#stitchem manor
cheezysweaterguy · 7 months
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Newton with Monty :3
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princessherogirl · 2 years
Little Big Planet 3 Gates of Stitchem Manor except with music and noises
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Nothing I just felt like posting an old thing
(Oof wtf is Shadow's pose there-)
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haxorus-imp · 3 years
I’m new at this sort of thing but I was hoping to request some kind of Newton x reader except Newton is a really big fan of sfw physical affection (hand holding, hugging, kissing, etc) and they are spending time together and Newton simply cannot get enough. If not for any reason it’s alright, and I appreciate you not only taking the time to read this but also write super awesome stuff :D
I actually think this would fit his character, tbh! Newton gives me a really 'lonely child' vibe. Like, he lives in a big creepy home with a deemed 'crazy' mother. All alone. So he would love some affections from someone that isn't his doting mother. Great ask! -- Newton couldn't really imagine how he managed to find you in all of Bunkum. You, out of all sack people. How he managed to find someone so...tolerant, understanding, patient, and kind...he'll never know. He was probably just lucky if he could make a guess. Nothing in the imagisphere could compare to you....and he had you all to himself. Something that he would never ever take for granted. Even now, as you both lay on the grass in the fields of Needlepoint Peaks, he nuzzles into your fabric. Nearing a complete sense of total bliss as you stroke his bulb with such a gentle caress. Containing your giggles as he wraps his arms around you to draw you in closer. How did it all begin? Well after the Titan Incident, Newton was pretty much on clean up duty and had to reforge the shattered bond between him and Bunkum. Which was a tall order at the time, as a lot of negative press was generated about him during that time. Which made working with others...much harder than usual. Then, while he was cleaning up some of his mess with his family and accomplices...among the volunteers, a peculiar sackperson caught his eye. There in the crowd was a...unique and rather dashing sack person. They were helping sweep up debris and rebuild some broken structures some ways away from him. At that moment, time had stopped for Newton. He just...froze in place as he watched you work. The way you moved...the way your hair fell...the sweat you would wipe off your hard working body... Newton was stunned. He was only snapped out of his frozen state when his father got onto him for 'slacking'. But for the rest of the day, he couldn't help but take repeated peeks at you. Trying to subtly find out just...who that sack person he saw was. Back then, you were as cautious as everyone else in Bunkum. Newton knew that the ire and caution of the residents of Bunkum being directed to him was just-deserved...he did try and destroy them, after all. Well...his possessed self did. But in the eyes of everyone else, they were the same person. Which didn't bode well for Newton most of the time. But that didn't stop him from trying to get close to you or to find out something about you. But with a couple of clumsy run-ins, failed attempts to impress you, and a couple of accidental...well...accidents, you finally started to tolerate Newton enough to challenge those that still saw him as a titan-puppet. Eventually...Newton made a friend. A genuine friend. Someone that vouched for him, spoke up for him, and listened to him and his side of the titan story. It was...such an amazing feeling to finally be HEARD. To be seen as something other than a troublemaking failure of an inventor. You both stayed close, even when most of the repairs of Bunkum were finished. During those times, you were invited over to Stitchem Manor so many times than Newton could count...and you showed up every single time. You never left him hanging or out of the loop. You included him in your personal events and even encouraged him to keep pursuing his dreams despite all the drawbacks. You were both a balancer and an encourager. You were his rock and his sky. You were always there when he needed somebody to vent to and you listened to all of his woes. His worries. His insecurities. His traumas. His self hatred. You listened to it all and comforted him every time he collapsed in on himself. You were always there to pick him up. You were the support he needed for so long. Pretty soon...Newton realized that just being friends wasn't enough. It didn't take a clever inventor to find out if someone is in love...and Newton got it...BAD. He was practically lovesick and couldn't stop thinking about you for even a minute. He wanted to confess...but he didn't want to ruin what you had between you two. He struggled with internal
