#story: ninjetti
strangeduckpaper · 6 months
Power Rangers Rewrite: Mighty Morphin'
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Season 1 & Background
Because the Boom Comics actually expounds on their backstories, Rita & Zedd have their comics backstories. Rita is specifically from a planet known as Bandora, which has a lot of magical practitioners, including an organized order of witches.
Bandorans are taller than humans, and to a human eye always look a little sickly.
The Power Coins used to belong to a multi planetary team (the Zyu Rangers) with explicitly Alien Zords resembling the 2017 movie. Rita killed the Green Ranger and took that Coin, thus control of the Dragonzord.
The 90’s Zyu Rangers interpreted the Zords on the Coins as artistic renditions of Earth animals, thus minorly reformatting the Zords when they’re finally brought to bear.
Jason actually beats Tommy during their fight like in Zyuranger.
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Season 2
Grace Sterling gets introduced, and Zordon tells the story of the 1969 Rangers.
The Stone Canyon Trio are introduced, giving an outside perspective to the Rangers.
Zedd doesn’t arrive…yet. He does send messages to Rita in the form of nightmares.
No Thunderzords, the Zyu/Dino Megazord survives, since I wanna keep the Dairangers (Thunder Star Rangers) in my back pocket.
In the same vein, Tommy doesn’t get the White Tiger Power Coin after losing the Green Power Coin, instead he gets a White Brachiosaurus Power Coin that ties him to Titanus, which itself is reformatted to serve as armor and weaponry for the Zyu Megazord.
Tommy’s Ranger Suit is white and gold, with the MM sculpted mouth helmet and Dragon shield, but with elements of the Dino Thunder Black suit, while Saba is literally just a repainted Bracchio Staff.
Before Tommy comes back, Rita launches the Dark Ranger’s scheme from the comics, which comes to an end once Tommy arrives, destroying the Dark Ranger’s Power Source (A Dark Mockery of a Zeo Crystal?)
The Rita putty escapes, albeit heavily wounded, to fight another day.
Kiya comes to Earth following the Dark Rangers, chasing the power source used. She sticks around for a while.
The first half of the season ends with a final confrontation with Goldar when he attempts to throw Angel Grove into the Dark Dimension during Jason, Trini & Zack’s graduation, and is struck down by Tommy and Jason. The Stone Canyon Trio helps.
Jason, Trini and Zack decide to take a gap year, and are given the Omega Morphers to help Kiya hunt down the source of the knockoff Zeo Crystal, while the Stone Canyon Trio take their places.
Rito arrives afterwards, with some new mercenaries to give the Rangers trouble, including Dayne. Scorpina, meanwhile, leaves, vowing vengeance against the Rangers.
Their adventures include a crossover with the Masked Rider of Edenoi.
The season finale is Zedd’s arrival, Serpentera in tow, and challenges the Rangers to combat.
He destroys the Megazord with Serpentera, before taking them on 1-v-6, rendering the Power Coins useless one after the other, until only Tommy is left with his powers.
Tommy tries, but Zedd captures him, and brings him back to the Moon Castle, leaving the other Rangers to lick their wounds and wallow in their powerlessness.
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Season 3
With the Power Coins useless, the Omega Rangers out of contact and Zordon unable to access back-up Ranger powers, Zordon sends the Rangers to Ninjor to create powers of their own.
In the meanwhile, he calls for reinforcements, the Rangers of Aquitar (known as the Doron Rangers), with more on the way.
Zedd sends more monsters to delay the Rangers, and gathers forces fromDark Spector, including Master Vile, to attempt and summon the dark god Lokar from the Talus Dimension.
The Rangers pass Ninjor’s trials and gain their Ninjetti Power Coins and Zords, with all new suits coming with them.
They have elements of the American Ninja Ranger uniforms, the Dairangers, with MM helmets remodeled to reflect their new Zords.
Meanwhile, Tommy is being held by the villains, where he strikes up a friendship with Finster, who eventually helps free him.
During this escape, he finds remnants of the tools used in the corruption of the Green Dragon Power Coin, and takes it.
The Rangers return to Earth and meet the Doron rangers. There’s some chafing, especially between Billy and Cestro, though that rivalry shifts into something more…amorous.
Tommy arrives, Finster by his side and arcane secrets in hand. Finster and Alpha duke it out at least once.
In the background, we’re introduced to new transfer students Tanya Sloan and Kat Hillard. Kat gets mind controlled but it gets broken.
Eventually, Finster, Alpha, Tideus and Delphine figure out how to reactivate the Dragonzord, dormant since the loss of the Green Power Coin, and Tommy uses the power of friendship to bring it back under control.
Master Vile attempts to interfere, but the Rangers strike him down with Ninjor’s help. 
Deciding to take advantage, the rangers attack the moon palace, reinforced by the Masked Rider and the Omega Rangers (Now with Yale replacing Kiya)
The Rangers win, destroying Serpentera, and wrecking the moon base, though Lokar is summoned.
In order to seal him, the Mighty Morphin Rangers sacrifice the Ninjetti Power Coins to do so, while Tommy’s powers once again become unstable.
In the aftermath, the rangers disperse. Kim goes off to pursue her gymnastics career, Billy leaves for Aquitar as a representative of Earth, NASADA, and Prometheus.
Aisha also leaves to join humanitarian aid.
Tommy, a bit adrift, decides to stay with Adam and Rocky, and possibly form a new team.
After all, while they did beat them up, they never saw Rita, Rito, or Zedd actually fall…
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rob2morrow · 2 years
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⚡️Once A Ranger, Always A Ranger⚡️ A third Power Ranger flash sheet has been on my mind for sometime now and since the news broke about @jdfffn I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Like many people, the news of Jason’s death has shaken me. It’s not every day that we lose a childhood hero as prolific as JDF. He has inspired so many and had a great love for his work and his fans. He will be greatly missed by the Ranger Community. This is my tribute to the best of the Power Rangers. Even though he may be gone, his memory will live on through his legacy and the love of his fans. I would love to tattoo some of these designs to honor his memory. Sheets can also be purchased on my site (link ink bio/story) if you feel so inclined. And if you or someone you know is dealing with suicidal thoughts, reach out to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988 on your phone. #tattoo #tattooflash #traditionaltattoo #traditionaltattooflash #flashsheet #traditionalflashsheet #powerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #powerrangerszeo #powerrangersturbo #powerrangersdinothunder #powerrangerstattoo #traditionalpowerrangerstattoo #jasondavidfrank #ripjasondavidfrank #jdf #tommyoliver #greenpowerranger #whitepowerranger #whiteranger #greenranger #redranger #blackranger #itsmorphingtime #lorddrakkon #ninjetti #dragondagger #saba #dragondaggertattoo #sabatattoo https://www.instagram.com/p/Clgx-T4r6j2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wingsyouburn · 2 years
when your friend knows you have too many wips
@yeetresponsibly asked for five responses to the WIP flower meme, so they’re getting five responses to the flower meme. 
