#storm plays ffxiv
lynbeck · 10 months
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Northota Rostnsathwyn! My WoL's mother, finally managed to get her gear!
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lavampira · 5 months
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can you be-leaf how menacing the fake spouses’ height difference looks under a parasol
d’alia + @hythlodaes’s emile <3
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 months
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Zenos and Elysia adventures in La Noscea pt ?
"Would you stop following me around!?"
"I said I'd follow the thrill of the hunt wherever it goes; and here you are."
This was a fun one to figure out lmao. Posing them near the stairs was kinda hard, and as always when g-posing Elysia with literally anyone- she's just too fucking small 💀I wanted her to be standing over Zenos and I thought she'd look taller and more intimidating from a low angle but Zenos still looks so big compared to her 😭 Also posing Zenos's hand on her thigh was harder than I thought bc his stupid pauldron would keep clipping into the ground or warping weirdly.
Anyways, he's def looking at her panties
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 months
TBH re: Grerenville... I make Frog Canon in ffxiv strictly start from only what is suggested in canon and I can branch off and fill gaps but I don't go into anything too AU that needs to be kept track of, because I am really enjoying the Warrior of Light story as presented anyway and Frog is just the best and most special warrior of light (as is every WoL but she's mine so :))
Just because G'raha and Erenville have never met in canon doesn't mean they can't have bumped into each other given the occasional times they've been based out of Sharlayan since Endwalker. Like, it's humorous to me that they haven't crossed paths yet, especially when Erenville is now hanging out with Krile. But also that is just what we see on the surface so why not say they could have met.
Of course, then we get into the complex knot of relationships that is Frog's life, given that G'raha is pretty much The Boyfriend ffxiv hands you of COURSE he's Frog's main boyfriend (vs, like, Aymeric who is merely courting her in the sense that it's still like 90% show at public events with lots of bowing and dancing and chastely kissing the back of her hand, and 10% frantic meetings in the Forgotten Knight :P)
Frog has totally encouraged G'raha he can date other people if he wants and aside from getting very flustered about Aymeric when she takes him on formal trips to Ishgard, and getting tongue tied about Estinien, he's been hesitant to branch out (mostly because if I tried to hold in my mind the web that is Estinien's love life being Aymeric's ex and Vrtra's consort, if G'raha got into all that it would become some sort of unstoppable katamari ball of ship rolling over everything)...
But what harm could one friendly unattached Gleaner do to all this? :)
enter: Frog declaring Erenville her arch nemesis after the Toad Incident with the same level of devotion to the cause that Zenos took to her. And Erenville reciprocating as the arch rival from an high school anime role in her life with glee.
Yeah, sure. I'll just try shipping Grerenville in that atmosphere. It'll be fine.
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feralkwe · 1 month
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kit: from the bottom of my heart, fourchenault, what the fuck?
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Spoilers for Act 4 Chapter 1: Part 2 (Part 6)
All righty, last part! Let's see how this wraps up!
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With wholesome content featuring everyone cooking.💖💖
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Vaan, omg.😂😂 (My money's on either Noct or Gau.)
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A good question. But I'm looking forward to what comes next!
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I love this.
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I'm really interested in his thought process with his new role and everything that's happening, so I'm looking forward to how he handles what comes next. (Also I don't think we know exactly what his new ability is just yet. Unless it's in the next part for Ch. 2, which I haven't played yet. T-T Or I missed it somewhere else.)
Once again I am very happy with how things turned out. Quina still feels random to me but oh well. (Now where's Amarant?) This was kinda fun, and the first part of the new chapter generally carries on with the same chill vibe which is kinda nice. Chapters that feel like a small "break" from major story stuff are good to have—so long as they make sense, that is.
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bcdwclves · 1 year
gives all my mutuals a smooch. mwah mwah.
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anneapocalypse · 6 months
Ariane would be a perfect candidate for "having a rough time right now" at like... most points in her journey, but where I am right now (paused after 5.3) she's actually doing pretty good. Saved a world, didn't die, saved her friends. She's taking some time to enjoy her hobbies and learn new skills. She's in love! Things are going pretty great. I'm sure MSQ will in no way throw a giant wrench in all of this as soon as I pick it back up. 🙂
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cinlat · 2 years
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astralflows · 1 year
doing some random trials because i want to learn astrologian and im like "i hope i get something chill" but i get seat of sacrifice and storm's crown and my co healers just keep dying bc it's their first time. okay then </3
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wish I had actual thoughts about how in from the cold sits in eyrie’s head other than just. bad
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lynbeck · 3 months
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tovaicas · 1 year
I’ve committed tank pvp today
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never-sated · 1 year
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abysswalkersknight · 5 months
Bloody finally finished a fic! It might just be the longest one I've ever done and it certainly felt like it when writing it. This is the first fic for my twst x final fantasy au so I did a lot of research with ffxiv and ffxvi I hope you like it, I did my best to keep the Eikon names out because I have know idea what to call them if anyone has any suggestions? I might eventually decide to put it on ao3 as well if anybody was interested.
