storiesofstellis · 2 years
Reflection of The Soul (End)
Things had finally calmed down at Time’s Antiques, forcing Vyn on his way to work. As much as he tried not to think about it, Luke was always in the back of his mind. What ifs plagued his thoughts to the point he couldn't hear himself think. He was brought back to reality at the touch of a hand on his shoulder.
Just seeing his face was enough to make him smile and forgo all negative thoughts. They instantly came rushing back at the sight of his frown.
“I'm really sorry about earlier. I promise that I'll tell you the truth, the whole truth one day. Unfortunately, that day isn't any time soon… I hope this doesn't break what we've been trying to solidify…” apologized Luke, still hiding his left arm.
“That won't, but something else will.” Vyn commented, his gaze stoic.
Silence hung between them before Luke showed his arm. It was bandaged well, he'd give him that. Vyn undressed the wound, assessing the damage.
“Why didn't you go to the hospital? Do you realize this needs stitching?”
“You're exaggerating. It's not that bad!” argued Luke.
What made him more concerned was who was skilled enough to leave such a wound and why they were after Luke? Perhaps out for revenge? A grudge?
“What happened to the culprit?”
That wasn't reassuring at all. Who was to say they didn't know about his relationships? What if they attempted to attack Rosa while alone?
“I'm worried. They may target people around me… Rosa and you being special to me… I have to catch them.”
“Well, you can do that AFTER getting this stitched. Come on.”
Luke had been lost in his thoughts, unaware Vyn had taken better care of his wound.
Vyn looked up, seeing Luke emerge. He was properly bandaged up now, setting his heart at ease. He couldn't go after the perp in this state but knowing Luke he still would, not making use of his left arm purposefully.
“Promise me you won't do any chasing until that wound is mostly healed.” Vyn asked sternly, looking into his eyes.
Luke sighed, already able to tell where things were going.
“I'm not going to make a promise we both know I won't keep.” he responded. “But I’m really touched to see how much you care.”
“Of course I'd care even if we weren't…”
“Weren't?” Luke pried.
Now that it was brought up, what exactly did Luke consider them? Just because feelings were mutual didn't mean they were on the same page. Perhaps it was better to play it safe.
“Weren't close.” Vyn finished, dropping the conversation soon after. “We should get going.”
What in the world was close supposed to mean? It could be interpreted in many ways, two of which he didn't feel strongly towards. It felt like they were regressing rather than progressing. Luke grabbed his hand, halting his movements.
“What? Don't say you left something…”
“What are we?” he asked seriously, tightening his hold on Vyn’s hand. “Are we friends or more than that?”
He was the one being asked? He was just as confused too. Sure, they admitted feelings but nothing had really changed. Neither ever made a move to get closer than usual. Maybe now was as good a time as any?
“I’m willing to step forward if you are.” smiled Vyn, letting his emotions show.
Hope yet despair. Excitement yet nervousness. But most of all, vulnerable. Vyn didn't have to say it, he could see it in his face and body language. Luke moved to face Vyn, hesitating before reaching out to cup his cheek. When was the last time he felt this nervous around someone? He had to get his head on as straight as possible right now, Vyn was expecting an answer. And today preferably.
“I am.” he ended up squeaking out. This caused Vyn to let out the giggles he found adorable, making his cheeks grow warmer. “The one time I wanted to seem cool…”
“It was cool enough, honest.”
Yet his giggling betrayed him hard. Well, if there was any silver lining, it was good to know that they were on the same wavelength.
Vyn looked up from his papers, hearing pattering against his window. The forecast did mention rain but he didn't expect the sky to open up so suddenly. He peered outside, catching a glimpse of a fleeing shadow. Things had seemed normal after the attack on Luke but he knew better than to be at ease. And now he was thankful he hadn't let his guard down. Someone was snooping around, probably in hopes of figuring out a perfect time to plan something with little to no witnesses. He could handle himself for a while but would Rosa be okay? She seemed like an easier target considering her physique. Hopefully she was taking precautions as well. Now that he thought about it, taking a few days off might throw them off for a bit.
Vyn sat up, hearing his doorbell. He shouldn't have visitors. Are they trying a direct approach? Ah, he was becoming paranoid after spending too much time inside.
Luke called his number, waiting outside the door. Vyn wouldn't have left Stellis without telling him, right?
“Hey to you too. Are you home?”
“Yes, w- Wait. Is that you at the door?”
“Yeah. I-”
Vyn hung up on him. The door opened, a fully casual Vyn beckoning him in. If he had to guess, he took time off of work. The place looked orderly as usual.
“I hadn't heard from you for a few days so I was worried you were drowning in work. Though, seems I was wrong… and worried over nothing.” said Luke flatly. “Why did you go all silent.”
Tell the truth or lie? Easy choice.
“Just wanted to focus on myself for a bit. Sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you.” apologized Vyn.
Still, not having seen nor heard from him in days… his longing for him grew. He was afraid of what close contact would do.
“So, how have you been? Tell me everything.”
At first it didn't seem like much but the more he talked, the more things he found to report on. Even small, insignificant things had Vyn’s interest.
“And if it wasn't obvious enough by now… I missed you.”
Vyn left his spot, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Luke shivered in delight, causing Vyn to attempt to stifle his laughter.
“Why am I always laughed at?!” he fumed, becoming more embarrassed by the second.
“You make it easy, is all. Had I known you'd miss me this much I would've given something more stimulating.”
Stimulating?! Luke’s blush had darkened, putting his thoughts on display. This arose another round of laughter from Vyn.
“You're naughtier than I thought.” Vyn quipped, raising an eyebrow.
“I wasn't having dirty thoughts! You are!” Luke sputtered, trying to regain composure.
Vyn scooted closer, slowly running a hand up his thigh. Luke visibly tensed at the action. He was doing this on purpose. Two could play at this game. Luke reached over, running his fingers over Vyn’s chest. Clearly he wasn't expecting payback by the surprised sound that escaped his mouth. They locked eyes, waiting for the other to back down.
“I must say, your fortitude is amazing. Shame I won't get to see it used in other situations.” sighed Vyn, backing away.
“Like what?” Luke questioned.
Vyn leveled a look, sending Luke into a flustered mess. How could he be so smooth with something like this?
“You really are adorable like this. I say this sincerely and not in jest.” grinned Vyn, his heart unable to slow. “I fear my heart just might leave my chest.”
He understood perfectly. Despite all the teasing, his heart was running a marathon as well. Luke leaned in for a kiss, stopping half way. Vyn didn't need a prompt, meeting him the other half of the way. It was warm and comfortable, holding the other like this.
The lights shut off.
“Sabotaged.” he whispered back, looking about the living room. Well, as much as he could with limited sight. “So I’m the first target…”
Vyn couldn't quite tell what Luke was doing but he trusted him nonetheless.
“As reckless as this sounds, we’re leaving through the front door. I-”
“Are you trying to do this yourself? I live here, you know. I can tell you where everything is.”
They quietly got up, nestling themselves into a corner. Not too long after, soft footsteps made their way into the living room. Was it just one? Something wasn't sitting right. This one was probably here to scope the place out before inviting his buddies in.
As predicted, the first left after inspecting the place. Now was the time to plan a counterattack while they had time.
“Look, he lives alone. We studied everything about him. There's no way we won't one hit k.o him.”
“I mean, he has a point? The guy seems too elegant to know self defense.” the woman added on.
“Still, being inside gave me chills…”
“Oh stop being a wimp. Come on.”
The two followed him in, heading for Vyn’s office.
“You're absolutely sure he's not home? And you disarmed everything?”
They opened the door, a medley of things occurring at once before they were each knocked unconscious. Vyn exhaled in relief before frowning. Petty criminals. Here he was expecting the real deal.
“I’m going to ask and you can simply answer with yes or no. Do they have a relation to the one who attacked you last week?”
“In a way.”
“Are both instances related to what you can't tell me?”
“Yes. Sorry…”
As much as he wanted to press for answers, he was going to respect Luke’s boundaries.
“One day I’ll understand, just not today.” he smiled bitterly, helping Luke move them outside.
He truly wanted to tell Vyn everything, but it was bad enough Rosa knew. It was extremely frustrating to the core.
“Vyn, I-”
He looked around, seeing Vyn was off talking to the authorities. It'd have to wait for another time he presumed. He was waved over, the authorities wanting his piece.
Vyn wasn't able to relax after the attack at home. For all he knew, someone could be waiting to attack disguised as his employee. Was he becoming paranoid? Maybe. Though, who could blame him? Vyn exhaled, seeing he needed to relax. It was just the thing he needed. He moved to open the door only for it to open by itself.
“Ah! I'm sorry!” they apologized, trying to see what they hit. “Vyn! Is your face okay? Any scratches?”
“I’m fine but what are you doing here so late?” he asked, subtly gesturing to the night sky.
“Well, you said you were going to be working late these days so thought I'd come by and give you a breather from work for a bit.” smiled Luke, intertwining their fingers. “Say yes?”
“I'd have to be an idiot to say no. I've been wanting to see your face for a while now.”
Vyn always knew how to make smooth comebacks. One day he was going to leave Vyn absolutely flustered. Vyn followed Luke outside before noticing a little setup outside. He didn't have to guess how it ended up there. They sat down, a small yet noticeable gap between them.
“It feels like a picnic but minus the food. Though, you obviously remembered the drinks.”
“I promise it's not alcohol. Now if today was a Friday.” Luke responded with a suggestive look. Vyn gave him a playful nudge before leaning back slightly. “You look better.”
His confusion must've been very obvious as Luke continued on.
“When I first came in, you looked unbearably tired. Like you were carrying a lot on your shoulders.”
Well, maybe…
“I've been worried, actually. Ever since that attack, I've worried about Miss Rosa. I know how important she is to you, so for something to happen… And then the possibility that someone in their ranks is disguised as an employee here.” sighed Vyn, letting his body deflate. “I know I’m overthinking but you can never be too careful. So something like this is really nice. Get my mind off of things and… spend time with you.”
There was probably more that he was holding back for his sake. Luke closed the gap between them, their shoulders touching.
“I promise I’ll keep you safe, so don't worry yourself sick anymore… Please. It ruins your beautiful skin and looks.” Luke said lowly, turning Vyn towards him. He slowly ran his fingers through his hair, finding himself sinking into his golden eyes. “You're precious to me…”
Both were in shock of what had come out of his mouth. Hearing it out loud was much different than either expected. It actually had weight now. Vyn lowered his head as he leaned into Luke’s touch.
“I’m so happy that I can't fully express it.” whispered Vyn, clutching his chest.
Kiss him. Kiss him! He lifted Vyn’s head, pressing their lips together before asking for entrance. A full proper kiss. No interruptions whatsoever. This feeling of closeness he never thought he'd get to feel… Vyn let out a surprised gasp, not expecting Luke to hug him so suddenly. They sat in each other's embrace until Vyn returned them back to reality. He still had some work to do no matter how much he wanted to laze about with Luke.
“Ah, before I go. Do you have time next week?”
“Hm? What for?”
Luke happily took pictures, knowing Rosa would love to own a few. He looked up, seeing Vyn squatting by an exhibit. Click. It wasn't every day he got to see Vyn in casual wear. It was always work related. He wondered if Vyn felt differently now. Vyn stood up, approaching his waiting partner.
“I hope the date isn't too boring.” apologized Vyn, restraining himself from wandering to another flower.
“I'm having fun, no worries. It's even better since you're with me.”
The two joined hands, making their way to another section before hearing a voice call out.
“Miss Rosa?”
Her cheer was soon replaced by a mixture of emotions before settling with a thoughtful look.
“Are you two…” she started, looking at their joined hands. “I don't want to assume here but…”
They exchanged looks before one spoke up.
“Yeah. It just kinda happened, really. But I’m happy with Vyn and he feels the same. I’m glad that we met that day, even if it was rocky at first.”
Rosa squealed in delight, giving the both of them hugs. Her boyfriend soon made an appearance, greeting the two.
“I always worried you'd be too busy with work to find someone. I'm so happy for you, Luke!” she beamed. “How long has it been?”
Neither knew off the top of their heads. They quietly discussed, causing Rosa to tilt her head.
“I’d like to say three months now.” Vyn concluded with a nod.
Rosa bounced on her toes, asking Luke questions in rapid fire.
“Makes one a little envious, huh?”
Vyn looked towards the boyfriend who watched the scene before them. It was then he understood the hidden meaning. They had been best friends since they were little tots. No matter how close they were to their partners, there was a space they could never dare to fill no matter how hard they tried.
“It is envy worthy, but it's all the more heartwarming to see.” replied Vyn.
Luke had broken away from Rosa, grabbing Vyn and shouting goodbyes as they took off.
“Too much?”
“No, I just wanted to get back to our date. I can call her and tell her anytime. I want to be here with you right now.” Luke grinned, feeling himself blush.
“Well it's a good thing I want to be here with you now too, fufu. Ahem, shall we?”
They joined hands again, heading off to continue their date.
The two sat side by side, watching the snow fall. The forecast didn't mention it but being surprised once in a while was nice.
“The new year is coming soon.” Luke commented, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Mmm. It was also around this time that you left Stellis and me all alone.” Vyn replied, warming up with tea. “Well, in terms of season. The actual month is still a few away.”
Luke tightened his hold on his cup, glancing at Vyn who let snowflakes fall onto his gloved hands.
“Should we spend the holidays together? Unless you already have plans. Hopefully not…” inquired Vyn.
Luke held him back, his voice a bit shaky. The whole time during the date he acted as if nothing was wrong, but he couldn't keep quiet any longer. They were getting too close for comfort. Vyn took note of the serious look on his face. Was it that bad?
“I'm listening…”
“Come, it's quieter over here.”
Now he was becoming concerned. Just what exactly was he going to tell him?
“I work for the government. I've been assigned a job here that I've been working on day and night since I arrived. It's because I’m getting close to the truth that they're taking action. They’ll stop at nothing to keep a tight lid on things. Yes, even murder.” Luke said lowly, holding Vyn’s hands. “Don't try to get any more involved than you already have. They're really dangerous.”
“I promise to behave. You stay safe as well. You certainly don't want another wound.”
Vyn didn't comment on the government part. He couldn't have possibly known already, could he? Vyn smiled softly, squeezing his hands.
“I feel a bit better with you knowing, but even if you do know it doesn't change anything…” sighed Luke, averting his gaze. “The thought of losing you… I don't like it.”
“Aw. It really warms my heart that you care so much.” grinned Vyn, kissing Luke’s nose.
“Stop.” whined Luke, his blush darkening. “You're making it hard to resist…”
Vyn stopped teasing him for now, taking in the sweet moment between them.
“It's getting late. Should I take you home?” Vyn asked, the two slowly walking together.
“No, it'd be better if I saw you home instead.”
“I'm not that weak, you know. I can handle a guy or two.” huffed Vyn, displeased at Luke’s line of thinking.
“It's not that. It'll just ease my mind more.” Luke explained. “So if we’re going home then I’m dropping you off.”
“Alright, alright. It would probably be better if we didn't go home too late.”
They waited somewhere warm for a cab, Vyn often glancing at Luke. He never did answer his question about spending the holidays together.
“Vyn, just say what's on your mind. You're making me antsy.” Luke said wearily.
“Well, it's about my question from earlier. About the holidays…”
“Oh. Oh, that. I usually spend them with Rosa but I'd be more than happy to be with you.”
Vyn looked away, trying to hide his blush. How could someone be this naturally cute? The cab arrived, the two piling in.
“Hey, Vyn. What do you think about this one?”
Vyn looked, viewing the photos. They were all so nice, it was hard to pick a favorite.
Luke had a soft look on his face as he stared at the photo he took of him.
“You look beautiful…”
Vyn wasn't sure if he was meant to hear that or not, but he definitely took it in stride. He leaned closer to Luke, hoping he couldn't hear his beating heart. Luke had selected some, deleting them before sharing the remaining with him. He curiously looked, seeing Luke’s lock screen was actually a picture of him and Peanut. He would've assumed it was an old picture of him and Rosa.
“You're staring awful hard at my phone. Are you trying to snoop?” Luke asked pointedly, narrowing his eyes.
“What? No. I was just observing. Sorry…”
Luke sighed, giving him an apology.
“I do have a few things that shouldn't be viewed so I constantly worry. Sorry…”
“It's fine. I'll be more careful.”
The rest of the car ride was silent, a gap between them. The cab stopped at Vyn’s both getting out. Luke didn't let Vyn get a word in, sending the driver off.
“Go in.”
“You could've taken it home.”
Luke waved his statement off, ushering him in again. Vyn watched from his window as Luke used his phone before answering a call. Who was he talking to with a serious look like that? Luke had vanished from his view, heading down the block. He did his usual look around for anything suspicious before getting settled in his office. He really hoped they'd get to spend the holidays together.
An ad about cat food appeared, making him remember his time as a cat. Those were some crazy adventures he had gotten into. The ending was pretty anticlimactic the more he thought about it. He never heard their voices again after that night. So they really could've just stripped him whenever they felt like it. As weird as it'd sound, he had them to thank for his current happiness. If he never had the ability, Luke would still be pining after Rosa. And himself? Probably wasting time in a job he never cared about. The butterfly effect truly was amazing.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Four letter word (Lukevyn)
Luke looked up from his tablet, catching Vyn staring at him. Vyn smiled in response before writing something down.
"Do I want to know?" asked Luke, giving half his attention back to his tablet.
"Up to you."
Luke sighed, finishing up on his tablet before looking back at Vyn who was busy writing.
Vyn didn't respond, making Luke raise an eyebrow. Vyn finally looked up, holding up a sketch of him.
"It looks nothing like me." huffed Luke.
"Just take a look at it."
Luke took the sketch. What did Vyn want him to see? It was just his face from Vyn's point of view. He looked to Vyn who was looking at him with expectant eyes.
"It's nicely drawn."
"That's it?"
"Are you performing some psychological test on me? Again?" Luke accused, narrowing his eyes.
"No, I just wanted to hear your thoughts. And apparently all its worth is... nicely drawn."
Luke gave Vyn a look before taking another gander at it. Did he want him to inspect or something? He turned the paper all around, not spotting anything unusual. Maybe it was all a trick to make him think there was something but there really was nothing.
"So...?" Vyn piped up.
"I'm flattered you thought I was worth sketching. It's beautiful." smiled Luke, handing the sketch back.
Vyn didn't press, placing it off to the side.
"I wrote something on it. A four letter word."
Luke looked up, Vyn nose deep in work. A four letter word? Nothing looked like a four letter word. Luke left his spot, taking another look at the sketch.