conflicts for a while. Arguing with himself about your position in his personal life. But the days dragged on and the strength of his love grew ever stronger. Newton eventually started to struggle with CONTAINING his emotions, as they would leak out from time to time. This would range from mere compliments to giving you random gifts of things he knew you liked. Finally, you pretty much caught onto his shifty behavior and Newton finally exploded into a word-confessing waterfall. Admitting everything that he was feeling. All the warmth in his chest, the fuzzy internal feelings, the butterflies in his belly, and the thoughts of you plaguing his mind. He finished his bout with a verbal expression of his desire to become more than just friends. Newton couldn't really face you while he practically vomited out his confession in a slew of rushed words. He didn't want to look at you to see your reaction, if he was to face rejection now, he would probably break into tiny pieces. Like fragile glass. He kept his gaze low to the ground. Hiding his eyes underneath his egg-timer bowler hat. He expected everything. Rejection. Laughter. An awkward cough...just anything! Yet, something different and not quite as expected came his way. Instead of a roar of laughter, uncomfortable silence, or even a unimpressed huff, Newton felt your knitted hand reach out and touch the side of his bulb. Then a slight force of that hand pulled his sagging head up. Shortly after that, he senses a soft feeling of something pressing against his bulb-like face. Newton quickly refocuses his attention back onto you, now processing what was happening. You were giving him a kiss... YOU WERE GIVING HIM A KISS!? Newton allowed his eyes to widen in surprise as you pull back to look into his brightened optics. You let out a low cheeky chuckle before leaning in again and pressing your knitted lips to his wire. Giving him his first ever legitimate kiss. Newton felt sparks fly and his heartrate rapidly increased. Then...there was pure euphoria. Newton Pud, the once touch-starved inventor wannabe...was being kissed by the sackperson he adored...something went right for him for once. He melted into the kiss. Despite his lack of lips, Newton allowed the warmth of his light to mix in with the presence of your lips. As if he was giving you a ghost of a kiss in his own way. Those butterflies in his stomach took flight and lifted him into an imaginary sky...and Newton never felt so high. It was...amazing. Breathtaking. Pure euphoria. It was all he ever wanted...and it was all he ever needed. He just wanted to be loved. Newton pretty much fell totally in love with you after that. Any chance he got to take your hand or to give you a hug or a kiss...he took it, greedily. It was like bodily contact was a personal drug that he couldn't get enough of. Eventually, you both had hooked up and regardless of what others thought, you stayed with him. Making sure to keep him within arms reach and to stay in one another's' presence while out in public. His parents were happy for Newton. Finally, he had a reliable person to go to and help watch over him. There was also the offhand comment from Nana Pud about grandchildren, but Newton always ushered him and his lover out of the room while his father laughs at their expense. Regardless of the slight embarrassing comments, you and Newton decided to make a new life together. With most of the clean up of Bumkum done, regular cuddle sessions are a must between you two. Even now that you both have been together for a few weeks, Newton still loves and adores to be held and comforted. Just like what you two were doing right now in the present day. With him resting on your lap and you softly petting his bulb and allowing him to cuddle with you as much as he wanted. In the end, Newton was happy and he couldn't ask for a better partner to look after him and be by his side. Besides. Who needs the popit academy to create something? You both created something wonderful together...and the best part? Neither of you had to share this wonderful thing with anyone else.
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antonymziie · 2 years
Hhello!! I do have some questions about the Burnt Bridges au! These are mainly things that popped into mind so if ya don't wanna answer you don't have to) Did Pinky punish Newton for releasing the Titans, through community service or did she torture him (basically doing the things she said she would). Since Sackpeople respawn in game, I wonder if constantly killing Newton in horrible ways an respawning him would be Pinky's ideal way of punishment
:0 thank you for the ask !! so after the whole destruction of most of bunkum was done and through, everyone was far too afraid of newton to really do anything too harsh with him. pinky removed the tea tin housing the titans from stitchem manor (she said captain and nana pud were unfit considering they couldn’t control their own son) and has it guarded in a remote location; she also banished newton from living in any populated areas of bunkum. he is forced to live on the outskirts of stitchem green (the town outside stitchem manor in lbp3 alpha) and any more mishaps with him would lead to being banished to another dimension.
i do think your ideas for some sort of punishment are also fitting, since i haven’t gone into detail about the extent of the atrocities newton committed that led to him being feared as much as he is
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laylatheloofa · 3 years
Dictator N.A.O.M.I AU - Bring Me Creativity #1, Chapters 3-4
Read chapters 1-2 here:
Trigger/Content warnings: Hypnosis, minor violence, violence from a parental figure
Chapter 3
Newton starts returning to his home, Stitchem Manor.
