#stop adding unecessary frames
brainyxbat · 4 years
Win a Date with 4 2 Sing
Summary: Venus, Wasabi, and 2 other lucky fans win a contest, where they date the members of the K-Pop boy band 4 2 Sing.
VeJoon (Venus x Ye Joon)
Sunsabi (Kwan-Sun x Wasabi)
Trae (Trent x Dae)
Finally got this done! I think it turned out nicely! 😊
Khary Ginger belongs to my friend @the-writer-nerd-ro!
(Damon Ginger belongs to TWNR too!)
“Mom!” Pajamas-clad 19-year-old Catherine “Venus” Woods called from her bedroom upstairs.
“Can you help me pick something to wear for today?”
“On my way up!” Malia Woods walked up the stairs, and inside her daughter's dark, Gothic-style bedroom. “Okay, let's see what you got. Could take a while,” She joked, and Venus giggled.
“I don't want to look too casual, but at the same time, I don't want to look too formal either. Should I go with a top and shorts, jeans, or a skirt, a dress, a romper?”
Jack Woods, her bullying older brother, overheard and lingered at the doorway. “How about a mask, so that the guys won't burst into flames, and/or tears?”
“Shut up, Jack!” Venus glared at him.
“Jackson, don't insult your sister,” Malia scolded, “This is a big thing for her.” Venus had won a magazine contest, where the selected 4 winners would go on a date with the members of her favorite boy band, 4 2 Sing. The winners would show them around San Fransokyo, and end the day with a party at the community center. She wanted to make a good impression on whoever would be her date. “I think a casual outfit would do nicely,” Malia returned to the topic at hand, “And a nice dress for the party later.”
Venus nodded. “Yeah; we can come back here, and change before the party.”
“He changes in the bathroom,” Malia smirked.
“No worries,” Her daughter giggled, “I'll make sure of it.”
“If he doesn't ditch you first,” Jack barged in again, “And who could blame him?” That hurt.
“Jack, stop it!” Malia snapped. “Go get your clothes off your floor! And I don't want to hear another word out of you.” He obeyed her order, satisfied with his unecessary blows to his sister's already low self esteem. She turned back to Venus. “Don't listen to him, sweetie; whoever you date, he won't ditch you. And who knows?” She smiled. “Maybe it'll lead to more dates.”
The 5'1” Goth giggled. “Thanks for the confidence boost, but I highly doubt that. They have much more attractive, less awkward candidates.”
“No, you're very beautiful, sweetie,” Malia assured, as she looked through her dresses and rompers in the closet, “And you're not awkward. Whoever you date, he'll be the luckiest of the 4.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Venus helped her browse. “How about this?” She held up a black, strapless romper with white skulls all over, and an elastic waist. “Too much?”
Malia looked it over, and nodded. “It should be fine; I'll let you change, then we can look at your shoes.”
Once she was alone with the door closed (and locked to keep pests out), she changed into her outfit of choice, with a strapless bra underneath, to keep her shoulders bare. The black fabric complimented her ivory skin tone; she also tied her black hair in a ponytail with a black ghost-printed scrunchie, letting some strands frame her face. Her green streaks were more prominent, matching her eyes. After adding a silver mustache necklace for a little fun flair, she turned to the door. “Okay Mom, I'm done!”
Before long, she was ready for her date; her shoes were black Ed Hardy low-top laceless sneakers. She also had black rose earrings in her ears, and a black Libra cord bracelet on her right wrist. “You look great!” Malia beamed. “Come on, let's go.” Venus grabbed her purse, resembling a small, black cat backpack, and followed her out to the family car. “Where are you meeting again?”
“The Kyūden Hotel,” She replied; before the car was started, she got a call from her best friend, Wesley “Wasabi” Ginger. She answered, and put it on speaker. “Hey, Wasabi! You on your way to the hotel?” He had entered, and won the contest as well.
“No, I need your help! I can't decide what I should wear! Can you come over real quick?”
Venus glanced at Malia, who nodded her head, and returned to her call. “Yeah, sure; we're on our way.”
“Thanks! You're a lifesaver! See you in a few.”
“You too.” She then hung up, then put Wasabi's address in Malia's GPS.
After a few minutes of driving, they arrived at his apartment building, and he let them inside his home. “Okay Wes, what shirts are you trying to decide on?” Malia asked.
“Either this one,” Wasabi held up a black button-up shirt on a hanger, “Or this.” Up next was a dark green polo t-shirt. “I have others, in my closet.”
“Umm...” Venus looked them over, “Go with the green one. You look great in green.”
“Thanks, V.” After the girls left him alone in his room, he changed into the shirt she picked out, along with a matching headband, dark denim jeans, and his usual black jikatabi shoes. “I'm ready!”
“If you want, I can drive you there,” Malia offered.
“Thanks, Mi- I mean, Malia. I'd love that.”
She giggled, and headed out with both of them close behind. Wasabi sat in the back, with Venus staying
up front with her mother. “You excited, Wes?”
“Very!” He nodded. “I can't believe I won!”
“I'm on the same boat!” Venus giggled. “It was great of them to accept all genders! I wonder who we'll go out with?”
“Whoever he will be, I'll be showing him the best places in San Fransokyo.”
“Same here,” She agreed.
Their hearts raced with excitement when Malia pulled up to the hotel entrance. “Here we are, contest winners. Have fun! And treat your dates good!”
“We will,” Venus nodded; she and Wasabi hopped out of the car, and were escorted inside, as Malia drove away. “Hi!” She greeted the workers.
“Hello! You're Catherine Woods, and Wesley Ginger, right?”
“Yes, ma'am,” She nodded.
“You two excited to meet your dates?”
“Yep!” Wasabi replied. “We're both huge fans of 4 2 Sing.”
“They're all very grateful for fans like you,” The woman smiled, and led them to a room outside the lobby, “Okay, you all wait here for the magazine photographers to come get you; it shouldn't be long.” She and her partner then entered the lobby to let the photographers, and the band themselves, know that all 4 winners were ready.
Venus took the time to meet the 2 winners with her and Wasabi. There was a cute, blue-eyed brunette girl dressed in a tomboyish style, with bisexual flag earrings, and was only a few inches taller than her; there was another guy there too, with auburn hair, brown eyes, and wore a nerdy-but cool outfit, with a rainbow enamel pin on his plaid flannel. The girl was named Gretchen, while the guy was Trent.
4 hearts raced with anticipation and ecstacy when one of the photographers came in the room. “Okay, Mr. Ginger, you're first.” Venus gave Wasabi a thumbs-up, as he was led out of the room. His heart pounded like a drum when he saw the boys standing in a row. “Kwan-Sun, your date is Wesley!” The blue-haired boy approached him with a smile.
“Hi, Wes; it's nice to.... wait, I think I've seen you before!”
“Yeah! When we performed here a few months ago, for the opening of that huge mall.”
“Yeah, I was there!” Wasabi nodded; he felt like he was floating. “I guess my hair's a giveaway, huh?”
“Yeah,” Kwan-Sun chuckled with him.
Venus watched patiently, as Gretchen was escorted out next, and introduced to redhead Hyun-Ki. She wondered who she would go with; Dae, or Ye Joon? She had heard that Dae was gay after he recently came out of the closet to the magazine, and hoped for his sake that he would go with Trent. Judging by the guy's rainbow pin, they just might hit it off.
And sure enough, Trent was paired with Dae. Though from where the room was located, she didn't hear who was paired with whom.
The woman came back for her after a short moment. “Okay Ms. Woods, your turn.” She eagerly followed her to the lobby. She bit back a gasp when she saw the 4 boys, 3 of them with their dates. The last one left just so happened to be her favorite out of them all. “Ye Joon, your date is Catherine!”
Venus' breath shuddered, as she approached him, and they exchanged a handshake. “H-hi.”
“It's nice to meet you, Catherine.” Ye Joon had to admit; she was quite pretty.
“Y-y-you too; y-you're my f-favorite.”
“Okay, let's get a photo of all the winners with their dates!” The 4 winners posed with their respective dates, and the photographer captured the moment.
With that, the couples left for the pop stars' vehicles, with photographers following them to get more pictures.
Ye Joon was driving his nice, green Cadillac on the city streets, with the convertible top down for the warm weather, while Venus was providing directions with her phone's GPS. “So, this place we're having lunch at,” He glanced at her, “It's like Subway with tacos?”