Vyn looked up, seeing Luke with his mouth slightly agape.
"You found it?"
"Yeah. How... What the hell are you?" Luke blinked, tracing his finger over the letters.
"I'm Vyn Ritcher, wonderful boyfriend of Luke Pearce." he chuckled, closing Luke's mouth.
Luke surprised him with a cheek kiss, giving him a smug look.
"Seriously though, I need to get this done otherwise I'll be dealing with bugs later on." sighed Luke, sitting back down.
"I won't disturb you then."
The room was silent once more, Luke busy repairing data while Vyn came back into the room with a steaming pot of tea for both of them.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
I just want to be with you (Artemarius)
Artem straightened his tie before entering.
"Afternoon. Artem-"
"No need for stuffy formalities. The quicker we start, the quicker we can free my employee."
Artem nodded, taking a seat across from Marius. Artem glanced up from his work, his gaze meeting the owner of such violet eyes. Neither broke eye contact, an unspoken word traveling between the two.
"Do you mind going out and buying lunch? It'll be awhile." Marius spoke up, sending his assistant off. The door closed, his assistant promptly making sure they wouldn't be disturbed until he came back. "So? What's your answer? I've given you time to think on it."
"An intriguing offer but my answer is no." Artem responded, not giving him a glance. "The point of this meeting-"
Marius had seized his hands, sending papers fluttering to the floor like the falling leaves of autumn. Artem kept a straight face, successfully hiding his fluster.
"So you're saying it meant nothing to you. Nothing at all?" whispered Marius, gripping his hands.
"I already told you, it was-"
"An accident, but it happened for a reason. You don't just kiss someone out of the blue!"
"I was drunk..."
"So you're saying all drunk people accidentally kiss others?"
He was losing an argument to the Pax kid. To think he's gotten this low. Marius pulled him closer, their noses just barely touching.
"Tell me honestly. Do you really not have any feelings...?"
Artem closed his eyes before opening them again, finding himself drowning in his eyes again.
"It wouldn't work. Neither of us have the time for it and you're currently the heir. Think of how it would look. And you're still young. There's someone out there for you, Marius." Artem responded, pulling back. "It was just an accident..."
Marius didn't push the matter, seeing Artem made up his mind. Upholding his image was more important than acting on his own feelings. Marius looked at Artem before the words too easily slipped from his mouth.
"You're scared of falling in love, aren't you?"
Artem had ceased movement until he turned his head up to look at the heartbroken Marius.
"I'm not afraid of anything. It's merely in our best interests-"
"I don't care about that! I care about you...!" Marius shouted before putting his head in his hands. "I'm beating a dead horse aren't I..."
Artem watched Marius break down in utter frustration. He reached over, moving his hands enough to leave a kiss on his nose before hovering by his lips.
"No. You're just dealing with a very stubborn breed of mule..."
Marius closed the gap, changing their hand positions so that they were holding hands. It meant something to him. He felt something for him and that night confirmed it. Marius pulled back, unable to hold back his chuckles.
"I wonder how many people are blessed enough to see the Artem Wing a blushing mess?"
"Don't tease me. This is new to me..." muttered Artem, trying to pull away. The action only made Marius pull him closer. "Marius...!"
"Relax. We can finish the work in seconds. Right now, I just want to be with you."
Artem didn't voice his complaints, allowing Marius to lean against him. A smiled formed on his face as he gently stroked Marius' head.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt12)
Luke opened his shop, hearing mewing from his side.
Luke reached out, picking up Danny. He couldn't help himself, snuggling the cat close. He placed him down, opening the door for him. Luke was really excited to see him again.
“Ah, I don't have anything for you to eat nor the sheets… I’ll just make another pair.” Luke remembered. “Watch the store for me.”
Vyn sat on his rump, looking around the store. Things seemed bigger when he was smaller. He jumped onto the counter, having a better view of the store. The door opened, a woman and a man walking in. If wasn't obvious enough from them holding hands, they already looked like a picture perfect couple.
“Oh? When did Luke get a cat?” the woman asked curiously, walking up to him. “Hello there. I’m Rosa.”
“What a cute cat. You know, he reminds me of Dr Ritcher.” the man pointed out.
“Wait, you're right! We should show him sometime!” she giggled, taking a picture of Vyn.
They didn't have to, he was well aware. Luke came down, seeing the two interacting with him.
“Oh, you're here early…” Luke forcibly laughed.
Vyn put two and two together. So this was his childhood friend and her boyfriend. This should make for some interesting entertainment.
“Ah, right. He figured out that our perp was planning to leave by boat in the morning, not evening. So we came to tell you the case is closed. She's finally in police custody.”
Vyn listened to them talk about a case, not missing all the brief breaks in happiness from Luke. This was killing him wasn't it?
“Danny? Now what? Ah! Don't you dare!” Luke fussed, picking up Vyn and taking him outside. “You were seriously not about to go right on my floor.”
Vyn rubbed against Luke before licking his hand.
“Wait… Did you?”
Vyn looked him in the eyes, Luke eventually smiling softly. He started to purr as Luke pet him.
“You're such a smart kitty… Thank you.”
Luke giggled, his mood lifting. They eventually went back inside, Luke apologizing for their actions. He looked much better when talking to them.
“Oh! I wanted to ask since when did you get another pet? I thought after Peanut…” Rosa spoke, a somber look on her face.
“I'm sure Peanut wouldn't want me constantly grieving. It's fine like this anyway. It's like having a pet without all the additional attachments.”
Vyn meowed, looking up at Rosa. She was pretty, he'd give her that. But considering she was a lawyer, she clearly couldn't be blind to Luke’s affections for her.
“Danny! Don't bite people.” Luke scolded, picking him up. “I’m sorry. He's… feral still.”
Vyn wiggled out of his hold, clambering onto Rosa’s shoulder. Naturally she freaked out. The men tried prying Vyn off but he stayed firm. He needed to know something first. Rosa looked into his eyes, fear clearly seen.
“She's not bad like I assumed. She's just astoundingly clueless.” thought Vyn, wondering how the man managed to win the affections of someone this clueless.
Luke apologized again for Vyn’s actions as the two left. He then turned and glared angrily at him.
“What is wrong with you? I thought you were smarter than this!”
How else was he to see what was on the inside if he couldn't see into her eyes? And it wasn't like he could just transform in front of everyone. He wanted to know if she was worth being hung up over. Luke sighed, sitting down on his chair.
“Look at me, scolding a cat. I need to get out more…”
“Hush you. You're still in trouble.”
If his face was able to make a pout, he would right now. Though, was Luke still hung up on her? He jumped onto the counter, getting in Luke’s way of the keyboard.
“Now what.”
Vyn brought up the notepad app before typing.
“‘Like her’? Her who? My childhood friend? Actually, now that you mention it…”
Vyn tilted his head, curious as to what he was thinking.
“I haven't thought of her in a while. Well, mostly because I was working on a case for Vyn. Huh… Interesting.” muttered Luke, going back to work.
It was a step in the right direction. Now he just had to move on fully. How long it'd take he didn't know, but he'd be by his side to help him. That's what friends do, right? Wait, were they friends?
“Danny, get off. ‘Vyn friend’? Uh, are we? I don't know, it's weird I guess. But, he actually did open up to me so I think we are. Well, I’d like to think so anyway. Guess it wouldn't hurt to ask.”
Vyn leapt off, settling on Luke’s lap before napping. He had some hours to spare before he needed to be Vyn again.
Vyn looked up, hearing the doorbell. He wasn't expecting visitors today. Or ever, actually. He left his seat to see who was waiting outside his door. A bit of surprise settled on his face.
“Hey to you too.”
Luke shifted awkwardly as Vyn stared him down. Well, he might as well show some civility.
“How can I help you?” he spoke, uncrossing his arms and letting his hands rest in his pockets.
“Uh, may I come in? It's not something I want to discuss in the open.” Luke adjured.
Vyn stepped aside but didn't let him go further in.
“We can talk here. So, what is it?”
Luke scratched his cheek before visibly deflating.
“I need someone to listen, no, I need you.” Luke stated, looking him in the eyes. “It has to be you.”
“And do you plan to explain why?” Vyn unintentionally snapped.
“Because you get me. My friends… they don't understand.”
Vyn let out a heavy sigh, telling him to take a seat on the couch while he brewed tea. He really had a lot of nerve coming over after explicitly stating he didn't want to see his ugly mug again. It wasn't even his fault!
“Ouch…” hissed Vyn, accidentally burning himself.
Luke looked around, feeling comfortable. Vyn’s place always felt so welcoming, even when it was biting cold outside. Spring couldn't come any sooner. Vyn returned with cups and tea, pouring some for Luke first.
“As you know, I’m a detective.” he started, finding today’s tea rather pleasant, elegant even. “And I've been having a bit of difficulty figuring out a way to report something. It has to do with mental health.”
“And so you came here hoping I’d help you? After being insulted?”
“Okay, valid point. I did come here to apologize and I probably should've started with that first. So, I’m very sorry.”
Vyn silently drank his tea, not sparing him a glance.
“Was it insincere?”
“No, I just like making you squirm. I'll forgive, but not forget.”
“Right… So umm, is it a yes or no to helping me?”
Vyn gave a thoughtful look before shaking his head.
“My help isn't necessary. Simply report as you see it.”
Well, it was all a front anyway. An excuse to spend time with him and apologize. He started to miss his company much to his surprise.
“Want anything to eat?” Vyn offered, feeling a bit peckish.
“If you don't mind?”
Vyn left his spot, Luke gravitating towards a window. A few flowers stood tall out in the garden. Was it planting time yet?
“AH! You…!” hissed Luke, quickly going silent at Vyn’s attractive chuckles. Attractive? Well, Vyn was certainly a good looking guy but of course he didn't care about that. He wasn't thinking of it in that kind of way. Vyn’s golden eyes looked into his coral ones before they shifted to the garden behind him. Vyn had started talking about planting spring flowers while his mind was still stuck on Vyn’s eyes staring into his.
“I wasn't thinking of you!” he blurted out before feeling more embarrassed. “I mean-!”
“What about me?” Vyn tilted his head cutely.
“Wha… Umm, what flowers are those?!” he quickly asked, taking the spotlight off himself.
Vyn started talking about them again, Luke listening to him talk. Did he always have such a soothing voice? He even pronounced a few words funnily.
“Luke. Luke!”
“I wasn't looking at your lips!”
Oh. Now that's awkward. Luke tried to recover but Vyn was quicker.
“Luke, am I that boring to listen to when it comes to gardening that you stare at me to find something to poke fun at?” Vyn inquired, his face not happy.
“No! That's not it at all! You have very nice lips! And pretty eyes! A soothing voice!” said Like before seeing he was digging a deeper hole. “Oh god kill me now.”
Vyn giggled, causing Luke to blush. He… He had cute giggles.
“Thank you for the compliments. You too also have beautiful eyes and nice lips.” smiled Vyn.
He felt light headed.
“Can we go out to the garden? I uh, want to see them up close.”
The two walked out, Luke breathing in as much air as possible.
“I actually planned to start planting spring flowers today. Would you like to help?”
Vyn had him pick the flowers he named while he dug the appropriate holes. Luke helped, noticing he left a section open.
“Not planting any there?”
“I want to plant a flower that you like. Any of them speak to you?”
Luke looked them over before picking one. Marigolds. Vyn smiled, planting them in the ground. Luke smiled back, some of the cold disappearing.
“Vyn, I…”
Vyn looked up, giving him his attention. Luke twiddled his thumbs, deciding to head back inside to calm down. He was feeling so much all at once. Vyn eventually came back inside, Luke offering him fresh tea.
“There's an actual reason for my visit besides apologizing…”
“Oh? The report wasn't?”
Luke shook his head, Vyn sitting beside him.
“I'm leaving Stellis.”
Vyn choked on his tea, Luke quickly patting his back.
“What? Why?”
“For a job. I didn't want to leave without you knowing. Didn't feel right.” apologized Luke, looking away.
“How long will you be gone…?”
Luke shrugged. He truly didn't know.
“It could be weeks, months, maybe even years…”
Vyn placed his cup down, giving Luke a hug. It was probably hard for him considering he had been gone for 8 years previously. Who was to say it wouldn't be another 8?
“It'll be okay. You can contact people while working right?”
“I don't know. That's what scares me… What if you all forget about me?” he spoke lowly, staring at his hands.
“Miss R- Your childhood friend still remembered after 8 years, I don't think another 8 would make a difference.”
“And you?” Luke prompted, lifting his head some to look at Vyn.
And him? Where the question came from was beyond him. Why did he want to know?
“Yes, I’ll remember you. You're very memorable, especially those coral eyes.”
Luke swallowed hard, following Vyn’s gaze.
“Umm! That was all so I’m going to go now. Uh, bye!”
Luke had fled before he could ask more. He didn't even tell him when he'd be leaving. The ringing of his bell brought him out of his thoughts.
“I’m leaving tomorrow.” he said before leaving quickly once more.
Tomorrow?! So soon?! Vyn closed the door, trying to figure out which airport Luke would be at. He wasn't going to miss sending him off.
Luke exhaled, arriving at the airport the next morning. He said his goodbyes through text to those he didn't get to see beforehand. He took another good look around, engraving the last remnants of Stellis into his mind. If only he knew how long things would take, he could cope with it easier.
He turned back towards the inside of the airport, seeing a person waving at him. He slowly moved closer, unbelieving he was seriously witnessing this.
“I figured you'd leave Stellis quietly so people couldn't give you a send off. Now before we get into the details, I want to wish you safe travels wherever you go after leaving here as well. I highly doubt Stellis will have changed when you come back but know that there are people here who can't wait to welcome you back.” smiled Vyn.
“Wow, thanks. Honest.”
Vyn cleared his throat, subtly slinking away.
“I won't get on your case for somehow figuring out where I’d be and when but I will if it ever happens again. Got it?”
Vyn chuckled, giving a nod in response. He watched in silence as Luke was checked before sent through with other travelers. And life carried on.
“Dr Ritcher!”
“Yes, Miss Rosa?”
She held up her phone, her eyes shining.
“He's coming back soon! Isn't it good news?!” she exclaimed, looking to her boyfriend as well.
“Of course. We know how much Luke means to you.” the man said, giving her head pats.
A year and half of radio silence and he's only now hearing about his return through a mutual friend. Weren't they friends too?
“Dr Ritcher. Ritcher. Vyn!”
The man pointed to the table where the last cup was overflowing with tea. Vyn quickly reacted, placing the pot aside and cleaning the mess.
“So, you've known for a week now, right?” Vyn asked, taking attention off of himself.
“Yeah. We’ve talked on and off the entire time he's been away. I wonder what kind of work he was doing this time?”
Vyn handed them the first two cups, taking the messy one for himself.
“Well it must've been difficult if it took over a year.” Vyn pointed out.
“Yeah. Oh! I noticed you had marigolds blooming in your garden this spring too. I thought you always changed it up.” Rosa commented. “I hope it's not rude to ask.”
A small smile formed on his face as he thought.
“A reminder I guess you can say, but I suppose it won't be anymore.” replied Vyn.
Neither understood what he was talking about but didn't voice it either.
“So I’m assuming it's a happy reminder considering how happy you look.” she smiled, causing Vyn to stop smiling. “Oops.”
“No, no. Don't mind it. So why don't you we start going over the case.” he said, taking out his materials.
It was bad enough he was caught smiling.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt11)
The blonde finished the tour, leading him back to the front door.
“Do you mind if I talk to Hymlin once more?”
The blonde nodded before ringing for Hymlin on a holoscreen. Minutes pass yet no Hymlin.
“Is he busy cooking? Cleaning?”
“Hm. I will try the others.” he responded, ringing another.
The redhead poked her head into the foyer with curious eyes.
“Where is Hymlin?”
“He should be cleaning up on the second floor.”
Luke briefly frowned, wondering how they didn't know where the other was. Did they not communicate with one another?
“I don't mind helping to look for him. I'll take the second floor.” Luke said, hurrying to the stairs.
The two shared a look, promptly closing and locking the front door. The more he observed, the more amiss things felt.
He opened a door, seeing it was just a regular guest room. No Hymlin. He continued to call out and check rooms, starting to realize he may not even be up there. He reached the window at the end of the hall, glancing all around.
He ran his finger over the mark, not expecting it to get on his finger. It was all piecing together. Luke didn't get far, the brunette showing up down the hall.
“I highly suggest you think carefully about your next actions, miss.” Luke warned.
No, his top priority was locating Hymlin. Luke looked out the window before an idea formed.
Vyn hummed softly before hearing his doorbell. Luke? He let him in, heading downstairs to meet him.
“Wow. You brought the entire forest with you, hm?” smiled Vyn, receiving a flat look from Luke. “Oh? Who's this?”
Luke sighed, laying them on the couch.
“Hymlin Vinci, the one you wanted me to look out for.” Luke coughed, a feather flying out. “I have a theory but no proof other than my words to back it up. It's not Mrs Hadvok causing the damage, it's her freaky servants.”
Vyn listened as Luke explained his findings along with his dance with death.
“And so you kidnapped her employee. How interesting.”
“I had to get him out of there. They already pushed him out a second floor window!”
“Did you take him to the hospital?!”
“No need. His fall was cushioned thankfully. He hid in the bushes until I took him with me.”
Vyn finally looked at Hymlin, eventually asking questions about his behavior and speech patterns. Vyn sighed, causing Luke to look. What was wrong?
“You did well. We can nip it before it festers. You may have completed part of your task but the main concern is still at large.” Vyn said, hoping Hymlin would wake soon. “Prevent more patients.”
“I'm working on it. And I have just the plan for it.” promised Luke, giving Hymlin’s shoulder a pat. “Take care of him.”
“Mm. And don't get yourself killed. I don't want that on my conscience.” smiled Vyn, receiving a nasty gesture in return. The door closed, Vyn collapsing into a chair. “I seem to be more worried than usual…”
Hymlin groaned before freaking out. This wasn't home.
“Good morning, sleeping prince.”
Hymlin looked around before grimacing.
“It's night, old man.”
“Old man… Haven't heard that in a while. Mr Pearce brought you here. Do you know why?”
Hymlin recounted everything, assuming he could trust someone Luke trusted.
“I always found them a little strange but to be pushed out a window… I thought I'd break something! And it's not the first time they've done something hurtful…”
“Go on, I’m listening.” replied Vyn, taking notes.
Hymlin told Vyn everything, feeling surprisingly safe under his gaze. Vyn nodded, seeing a lot of information that could land the “freaky” servants in jail if applied right in court. He could only hope Luke could provide evidence.