From A Hero Lies In You, my 2017 Power Rangers/MCU crossover: 
Off to the side, Tommy sighed. “This isn’t how we make friends, AJ.” 
“This is how I make friends,” she corrected. “If someone is intimidated by the fact that I can use a weapon better than they can, I would rather know up front.” She grinned at Jason. “Are you intimidated?” 
“A little,” he admitted, shrugging. “And intrigued. Does that count too?” 
Tommy dragged a hand over his face. “Great. Now I’m a third wheel.” 
“Not yet.” AJ patted her twin’s arm and set her bokken aside. “So. Jason. Do you have plans for the rest of your afternoon or was your run the big adventure for the day?” 
From the untitled sequel to A Hero Lies In You:
If Zordon could have, he would have facepalmed. Jason knew that look, because it was the same expression that he saw on his own father’s face time and time again. “I am not familiar with this term, ‘fucked,’” Zordon said. 
“Oh my god.” Trini hid her face in her arms. “Please don’t tell me we’re going to have the birds and bees conversation with a giant floating head on the wall.” 
Billy sat up straighter in his chair. “Oh! I know the answer to this one!” He cleared his throat. “When two people love each other very much-”
“Love is not required,” Zack butted in. “But continue.” 
“-And experience sexual attraction to each other, they may choose to use their sexual organs to-”
“BILLY!” Jason, Tommy, AJ, Kim, and Trini all shouted in unison. 
From an untitled Star Wars fic, in which Anakin would eventually raise the twins on his own in Tatooine: 
While Anakin floated in a bacta tank, the others discussed strategy aboard Bail’s ship. 
Padmé smoothed a hand over her stomach. “I will not be able to hide the baby much longer,” she admitted. “The galactic media was already starting to ask questions before all of this. They won’t be safe on Coruscant.” 
“None of us are anymore,” Obi-Wan reminded her. “Yoda and I, especially. We will have to disappear.” 
“Stopped, the Emperor must be,” Yoda said. “Face him, I will.” 
The bodies piled in the Temple flashed through Obi-Wan’s mind. “Allow Anakin and I to help.” Would he plead with his old Jedi Master? Obi-Wan would do what he had to. “Anakin will be better in a few day’s time.” 
“No. Along a different path, your destiny lies. Carry the fate of the Jedi, Senator Amidala does.” 
Bail glanced between the three of them, confused. “Have I missed something?” 
Padmé straightened in her seat, embodying the Senator she was. “The baby is Anakin’s.” 
“Master Windu’s last transmission confirmed that Palpatine tried to convert Anakin to the Dark Side,” Obi-Wan continued. “Anakin resisted. If Palpatine found out that Anakin has a child…” 
“I will not allow anything to happen,” Padmé agreed. “Jedi or no Jedi.” 
Obi-Wan inclined his head towards her. “I agree.” 
“So. Keep the child safe you must. To the Emperor I will go.” Yoda bowed his head. 
From an untitled Final Fantasy VII Remake fic; Barret at Aerith’s house: 
Underneath the plate, with synthetic daylight, such flowers shouldn’t be possible. But, if what Tifa and Cloud said was true, Aerith was something special. The last Ancient. Wanted by Shinra. 
A woman who traded herself to save Barret’s daughter. 
He followed the path to the top of a small hill, overlooking the property. From here, he couldn’t hear the buzz of the slums beyond, just the stillness of the night. Barret sat on the ground, one knee up, resting his gun arm on his leg. He brought his other hand down, palm flat in the grass, fingers digging for purchase in the damp soil. 
And he breathed. 
And he listened. 
The other AVALANCHE members never quite believed that Barret could actually hear the cries of the planet. Cloud, certainly, brushed it off as the delusions of a fanatic leader. But Barret knew the truth in his bones. The planet was in pain, dying, because of Shinra’s mako energy. They had to be stopped, and to hell what it cost him. 
Barret assigned himself the planet’s protector. He led the others, willingly tore himself away from his daughter and put his life in danger, so the planet might survive. 
Here, in Aerith’s garden, the planet whispered back to him. 
From the original attempt at the fake medium/real ghost prompt - this would be too long to finish in time for Chocolate Box, so I wrote Preserving Life Is As Good As Dying instead: 
Riley Sloane believes in ghosts. The evidence is overwhelming; there’s definitely something happening in the afterlife. 
She just can’t see them. Or communicate with them. 
Her business cards say otherwise: Riley Sloane, Medium for Hire. A real life Ghostbuster. Her parents, if they’d stuck around, might have been proud of her. 
It’s not that she lies to people, exactly. Over the years, Riley’s learned that people aren’t listening for what you say, but for what they want to hear. They’re looking for closure, forgiveness, an apology. Riley gives it to them and pockets a paycheck at the same time. 
Everyone wins. 
Logically, she knows this sweet gig can’t last. Eventually, someone will figure out her truth and she’ll have to get a “real” job. Work at a bank, slave away at a cubicle and despise her life. But not yet. 
Right now, she makes her own rules. She pays her bills and deals in the occult at the same time. There’s always a market for mediums, Riley’s found. Someone always wants to say goodbye, clear the air, get one last message from their loved ones. 
Perhaps she should feel guilty about lying to them. 
She doesn’t. 
No one ever bothers to look out for her, so it’s time Riley looks out for herself. 
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fiction-fun · 3 years
Written Together
New story sorry it's super late!
Fandom: Power Rangers In Space (with some MMPR/Ninjetti)
Pairing: Andros/OC, Tommy/Adam
Words: 7356
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Panic attack, PTSD, abduction, death, nightmares, let me know if I missed anything!
It started when she was four. The first message.
