#still not worse than haylor so i'm like meh
alarrytale · 1 year
Holivia was already a stunt which crossed many lines which past H’s stunt hadn’t crossed and it was a huge shitstorm painful to watch but unfortunately I have a feeling that this stunt won’t be less painful to watch. Remember that “famous” RS article which basically turned into DWD promo, H was accused from queerbaiting and what I found only recently media tried to force him to come out. OW already included herself into H’s Vogue article which came out even before the stunt went official and so - and now it’s basically confirmed when H was yesterday spotted not only with TR but also H.Lambert and that woman from BV - now we’re probably get very organic lovers photoshoot pushing their made up love story…which is another level because H never did a photoshoot with their fake gf.
Hi, anon!
What lines were crossed that weren't before with holivia, with the exception of the tattoo? He's done everything else before, he just didn’t have a relationship last long enough to cram everything into one.
I think this will be less painful to watch, just because TR seems less full of herself, less chaotic energy and not doing the performative unorganic feminism shit. Just not having to deal with that is already better to me. Things might change, but for now she's more of a cami*le than an O.
You found out media tried to out him? I think that's hearsay and not true. Also he'll have to deal with more queerbaiting accusations if he continues to stunt. I think we're due for more hussell and it will be shoved down our throats. I don't think a photoshoot is another level as you say. It's more of the same we've had before. I don't see why seeing them photographed in a studio as a couple is worse than seeing them papped as a couple on a street? It's not anymore official or real if it's in Vogue than in the daily mail?
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