Vyn checked his watch, an unsettling feeling becoming more prominent. It's been days since he's seen Luke. He wanted to chalk it up to him being busy but his store was closed for two days in a row. Maybe he should've gone to the police with this, though, there was no guarantee they'd pick up his case without proper reason to. All he had was speculation.
His coworkers couldn't help but wonder what had Vyn on edge. It was unusual. The work day finished, Vyn quickly gathering his things to visit Luke. He would definitely be in his shop today. He had to.
Closed. It was closed. That was it. He was going to find Luke himself.
“Vyn? What are you doing here?”
Vyn’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, seeing who it was.
Luke dropped his bags, not expecting a hug from Vyn.
“I… I was worried…”
Luke blushed faintly, his arms rising to return Vyn’s hug only for Vyn to pull away. Luke cleared his throat, unlocking the door and inviting him in.
“So what's the visit for?”
“It's about the case. Anything new?” he asked, taking a seat.
“My plan is ready. I'll get them caught for sure.” smiled Luke.
“That's good. Hymlin is doing well too. I haven't seen anything grow.”
“Now I’m curious. What does he have?”
“I shouldn't be disclosing information like this but, it's hypochondriasis.”
“Well thank god we rescued him when we did…” Luke responded, finishing setting up. “After tomorrow, Hymlin will be the last. At least, coming from Mrs Hadvok’s place.”
“Let us hope. And… be careful. You may be a great detective but you too are human.” Vyn said before getting up to leave. “I’ll treat you to dinner if we succeed.”
“I'll hold you to it.”
Vyn felt much lighter after seeing Luke was okay. Why did he get so worked up? Luke was a capable adult. Vyn sighed, pushing the thoughts away. There was nothing else to think about.
Luke’s train of thought was interrupted by a replay of Vyn hugging him. Was he seriously worried? Something like this was child’s play. Though… it made him feel warm knowing there was someone else who cared if he went missing. Luke shook his head, swatting the thoughts away. The last person he'd want worrying would be Vyn. He's still so… odd. And mysterious.
Hymlin thanked the two, assuring he could handle things from now on along with the other victims.
“Don't worry, Luke. Mr Wing is the best we got!” smiled Rosa.
“You'll definitely win, Hymlin, everyone.”
The two walked out, a complicated expression on Luke’s face.
“Who would've thought it was bigger than what we assumed…” Luke finally spoke, Vyn walking beside him in silence. “Well, seems like things will go back to normal for us.”
Silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable one, just like that time they stood out on the balcony that night.
“I owe you dinner.” Vyn piped up. “For a job well done.”
“Then I’ll see you tonight.”
Luke paused before clearing his throat.
“Would you like a ride home?”
“If it's not any trouble.”
Luke assured him it was fine, unlocking the car so they could get in. It felt strange having Vyn in his car yet normal at the same time.
“Do you know how to get home from here or should we use the GPS?” questioned Luke, adjusting his mirror.
Luke had him input his address before pulling off. It seemed like it would be a silent car ride. Unless Vyn wanted to talk about the cracked case? Now that he thought about it, they talked like normal people the entire time they were working on the case. No bickering, no snide remarks or comments, just civility. He glanced at Vyn who kept his gaze out the window. So they were capable of talking like normal people.
Luke jumped, not expecting to be called. Vyn softly apologized, forgetting that his focus was mainly on driving.
“What's up?”
“I didn't leave psychiatry because I was overwhelmed. I left because… because…”
Luke stopped at a red light, now able to give Vyn his attention.
“You don't have to tell me. Everyone has reasons for doing things and they don't always have to be spoken. Unless you end up part of a criminal case then speaking up might be in your best interest.” chuckled Luke, trying to lighten things.
Vyn cracked a smile, the light turning green.
“I left because I could never reach the results I wanted. So, I tried something else so I would no longer frustrate myself, and possibly, affect my patients. Yet I can never seem to fully escape.” sighed Vyn, his golden eyes shimmering in the sunlight.
“Do you like being a psychiatrist?” inquired Luke, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. Vyn gave a nod. “Then that's all that matters, no? Sometimes we can get frustrated in jobs we absolutely love to death, but we keep coming back because we love it. Perhaps all you really needed was a long vacation to yourself, figure out what you needed and give yourself self care.”
Vyn turned his attention to Luke whose focus was on the road. A smile forced its way onto his face, betraying his mind.
“Perhaps you're right.”
“How long have you been out of practice?”
“Two going on three.”
“Clearly you’ve still got it when you diagnosed Hymlin. Why don't you go back?” Luke suggested. “Do you feel ready to take it on again?”
He always had been. Perhaps he just got comfortable in his new line of work. There were plenty of other psychiatrists in Stellis and outside of Stellis as well but…
“Maybe. I’ll see how I feel a week from now.”
Silence fell over them again. It was that comfortable silence they had become familiar with. Luke finally pulled over to Vyn’s home, putting on his hazards.
“Would you like to come in? We are due for dinner tonight and-”
“Sure. I’ll just find a place to park.”
“You can park in the driveway.”
Luke nodded, the two separating to do what was needed. Vyn left the door open, trying to decide between cooking for Luke or taking him out. Though, some privacy with Luke would be welcomed. How would Luke feel about it though? Did he want to be alone with him?
Luke giggled, flopping down onto his couch. Vyn frowned for a bit, not thrilled at being spooked.
“So, where are we going?” he asked.
“So you want to eat out?” Vyn responded.
“Unless you were planning to cook? You know how to cook?”
Vyn loosened his tie, giving Luke a look.
“I know my way around a kitchen. I’ll make something better than any restaurant we’d go to.” said Vyn smugly.
“I’ll hold you to it then. Would you like help?”
Vyn shook his head, needing to decide on a meal before it got too late.
Luke looked up from his work, hearing clattering and clanging from the kitchen. Should he be worried? He figured he could take a look just be to sure. He poked his head in, seeing Vyn working without glasses. Ah. Wait a minute.
“What happened to your glasses? What was…”
It was then Luke spotted the cut on Vyn’s arm. It looked fresh.
“Are you insane? Why are you trying to cook without glasses?! Look at what you did to yourself!” Luke fussed. “Don't move. I’m gonna disinfect it.”
“Luke, I’m wearing contacts!” he shouted after him. Luke came back into the kitchen. “Yes. Contacts. I didn't want my glasses to accidentally slip into anything. And I just scraped myself against the edge of the counter. In the process the holder fell over from the force.”
Luke blinked, amazed at how quickly he jumped to conclusions. Vyn let out a hearty laugh, turning the fire down. He gave Luke an eye smile, causing the latter to blush.
“Thank you for worrying though. It's nice to feel cared about once in a while.” Vyn stated, going back to cooking. “Dinner is almost ready so go sit back down.”
Luke nodded, feeling his cheeks. They were so warm. Was it warm in there or…? No way. It had to just be warm in there. Soon Luke was called to eat, a spread set out for them to eat. It all smelled delicious.
“Are these recipes from online or a book?” asked Luke, already digging in.
“No. They're all my ideas.”
Luke stared at him in disbelief. This was the part where he said he was joking. Vyn never said it. Luke ate a little slower, seeing he should at least show appreciation for his hard work.
“You don't have to slow down. Seeing you scarf it down is telling enough.” Vyn chuckled, encouraging him to eat.
Now he felt embarrassed. It had been a while so maybe he could bring it up.
“So… seen Danny lately?” Vyn piped up, already knowing the answer.
“No actually. It's like he just… disappeared. Though, I suppose that's how it is with stray cats.” shrugged Luke. “I've come to accept the fact that Danny would one day leave me forever, whether that means he doesn't come around or, you know, died.”
“Do you miss him? You were always lively when talking about him.”
“Of course I miss him, but he's another thing I have to eventually let go of.”
Vyn could tell what the other thing was. He nodded, ending his questioning. The least he could do was show up twice a month. Now that they were closer, maybe Luke would spill more information.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt10)
Luke awoke, a piece of paper sitting on top of him.
“‘Bye. Love you. Dany’. That cat…”
Luke sighed, placing the note somewhere safe. Some day their paths would cross again. He only wished to know when. He received a text from Vyn, stating he wanted to meet later in the day. It was… unusual. Vyn named a location, it being the cafe they went to before.
“Hm… Wonder what he wants.”
He did have a bit of business in Vyn’s area so he could save that bit towards their meeting time. He sighed heavily, looking at the case files. He was going to have to face her again today. And apparently her boyfriend would be around as well. Luke could only hope that his jealous side wouldn't rear its ugly head.
Vyn walked out, checking his phone. No response from Luke. Maybe he was meeting him there. Vyn started making his way, only to feel something bump into him.
“S- Oh! Mr Ritcher.”
“Hello. It's been a while hasn't it? Printer still giving you trouble?” chuckled Vyn, trying to be friendly.
“Nah, we finally got it replaced. So, you work here now?”
“Yes. And what brings you over this way?”
They moved off to the side, eventually starting to walk as they talked. He didn't expect to run into an old coworker. Thankfully it was one of the better ones.
“Oh, we can stop here for a drink.” Vyn pointed out. “I don't think my other appointment has arrived yet.”
“Oh, you already had plans? I won't take much of your time then.”
Vyn assured him it was fine, the two falling into conversation once more. Luke arrived at the cafe, spotting Vyn with someone else. Did he go over or wait? He didn't have to choose, the choice being made for him.
Vyn waved him over. There was no way out. Luke walked over, taking a seat.
“So you're who he was waiting for. I promised not to take up your time so I'll be taking my leave.”
Vyn waved, the two left alone. Luke ordered his drink, not saying much.
“Feeling tired?” questioned Vyn, finishing his tea.
“A little…”
Vyn patted his shoulder, giving him an understanding smile.
“We don't have to stay long. I'm not so cruel.”
He wasn't physically tired, but he definitely was mentally. His order was called, Luke briefly excusing himself before coming back with coffee. They sat in silence until Vyn spoke up.
“As much as I'd like to tell you about my day at work, I'd rather not bore you to sleep.” chuckled Vyn, figuring it was a starting point. “Unless that's what you're hoping for.”
“Not really. I'm not physically tired. Just sitting here with you is recharging me a bit. I uh, saw my childhood friend today.” Luke stated, taking a sip. “Met the boyfriend today. Good looking guy, respectable job… so, not me. I mean, I'm good looking and have a respectable job. I also know her and all the little things she does and likes. Yet I wasn't picked.”
Vyn glanced his way, finding Luke’s pouting adorably childish.
“Is it because I'm cute and not handsome? Is it because we’ve been together for so long that I'm only seen as a brother figure?” questioned Luke, letting his shoulders slump. “And I’m just supposed to agree with it. Ha, you should've seen how brightly she was smiling. I was able to settle my raging emotions and conclude that if she was happy with him, then that's what mattered. I'd still be the best friend she could come to if needed.”
Luke lifted his gaze, looking at Vyn who was watching him carefully.
“Truly you're a respectable man. It's unfortunate that the cause of her smiles aren't you, but being able to continue being there for her despite everything makes you pretty admirable too.” Vyn commented.
Luke gave a short laugh, finishing his coffee with a bitter smile.
“I don't want to imagine a lawless world. I might've fought the guy for her.” laughed Luke dryly. “Thank god for laws and self control.”
“Yes indeed. Though, that doesn't stop others.”
Luke gave a nod, stretching his limbs.
“Would you like to take a walk?”
“Sure, why not? Might grab a drink to go.”
The two walked out, both with refills of their preferred drink. Luke started conversation, talking about his childhood with his best friend.
“So- ahahaha- I had to cut the gum out of her haihahaha! She wouldn't talk to me for a week after that despite me not being the culprit.” laughed Luke, clutching his sides. “You have any stories?”
Vyn’s expression briefly changed before he gave him a helpless look.
“I suppose I remember a child in my class was embarrassed by the entire class by having a note read aloud. They were eventually known as… worm.” Vyn replied, a thoughtful look on his face. “No one wanted to be their friend.”
“Well that's harsh… What happened to them? Were they bullied? Left school?”
“No. They stayed and dealt with it. They made friends with new students who weren't biased against them.”
Luke kept his comment to himself, knowing Vyn would flat out sever whatever thought process he had. He couldn't help but feel this child could possibly be Vyn. Though, it could actually be someone else. Not knowing was what kept him from saying anything specific in response.
“Well that's good. But I imagine it was hard trying to keep them with the bad kids trying to influence them.”
“Yes. But it worked out.” Vyn smiled before taking a sip of his tea.
Luke nodded, glancing around.
“Feeling uneasy? We can change- Ah.”
Vyn went silent, not entirely sure what was going on. He followed Luke’s shifty eyes before seeing someone peering at them indiscreetly. Vyn smiled, holding Luke’s chin before drawing closer.
“Shh. You don't want this to all go to waste, right?” Vyn whispered, pulling Luke closer.
He had a point but this was getting too close for comfort. Even passerby were giving them looks.
“Are you seriously going to kiss me?!”
“No. This’ll have to do.” Vyn chuckled, leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I'll see you.”
Luke rapidly blinked, his mind processing. The person wasn't watching anymore, merely seeing them as lovers. Was his cheek supposed to tingle? He needed to wash his face and rid of the feeling.
Vyn frowned, his mind full of Luke’s soft cheek. The person had long since stopped paying them any mind yet he still went for it. What had gotten into him? Was it pity? Was it heat of the moment? Or was it some hidden desire that was lurking in the shadows?
She smiled widely, waving him over. Luke instantly lost the pep in his step at the sight of her boyfriend. Why was he getting involved in their meetup?
“Sorry, he found something new that could help with the case! I hope you don't mind.” she apologized sincerely.
“It's fine. The faster we solve it, the faster the family can be at ease.” Luke smiled, suppressing his feelings.
Luke lagged behind, needing a moment to breathe. He was here for business. Personal feelings had to stay out. Luke moved to walk in only to feel his phone vibrate.
“Vyn? Why is he suddenly calling…”
Luke quickly told them to start without him while he took the call.
“I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.” Vyn spoke, swirling his tea with his spoon.
“We were about to start something. What's with the call…?”
“I have another job for you. And this time it's not a chase. I genuinely need some help solving this.” Vyn explained, looking at papers.
“I'll stop by when I can.”
“Thank you. I hope everything goes well with you.” smiled Vyn, knowing it could be felt in his voice. “Control what you can and accept the things you cannot.”
Luke wasn't given a chance to respond as Vyn hung up. It sounded like Vyn somehow knew he was meeting up with his childhood friend. He entered the building, heading up to meet with them.
Vyn looked up, hearing his doorbell ringing. He paused his analysis, looking to see who it was. He let them in, clearing everything away and producing the necessary papers. Luke came upstairs, his foul mood clearly felt from afar.
“I certainly hope you weren't like this at the meeting.” chuckled Vyn, pouring him a cup of tea. “Have some and relax.”
Luke silently drank as Vyn read over some papers. It was hard not to listen to all the sounds going on around him. The birds chirping outside, the shuffling of papers, the soft sound of a teacup meeting it's saucer, the faint classical music playing in the background.
“Is that Moonlight Sonata playing…?” Luke unintentionally whispered.
“Oh? I didn't think you'd know. It looks like I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.” Vyn said, a faint smile on his face.
“I'm not a big fan like you probably are. I just happen to know some after getting around, you know?”
“Now I’m curious as to where you could've been to hear such music.”
Luke sighed, placing his cup down. Vyn was offering a topic unrelated to what happened earlier without actually saying it. He smiled a bit, talking about some of the places his detective work took him.
“Overseas too? Are you really well known then?”
Luke rubbed his neck, unsure of how he should answer.
“Yeah. You've seen my work. Lots want me.” he said, puffing his chest. It was probably best to go with this rather than try to come up with something else. “Oh right, you called me here for work. I almost forgot.”
Vyn nodded, producing a sheet of paper.
“Please investigate this person. As much as I don't want anything to do with psychiatry anymore, I can't ignore this. Over the years I've had different patients and they all had a common thread among them. They were employed under this woman at some point in time.” he stated, showing him the various names leading back to one. “I heard she employed a young man recently. I hope you can get to the root of it all so we can prevent more patients.”
Luke looked up, staring into Vyn’s serious eyes. For a guy who wanted nothing else to do with psychology, he was very adamant about this.
“I'll do it. I can't let injustice go unpunished.”
“I knew you wouldn't. That's why I picked you.”
Luke sat back, making a weird face in response. Vyn creeped him out sometimes. It felt like he was being studied at some points.
“If you ever have questions, you can always text or call me. I’ll help to the best of my ability.” Vyn assured.
“Right. Well then…”
Vyn silently went back to reading as Luke got up to leave. Vyn looked up, feeling Luke lingering.
“Is there something else?”
Luke looked away as he scratched his head. Maybe he should go after all.
“You're free to stay longer. I'm not kicking you out… yet.” smiled Vyn.
Luke sat back down, drinking more of his tea. Was he that obvious with what he wanted? He couldn't have been.
“So, what are you working on?” Luke piped up, wanting to break the silence for a bit.
“Just some stuff for work. Nothing noteworthy.” Vyn replied, creating a new pile. “If I may be so bold, do you perhaps not want to be alone right now?”
“What? That's nonsense.” scoffed Luke. Vyn looked him dead in the eyes. “Maybe…”
“And I just happened to be the one available and closest.”
“Now you're making me sound like a bad guy. It didn't just have to be anyone. Your company is welcomed. Sometimes.”
“I'll take it.”
Silence fell over them again as Vyn started putting papers away. Luke stood up from his seat, peering out the windows. He didn't expect to see a garden out back. So he was into gardening and tea. Luke stared a bit longer before jumping in fright.
“Announce your presence!” he complained, wondering how Vyn was able to sneak up on him.
“And disturb the pleasant look on your face? Blasphemy.” chuckled Vyn, walking back to his seat. “Well, since you've seen it, would you like to join me outside?”
“That's kind of you to offer but I've probably overstayed my welcome. And I should probably get to work on your case.” Luke stated, shifting towards his things.
“If that's what you want, I won't keep you. Safe travels.”
Luke nodded, picking up the sheet of paper along with his things. Now that he was really looking, Vyn had beautiful penmanship. He quickly looked away, stashing the paper in his bag before announcing his departure.
Luke took out the sheet of paper before tossing the rest of his stuff to the side. Mrs Hadvok, a woman of wealth and said to have an eye for spotting things worth lots of money. So he's dealing with a possible crazy rich woman. Those were always fun. Husband died in an accident and inherited part of his assets. Rest went to their daughter. On paper she honestly sounded like your run of the mill rich widow. Yet Vyn pointing out the patients all had ties to her was making him curious. He searched up each person, finding out where they're residing and if they were actually employed by her at some point in time.