“Hi?” it read curious but cautious.
She giggled softly as she read it.
“Hi!” She said with a small smiley face.
They never shared personal information, even though they talked for hours daily, until one day when she was six.
“My sisters gone; someone took her. I don’t know what to do. I should have been there and protected her.” The message read and she froze.
“Kaley? What’s wrong?” Mom asked walking into the room.
Kaley was frantically looking around.
“I need a pen!” She cried out in a rush.
Her mom calmly handed her one, used to both of her children getting a little frantic when it came to the messages they shared.
“Thank you.” She said quickly as she sat at her table carefully writing out her reply, she had a habit of scribbling when she was worried or upset.
“It’ll be ok. You’ll find her one day. You couldn’t have stopped it! If you had been there, they would have taken you too. It’ll be ok.” She said as neatly as she could.
Her mom stood and watched her for a few more minutes, worry cresting her brow.
“Kaley? Is everything ok?” She asked gently.
Kaley looked up and shook her head, burgundy hair swaying around her.
“It’s my soulmate, something happened, and he’s upset.” She explained the best she could.
Her mom nodded and walked over pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m sure whatever it is, his parents have it under control.” She said soothingly.
Kaley nodded and went back to writing. Over the next ten years she off and on helped him when he got down on himself, otherwise they just talked. Then one day she found herself transported into a large room.
“Woah, this is insane.” Jason said looking around.
Kim and Trini nodded in agreement.
“Cool a robot.” Zack said gaining everyone’s attention.
“I am Alpha.” The android said.
“Not a robot, Zack.” Kaley said softly.
“No, he’s an android. Phenomenal.” Billy said circling the android.
The next thing to make itself known was a floating head in the center of the room.
“I am Zordon. And you are the newest Power Rangers.” He said watching them all.
After getting an explanation and facing their first enemy it was time to choose.
“I’m in.” Jason said nodding.
Trini Zack and Billy said something similar.
“I don’t know.” Kim said slowly.
She started laughing looking around the room.
“I’m kidding! Of course, I’m in.” She said nodding.
They all looked to Kaley who was staring down at her arm.
“Billy, I need a pen.” She said softly.
He nodded and passed her one quickly. On her arm was a new message.
“We may not be able to talk often anymore; I’ve been given a duty. But I’ll do my best to still message.” Kaley blinked back the sudden tears and nodded to herself.
“It’s ok, we both have a duty to do. Even if we aren’t sure what the others duty is. We can still talk when we both have time. Just be careful.” She sent quickly.
“I will, you be safe too.” He sent back and for the first time she could almost feel his worry.
“I will be.” She sent back before looking up at everyone.
“Thanks for the pen Billy, I’m in.” She said in reference to the earlier question.
Billy took the pen back with a nod, and Jason gave her a look.
“Are you ok?” He asked her softy.
She shook her head.
“Not really. If we’re done, I really need to just clear my head.” Kaley said looking up at Zordon.
“Of course, you will be called back when you are needed.” The floating head said.
Kaley nodded and took off out of the room and ran as far as she could back into Angel Grove, dropping to her knees in the park. She didn’t realize until then that the others had followed her.
“Kaley?” Kim asked softly.
She looked up seeing her team around her, she smiled shakily.
“I’ll be ok.” She said softly.
“What happened? Was it your soulmate again?” Billy asked gently.
She nodded.
“Yeah, he uh, he’s gotten himself into something. That he won’t tell me about, and just said he won’t be able to talk much for a while. I’m just overwhelmed with everything today.” She said looking up at them.
They spent the next few hours just talking with each other, before heading home. Over the next six months Kaley barely talked to her Soulmate because they were both so busy. But her brother, Tommy, did join them as a Ranger. Three years later and she watched them hand their powers over.
“Kaley will stay on as the last active Ninjetti Ranger, the silver Ninjetti Ranger.” Dimitria announce to the room at large.
“Welcome new and returning Rangers.” Was the general sentiment.
With that everyone left the Power Chamber.
Another two years later and Kaley was traveling though England when she got a phone call.
“Hey baby girl.” She heard and sighed softly.
“Leave me alone, Bulk.” She said with a groan.
She knew he wasn’t her Soulmate even though he kept trying to convince her otherwise.
“I was just calling to say you should book it home. Your dad’s been killed.” He said, voice gentler and less flirtatious.
She froze in her spot, fear welling up in her.
“Bulkmire now would be a good time for you to tell me you’re joking.” She said slowly and lowly.
She heard his deep breath.
“You know I’d lie about a lot of things, and I am sorry that I did. But I wouldn’t lie about this. I am sorry.” He said.
“My mother?” She asked as she walked swiftly to her room and grabbed her laptop booking a flight for as soon as possible.
“She seems to be ok, for now.” Bulk returned after a few seconds.
Kaley nodded absentmindedly.
“Call Tommy, or no, I will call Tommy. I’m booked on a flight in two hours. I’ll be back as quickly as I can. Bye.” She said hanging up the phone and racing around her room, packing everything she had unpacked away.
When she finished, she grabbed her phone and a pen, dialing her brothers’ number she quickly sat down at a table.
“I’m going back home, something terrible happened. I don’t know what to do.” She wrote knowing it may be a day or so before he saw it.
“Hey, sis. What’s up?” Tommy asked.
“Tommy, I’m headed home, and you should too. Officer Bulk just rang me. Dad was killed. I don’t know the details, but we need to be there for mom.” Kaley said as she stood up and grabbed her bags racing from the door and hailing a cab.
She heard Tommy’s deep breath.
“Right, I have to talk to the school and get time. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He said and she heard him moving as frantically as she was.
“Airport. And I know you will. I love you brother.” She said first to the cabbie then to Tommy.
“Love you too, sis. I’ll see you soon.” He said and the call ended.
Kaley got to the airport and onto her flight settling in as she waited to land, constantly checking her arm, where the messages from her soulmate came in. When she landed, she made the quick ride home.
“Mom!” She called into the house.
“I’m in the kitchen sweetheart, what are you doing home? “Her mom asked coming into the front room and giving her a hug.
Kaley hugged her back, having dropped her bags.
“Bulk called and said Dad was killed? What happened?” She asked looking at her mother.
Her mother nodded and lead her to sit on the couch.
“Your dad was downtown when a monster attack happened. He got crushed under part of a building.” Her mother said gently.