He's a bit sluggish, the hypnosis he'd been put through tiring him more. As he slowly gets to the manor, he looks up at the sky. His mind keeps trailing back to what was beaten into his head with the music. 'Obey. Obey her. OBEY. You are less than her.'
And he believed it. He'd believed he'd been less than her. And in a way, he'd been.... right? In any case.... there really would be no way he'd be on her level of power. A powerful leader, owning almost all of the Imagisphere's territories and planets... compared to a small lightbulb who'd flunked the Popit Academy? There's no way they could even compare...
Getting closer and closer to the manor, the thought of someone in his family catching him doing something, releasing the titans overcame Newton. If either of his parents, Nana, or... the dreadful Captain, would catch him, it'd be over for him. He'd be berated, yelled at, humiliated... it wouldn't be good for him. But, he still heads towards the manor, despite his conflicting thoughts. He gets in, and just heads for the roof now.
Halfway to the roof, he hears... Someone. He tries not to, but he looks behind himself. And there's... nobody there? He shudders a bit, but just shrugs it off, still having his sights set for the roof, and the Titan Tin.
Getting to the roof of the manor, Newton gets his way to what he'd wanted. The titan tin. He steadily walks towards it, as sluggish as he'd been before. Before he can get to the tin, though, he heard the person behind him again. He once again, looks behind himself, and sees- Captain Pud. 
"P- Papa-!" Newton yelps, jumping back, suprised, obviously.
"C- NEWTON!" Captain yells at him, "What are you doing up here-?!"
Newton thinks to himself. 'How am I gonna explain this--??? W-what's he gonna do to me?'
Newton looks at the ground for a moment, the message that was now glued in his mind coming back... And so he speaks, "For the... Th..."
Captain just grumbles to himself. "You know the rule, Newton."
Newton keeps trying to explain. "Pa...Papa.. I was told that I'm helping the world if I get to the titans..."
Captain yells at him in return. "NEWTON! You KNOW that's not true!"
Newton responds, "..It- is true."
Captain, not having any more of his son's attempts to explain, grabs him by his coat. In response to this, Newton screams out, "LET- GO-!!"
Captain steps back, but doesn't let go of Newton, who keeps yelling at him. "L-LET.. GO-! DON'T TOUCH ME-!"
"Newton-!" Captain interrupts, "What has gotten into you?!"
Captain grumbles to himself before responding, "She? Who do you mean by she... surely-" Before he can finish, Newton cuts him off. "Th- the only person who's ever..." He trails off, leaving Captain to finish what he'd been saying, "Surely you aren't talking about whoever you've been talking to in that Junction. That dangerous place-"
....And Newton freezes up. "How dare you call her dangerous-!"
Captain, understanding this, grabs Newton by his neck.
He tries to push his father off of him this time. "P-papa-!"
Still holding him that way, Captain screams at him. "WHO HAVE YOU BEEN TALKING TO?!"
Newton shivers, not answering. Captain angrily waits, tightening his grip on Newton.
In pain, Newton answers. "T- The leader-"
"THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN SHIT!" Captain screams at him.
"I...It's..." Newton says, obviously afraid, "T- The l-leader- N-Na-"
Captain just listens now, looking angrier by the second.
"Na... N.A.O.M.I-" Newton finally says.
Captain tightens his grip once more, and throws Newton to the ground, cracking the back of his bulb.
Newton just... lays there for a moment. Processing what just happened. Captain walks off, whispering something to himself. "That'll teach him a lesson..."