Luke shielded his eyes, blocking the direct sunlight from his eyes. Hadvok manor. The place where Mrs Hadvok, her daughter and workers live. He walked up to the house, having his plan ready so he wouldn't be turned away. He rang the bell, waiting for the door to be answered.
“Who's this?”
“I’m a freelance journalist. I’m doing a blog on workers who work for rich people. Like Mrs Hadvok for example. Did I come at a bad time?”
“No, not at all. Mrs Hadvok is out for the day and won't be back until night. I’ll make sure the others don't squeal.” he smiled, letting Luke in.
Luke started asking questions, looking around for anything of note.
Anayse Rivera, female, age 25, diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Matthew Bronze, male, age 36, diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Granite Simonsson, non-binary, age 20, diagnosed with schizophrenia. Lizbetha Greek, female, age 29, diagnosed with rage disorder. It seemed she kept a few workers, four to be exact. So one out of four employees by her end up leaving with a mental issue.
“I'm sorry, what did you say your name was again?”
“Hymlin Vinci. Mrs Hadvok’s newest addition.” he grinned. “The other three love me!”
He seemed rather full of himself if he were to be honest. He didn't seem at risk of developing anything with how positive he was. If anything, he should be keeping an eye on the older workers. One of them is bound to snap.
“That's all the questions I have.” stated Luke.
“Really? I don't mind answering more!”
“I'd like to get through all the workers and be given a tour before your employer comes home.”
Hymlin nodded, leaving to get the others. Luke took this chance to investigate the room, looking for any indication of physical abuse to her workers.
“Mr Pearce!”
Luke acted natural as if he were simply stretching his legs. The other three followed behind Hymlin, giving Luke a formal greeting. They were strangely in sync.
“Uh, may I talk to you? The red head? Yes, and the rest can wait outside.”
Luke started to question her, finding her answers rather lackluster and generic. He made a mental note about it, needing to test a theory he had.
Hymlin watched as one came out while another went in.
“Isn't this exciting? We’re going to be featured in a blog!”
“Mrs Hadvok will be thrilled to know we let in an uninvited guest.” the redhead smiled, making Hymlin’s smile disappear in an instant.
“You guys aren't going to tell, right?”
“Of course not.” they said in unison, laughing at him.
“Servants look out for each other.”
Hymlin nodded, eagerly awaiting the brunette to finish her questioning. She emerged from the room, Luke following after.
“If you don't mind, may I have a tour of the place? If there's anything off limits do not hesitate to steer me away.”
“Of course. Follow me.” the blonde smiled, the redhead and brunette hanging behind.
“So, how often do you all get visitors?” Luke asked, admiring a painting they showed off.
“Minus Mrs Hadvok’s friends and family… zero.” replied the redhead, the other two nodding in sync. “We aren’t sure why. Mrs Hadvok is a pleasant woman.” the blonde chimed in.
“Oh? Mrs Hadvok has friends? Who might they be?” he questioned, prepared to commit them to memory.
“Gavin Douglas and Ichibad del Macchio. At least, those are the frequent ones. There's also Camille Drew.”
“All very wealthy in their own ways. May we continue the tour?”
“But of course. Unfortunately we still have work to do so I must send them off.”
Luke nodded, having bugged Hymlin a while ago. Surely something would happen out of his sight.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of the Soul (pt 1)
Luke stopped in his tracks, a peculiar colored cat sitting in his path.
Luke lowered himself to the ground, wanting to show that he was friendly. The cat approached him before sitting in front of him.
“Your fur is quite beautiful. W- Ah!”
The cat bit his finger, looking at him with innocence. It seemed it didn't want to be touched.
“Okay then. What's a pretty cat like you doing around here? You don't have a collar so you're definitely a stray…” Luke muttered, the cat yawning in response.
The cat suddenly jumped towards him, forcing him to duck. He watched as the cat sped off and disappeared as quickly as it came. Well that was quite an encounter. Though he's never seen a cat with platinum fur before. The closest would either be white or gray.
Luke waited at a crosswalk before hearing a meow from beside him. The cat had come back with one of his things. He moved to search his bag and saw it was open slightly.
“Wow, I definitely would've lost this if not for you! Thanks!” he smiled, almost forgetting not to pet the cat.
The cat hopped onto his shoulder, seemingly wanting to tag along.
“Coming home with me? Well, I won't stop you.”
Luke arrived home, the cat jumping off and inspecting its new surroundings.
“Uh, I don't really speak cat… Do you want food? Or water? A toy?”
The cat walked itself to the kitchen, jumping onto the counter. It swatted at an apple before sinking its teeth into the juicy fruit, well, at least trying to.
“A cat eating an apple… That's very unusual…”
Luke took the apple, peeling it before cutting it into small pieces. The cat seemed pretty happy with its choice of food. Luke took a picture, knowing his coworkers wouldn't believe him without proof.
“Hey, how do you feel about veggies?”
The cat sniffed the lettuce before nibbling at it. What a cat. He knew the cat didn't want to be touched, but he was curious about the gender. As expected, the cat lashed out from being touched. Luke took a deep breath, going for it again while the cat scratched him up. A boy.
“Now that I know your gender, I can- ouch, give you a fitting name. How does Danny sound?”
The cat started growling. Maybe not? The cat screeched, clawing his arm and finally being set free.
“You have one nasty temper… I'll be right back.”
The cat jumped back onto the counter, enjoying its apples and lettuce. Once he had his fill, he fled the home entirely. Luke came back, seeing both the food and cat were gone. He probably scared it off with all the holding. What were his chances of coming across that cat again?
Weeks passed and not a hint of the cat had appeared. Maybe the cat didn't exist after all. It couldn't have all been in his head. It felt too real. He turned at the sound of rustling before a small body rolled out of the bushes.
He was badly injured. Luke winced at the painful memories but Danny needed help. He took off his jacket, wrapping it around the wounded cat. He held him close, searching up the nearest vet.
“It's going to be okay, I promise. Just hold on for me, Danny.” whispered Luke, rushing to the nearest place.
Danny was handed off immediately upon arrival, Luke breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. He slumped against the wall, his body coming down from the adrenaline boost he had gotten. His body ached, pain and soreness settling in. He weakly moved to a chair when he had enough energy to do so. He often glanced at the time, wondering when he'd get news. An entire hour or so passed with no news. Luke was starting to get antsy.
“Mr Pearce?”
He quickly stood, following the woman.
“Danny survived thanks to you. Right now he's sleeping but we’ll keep him overnight to make sure everything is okay. You can come tomorrow at any time between opening and closing for him.” they said before rattling off proper care for a recovering cat.
Luke looked at Danny and his unmoving body. He'd come as early as possible. He couldn't just leave him, not after today. Would Danny like to be adopted or preferred to be a free spirit? Danny woke up, seeing one familiar face.
“He's moving! Should he?”
“No. He should still be sleeping… Was the dose not enough?”
Danny meowed quietly, reaching out a paw to him. Luke held that paw, watching him fall asleep again. That was it. He was adopting Danny. Luke stayed longer, asking for the necessary information he'd need in order to officially adopt Danny.
Luke came in the next day, asking about Danny.
“Actually, it seems he's run away without anyone knowing…” the receptionist apologized, genuinely feeling bad. “We’ve looked everywhere…”
“It's fine. Danny is quite the free spirit.” he chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.
Luke headed out, wondering if he had gone back to the spot they met. He made sure to sketch and note details in case he needed to ask others.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Your Song (Lukevyn)
Luke stood on the platform with several others, slightly moving his head with the music. A train pulled out of the station as another rolled in. A few people approached, the train doors opening.
Other passengers started to warp or disappear. He was in his own world, his body as light as a feather as he looked on at the world from a bird's eye view. The people had warped into other things such as birds, clouds or pieces of the landscape below him while most disappeared completely.
Luke slowly opened his eyes, now standing underneath the stars on a cloudless night. He reached out, pretending to catch a star in his hand. He opened it, a few stars sitting on his palm. The stars reflected the color of his coral eyes, lighting up the area around him. He turned to his side, his eyes widening as his mouth hung open. There was a person observing their own stars. He reached out, the area easily slipping away and bringing him back to reality.
Luke opened his eyes hearing the train doors open as passengers disembarked. He looked around, every person minding their business. It was then he noticed a pair of headphones tucked in a corner along with a phone attached. He carefully walked over as the train was in motion. Locked as expected. His stop was next.
Luke looked the phone over before taking out his earbuds and putting on the headphones. He pressed play, music filling his ears. He found himself whisked away to a world unlike one he had become accustomed to. An endless field of flowers yet the sky was always cloudy. There was no wind. At first glance one would think it was full of life yet once you picked it apart, it was not.
He could relate.
Luke circled a tree, finding himself deep within a forest in the dark of night. Crickets chirped around him as he walked through without fear. Beasts watched him from the shadows, picking apart his every move and action. He couldn't see the sky, the leaves and branches of trees blocking the view.
He understood.
He closed his eyes, finding himself back on the cliff with the clear view of the stars. They wished for something that could never be reached. Luke placed his hands over his chest, the small stars sinking into his chest.
Luke came back to reality, looking at the lock screen as he took off the headphones.
Luke looked up from his reading as a phone rang. It wasn't his so it could only belong to the other. It was an unknown number. Could it be the owner?
"Hello. I'm the owner of the phone you have. I would like it back." they spoke.
"Of course. Where should I meet you?"
He was given an address before the owner hung up. He would get to meet this interesting individual. His perspective of the world made him curious. He was the only person who didn't fade into his fantasy. He was wholly human.
Luke kept an eye out for the owner, keeping in mind the clothes he claimed to be wearing. A tap on his shoulder made him jump.
Did he recognize him from someplace? He certainly didn't know him. Luke handed over the phone and headphones, slowly stepping away.
"I heard your voice. It was crying."
Luke stopped, narrowing his eyes. Surely he was messing with him. There was no way he could hear it, his desperate cries to be understood.
"I'm not sure what you're on about, sir." Luke responded.
"Vyn is my name." he replied. "If you don't mind."
Vyn had taken his earbuds, having each take one and listen to Luke's music.
Vyn silently looked at Luke from afar as he sat alone on the beach, staring at the fiery sunset. His cries were more vocal here than anywhere else. Vyn walked over to him, the setting sun highlighting their features.
"You can hear it too, right? My own song." Vyn spoke, standing by Luke's side.
"I can. It's... lonely."
Silence hung between them as they listened to the other's song, finding comfort in them.
"It's feels nice to be understood, after feeling alone for years." Luke spoke up, reaching up to hold Vyn's hand.
"How fortunate we are to have met. I could listen to your song for ages." Vyn smiled, sitting beside Luke. "It's very sweet yet heartbreaking."
The crashing sound of the waves drowned out the quietness of their voices, the gentle blowing wind adding to the calmness of their world.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt9)
Luke twirled the pen around, trying to understand the confusing case. He looked up, hearing a sound by his front door. Smarts would tell him not to approach. And he didn't, until he heard meowing.
“Danny! Welcome home.” he smiled, watching the cat walk in. “Missed the food?”
“Ah! I made a new recipe just for you. Just wait a bit.”
“So talkative today. Is something bothering you?”
“Meow! Mew!”
Luke looked at Danny, wondering if there really was a problem. Luke squatted, having his hand bitten.
“You want me to follow? Are we going out again?”
He did want to go out again. They were going in a different direction this time. Danny stopped in front of a box. Luke looked in, a pair of kittens inside.
“Oh… Nice find, Danny. Let's see…”
Vyn silently watched over Luke, wanting to observe how he would act in this situation. What was he truly like? He followed Luke as he took them home.
Luke set the box down in an isolated area, leaving food and water for them. They probably weren't the friendliest right now and he didn't want to overwhelm them.
“I should find a shelter that’ll take care of them. I already have a troublesome cat.” Luke muttered, Vyn glaring at him.
Troublesome his ass. He should try living a double life once in a while.
“Ah! I almost forgot about your food. One moment, Danny!”
Vyn walked over to the room, opening the door to check on the kittens. They hadn't touched the food or water. He tipped the box over, allowing them easier access.
“Danny, no!”
Vyn was picked up and taken out of the room.
“Let them get comfortable first.” Luke whispered, gently stroking his head. “Though it’s probably best I get them to a shelter who can care for them. My job is unpredictable.”
Vyn tilted his head, wondering how unpredictable. Luke went back to the kitchen after closing the door. Vyn started to explore, noticing papers on the table. He jumped up, reading them over. A detective getting involved with the government? It was probably best not to read more. But his curious kitty nature wanted to keep going. He jumped off the table, not giving in. The rest of the night was spent in peace, Luke often checking on the kittens.
Vyn stopped short, unbelieving that he was actually doing it. He eventually entered the shop, Luke emerging from the back.
“Oh, hello. Do you ever plan to bring those books or was that all a ruse to get me to spill I’m a private detective?”
“Who knows? I'll never tell.” teased Vyn, causing Luke to roll his eyes. “I'm sure you're wondering why I've come today.”
“Well I'm sure it's not for antiquing. Need my detective services?”
“I do actually. I need you to tail this woman for me. Jot down everything she does. It doesn't have to be detailed but understandable.”
They continued to discuss, delving into prices before coming to an agreement.
“May I ask why her?”
Vyn as usual gave him a smile rather than an answer. This guy was surprisingly secretive.
“You have that look on your face.” Vyn pointed out.
“The ‘He's being secretive yet wants me to spill my guts’ look. This… this is something I'm not ready to delve into, my dearest Sherlock.” admitted Vyn before smiling. “Will you unmask the reason for my interest before time is up?”
“Why don't we bet on it? Winner gets the right to ask a personal question and must receive an answer.” smiled Luke.
“Confident you’ll win huh? I’ll show you you're very wrong.”
They shook on it, Vyn leaving soon after. Luke looked at the woman’s picture then at the back where brief information was written in beautiful handwriting. Well, he wouldn’t win the bet sitting around like this.
Vyn silently drank tea, looking over what was mailed to him. Another patient they needed his advice on. How many times did he have to tell them he was no longer in the business? He shredded the papers, separating them into two different recycles. He wasn’t ready to go back yet. Not yet… Vyn jumped, not expecting his doorbell to be rung. He racked his brain in trying to figure out who of the few who knew his address was supposed to come over. The bell was rung again. There shouldn’t be anyone.
Luke watched from a distance as she rang the bell of a home. Did she know the person who lived there? She finally walked away, a disappointed look on her face. He kept her within sight before checking the name on the residence.
“Vyn? Is there more to this than what he was letting on?” thought Luke, hurrying after the woman.
Vyn started to relax, no longer hearing the bell. Whoever it was must’ve gotten the hint. He was startled out of his thoughts by the ringing of his phone.
“This is the first time you’ve called me. Missed my voice?” he teased, sitting back down in his chair.
“I didn’t know you could be full of yourself too… I’m getting off track, I think there’s something you failed to mention the day you came.”
“And what do you think that is?”
“That you know more about her than you’re letting on.”
Vyn didn’t respond, leaving Luke in suspense.
“But I suppose that’s part of my job and the bet.” Luke sighed, watching her enter a store.
“Precisely. I await your conclusion tomorrow.” chuckled Vyn, hanging up after. “He’s already gotten this far huh… Truly a smart man.”
Luke organized his notes, waiting for Vyn to come through the door. He wasn’t sure whether to be angry or furious. Vyn entered the antique shop, noticing Luke wasn’t downstairs. He reached the counter, seeing a note beckoning him upstairs. Vyn knocked on the door upstairs, realizing it was open.
“I’m coming in.”
Luke turned away from the window, showing his immense displeasure.
“Judging by your face, you found the truth.”
Luke tossed the papers onto the table before sitting back.
“You sent me on a wild goose chase. She’s nothing but an admirer of you. Graduate from Stellis University to boot.” huffed Luke, practically glaring daggers into him. “I bet you knew exactly who she was, didn’t you?”
Vyn’s face said otherwise. Did he seriously not know her already?
“So that’s who she was. It’s a relief to know it wasn’t what I came to understand.” smiled Vyn, thanking Luke.
“So I’m guessing you thought she had ulterior motives, namely after your life for something you did.”
Luke couldn’t help but notice Vyn went rather stiff as if he hit something he wasn’t supposed to. More questions started to arise about Vyn’s past but he chose not to voice any of them, mostly because he probably wouldn’t tell him.
“Well, you still had a day left in the time limit, so you win this bet.” Vyn spoke, bringing him out of his thoughts.
Ah, he almost forgot. Now he had to choose a question wisely. Vyn took a seat, seeing it would take a bit.
“Alright, here’s my question. Why did you suddenly leave the field of psychology and insist on denying you were once a criminal psychologist?” Luke asked, narrowing his eyes.
This was the best he could do without making anything too uncomfortable. At least, that’s what he thought. Vyn wasn’t smiling and was silent for too long. Luke continued to wait until it became obvious Vyn was possibly stalling.
So he wasn’t stalling, just lost in his thoughts. Luke cleared his throat, repeating his question.
“You know how to ask the right questions.” sighed Vyn, giving him a weary smile. “The short version would be, I was quite overwhelmed.”
Luke didn’t buy it. Though, he’s never been in the psychology field so he couldn’t say for sure that Vyn was lying to him.
“That overwhelming that you completely changed careers…?”
It seemed he wouldn’t be getting anything else out of this. Luke started to gather the papers, signaling Vyn was free to go.
“One can only run so far before everything accumulated catches up to them.”
“Especially if you did something appaling.” Luke off handedly commented.
Luke looked up, hearing his door close. Was he hitting all the wrong notes today? He sent Vyn a text, apologizing if he misstepped. His message was read but not responded to. Now he was the one who needed to make up with the other party.
Vyn narrowed his eyes, his doorbell ringing. He wasn’t expecting guests. He looked at his conversations, the one with Luke catching his eye. They hadn’t talked since that day. So who was waiting outside his door? He walked over to the door, checking through the peephole. He opened the door, a look of confusion on his face.
“What are you doing here…? How do you know my address?” Vyn questioned.
“You forgot about the job you gave me weeks ago already? Just how old are you?” Luke responded flatly. “I know I should’ve asked before coming but you’re off today right? Mind if I hang out?”
“Hopefully you weren’t planning to go out. Then I’d be imposing…”
“I wasn’t. Uh, come in then.”
Luke walked in, looking around. He didn’t know Vyn’s taste in decor but just by walking in he could feel Vyn all around.
“You can sit there. Coffee, tea, water?”
“Whatever you’re having.”