“Yep!” She nodded. “You'll love it! All the ingredients are fresh! It's on me.”
“You don't have to...”
“No, you're my guest. And besides; it's not pricey.”
“O-okay,” He nodded, “Thanks.” He didn't exactly mind having lunch bought for him, but he wasn't going to straight-up ask for it. He treated his dates with decency; heck, he spoiled them, until the relationship ended. Sometimes, his spoiling partners was the sole reason his former significant others pursued him. Shallow gold diggers, they were.
Following the GPS' directions, he drove to the mall, and parked in front of the entrance. “Here we are!” She hopped out of the car after Ye Joon opened the passenger door for her. “Thanks,” She smiled shyly. She blushed when he held her hand, before they headed inside. Some fans of his tried to bombard the couple, but the photographers kept them away, to their relief.
When they were up, with Ye Joon copying her usual, the employee immediately recognized him, but respectfully took their orders, with Venus paying. He carried the tray, while she held their drinks and black utensils. They sat at a table for 2, both of them using the tray, and dug in; Ye Joon was pleasantly surprised at the amazing tastes. “Wow, this is good!”
Venus smiled after swallowing a bite of her chicken and cheese taco. “Isn't it? My family and I eat here all the time.” She sipped her Coke. “You see that store over there?” She pointed to a store nearby; it was primarily Gothic in its overall appearance, but had sprinklings of Pop Culture. A sign reading “Goth Pop” in stylized lettering was above the doorway.
“Uh huh.”
“That's my favorite,” She said, “I always make sure to stop there when my mom and I come here. 90% of my wardrobe is from there,” She giggled, “All of the employees know me too.”
“Ah,” He nodded, “Maybe we can stop there after we're done eating.”
“Awesome! You'll love it!”
“This'll be a great read for the magazine! A lunch date, complete with shopping together!” The photographers took pictures of the occasionally posing couple.
After finishing their food, and throwing out their garbage, Venus eagerly led Ye Joon to the Goth/Pop Culture fusion shop. “Here we are! Hi, Kelly!”
A young woman in her late 20s, with fair skin, dyed bright turquoise hair, dark makeup, and a piercing in her right eyebrow turned from stocking a shelf. “Hi, Catherine! How can...” She stopped, and gasped upon seeing her date. “Oh my gosh! Y-you're Ye Joon, from 4 2 Sing!”
“Yes I am,” He nodded.
“I won a magazine contest,” Venus clarified, holding the star's hand.
“Lucky!” Kelly nodded. “Can I help you two with anything?”
“Oh, we're just browsing,” The Goth replied, “I'm showing Ye Joon my favorite places; we ate at the taco place nearby.”
“Nice! Well, just come to me if either of you have questions.”
“Will do; thanks!” Venus nodded, and looked around with her date. She showed him stuff she liked, what she already owned, and what she thought he would like. He never pictured himself dressing like a biker guy, or an emo with all the black, but he had to admit, it worked for him. Maybe he could coerce the guys into coming here in the future, and find something to wear for a Halloween show. Hyun-Ki would surely like it.
They soon left the store, holding shopping bags. The photographers captured some sweet moments for the magazine too. Venus had paid for everything, despite Ye Joon's protests; he had learned that her dad worked a high-paying job at Krei Tech as a security guard, and she had a big allowance, alongside her saving up for this day, but her taking care of the bill felt wrong. He had been having weird feelings in his gut since they were introduced; he had blushed red when she modeled a flattering dress in the store that she had her eye on, and seeing her happy and excited made his heart race. “So, where to next, Cath?” He asked, accidentally saying the nickname without thinking.
“Cath?” She smiled.
“Sorry,” He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, “It just slipped out.”
“It's okay, Ye Joon,” She assured, “My friends call me that. What was your question again?”
“Where to next?” He asked again, now being more careful.
“Hmm... oh! I know this great place!”
“Here we are; Lucky Cat Cafe!” Wasabi announced, after stopping Kwan-Sun's car in the parking lot. He had insisted on driving, despite his blue-haired date's protests. It was the least he could do for a member of his favorite band.
“Lucky Cat?” Kwan-Sun smirked, looking up at the mascot above the doorway. “Like those beckoning cats?”
“Yep,” Wasabi held the door open for him, “I work here part-time.”
“Ah,” The singer nodded, as they walked in, “I had worked at a McDonald's for a little bit, before me and the others formed the band.”
“Hey, Wasabi!” Cass greeted him. “How can...” She gasped. “Wow! You're Kwan-Sun! From 4 2 Sing!”
“I am,” He nodded, “I like your restaurant.”
“Thank you! I love your music! What can I get you two? On the house!”
“Oh, you don't have to...” Wasabi tried to insist on paying.
“No, I insist! Not often a celebrity comes here!”
On the way to their table, they were bombarded by fans taking pictures; many of them with the flash on. Wasabi squinted his eyes, protectively shielding Kwan-Sun's from the bright lights, before the fans were kept away by the photographers. After they sat down, Kwan-Sun had a bite of his turkey sandwich, and licked his lips with a smile. “This sure is good!”
“Yeah?” Wasabi smiled after a sip of coffee. “I'm glad you like it. So uh, which of you founded 4 2 Sing?”
“It was Dae,” Kwan-Sun replied, “He had wanted to be in the music business for a long time, before we joined together. Ye Joon came up with the name.”
“Ah,” The fanboy nodded, “Well, I've been a huge fan from the start.”
Kwan-Sun's smile grew. “We're all really grateful for our fans.” Without thinking, his hand touched Wasabi; they both blushed deeply, as they drew away. “Sorry.”
“I-it's okay.”
“So, what kind of things do you like doing, Wes?”
“Well um, I like yoga, sustainable gardening, model trains, and knitting. Speaking of which, did you really knit those mittens from the mall concert?”
“Yep,” He nodded, “My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was little. I think I started at 7.”
“Self-taught. She taught you well.”
“Thanks. She uh, she died from lung cancer when I was 13.”
“I'm sorry,” Wasabi patted his hand in comfort, “That had to have been hard for you and Ye Joon.”
“It was,” Kwan-Sun nodded, “She was close with both of us. I uh, I have this stuffed cat that makes meowing noises that she got me for Christmas, when I was 6 years old.” He felt a little embarrassed admitting a certain factor about it. “I, I still sleep with it. Before today, the only people who knew were the guys in the band, and my parents. I'm afraid that people would make fun of me for it.”
“It's nothing to be embarrassed of,” Wasabi assured, “My friend Catherine has a pile of stuffed toys on her bed, around her pillow.”
Kwan-Sun nodded. “Ah, okay. She's the one who's with Ye Joon? The girl all in black?”
The pop star nodded again with a little hum, before sighing deeply. “Wh-when I learned she uh, had cancer... I knitted her a hat... i-it was purple, and it said “Get Well Soon” on the front, in white letters, and there was a pink heart as th-the period. She wore it, as her-her hair fell out; and... sh-she died, while wearing it a year later.” He blinked tears from his green eyes, and one trailed down his cheek, as he sniffled lightly. “Dad gave it to me after, but... a-at the funeral... I, I put it in h-her casket.” He wiped his eyes. “Sh-she was buried with it.”
Without a moment of hesitation, Wasabi stood up, and gave Kwan-Sun a firm hug of comfort. He was surprised at first, but then gratefully melted into it. “Thanks,” He mumbled, “I needed to let it out.” They returned to the table, but Kwan-Sun moved to sit next to his date, instead of across from him, retrieving his cappuccino from his former spot. He licked his lips after a tasty, cinnamon-y sip. “This place makes great caps.”
“Yep,” Wasabi nodded, “They're the best.”
Kwan-Sun was about to say something else, but looked down under the table when he felt something furry on his legs. He chuckled when he saw a chubby Japanese Bobtail cat with calico patches rubbing against him. “Hey there.” He petted the purring Mochi's soft back. “Is he the mascot here?”
“Yep,” Wasabi replied, “His name is Mochi, after the Japanese ice cream.”
“Ah. So Wes, later this year, we're all going to...”
“Hey, Kwan-Sun!” Ye Joon's voice cut him off; the purple-haired boy was entering the cafe with Venus by his side.
“Hi, fellas!” She greeted them. “How's your date going?”
“Great,” Kwan-Sun said with a smile, “Yours?”
“Really good,” Venus replied, “Can we join you guys here, and make this into a double date? It'll be fun!” Ye Joon nodded in agreement.