Chapter 4
After a while, Newton gets up and... decides to head back to the Junction. On his way, he decides to pick up some rocks and leaves... at least he was bringing something back, if what he'd thought. After some time of tiredly walking, pretty much half asleep, he gets back to the building where he'd been with N.A.O.M.I earlier. He heads in the building- and is stopped by some guard sackbots, who are a bit taller than him. He jumps a bit upon seeing them.
One of the guards asks him a question. "What are you here for?"
Newton answers, "T-to see N.A.O.M.I- she wanted me here-"
The other guard speaks, "We will notify her."
The guards walk off, and Newton stays put... worried. What would N.A.O.M.I think about what he'd brought her
Soon, the guards come back, and give him the okay to go to where N.A.O.M.I had been.
He gets to the stairs, and starts heading up.
He soon gets up to the floor, and room where N.A.O.M.I is. He knocks on the room's door, to which she opens the door. "Ah."
Newton waves to her. "H.... hello-!"
N.A.O.M.I waves back, greeting him with, "Welcome back, Newton."
Newton shakily shows her the leaves and rocks he'd brought, saying, "I-I didn't let out the Titans... I... I'm sorry..."
N.A.O.M.I gets a bit of a disappointed look on her face, but she takes the rocks and leaves.
"P... Please don't be- mad-" Newton whimpers.
N.A.O.M.I sighs a bit, before speaking, "I'm not mad, Newton."
His face lights up.
N.A.O.M.I keeps speaking, "....I'm just disappointed in you."
And Newton freezes upon hearing that. "I-I-I'm s-so sorry-"
N.A.O.M.I sighs. She goes and puts down what Newton had brought her, aand picks up Newton. He looks up at her, a bit suprised, before looking around the room. It's a luxurious, huge office, almost seeming like an apartment or hotel room. N.A.O.M.I sits Newton on the ground, and pats his head.
He starts calming down from earlier, as N.A.O.M.I turns on a TV that'd been in the room. She turns the channel to a show that would send similar messages to the music she'd played for him earlier, and goes and sits next to him.
After a night of talking and getting to know each other more, Newton finally falls asleep on the ground. N.A.O.M.I turns off the TV, and eventually gets to sleep aswell... even the most powerful being in the galaxy needs rest too.
In the morning, N.A.O.M.I gets up, and gets into her formal wear, away from Newton, who'd still been asleep.
She leaves the room, and starts going to the basement of the building....
( End of story... for now ;) )
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haxorus-imp · 3 years
How about one with Newton and reader where Newton's having a panic attack and reader comforts him?
A bit of a touchy subject, but I can try. -- |Please note that I do not personally suffer from panic attacks or have any form of panic attack symptoms. However, I will try to keep the symptoms/attack as accurate as possible.| -- At first, everything was quiet in Stitchem Manor when you walked inside. Having been invited over to watch visit Newton by his parents as they go out for a date night, you happily accepted the invitation. You haven't really visited Bunkum that much ever since the Titan incident, so it wouldn't hurt to come over and say hello to an old chum. Upon first inspection, the house that once looked rundown and was the fractured shell of a former family home was finally getting some new life breathed into it. The large fissures that used to splinter the walls were being patched up, a new coat of paint was covering the walls, the kitchen pot was no longer filled with boiling rats...and it looked healthier too. "Newton! I'm here! I hope your parents told you I was coming!" You call out to the darkness of the home. No reply. A small blossom of worry began to bubble up on the inside of yourself. Yet, you continue your venture to the staircase that lead to the upper floors of the manor. "Newton??" You call again. Then, that's when it happened. A large BOOM resonated from somewhere in the upper floors! Strong enough to shake the house, nearly knocking you off your knitted feet. Concern quickly took over as you straighten up and began to hurry up the stairwell. Calling for the young inventor constantly. You rush down the halls and see a large plume of smoke filling up the hallway and a broken down door that appeared to have been thrown across the hallway from the resulting blast. You peer into the smoldering room, coughing and waving your hand in front of your face to clear some of the smoke. Thankfully, you heard a second pair of coughing and wheezing that wasn't your own. Meaning that Newton was still alive at least. You search for him blindly in the smoke, grabbing at the air where his voice was the loudest. Finally, you gripped an arm and enticed a surprised shriek out of the inventor as you begin to pull him out of his ruined room. With a dive for the exit, you drag the dimwitted bulb with