Vyn nodded, disappearing from sight. The place had quite a mature feel to it, much like Vyn when he wasn’t teasing. Vyn returned carrying a teacup and a teapot.
“What kind of tea is it?” he asked curiously.
“Chamomile. My latest purchases have yet to arrive.”
They sat in silence, Luke finding tea not at all fulfilling. It was kind of like flavored water? But warm? Though, he couldn’t deny how relaxed he felt just sitting in silence with Vyn.
“I apologize for breaking the silence but, is it okay if I just talk about things on my mind?” asked Luke, searching for an okay.
“Go ahead.”
Luke exhaled, setting his cup of tea down. He didn’t know what it was but he just wanted to talk about his feelings. Was this what people did when seeing a therapist?
“And I saw her again last week. Childhood friend. She’s doing well… very well. I couldn’t help myself and dove into relationship talk. She… she’s seeing someone. I must be an idiot to think she’d really wait 8 years for me…” stated Luke, getting quiet towards the end. “And now we’re working on a case together and it’s just… hard. And then there’s Danny who I constantly worry about, who comes back less and less… Everything is just… it all just feels bad.”
“And what exactly makes it all bad? If anything, change is good once in a while, no?” Vyn spoke, his gaze on Luke.
“But things already changed for me! I-!”
Luke went silent, catching himself before he slipped up. “I haven't been in Stellis for 8 years. Coming back was already a change…”
“And you think change only happens once all at once?”
“Isn't it?”
Vyn didn't reply, getting himself another cup of tea. That wasn't a no, but that wasn't a yes either. Luke picked up his cup, staring into the liquid. Not all change is bad, one example being him being selected to be part of a government investigator team. But the price he paid was losing his first love to some guy, a bad change. Then there was meeting Danny who did change his life, but not to a massive degree like his career. Luke covered his face, feeling lost. How could he forget the pressing case he was primarily working on? Everytime it felt like a lead, he'd lose it soon after.
Luke was startled out of his thoughts at the feeling of something touching his hands. They were pulled down, a smile filling his sight.
“I'm happy to know you trust me enough to know what's going on with you. Talking things out with a friend helps relieve a lot of stress. A burden shared is a burden halved.” Vyn spoke softly, curling his fingers around Luke’s.
Luke couldn't find his words today, his only means of protest being to slip his hands from Vyn’s. He was so comfortable he spilled everything to someone like Vyn rather than a friend he's known for years.
“Thanks for hearing me out I guess…”
“I don't mind but, do you still think it's all bad change?”
“No… It may seem bad now, but in the future it could be a change that led to something really good. Like Danny becoming my cat. Or… finding someone who will return my feelings.”
“And I don't doubt either of those could happen. You're an intelligent man, Luke. Don't forget that.”
A faint blush dusted Luke’s cheeks as Vyn patted his thigh before moving back to his seat. Why was his face warm? He quickly turned his head, trying to make it go away.
Vyn saw Luke to the door, promptly closing the door after he fully descended the stairs. Vyn exhaled, heading up to his study to do his entry for the day.
“Luke ceases to amaze me. I wonder what else he's hiding underneath that I have yet to extract? Though, hearing how upset he sounded over losing his first love, it was painful for me to hear. There are many plausible reasons but…”
Luke played with Danny, seeing he came right when he needed cheering up. Danny must have some kind of powers to know something was up. Vyn swatted at the string before jumping up for it. As much as he didn't like looking like a fool, he was a cat. And cats liked catching things that moved.
“Good boy! There, there…”
He certainly didn't miss the babying Luke gave him, that's for sure. Luke sat down, exhaling. He got a decent work out from that.
“Hey, guess what? I learned something new about that Vyn guy.”
Now he had his attention. What could he possibly know?
“I don't think he finds his past unimportant, more like it gives him terrible memories. I don't know what happened, but it must've been awful enough that he stiffened everytime.” said Luke, a serious look on his face. “I wonder if he was treated differently or something.”
Vyn instinctively backed away, forgetting what form he was in.
“Danny? What's wrong?”
Crap. He was going to suspect something. Act cute! Vyn rolled around, stretching out and meowing. Luke didn't question it anymore, too enthralled by the cute cat he was being.
“I do want to know more about him. I only know that he likes tea and used to be a psychologist. I don't know what he doesn't like or any other likes. I don't even know if he has relatives. Why is he so… secretive?”
Why did Luke want to know him all of a sudden? Did he actually want to be friends?
“As weird as it is to admit, he's grown on me and I don't dislike it.”
He couldn't help but feel a little touched. They finally broke through the barrier of unfamiliarity.
‘You're progressing much slower than we thought. An incompetent one isn't he?’
'It's not like you to show up when he's around. What's the occasion?’ questioned Vyn as Luke continued to talk.
‘We have been watching you for entertainment. We have thought you two would be closer by now. He's terrible at making friends. Hehe, this is why he's alone!’
‘Could you all shut up? I’m trying to listen to him.’
‘And what gives you the right to tell us what to do? We can expose you right now if we wanted. Behave yourself human.’
Vyn turned his attention back to Luke who was now writing on paper. It seemed related to work. He settled down by his feet, closing his eyes.
“Well, he's busy now so go on, speak. Tell me how I should live my life.”
“A rude one he is. Can’t we just expose him and go back to our lives? We promised the cat and we don’t break our promises. This human is annoying!”
“I’m annoyed because you disappear for countless days even when I went out of my way to try and contact you, then have the gall to suddenly appear and tell me I’m not providing enough entertainment for you? Why are you treating my life like that anyway? Don’t you have better things to do with your endless amount of time?” Vyn hissed, finding it hard to contain his anger.
“All human lives are simple entertainment for us. Don’t think yourself so special, vermin. He’s irritated enough, stop. Since when do we care for simple minded beings like him? We-”
“Shut up! I’ve grown tired of hearing all this nonsense and degrading. Just tell me what I want to know so you can go back to your human watching.”
The voice was unusually silent. So they weren’t going to answer his questions again? Typical.
“We will grant you two answers. Pick your questions carefully.”
“Why doesn’t this cat body like being touched, even if I trust the person I’m with?”
“The unfortunate soul was hurt when in vulnerable states, mostly when eating.”
“Wow, an actual straight answer. There’s something else isn’t there?” Vyn sneered, looking around despite knowing there was no physical body for him to look at.
“Look at this vermin! We give what he wants and then calls us schemers! Settle. No, I refuse! He is annoying!”
Vyn hissed for them to stop, their voices echoing in his head loudly.
“Fine. Thank you for the straight answer this time. Now that I know, I can work around it. Though, I suppose what we have now is fine.”
“Human, answer me this. Do you truly intend to live this double life until you die?”
Vyn thought on it. The future huh? There was no telling what would become of him and Luke.
“Don’t know if I am to be honest. Many things can happen between now and tomorrow. For all I know, I could expose myself to Luke within a few hours and lose this cat side of me.”
The voice was silent, hopefully contemplating his reply.
“For a simple creature, you understand surprisingly well.”
And that was the end of the conversation. Vyn opened his eyes, Luke still working on his case. He stretched out, curling up more by his feet. Luke reached down, giving him loving head rubs. Was it strange for him to prefer them like this rather than him in human form? Maybe because things just came more naturally like this. Pet owners are more likely to be open with their pets than close friends. There were no complicated emotions between owner and pet.
“Hm? Hungry?”
Vyn hopped onto his lap, licking his hand. He just wanted to share the happiness he was feeling. Luke smiled softly, gently stroking his fur.
“Maybe I should bring you to Vyn sometime. I think he could use a little cat affection.” chuckled Luke, setting Vyn back on the floor. “Might as well take a break for now. I'll probably think better on a full stomach.”
If only Luke knew how ironic his statement was. Though, he really needed to consider the future. He couldn't keep being Danny and Vyn around Luke the entire time. He was going to have to choose one and stick with it. Maybe he could learn which form he preferred more.
‘Stupid human.’
Vyn looked around, wondering if it was that being again.
‘Hush. Let him do what he wants. If it'll get rid of the fog, we’ll be relieved. You're too soft.’
So they weren't joking when they called him entertainment.
“Danny? What's up? Here, the sheets. ‘Like Vyn’? What do you mean? ‘Personality’? You know abstract words like that? Hm, he's not bad but he's not good either. He can be annoying at times but I think he's someone I can get along with. That is, if he doesn't do strange things again. It was really nice to know he was listening to me when I was practically spilling my guts out. I didn't know he could be so… understanding.”
That was… Vyn pushed the thoughts away, preparing his next question.
‘You’? You're such a little cutie! How could I not love you? You're smart, adventurous, brave, although reckless too. And everyone loves cats.”
He finally understood. Getting closer as Danny wasn't the right path. It did help in getting information, but the true way to know Luke was by being, well, himself.
“Huh? You want to be let out? But you'll disappear again… Can't you stay a little longer?” pleaded Luke, trying to tempt him with food.
Vyn figured he could, having made up his mind about his plans going forward. He'd become Danny if he really needed to know something or if he needed to sneak around.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of the Soul (pt 8)
Vyn rubbed his temples, having regrets of his choice of beverage. He swore he was monitoring his intake. Was it Luke’s fault? The medicine had yet to kick in and subdue his hangover.
He looked up, a coworker placing a cup of tea at his desk before sitting across from him. He muttered a thank you before taking a sip. Bitter, but would probably do what it was intended to. Others in the office definitely took notice of his change considering he wasn't treating them like patients. He didn't even hang back after work like usual.
He found himself being stopped outside the building, a worried look on a coworker’s face.
“We may not say it but we do care about you. Somewhat. So if anything is bugging you…” they said with concern.
“I'm perfectly fine. I'll be testing you nonstop tomorrow.”
They rolled their eyes but gave him a relieved smile. He had some time to kill before he was needed back home. Maybe he could go bug Luke. Though, which form would he take? It was easier to move around as a human than a cat. Maybe Luke was at the shop today.
Vyn stood outside, seeing it was closed. Now would've been a good time to have Luke’s number.
“Vyn? What do you want?”
Vyn waved, seeing Luke carrying a few bags. Groceries? No, maybe new antiques?
“One moment. Just need to slip inside.”
Vyn waited as Luke slid inside. Whatever it was was taking quite a while. Luke finally came out, locking up the shop.
“Were you here to chat?”
“Yeah, but you seem busy.”
Luke assured him it was fine.
“I have some time to spare so we can chat.” reassured Luke, placing the bags down.
Yet he couldn't think of a good topic. Well, there was always Danny…
“So, have you run into that free spirited cat lately?” he asked, needing to know where he was psychologically.
“No actually. I wonder if he's off enjoying life at the workplace.” Luke chuckled. “I know he’ll come home someday, just don't know when that someday is.”
Maybe it was time for Danny to make a return. Would he uncover anything new this time?
“Well, I’m sure if you hope hard enough he’ll appear. Hopefully.”
Luke smiled, picking up his bags.
“We’re both off work so… wanna come over? Or is it too far from your home?”
“It's fine. Thanks for inviting me.” Vyn smiled, giving him a playful punch to the arm.
Luke didn't take it well, keeping his distance. It was becoming confusing. Where did they stand on the friendship spectrum? Surely they had to be close enough if he was being invited over, so a little playful punch shouldn't matter. Though, considering Luke was different than others he's met…
Luke gestured to the home, silently announcing they arrived.
“So you live out in the suburbs but work in the city… Why not rent a place near it?” questioned Vyn as they walked in.
“It's peaceful out here. Mostly. Plus owning a home keeps me active with weeding and repairing things when it starts falling apart.” Luke lied. “Just have a seat there, I'll bring some water.”
“Oh, no need. I don't want to impose for too long.”
He looked around the familiar place, memories trickling in like a steady stream. Luke placed down a cup of water, bringing him back to reality.
“So, what kind of things do you like doing, Luke?”
Luke gave it thought before answering.
“Hm. Not a lot of co-op options. Not really a team player are we?”
“It's… complicated.” Luke muttered, looking away.
Vyn stared, understanding there was more than he could let on.
“Ah, I just had a grand idea.”
“Oh? What kind of idea, Vyn?”
Vyn tapped his chin before pointing towards the kitchen.
“Do you mind if I borrow your kitchen for a bit?” asked Vyn.
“Eh? I thought you weren't staying too long.”
Vyn waved his statement off, heading for the kitchen. Luke followed, more out of concern than interest. What was he going to do to his defenseless kitchen? Vyn started taking out ingredients, worrying Luke more. He finally stepped in, needing to know what was going on.
“Nothing wrong with wanting to cook together, right?”
“Perhaps try saying that first and see if I’m even okay with it?!” Luke fumed.
“Are you?”
Luke felt himself at a loss. Naturally one would flat out refuse but the idea didn't seem so bad.
“Maybe next time…” Luke settled with, moving everything back to where it should be. “Being so invasive…”
Vyn didn't say anything, simply watching him. Luke looked his way, wondering what was going through his mind. The only way to find out was to ask. He opened his mouth to speak but Vyn had walked away.
“H- Hey!”
“What? Did you finish scolding me?”
“That's… No, you're directing the light back to me. Where are you going? Are you leaving?”
“Well I did say I didn't want to overstay my welcome. And I think I have already.”
Luke wasn't understanding his actions and words at all. Vyn watched him with hawk-like eyes as Luke leaned against the wall. Was he being confusing enough?
“Please make some sense. I beg…”
“And if I don't?” Vyn smiled, waiting for his response.
“Maybe I’ll let you ask something.” he mumbled.
Vyn sat, gesturing for him to do the same.
“I was simply curious as to how you'd react if I acted a bit differently. You certainly didn't disappoint.” he chuckled, taking a sip of the water.
Now Luke was upset. So he was being an ass on purpose. Well two could play at that game.
“Mhm. Okay.”
Vyn took note of his change in tone.
“So I’ll be asking that question now.”
“If I recall, I said maybe…” Luke spoke up, giving a thoughtful look.
Vyn frowned slightly, picking up on his indirect refusal.
“And I do think you overstayed your welcome the moment you stepped inside.” smiled Luke, his words anything but friendly.
“Seems so.”
Luke harshly closed the door behind him, hoping it hit him on the way out. How dare he come into his home and treat him like a test subject for his weird psychology fetish or whatever? He exhaled, letting his back rest against the door. How he wished he had Danny right now. He always knew how to make him feel better.
“Luke? Could you let me back in?”
“You haven't left yet?!”
“Well, I won't be able to get into my home without my keys.”
Luke walked over to the chairs, trying to locate his keys. They were indeed left behind, stuck in between the cushions. He looked them over, not expecting him to have keychains. They were kind of cute.
He shook his head, almost forgetting his previous anger. He put on the swing bar lock, throwing the keys at him. He promptly closed the door, walking away. Why couldn't he act normal? Maybe then they'd get along better.
Luke looked up from his files, hearing scratching coming from his front door.
“Danny! You still remember me!” he smiled, opening the door so he could walk in. “I have so much to complain about but I think I’ll hold off since you just got here. Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
The difference was so noticeable it made him sick. Danny and Vyn were the exact same person yet the cat was doted on. Animals really had it easy. Luke noticed Danny wasn't at all enthused.
“Did something happen…? Are you hurt?”
In fact he was. He preferred his cat form over his more intelligent human self. He ought to walk out and never come back.
“You know, you're scaring me… Those gold eyes staring into me like you can see something I can't…” Luke whispered, getting chills.
Well, at least this body had another use other than gathering information. He continued to stare before walking away, getting comfortable on one of the chairs. Luke looked at Danny, wondering what had him in such a negative mood. He squatted by the chair, gently petting him with a few fingers.
“I can complain later. Get some rest.”
Vyn lifted his head, watching Luke sit in the other chair and start reading papers. His voice was too soft. He silently watched Luke who wore a serious expression. Not one of anger but one full of focus. Maybe he did go a little overboard today, but he meant nothing ill by it. Maybe it would be best to learn what kind of humor he liked. He did want to actually get along with Luke.
“Huh? What's wrong? Hungry?”
Luke watched as Danny searched. What was he looking for?
“Oh, the sheets. I think I left them somewhere…”
Luke came back with them, Vyn apologizing.
“Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong, silly kitty.” Luke giggled, making Vyn feel weird. “‘Vyn’. Hm, I invited him over today. I thought it would be fine and could give him a chance to loosen since it'd just be us. How wrong I was. He was god awful. He treated me like some test subject to try his psychology on. It was annoying really… Couldn't he just sit there, not invade my privacy and actually seem interested to know me? I couldn't even ask him where he worked. Or his favorite kind of drink. He's impossibly infuriating during the wrong times.”
So he actually was curious about him. Maybe he actually did ruin his chances with the stunt he pulled.
“Maybe it's time I start distancing- Danny?!”
Luke didn't understand why he was acting up all of a sudden. Danny’s jaws were clamped on his hand, supposedly dragging him somewhere.
“You want to go out? What for?”
Luke soon understood that Danny wanted to be followed. Where he was going was beyond him. Night had completely covered the sky, Danny still walking somewhere. He finally stopped at a park.
“Now what?”
Danny jumped into the bushes, quickly leaving his sight. Luke looked around for him while Vyn emerged from the shadows. He was going to have to play this as coolly as possible. Luke straightened up, seeing he wasn't hiding there. He turned, seeing Vyn crouched by some bushes. Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him. Luke glanced back, seeing he didn't even notice his presence. This was actually working in his favor.
Luke sighed heavily, seeing no signs of Danny. He looked behind him, Vyn now gone. He didn't want to talk to him but did he really go through the entire park and not notice him? At all? Impossible. He concluded Danny had wanted to spend time together before running off as usual. Still, it would be such a relief to know where Danny went.
“You look thirsty.”
He looked up, Vyn holding out bottled water. Vyn noticed his hesitance, pulling the bottle back.
“You're weird.” Luke stated.
Vyn winced, taking a step back. Luke frowned even more.
“Is this another one of your ploys?”
“No. I should've kept walking.” Vyn replied, his grip tightening on the bottle. “Sorry.”
Luke watched him walk away. What the hell was his problem? First acting like an asshole then doing a complete 180 turn?
Vyn stopped and turned. Was he going to get fussy again?
“Did you just come here to give me a bottle of water?”
“Yeah. You looked tired…” Vyn responded, eyeing him.
“Well, I was looking for Danny. He disappeared around here after making me follow him. Seems he ran away again.”
Vyn handed him the bottle, Luke thanking him after taking it.
“I overstepped my boundaries earlier. My apologies.” apologized Vyn, his words sincere.
“Oh… Uh…”
Vyn shook his head, giving him a smile.
“You don't have to feel like you have to forgive me. This can be something you can forget but not forgive.”
