#still got lots to do (itsv not even atsv yet)
phantcmarachnid · 1 year
Onyx eyes got wide and sparkly as she saw THE Spider...wait hang on. This was a different one. "Are you a Spiderwoman?" She asks, tilting her head like a curious puppy. She's still rather excited despite the question.
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Ghost spider had turned her head to look over at the small child before her eyes grew wide at the sight of the girls unique features.
"Yes," She was slightly quiet in shock, but spoke up a bit, "I am." Speaking with a soft chuckle, she started to crouch down to her level and as quickly as her eyes had grown they had shrunken back into place.
"What about you?" Spiderwoman sung softly, seemingly having had bounced into her squat, positioned like a poised doll. "What's your name?"
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kairiscorner · 10 months
never feel ashamed that you're feeling. — miles 1610 with an emotional!adopted!younger sister!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: some people just love to rile you up and make you tear up, and those people never know what you're going through. but your big brother, miles, does—and he wants you to know that there's no shame in crying, no shame in feeling bad about it even if it didn't sound as bad to other people. genre: platonically angsty, fluffy, and comforting !! pairing: miles 1610 and an emotional!adopted!younger sister!reader word count: 840 request: miles with an adopted!sister who is very sensitive.(12 yo) so like, someone was making fun of reader and then miles saw a readers eye starting to tear up. what will he do?🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks you 💋😘 (you're the reason why i watched atsv) author's note: i need a kuya miles in my buhay i swear (ALSO I'M SO HONORED TO KNOW ANON WATCHED ATSV ALL BC OF ME, WHAT ... i'm cryin rn fr and in the mood to rewatch itsv since it released on netflix for us again FINALLY) i hope ya like this anon 🫂
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miles snuck into his room after swinging throughout the city as spider man, making sure the city would be safe for yet another day, that his family would stay safe for another day. his dad was still on patrol and his mom was taking the night shift at the hospital tonight, he would be the only one home—along with his darling little sister... who was sobbing her eyes out and crying aloud into the night over what some kids at school teased her heavily for.
miles heard her sobbing as he quickly changed out of his spider suit and into his home clothes, pretending he had just come home. he followed the sounds of your crying as he searched for you in the hallway. he called out your name all concerned, hoping you weren't hurt or anything, but all he got in response were bawls and broken, choked up sounds of 'get away, miles' and 'you can't help me'. miles stood by your doorway, his eyebrows crinkling upwards in worry over what happened to you. he stepped inside your room and sat beside your curled up, crying figure on the other side of the bed. "sis, wh... what happened? are... oh, what's wrong?" he asked you, worry pricking at his voice.
he handed you a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, which you took and dabbed away at your ceaselessly falling tears, as miles held you close, wrapping his arms around you, hoping you'd know that he's listening to you, he's gonna help you, any way he can, if you'd just... open up to him, be honest. "the kids... at school..." you began, sobbing into the handkerchief now as miles nodded, listening to every word you spoke and were to speak. "they... they kept teasing me, they... pointed out that... i look nothing like dad, that mom's not even... not even my mom, that... i'm no morales..." you whispered, your voice cracking as you wept even more, feeling the insecurity claw at you as miles looked at you in shock.
he knew a lot of kids were jerks, not all of them meant what they said, not a lot of them even knew they were being hurtful with their words—but to know that these kids at school kept reminding you that their family merely adopted you hurt him, too. this was a particularly painful topic for you to dwell on, because all your life, all you can remember was being rejected by people you hoped would love you—getting your heart stomped and trampled on every time you hoped you'd find a family whose love for you was unconditional and would last a lifetime and beyond that. of course, the morales family was just that kind of family you dreamed of; but with how often your heart had been hurt, had been pierced, torn apart, and neglected... you always had that fear that you would never truly be accepted, that you'd never truly have a family to call your own that'd also claim you as their own.
though miles doesn't care, he doesn't care that you might not look like him, nor were you carried by his mother and introduced to him and the rest of his family since you were born, but instead, he saw you still as his one and only beloved little sister that he'd give up the whole world—whole universe—for. he loves you dearly, even though neither of you share a drop of blood; he's here for you, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second—he refuses to let you think you don't belong here, when in the very first place, your place in the family was carved long, long ago when rio and jeff took you in and made you one of theirs. "hey, now... please don't cry, sis..." he pleaded with you as he pulled you close to him, sitting you up and wiping the tears away from your eyes, sadly smiling at you, hoping his smile would be contagious enough to get you to smile, too. "it doesn't matter, though, if you and i share DNA or not—what matters is that you're here now, you're a part of this family now, and you always will be. it doesn't matter what anyone else says, in here, in your heart, you're with us—always, and forever." he mutters to you with a smile as he embraces you, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulders, patting you lovingly as you sobbed.