Apologies for the rushed ending though, it was much longer then I intended for it to be and I was running out of paper. But other then that please enjoy!
Where did his little one go?
Was what was spiralling through the old general’s head when he returned home to an empty house, there were no soft greetings from his precious dear or even his cute pale face peeking around the corner. ‘Silver? I’m home!’ He calls out, wondering if his son was simply playing outside with his animal friends. There was no answer. He was met with a heavy silence, my, how odd.
Normally Lilia wouldn’t have minded his son’s absence as the boy had often the habit of falling asleep in the most random of places and would need a bit of encouragement to wake up, but Lilia’s checked in all the cupboards, the bathroom, their bedrooms and closets, hell he’s even dropped down onto the cool wooden floor to peer under the beds themselves. But there was simply no sign of his boy, perhaps he’s just having some alone time, while that in itself was just fine, the silence furrowed Lilia’s brow and stirred something deep and restless within his chest, he glanced outside the window, thankfully the snow that day was only light but the darkening clouds above spoke of a daunting blizzard approaching, I should go look for him, the storm could be here by nightfall. Oh well, an extra walk wouldn’t be much of a bother and the racing in his heart will only be quelled with his darling boy either nestled within his arms or safely within his sight.
And all because of his blasted heritage.
Silver had hardly experienced a few years of a normal life, only for those few short years to be shattered the moment it was discovered that Silver was a Dominant… And in possession of a very special Eikon.
Typically it was rare for a kingdom to possess even one Eikon, their Dominants often dying off too soon from overuse and the Eikon vanishing into thin air until they chose another poor soul to haunt. 
Briar Valley, on the other hand, knew how to take care of their Dominants and has had the pleasure to lay claim to two Dominants, soon to be three with the strongest being their very own prince and future king. Many would foolishly dream of receiving such a privilege, to be ‘blessed’ by a being akin to a god, Lilia had always loathed this high ‘honour’. It was no blessing, nothing to gaze adoringly at, this curse was nothing more than a fancy name for the tight chains shackled upon all who were burdened with such power, he should know, he himself owned a very old pair. Earlier on in his life Lilia had quickly discovered that a Dominant nothing more than a mere shiny weapon to use at their kingdom’s disposal, they were not seen as a living, breathing being but something only meant to slash, cut and chop at the enemy until their blade shattered into tiny, brittle pieces, and even then those pieces were used until every granule was worn down. And now to Lilia’s horror, those very same shackles were suddenly clamped around his precious little one’s tiny delicate  wrists.
But cruel as it was, that was not the worst of it.
Growling deeply in his throat Lilia quietly shrugs on his weary cloak and stealthily slips out into the cold, making sure no one was around despite living in the middle of nowhere, just as they liked it.
A year ago within the Black Scale castle’s throne room, the senate had not at all been pleased when their eldest Dominant had announced that he would be moving out of the castle, and taking the newly found Dominant with him. In fact they had been quite furious, spitting curses at him, as he remained kneeled on the stone floor with his little one clutching onto Malleus’s clothes while trying to hide under the prince’s comforting arm and cloak.
‘How dare you forsake the privileges that were so graciously given to filth like you!’ They screeched and so forth. Lilia hadn’t cared for a single inane word they spewed at him, but then those harsh insults were instead suddenly thrown at a petrified Silver, ‘as if we’ll let you run off to let such a dangerous creature roam freely!’
‘It must atone for the sins of its kind! Did you forget what it did to our beloved princess?!’ 
‘Get that vile human away from the prince!’ as they yelled and shrieked all of these accusations and scorn, his poor darling little Silver trembled and whimpered as frightened tears silently fell from the child’s cheeks. Malleus even had to hold back a grunt of discomfort with how hard those little fingers dug into his hip, Lilia saw red.
He couldn’t remember much of what happened next, only how it took several guards dogpiling on top of Lilia to hold him down as Malleus, with wide eyes, suddenly pushed Silver back behind his legs fully as he tore into the senate ‘you dare question my judgement!’ he snarls, forcing the senate back with a hot plume of green flame ‘it is with my authority and blessing that Lord Vanrouge has permission to live elsewhere, opposing such is akin to opposing House Draconia itself. Need I remind you of your place, senate?’ In the end, before Malleus could set the senate aflame in Silver’s honour, it was thanks to Malleus’s grandmother Maleficia, who had made sure that Lilia was able to leave the capital safely. Along the way it had taken all of Lilia’s willpower to ignore all the hateful looks and scorn that all of a sudden seemingly spurred from every noble citizen he’s passed, it set Lilia’s blood ablaze as they were all directed at his stunned child, what utter fools! How dare they blame such a small child for all the wrongdoings of their kin! For the seven’s sake, Silver wasn’t even old enough to have been born during the war against the silver owls, let alone play a part in it! It was not as if the fae were free of guilt either. His poor little one had been so frightened from earlier that he stiffly hid inside Lilia’s cloak while keeping his wet face buried in his neck and had refused to move a single muscle until they had arrived at their new home. Lilia even worried at some point in their journey that Silver had stopped breathing with how tense and still he was. 