Wasabi glanced at his pop star date, who nodded, then turned to the other couple. “Yeah, sure!” They sat across from each other, as the photographers snapped pictures of the double date.
Venus giggled when she saw the cat under the table. “Mochi!” She gestured towards him. “Come here, kitty!” Mochi purred, as she petted his back, and scratched his head. “Good boy.”
“What'd you guys do today?” Ye Joon asked.
“Well, we went to this store called “The Organized Gentleman”, then Mission Dolores Park, and we decided to come here for lunch.”
“Ah,” Venus nodded, “Great places.”
“What about you guys?” Wasabi queried.
“We went to the mall; we ate at that taco place in the food court, and visited Goth Pop,” Venus replied, “Our bags from the last thing are in the car.”
The 2 couples talked for a while, as photographers captured the moments; Dae and Hyun-Ki's dates were going smoothly as well. The winners couldn't wait to read the next month's issue!
Before long, it was time to get ready for the party. Kwan-Sun had gone with Wasabi to his apartment, while Ye Joon drove to Venus' house. As he opened the door for her, and they headed for the front porch hand-in-hand, she prayed that her parents and brother wouldn't embarrass her. She knocked on the door; after a few seconds, her 5'8” mother answered. “Hey, Mom!”
“Hi, Cath- oh, and Ye Joon!” Malia smiled, and stepped aside, holding the door. “Come in!”
“Thanks, ma'am,” Ye Joon nodded, as they entered the house.
“Call me Malia, dear,” She insisted, then saw the camera crew, “Oh uh, my husband Robert isn't fond of having his picture taken. Can you not take photos of him, if he comes home before you head out?”
“Sure,” The lead photographer nodded, “No problem.”
“Thank you.”
“You're Catherine's mother?”
“I am,” She replied, as the pop star headed upstairs to change, while Venus went to the downstairs bathroom to do her business.
When she was done, and on her way to the banister, Jack approached her from the kitchen. “Hey, Cathy.”
She clinched her lips in annoyance at the nickname. “I'm not talking to you.”
“Where's your pop star boyfriend? Did he ditch you?” He pushed.
“No, he didn't; he's upstairs, changing. Not that it's any of your business.”
“Or he's escaping out the window.”
“The bathrooms don't have windows!” She snapped. “He's not ditching me!”
“Maybe he's puking in there, from being stuck with you all day.”
Venus glared as hard as she could, feeling tears well up. “No, he's not!”
“Jack, leave Catherine alone!” Malia exclaimed during her interview. “I'm sorry about him; he picks on her on a daily basis. We try everything to stop him, but he's relentless.”
“We're so sorry,” The interviewer nodded with sympathy.
“I bet he'll tell the magazine people that it was the worst date of his life,” Jack taunted, “And maybe he'll predict that you'll grow old and die alone, like all the ugly people out there.”
That was the last straw. She ran up the stairs, and to her room, passing by a confused Ye Joon; he was in a green button-up shirt, a solid blue t-shirt that matched his eyes, green Vans, and black jeans. “I'm ready for the... party...” He drew out, as she slammed the door shut. He pressed his ear to the door, and bit his lip when he heard muffled cries. Having heard about her brother during their date, he knew that he was the cause of her tears. He had grown fond of her throughout the day, and hated seeing, or hearing her upset.
Furious, he marched downstairs, and saw a somewhat intimidating young man with black hair, brown eyes, and a proud smirk in the kitchen. No remorse whatsoever. The pop star walked over to him, ignoring the onlookers. “Hey, dude,” Jack greeted him, as though nothing happened.
“Don't “hey, dude” me!” Ye Joon snapped. “What'd you say to her?!”
“None of your business, pretty boy. But if you have to know, I told her the truth; that little gremlin's going to die alone. Heck, your song “Beautiful on the Outside” doesn't suit her at all.”
“No, she won't! She has her parents, and her friends! And me! She deserves so much better than you; she's a great girl. And you're right; it doesn't suit her. Because she's beautiful, inside and out.” With that, he returned upstairs, where Malia was at the black-painted door. “She okay?”
“I don't know,” Malia replied, and knocked on the door, “Catherine?” She gingerly opened the door, and walked in with Ye Joon. Venus was laying on her bed, face burrowed in her pillow, still wearing her romper. Her sneakers were sloppily discarded on the floor. “You okay, sweetie?” Malia sat on the bed with Ye Joon, close to the weeping teen. “Jack's words aren't true; you're an amazing, beautiful girl. And you have all of us.”
“Yeah,” The purple-haired boy nodded, “He doesn't know what he's talking about.” He patted her hand, as she sat up. Her cheeks were flushed and tear-stained, and her green eyes were red. She sniffled, as he brushed a tear from her one visible eye. “Don't listen to him, Cath; your mom's right. You are amazing, and beautiful on the inside, as well as outside.” He referenced the band's aforementioned tune with a wink; he felt relieved when she smiled. “Don't let bullies like him get to you, girl; Kwan-Sun was picked on a lot, because he was a shrinking violet. The guys and I helped him overcome it, and boost his confidence; and look at him now.”
“Yep. I even got detention for starting a fight with one of those bullies in middle school.”
Her smile grew. “You may not show it all the time, but you're very noble, and sweet.”
Ye Joon blushed, and chuckled bashfully. “Thanks.”
Malia smiled at them, and turned to Venus. “I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll leave you two alone.” She kissed her forehead over her bangs, then walked downstairs to give Jack a good scolding for his behavior.
When it was just the two of them, Ye Joon wrapped an arm around Venus' bare shoulders. “I bet the party tonight will help cheer you up.”
She blushed, and nodded. “Yeah; I bet it will. No Jack.”
“No Jack,” He agreed, “I have to say, he's a real Jack-ass.”
She laughed with him at the well-deserved jab directed at her brother. “He is!” She giggled, and wiped the last of her tears away. “I, I had a lot of fun today.”
“Me too,” He nodded, “We have hosted these dating contests all over the continent, but none of them were like this. San Fransokyo's really nice. And uh... no one I dated for those contests were as great as you.”
“Really?” Her heart raced.
“Really,” He confirmed, then turned at the hallway, as Jack angrily stomped to his room, the door slamming shut behind him, “Um, I'll let you get dressed. I'll be out here; take your time.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before walking out of the room, carefully closing the door behind him.
After momentarily swooning, she started to change into the outfit she had planned out. She wore a black midi-length dress with a white sun moon stars printing, a deep v-neck, short flutter sleeves, and a button-up front closure, so a triangular cutout went up to above her knees. She also had on black Converse wedges, her same jewelry from the date, and a black headband with a glittery bow on the left side of her head. She let her hair down; it was wavy from being tied up all day, and her green streaks were more visible. “I'm done!” She announced, opening the door.
Ye Joon turned to her, and was stunned. “Wow; you look beautiful.”
She blushed bashfully. “Thanks. You look amazing yourself.”
“Thank you.” He offered his arm to her. “Shall we?”
“Let's.” With their arms linked, they walked downstairs, letting the photographers take pictures, and after saying goodbye to Malia, they returned to his car.
Meanwhile, at a certain apartment complex, Wasabi and Kwan-Sun walked into the former's home, hand-in-hand. “Nice place,” Kwan-Sun remarked with a smile. The apartment had a nice, relaxing Zen vibe to it; not to mention it was squeaky clean.
“Thanks!” Wasabi blushed.
Khary Ginger, his 16-year-old brother, came in from the bedroom. “Hey, Wes! How'd the- whoa! Kwan-Sun!”
“Hey; you're Khary, right?” Kwan-Sun asked. “Wes told me about you.”
“Yeah! He's a huge fan of you guys; he talks about you all the time.”
“Khary,” Wasabi tried to interrrupt.
“He's more feminine and girly than our friend Carmen when he does.”
“He even screams like a girl at your concerts.”
Wasabi threw his head back in exasperation, and walked away to his room. “I'll go change.”
“'Kay,” Kwan-Sun nodded, “I had a great time today, with your brother. He may not be the most masculine guy ever, but he's amazing.”
“He is,” Khary agreed, “He let me live here with him after... well, I'm not comfortable saying.”
“It's okay; you don't have to.”
After a few minutes, Wasabi came out in dark denim jeans, black jikatabi shoes, a black headband, and a green button-up dress shirt that showed off his biceps, and matched his date's eyes. “Okay Kwan-Sun, I'm ready; the bedroom's all yours.”