you and both of you let out a groan of pain as you impacted the floor. After taking a moment to catch your breath, you look over to the inventor that laid on the floor just a short ways from you. From what you could see on his hunched over form; his bulb was now sporting a fracture on its' surface, his clear glass was smudged with soot and ash, and some places of his coat was burned. You felt a sense of relief, which quickly turned into concerned confusion. "Newton?? Are you okay?? What happened?! What caused that large explosion?!!" You hurriedly mutter, getting on your knees and gently shaking his hunched over form. However, you pause as you could hear something coming from your friend. It was a...a sob? Which was quickly followed by shaking and whimpering. You shake him a bit more until you finally picked up on some lowkey muttering. "What?? What was that, Newton?? I can't hear you..." You continue to prod, which causes the inventor to shoot up from his hunched position to sit back on his rear, letting out a loud cry. "CRUMBS, WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING BLOODY RIGHT?!" Newton suddenly cries out, surprising you. His body was shaking violently as he covered his face and wiped at the smudges that coated his glass. Smearing the soot all over in thin layers as he trembles and shudders as he desperately tried to catch his breath. You could only stare dumbly at Newton. "Newton, what do--" "An experiment g-g-gone wrong! Again, to nobody's surprise!! It--hic--was supposed to b-b-be so simple! And I couldn't--hic--I couldn't even d-do that! Just a timed device, t-that was all it was! But leave it to a fool like me to--hic--make it into a b-bomb!" Newton wails, his sobs coming out in rapid succession as he struggled to breathe. "Newton, just what--" "I'm such--hic--a failure!! No wonder p-papa left! I try and t-try! And I--hic--just can't do anything right!!" He cries into his shaking hands as he takes another desperate breath.
"That Titan was r-right...everything I make turns out r-rubbish...I'm just...--hic--...a disappointment." Newton weeps, his body vibrating and his voice shaky and unstable. You look at Newton in sadness. He was usually so...jovial. Was this the real Newton that he never shows to others? The insecure, lonely, vulnerable Newton that hides underneath his happy-go-lucky façade? The same Newton that tried, and failed repeatedly, to give creativity to Bunkum...and was so desperate to do so? You felt pity...and in a certain depth of your soul, sympathy. "Newton...come here." You say as you carefully approach his shivering form on your soft knees. With a gentle slowness, you wrap your body around his in a slow warm hug. Tightening your arms to secure Newton as close to yourself as possible. At the moment...It was the only thing you knew to do. As you remember feeling the same way when you thought Avalon was killed before your eyes during the Negativitron attack on Avalonia. It's what Da Vinci did for you during those tough times...and it helped you back then. So...maybe it could help Newton now. You just sat with Newton sobbing into your shoulder. Just gently rocking him back and forth, whispering reassuring things to him as you do so. Agonizingly slowly, his shaking slowed and his breathing slowly leveled out back to normal. You still held onto him until you were sure he was going to be okay. Finally, you loosen your arms and lean back to look at him. Seeing an expression of pure exhaustion on his wire, you gently pat his shoulder. "Newton...are you okay now?" You gently ask. A moment of silence passes. "I'm okay, chum. I just...let things get to me sometimes is all. Nothing to be worried about!" Newton reassures you as you give him a look of uncertainty. You take a moment to ponder something before you finally speak again. "That Titan is wrong, you know." You state, slightly confusing Newton. "What--" "That Titan is wrong about you. Nothing you make is rubbish, Newton! You just...build differently than everyone else. That Titan was merely making digs at you because you're so great! You're the son of Captain Pud! That surely stands for something...just...look. You look up to your father, which is great! But...you have to understand that you're NOT your father. You're Newton. You just have to find your niche for building and you will! I know you will! I'm the savior of craftworld, bunkum, and carnivalia! And I'm your best chum! If someone like me likes you...then how bad can you be?" You explain, giving him a smile as warm as sunshine. Newton was stunned silent before he lets out a few hiccup-laced laughs and returns your smile. "Thank you, chum. You're brilliant..." Newton sighs, as his panic attack finally subsides. You both share a moment before the sound of smoldering wood hits the floor in his destroyed room. You let out a visible wince as you sigh. "Well, crap. How am I going to explain this to your parents?"
