#still gave them freckles cuz i couldnt resist hehehe
I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering mentally n physically rn hermana :c
I hope you know you are loved (by me especially) and that the bad feelings will pass.
I think I may have experienced the tummy depression too btw.
Just want you to know you aren’t alone. I’ve been struggling mentally today too.
We’re in this together tho 💗💗💗. Sending you all of my love n cuddles from far away 🫂💋💋💋.
I want you to know that Miguel would take care of u. He knows all too well this deep sinking feeling in his gut. Like being sick because you’re head is so heavy with thoughts.
He knows pain like this can happen sometimes but he wishes with every fiber of his being that he could take it away from you.
Being the guy he is, knowing how important canon events are, he understands that sometimes these feelings just happen and maybe are meant to. He wouldn’t try to force you into feeling better if you weren’t ready. He would simply be there by your side to support you until you’re able to feel that special warmth again.
He would hold you, murmur softly to you, offer his condolences for your pains with his silence as he pulls you closer.
Anything you ask for, he is willing to get for you, to help ease you through this painful time. He will be there to both literally and metaphorically hold your hand. He will make sure that the depression doesn’t cause you to wither away.
You mean too much to him, and he’s already lost enough.
You are his shining light in a world of darkness, amiga. And when you start to flicker, know that he will never abandon you.
He has faith in you. He believes time will do what it needs to heal you. And he loves you, with his everything.
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Lo amo tanto QwQ 💘💕💕
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