#still listening to that podacast<3
girlhorrror · 2 years
i neeeeed to go see halloween ends laurie you are my faaaavourote final girl ever of all time i love you alive girl
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minzart · 2 years
2, 3, 11
kiss kiss fall in love!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
Right and the good old 3/4 to the right
Left is just the bane of my existence 😤
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Fluffy hair... just. So much fluffy hair, doing just straight nothing to add to it hair was my personal nightmare, but fluffy hair saved my sanity and still does it to this day
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Some times! Sometimes it's loffy, others are just music that I'm vibing with.
But most time it's a very long podacast/YouTube video just to have some ambience XD
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confessinbouthanson · 8 years
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**long confession so no pic
“Yesterday I had a bad flu and I was stuck at home with nothing to do. To pass the time by, I looked at Hanson social media accounts and I found Natalie’s interview for a podcast called MamaBearDares- LOL the name says it all. Usually I don’t listen to this kind of cheesy and sugary podcasts, but I was in a nosy mood and I gave it a chance. Turns out it was a super-boring chat of three Merry Brides talking about their “hard” life of wealthy moms. I don’t get why some fansons complimented her for this interview, TBH I find it kinda depressing. The general vibe I got from this podcast is that she seems to define herself only as Pentamom Taylor’s wife. Okay, it’s a podacast about children, but she shows no interest at all beyond her family trips. She pretended to be a bookworm educating herself through reading, but all she could do was talk about bearing books. Worse still, when one of the hosts asked her what she does only for herself, Pentamom replied that she dress up and go out with her husband. Really? Come on, Natalie, don’t you have an hobby that doesn’t involve your minions or Taylor? It’s sad, IMHO she talks and she acts like she hasn’t matured much since high school- she seems a cheerleader showing off her trophy boyfriend whenever she can. The more I read her blogs and listen to her “interviews”, the more I’m convinced that Ezra was the only reason why Taylor married her. Back in the day, I always thought that Natalie was going to be a temporary girlfriend and he was going to marry an interesting and stimulating woman as a life companion. He seems a passionate and deep person, I don’t think they have much in common.My two centsFansons insults in 3-2-1“
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