir schon mal super gemeistert. Ein wunderbare Hilfe beim Finden der Kleidung und Spielsachen sind die verschiedenen Etiketten von @stikets_deutschland. Gewinnen könnt ihr ein tolles Pack im Wert 24,95 €. So nehmt ihr teil: Folgt @stikets_deutschland Folgt @testerbar Hinterlasst einen netten Kommentar mit Eurem Wunschdesign. Diese könnt ihr Euch auf der Homepage von #stikets anschauen. Teilnahme ab 18 Jahren und mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland. Das Gewinnspiel steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit Instagram oder Facebook. Eine Barauszahlung des Gewinns ist nicht möglich. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Das Gewinnspiel endet am 21.01.2020 um 18:00 Uhr. #testerbar #produkttester #produktest #review #gewinnspiel #gewinnen #gewinn #vielglück #kitastart #namensetiketten #kitakind #beschriften #name #namensaufkleber https://www.instagram.com/p/B7RajjnoaNI/?igshid=qzmr60wc71p4
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bagigia76-blog · 5 years
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Arrivato Pack scuola 🏫 etichette 🏷 @stikets_italy Io le adoro e voi? Sono ben 142 e potete personalizzarle come volete. Ho uno 🆂🅲🅾🅽🆃🅾 del 10% per voi valido fino al 31.01.2019. Scrivetemi in direct. #momfit4 #mamwhithyou5 #stikets #girlpower0102 #mystikets #chiaekia #mamimiele #samyecaty #dreamsofmum 🏷🏷🏷 (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsc20Bxl2dr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tblav8olzqpq
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wirmarijoelektronik · 4 years
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🔥Cool Tank🔥 . 🔹L 4 Kapasitas 1.5 Liter 🔹L 1 Kapasitas 1.8 Liter 🔹L 2 Kapasitas 2.2 Liter 🔹L 3 Kapasitas 2.4 Liter 🔹L 5 Kapasitas 3.1 Liter . 🏕jogja🏕 . #botolminuman #botolminumansehat #botolminumananak #botolminumanak #botolminumantitumpah #botolminumanplastik #botolminumanmurah #botolminumanunik #botolminumanakanak #botolminumanaklucu #stikercup #stikertrasparan #stikerlebel #botol #minuman #stikermueah #cup #stiket #stikerkekinian #viral #pudding #indonesia #lebel #botolminum #botolminummurah #botolplastik #tumbler #jualbotolminum #botolminumlucu #mybottle (di Yogyakarta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5T19sjPlV/?igshid=1ecsgx9cssdvg
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jackhkeynes · 3 years
Overview of Etymology in Boral
(arranged in alphabetical order for my own convenience)
From Arabic come of course words relating to Islam: masquet "mosque", imam "imam", but the majority of Arabic loanwords in Boral come via Andalus and/or Lustain [Portugal]. We have scientific and technological words like alchemy "chemistry", azauc "mercury", cadarar "to distil" and zefr "zero", along with trade goods like bojay "candle" and zucar "sugar".
[Basque] Vask
Words from Vask are usually naval, coming into Boral at the various ports of the Rustigh. We have sar "net, mesh" and bakilau "cod" along with the pair hagr "mast" and hagraç "boatswain". Scert "left" was originally limited to the boating sense (as in port and starboard) but had displaced native senestr by the Middle Boral period. Most notably, though, the continent of Mendeva [North America] comes via Latin mendevālis from Vask mendeval "west" (though this is thought to be from an Aquitain phrase like vent de val "valley wind").
Cumbric [Welsh]
Borrowings from Welsh are either: very old and filtered through the Old English, like jonnovar "butterfly" from name Guinωmhar (whence Guinevere and Jennifer), or: modern borrowings due to the increased cultural prestige of Britain, British Mendeva and Chrysia [Australia]. For example, we have davarn "grand hotel, resort" from the 19th-century Davarn Heul "Sun Hotel" in Hasiny and quanga "secretary".