The blue-haired pop star turned to him, and felt his cheeks blush. “Whoa,” He grinned, “You look wonderful.”
“Thanks,” Wasabi blushed in return, as Kwan-Sun walked to the room with his change of clothes.
“So Wes, how'd the date go for you?” Khary asked.
“Amazingly; better than I could've imagined. Kwan-Sun loved every place we went to.”
“That's good,” He nodded, “If this continues on, I hope he's good to you.”
“I highly doubt it will, but thanks, little bro.” Wasabi tussled his dreads.
“Dude!” Khary laughed. “I'm not a kid anymore.”
“Wes?” Kwan-Sun came out of the room, now wearing slim-fit jeans, white Vans, a white and black raglan shirt with the 4 2 Sing logo, and a blue plaid flannel button-up. “I'm ready for the party.”
Wasabi smiled at him. “You look adorable.” He felt bashful at his choice of adjective, as Kwan-Sun's cheeks turned red.
“Thanks,” He took his hand, “Shall we?”
“Let's.” The contest winner turned to his brother. “I'll be back later tonight; there's pizza from last night in the fridge.”
“Okay,” Khary nodded, “Have fun, fellas. But not too much fun,” He snickered.
Wasabi rolled his eyes, as the door was shut behind them. They returned to Kwan-Sun's car, and headed for the community center.
Later on, the party was in full swing, with the band, choreographers, roadies, etc.; the photographers were capturing as many moments as possible between the 4 couples. Dae and Trent were dancing together, as were Hyun-Ki and Gretchen, and Wasabi and Kwan-Sun were chatting. The band's songs were playing on the speakers.
By the buffet table, Ye Joon got Venus alone wth him. “What's up?”
“Before the party ends... I want to give you this.” He gave her a green heart-shaped sticky note, with a phone number written neatly on it, topped off with a little heart. “It's my cell phone number. Whenever you need a friend, or well more than a friend, actually, or just want to chat, call me; or send a text.”
She smiled shyly, as she carefully tucked the note in her purse. “Thanks; will do. But... what if you're busy? Like with a concert, rehearsal, autograph sect-”
He cut her off, by putting a gentle finger to her lips. “Just leave a message, and I'll call you back as soon as I can. I won't ignore you; I promise.”
Venus blushed. “Thanks; I really appreciate it.”
Ye Joon glanced down at the floor, and the table. “So, we'll be guests, and performers at a Christmas party this December, here in San Fransokyo. Maybe I can save you a ticket?”
Venus smiled up at him, feeling surprised. “You... you want to see me again?” It felt so surreal; a hot, popular singer like him wanted to take boring, plain Jane Catherine Woods on another date? It was like a dream!
“I do,” He nodded, “You're a great girl.” She was one of the few people who treated him like a regular person, and not like a celebrity.
“Thanks,” She looked down at her shoes for a moment, “I look forward to the party.”
“As do I.”
On the dance floor, Kwan-Sun looked up at his date when he remembered the same upcoming festivities. “Hey, Wesley?”
“This December, the guys and I are performing here in San Fransokyo, at a Christmas party. I can save a ticket for you, if you'd like; we can go together.”
Wasabi smiled in surprise. “Really? You want to go out with me again? But you're a pop star; and I'm... weird.”
Kwan-Sun shook his head. “You're not weird, dear; you're unique. All the best people are. Trust me.” He stood on his toes, and kissed his cheek.
The muscular young man blinked his brown eyes, his brain malfunctioning. He felt like he was dreaming; like he was on cloud nine. He cleared his throat, and nodded. “I'd love that; thanks, K-Kwan-Sun.”
“Anytime, Wes. I look forward to it.”
“Me too.”
Months passed, and before the long, the day of the Christmas party arrived! Dae, Kwan-Sun, and Ye Joon stayed close with their dates from the contest since it took place; unfortunately for Hyun-Ki, Gretchen wound up cheating on him after they started a relationship. The guys supported him, as he worked through the heartbreak. Writing a song about a cheater was like therapy for the redhead; they expected it to be a smash hit, like the rest of their tunes.
Ye Joon came out of the tour bus bedroom, ready for the festive celebration; he was wearing a green and white Christmas reindeer button-up sweater, a black tank top underneath, grey stonewash jeans, and green Converses. “Okay Kwan-Sun, bedroom's all yours.”
“Thanks.” The blue-haired boy walked in next, holding his chosen outfit.
Ye Joon sat next to Hyun-Ki, who was in black baggy chain pants, black and green Vans sneakers, and a red festive cardigan with black pipelining over a black t-shirt with a Gingerbread Ninjas graphic underneath. “Chin up, Hyun; you'll find someone else. She's not worth it.”
“Y-yeah,” He stammered.
“Um, i-if you want to,” The purple-haired boy quickly added, remembering his redheaded companion was ace; he had come out to all of them, plus his and Dae's parents shortly after the break-up.
“Thanks, man.”
“No prob.” Ye Joon checked his phone, and saw a text from Venus, making his heart jump. She was asking about the party. “Oh!” He read it over, and answered. “Doesn't matter how you dress,” He muttered, as he typed, “So long as you're festive.” As he typed, Kwan-Sun came out in a blue penguin sweater, dark denim skinny jeans, and black and blue Vans. He stealthily looked over his twin's shoulder.
“Thanks!” She soon replied, followed by a kiss emoji.
Seeing her response, Kwan-Sun proceeded to tease Ye Joon by making kissy noises in his direction. “Oh, stop it, would ya?” He pushed his laughing brother's head away, snickering. “You and Wesley aren't any different, smartass; you know that.”
“I know,” He smirked, “I couldn't resist.”
After wrapping up a call with Trent in the front seat, Dae turned to their bus driver, Reginald. “We almost there?”
“Yep,” He nodded, “Should only be a few minutes.”
“Thanks; I'll tell them.” After giving Trent the message, Dae walked from his seat, and to the trio on the long, limo-like seats. “We'll be at Trent's in a few minutes; then we'll pick up Wesley and Catherine, and head for the party.”
“Cool,” Hyun-Ki gave his older twin a thumbs-up, as Kwan-Sun and Ye Joon told their boyfriend and girlfriend, respectively, through texts. As an extra treat for their dates, they would be riding in their tour bus to the party; but it was a surprise, until they would arrive at their homes.
Before long, they arrived at their first stop; a nice, one-story house just outside the city. “Here's Trent's house; be right back.” Dae exited the bus, and headed for the door to his boyfriend's home. He was greeted, and let in by Trent's roommate, Gavin. “You excited to see Catherine?” Hyun-Ki asked Ye Joon.
“Yep,” He nodded, “I know we'll have a great time at the party; and that she'll look beautiful for it.” He ignored Kwan-Sun's smirk, as he watched the window.
Soon, they were back on the troad, with one extra passenger. Dae had moved to the back to be with Trent, giving him a tour of the bus, while Hyun-Ki occupied the front seat. Kwan-Sun made a joke gagging gesture to Ye Joon, with his eyes rolled back, making his purple-haired brother stifle snickers with him, when Dae and Trent were making out close by. “We can hear you, y'know,” The blond said through his and Trent's activity. This only made the two twins burst into laughter, ruining the moment. Dae rolled his grey eyes, and turned to Trent. “Let's go to the beds, away from these two idiots.” Ye Joon and Kwan-Sun caught their breath, as the two boys made their leave.
Despite making a great team as a boy band, and having a close bond, they liked to mess with each other.
“Where to next, Reg?” Hyun-Ki asked the driver.
“Mr. Ginger's apartment.”
That caught Kwan-Sun's attention. “Really?” Ye Joon stifled a grin at him, as his younger twin eagerly watched the window for the familiar building. Kwan-Sun sent a text to Wasabi, telling him he's getting close.
After a few minutes of driving, they parked outside the apartment complex. As opposed to Dae's calm walk earlier on, Kwan-Sun made a mad dash for the bus door, and the building.
Hyun-Ki hastily shrunk back in his seat when the youngest band member almost crashed into him. “Somebody's excited,” He chuckled, with his hand over his heart.
“You have no idea; that chatterbox yakked with his BF for 2 hours, as we packed our stuff. Remember?”
“Yep,” The redhead nodded, and did a “blah, blah, blah,” hand gesture, making Ye Joon laugh.