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antonymziie · 2 years
the outfit :: burnt bridges au (lbp3)
wrote a little bit for my au idea !! i may or may not have been listening to horrible kids by set it off while writing it. passage is under the cut !! 
He had hidden the outfit among the piles of dirty clothes in his room; a tattered coat with a red striped undershirt, and a set of yellow trousers and gloves to bring it all together. It was his freedom outfit, the one he would wear when he had finally escaped the clutches of all of those holding him back from his true potential.
No more would he think back to the times giggles rippled through the classroom when he was asked to summon his popit; and no more being told that he wasn’t cut out for Popit Academy. They would regret sending him away, realizing they had rejected Bunkum’s most esteemed creator.
He would hear no more the voices; the ones chattering about when he went into town, talking of their disbelief that he was Captain Pud’s son. There would be no more whispering off his failures while he was around. They would fear to even speak Captain Pud’s name in front of him, much less amount him to being “Captain Pud’s son”.
Most importantly, the thing that made his blood boil the most, his parents. The nagging to become a spitting image of his father, the man who disappeared for years at a time and expected him to still show respect. “Only an inventor can make it in Bunkum”, they would say, “drawing pretty pictures and writing about your dreams will get you nowhere.” Maybe they should have paid a little more attention to the pictures he drew, they would know how he really feels about them.
The outfit was now laid across his bed. He could hear his destiny calling, all the way at the tippy top of Stitchem Manor, from inside a tea tin. He just had to wait for his friend to finish making his way to the roof, but for now… he put the outfit of freedom on. They would regret what they’d done to him.
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haxorus-imp · 3 years
Me again. Sorry for bothering you a second time. I was wondering if you had time for another request. If so, I wondering one with Newton and Marlon being close friends (post titans incident). I always figured that out of the curators of Bunkum, Marlon would be the most forgiving regarding Newton's action. I dunno, he doesn't seem like too harsh of a person.
Newton found it hard to get back into society of Bunkum after his little 'accident' with the titans possessing him and such. It had to be a slow and steady process and with a LOT of explaining on his father's part to allow his son to walk the streets again. At least Newton had a person worthy of respect, his father, speaking up for him. Having a great inventor on his side gave him an edge, at least. The curators of Bunkum, especially Pinkie Bufflooms, seemed to still be miffed at Newton for causing all that trouble. But none of them, with the exception of verbal threats from Pinkie, actively showed any hostility towards him. Having experienced the actually-possessed Newton first hand. However, there was one that recovered the quickest from his little endeavor. As it was none other than Marlon Random. Newton didn't really expect a lot of friendly gestures from others for a while. But...Marlon just seemed to be some definition of 'normal'. He just greeted Newton like it was just some other ordinary day. Which was surprising to the dim-witted inventor. Granted, Marlon was close to the Pud family to begin with. Living not too far away from Stitchem Manor in fact! He even knew his mother, Nana Pud. So maybe that's why he was on much more friendlier terms with Newton than some sackpeople. It got to a point that Newton would regularly visit Manglewood to visit Marlon. Newton hung out with Marlon most of the time during his reiteration back into Bunkum society. So while he and Marlon had some shakes at the vintage diner, he told Random everything that troubled him and his family. Newton told him his woes, escapades, and what happened while he was primarily under the control of the titans. He was even open enough to Marlon to tell him how it felt. Marlon would listen to the inventor. Not in a unwilling way, but in a true and quiet fashion. Letting Newton talk about what REALLY happened and not what the local news woman in Manglewood would print about him. Newton would even describe the absolute suffocating feeling he would suffer from while under the titan's possession. How they would drown out his own voice. How they trapped him in his own body. How Newton watched his hands and body move about like they weren't his own. Newton told Marlon everything and how powerless his voice felt at that time. Even now, in the aftermath of the titan incident, Newton was still struggling to be heard among others. Marlon would nod and listen, not a single spark of judgement in his eyes. Marlon even questioned about what motivated Newton to even open their prison in the first place and why he would need the hero of Craftworld to do it. Newton, while making sure that they were primarily alone in the section of the diner, came clean that the titans had spoken to him before the incident ever occurred. Back years ago, much to Marlon's surprise. He was young when he started hearing them.