you wailed even harder at miles' endlessly loving reassurance, him being the big brother you never asked for, but got anyway—because even though neither of you share a drop of blood, a parent, or any history together prior to your adoption; he's here for you, always, and will always listen to your problems, hold you close, and be your ally for any and everything you do and undertake. he's your number one fan, supporter, and superhero—he's your big brother, and he always will be.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Body Swap Part 3
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AN: Sorry for taking so damn long, there's a bit of a gap here in the story as it doesn't follow their whole journey, just because its almost filler like if I want to later ill do some in-between bits as one shots but I know we want to actually see Gwen and Y/N Interacting so I'm trying to get us to that point which I did! Also the timing in this fic from ITSV and ATSV are off but meh.
Description: It was starting to get tedious now, it had been a few months at least of you swapping with Gwen, being able to talk to her in your mind and nothing else developing. You and Gwen had tried on a number of occasions to work out what your existential crisis was that was stopping you both from moving on with your lives. Gwen had told you her tragic story and you had told her yours, about your parents, your uncle, even your Aunt was involved trying to help both of you out. It was hard to admit at first but you had grown some sort of feelings towards the girl, its hard not too when she’s in your head almost all the time. Thankfully you hadn’t thought that out loud to her just yet but there had been a couple times that you were almost caught slipping. You’ve had to lie a few times saying its about a girl in your dimension but played it off and changed the subject. Everything was continuing like normal, or so you thought.
It was the day before you guys swapped bodies on your usual rotation, you laid in bed ready for the next day to come when you swapped over with Gwen. You reflected a little about what you and Gwen had been talking about, what has happened over the last few months and there were no changes. You rolled onto your back staring at your ceiling.
‘Can’t sleep?’ You heard in the back of your mind, seems like you weren’t the only one.
‘Not really I’m just confused’
‘Same’ She said softly.
‘Okay well how about this, lets kill the time, I know all about the tragic backstory that is Gwen Stacy and I know I’ve lived as you as well but in your own words tell me about you. What makes you tick, what are your favorite things to do’
(A/N: This might get a little OC here cause Ive never read any of the Gwen Stacy comics so I don’t know much about actual Gwen so this will be just from what I think she would like)
‘Okay sure lets do that! At a super young age I did gymnastics, dad taught me and got me involved when I was 4, I also was heavily involved in ballet too. I always wanted to be a ballerina when I was growing up but who didn’t at such a young age’
‘I still want to be a ballerina those moves you can pull off are out of this world’ You said and you heard her chuckle.
‘I guess it goes with my fighting style though I would love to teach you one day’ She said, you smiled at those words hoping they would come true.
‘Please do, if that means I get to actually see you and not me you, you get me?’ She laughed again and you wouldn’t get sick of hearing that ever.
‘So because I started growing up, managed to get some teen angst going I wanted to do something different, my whole attitude on life changed, I got these powers, I didn’t know how to deal with all this added pressure so I joined a band’
‘Ah yes the Mary Janes! I was wondering how that came about, you just needed a distraction’ You asked knowing full well what that meant, that’s why you joined the football team, You needed a distraction yourself.
‘Yeah actually, I was struggling with who I was, being Spider-Woman and Gwen Stacy’
‘It is a lot of pressure but I can tell you with all my heart that you are killing it’
‘Thanks Y/N I needed to hear that’ The line went quiet and you could feel yourself slowing starting to fall asleep.
‘Hey I got a spider emergency! I gotta go but get some rest okay’
‘Be safe Gwen, Don’t rough them up too much’ She chuckled and it went dead silent.
You managed to stay awake for a couple minutes before Your eye lids grew heavy and you succumb to sleep.
The next morning you woke up only to notice you were still in your bed. You woke up startled throwing your legs off your bed and walking towards your bedroom door opening it and looking at your Aunt.
“Morning Gwen” She said so used to this charade you 2 had, you gulped knowing it was the next day, you saw the date on your phone and looked back at your Aunt.