In the building, Kwan-Sun ran through the lobby and hallways. One resident in the lobby barely saw him in his peripherals, but did a double-take, thinking that he saw a celebrity. Shrugging it off, he returned to his business.
The blue-haired pop star arrived at the familiar apartment, and knocked on the door, catching his breath. To his delight, Wasabi answered; he brightened up when he saw his date outside his door. “Hey, you!” They shared a firm hug, with the stronger man pulling the singer inside.
“Hey, Sun!” Khary greeted him. “You guys heading out for the Christmas party?”
“Yep,” Kwan-Sun nodded, and looked over Wasabi. He was wearing denim jeans, black jikatabi shoes, and a green tree-print festive sweater. He had no headband, so his dreads fell over his face; it made Kwan-Sun's heart race. “Wow, you look great!”
“Thanks,” He blushed, “So do you. Ready to go? I am when you are.”
“I'm ready,” He nodded, “Let's head out! Khary, it was nice seeing you. Merry Christmas!”
“You too, dude,” Khary gave a thumbs-up, as they exited the apartment, “Merry Christmas!”
Wasabi and Kwan-Sun held hands, as they walked the halls. “You excited for the party?”
“Very,” Wasabi nodded, “I knitted this sweater myself for the occasion.”
“You knitted this yourself?” Kwan-Sun gently fingered one of the wrists. “It's amazing!”
“Thanks!” He blushed deeply. In his satchel was a surprise for his blue-haired date; pot holders with his band's logo on them. They were included in a bag of small, fun gifts that Venus helped him pick out. After months of dating long-distance, he knew what Kwan-Sun liked, and vice versa.
They walked through the lobby, where the same patron from earlier ultimately recognized the singer. “Whoa, you're one of the 4 2 Sing guys!” He took out a sheet of paper, and a pen on a clipboard. “Can I have your autograph?”
“Oh, we're uh...” Kwan-Sun hesitantly gestured to the door.
Wasabi shook his head. “It's okay; should only take a minute.”
He nodded, and turned back to the fan. “Sure!” He used the pen to write his signature on the paper, then returned them to the young man after adding his name. “Here you go.”
With that, the couple continued their walk; Wasabi's eyes brightened when he saw the long bus, with the familiar band, parked outside. “We're going in your tour bus?!” He practically squealed.
“Yep!” Kwan-Sun laughed thoughtfully. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Take as much photos as you'd like, Wes; let's go in.” They walked inside the bus, where the rest of the band greeted them.
“Hey, fellas!” Ye Joon waved.
“S'up?” Hyun-Ki nodded. “Dae's getting busy with Trent in the bedrooms; I wouldn't go in there.”
Wasabi snickered, and nodded. “Got it; thanks.” He and Kwan-Sun got comfortable in one of the seats, as the bus started moving again. “Your tour bus is amazing.” He took a couple pictures of the interior, with the three pop star boys goofily posing. The colors were moderate, but matched the band logos.
“Thanks,” Kwan-Sun laid on his shoulder, holding his arm with both of his.
“Reg, you have V's address, right?” Ye Joon asked the driver. As they dated, he learned of her nickname, and started using it when referring to her.
“Yep,” Reginald nodded, “No worries, sir.”
“No need to call me “sir”; I sound like an old man,” He chuckled. “Call us by our names, dude.”
“Will do. She's the last one, right?”
“Yep,” Ye Joon nodded, “Then we can go to the party.” He relaxed in an empty seat, taking his phone; he texted his favorite girl, to let her know that they were on their way to her place. He smiled when she responded, saying she was already dressed, and ready to go when they would arrive.
“You excited to see Venus?” Wasabi asked casually.
“I am,” The purple-haired boy nodded, “Kwan-Sun was pretty eager to see you; he ran out of the bus like there was a bomb ready to go off in it.”
The younger twin blushed in embarrassment, glaring as Ye Joon snickered. “Really?”
Wasabi chuckled at his adorable, flustered boyfriend. “I'm flattered, Sunshine.” The fanboy kissed his temple, as the pop star cracked a goofy grin.
“You sap,” Ye Joon giggled; he grabbed Kwan-Sun in a headlock with one arm, and playfully noogied his head.
“Hey! Ye Joon, stop!” The blue-haired boy couldn't help but laugh, as he tried to push his slightly older brother away. “Dude, you're messing up my hair!” He grabbed a throw pillow from the seat, and whacked him in the face with it.
“Oof! Okay, okay!” Ye Joon laughed, letting him go. Kwan-Sun crawled back to his boyfriend, and pouted at Ye Joon, while fixing his hair. He snickered when Kwan-Sun briefly stuck her tongue out at him. “Baby.”
“You're just jealous, 'cause Venus isn't in here, snuggling with you.”
“But she will be soon, little brother.”
“We're twins!”
“Yes, but I was born first; therefore, I'm older.”
“Yeah well, me being younger makes me cuter than you.”
“Dude, our intro song says...”
“Okay, that's enough, guys,” Hyun-Ki stopped their silly argument. Kwan-Sun stayed snuggled up to Wasabi like a kitten, watching the windows, as the taller guy held him close.
Ye Joon grabbed himself a can of orange soda from the refrigerator, and sat by himself on the row of seats across from his brother. He had a sip, and watched the scenery and buildings roll by; it was nice to be in San Fransokyo again. He could retire here, in the future.
Before long, they stopped in front of the familiar two-story house, which was heavily, but impressively, decorated for the holidays. Keeping his composure, Ye Joon made his leave; Kwan-Sun and Hyun-Ki snickered when his trek turned into a fast-walk to his girlfriend's house.
Meanwhile, inside the Woods residence, Venus had gotten herself ready for the party ahead of time, and sat on the black cushioned bench at her window, waiting patiently. She wore an emerald green sleeveless mini dress with black lace trimming, a white cross embroidered at the neckline, a silver celestial waist belt, a black and red buffalo plaid cardigan jacket with white faux Sherpa trimming, and a festive Mickey Mouse on the left shoulder, cat tattoo tights with little Santa hats, black canvas knee-high boots with green laces, and poinsettia jewelry, consisting of a statement necklace, drop earrings, and a stretch ring on her right hand. She held a festive box of homemade spritz cookies in her lap; they were made for the party, and she hoped everyone would like them.
When she saw the tour bus parking outside, she gasped with excitement, and began her run. Unforrtunately, Jack was in the hall at the same time; he stuck his foot out to trip her. As she recovered on the floor, preparing to give her laughing bully brother an earful, her heart skipped with horror, as the box tumbled down the stairs. “NO!” She tried in vain to chase after it, but her creations spilled out on the floor. She scrambled down to the first floor, fell to her knees, and gaped in horror.
Just as she burst into tears, Ye Joon came in. “Hey, V; you ready for... oh my God!” He ran over, and knelt down to hold her, taking in the sight before him. There was a discarded box, and small cookies everywhere. “Cath, what happened?”
Venus tried to catch her breath. “I... I m-made some cookies f-for the party... but J-Jack tripped me, a-and I spilled them!” She sobbed in his shoulder. Ye Joon's heart broke, as he stroked her soft, dark hair in comfort, whispering reassuring words in her ear.
Malia came in, wearing a bathrobe over loungewear, with her hair wet. “Hey; I was in the shower. What happened?”
Ye Joon took over. “Catherine made some cookies for the party, and Jack made her spill them on the floor.” He glanced around at the mess.
Malia's usually kind, brown eyes turned angry. “Unbelievable,” She sighed, “I'll talk to him.” She knelt down next to the young couple. “Cath, you want to make another batch?”
Venus sniffled, and shook her head. “Th-that would take too long.”
“Well, we actually have some here,” Malia glanced at the kitchen, “Go ahead, and take those. We can make more later.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Positive. I'll get more ingredients while you're partying, and we can bake after you rest up.”
“Well um, o-okay,” She nodded, and wiped her eyes, “Thanks, Mom.”
“You're welcome, baby.” Malia kissed her daughter's hair. “We have spare boxes too; be right back.”
After a brief moment, Venus was ready to head out with Ye Joon, and some new, carpet-free cookies, in an undented box. Afte Malia cleaned up the mess with their help, and marched upstairs to yell at Jack, the couple made their leave. The purple-haired singer held an arm around his date's shoulders, as they walked. “I bet those old cookies were really good.”