The whispers.
The whispers that called out to him from the roof.
When he was young, he would lay in his bed at night and stare at his ceiling...listening to three voices calling to him from his place in his room. Hearing their promises...their offerings...their enticing sugary words. It got to a point that Newton started getting out of his bed to make his way to the roof when he heard them calling to him at night.
During that time, while his mother was asleep and his father was...gone, Newton would sit outside under the moonlit stormy clouds of stitchem manor. Sitting next to the sealed tea container and talking back to the voices coming from within. Listening to how they said they could bring Bunkum so much creativity...so much wonder...and so much positivity. Newton, clueless at his age, listened intently to everything they said. To how if he released them, how he would be even greater than his father. All the respect he would get. All the parties thrown in his honor. All the creativity that would fill the land because of him. Newton listened...and listened...and listened. Then one day, his mother caught him on the roof. Talking to the titans from within their prison. He was quickly whisked away and Nana Pud started a project to make a guardian to keep him from the roof that very same day. He wasn't allowed up to the roof anymore after that. But the voices persisted. They told him that Nana was keeping him from them. Was keeping him from his cherished creativity. From his honor. His glory...and he believed them. Over time, Newton--under the titan's influence--silently grew to resent his own mother through their manipulation. His father, having been gone for a few years, caused a rift in the family. Which just urged Newton to become better than his father. To show Bunkum that he wasn't a sorry inventor. To become someone...that wasn't himself. Nowadays, Newton is fully aware of their manipulation. But this was a plot in the making...and Newton just played right into the titans' claws when he got old enough to build a contraption that would summon the hero of Craftworld to deal with the stitchem guardian that stood in his way to his perceived glory and fame. Marlon was shocked from Newton's detailed explanation. Sitting in stunned silence across the way. He had no idea how deep the manipulation of the titans ran in Newton. So much so that he was tormented by them, even when he was young. Marlon, upon the reveal of that sudden 'plot twist' decided that Newton...just needed someone to talk to. He just needed a friend. A good one with no ill intentions or false promises. So Marlon took the opportunity to take Newton out for a regular milkshake every other day. Trying to bring some comfort into Newton's horribly neglected and manipulated life. Newton, while still hurting from the recent events, was thankful that he had some allies that weren't out to use him. Maybe making friends wasn't as hard as it seemed to be.
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AU related headcanon of how Newton got his Airship:
He didn't make it himself, it's actually an old one that Captain Pud had before that broke and was replaced with the shiny gold one in the game.
When he was little (and actually had a fairly decent relationship with his dad) they used to mess about tinkering with it together whenever he was home, and Newton would also do so on his own once he'd got a grasp on what everything did.
As time went on and the two grew more distant (there's some relevantly irrelevant shenanigans that went down that drove them apart), he would continue to work on repairing it alone - often he was at his happiest there, and it became something of a coping mechanism for the pressures of being a celebrity fuckup (y'know, kicked out of the popit academy, being decidedly sub-par compared to his parents, etc...)
Anyway eventually he managed to completely fix it and get it flying again, and that's when he decided to leave Stitchem Manor - after, of course, talking Captain and Nana Pud into letting him take the old ship (and after painting it in it's entirety)
And that's... basically it.
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