“Not Gwen” You said and her head shot up. It has been more than 6 months at this point that you had started swapping with Gwen, nothing seemed to stop it, nothing seemed to hint towards it ever slowing down and then one day it just stopped.
“Not Gwen?” She asked walking towards you with her hand out, you grabbed it nodding saying it was you and you didn’t know how to feel.
“Amazing it’s finally stopped! Now you can go back to living your normal spidey life” She said with a little hooray and then a sip of her drink, Your Aunt turned around towards the kitchen table where you could see a 2nd coffee cup laid out.
She picked it up ready to pour out the drink and you could see her hand shaking, you quickly ran over to her to help with the cup and she let out a small sob.
“I am so happy for you that you don’t have to go through this anymore but she was around so often it’s like she was apart of our little family you know” You slowly shook your head and hugged your aunt.
“I’m not happy” You said quietly in your Aunts shoulder, you both pulled away and you had small tears in your eyes. “Neither am I” She finally admitted to you. You slumped in the chair in the kitchen and looked at your Aunt. You were devastated. “Have your little telepathic abilities stopped working too?” You shrugged your shoulders but focused on trying to reach out to her.
‘Gwen can you hear me?’ You asked, your face concentrating to push your sub consciousness out there hoping to get a response. After a few minutes of silence nothing came back. You stood up with a frustrating sigh and leaned over the kitchen counter.
“Nothing?” Your aunt asked rubbing your back, you shook your head. You didn’t know what else to do, you couldn’t even think straight, your alarm started going off symbolising you had to go to school but you just didn’t have the heart to get up. It’s almost like you had genuinely lost a part of yourself, it had felt very unfinished.
“We are taking the rest of the day off today, you and me I think we need this…”
“What if something happened?” You ask out loud cutting off your aunt. “What if something’s happened and she needs me?” You said looking at your aunt.
“There’s nothing you can….”
“Don’t finish that sentence, there’s something I can do I am a Spider, I have all these powers I have to be able to do something” Your aunt could see the hurt in your eyes, the panic, every emotion flashing through you all at once worried that the absolute worst thing happened.
“Y/N look, I don’t understand your situation at all, I honestly couldn’t think of anyone in the entire world could really to relate to your feelings but all I can tell you is that Gwen is one of the toughest girls I have ever met. She is fine, maybe you figured out whatever the universe was telling you or your no longer needed to heal her very broken heart.” You Aunt said smiling softly.
“But mines broken now…” You said quietly. Your aunt gave you a look and you shuffled your feet. “Okay she’s fine, we did what we needed to do, whatever that was and she’s safe in her dimension.” Your aunt nodded and you smiled a little.
“I’m gunna get ready and go to school. Just to distract myself a bit today” You said, your aunt nodded. “I will be mourning the loss of a daughter so I’ll be here quietly sobbing over the cup I bought her” You giggled a little knowing your aunt was joking but only a tiny bit, you could see she was just as hurt as well so you hugged her again.
“She’s fine, she doesn’t need us anymore we fixed her broken heart” You both smiled and walked away doing your own things. You headed to school getting ready for your first class pulling out the books you needed. You saw the drawings, pictures, difference in handwriting even in all your books and smiled. As you went through wondering from class to class you failed to notice an unwanted guest appear out of nowhere.
As you were heading towards gym you heard commotion coming from some other students. “quick everybody evacuate theres a guy in a rhino suit running rampant around the school!” As students began to pile out of the gym and into the hallways running towards safety you ran around a corner and did the opposite trying to find your stashed suit. You ran into the bathroom, lift up one of the tiles on the roof and promptly changed into your suit.
“A man in a Rhino suit? We don’t have that here we have a lady who’s half rhino half human.” You managed to find all the commotion and saw a couple of kids in the way.
“Quick get out of here!”
“Spidey thank you!” They all ran out, you could feel the building shaking and hear walls crumbling.
“Hello tiny spider” He said as he walked around the corner, and sure enough it was a big buff dude in a rhino suit.
“Look I don’t know what your doing here, but I need to get to gym and your in my way” You got into your signature pose.
“Get out of the way tiny spider, I need to go home!” You looked confused for a split second but immediately knew what the issue was. ‘He’s not from this dimension, Im gunna have to lock him up tight and stop him from hurting anyone’ You thought quietly to yourself. A tiny part of you was hoping you would hear Gwen voice in your head again but it was no where to be found. Rhino charged towards you, without missing a beat you punched him clean in the jaw and he was knocked out cold.
