fpftp-blog · 12 years
The Unjustly Justice
Read it, it's about a father who's time with his daughter was slashed in half after the mother claimed that he was only getting all the "good times". Coming from a divorce family I can tell you now that if that father were to have the option he'd probably have the daughter 24/7 and gladly put up with the drudgery and hard work.  However, moving away lets look at the aspect that really pisses me off. This is a law binding aranngment, by law this man who is 50% of the child is only now able to see his daughter once every fortnight. BY LAW!  To better explain what I'm trying to say- It's like a room full of chains, we are so tied up into the system that it's crazy we agree to the things we do. It is bullying in it's purest form, as we look at committing a crime we no doubt think of the consequences. Similar to a bully saying "If you hit me, I'm going to kill you". "If you steal that load of bread you'll go to jail", "If you see your daughter, you'll go to jail" However, this is not a bad thing. But in certain circumstances like the one above you have to question our validity and our ability to go against the grains of justice when they themselves are unjustly.  We need to continue to think for ourselves and through the power of media and our voices be ready to stand where injustice is laid down. Fuck politics, For the People.  
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
Police the power of hate,
Interesting comment I saw on Facebook from a friend that is in Training to be an officer "I can't fucking stand people in general, oh well once I've got my gun then they'll regret messing with me" It made me laugh at how incapable our system is at filtering out the 'bad eggs'. Meanwhile my father who has a 20year old criminal record and is a reformed and gentle man, is unable to even work at McDonalds. The system needs to wake up and sought this inequality out! -posted from iPhone.
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
People have expressed explicit concern for the reasons outlined in the article above, and yet no government response. The most we've had in return is a "I'll consider that later", how is that the way an 'elective' should talk to the electors?
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
A Yin-Yang quote of Politics
Merv of Gympie Posted at 6:51 AM Today
Don't believe all that you read. There is more than bit of politics in all of this for other purposes. Now with continual cuts the Libs will do what they always do in such circumstances, cause a recession with over cutting. So I suggest that 'debt' is nothing like that amount, which includes the debts of state supervised authorities building new dams, electricity generation and so on. Hey it is the eternal partnership. Labor builds things that are needed for the future and the Libs, who have no ideas of their own, pay. The perfect combination! Look at history, it has always been that way. We need them both. Debt or stagnation?
- Retrieved from Couriermail.com (June 15, 2012), Newman Government to be urged to rein in budget with Queensland's debt headed for $100b in six years'
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
Water Poison
If the Chinese, Germans or Japanese were to try and implement a plan to poison our underground water systems how would you react?
Take a minute to think about it, would you be comfortable with war? Would you see it as an act of war on Australia? ----- If they decided to drill down and destroy our underground water systems through the use of gas, would you be upset at the waste of such a precious resource? -----
“Most Australians are simply not aware that the vast bulk of our fresh water is underground, out of sight, out of mind."
Coal seam gas is a real thing, it's a real threat and its an enemy to our underground water systems. Without water, no farms, without farms, no food, without food... This is not a hippy page, I challenge you to google it for yourself, read and become aware of the dangers that are posed. It's not enough to simply view our politics anymore, we must act. We must engage and become aware of where Australia's future is heading. We must have an impact.
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
100b in Debt Newman your up.
An article discussing the deficit of QLD, a staggering $67billion in debt. With reports looking to have the debt rise to 100b in the next six years. So where does Newman first go? Well we can't cut the rich, or the industrial section. But those community councils and the people, they won't mind paying back the debt do they?
In saying this, it's important to note that the ALP did effectively run our state into the ground, and their economic management is terrible to say the least, but with reparations to go and little money to spend; why sir do you insist on cutting into our pockets again? We always are hearing about MP over expenditure, however, how many cases of economic abuse do we not hear of? It takes a great amount of effort to scrutinize the efforts of the lesser MP's so how are we expected to catch out the big dogs?
Newman, ALP did run this place into the ground, now show us what you've got. Don't for a second though, forget the people that put you there.
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
These are the kids of the future,
"One said his children were told they could not high-five each other, and another complained that when her son was winded his friend was told not to comfort him."
Are we really at this day and age that we're teaching our kids to not even comfort our mates? How will this reflect in 20 years, when these kids have developed self-centred mind frames. It was bad enough when I was going through school, but at least if our mate fell down, we were told to help him up!
We need to take careful consideration with our children's morals and values. I can only imagine the diggers rolling in their graves.
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything
Alexander Hamilton
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
A beautiful example of where our nation is headed, No one could care anymore, and those that do care see it pointless, There's so little division in the parties these days. They both use to be separate powerful ideological movements, fighting for their own cause; the people swaying or staying depending on their values and judgements.
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
Fuck Politics, For the People
I'm sick of it! Australia is sick of it! We're all sick of it! It's about time the government got their stuff together. I look on the news, I read the papers and it's just a constant back and forth of backstabbing, degrading remarks and unwarranted sledging between the front benches. "I've been through the great depression, been lied to a million times from the politicians, but this year was the only year I couldn't vote for anyone."
These are the words of an old man I conversed with on a simple train ride, an old timer who had seen decades of hurt, he had seen the country grow. This is what drives this blog forward, the fact that as we advance in time;our government is crumbling. Although economically we may not be in turmoil, the Australian way is fading out.
What happened to lighting a fire on the beach? What happened to the days that people would build parks without the fear of being sued? What happened to the Australian way?
Please understand this is not a hate blog, this is here to remind people of what we were, and to be mindful of where we're heading. Australia is selling it's land and we're murdering our resources, when we run out. What then? WE NEED INFASTRUCTURE! Are we that greedy that we're only going to focus on our next meal, and not think 60 years into the future? Representing the future leaders of Australia, I say enough is enough. Forget your politics, and start acting for the People!
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fpftp-blog · 12 years
The government should fear the people, not the otherway around.
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