This felt like the Vyn he wanted to know. Luke smiled a bit, rubbing his thumb along the capped bottle.
“There was something I wanted to ask you today before you decided to be an ass.” Luke spoke up, seeing Vyn didn't have anything else to say. Vyn looked, waiting for him to ask what he already knew. “Where do you work?”
“It should be on my business card. Unless you threw it away?” smirked Vyn, Luke becoming flustered. “So you did huh? I'm hurt.”
“I didn't! I just… didn't look at it.” huffed Luke. “And do you have a favorite drink?”
“I enjoy tea very much. But I’m fine with a lot of things.” smiled Vyn.
So he could finally go forward with his plans. The last step was getting his number. But after the stunt he pulled earlier, he was feeling very hesitant.
“Well if that's all-”
“Your number!”
“Your cell number… Please.” Luke repeated, holding out his phone.
“You like me enough to ask for my number? You smooth dude.”
“Wipe that smirk off your face. You know well enough you have an awful personality that not even the most desperate person would like.” scoffed Luke, receiving his phone back.
He tried the number, seeing it was really his number. Luke then noticed Vyn didn't retort like he usually would. He looked up, Vyn walking away.
“H- Hey! Vyn!”
He didn't turn around. He didn't stop. And just like that, Vyn was gone. He didn't actually hurt his feelings, right? It was meant to only be banter. Luke worried the entire way home, unsure whether to text him or not.
Luke stood near the building, often checking his watch. He should be getting off of work soon. Vyn stepped out of the building, not expecting a familiar face to block his path.
“Surprise! I came to meet you.”
Vyn scratched his cheek, not sure how he should feel. Touched? Annoyed? Embarrassed?
“Well, uh, nice. So we’re going now I presume.” Vyn responded, Luke nodding in agreement. “There's a good place some blocks down if you don't mind walking.”
They started to walk in silence. Neither wanted to speak first, Vyn more worried about messing up like he did the other day.
“So, what got you interested in psychology?” Luke asked, hoping to understand more.
“Oh, nothing much of note.”
Luke frowned, not thrilled with the answer. He could at least try to make an effort.
“Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now. Can't escape work and all, ahaha.” Vyn chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Something wasn't sitting right with him. He silently looked Vyn over, trying to crack down on a possible source.
“Vyn, are you uncomfortable around me?” he concluded.
“Of course not. Oh, look. We're here.” he pointed out, derailing the flow.
“If you're uncomfortable I’m just gonna go. No need to sit through painful awkwardness.” Luke stated, hanging back.
“Perhaps I’m merely being a better person, something you have yet to grasp.”
A better person? Well he hasn't exactly been the greatest person so at least he was taking steps in the right direction. Luke entered as well, joining Vyn by the window.
“Put in your order. I already did mine.” Vyn stated, checking his wallet.
Luke ordered his drink, stealing glances at Vyn. The Vyn before him was nothing like the one he originally met. Was he changing just for him?
“Luke, you've been staring at me ever since you sat down. What do you want to tell me?” Vyn asked, giving him a look.
“I honestly don't even know what's the real you anymore.” Luke stated, looking him over. “And I'm usually good at figuring that out.”
Vyn repositioned his glasses, understanding what must be done.
“The real me has always been in front of you. All that you've seen are merely parts of what make up Vyn Ritcher. Whether I'm cool and collected now or a bit of a jokester, it's all me.”
There was such a strong air of maturity emitting from Vyn, it made him think twice. Their order came, Luke opening up and telling him more about himself.
“Actually… I've always wanted to be a detective ever since I understood what being one was.” Luke confessed, swirling his straw around in his drink.
“Oh? Why didn't you? You seem smart enough to me. Such a… perceptive guy.” Vyn smiled.
Luke kept silent, his gaze focused on his drink. Luke was holding back again. Vyn didn't press, knowing better after many failures.
“Actually… I…” Luke started before receiving a phone call. Vyn looked away, allowing him to take the call. “Sorry. I’ll come back.”
Vyn now sat alone with his cooling tea. Was he about to confess that his shop was just a front? Or was he going to confess that he gave up on it? Though, it probably didn't matter. The phone call was probably his way of weaseling out of this meeting. Vyn moved to get up, only for Luke to sit back down.
“I thought you left.”
“Huh? You think I had someone call me to bail me out? I’m not that shallow.” scoffed Luke, clearly annoyed by his accusation.
Vyn sat back down, giving a quiet apology.
“I did get to become a detective. I'm living my childhood dream.” smiled Luke, turning his gaze to Vyn. “Pretty lucky huh?”
“Mmm. It's not every day someone gets to have their dream as a job.”
“What about you? What was your dream to be?”
Luke frowned, Vyn dodging the question by talking about his current one.
“Did you… not have any dreams?”
Vyn’s grip tightened on his drink, continuing to avoid the questions.
Luke hesitated before placing a hand on his arm.
“If you don't want to talk, just say it makes you uncomfortable. I'd understand.”
“It's not that. I just prefer not talking about unimportant things.”
Unimportant? Vyn didn't give him a chance to question, getting up to leave. Luke followed behind, taking his drink with him.
“Then, let me ask you this!”
Vyn turned, fully facing him. Luke moved closer so he wouldn't have to speak too loudly.
“Do you have any dreams now? Maybe… hopes for your future?” Luke asked, looking him directly in the eye.
Vyn chuckled a bit, pressing a finger against Luke’s forehead.
“I do have a hope. I hope that we can become better friends.”
Well, it was something. There was something he was holding back, most likely because of the obvious distance between them. Probably when they get closer…
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Steady Breath (Artrius)
Marius tried on another suit, looking himself over in a floor length mirror.
"Sexy or handsome?"
"Uh, it seems more like dressing like daddy to me."
"Vincent, you want to keep your job, right?" Marius said coolly.
"You told me to be honest, so I was." Vincent retorted.
Marius sighed, going back to change into his street clothes. He didn't have to get all snappy.
"So which did you think looked best on me?" Marius asked as they left the shop.
"The light gray tux with gold trimming on the inside and silk lining. It'll definitely turn heads." smiled Vincent.
"Really? I guess you do have taste."
"I was merely thinking of what would make your fiancé speechless the day of the wedding."
Vincent truly was irreplaceable to him. He didn't want to think of the possible wrong choices he could've ended up making.
"You know, I'm in such a good mood I'll give you the rest of the day off. Though, still answer if it's an emergency."
"I wouldn't have it any other way. Though, are you sure you don't need me?" he questioned.
"I'll be with my fiancé. If anything, he'll gun them down before I can fully panic." snorted Marius, getting into the car.
Vincent wasn't sure whether to be impressed or scared.
"Gimme a hug."
"Gimme a hug."
"I'll take your work away."
No response. Marius finally had enough, sitting on his work.
"Don't Marius me. You already work enough at the office. When you're home, you're supposed to relax. And if you have a partner, you relax with them." Marius explained, holding his face in his hands. "You've done overtime thrice this week you know..."
"Alright, fine. What do you want to do?"
Marius frowned. Why was he making it sound like a chore?
"Sorry for just wanting to cuddle with my fiancé, Artem..."
Artem exhaled, pulling Marius onto his lap.
"You know very well I didn't mean it like that, so stop pouting. Don't make me pinch those cheeks."
Artem laughed heartily, Marius covering his cheeks with his hands.
"Do you still want to cuddle?"
"Of course..."
It felt nice, just the two of them in this moment. He could feel Artem's steady breath on his neck and the warmth leaving his hands to warm his entire body. He held Artem tighter, listening to the quiet background noise that intermingled with Artem's breathing. Marius glanced down, seeing Artem's eyes were closed as if he too was taking this moment in and treasuring it.
"I'm glad I'm with you. I can't imagine being anywhere but here."
"M- Me too... You make me very happy. Extremely happy."
The two locked hands, letting out pleased sighs. Soon they would be wed. Though, it didn't matter to either whether they were official in the government's eye or not. They knew their love didn't need a fancy label, not even a physical symbol. Sometimes it was just obvious in the way they spoke, or the way they acted, even the way they looked at the other.
"I love you."
Artem lifted his head, meeting Marius' loving gaze. It had taken him ages to get this comfortable yet he was never able to articulate the same words. Yet today... today...
"I love you too."
They shared a kiss, Artem burying his face in the nape of Marius' neck afterwards. Relaxing was more refreshing than he thought. He would definitely do it more often if Marius was around.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of the Soul (pt7)
Vyn decided to stop by the antique shop since he was going to be out and about on such a wonderful Saturday. Well, as wonderful as rain could get. He peeked inside, not seeing Luke at his usual spot at the counter. Was he out for lunch? The door was unlocked so that couldn't be it. He entered the shop, the familiar must smell filling his nose.
Silence. He approached the counter, seeing everything was left on. Perhaps there was more to this than he thought.
“I'm here to discuss the price for the bracelet again. I thought it over and I think a million is a bit too low.”
Luke emerged from the back, giving him a friendly wave.
“My only other offer would be two million. It is valuable but not as much as that vase behind you.” Luke said, keeping eye contact with Vyn, only diverting it once he knew he had his attention.
Luke was hinting at something. Judging from the fact he was going along with his lie meant something was definitely going on.
“I told you this was made out of pure metals! Can't you see this genuine diamond?” Vyn argued. “The guy warned me you'd scam me! It's worth four million!”
“He's feeding you false lies. That vase most definitely out prices it.”
He mentioned the vase twice. Vyn started to inspect it under the pretense of trying to find its value. Listening device. Was Luke in some kind of danger?
“Fine. Three million, no more, no less.” huffed Vyn, crossing his arms.
“I'm sorry, it's just not worth tanking my finances for. It would be like highway robbery. I hope I won't catch a crook like you loitering around here again otherwise I’ll get authorities involved.” sighed Luke.
“Not unless I sue you first.”
Someone was trying to rob him of an antique. If he had to guess, it was probably the vase. Vyn made sure he was out of sight before sneaking back. Sure enough, someone emerged from the back. All he could do was wait for the police to arrive. Would Luke last that long? It was then he remembered. He may not be able to help as a human anymore but there was still his cat form. Vyn entered, immediately hiding once the door made noise. He looked around before noticing the man was in a perfect spot to drop something heavy on his head.
“Body don't fail me now.” he thought, using objects to get up high.
Vyn jumped from high point to high point, seeing an object above he could use. Luke noticed him, seemingly backing him up to a better spot. Vyn got to work, loosening the cables that held it up. The object fell, knocking the man on the head. Luke then knocked him out fully, the police arriving not too long after.
“How did you even find me, Danny?” Luke whispered, giving him a grateful smile. “My little hero!”
Vyn meowed, rubbing against him. He couldn't wait for the police. Who knew what could've happened if he hadn't interfered? Luke reached out, pausing near his face. Vyn bumped his hand with his head. Luke saw this as confirmation, giving him a pet. Danny didn't run but it seemed he was still trying to get used to being touched.
“Thank you, Danny. Though I could've handled it myself.”
Even still, he couldn't sit and do nothing when he had the ability to do something.
“Oh! I almost forgot about Vyn! Stay here while I go get Vyn so we can head to the station.”
Shit. He nearly forgot. He scurried off to a hidden spot, transforming back. He hurried out, just in time for Luke to turn and see him.
“You won't believe what just happened!” Luke exclaimed, rushing over to him.
“Do you two mind?”
They got into the car, Luke telling him all about how he and Danny worked together.
“I do feel bad for just leaving him there in the store… It can't be helped.” sighed Luke. “Though, I should thank you too. You were a great help too.”
“Oh, uh… no problem. I'm surprised I was able to understand your hints.” he chuckled.
“I knew you were smarter than you let on.”
The car stopped, signaling they arrived. Luke got out, the authorities needing to question him first.
“Ha… One would think he's obsessed with that cat.” muttered Vyn, getting out as well.
The two were let go after giving their statements. Luke glanced at Vyn then back at the road before them.
“What was the real reason for your visit to my shop today?”
“To learn more about you and your business and possibly invite you to lunch, but no thanks to the incident, nothing had come to pass. So, back home it is.”
“Eh? You can stay, you know? Lunch can still happen at least. It's only 3pm.” argued Luke.
“You're only interested in eating something different for lunch and splitting the cost for it. Despicable.” Vyn responded, giving him a wary look.
“You really think I'm that shallow?”
“I don't know you so I have a right to think of you how I wish. Unless you plan on allowing me to know you, Mr Pearce.”
Luke puffed his cheeks, not liking the direction it was going in.
“Then at least make it fair and tell me things too. Only then will I say more.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Vyn was really becoming a thorn in his side. Danny was much better company than Vyn could ever be. Was Danny still waiting for him? No, probably not. Danny did his own thing so he was probably living it up somewhere else now.
“What's on your mind?”
“Huh? Uh, well, you know… work. Maybe Danny.”
“Are you obsessed with this cat? All I ever hear is Danny this, Danny that. You never talk about friends or things they've done that you found funny or annoying.” Vyn replied coldly.
“So you're insinuating I don't have friends and instead am a man obsessed with cats. Nothing else matters to me.”
Luke shook his head before straightening up.
“I'm going back to work. Enjoy lunch.”
Maybe he did come on a bit strong but he wasn't wrong. How else was he to react to him always talking about a cat and never actual people? It never seemed like a sensitive topic.
Luke entered his shop, not surprised to see Danny left. He quietly sat at his desk, going back to work. He could really use Danny’s presence now.
Vyn lied down, feeling under the weather since he woke up. He thought he had simply caught a cold but it was different than the normal symptoms. He closed his eyes, pressing the wrapped ice pack to his forehead.
“You look well, human.”
“I'm not in the mood. Can't you see I'm at death’s door?” groaned Vyn, seeing he was back in the space.
“We simply came to deliver some news you'd like to hear. It's about this illness of yours.” the voice spoke with such cheer and amusement.
“You have yourself to blame for it. Do you not remember what you promised us? Snow? You cannot ignore your cat life as if it does not exist or vice versa. Humans do such extreme things.” the voice sneered, most likely looking down on him.
“And you couldn't tell me this from the start?!” Vyn grumbled, finding it hard to resist shouting.
“You never asked either so who is really to blame here? Humans are such frail things, succumbing to sickness so easily through our power. We shouldn’t have been so merciful.”
It was conversing with itself?
“No matter. We told you what caused it.”
And with that, the voice disappeared. He couldn't ignore either life for too long or else he'd end up bedridden. Vyn was slow to transform, the feeling of sickness steadily going away. So he didn't have to do anything but transform. He sat down, looking at his paw. Luke hadn't seen either form in weeks. Though it probably didn't matter. He made him upset and probably didn't want anything to do with him anymore. Maybe it was time to give up on being a cat. He's definitely thought about it while he kept the form hidden away. He's content now with everything that he's done.
“Hey, you there?”
“I know you all are lingering around. I'm sure you heard my thoughts. I'm done with the cat life.”
‘Are you certain? There's no going back once it happens. You will also lose the ability to talk to such a generous and amazing being as ourselves.’
“So you will miss me after all.” Vyn snickered.
‘ABSOLUTELY NOT!’ they roared.
“Ah, calm down. I had fun being a cat, but I think Snow would be satisfied with this, right?”
Silence. Did they know something?
‘Do you really not know what your so-called “precious partner” wanted? Ugh, must we be so kind and tell him? Humans, what awful creatures.’
“Then tell me. What did Snow want?” Vyn spoke.
Vyn silently watched as the being showed him Snow’s pov and memories. A lot of the latter part contained him. The replay ended, leaving Vyn conflicted. Snow wanted something he could've provided but didn't have the boldness to ask his parents for. A place to call home.
‘And yet you want to throw this away because it's no longer fun. Humans…’
The voice had gone completely silent after the last remark. Were domestic animals really this simple? Wanting a place to call home and a loving family? And he was going to leave the wish unfulfilled because he just felt like it.
“For once… you're right.” Vyn whispered, feeling ashamed of himself.
Luke groaned, hearing a sound coming from somewhere outside his room. He wasn't going to get any sleep like this. He followed the sound before hearing it was coming from behind his front door. Meowing and scratching.
“Danny…? What's wrong? Ah…!”
Vyn stretched out, wanting to be held. Luke was hesitant, remembering the last time he held him. Vyn meowed again, his paws pressing against his knees. Luke picked him up, cradling him in his arms. He was behaving much to his surprise. Though, it was hard not to notice that he was visibly uncomfortable.
Vyn closed his eyes, relishing in Luke’s affection. He understood how Snow must have felt whenever he held him and gave him affection.
“Danny… Did something happen? Are you hurt?” Luke asked, setting Vyn on his lap.
Vyn curled up on his lap, wanting to just be a cat for a bit. He could talk later. Luke gently stroked his fur, listening to him purr.
“Hey, Danny… Did you miss me?”
Vyn opened his eyes, unsure if he should be honest or tell him what he wanted to hear. Vyn sat up, looking Luke in the eyes. Luke placed the sheets down, waiting for him to respond.
“‘No’... Well, I shouldn't have expected much. I'm just a place to crash at when you're tired or need some food.”
That wasn't the whole truth. He liked being here with him but that didn't necessarily mean he had to miss him.
“Remember that Vyn guy I talk about sometimes? I actually haven't seen him in quite a while. It was fun talking to someone who was on the same kind of wavelength. But then he had to go and cross the line. And I don't even get an apology!” huffed Luke, looking really miffed. “He acts like it's strange not to want to gush about your pet.”
Well it's one thing to gush and another to constantly talk about it almost every time. Yet he was in the wrong. Though, he would admit bringing up friendships was a low blow.
“It's not like I told him to disappear…” mumbled Luke, picking at his shirt. “Now who's going to entertain me?”
So he only saw him as a means of entertainment and not a possible friend. Though, it didn't seem to matter now.
“Well, it was a little cool how he could tell I had someone special from the limited interactions we had. Oh, I haven't told you about her.”
Vyn silently listened as Luke talked about his childhood friend. He thought he might've met her somewhere but it was up in the air considering he's met a lot of people in his life.
“She's really just amazing. But it's becoming clearer that I’m nothing more than just a best friend. It's hard but… you think I should give up as well right?”
Well if there really was no hope then probably. Did he try seeing if she was interested?
“Hm? Did I try? Of course! I'd have to be an absolute dense as hell fucker not to try and make moves. So that's why…”
Well then there was nothing else to do but move on. Agonizing over it would hurt more than just accepting and moving on. He didn't expect to be right on the nose, he was mostly joking around to get a reaction.
“Well, I at least still have you. You won't leave me for someone else, right?”
Leave? Was there more to it than what he told him?