“Wow that was….NO don’t say that, it never works out well when you put things like that into the universe.” You webbed up Rhino and dragged him outside, as you got outside a hexagon shaped portal opened up in front of you, you let go of Rhino and folded your arms only to be met with a lady who had a motorbike and an afro.
“Oh hello! You must be the Spider of this dimension” You unfolded your arms feeling the tingle as soon as you saw her.
“I am! The names Y/N” She walked up and shook your hand. “Nice to meet you Im Jessica Drew, I see you caught the guy I’m here for, relatively easy it seems to” You gave a modest look but shrugged your shoulders.
“It was nothing” You said with a small smile under your mask.
“Look, Miguel is totally going to hate me but I think you should come with me” She said gesturing to the portal behind her, you looked in and saw nothing but a tube looking thing.
“In there? That looks like death?” You said pointing at the portal. “I promise it’s not, I’ll explain once we get there but I think you should come with me” She said, you shook your head knowing you shouldn’t follow strangers into very suspicious portals but all that was going through your head was Gwen.
“This might be my only chance to find her” You said out loud. “Find who?” She asked and you coughed and walked into the portal not realising you were talking out loud. As soon as you stepped in you were teleported to a new world.
Once you landed Jessica following behind you, your face dropped, you took your mask off staring at the Nueva York. It was so futuristic and chrome, very shiny, everything was shiny it was burning your retina’s.
“Come on I want you to come meet Miguel” You follow Jessica until you came to a high tech room in a dark looking alley. He even looked like a bad guy, his aura oozed “I am a villain” but even you were slightly jealous of his gym regime whatever it was cause dude looked good.
“Jessica what did you do?” You blocked out their argument taking in the sights and sounds around you. They started bickering and you felt a little awkward to be standing there, it was like you were a child getting scolded from your parents for ditching school.
“Look they’re here and I know Y/N will do a fantastic job, plus with the large amount of animalities running around thanks to 1610 we need all the help we can get”
“We have over 1500 different peters you think this other variant will help out”
“They’re a lot stronger than most of the others Peter’s surprisingly took down Rhino with a swift punch”
Your feet shuffled and you looked down taking in the compliments Jessica was throwing your way. Miguel looked at you and threw up his hands.
“Whatever, kid heres your watch go hang around I’ll call you if I need anything” Jessica smiled and you looked at the watch in your hand, you put it on and started walking out hearing Jessica and Miguel start up again.
You made your way out and went to sit at the top of the tower which seemed to be everyone’s favourite spot it seems. You met a couple of the other Spider, a few peter parkers…a lot of peter parkers actually, your favourite though had to be the T-rex running around.
Your world was 1405 as deemed by the I guess lords of the multi-verse, you weren’t too sure how it worked but you kinda just rolled with it, you wanted to make sure Gwen was okay but deep down you knew she was, for now you would go about your business and hopefully save some other worlds, who can put that on their resume.
“Alright Y/N ready for your first mission” You looked at your watch and saw Jessica on the other end of it.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” you said holding the watch up.
“Alright this one’s easy so I’ll be going with you but mostly to observe” She said with a small smile, you nodded your head and typed in the co-ordinates she sent you.
15 minutes later
You and Jessica were standing next to each other back in the Spider Society, you had your web wrapped around the prisoner and she stood next to you with the biggest surprise look on her face.
“Okay that was very quick, you are very efficient” She said and you just stood there nodding holding onto your villain. He started to groan and you knocked him out again with a swift punch.
“Alright well um go hang around, catch more sights and I’ll get back to you with another mission” You could tell she was still stunned, she didn’t really know what to do but walked away with your prisoner attached. You made your way back up to the top of the building again however instead of sitting you made the rounds, getting to know other people and know who all the different Spiders you could. After a couple hours of wondering around, getting lost and meeting MORE people you finally got another call but it wasn’t from Jessica. It was from Miguel’s Ai friend LYLA.
“Hey could you go help Miguel over on world 65 please” You were shocked at first to hear that you were going to help Miguel but You didn’t even hesitate you immediately input that number and jumped straight into the portal. As you exited the portal you went straight towards the parchment vulture in front of you and punched him square in the jaw.
“Nice!” You said, Miguel got up from his rubble and walked over to you, “Good punch rook alright lets take this guy down” You got your fist’s ready to fight with Miguel not taking in your surroundings fully (You should really work on this btw) when a quiet familiar voice hit your ears.