Kaley sucked in a deep breath.
“No.” She said softly.
Her mother nodded.
“I assume you’ve called your brother.” She said standing up.
“Uh, y-yeah. He’s on his way as soon as he talks to his dean.” Kaley said following her mother.
Her mom nodded and motioned to the cookies on the plate.
“Well have some cookies.” She said gently.
Kaley nodded and took a few. Over the next week she watched as her mother tried to hide how weak she was getting. One day her mom looked at her.
“I’m not going to break. Go to the surf shack and have some food. Adele is good she’ll fix you right up. And you may see some of your friends.” Her mother said
Kaley watched her for a few seconds.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
Her mom smiled at her.
“Yes, go I’ll be ok.” She said.
Kaley hesitated before she nodded and grabbed her coat and keys.
“I’ll be back soon.” She called before heading out the door.
She got to the surf shack quickly and walked to the counter fishing out her wallet.
“Hello and welcome, I’m Adele and if you look any sadder, I’m going to have to give you a hug.” A voice said and caused Kaley to look up.
“Sorry, just…a lot going on.” She said softly before looking up at the menu.
“Anything you like in particular?” Adele asked her.
Kaley hummed lightly.
“A nice burger with cheese and some fries actually sounds amazing right now. And maybe a strawberry banana smoothie?” Kaley said offering her a smile.
Adele smiled back and nodded.
“It’ll be right out.” She said turning away from her.
Kaley nodded and let out a sigh as she settled at the counter. She had been looking around for a few minutes before she heard a loud squeal and was grabbed from behind, she tensed for a second before she recognized the light brown hair that was now around her face.
“Careful Ashley, I almost flipped you.” She said as she spun hugging the slightly younger girl back.
Ashley pulled back and shrugged smiling softly.
“Sorry! I was excited. Come on! You have to come say hi to everyone.” She said tugging her.
“Ashley, my food!” Kaley called as she was tugged up from her chair.
Adele smiled and waved her off.
“Go on, sweetie. I’ll bring it over to you with their stuff.” She said with a smile.
Kaley nodded and let Ashley tug her along. When they got to the table, she smiled seeing T.J., Cassie, and Carlos there along with a boy she didn’t recognize.
“Look who I found guys!” Ashley called happily.
“Who, Kaley!” Cassie called jumping up and hugging her.
The boys were slower to follow but still stood up and hugged her too.
“Hey guys.” She said as she was pulled into a seat.
After everyone was sat and they all had their food, the others all turned to Kaley.
“What are you doing here? I thought you where looking for your soulmate in England?” Cassie said.
Kaley swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I was, but Officer Bulk, I say with a healthy dose of shock, called me and told me my dad had been killed, I was on the first flight back. A week ago, but I’ve been helping my mom.” She explained softly.
The others all sucked in a breath.
“How is she?” Ashley asked.
Kaley shrugged.
“As good as she can be. I just want Tommy to get home so I’m not doing this alone, its to hard. I just want to lock myself away every day but I can’t.” She said trailing off looking at the new guy she still hadn’t met yet.
She smiled tightly and shook her head, taking a sip off her smoothie.
“I’m hopeful it’ll all be ok. Just have to hope.” She finished quietly.
They nodded and that’s when they must have realized.
“Man, we are dumb. Kaley this is Andros. Andros this is Kaley.” T.J. said pointing between them.
Kaley nodded and Andros returned it.
“Nice to meet you, although I wish it was under better circumstances.” He said gently.
Kaley smiled tightly.
“Thanks, nice to meet you too.” She said as she finished.
She stood up and grabbed her stuff.
“Hey, I’m gonna take off. I’ll be in town for the next while and you guys all know where I am, pop in if you want to.” Kaley said walking from the table.
By the middle of the following week, it was obvious she wasn’t doing good at all.
“Hey, I’m home!” Tommy called into the quiet house.
Kaley came walking downstairs, face tight and she gave a soft yawn.
“Hey, Tommy.” She said as she hugged her brother.
He dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around her.
“How is she?” He asked.
Kaley shook her head.
“Not good.” She said softly as the two of them went into the kitchen.
Tommy let out a deep sigh and nodded.
“We’ll do what we have to do.” He said softly.
She nodded. The next few days were rough.
“Tommy?” She called and he turned to look at her, both exhausted.
“Go on, its ok I’ve got her.” He said and Kaley nodded turning and racing out of the house to the park
She needed to get away, had to. She needed to breath. She collapsed on the ground on the side of a hill by the river. She sat with her knees pulled up to her chin and her eyes closed trying to fight tears as she breathed, shakily. After a long while she felt a shadow fall over her before she heard someone sit down next to her.
“They told me; you were a ranger at one point.” His voice came soft and low.
She nodded not needing to open her eyes to know it was Andros who had sat beside her.
“Silver, Ninjetti and original.” She responded voice shaky.
They stayed quiet for a while longer, before she heard Andros sigh.
“I lost my mom a few years ago, and I don’t know if my dad survived or even if he did, if he’s still alive. And I lost my sister before that, when we were kids. So, I understand the pain you’re in.” He said softly.
Kaley swallowed harshly.
“My dad’s dead because he was downtown during a monster attack and I was across the world; I should have been here to protect him. Now my mom will probably follow him soon, my brother and I are barely holding it together for her. Oh, and my Soulmate hasn’t talked to me in weeks. I don’t blame him though, who’d want a fuck up like me.” She muttered the last part.
“No, I don’t believe that. Maybe he’s been busy. Or hasn’t known what to say.” Andros suggested quietly.
She shrugged before standing up.
“I have to go home, thanks for talking with me though.” She said softly.
Andros stood as well.
“Any time.” He said gently offering her a small smile.
She nodded and headed back home, where she found the house surrounded by cops and ambulances.
“Tommy!” She shouted seeing her brother.
Her brother waved her over and she ran to him. He looked down at her and shook his head sadly.
“No!” Kaley gasped letting the tears fall down her face.
He wrapped his arms around her, and she sobbed into his chest as he held her. The next week went way to quickly for either of their liking.
“My mom died last week, she’s with my dad now. Hopefully they’re happy together.” She sent. And as a last second addition she wrote one more thing.
“I’m not hunting for you anymore. If you want to meet me, I’m here.” She wrote and included her address.