Far fewer words come from Danish than its ancestor Old Norse, but we do have certain words for particular inventions: trevold "novel" and seur "carbonated drink".
Greek, Ancient
When words are borrowed directly from Ancient Greek they usually refer to decently-modern technologies. We have everything from arithmat "computation" through kenonaut "spaceship" to xanthal "neon" via stauron "intra-uterine device".
The only two words in Boral which I know to come originally from Hindi are jast "zinc" and nargel "coconut", both words coming to Europe via Middle Eastern trade routes and into the Mediterranean.
Words from Italian fall into two broad categories: those from Greek and those from Latin. Examples of the first type include hormesc "anchor" and pilot "pilot", while those of the second include machiar "to blemish" and samfoin "bagpipes".
Kernish (Breton)
As far as I know, we only have quignou "pastry".
Very, very many words in Boral are borrowed directly from Latin into the modern language. Some of my favourites are idone "fit, proper, apt, convenient", langour "of disease, pathological" and scitation "examination, test" (which are native to Latin). Others are delt "tablet", gyr "orbit" and zoia "microbe" (which come through Latin from Greek).
Middle Boral
Words in this category tend to fall into two subsets. The first is derivations of words with older histories; for example, accapellar "to put on a hat" comes from capel "hat" which is from Latin. Other examples include cogmaðer "holidaymaker", courstray "love affair" and pisment "clockwork". The other set is Latin borrowings into Middle Boral, which includes everything from adolant "sycophant, flatterer" to volum "episode, incident".
Middle Dutch
A few words cross the Rustigh in this period, including masctig "authorisation" and rouvaç "robbery".
Middle French
Words from Middle French skew to the legal and administrative, from cortisar "to court, woo" and colleg "colleague" to stiket "label, tag". But we also have one-offs like cahot "jerk, tug" and tuyaut "cigar".
Nawat [Nahuatl]
These words almost universally reach Boral via Morrack traders, and include words like scadom "tomato" and scoclat "chocolate".
Old Boral
These are words that have survived (mostly) unscathed on the long journey from Latin to Modern Boral, or else were derived from such words at the time. So of course we have a menagerie of senses: everything from acconnosc "introduction" and auðou "scarf, bandage" to volubr "sexy" and yonoscon "wherever" being examples of innovations in this period, and issugt "dried", favet "whip, whisk" and jammel "twin" being examples of words in for the long haul.
Old Dutch
Only a few borrowing from here survive into the modern language. Like Vask we have the sea words ferscip "ferry" and havan "harbour", but also everyday words like rig "row, line, queue" and the calque surcair "to end up, to turn out".
Old English
After Latin, probably the most fecund source of vocabulary in Boral. It is hard to encompass these borrowings into specific domains; we have everything from crullar "to knock, ring, clap" and benoçar "to use, make use of" to vuscar "to hope, wish" and varous "shop, store".
Old French
Many of these words have a similar vibe: there are arbalest "crossbow", enterpris "undertaking, business" and donjon "keep, tower". But along with those we have jonglar "to juggle" and forsc "furnace".
Old Norse
Words from Old Norse somehow continue to have a medieval vibe, even 1200 years after the beginning of the Dane occupation. From acr "acre" to veð "ram" via bers "target, objective" and dalr "valley", these words skew distinctly agricultural.
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underdome-times · 1 month
The Tournament is Heating Up!
Ov'lath G'Rah here again with your next set of combatants. Keep coming back each hour while we talk to everyone involved.
Zeepo what a pleasure it is to meet you
And you, my dearest traveler. Zeepo has read your books.
And I yours! Now, I suspect the answer already, but for the public: how will you be competing in a duos tournament with no partner?
Ah dear traveler you know Zeepo's tricks well. Zeepo will simply be their own partner.