“Y/N” Your head whipped around so quickly but before you could say anything vulture had punched you right back sending you into a pillar.
“That wasn’t nice, okay rook new plan” Miguel said as he shot you with one of his webs and flung you towards vulture, you managed to clock him again but this time he was ready, he grabbed your arm and readied one of his wings, but before he sliced you with it you saw a web holding it back and Gwen had kicked him in the back of his head causing him to go crashing in the ground.
“Your moves are so much better when you do it” You said towards Gwen, she gave you a quick fist bump and you both propelled down.
“Do you 2 know each other” Miguel said pointing at both of you “It’s a long story we’ll explain later but right now he needs to go back” You said pointing at vulture.
“So whats this guys deal anyway” Gwen said asking you, you managed to talk while fighting and dodging all the vultures attacks.
“Well he’s made of parchment so you can assume he doesn’t belong here.” Gwen rolled her eyes “I gathered that much this isn’t my first run in with the multi-verse” She said kicking a few rocks towards the vulture who dodged all but 1.
“This isn’t your first run in?” You asked, she gave you a look and you nodded your head. “Oh right yes us” She webbed towards the vulture holding his wings down and punched him again, he broke free clambering up the pillar up into the night sky, Miguel went after him attacking him leaving you and Gwen alone.
“So crazy that we didn’t swap bodies right?” You said looking at her. “I actually have an excuse for that” She said and you looked at her intently.
“The night before we usually swap I was out fighting one of my villains when a portal opened up and sucked me in, I was blown into another dimension that had this really cool Spider-Man named Miles” You looked shocked, so because she wasn’t in her universe you couldn’t swap. Makes sense.
“I’ll tell you the rest of the story later” she said as she webbed away, you looked up to see a helicopter flying down towards you, both Miguel and Gwen had managed to get their webs under it to slow it down you jumped on a rock that was sticking up and stood waiting for the impact of the helicopter when its nose reached the palm of your hands you used your strength to push against it and put a stop to it. Everyone started cheering, Miguel grabbed vulture and you were both getting ready to leave, you wanted Gwen to come with so you asked Miguel to wait. When you looked up though you couldn’t see her anymore but you could hear shouting.
 “She needs to come with us she’d be an asset to the team” You said to Miguel, he looked at you and grunted before jumping up there, you followed after him witnessing Miguel throwing one of his barriers on the ground and tying up George Stacy. You walked over to Gwen who looked frightened and grabbed her shoulders gently.
Miguel opened a portal and threw vulture in it, he turned around to you and Gwen and asked. “So what’s it going to be kid?” He said, she nodded, Miguel gave her a watch and jumped in the portal. You followed after him but looked back at Gwen and George, your heart breaking for both of them.
As soon as both you and Gwen got back to universe 928 she let out a big sigh of relief and her legs collapsed under her. She was on the verge of tears but you could see that she was fighting the urge to let them fall.
“Hey” You said.
“Hey yourself” She said wiping away her tears, you couldn’t believe that you had managed to find her. You were so relieved but you could see all the mending you guys had down over the last few months was slowly starting to break all because her dad found out who she was.
She pulled off her mask and you saw half her head was shaved.
“Whoa! That’s new!” You said looking at her new haircut, she looked at it and rolled her eyes.
“It’s a long story but I had to shave it”
“I like it, it suits you” You said looking at her hair, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away, she coughed and turn back to you.
“Thank you, I think we owe each other an explanation” She said trying to change the subject, but you being dense didn’t notice.
“Y/N Show the newbie around Ill put our prisoner away, you owe me an explanation for how you 2 know each other by the way.” He started walking away and you looked back at Gwen.
“Come follow me Ill introduce you to everyone!” You grabbed Gwen’s hand and pulled her towards everyone.
“Hey Y/N!” You walked pass a group of Peters and waved towards them. “Hey Peter this is Gwen!” They all waved and went back into their groups.
“Wow there sure a lot of Peter’s”
“Yeah Peter seems to be the most common canon, there are a very rare amount of us that aren’t Peters but I guess there’s almost an infinite amount of universes so there’s infinite possibilities” you replied looking back at Gwen who was taking everything in
“This place is so big” she said in awe watching all the other spiders running around
“This is the lobby” You replied whispering in her ear.
“Your kidding” She said turning back to you with her eyes wide.
“Not even in the slightest, here Ill show you where I like to hang out!”