“Thanks,” She smiled shyly, “My mom and I made these just last night; I hope everyone will like them.”
“I'm sure they will,” Ye Joon assured, and kissed her head. “By the way, you look amazing; very festive.”
“Thanks; so do you.”
“Thank you.”
She smiled in awe at their ride, as they walked outside. “Wow! Your tour bus!”
“Yep,” He nodded, “That's our ride.” They walked in together, Ye Joon letting her in first, and closed the door behind them.
“Hey, Ve-” Wasabi stopped himself when he noticed that her pale face was slightly flushed. “W-were you crying? What happened?”
“Jack,” She replied simply, “He made me spill the cookies I made for the party.”
Wasabi rolled his eyes. “Figures.” He always hated him, for how he treated his friend.
“Why's your brother such a jerk?” Kwan-Sun asked her.
Venus shrugged, as she sat across from her friend, and his boyfriend. “'Cause I'm not a boy, like he wanted.”
“Really? Wow, that's a stupid reason.”
Ye Joon walked to the fridge, retrieving his orange soda. “V, you want a drink? We've got Coke, your favorite.”
“That, please,” She giggled; he took out another can, sat next to her on the seats, and handed it to her. “Thank you!” She kissed his cheek, opened her can, and had a sip.
Reginald turned to Hyun-Ki. “This everyone?”
“Yep,” The redhead nodded, “Now, we're off to the party!” The bus passengers cheered, as Reg headed for the community center, where the festivities were being held.
Dae and Trent peeked in, their hair and clothes messy. “What'd we miss?” Dae asked. “Oh, hey Catherine!”
Venus giggled. “Hey, Dae, Trent. You boys having fun in there?”
“Yeah,” Trent nodded, “What's in the box?”
“Cookies. They're homemade for the party.”
“I thought your brother made you spill them,” Kwan-Sun spoke up.
“He did, but we had some from last night; Mom said I can bring them instead.”
“Ah, okay.”
“Mom and I baked them together.”
“Oh, really? That's cool! How long have you been doing that?” Kwan-Sun asked.
“Since my preteen years.”
“Ye Joon's the same! I guess I was more interested in knitting back then.”
“Ah,” She nodded, “I bet you and Wasabi will make amazing things together.”
Wasabi blushed. “Thanks, V; same with you two bakers.”
“Thanks,” She giggled, her cheeks pink, “That'll be fun!” She looked up at Ye Joon. “Maybe tomorrow, you can join me and Mom in baking!”
He smiled, at the idea, and nodded. “That sounds great. After tonight, we'll have time off for the holidays.”
“Yay!” She kissed his cheek. “You can finally meet my family! I've told them about you, and they've been hoping to meet you! My little cousin, Bella loves your music.” She giggled. “I bet she'd be all over you.”
“How old is she?”
“She's 4 years old.”
Ye Joon chuckled. “Cute; I, I'd love to come.”
“Awesome!” She hugged him. “Your family will understand?”
“Yeah,” He nodded, “They know about you; they'll be okay with it. Maybe we can video chat with them?”
“That'd be nice,” She agreed.
Before long, they stopped outside the festively-decorated community center. “Here we are!” Reginald announced.
“I'll get Dae and Trent.” Hyun-Ki walked to the room, and knocked on the door. “Hey, fellas! We're at the party! Get your butts out here!” He snickered, as he headed back for the bus door, a newly-refreshed Dae and Trent close behind.
All the occupants exited the large vehicle, and were escorted inside the community center by the photographers after they took pictures of them all. The guests of the band were in awe, as they walked into the main room; it was full of decorations for Christmas, with twinkling lights, wall décor, snowflake lights moving slowly over the dance floor, and tablecloths where the food was, and even a karaoke stage with large candy canes at each side. Festive songs were playing on speakers around the room, including covers by the boy band themselves.
Before long, the party was in full swing! Guests were dancing, eating, kissing, and testing their vocal skills in karaoke. 4 2 Sing sang covers of the most popular songs for the guests; during “All I Want For Christmas”, Dae, Kwan-Sun and Ye Joon directed their attention on Trent, Wasabi, and Venus, respectively. Venus sang “Last Christmas”, impressing Ye Joon with her vocals, and Dae was entranced by Trent's beautiful voice when he covered “Mistletoe”, his performance dedicated to his blond boyfriend. Ye Joon and Venus even collaborated in singing “Baby, It's Cold Outside” at the karaoke stage.
Overall, the party was going amazingly; the photographers captured pictures of every moment.
Ye Joon smiled in delight, as he tried one of Venus' cookies at the food table. “Wow, this is really good!”
She blushed shyly, eating one herself. “Thanks. My mom has the best recipes; she said when I move out, I can bring a copy of her cookbook.”
“Good,” He nodded, “You'll make amazing things.”
“Thanks.” She leaned on his chest, her head nestled at his neck. Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink when she felt his arms hold her close. “Sometimes, I... I feel like this is all a big, amazing dream. That someone as amazing as you would go for someone as weird, and dull as me.”
Ye Joon shook his head. “You're not weird, or dull, Kit. You're amazing; and unique. All the best people are.” He kissed her forehead.
She smiled, her gaze averted to her shoes. “When I was trying to choose my outfit for our contest date, Jack tried to claim that you would ditch me. I'm glad he was wrong.”
Ye Joon smirked. “Did you continue pursuing me, just to prove him wrong?” He joked.
“No!” She laughed with him. “It's because I lo-” She caught herself before the L word could slip out too early. “R-really like you.”
He smiled down at her. “I really like you too.” He drew a hand up, and tenderly tucked her long bangs behind her ear, letting both eyes be seen, as he cupped her head, and his thumb rested on her cheek. They were getting closer and closer; her arms wrapped around his neck, and she pivoted on her toes to reach. Before long, their lips made contact, and it was as if the rest of the world vanished. They didn't notice the rest of the party looking in their direction, the music playing in the background, or the nosy photographers capturing the moment for the magazine's Christmas issue.
After a few eternal seconds, they pulled away. Venus smiled shyly up at Ye Joon, staying close, as his hand lowered to her shoulder. Their eyes were locked together, blue mingling with green. “Th-that was amazing.”
He nodded in agreement. “It was.” He glanced at the dance floor when “Once Upon a December” by Liz Calloway started playing. “Want to dance?”
“Let's,” She replied, and joined other couples, including Wasabi and Kwan-Sun. The latter was resting his head on the former's broad chest, his green eyes half-open, as they moved in sync to the slow, beautiful song. Dae and Trent were the same height, so they kept their foreheads connected. No one on the dance floor spoke; no words were needed. They just enjoyed each other in the romantic moment. Hyun-Ki smiled at the couples from the food table; he was glad they were having a good time. He had enough fun eating the festive food, and singing with the group.
After a much too short time, the party came to its inevitable end.
The boys, plus 3 dates, returned to the tour bus, exhausted and ready to turn in. Reginald had rested up in the bus, so he was ready to drive the dates home for the night. Once they were settled in, they headed for Trent's home first. He and Dae immediately retreated to the bedroom, wanting some more make-out time before he would have to leave. Hyun-Ki was passed out like a corpse in one of the beds.
Wasabi smiled down at Kwan-Sun, who was fast asleep with his head on his chiseled date's shoulder. He kissed his forehead, and held him close, his cheek in his soft, blue hair, as he watched the scenery go by.
Up in the front seat, Venus was sitting in Ye Joon's lap. “I had lots of fun tonight.”
“Me too,” He agreed, “Um, Kwan-Sun and I are going to our hotel tonight, so tomorrow, I can come to your place for baking. We're all staying here, in the Kyūden Hotel.”
“Sounds great!” She nodded. “It'll be awesome! My dad ought to keep Jack away, while we bake with my mom.”
“Good; no offense, but I hate your brother.”
“None taken; it's a natural response to a selfish jerk like him.”
“Yeah; but you don't need him. You have your parents, your friends, and me.”
Venus smiled, as she snuggled up to him. “You're right; I do.” She kissed his cheek. “I can't wait for tomorrow.”
“Me neither. Um, would you be able to stay, and meet my family?”
“I should,” He nodded, “They'll understand; we can video chat.”
“Sounds good!” They shared a quick kiss, her hands on his cheeks. Venus then yawned, as she laid on his chest. “Man, I'm tired.”
“You can sleep, if you want to. I'll wake you up when we're at your house.”