It was another week before anything came of it when there was a knock at her door.
“I’ve got it.” Tommy called as he stood up from where he and Adam sat on the couch.
“Alright.” Kaley said quietly as she sat at the kitchen table.
She heard soft voices from the other room, before her brother walked into the kitchen.
“I think its for you.” He said softly.
Kaley raised an eyebrow but nodded, standing up from her computer and moving to the door, opening it she found Andros stood there back turned to her.
“Andros?” She asked as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.
Andros turned and looked at her with a soft look.
“Sorry it took so long, I wanted to give you time.” He said softly.
She looked at him confused for a second before remembering. He didn’t know where she lived and his story of loosing his sister had sounded just like her Soulmates.
“You….oh.” She said softly as she moved to sit on the porch swing.
He hesitated for a few seconds before walking over to her, he didn’t sit, but he leaned on the railing and looked at her. Kaley blinked a bit unsure what to say.
“I…” they both started at the same time, each giving a nervous laugh and looking away.
It was a few minutes of quiet before Kaley sighed and looked over at him. He was still looking away, and she used this moment to really look at him. He had his long dual tone hair pulled back with only a few small strands escaping and even though they were the same age, he looked like his life had aged him a few years. She gave a small smile as she saw his eyes sparkle in the sunlight, even as she could pick out small almost invisible scars that littered his face and hands, she was sure they traveled farther under his uniform he wore.
“This is ridiculous. We’ve never had a problem talking before!” she said running a hand through her hair.
She looked off towards the other side of the porch when Andros turned to look at her. She closed her eyes for a second as the sun shifted behind some clouds, and felt the swing sway, she looked over and saw Andros sitting next to her.
“You’re right, we’ve never had a problem talking. Even if we didn’t talk about everything.” He said softly.
She nodded and sat back.
“So…” she said softly.
He leaned back as well.
“England?” He asked.
Kaley laughed and nodded.
“Well to be fair you had never let anything slip that you were from another world! So I looked around this one.” Kaley said smiling softly.
Andros laughed a bit at that as well, before shaking his head.
“And you never let anything slip you were from Earth. Although to be fair, neither of us let much slip, we didn’t give very many clues to who or were we where.” He returned.
Over the next few weeks, they spent time together when they could, getting to really know each other. Kaley jolted up with a groan, the ringing in her ears and flashing still going on behind her eyes. She stood up on shaking legs, and stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen trying to throw the flashbacks and memories to the wind. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water the memories of close fights, hard calls, near misses, the explosions that ripped through two separate hideouts, all rippling through her. Her hands shaking, she leaned against the counter the cold press against her spine helping to ground her a little. She took a drink from her glass and shivered as the cold water went down her throat pulling forth the many memories of nearly drowning. Her hands shook more as the memories swam over her threatening to drag her in. A loud crash rang through the kitchen and she jumped.
“Shit.” She murmured as she stooped down to pick up the shards.
The overhead light flipped on and she held her breath as another memory tried to wiggle to the front her mind.
“Kaley?” Tommy’s tired voice rang through the kitchen a second before he rounded the island.
She looked up at him and took a breath.
“Hey, Tommy.” Kaley said softly.
He gave her a small smile and kneeled down carefully to help her pick up the broken glass.
“Nightmares?” He asked as he carefully collected the shards that had rained from her hands the moment, he entered her vision.
She closed her eyes for a moment before they opened, closing them put visual to the audio memories. She nodded.
“Yeah, just…. just memories.” She said running a hand through her hair.
Tommy nodded and shot her another small smile.
“Why don’t you go sit on the couch, I’ll clean this up and bring you some cocoa.” Tommy suggested softly.
Kaley shook her head but still moved too slowly stand up.
“No, I uh, I’m going to go for a walk, I think. I just, I need some fresh air. Thank you though.” She said softly.
Tommy watched as she walked upstairs, face showing his worry. Kaley walked into her room and closed the door, pulling off her pajamas and put on a silvery white tank top, blue jeans and as a last thought she pulled on her light blue denim jacket. She ran a hand through her hair, brushing and tying it up quickly she pulled her shoes on and headed out of her room. She walked down the steps and took a deep breath still feeling the tremors running through her she carefully went down the steps and offered a small smile to Tommy who was sitting at the counter.
“Just be careful.” He said softly standing up and giving her a hug.
She nodded and took a deep breath before pulling away.
“Yeah, of course.” She said trying to smile but even that was shaking slightly.
She walked out the door, feeling him watch her and took a deep breath before walking down the street, headed towards Angel Grove Park. She walked down a small hill and sat by a tree leaning against it, she let her eyes close and the memories shake her as the tears rolled down her face. She didn’t know how long she was sitting there but she jumped when a hand landed gently on her shoulder. She whipped around in a crouch before relaxing and dropping back down.
“S-sorry.” she said softly, cringing at her own weak voice.
Andros shook his head and just sat down next to the spot she had vacated, patting it.
“It’s ok, I understand.” He said voice soft and soothing as he looked over the water.
Kaley slowly made her way back to her seat and nodded. They sat silently for a few minutes before a question managed to rang in her head through the memories.
“How did you find me?” she asked voice still scratchy.
Andros gave her a small smile.
“Your brother. He got worried when you’d been gone for over 4 hours without calling, so he called me.” He explained softly.
Kaley nodded, that sounded like Tommy.
“I just…” she started before breaking off, shaking her head.
Andros nodded.
“You don’t have to tell me. I know how hard bad Ranger memories can be. People see us at our best. When we’re saving them, beating the monsters that scare them in the night. They never see us like this, when we feel so broken and helpless it’s hard to remember what it’s like to be the hero they see, when you hear a child say 'I want to be a Ranger!’ and your only thought is 'I pray you never are.’ because it seems glamorous to them. But for those of us who are or where, it’s both wonderful and horrible, and sometimes the bad outweighs the good.” Andros said not moving his gaze from the water.
Kaley nodded and turned to look out over the still pond, just now realizing how bright it had gotten.
“I just…keep seeing my failures. The hard calls, the near misses. The close call fights. I hear the explosions the ripped through the MegaZord and they’re immediately followed by the explosion of the Power Chamber the one we tried so hard to stop, the crushing pain of thinking that was it, we’d lost Alpha and Zordon. Then I hear the Turbo Chamber explosion and it rocks me. I was there for support and there was nothing I could do. The guilt of not being good enough, the overwhelming years of fear, the heartache of lost friends and family. The lies that we’ve all had to tell. It all flashes over me and…. I don’t even know.” She said softly trailing off, trying to breath even as her throat tightens and she coughs a bit.