Lilia sighed, had he known the full extent of Silver’s ancestry, he would have never brought him to Briar Valley in the first place. If only I hadn’t killed his father.
At that thought Lilia shook his head, dislodging some snow particles. No, he didn’t have time for the past, what's done is done and he still had to find his son. The cool winter air nipped at his nose and ears, numbing them as his long dark hair lashed out with the gradually drifting snowflakes. Ever since the calamity five years ago, Briar Valley has been thrown into an eternal state of dark winters, harsh though it may be, the townsfolk have adapted well enough that they could still live comfortably. With every few steps he takes Lilia passes by warm braziers, dancing with green flame as he enters the city. 
‘Oh! Lord Lilia!’ a woman suddenly called out as the old general made his way through the rapidly falling snow. Cupping above his eyes and squinting, it was getting hard to properly identify anyone within the plaza, but thankfully with signature flowing locks as green as the richest of forests and a voice as boisterous to match, it wasn’t hard to tell who exactly was calling him, and wasn’t she a sight for sore eyes. He sighs in relief as Baul’s daughter cheerfully waves him over to the stall she was currently at once he was in clear view ‘how pleasant it is to see you down here my lord, are you out shopping as well?’ She chirps, paying the merchant as they packed her purchase, Lilia smiled tiredly and waved off the merchant when they gesture to their wares ‘no, no, not today at least, I’m just looking for a wayward son of mine’ he suppressed a rush of worried fear that threatened to wash over his whole being, he could still hear those heartbreaking wails and pained whimpers as his little one cradles a spasming hand close to his chest. For the past year Lilia hasn’t been without Silver clutching to his side for more than a day or two, and even then he’d make sure that his boy was in either Malleus’ or the Zigvolt’s care, for good reason as well.
It was part of why they had to move. While there was the fact that the castle was already a pretty little cage for Briar Valley’s Dominants, the sole reason they moved was because of the Eikon Silver possessed, and all the abhor and scorn that came with it.  
If anyone had ever thought the rough treatment Lilia received for being an ‘unworthy’ Dominant was bad, then his sweet little one had it even worse, he was already ridiculed for being human, and then to add fuel to the fire it was found that he bore the very Eikon that had ultimately slain their late princess who had been the prince’s predecessor… And his mother. Thus writing in big bold letters where and who exactly Silver’s lineage were.
Lilia frowned, he’d always had his suspicions but to have this as confirmation. He’d rather have stayed blissfully ignorant, thankfully Malleus didn’t give a chocobo’s arse who Silver’s Eikon was or what it’s done with his predecessor, it’s only a burden either way one that we now both share, he claimed when the senate had so viciously revealed the truth, the prince had solemnly looked down to the small child, in that sense he is just as cursed as I am. Lilia suspected they did that to further Malleus’s dislike for humans, only to have the opposite reaction to Lilia’s tremendous satisfaction.
Unaware of Lilia’s harrowing thoughts, Mrs Zigvolt’s sharp eyes narrowed into furious slits ‘you mean they haven’t told you yet? Those blunt headed fools!’ if he weren’t for his training, Lilia would have jumped at the sudden volume though he did back off a little, just in case. She then turned to him ‘apologies my lord, I’d thought that the boys would have told you by now but it seems I had too much faith in them,’ she shook her head ‘you needn’t worry about Silver, he’s actually gone off with my father and Sebek to the training grounds, father said he’d send a bat for you but it seems it didn’t show’ did he hear her right? Baul took his son to the training grounds? The castle training grounds?! Has the old crocodile gone senile? Baul better pray to his gods right now because Lilia’s going to bite his face off! Or at least he would if he wasn’t so confused as to how Baul managed to convince Silver to leave the house at all, it was hard enough for Malleus to get the boy to leave the forest’s safety. Before he could blink Lilia was already teleporting to the castle where he flies past the guards who were left stunned in the disturbed snow, clutching their polearms with bewildered expressions. He’s eventually stopped when a strong yet delicate hand suddenly grabs him by the shoulder ‘Lilia!’ exclaimed Malleus, he seemed shocked to see his guardian so frazzled as being compared to his usual carefree nature, coming at such a speed that his long hair was all over the place and damp with melted snow, his eyes soften with understanding though when Lilia ignores him in favour of frantically looking around for his dear Silver ‘don’t worry Lilia, he’s safe and just over this way’ he leads Lilia to peer around the corner where, in a secluded area that was usually abandoned came a barrage of determined youthful yelling.