“'Kay, thanks.” She let her eyes close, after making herself comfortable. Ye Joon held her firmly, to make sure she wouldn't fall to the floor. He rested his cheek on her head; he was perfectly comfortable and content with his girl in his arms. He had missed her between today, and the contest date, so he was enjoying his last few minutes with her while he could.
After Trent was dropped off at his home, with Dae walking him to his door, they headed for Venus' house. “Call me when you're at your hotel, okay?” She looked up at Ye Joon.
“Will do,” He nodded. When the bus stopped at her house, they stood up from their seat, and he walked her to the porch. “See you tomorrow, babe.” They had another moment of lip-lock; after they pulled away, he kissed her forehead. “I know you'll survive with Jack.”
“Thanks,” She blushed, “See you tomorrow.” She then entered her home, and Ye Joon returned to the bus.
“Okay Wes, we're heading for your place now,” He announced, “Kwan-Sun's still asleep?”
“Yeah; I guess the party wore him out. I'd let him sleep, until we're at the apartment.”
“'Kay.” Ye Joon sat across from them. “Tonight was fun, huh?”
“Yep,” Wasabi nodded, “Lots of fun. What'd you and Venus do?”
“We talked, danced, sang together,” He replied; he kept their kiss out for their privacy. Though everyone would find out from the magazine, most likely.
The bus soon stopped in front of an apartment complex. “Kwan-Sun? Hey, Kwan-Sun!” Ye Joon nudged his brother's foot with his own, startling him awake to the point of spazzing out.
“Wha-what happened?”
Wasabi chuckled at him. “We're at my place.” He kissed his cheek. “Want to walk me?”
“I'd love to.” They walked out together, to the taller young man's apartment, this time with no interruptions.
“Well, this is me.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Um... do you want to, maybe uh, spend Christmas with me? You can meet my older brother, and his family.”
Kwan-Sun smiled, and nodded. “I'd love to.” Feeling bold, he stood on his toes, and gave Wasabi a short kiss on the lips.
Stunned, he stayed completely still the whole time, but snapped out of it just when Kwan-Sun started lowering back down. “Wait!” He cupped the singer's cheeks with his large, gentle hands, and pulled him back up into another kiss. Kwan-Sun melted into it, resting his hands on his triceps; little did they know, someone was watching. In the apartment, Khary smirked, preparing to playfully mock his brother.
After they both pulled away, Wasabi glanced at the door. “That was nice; um, you'll call me when you guys are at the hotel?”
“Yep,” Kwan-Sun nodded. They had another kiss, before Wasabi walked into his apartment. “See you around, Wes.”
“See you around, Sunshine.” After the door was closed, the singer returned to the bus, floating on thin air. That nickname always sent butterflies in his stomach; the good kind.
With that, the boys returned to their hotel, ready to rest up from the party. They relaxed in their deluxe suite, recalling their favorite moments from the night. In their own rooms, the photographers and editors of the magazine discussed photos and designs to use for the festive issue. Reginald was in the suite with the boys, being like a father figure to them during tours and trips.
They looked forward to Christmases in the future.
The line “burst into flames and/or tears is from the iCarly episode “iBeat the Heat”.
Pinterest Links:
Romper: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575863954138/
Scrunchie: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575860484711/ (right)
Necklace: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865606545/
Sneakers: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575860483922/
Earrings: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575862941841/
Cord Bracelet: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575860951179/
Party Dress: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865720726/
Party Shoes: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575861621692/
Party Headband: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575860905322/ (middle)
Christmas Dress: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865734071/
Christmas Belt: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865259244/
Christmas Jacket: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575861474094/
Christmas Tights: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865444847/
Christmas Shoes: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865774216/
Christmas Jewelry: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865472248/
4 2 Sing
Ye Joon Sweater: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575865671660/
Kwan-Sun Sweater: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575855717561/
Hyun-Ki Sweater: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575855717586/
Hyun-Ki T-Shirt: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575834307767/
Hyun-Ki Pants: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442830575857946459/
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
How to Animate Text with SVG and CSS
The other day I was helping my pal Jez work Dept. of Enthusiasm, the site for his newsletter, and I had a thought. What if we made the word “enthusiasm” in the title animate a little bit? Like, what if each of the letters in the word bopped up and down enthusiastically?
Like this:
CodePen Embed Fallback
Neat, huh? To build this thing I knew we could use SVG for the text and then animate things with CSS. Each letter is a path with its own class, which makes it possible to select each one. That said, there’s nothing really stopping us from doing this with HTML and CSS. Using SVG is just one approach that felt right to me at the time.
To get started we headed over to Figma and typed out the text in separate text boxes. We did this so that when we click on the “Outline stroke” menu item here...
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...we have individual vectors of each letter. This will help us when we export the SVG so that we can add the correct CSS classes to each element. Once we’ve outlined the strokes of each letter we can then edit the points in the vector (but we don’t need to for what we’re about to do):
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If we added all the text in one box and clicked "Outline Stroke" then it would’ve created a single vector with all these letters combined. That would then make a single path with the coordinates and that’s pretty difficult for me to style or even understand what the heck is going on in there.
Next up, I put all these letters in a Frame (Sketch calls this an Artboard) and placed each word into a Group. This way, when they’re exported as an SVG, each word will be in it's own g tag which also helps us style the letters:
Tumblr media
From there, I exported the SVG — but! — I had to make sure to include the id option when doing it.
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If we don’t do this we’ll get a bunch of path elements for each letter but they won’t have an id attributes.
This is what we get after the export:
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I'm not sure how much of this weirdness is me and how much is Figma’s SVG export, but I deleted that <rect> element because it's unecessary. Then I gave the body element a background so I could see the text and remove those inline height and width attributes on the SVG itself:
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Neato! Now we can get to the fun part: animating each letter in the word.
If you look at the HTML of that example above you’ll notice there's a g element which with an id with the same name of the Frame in Figma.There are also g elements for each word and every path that makes up the word will have an individual id. (This is why naming our Frames and Groups properly, as well as keeping things organized in any design application, is important.)
One thing that surprised me was the order in which each path is exported though: it’s in the opposite order than the one I’d expect, with M being the first letter in the “ENTHUSIASM” group. So I cleaned that up a bit and made sure each letter is in the correct order.
To get the animation working we first bump down each letter by 2px:
g path { transform: translateY(2px); }
That’s because I want each letter to make a 2px hop which we’ll get to in a bit. I also noticed with this change I’d need to update the SVG viewbox too. Otherwise, the bottom of each letter will be cut off:
<svg class="header" viewBox="0 0 146 13" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
I probably should’ve have just repositioned the text within the frame in Figma and exported it again, but this is fine for what I needed.
Now I can target the third group in the SVG (the word “enthusiasm”) and set the animation-count to infinite:
/* targets the word "enthusiasm" */ g:nth-child(3) path { animation-name: wiggleWiggle; animation-duration: 2.5s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; }
The code above then calls the wiggleWiggle animation below:
@keyframes wiggleWiggle { 20%, 100% { transform: translate(0, 2px); /* stay on the baseline for most of the animation duration */ } 0% { transform: translate(0, 0px); /* hop up */ } 10% { transform: translate(0, 2px); /* return to baseline */ } }
See the beginning of that keyframe — the 20%, 100% bit? What that's saying is "keep all the text on the baseline for the majority of the animation." That’s what gives us a nice delay between each bounce:
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I learnt this trick from this really good post about animation timing by Geoff and I would highly recommend you check it out if you’re about to start learning about animation in CSS.
Now for the fun bit: with the animation-delay property, we can make each letter hop just after the one before it. There’s definitely a smarter way I could be doing this, but I just used the id of each letter like so:
#E { animation-delay: 0s; } #N { animation-delay: 0.1s; } #T { animation-delay: 0.15s; } #H { animation-delay: 0.2s; } #U { animation-delay: 0.25s; } #S_2 { animation-delay: 0.3s; } #I { animation-delay: 0.35s; } #A { animation-delay: 0.4s; } #S { animation-delay: 0.45s; } #M { animation-delay: 0.5s; }
It sure is messy, but writing the loop wouldn’t save me that much time and I won’t need to update it in the future, so I think it’s fine enough. And with that we’re pretty much done!
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We now have a bouncy, enthusiastic title to say hello. Yay for wiggly text!