Andros nods as he listens to her, wrapping an arm around her when she breaks off. He just holds her for a few minutes, letting the quiet early morning wash over them, letting her know that he’s there for her.
“Sometimes, I don’t want to be here anymore.” She whispered a little while later.
His head whipped around to face her eyes wide. Kaley saw and smiled softly leaning slightly into him.
“Not like that.” She said softly.
He let out a small breath and rubbed her arm.
“Then how?” he asked voice barely over a whisper.
Kaley sighed softly and looked at him before turning back to the water.
“Just…Earth has so many memories, both good and bad. But they overwhelm me anytime I take five minutes to breath. It makes it so I don’t…so I don’t feel I can take downtime. It’s why I keep my Ranger powers active so I can jump in if needed. But sometimes I wish I could just leave this world behind. I know that won’t make the memories better but I think it’d help me breath. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear into the stars for a while. But my brother needs me, and I need him. Especially with everything that’s gone on lately.” She said quietly.
He nodded.
“I understand that. Sometimes I wonder if KO-35 will still feel like home if and when I get back. Or if I’ll even want to stay, something changes inside of you when your whole world is turned upside down.” Andros said just as softly.
Kaley watched him as he talked, he had told her about the fight that had stolen his original team, and almost his best friend. She nodded when he finished talking taking his hand and standing up, pulling him with her.
“Come on, I want to show you something.” She said in explanation as they walked back through the park.
They walked for a few minutes before stopping at her house. Andros smiled slightly with a suppressed laugh.
“I know where you live.” He said smiling gently.
She laughed and shook her head.
“I’m just letting Tommy know I’m ok, and maybe borrowing his car.” She said with a small laugh.
Andros laughed a bit with her and nodded. They walked into the house and paused, hearing talking.
“I’m just worried.” They heard Tommy say.
“You’ve said that five times, Tommy. Andros will find her.” They heard Adam say.
They stayed silent for a second listening. Tommy took a breath let out a deep sigh.
“That’s the thing, we both know how these things work. How they make you feel. She doesn’t need any more stress. I’m afraid she’s going to snap.” Tommy said and Kaley could almost see his hand run through his hair.
They heard a small shuffle as Adam moved, probably closer or in front of Tommy.
“Yes, we do know how these things work. But we also know how good they can be. How they can help take stress away, make it easier to deal with things. Yes, she’s been through a lot, but so have all of us, it’s an unfortunate side effect of being a Ranger. I think Andros will be good for her.” Adam said softly.
Kaley closed her eyes and took a deep breath as Andros laid a hand on her shoulder. She reached behind them and carefully opened the door before closing it firmly. Hearing a small thud, she assumed they had jumped, she cleared her throat and shot Andros a grin.
“Hey!” she called out.
She immediately heard footsteps, before Tommy appeared at the door and then she was wrapped in a hug.
“Where were you?” he whispered softly.
She shrugged lightly, as best she could, being wrapped up like she was.
“I was just in the park.” She responded lightly.
He pulled back and looked at her, and she could just see Adam behind him.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” he asked.
Kaley looked to the side brows creased in confusion before realization flashed on her face.
“Because I never grabbed it off of the charger, I wasn’t exactly in the best state of mind this morning.” Kaley said.
Tommy let out a sigh and let her go.
“I’m worried about you.” He said quietly.
Kaley shrugged a shoulder and looked him in the eyes.
“Sometimes I worry even myself. I’m going to go grab my phone, then me and Andros are gonna go out to the mount. Could we borrow your car?” she asked softly.
Tommy rubbed his face before nodding.
“Yeah, just…we’re talking about this later.” He said softly.
She nodded and headed up the steps, grabbing her phone from her room she quickly walked back down the steps and grabbed the key from Tommy, leading Andros out to the garage where they climbed into the Jeep and headed off.
“What’s the mount?” Andros asked after they had been driving for a few minutes, leaving the more populated areas of Angel Grove.
She looked over at him quickly with a smile before turning back to the road.
“It’s actually short for Monument, it’s a place we go to remember the happy times as Rangers, Zordon and Alpha, the friends we made.” She said softly as they hit the desert.
Andros nodded at that and they drove in silence for a little while, she pulled off to the side a few minutes later.
“This is where we go on foot, we’re not exactly sure the ground is secure enough for the vehicles. But foot traffic is fine.” Kaley said as she unbuckled and opened her door.
Andros met her around the front and she took his hand, a habit they had both picked up helped the other, and lead the way. Before long Andros saw a building beginning to take shape in front of them. They crested the top of the hill and Andros's eyes widened. Kaley smiled softly at his expression.
“This is what home looked like for me, for years. First the Power Chamber, then we lost that and it became the Command Center, that segued into the Turbo base, then we lost that too. This place holds my best and worst memories. But it soothes something in me.” She said voice soft and drifting on the wind.
Andros tore his gaze from the building to look at her and smiled softly feeling a sensation of calm wash over him.
“I think it may be either the power or Zordon, even just his memory.” He said quietly.
Kaley nodded agreeing silently. They walked slowly forward carefully walking into the rubble.
“Main controls where here, the legacy suits back here. We all were stood at separate doors when they broke in Ashely, Cassie and I where here at the right door, TJ, Carlos and Justin where over there at the left. When the doors blew open, we rushed into battle, it was crazy one of the worst fights I can remember. We all at some point ended up back in here, and then next thing I know there’s a rumble and it triggered the memory of the Power Chamber explosion. I knew what was going to happen so I just yelled 'get down' and hoped. Thankfully besides small injuries we were all ok.” She said softly, telling him about the chamber.
Andros was looking around as she was explaining, he could almost see and feel the chamber come back up around them. They spent the next few hours just talking as they stood outside of the wreckage. Later on they headed back into town.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” she asked softly.
Andros smiled softly and nodded.
“Of course, unless something dire comes up. And if it does, I’ll let you know.” He assured.