[Zeepo proceeds to effortlessly split into two versions of themself]
Zeepo will be the victor as sure as I know myself.
I'll be rooting for you! Now if you don't mind my asking, who is sponsoring you for this engagement?
Zeepo doesn't mind. Zeepo is sponsored by FLUX, and Zeepo is representing Manfred Bunsen III for the throne of Stiket.
Incredible. I hope to see some of FLUX's technology in the arena tonight. Good luck!
Cancelled Interview
I had intended to interview Pyro, the pyromancer. He was known for going all in on his fire gimmick, and today he went too far by flinging himself into the blue sun of Frostbite. His partner, Norm Humanman, states he has no idea what Pyro was attempting to gain by doing this. Norm has decided to step down from the tournament instead of searching for a new teammate. In addition to ruining the pun title of this article, Archibald Bartlesby's team is entirely out of the running!
Archibald hasn't been seen since yesterday, but I'm certain he or his reps are looking for a new team as we speak.
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jawllines · 3 years
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lavozdelbebe · 4 years
Stikets, pegatinas, etiquetas, sellos...
Stikets, pegatinas, etiquetas, sellos…
Stikets, pegatinas, etiquetas, sellos…
Stikets, pegatinas, etiquetas, sellos…
  Hola familias,
Hoy os vengo a hablar  enseñar todo lo que tenemos de stikets.
Quienes son
Stikets nació en el 2010, fruto de la idea de una mamá, Stephanie Marko, que quería solucionar un problema tan cotidiano para las familias como el hecho de que se pierdan cosas. Su objetivo era ofrecer una solución…
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dzideesdenana · 5 years
// Ado // Stikets ce n'est pas que pour les enfants !
// Ado // Stikets ce n’est pas que pour les enfants !
Ben quoi, il n’y a pas que les enfants qui peuvent aimer les stickers ! Rose et moi, nous en sommes fans et si je m’écoutais, j’en mettrais un peu partout mais bon ça ne fait pas trop sérieux 😉
Alors quand Stikets, mon site favori pour les boubous quand j’avais besoin de lots d’étiquettes à leur nom pour l’école ou les vacances, m’a proposé de tester leurs autocollants pour nos agendas et…
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prosademae · 5 years
Etiquetas Personalizadas Stikets
E chegaram aqui essas etiquetas personalizadas Stikets lindas e de primeira qualidade!! Resistem a máquina de lavar e secar, ou seja, são perfeitas para organizar as roupas das crianças, os itens pessoais e o material escolar.
Recebemos dois Packs completos para os meninos! Cada pack foi escolhido desde a cor, o tipo da letra e o ícone das etiquetas.
Cada pack contém: 48 etiquetas para…
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journaldesmamans · 6 years
Stikets : les étiquettes personnalisées pour nos enfants + Concours
Stikets : les étiquettes personnalisées pour nos enfants + Concours
Pour la crèche ou l’école, les étiquettes personnalisées font partie des achats indispensables qui nous facilitent la vie de parents ! Cette année, pour marquer les affaires du petit coquin, nous avons testé la marque Stikets et son Basic Pack. Il s’agit selon moi, du pack idéal comprenant un échantillon des produits essentiels de Stikets à savoir : 48 étiquettes thermocollantes pour les…
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testerbar · 4 years
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*Werbung* Unsere Kleine wird ab Januar in die Kita gehen und natürlich gehört das Beschriften der eigenen Sachen dazu. Dank @stikets_deutschland sind wir mit dem #basicpack und dem #namensstempel super gerüstet. In unserem neusten Video könnt ihr Euch alle Details genau anschauen. Achtung Spoiler: Wir sind sehr zufrieden und haben schon fleißig beschriftet und markiert. #testerbar #produkttester #produktest #review #kita #kitastart #stikets #namensetiketten #namensaufkleber #punkte #gespenst #geist #youtube #video https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EIcLwIJzE/?igshid=1x6dakdekr594
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