The post How to Animate Text with SVG and CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
How to Animate Text with SVG and CSS published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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candy-corps · 7 years
Watching You
Wallace belongs to @mygardenofmuses
First ever appearance of Batman Bruce!
My muse offers to join your characters side as they see someone creepy watching them.
Bruce felt the vibrations of the cars passing by on the pads of his feet as he made his way through the small crowd of bypassers. A hood covered his ears because it was not always good being recognized; but his wings were on display openly; too important was it to be able to move them quick nowadays. Like right now. He raised one and wrapped it around his target once made out - and pushed them to take another path than the one they seemed to intend to. "Stay calm. You are followed" the Batman said, walking calmly next to other, yet keeping him in his hold strong enough that he had little choice but to tag along.
Wallace gasped a little in surprise at first, but then realized who it was. This was Bruce, the Dark Knight, the handsome, strong night hero that the city adored. A little smile came to his lips. "T-thanks, Mr Bruce. I didn't notice, to be honest." he offered him a hand in greeting. "I'm Wallace Tolstoi. Just another member of your fans club." He looked back, pursing his lips a little. "Do you know who's following me?"
"No one anymore when we go this way ... " Bruce suggested, leading Wallace to an alley between the main streets that was a bit more deserted with exception of a café and and two people who came out of a mail office. Mail office? These still existed? He pulled the hood off his head, revealing his ears. He had to check something, so they began to move right away. "Fan, really?" he asked in the meantime, looking at Wallace for the first time and smirking at him as he kept walking.
"Heh, yes." Wallace felt his shyness creep back into his body. He hugged himself, trying to anchor to his soul the little self-confidence he could muster right now. "I... I do adore all aliens. When I heard there were more heroes apart of Megamind and Metro Man, I was really happy to hear the new one was another alien, too. And a bat, no less! Bats are amazing, with their wings and echocolocation and... well, everything? So cool."
Bruce' smirk turned to a grin. "Thanks." It was good to know Wallace was likely to forgive when he grabbed him on the spot and jumped with him to safety, should there be a reason to. "Know what I like about bats? - They're teamplayers" he answered right away. "Why are you being followed?" he asked Wallace as he kept leading the way.
"Yes, that's cool too." Wallace nodded. It was always fun to learn more about them! He wondered if Bruce considered him part of his team right now. Now that would be AWESOME! His question made him blink. "I have no idea. Maybe I owe them money? Though it shouldn't be, I think I've paid off all my debts of the month..."
Oh. He didn't know. Bruce came to a halt; not expecting that. "Shall I go and ask?" When he moved fast, maybe he could. Bruce looked back and leaned his ears back.
"Maybe? I mean, that guy looks a bit shady, but I try not to judge people based on their looks." Wallace mumbled, looking down. He knew better than anyone that it wasn't good to judge a book by its cover.
"True" Bruce replied, only half listening. This was getting complicated. But Wallace hadn't lied when he said he was a fan or at least the didn't think so. "You wanna stay here?" he asked Wallace, pushing him a little closer to the café they'd been about to pass.
"I was on my way to work. And I work right there, in the Midnight Café." Wallace answered, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh that's handy" Bruce found. He let go of Wallace. He had a feeling he made the follower out - at least it was the height, breathing and heart beat he remembered.
"Wanna come in and take a drink? It's on me this time... since you were my temporary bodyguard." Wallace offered. He wanted to thank the hero, somehow.
"Later" Bruce assured. "Thanks, though." He bumped his wing against Wallace' shoulder and was on his way, checking if he'd find the man that followed Wallace and get a little more information. "Stay safe" he gave him on the way, hurrying off.
"You too." Wallace waved back at him, smiling. It was nice to count on heroes like him.
__Bruce kept his promises whereever he could. And so it was not long after that the batman set food in the Midnight Café. With walls around him the noise of the city was lower which he enjoyed quite a lot. He let his gaze wander and turned his raised ears, trying to make out where Wallace was.
Wallace was cleaning the counter after some customers had left. He was smiling to himself, still happy with his encounter with the hero. It would something interesting to tell Rigel when he got home... It was then when a new familiar shape appeared on the door. His smile widened. "Mr Bruce! You came back!"
"Told you." Didn't he? Bruce smiled at the lad.
Some minutes later, Wallace was placing a cup of coffee in front of Bruce. given there weren't many customers, he decided to sit down with him.  "So... did you find out who was the guy following me?"
"I did" Bruce said and put his phone on the table to unlock it. He wasn't one to brag, but he did have the feeling he deserved to be treated a coffee. Now ... how to explain. Bruce looked up again. "Umm ... turns out, he's a private detective. Your mom is worried about you or something and just wanted to check if you're good." That was the version the detective had told. Bruce studied Wallace' expression, curious if that matched up for Wallace.
"Oh..." Wallace looked down, trying to take in those words. "I guess... it's kinda my fault. I've been doing so well lately without them that... I forgot to call. Though part of me didn't want to call either." he frowned a bit.
So it was true. Meaning he let the detective fall two times more than actually necessary. Oh well. "You ... got the number? Because I have the one of the detective" Bruce said, opening the contact.
"I changed my phone number after I left my home, so... it would be good if you could give me his number." Wallace nodded. Just because his father had been abusive, didn't mean he had to cut everything. His mother... in a way, she was a victim too. Perhaps he still could talk with her.
"Just give me yours and I can send the contact" Bruce suggested, opening the option, turning the phone and pushing it to Wallace so he could enter his. This was totally unecessary, true. He picked his coffee and added sugar before he stirred it eventually. He was curious if Wallace would figure it out ...
"Sure thing! My number is..." Wallace entered the number quickly. How awesome this was? One of his idols now had his number! Which meant they were practically friends now, right? He returned the phone, beaming. "There you go~!"
"Thank you" Bruce replied, leaning his head on his hand as he took his phone with the other, sending the contact ... and his own all the same.
The main theme of Star Wars started to come out of Wallace's cellphone. When he answered, he realized he hadn't received only the numberr of the detective... but Bruce's as well. His eyes sparkled in awe, shining like little stars as he looked up. "Thank you, Mr Bruce! You're the coolest bat in town!"
Bruce tried to wave it off. "I'm ... " But then: "You think?" Then he laughed and put the phone away. It was rude to keep it on the table. He was an Englishman., deep down. "So. Um .... You wanna talk about it?" he wondered, then took his coffee and started to drink.
"I think so." Wallace confirmed. He arched one eyebrrow at his next question. "Talk... about how cool you are, or talk about my family? Just checking."
Bruce lowered his cup. "Oh we can do both" he assured. Then huffed a laugh. He was joking. "Why are you not calling your mother?" he simply asked, shrugging with one shoulder as he did.
"Well..." Wallace looked down, joining his hands over the table. He played with his thumbs for a moment, trying to find the right words. "When I came out as trans, and pansexual, my father got so mad that he kicked me out of home. Mom did nothing to stop it. I was really pissed, so... I cut off all contact with them, changed my name, and tried my best to embrace who I am."
Bruce' smile fell, hearing that.  Wallace was cast out. It was one of the cruelest things he could imagine. He shook his head. That. That's what he disliked about humans. "You're a brave man" Bruce found. "Man's right?" he asked, just wondering.
"Thanks! And yes. Look, I'm growing a little beard, see?" Wallace showed him the hair framing his chin.  "I'm a little afraid of taking surgery, so I still have some remnants of my previous self. But it's OK. My meds are working well. I feel a bit more manlier every day, hehe!" he blushed, a little embarrassed.
He seemed so proud. It made Bruce smile again. And then sigh. "I hope that works out" he said, tapping his fingers against the table. "For all of you. Will you keep  me updated?" he asked Wallace. He had already someone in mind to introduce him to and form another, better, family, should things with the old not work.
"Sure. We're friends now, aren't we?" Wallace smiled softly. He found his interest for his well-being truly endearing. Until now, only Rigel had cared this much about him. It was nice to have one friend more.
"Were" Bruce corrected. They weren't just starting this moment. "You gave me coffee" Bruce reminded him, lifting the cup. He was friends with humans on default and always hoped they felt so, too. With Wallace he's been hopeful since he promised that cup.
"Of course. Anything you want, I'm happy to help out." Wallace nodded, glad to see Bruce was considering him a friend since much earlier than expected. That was pretty amazing! One doesn't get to befriend a hero every day.
"Same here" Bruce said sincerely. He looked down at the cup and smiled to himself. It was always nice to get support in return, too.
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