#stop being weird about it or so help me
void-star · 6 months
I may be aroace, but I'm queer first and above all.
If you spot somebody on tunglr dot com talkin shit about how they're a sex-repulsed ace or romance-repulsed aro and some nonsense in fiction or fandom is oppressing them, they are essentially using their personal disgust to censor and control other people the same way people try to do that shit with dark/heavy/taboo fiction.
I am uninterested in sexual relationships with other people. I can have some strong, aversive reactions to people making romantic or sexual advances towards me. I carry a lot of heart break about amatonormativity and the social notions and expectations of relationships. And I'm also a fully grown adult living in a world that expects dual-income households at minimum.
I'm not upset about the presence of romance plots or sex scenes (personally, I love them, but I want them to be better written so that they are part of the character study). I don't want aroace representation in the form of characters who are never desired romantically or sexually, or who come out only when they are rejecting someone's advances and then never brought up again.
Like the sex scenes and romance plots, I want them to have depth and exploration and fullness.
And that fact alone is starting to feel incredibly isolating and alienating as some of ya'll drag this further and further off a stupid ass cliff.
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