“‘More’? What do you mean? ‘More about her’? Well… I don't really know if it's true but I think she might be dating some guy. Real good looking too. I can't compete, ahaha. It's only a matter of time before us time gets shortened even more.”
So that's what it was. He decided not to push it any farther, not wanting to make the guy burst into tears.
“Right. No more sad talk. Let's watch some terrible comedy!”
It was obvious he was trying to keep things light but it was already past that point. He sat before the sheets before spelling out words.
“‘Don’t cry’... I'm not gonna cry you silly kitty. As if I’d let something like that make me cry.” laughed Luke.
“D- AH!”
He knew well enough that Luke wasn't okay. The person he had been so fond of for years was with someone else. How could that not be crushing? Luke exhaled, giving him a bitter smile. He covered his face, Vyn noticing the tears rolling down his cheeks. She really meant a lot to him didn’t she? Vyn licked his hand, a cat’s way of showing affection. Maybe it was best if he came to see him more often as Danny.
“I look bad don’t I, Danny? Imagine if anyone saw me like this… I wouldn’t hear the end of it.” Luke laughed dryly, showing his face again.
“So, comedy TV?”
Vyn meowed, getting settled on the couch. Luke left for the kitchen, coming back with food for both of them.
‘Pitying him, are we? Such soft creatures.’
Vyn ignored them, enjoying his time with Luke.
Luke woke up, seeing Danny asleep beside him. So he decided to stay the night. He gently rubbed his head, accidentally waking him.
“I looked pretty uncool last night didn’t I?”
Vyn stretched, promptly leaving the room. He briefly turned, meowing at him to hurry up and get ready for the day. Luke chuckled, throwing off the sheets and getting out of bed. So what if he looked extremely pitiable knowing he was rejected without having to be told? He was still him and it wasn’t the end of the world. There was more to look forward to than dwelling on the past. Vyn patiently waited in the kitchen for food while Luke showered and got dressed for the day.
“Let me guess… eggs and bacon?”
Vyn let him know he didn't want that. An omelet sounded pretty good though.
“To think cats could have such refined tastes…”
Well he wasn't like most cats to begin with. Vyn left the kitchen, hopping up on a windowsill to look out. It seemed like a pretty nice day out. Maybe he should go to the mixer tonight after all.
Vyn turned, seeing Luke place his breakfast down. What did Luke have planned for the night?
“Hm? ‘Plans’? Work then come home. My friends are busy this week.” replied Luke, wondering why he was even interested.
If he recalled correctly, his friend still needed two guys and a girl to come.
“Danny, I'm not bothering with him until he apologies. ‘He can't’? How not! He… he knows where I work!” fumed Luke. “I thought you were on my side.”
Well he got him there but he'd have to somehow convince him to come before the mixer started. And his chances were looking rather low.
Luke looked up, seeing Vyn approaching him. Disappears for weeks then suddenly appears after he and Danny talked about him. Surely it's coincidental.
“I'm sorry for unnecessarily assuming and prying into your life. Everyone has their reasons for things and I'm sure you have yours.” apologized Vyn sincerely.
Luke was slightly taken aback, getting a glimpse of his stunning maturity. Was Vyn always that cool?
“Uh, thanks for the apology. Really. I might have overreacted a bit but… yeah.” Luke responded, rubbing his neck. “Why not stay a bit? Business is a little slow today.”
Vyn sat, Luke sitting across from him. Was there something he wanted to say? Usually he was the one to initiate things like this.
“How have you been?”
“Fine and you?”
So Luke was holding back, considering he continued to make small talk.
“Okay, look. Remember when you mentioned me having someone special? How did you know? To this day it boggles my mind.” Luke confessed.
Vyn listed off some hints before ultimately saying he took a joking stab at nothing, not expecting to hit something.
“Are you really just a person with a curious interest in psychology?”
“Yes. I'm just an office worker, nothing special.”
Nothing special his ass. Vyn was hiding something and he was going to learn what it was.
“Do you own a pet, Vyn?”
“No. I live alone.”
“Uh… are you thinking of getting one?”
What was he trying to get at?
“I see. So are you doing anything tonight? We could use the time to get to know each other better.” Luke offered.
And there was his entry point.
“Actually, I told a friend I'd come to her mixer tonight. There's a spot for you if you wanna come. It's fine if it's not your kind of thing.”
“It's fine. I'll go.”
Got’em. Vyn suggested they leave soon, not wanting to arrive too late. He assured him it was fine not knowing anyone considering he didn't either beside his friend.
They arrived at the mixer, Vyn heading over to greet his friend and leaving Luke all alone.
“Thanks so much for coming. So who's the guy?” she asked, seeing a few people hovering around Luke.
“A friend I made. The story isn't interesting so I’ll spare you from boredom.” Vyn replied, taking a sip of his drink.
“Well I didn't think you had such a good looking friend. Might've hit on him if I wasn't already in a relationship.” she giggled. “Oh, looks like someone’s going in.”
Vyn watched with his friend as Luke tried to stop the woman’s advances. Luke met his gaze, immediately rushing over.
“Vyn, how could you just leave me like that?” he pouted, sounding softer than usual.
Luke proceeded to stand by his side, intertwining their fingers. Oh. OH.
“Umm… Luke?” the woman called out, finally catching up to him.
“I'm not really interested. Vyn and I are kinda a thing.” he laughed, nudging closer.
She gave Vyn’s friend a look to which she shrugged. She did tell Vyn they needed two guys but no one asked for anyone single. The woman walked off in a huff. Luke let go, grimacing at what he had to do to get away.
“So you two?”
“No. I would never date someone with a personality like his.” Luke said, cutting her thoughts short.
“I think it's more of you just don't like my sense of humor.” Vyn said smugly.
“Wha- How did you even get that in your head?!”
Vyn’s friend listened to them bicker, judging for herself what to make of them.
“Actually. You may make pretty good friends if you ask me.” she chimed in. “You're different but compliment each other well.”
“She has a screw loose.” Luke snorted before walking off.
“See what I have to deal with? Just when I think he's warming up to me, he goes and says things like that.” sighed Vyn, pushing his hair back. “And it hurts more knowing that he isn't masking his feelings.”
“Yes, yes. We know you can read people, Mr. Ritcher the psychologist.” she mocked, waving him off. “Take him out on the balcony to cool off at least. Heard there's a full moon tonight.”
Vyn located Luke, saving him from another uncomfortable situation. They stood out on the balcony, Luke draping himself over the railing.
“Not what you expected huh? You thought it'd be something classy, right?”
“A bit. They're like vultures…”
Vyn patted his back, taking another sip of wine. Luke glanced his way before straightening up.
“It's not what I hoped for but it beats sitting alone at home.” Luke responded, drumming his fingers against the railing. “Thanks.”
“You can thank me by getting me some more wine.”
Luke gave him a faint smirk, heading back inside. He didn't think the women would be all over him. Though wasn't it a good thing? It could help him forget his childhood friend. Well, at least some. Luke came back out carrying two glasses. He handed over Vyn’s before drinking his own.
“Do you ever feel like you've hit a snag in life?” Luke asked out of the blue.
“There have been times. Everyone experiences them. It's up to the person how they deal with it.” Vyn responded, keeping his gaze on Luke. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“No, just asking. Sometimes I wish I could run from life and become an animal. But then I think of all the things I wouldn't be able to do and discard the thought. Plus, I have Danny when I need someone. He always seems to know when I need him most.”
Danny again. He didn't speak up this time, getting a sense this was something serious. After a long pause, he voiced his thoughts.
“Pets are always there for us in our darkest moments when our so-called friends aren't. They love us unconditionally. They trust and believe in us to be good owners to them.” Vyn replied, finishing his wine. “No matter how much we hurt them… they still believe in us…”
Luke finally looked at Vyn who stared into his empty glass. Was he loosening up because of the alcohol?
“Did you used to have a pet?”
“Mm. When I was a kid. This pure white stray I named Snow. He disappeared before I could ask my parents to adopt him.” he said solemnly. He leaned back, letting out a sigh as he stared into the night sky. “I regret it.”
He naturally didn't know the full story but hearing his tone of voice was enough to tell him it was something dreadful to remember.
“I can't imagine what it's like to lose a pet you were close to. Maybe it'll happen between Danny and I when he finally decides he's had enough.”
Considering he was Danny, he hasn't had enough yet. Luke finished his own wine, taking in the night.
“What have you been up to since, you know?” Luke said lowly, trying not to sound too interested in his life.
“Working. Nothing special. I assume your business is booming with how many people are into antiques.” replied Vyn, his eyes monitoring his every move.
Luke gave him a flat look as a response. Vyn smiled, taking his glasses off to clean them.
“You sound as if you missed my company.”
Luke snorted, nearly dropping his glass.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm guessing you don't do small talk.”
Vyn didn't respond, Luke taking it as confirmation. Maybe the silence wasn't so bad. He looked over, seeing Vyn had finally made his way over to his side. Neither spoke, simply looking out into the streets of Stellis.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt6)
Vyn sat outside Luke’s home, waiting for him to come home. If he knew anything about Luke’s thought process, he must’ve came to the conclusion that trust would equate to being able to touch him. He was willing to let him try, but the only part that he truly had control over was thought process. The cat body very much acted like Snow when he was alive. The voice never did come back to explain why it didn’t like being touched anymore. He did try every night but it’d just be him and his thoughts. Vyn lied down, deciding to take a nap before Luke arrived. He opened his eyes, seeing he was back in the space again, him and Snow’s body trapped within tight bubbles.
“Enjoying your cat life, human?”
“I’m living it like you told me to. It’s not a matter of whether I prefer living as a cat than a human.” Vyn responded, watching the bubbles rotate slowly. “I’m sure there’s a catch. Like once I live out the cat life Snow wanted, I can never become a cat again.”
“Ha, you aren’t as dumb as you look. Yes, there’s a catch. The moment you reveal yourself to someone, you will suffer the same pain as your beloved Snow.”
Vyn frowned at the voice. To think it was capable of doing something so cruel to a child now grown man who just wanted his cat back.
“So you’re saying I’m going to die? Just because someone knows I’m a cat?”
“We only tease. Such a stick in the mud. You still will suffer, having your cat side stripped from you. So think before you speak, human.” the voice spoke with amusement.
Well that sounded reasonable enough. Why would he want to tell anyone that he was a cat?
“One can always slip up, human, especially when with someone you fancy…”
Vyn sighed, shaking his head. The voice wasn’t wrong in that sense. Would he fall for it too?
“Don’t think too hard.” the voice grumbled.
“But won’t you miss me when it happens? You only talk to me because we’re together like this.” chuckled Vyn, hearing the voice growl in displeasure.
“We will not miss you. You are quite a thorn in our side. You do not understand how much power it is taking us to do this for you both. We only feel sorry for Snow.” the voice hissed, the area briefly turning red from their anger.
“I notice you say we but I only ever hear one person talking.” pointed out Vyn.
“There are many of us, you ignorant human. This is why we despise your kind. If it weren’t for Snow’s kindness, we would’ve had him trade places with you.” the voice sneered. “You filthy creatures wouldn’t understand how blessed you are to have us in your presence.”
“Yes, yes. I get it. Now let me get some sleep and you can get peace.”
The voice didn’t retort.
“Hey. You still there?”
“What, human?”
“Why does Snow’s body not like being touched?” Vyn questioned.
The voice was rather slow to answer unlike usual.
“It is related to how Snow died. Are you plotting something, human?” they questioned.
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to allow someone to gain my trust as a cat?”
“We have no reason to think you would lie. Why not get close to him as a human instead of putting the poor cat through horror once more?”
“How do you know-”
“That human calls for you. If you really want it to happen, don’t let him-”
Vyn opened his eyes, being poked awake. Luke was poking him with a stick.
“You’re okay. Thank goodness. I’m glad to see you again, Danny. Where have you been, hm?” Luke smiled, unlocking his door.
Vyn stretched out before walking in with him. Luke pulled out the sheets, placing them where Vyn could use them.
“So what’s up? Hungry?”
Was he? He could go for something. Luke nodded, settling with the usual apples and lettuce. Vyn surprisingly refused.
“You want… eggs. Hm, how about I try something different? Gimme a moment!”
Vyn waited as Luke whipped up something new. Was he making an omelet? Omurice? Luke finally came back out, placing a bowl before him.
“Tada! Seasoned boiled eggs.”
Vyn looked at him with disdain. He would’ve taken plain scrambled eggs over whatever this monstrosity was.
“Go on, try it.”
Vyn decided it wouldn’t hurt, eating a few pieces. It was actually good. Luke smiled in delight seeing he was enjoying it.
“So, will you tell where you go every time you disappear?” asked Luke, eating his own food.
Vyn thought about it. Would it be better to lie or tell him a half truth?
“Exploring huh? I guess a cat likes a good adventure once in a while. Well, always know you can call this place home.”
Home huh? He couldn’t get too comfortable or else he’ll let it slip. He didn’t want to lose this form he had as it gave him something different to do apart from his… “fun” life. And he wouldn’t deny that he was starting to enjoy Luke’s company. And his cooking wasn’t terrible. It could rival his own with some honing.
“Are you full? You haven’t eaten anymore.”
Vyn started to eat again, showing he was fine. He couldn’t forget he had to act like a cat. Luke reached out before drawing back. It didn’t seem fair to pounce on him while he was distracted. Vyn finished eating, noticing a glint in Luke’s eye.
“Can I… try petting you?” Luke whispered softly.
So they were already starting? Vyn stepped forward, sitting on his rump. He didn’t know what the voice wanted him to be wary of but they’d reach out to him again if it was important. Luke used a finger, touching the top of his head. Danny had shown visible discomfort but didn’t run like usual. They were getting somewhere. He did want to go further but it was probably best to keep this pace before using more fingers.
“We’re getting closer! Baby steps, baby steps~”
Luke really seemed pleased with such a small thing. He didn’t want to try and push it? Didn’t seem like it with how he walked away. He wasn’t going to complain, considering it took ages to build trust. He followed after Luke, not something he usually did. Luke was surprised to see Danny hang around him for the rest of the day. Was he doing his own version of trust?
“Danny, will you disappear in the night like usual? At least tell me so I don’t wake up alone.”
Vyn tapped yes. Work was a thing for him but Luke didn’t know that. He could probably stay come Friday but Saturday was a toss up.
“Well, I hope to see you soon, Danny. Take care out there.”
Vyn watched Luke get comfortable under the sheets before heading for the door.
“And Danny?”
Vyn waited for him to continue.
“I knew you had some loyalty in you. Vyn can suck it.”
Vyn internally rolled his eyes, knowing a smile would be present on his face if possible. Hopefully Luke could be satisfied with his human self for a while until he could find the right time to become his Danny again. Vyn tidied up around Luke’s, wanting to do something for him at least. He left a little cat print before fully fleeing into the night.
Luke looked up, hearing someone come into his shop.
“Vyn. Are you finally ready to have the books appraised?”
“Yes about appraisal but no to the books. Quite a cozy place you have here. You can practically smell the history in here.” chuckled Vyn, looking at a grandfather clock. “Quite a number of books…”
“Handle with care or you pay me in damage fees.” warned Luke.
“I'm just looking, no touching. Ah right. The item I wanted appraised.”
Vyn pulled out a small box, showing him a piece of jewelry, a bracelet to be exact.
“Too young to be an antique. Try again… in 50 years.”
“Wow, harsh aren't you?”
Luke shrugged, his eyes briefly shifting to his actual work.
“Do you mind waiting out here for a moment? I think I might've forgotten to check something.”
Vyn gave a nod, occupying his time with looking at antiques. He could ask about Danny, but it was probably smarter to show he was interested in knowing Luke rather than himself. It seemed he liked mystery novels so they could further talk about that. There was also cooking but Luke had never told him he could cook. He'd have to lead with a gateway question.
“Mr Ritcher!”
Vyn jumped, not expecting to see Luke next to him.
“I asked if you'd like to sit? Unless you're leaving.”
Vyn took him up on his offer, proceeding with his plans to get closer. With specific and pinpointed questions, he was able to extract other things they could talk about.
“You know, for a chatty guy you're rather quiet about yourself. Tell me some stuff.” Luke spoke, his face clearly unhappy.
“I'm not sure what else there is to say. I'm an office worker who studied some psychology and has an interest in mystery and detective work.” Vyn summed up. “If you must know, I guess I can say I cook, clean, read and like to keep organized. Maybe read articles if they interest me.”
Wow. Vyn was boring. He didn't say it aloud, knowing he could hurt his feelings. Did he really not do anything fun or daring?
“You don't go out for drinks with friends? Or clubbing? Video games? Card games? Visit animal shelters? Volunteer? Protest?”
“Uh, no. Not really… My friends got fed up with my antics and stopped talking to me for a while.” shrugged Vyn, not showing a hint of being bothered by it.
“What kind…?”
“I like to play psychologist from time to time. Guess they couldn't handle the truth.”
That or he was being a straight up asshole about it all.
“I've been quiet for this long but perhaps now is an okay point to ask. There's a special someone in your heart, isn't there? A nice, pretty lady.”
Vyn didn't say anything, unsure of what kind of pause it was.
“I think we should stop here for today. Bye.”
So he overstepped his boundaries. Vyn didn't say anything, leaving as silently as he came in. Well, he could always go home. Or… he could make a stop somewhere. Though it made no sense considering it was just him. His body had guided him back to the area, Vyn sitting on the small ledge near the bushes. Things were definitely less painful as a cat. He didn't have a slew of complicated feelings to worry about. If he was happy, he was happy. Sad was sad, angry was angry and fear was fear. Yet he couldn't deny the complexity of human emotions wasn't interesting in the slightest. He got up from his seated position, finally heading home.
Luke unconsciously looked towards the door expecting to hear Danny scratching. Not knowing when Danny would come back was starting to get to him. There was no way for him to know if he was okay. He could be hurt just like last time! Danny would come to him if he seriously needed help. He needed to trust him.
“A special someone…” he muttered, fiddling with the key around his neck.
How could he discern from so little that he had someone dear to his heart? Were there telltale signs? Though, he wasn't sure if they mattered, no, if he mattered anymore. Even after coming back, she never looked at him. In her eyes, he was probably still and always would be that best friend she always knew. Luke ruffled his hair, frowning that Vyn had pried open something he didn't want to face yet.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt5)
Vyn opened his eyes, seeing Luke was already out of bed. He hopped off the bed, walking into the kitchen where Luke was making breakfast.
“Morning, Danny! You didn't run this time. Did I do something different? No matter, your breakfast is over there.”
That unhealthy cat slop. He'd rather starve than eat it.
