#still got school hahahaha I'm fcking dyinggg
narcissarina · 6 months
Darkened Desires
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Prologue and Chapter 1: The sun || Chapter 2: The moon || Chapter 3: The moon || Chapter 4: The sun || Chapter 5: The sun || Chapter 6: The moon || Chapter 7: The moon || Chapter 8: The sun || Chapter 9: The sun || Chapter 10: The outsider || Chapter 11: The moon || Chapter 12: The sun || Chapter 13: The sun
Pairings: Mafia!Scaramouche × Barista!Reader
Word count: 1,363
Warning: Trauma, deaths, seeking professional help. Slight smut, praise. Cock warming, pet name?
Thank you for enjoying this series. Slight smut at the end. Next chapter will be only smut and probably a plot. Thank you for getting this far in the series:)
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Chapter 14:
I fought my way from these degenerates, dead bodies on the ground. Blood splatter from the enemies smeared to my expensive tux, my only mission here to get my beloved sunshine home and safe.
The Tsaritsa has been demanding her whereabouts and sending off an unrealistic number of men to investigate and look for traces off of her. Her Majesty has been getting panic attacks these past few days—Ajax couldn’t get a wink of sleep as he was trying to calm the Tsaritsa. She’s been sobbing violently.
I could only stood there, as vulnerable as Her Majesty is. I’m not there to protect her, to stop them from taking her away from me. I failed. But it’ll be different this time, it has to.
I barged in a room after shooting the man who bought her.
And there she is, curled into a ball—shivering from fear and coldness. “Sunshine?” I called, my voice low and soft. I step inside the room, slowly making my way to her—not making any sound as she’s sounds asleep.
God, she looks… horrible, but still beautiful. But in a horrible shape, she had nightmares. My poor baby.
Her lips quivering, she’s sobbing in her sleep—I took her in my embrace. Rocking her body back and forth as if she’s a little scared toddler, I carried her out the room. Covered her ears to cancel out the noise of gunshot and screams.
She weep and try rolling over in my arms but she couldn’t, gotta shop and give her new clothes, this shit looks uncomfortable to sleep in but I kept wondering how she did it.
We got back in the car, her whole body had been lie down completely and make her use my thigh as her pillow.
“Scara?” I heard her call out with a sob, but she still has her eyes shut and still sobbing in her sleep.
I could only hold her hand tightly, brushing off a strand of her from her face—that’s the only way I could think of to assure her that she’s safe and that I’m here. “The monsters gone, and I’m here.” I whisper, loud enough for her to hear as I feel her breathing slow in a steady pace.
The whole ride was quiet, she rolls over and keeps nuzzling close to me to the point that she’ll squeeze me to death. I only laugh and hugged her close as I knew she’s seeking comfort and warmth, that the shitty place she’s been sold to can’t even provide her something more thick of a clothing so she couldn’t catch a cold.
We arrived back at Her Majesty’s place, I gently pull myself away from her—making sure that she didn’t wake up. The Tsaritsa on the other hand, noticed that we finally got back and she came out stomping with only bare feet.
“Her Majesty! The ground is too dirty, please wear a slipper or something!” one of the guards shouts with worry.
“Is she safe?” The Tsaritsa shouts with worry and stops right on my track, I sigh and nodded, “no need to worry, she’s face. I reckon that she had experience something traumatic.” I spoke, gently taking her out of the car and carrying her bridal-style.
“my poor girl.” The Tsaritsa sobs as she caress the top of her head. I nod and she nodded back, agreeing that we should put her in a room where it’s warm then ask the maid to change her to something comfortable and warm to wear.
I sat at the edge of the bed, my eyes still staring at her sleeping form. I lean to kiss her cheeks, eyes, her warm tears and the side of her lips. “I won’t leave you out of my sight ever again.” I promise, got up and left the room.
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She had always been staring off to space, disassociate herself from reality and weep in her sleep. I consult her to a therapist—hoping that she’ll get better in no time, she needed help and I am there every time she needs me.
She’d stare at me and I would smile at her, hoping that it’ll give her comfort and that every thing is going to be all right, no one will catch and hunt her. And that I am sure of it.
I can’t even imagine how she endure those pass few days, but all I knew that she didn’t get hurt or got force something against her will.
Every time I leave the room to give her space, she would stare at me by the door. Then whines as she tries to make me come back and sit against the edge of the bed, she said it doesn’t matter if this is still safe—she felt like she could still be potentially in danger.
I could only chuckle at her silly little words, but also understood why she say something like that. She’d gone through so much trauma and been expose to something she shouldn’t be seeing.
Every time I visit her room, I’d bring any stuff animal and plush of her favorite characters to give her more company when I’m away at work, I also asked Ajax to look after her in my absence. Ajax told me they had a stare-off for an hour as she couldn’t pry her eyes away from that guy.
Ajax was creeped out but shrug it off and decides to have a little play with her, to make her trust him and that he wouldn’t hurt her.
When I get back, she’d welcome me in bed and put the stuff animals and plush away and invite me over. I rest up on her bed, my legs stretched as I feel a little rustling to my side. She’s trying to snuggle against me without trying to interrupt my nap.
She had become clingy and vocal, and then.
She’s finally getting back to her normal self, more alive—cheerful, vocal, and eating much more food. But the thing is, she’d cling to me as if she’s indirectly hinting that she’s now mine.
We lie in bed and she’s in my sweater, snuggling and keeps me close to her embrace. I didn’t budge but I smiled and wrap my right arm over her shoulder and connect my lips to her temple as she takes a little nap, “getting more comfortable, Sunshine?” I softly asked, she nodded and looked up at me.
“thank you.”
“For what?”
“for finding me and staying with me even when I got difficult to handle.”
I chuckle at her statement, “that’s not true.” I object her words, “if you’re difficult then the Tsaritsa won’t be wasting her time stressing out and constantly getting worried. Ajax wouldn’t accompanied you when I told him to.” I hum against her temple and caress her cheeks.
“Are you going to confess your love to me?” I teased and boop her nose, she covered her face against my chest which made me yelp.
I laugh at how adorable she’s being right now, “fuck, baby. You’re gonna give me a boner. Will you blow me if I got hard?” I tease again.
She nodded and look up at me with those gorgeous god damn doe eyes, I’d roll those eyes at the back of her head again. Making her cum harder than the last time I fucked her when I’m injured.
I lean my head back at the headboard and laugh at her, I feel her leave my chest. Thinking that she’s gonna get herself some drink, but no. I hiss and frown my bros as I saw her got down to my belt and unbuckle it then unzip my pants.
She pulled my boxer down and let my cock free, it wasn’t that hard yet—she held it with her cute hand and pumps it a few times, her mouth open and tongue out.
“Damn baby, cock warming me up?” I hiss and try to reach out to her but she slap my hand away and let her do her job.
I chuckle and tie her hair up to a bun, “careful, hun. Don’t bite my dick off now.”
“Open wide.”
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Chapter 15: THE SUN
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