You took her to the tallest building and hung out at the top looking down at Nueva York. You didn’t know how you felt about the whole situation but was surprised about how the whole situation went down, you had a crazy 48 hours that’s for sure. Shoot you didn’t check in with your Aunt. You both sat down over the edge of the tower, she looked down at her watch and then looked back at you.
“I guess I owe you an explanation it seems” You looked back at her and then back to the view.
“Nah, you’re safe that’s all I care about” You said looking away, she smiled and hit your shoulder gently.
“I’m so happy I can finally do that as me and not looking at you in the mirror” She said looking out towards the skyline again, she tucked her leg up towards her face and leant on it.
“It’s weird, I’ve seen you so much the past few months but not like this, its nice” You replied smiling.
“I know you said I don’t owe you an explanation but I have to tell you what happened it was crazy!” You folded your legs and shuffled so you were looking at Gwen as she told you all about her trip to 1610. She told you about Miles, about how what happened to her hair, you couldn’t help but laugh at that part knowing full well how hard it was to control your powers when you first got them.
She told you about Peter B Parker, Penni, Spider-Ham and Spider-Noir, You could see how happy she was about her little band of misfits. Maybe you and your Aunt had managed to heal her enough that she let herself open to gain other friends.
She told you about the collider, how Miles came through and gained the ability to somewhat control his powers, she showed you a photo of him on her phone and she was smiling.
“Gwen that sounds like a long week you had” She giggled and then an idea formed.
“Hey can we take a photo” You looked shocked but you nodded. You got ready but she leaned into your side and smiled, you followed suit as she took the picture.
“Thank you” She said looking down at her phone “So what happened to you” You laughed and looked ack at her “Oh nothing, an anomaly came through while I was at school, I knocked him out, Jessica saw my potential and I got recruited. That’s about it” She laughed hearing how easy your time was compared to hers.
“Y/N, Gwen theres a couple of people I need you to come meet” Miguel said over the watch, you both got up and headed towards his Spider-Cave, his fortress off Spidertude, his lair? And were met with what seems like a familiar face to gwen but someone knew.
“Y/N This is Hobie Brown! You’ll be working with him in the upcoming missions. This Spider over here is Peter B Parker” You saw Gwen hugging the other Peter who was surprised to see him so soon.
“Gwen when did you get here!”
“Today actually Y/N came and helped me”
“Is this the famous Y/N I’ve heard so much about hey! The one you’ve been swapping bodies with” You looked shocked that Gwen told someone that and she was blushing furiously.
“Shut it Parker” He laughed and swung towards you.
“Nice to meet you buddy I’m Peter”
“Y/N” You said shaking his hand, You shook a little too hard and he winced.
“Strong grip I like it, you were right they are very…” Before Peter could finish what he was saying Gwen webbed his mouth and he glared at her.
“Anyway cute reunion, Gwen you’ll stay here and train with Jessica, Y/N you’ll head out with Hobie, theres a Kraven In the wrong universe I need you guys to go get” You nodded and started walking with Hobie, you looked back and saw Gwen, she gave you a small wave and you waved back. With an extra hop in your step you turned towards Hobie.
“Dude love your hair”
“Thanks its natural”
“How does that fit under your…”
“Hammer Space” He said and you shook it off, you both input the co-ordinates and were off to another dimension.
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vveris · 8 months
Loki and Sylvie are the same person. Shipping them is weird. Point blank. I’m going to go on a very long tangent but it’s just because I’ve been very passionate about this since the first season.
Before starting this, I’d like to make something very clear. Loki and Sylvie are distinct people with different life experiences and personalities. I get that. However that does not discredit the idea that they’re variations of the same being.
Ok so, let’s start very simply. How do I know they’re same person? Two things
1. Lamentis-1
Something I find most people overlook when claiming Loki and Sylvie are two different beings is Lamentis. Before this episode, it was established that nexus events are undetectable during world ending events, which is why Sylvie could live at the end of the world. But on Lamentis-1, Loki and Sylvie caused an event so unthinkable that they were able to be found by the TVA. That nexus event was them (or at least one of them) developing feelings for the other. Normally you’d imagine that someone developing feelings for someone else wouldn’t be able to cause a nexus event at the end of the world. But since they’re the same entity, falling in love with a variant of yourself is catastrophic.