“No? You don't like beef?”
No, he didn't like manufactured cat food. He may be a cat but he ate like a human.
“Would you prefer dry food then?”
Vyn hurried to the living room, dragging the sheets with him. He repeatedly hit no, showing his displeasure.
“You're surprisingly picky for a cat… Umm, more apples and lettuce then?”
Luke silently watched him spell.
“‘No. I want eggs and bacon’. That's quite a demand…”
Vyn happily sat by Luke, eating his fresh cooked eggs and bacon. He soon recoiled, his poor tongue unable to handle the heat. He forgot that unfortunate downside for cats.
“Danny, do you want to be adopted?”
Being adopted would be too much of a hassle. Couldn't he just collar him and call it a day?
“No huh… Guess you are a pretty free spirit. ‘Collar’? I could do that so you at least won't be taken by animal control…”
Sounded good to him.
“I must really be losing it, talking to a cat who can barely understand me.” Luke sighed, finishing his breakfast.
It was a bit sad, he'd give him that, but understandable as well. People sometimes feel they could spill everything to their pets who'd love them unconditionally. Vyn looked up at him, meowing to get his attention. He rubbed against his leg before jumping onto his lap and licking his hand. If he was going to play pet, he had to go all the way. Vyn couldn't deny that Luke had a pretty nice smile. He hoped to see it more.
Vyn sat on the couch in human form, a few hours having passed since Luke left for work. It was probably detective work. He didn't really have plans for the day so he ended up watching shows and snacking in between meals. Hopefully he wouldn't notice. Could he leave the TV on when Luke came home? Or would that be too advanced? He figured it was fine, not really needing opposable thumbs to press buttons. Vyn momentarily freaked at the sound of the front door unlocking. He quickly transformed, making sure he was as cat-like as possible.
“Is someone here?”
“No one but my cat…”
Luke finally came into view with another person, Luke looking around for an intruder. Vyn did his thing, turning off the TV to show it was just him.
“That's a pretty smart cat…” the young man whispered.
“Indeed. Just wait there a moment and let me grab the thing so we can continue. I really hope this isn't out of the way for you.”
“Oh no. It's fine.”
Vyn silently watched the young man, noticing his movements. He leapt off the couch, approaching him with obvious ill intent.
“Hello little- AH!”
Vyn bit him hard, making him cry out in pain. Luke came rushing out, asking what happened.
“The damn cat bit me for trying to pet it!”
“Ah, I should've warned you… He seriously does not like being touched. He will harm you. I'm sorry for not saying so sooner…”
“It's… it's fine. I'm not bleeding.”
Luke gave him a look. He could glare at him all he wanted but it wasn't changing the fact the man was definitely up to something. He pawed at his pant leg, getting him to momentarily put his bag down.
“Hey! My bag!”
“Danny, give it back!”
Vyn growled lowly, daring the man to come any closer. He allowed Luke to take it but not after giving it a look.
“I'm sorry but he won't let me take it unless I look… Is that okay?”
“No. It's an invasion of privacy!”
If the man was going to play that way… He pulled it out himself, something small wrapped in cloth.
“Sir, I sincerely apologize for my cat's behavior. We can continue this outside.” Luke said, forcing Vyn to put it back in the bag.
“I'm deducting from your pay for this…”
Did Luke understand? He wasn't sure. To think an animal abuser had the nerve to request help from a detective. Luke never came back inside. Did he leave again?
Vyn approached the door hours later, Luke coming back home.
“You're really a smart kitty, Danny. You managed to help me nail the guy.” smiled Luke. “Here's your reward.”
Vyn's eyes grew, seeing he bought him a small cup of ice cream. He could get used to this.
“The police didn't believe me when I said my cat exposed him but no matter. I know the truth.”
Vyn internally sighed, briefly stopping his enjoyment. He was going to have to go home today. He still had to buy groceries and Sunday was always cleaning day. Now it was just a matter of waiting for Luke to sleep. Hopefully he wouldn't feel too sad about him being gone.
Vyn arrived at the grocer’s picking up things he needed and extra to use for dinner. Luke had probably concluded he escaped by window somehow. Maybe he could visit him as a human today? Though, showing up at his doorstep would set off his danger alarms. He doubted he'd show up in that specific spot so maybe he could try the coffee shop.
Vyn set his purchases down, quickly sorting through them so he could start cleaning. What did Luke do on Sundays? Did he have designated cleaning days like him? He couldn't help his curious nature now that he was part cat. Vyn shook his head, focusing on cleaning. He could find out tomorrow after work. He heard there were going to be newbies so he couldn't wait to start messing with them as well. His old pals have started becoming predictable.
Luke squatted by the bushes, waiting for Danny to come out. He still had another reward for him for helping catch the man. Passerby looked at him with concern. He wasn’t doing anything illegal right? Maybe they should notify the police just in case.
“Danny, where do you go when you disappear? Do you have a family? Is there actually a developed society of cats?” Luke whispered, unbelieving that he’s buying into Vyn’s dumb idea.
Luke looked up, seeing Vyn hovering near him.
“I really wish I knew where Danny disappears every time. Then I wouldn’t worry so much…”
“You care that much about some stray that has no loyalty…?” Vyn muttered, looking away from Luke.
“If he had no loyalty, he wouldn’t come back to me, especially so late at night. Maybe you can argue he comes back for the food, but he can easily find another place that would feed him better food. He comes back because he prefers me. Cats are just like humans, we all have someone we prefer to be with and around.” Luke spoke, finally standing up. “Don’t you?”
Vyn looked at him in silence while Luke kept an eye out for Danny. Well, he wasn’t exactly wrong. Luke was interesting to him and he could definitely get better food somewhere else. Though, he wouldn’t exactly say he was loyal to Luke.
“I do. Do you?”
“Hm? Well yeah. But I think I’m really enjoying my time with Danny, mostly because he isn’t a human. Humans are prejudiced and constantly have misconceptions about things and people. They judge people whether they intend to or not. Animals aren’t like that. It’s either they like you or don’t.”
He had quite an interesting take on relationships. Was he hurt in the past by someone? Luke shook his head, apologizing for rambling.
“Well, it doesn’t look like he’ll come home today.”
“Ah, want to get coffee? There was more I wanted to ask about your antique business.” Vyn said quickly, holding his arm. He hurriedly let go, realizing what he did. “My apologies…”
“Sure, I want to ask you some things as well.”
Oh? Luke wanted to know him? It was progressing pretty well then. They found a spot to sit, Vyn ordering their coffee before coming back.
“Surely there’s more to you than just a ‘simple’ office worker. You studied psychology, right?”
“Maybe. Why do you ask?”
“The way you asked questions last time sounded similar to a psychologist that I know. They use little tricks like that.” Luke elaborated, leaning forward slightly.
“It seems you’ve got me, young detective. I did study some psychology and a bit more at home due to interest.” smiled Vyn, knowing he’d catch on to the word detective.
Luke kept silent about the detective part, knowing anyone could be listening right now. Though, it was obvious Vyn knew he was more than what he claimed to be. He couldn’t be too sure he wasn’t with them.
“What about Danny do you like? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Everything! His fur is really beautiful and when you look into his eyes, it feels like he can see into your soul. It makes me want to be honest now that I think about it. And he’s so smart!” Luke exclaimed, gesturing for him to come closer. “He even helped me expose an animal abuser! And he can read the alphabet and tell me what he wants and thinks!”
Naturally he’d bask in this praise but Luke seemed so genuine he found it hard to. Was he really that happy to have “Danny” around? Maybe he could use this to his advantage and learn more about how to approach him.
“But he’s also a free spirit and makes me wonder if it’s one sided…” sighed Luke, finishing off his coffee. “If I want him to trust me, I’m going to have to trust him. He will come back to me.”
Vyn sat back, feeling a bit of guilt. He didn’t mean to make Luke so attached to him but now that it happened, he should take responsibility. Would it hurt if he told him he didn’t want anything more from him than food? Maybe he could poke the idea.
“What if Danny told you he just likes you because you feed him? That he doesn’t want to be loyal nor trust you?”
Luke looked at him with a bit of shock. Did he really not consider that possibility?
“Well, that would be that. Forcing a relationship is worse than being near someone you don’t like. Neither party would be happy.”
Luke looked at his phone then back at him.
“It’s getting a bit late. I hope you don’t mind me cutting this short.” apologized Luke, checking the time again.
Vyn let him go, only holding him back once.
“Danny… I don’t think he trusts you yet, but I’m sure he likes you. Just… give it time.”
Vyn let him go, leaving ahead of him.
Should he believe Vyn? He did say Danny would come and he did. If it was true, then he’d have to figure out ways to make Danny trust him. How exactly did someone make their pet trust them? Continuously feeding? Consistent affection? But Danny didn’t like being touched. He snapped his fingers, coming to a realization. The moment Danny allowed him to touch him was the moment of trust.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
If only you could hear my heart (Artemarius)
Artem neatly made his pages before glancing around. Nothing unusual.
"Hey kid."
"Sir, I'm nearly 30. I've passed that threshold years ago." Artem responded lowly, proceeding to pack his bags. "Also, you know better than to talk to me at work."
The man shrugged, floating beside Artem as he left his seat. It was late at night, things taking much longer as usual. Most had already gone home.
"Oh. The reason why I even bothered you. Someone new was let in so just a fair warning." the man spoke before disappearing.
Someone new? He hoped they were as pleasant as the rest. He couldn't exactly afford a troublemaker. Artem sat in his car, thinking of what he'd say to them. Maybe he'd start with the ground rules after welcoming them? It'd probably come to him the closer he got.
Artem unlocked his door, being greeted by a few voices. He bowed in response, having learned his lesson ages ago.
"I heard someone new had stopped by? Where are they?"
They all pointed to his bedroom. Artem silently watched as they "bounced" on his bed and knocked things over.
"The dude lives in a pretty nice place. Heh, bet he doesn't know he lives among ghosts. It's like a hotspot here!"
Artem wasn't sure whether to come clean or mess around a bit before revealing the truth.
"Ah! Speak of the devil! Huh, a lawyer. Wait, it's..."
Artem started getting settled for the night, hyper aware of the ghost circling him. He was quiet for way too long.
Surely he read his name somewhere otherwise that was one hell of a guess he made.
"If only I lived a bit longer...!"
Venting his regrets. Nothing unusual. The young man sat beside him, hesitating to reach out. Artem jumped, not expecting to feel a touch. The young man jumped back as well, coming to their senses.
"Oh my god he's going to freak...! Uh, uh... Pillow!"
Artem covered his mouth, trying his best to stifle his laughter. It was interesting to see how ghosts acted if they didn't know he could see and hear them. And touch if he really wanted to.
"Alright Marius, he doesn't seem to suspect anything. Only touch him in his sleep. Wait, that sounds creepy. Sigh, I'll never get my chance to ask him out. I knew I should've taken the other car!" Marius fumed, remembering everything. "Artem... if only you could hear my heart."
Well, he was hearing it now. What did a son of von Hagen want with him? Let alone as him out? Did he need legal advice? To hire him? The only way to know would be to ask, but not yet. Artem lied down, Marius kneeling by his bedside. It made him wonder if this was the first place he came after he perished in the car accident.
"You know, everyone was convinced it was an accident, but it was premeditated murder. Or I don't know. I still can't accept that I'm... Never mind. Here I am complaining to someone who can't see or hear me, let alone my crush at that. Geez Artem, when you're deep in thought those blue eyes of yours seem to shine brighter than normal. And the serious look you wear when working shows your passion for your work. Even the gentle looks you give don't go unnoticed. Yet here you are alone..." Marius whispered, gently touching his cheek. "I'm sorry."
Artem watched Marius move to the other side of the room in despair. Someone really looked at him that way? A blush crept onto his face, remembering the way Marius stared into his eyes. It didn't mean anything yet his heart pounded. Why now of all times? Since when did pretty words move him? Marius glanced back, noticing Artem staring at the wall. Was he okay? He sat by his side, carefully placing his hand over his. If only he could know what was going through his mind.
Marius tensed, trying not to freak out. He was probably thinking of his case. It wasn't like he could possibly know he was here.
"Your pretty little words moved my heart." he chuckled, giving their hands a squeeze. "It is unfortunate we could not get to know each when you were alive, but we have all the time now. Welcome to my home, Marius von Hagen."
Marius stared wide eyed as Artem looked directly at him. Him? He could see him? Could he hear him too? How much did he...?
"I'm happy to have you here. I hope you do not mind sharing living space with a few others." smiled Artem, said ghosts making an appearance.
Marius frowned, seeing he was going to have to fight for his attention. Though, a challenge was nice once in a while. It'd give him something to do in this long existence he had left.
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storiesofstellis · 3 years
Reflection of The Soul (pt4)
Luke rubbed his eyes, half expecting Danny to be asleep somewhere. He figured he found some other spot to sleep, starting his morning routine. It slowly started to dawn on him that Danny was no longer in his home. He couldn't have escaped on his own. He couldn't even open a closed door. He wasn't robbed with his electronics still around. Luke started to look at things closely, needing to know if police needed to get involved.
“My bag… I didn't put it there when I came home. And this window is usually locked… He couldn't have…”
But why would he escape? Didn't all cats want a nice warm place to sleep and enough food to stuff them full? Perhaps Danny preferred the wild life.
Luke spent most of his day at work trying to figure out Danny’s motives while working on a common case on the side.
Vyn yawned, deciding to stop by and see if Luke would come to look for him. He rounded the corner, seeing Luke thinking near the bushes.
“How interesting for us to meet again.” he smiled, gaining Luke’s attention.
“You're the guy from last time!”
Vyn nodded, coming to a stop beside him.
“Did you ever find your precious Danny?”
“Yes but he managed to flee my home somehow. All day I've come up with theories as to why he never stays. One that seems the most realistic is that all he knows is the wild life and does not like the idea of being tied to a home.” Luke spoke, squatting down. “Look, there's a small path here. I'm sure he's got a little home in there somewhere.”
“Or maybe he's a busy cat.” smiled Vyn.
Luke snorted, straightening up.
“You make it sound like cats have a developed society like humans and work jobs.” laughed Luke.
“Who knows? But I think you shouldn't overthink it. Cats do as they please, remember? I'm sure he’ll come back to you when he's ready.”
Luke crossed his arms, wondering how he could sound so confident about a cat he barely knew.
“You really act like you know Danny. I'd appreciate it if you didn't.”
Vyn cleared his throat as he looked away. If only he knew.
“I've been curious… What kind of antique work do you do?” asked Vyn, showing him the business card he received from before. “Is it specific like figuring out history or just crunching values?”
“Anything really, but I don't want to be too vocal about it. Not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty good at what I do.” Luke grinned, puffing his chest a bit.
Vyn nodded, giving him a look over. There was clearly more to him than just an antique collector and appraiser. Most people would assume the cat ran off but he thinks there's something more to it.
“Say, you don't mind sparing a bit of time for me? There's something I'd like to talk about regarding your business.”
“Alright. There's a coffee place near here. You don't mind walking a bit?”
Vyn assured him it was fine, tailoring his questions and responses to be subtle. They sat down with coffee, Vyn taking his time in asking.
“So my mother had left me a few things after her death and one I found was a complete set of the original publications of Sherlock Holmes. Have you read them before?”
“I have. Quite a great read if you ask me. However, that isn't the point of the question is it?”
“I think it can wait. We have common ground here that can be traversed, no?”
Luke smiled and nodded, thinking of possible reasons for this topic. Was Vyn smarter than he let on? Did he know his store was just a front for his actual work? Vyn kept the conversation light, only dipping into a more in depth question a few times. Judging from his responses, Vyn concluded his suspicions to be true and the whole antique thing was a front.
“I must be keeping you, so I'll ask the question now. How much do you think the books are worth?”
“I could probably give a certain estimate if I could see their conditions.”
“I see. Perhaps I'll bring them over one day.” replied Vyn, the two getting up from their seats. “Expect a late night visit.”
Vyn had left before he could question what he thought he heard. A late night visit? From who? The monster in his closet?
Luke exhaled, finally arriving home. That Vyn guy was quite a talker. It was obvious he was trying to get something from him but would always take a step back.
It wasn't Danny, just another stray. Luke sighed, heading inside to give it food. Vyn was just messing with him because of how much he cared about Danny. The cat meowed, seemingly thanking him for the meal before leaving. He left the bowl out in case any other strays came by hungry.
Luke curled up on the couch, watching a film at night. He paused it, hearing scratching at his door. It was too light to be a knife. He cracked the door open slightly, a golden eye coming into view before a platinum paw.
Luke held back, knowing he'd scare him away if he touched him. Vyn walked in, heading straight for the coffee table. It was ice cream.
“Ah! Paws off.”
Vyn gave him kitty eyes. Luke caved, heading to the kitchen to give him a bit. Luke watched on warmly as Vyn licked at the cold treat.
“Hey, Danny. Do you like being called Danny?”
It wasn't a bad name but it could be better.
“What about Dawn? Or Sneaky? Maybe Air…”
Vyn searched for the sheets, wanting him to stop coming up with names.
“Huh? ‘Stop’? So Danny is fine then… Got it. Well, I met that weird guy again who claims to know you best. Though, I hate to say he was right about me getting a late night visitor. I don't think he's psychic, more like psycho.”
Vyn was further crushed by Luke as he went on and on about him. At this point he might as well leave and never come back.
“I know, I've done nothing but bash and complain, but it was nice to see someone else truly understand Sherlock Holmes. It's not everyday you meet an intellectual like that.” sighed Luke, unhappily eating his ice cream. “Maybe we could be friends if he wasn't so weird. You think he's weird too, right?”
This man was shameless. If he knew the truth he'd probably choke to death on his ice cream right now. He didn't say anything, pretending the ice cream was more interesting.
“Well, I doubt it matters. I don't think we’ll meet again. I really hope not. That guy is too perceptive… It was like he was testing me like some psychologist.”
Well, he technically was a licensed psychologist but never really spoke openly about it. He preferred the mundane life of an office worker. It allowed him to have a little fun without his coworkers knowing.
“Hey, did I tell you? I'm undercover right now. We- I’m working on something kinda big right now. Unfortunately it's progressing slowly. Actually, I probably shouldn't mention that…”
He was curious now. Vyn silently thought of ways to get Luke to warm up to him while Luke quietly continued to watch the film.
Luke snuggled into bed, Vyn occupying a spot near him. Considering tomorrow was the weekend, he could afford to stay the night. He'd admit, it was a little strange sleeping in the same bed with a stranger but remembering he was a feline made it somewhat better. He closed his eyes, finally falling asleep.
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