Kaley smiled and nodded, and they split ways, he headed off towards a safe spot to teleport back to the ship and she headed into the house. Over the next few months, they spent time together when they could and when they couldn’t, they wrote to each other. They were laying on the couch relaxing one day, when Andros looked down at her.
“Somethings going to happen.” He said softly.
Kaley leaned up and looked back at him, she knew all about how he had found his sister only to lose her, she knew about the psycos.
“What do you mean?” she asked quietly.
He closed his eyes and she saw the pain there, leaning over carefully she pressed a kiss to his scrunched forehead.
“I don’t know, I feel like something big is gearing up. And I feel like it’s going to involve Karone.” He said voice soft and tinged with sadness.
“Astronema.” Kaley said firmly.
She had been trying to convince Andros that even though they were the same person they were different, without exposing Tommy. He nodded.
“Right, Astronema. Still I don’t think it’s going to be good.” He said.
Over the next few months Andros had less and less time to spend with Kaley on Earth.
“I just wish we had more time together.” Andros said one day when they sat in the park.
Kaley smiled up at him.
“Our time apart is great but it’s because you’re doing great things. We’ll have more time soon.” Kaley said gently.
Andros nodded and rested his head on top of hers, she could tell he was hiding something, but she wouldn’t push it. A few weeks later and she wished she had. She looked over at Tommy on the couch, the news playing on the TV.
“I’ve got to go.” She said standing up.
Tommy stood up too.
“You’ll get hurt, just stay in.” Tommy said quickly.
Kaley shot him a look, hand laying on the doorknob.
“No, you know I can’t. It’s against my training as a Ranger and it should be against yours too.” She said opening the door.
“We don’t have any powers.” Tommy called quickly.
Kaley shook her head, swinging her hands around no words leaving her lips.
“You don’t have powers.” She said voice slightly muffled by her suit.
Tommy’s eyes were wide, and she used that as a chance to get out of the house. She spent the next few hours fighting foot soldiers and helping civilians. It was late at night when she finally found the others. She dropped down from a broken over pass and landed next to them. They instantly jumped up, crouched even if injured.
“It’s just me guys.” She said with a smirk as she let the morph fall.
“Kaley!” Ashely and Cassie called softly rushing to her.
“It’s ok guys, it’s ok.” She said softly, arms wrapped around the slightly younger girls.
Her eyes locked with Andros’s and she offered him a small smile, he tried to return it but it was shaky at best. She carefully passed Cassie and Ashley over to TJ and Carlos. Ignoring for the moment the blond who she had yet to meet, her brain filling in that that must be Zhane, she stopped in front of Andros. The two of them kept eye contact, before Andros nodded behind himself. Kaley nodded and they walked a little bit away, the others watching for a few minutes before getting drawn back into planning.
“You’re going to do something stupid, reckless and dangerous aren’t you?” Kaley asked quietly when he turned away from her.
“I have to try.” He said softly.
She nodded and stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms around him.
“You’ll succeed then you’ll take me away from here, like you promised right?” she said softly before turning it into a question.
He brought his hands up and clutched at her.
“Of course, I will. We’ll find our own place to call home.” He said softly.
She nodded and let him pull back when he tried.
“Kaley...” he started but she pressed a gentle hand over his mouth, shaking her head.
“When you get back.” She said softly, pulling her hand back she quickly pressed a kiss to his lips before backing up.
He stood there stunned for a second before quickly activating his batalizer, flying into the air. She watched him go for a few seconds before turning back to the others, shoulders tight. She wiped her eyes and moved back to the map.
“Kaley, this is Zhane. Zhane, this is Kaley.” Carlos introduced softly.
Zhane shot her a smile and nodded, she nodded back.
“Where’s Andros?” Ashley asked looking up at her.
She let a shaky smile lift her lips.
“He had something to do.” She said quietly.
The others looked between each other. Before getting back to strategizing. The next day they snuck out to watch the speech by Astronema. Staying hidden until civilians started to try and cover them and the Quantrons started attacking them. Then they snuck up to the roof of the building, announcing their presence. Quickly they morphed, Kaley taking a deep breath as the second form of her Ninjetti outfit formed over her.
“Power Rangers!” they called before leaping into battle.
The fight was decently quick compared the day before, but the civilians were now emboldened and helping by taking them out. A little while there and a great golden wave washed over them, turning the enemies into dust and demorphing all of the Rangers. A loud cheer went up from the crowd as the Rangers regrouped, all except Andros.
“Cassie, Ashley? Have you seen him?” She asked as they ducked behind a pillar for some semblance of privacy.
They both shook their heads, and Kaley took a deep shuddering breath dread filling her. Just then someone tapped her shoulder and she spun around.
“And…. Tommy, what are you doing here? Are you ok?” she asked quickly switching gears.
He smiled softly at her and nodded, pulling her into a hug.
“You aren’t the only Ranger that doesn’t live primarily in space. But I’ll understand if you want to leave.” He said quietly.
She felt her eyes water at that.
“Tommy…I…I don’t know if he even made it.” She said voice shaking.
Tommy rubbed her back.
“He cares to much about you to leave you or to hurt you.” He said softly.
Just then gasps rang through the crowd. She turned and saw the ship landing, barely hearing Ashely comment that it was Astronema's ship, meaning they’d failed. She knew they hadn’t. That’s why when the ramp dropped and he stepped out she watched for a few seconds relief flooding her until she saw who he was carrying. All of them looked at each other before moving to break through the crowd, Tommy letting Kaley go easily.
“Andros?” she said softly, voice barely even a whisper.
He shook his head tears rolling down his face and she slowly walked forward, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, not moving him at all, just supporting him. His tears fell on Karone and she slowly opened her eyes.
“What…what happened?” she asked softly.
Andros let out a wet laugh, as the others all rushed to join them.
“A lot.” Andros said softly.
They spent the next two weeks helping to rebuild Angel Grove and recover from their own injuries before they moved to the megaship.
“You’re sure?” Tommy asked for the sixth time that hour.
Kaley laughed slightly and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m positive. It’s not like I’m going to be gone forever, KO-35 is just a short trip from Earth. I’ll be back to visit, but I need to be with him, I need to recover.” Kaley said softly.
Tommy sighed but nodded.
“Just call me, occasionally, please?” he asked.
Kaley nodded.
“Of course.” She said gently.
“Kaley, we have to go.” Andros said walking in looking down at his pad.