“But couldn’t it be that the event happened because they’re just from two different universes?”. I can understand that, but Mobius, a man who’s literal job is to know anything there is to know about variants, literally points out how weird it is that Loki fell in love with himself later in the season. But if that’s still not enough to convince you, think about Miles and Gwen. ATSV clearly shows Miles falling for Gwen, and yet they don’t cause a nexus event. Why is that? Because despite being from different universes, they’re not the same being.
2. Speaking of the spiderverse:
Here’s the fun part where I get to explain the difference between a being, a variant and a destiny.
A lot of people who ship Sylki argue the point that if Loki and Sylvie are the same person, then so are Miles and Gwen. …no lol. See Diagram A for a very important explanation.
The base characters are what the movie characters are based off. The characters that branch off are their variants
As you can see, Miles and Gwen do not come from the same base character, but Loki and Sylvie do. Cool so if two characters originate from the same base character, they’re the same!!
Now, often I hear that what makes Loki a Loki is their role/destiny. And yeah! Part of a Loki variant is their destiny, but, destiny isn’t everything.
See the MCU Miles I put on my diagram? I wanted to prove that destiny isn’t what ties variants together. See, MCU Miles isn’t a hero, he’s just a one off comment Donald Glovers character makes. He is not a hero, not a spider person, just a nephew.
Similarly, ITSV’s Gwen and live action Gwen do not share the same role/destiny in their universes. LA Gwen was just a citizen, who died like a lot of her variants. ITSV’s Gwen is the outlier of her variants, her role isn’t to be a spider person, yet she is one anyways.
I’d just like to point out now that the reason King Pens multiverse machine brought Gwen and Peter and the others to Miles’ universe was not because it was reading Miles true DNA, but the unique mutated genes that the spider(pig, in Porkers case) gave the spider people. Idk if that was obvious to others but it took me a couple rewatches to figure that out (+ it help’s discredit the whole “Miles and Gwen are the same” thing.
Overall, Loki Laufeyson and Sylvie Laufeydottir are variations of the same person, even with different personalities and life experiences (because they wouldn’t be variants if they were carbon copies of eachother).
I had more points to make but I literally forgot since it’s been 5 hours since I’ve first got worked up over this. I will update if I remember :)
Ship Sylki all you want, just please don’t ignore how weird it is (and also how one sided and semi toxic it is in general)
Also, I’m so up for discussion as long as y’all are civil about it. I don’t want to argue with people who are passive aggressive or otherwise 👍
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darksidescorner · 6 months
V. Octavius and Miguel Angst Time.
Piggybacking on this post, I'm fully aware that this contradicts what is said before, but unlike canon according to ATSV Miguel, Canon is whatever I want it to be.
The reason they aren't married is because neither one got to propose before shit hit the fan.
They live in a specific part of time to me: Post-ITSV, in a time where Spider Society exists, but pre-Gabrielle. They aren't married at this time, but they are living together. They are living like a married couple, yet they aren't married.
Why is that?
Because they're both nervous wrecks about the other. And they want the proposal to be perfect. And they're both afraid of being rejected even though if the other asked them they'd say yes in less than a second.
And Olivia had gained the confidence to. She had a ring, and she had plans. Do you know how hard it is to surreptitiously get a ring size for a guy like Miguel? A total introvert who has zero reason whatsoever to know his ring size? She does. And she somehow did it. Lyla helped a LOT.
Anyways, the ring is ready, now for planning. Olivia struggles to plan it in a way that makes sense without being too obvious and too public, but she doesn't want to go into his office like "Hey wanna get married?"
She has an idea. They love to walk and picnic in Central Park during the fall, so what better place and time than when they do that?
Except she doesn't get to do that. Because Miguel's variant died, and Miguel didn't want his daughter to have a death anniversary. He didn't want his daughter to experience that pain, even if she's not "his". Olivia supports this decision, but it does put a fork in things. Thanks to the Multiversal Time Difference between the two universes, and some extra Lyla usage, Miguel is able to spend time with (and sleep alongside) Olivia during the day, and be a good dad to Gabrielle during her day.
So Olivia tries to find another time.
And she doesn't get one, because Gabrielle's universe collapsed, and that left her and Miguel absolutely devastated.
Still, Olivia holds onto the ring, hoping that one day the grief won't be as suffocating. And that one day, Miguel can move with his grief. One day, surely. And she'd be happy to be there for him every step of the way.
@pinkpinkspidey @leggybacon (if you would like to be added or removed from the tag list lmk)
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