‘Come, have at thee!’
The shouts came from the middle where two young boys clashed together, their wooden lances slashing and faking fatal jabs. Snow sprayed and danced at their swift movement, either aiding or hindering them. From the sideline stood Baul Zigvolt, watching with an unconcerned yet stern eye, he waves over the prince and general while barking for the boys to continue ‘how has he been?’ Lilia asks, watching as the boys fought with precision and reckless abandon, just as he taught them. He was unable to take his eyes off his boy, as those beautiful silver locks spun in the cool air, that pale skin that made him seem gracefully spectral but it was those exquisite auroral eyes that captured Lilia, ever since the discovery of his Eikon Silver’s eyes have been dull, full of guilt and fear, but now as he parries another blow from Sebek, they were determined, a light returned to those big eyes that were once full of wonder. ‘How did you get him out?’ he breathed, Baul nods knowingly, after all he was there when every with the senate happened ‘don’t ask me, ask my grandson’ he grumbles proudly gesturing to the younger Zigvolt who blocked a hit from the side ‘he saw the boy training alone then brought him over demanding that they spar together, I honestly don’t know what he told Silver but it was enough to convince him to come’ he then looks sheepish ‘ah, apologies as well general, I did intend to let you know about this as soon as possible but we couldn’t have just waited around without risking anything.’
‘Baul.’ He was smiling but there was something chilling in Lilia’s tone. Baul blanched and sweatdrop ‘ye-yes general?’
‘While I appreciate what you’ve done, know that after this I’m breaking your old legs.’
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FFXIV Screenshot Meme.
Since people seemed to quite enjoy the Screenshot Meme that was doing the rounds recently, I thought I might have a go at making a list of my own, in case people wanted to have a play with it.
Apologies for not linking to the author of the original list, but their Tumblr is seemingly deactivated.
If you want some Screenshot Asks why not reblog and see what you get!
Send ❄️ to see them wearing something for winter or keeping warm in the snow.
Send ☀️ to see them dressed for a heatwave or a hot country.
Send ☔️ to see them dressed for a rainy day or during a storm.
Send 🌱 to see them in an outfit they might have worn at the beginning of their story.
Send 🪡 to see them in something they crafted themselves - or was crafted for them.
Send 💀 to see them in something they wouldn’t be seen dead in.
Send 🤡 to see them in something they might wear to make someone else laugh.
Send 👀 to see them in something that would make people stop and stare.
Send 🧦 to see them in something cosy and domestic.
Send 👑 to see them in something they might wear to impress others.
Send 🐾 to see them with a favourite pet or (animal) mount.
Send ⚙️ to see them with a favourite (vehicle) mount or machine.
Send 🧁 to see them making or eating their favourite food.
Send 🥾 to see them in something they might wear to blend in with a crowd.
Send ✨ to see them in something they aspire to wear or would like the chance to wear.
Send 🍑 to see them in something seductive or at least striking.
Send ⚔️ to see them in something they might wear for sparring or practicing combat.
Send 🪤 to see them with something they find hard to resist.
Send 🕳 to see them somewhere they really don’t like to be.
Send 🏖 to see them somewhere they really do like to be.
Send 🧤 to see them in their favourite gloves.
Send 🔧 to see them with their favourite crafting tool.
Send 🪩 to see them in their best dance party outfit.
Send 🎀 to see them in something flamboyant.
Send 👞 to see them in something very plain.
Send 🖤 to see them in something they might wear to a funeral or memorial.
Send 🛡 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Ishgard.
Send ⚓️ to see them wearing or doing something associated with Limsa Lominsa.
Send ⚖️ to see them wearing or doing something associated with Ul’dah.
Send 🌳 to see them wearing or something associated with Gridania.
Send 🪬to see them wearing or doing something associated with Ala Mhigo.
Send 🎏 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Kugane.
Send 🍜 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Doma.
Send 🌟 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Norvrandt.
Send 🐘 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Thavnair.
Send 💧 to see them wearing or doing something associated with Elpis, Amaurot or the Ancients.
Send 📟 to see them wearing or doing something associated with the Allagan Empire.
Send 📜 to see them dressed up like a MSQ character or NPC.
Send 🎭 to see them dressed up in the style of another person’s OC.
Send 🪞 to see them as a villain (if they are a hero) or vice versa.
Send 🔮 to see them in an AU setting.
Send 👹 to see them looking fierce or intimidating.
Send 🧸 to see them looking cute or friendly.
Send 💛 to see them with their best friend (NPC or OC).
Send ❤️‍🔥 to see them in something guaranteed to turn on their significant other(s).
Send 🏔to see them in their favourite zone.
Send 🎈to see them doing something they enjoy.
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