She smiled and laughed a bit. Causing him to look up and flush slightly.
“Sorry.” He said, rubbing his neck.
She shook her head and wrapped her brother in a hug.
“I love you, but he’s right. We have to meet with the council in a few hours so we need to leave.” Kaley said.
Tommy hugged her tightly before releasing her.
“I understand. I leave tomorrow, time to start hitting those books again. I love you I’ll see you in a while.” Tommy said with a nod.
She smiled and nodded back. Turning she took Andros’s hand and they headed towards the ship. The next 4 years flew by until she was up waiting as the clock ticked off midnight as her husband tried to sneak back into the house.
“Your dinner is in the microwave.” She called softly.
Andros froze he knew he was caught.
“Would I save myself the couch if I told you, we stopped the machine army from gaining Serphintera?” He asked carefully.
She sighed and shook her head, standing up and moving into the kitchen to heat his food for him.
“You aren’t in trouble with me, I understand the need to help, probably more than most. However, Lily was upset you didn’t pick her up like you told her you would and that you weren’t here to say good night to. It took over two hours to get her to bed.” She said softly.
Andros winced at that, not liking that he upset his daughter.
“I’ll sneak in and kiss her goodnight before I go to sleep.” He said carefully.
She nodded and sat his now hot food on the table.
“Serphintera huh?” Kaley asked after a few minutes.
Andros nodded as he ate.
“Yeah, it was one of the princes and some cogs, but they almost succeeded.” He said softly.
Kaley nodded remembering Zedd and his evil Zord.
“I’m not surprised. Serphintera is a beast of a Zord. Took all of what we had to take it down the first time. Although the princes where easier and cogs are just foot soldiers. Just, next time you go on a trip with the boys to save the Galaxy, maybe let your wife know, so she isn’t constantly having to throw Keevon off.” Kaley said looking at him.
Andros winced again, knowing how much she hated dealing with Keevon and the other council members.
“I’m sorry, I should have told you, you’re right.” He said softly.
Kaley smiled and stood up letting her arms fall to her sides, she walked over and wrapped him in a hug.
“It’s ok, at least I know I technically told the truth when I said you were probably off saving the Galaxy again. Anyways finish eating and come to bed, I’ve got to be up early tomorrow.” She said pressing a kiss to his temple and moving to the steps.
“I’ll be up in just a minute.” He called softly.
She laughed softly as she got ready for bed, and sighed contently when he finally slid in beside her an hour later. The next 9 years went smoothly and they added a little boy, Kane, to their happy little family. And when they stood on those cliffs facing the incoming horde of X-borgs and bruisers coming at them, they knew they’d be ok. And when the battle got tough and they were back to back they still knew they’d be fine. When the fight was over and they left with the others, Andros and Kaley both let out sighs of relief at being able to go home and be with their children.
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Aquitar
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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This is some back story for the Aquitian Rangers. On the planet Aquitar there are two races, the humanoid Aquitians and the more bestial Aquiarans. For years the Aquitians looked down on the Aquiarans and treated them as second rate citizens. Groups of rebels and freedom fighters rose up. Centuries ago one such Aquiaran sought to unleash the evils of Aquitars past onto the present and became corrupted becoming Hydro Hog.  The power drove him to attack the innocents regardless of race. In their desperation the Aquitians sent out a distress call into space. On Earth Zordon received their call and even though he was unable to aid them he called upon the warrior-sage Ninjor. Without hesitation the noble ninja accepted and departed to the water world. Once on Aquitar Ninjor sought out a group of warriors with the spirit of the ninja. Upon finding five such individuals he empowered them with the power of Ninjetti granting them the BattleBorg zords and five power coins. He then trained them to fight the threat of Hydro Hog. Upon Ninjor’s return to Earth the Aquitar Rangers managed to seal Hydro Hog away for generations. After his entrapment the Rangers took on students of their own to train in the ways of the Ninjetti before giving them their coins and powers. This created the illusion to their enemies that the Rangers were immortal beings, a lie the Rangers were in no hurry to correct. In the modern era Hydro Hog was freed and would be summoned by Lord Zedd to fight the Aquitar Rangers while they were on Earth. This would lead to the ancient beings final defeat. After the defeat of Hydro Hog the battle for equality waged on. It would take a war across the universe to unite Aquitar….
As you’ll recall Aquitar was engulfed in a civil war for many years until the Empire Wars forced a temporary truce between the sides that became permanent with a peace treaty. However many on both sides were unhappy with the terms and thus conflicts still erupted from time to time. Not to mention many of the monsters let loose by Hydro Hog still roamed the depths of the oceans. With Billy’s help a new set of Ninja Zords was created to better suit Aquitar’s aquatic environment. Furthermore, the team saw some changes in the line up following the peace treaty. Red: Aurico remains the field leader and has gained the power of the Swordfish Blue: Cestro remains on the team as blue and has gained the power of the Shark Yellow: Tideus remains on the team as yellow and has gained the power of the Whale Black: Corcus remains on the team as black and has gained the power of the Octopus White: Delphine remains the team leader and has gained the power of the Dolphin In the aftermath of the war Cestria joined the team as pink and gained the power of the Manta These new zords can survive the intense pressure of the bottom of the ocean. The new zords can combine similarly to the Ninja Zords creating the Aqua Ninja Megazord Red Swordfish and Blue Shark form the arms Yellow Whale forms the chest Black Octopus forms the legs (head fits inside the bottom of the whale and the tentacles form the legs, four per leg) White Dolphin forms the head. The Pink Manta attaches to the Megazord giving it flight capability as the Aqua Manta Megazord Power Rangers Ninjetti<———–Powerverse———-> Power Rangers Bushido Blades
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie We Almost Got
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a cult classic amongst ‘90s pop culture enthusiasts and Power Rangers fans. Even with its fairly standard ‘90s adventure movie plot, wherein the Rangers lose their powers and have to go on a mystical quest to gain new ones, the film still sticks in the mind. Main baddie Ivan Ooze chews all the scenery, there are some impressive fight scenes, and the Rangers save the day by kneeing a monster in the balls. Yes the CG is dated, the story doesn’t hold up to some of the better episodes of the show, and it’s not in continuity with the series but if you want to have a movie night with friends of a certain age, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a solid watch.
While many love the film exactly as it is, it didn’t go from script to screen completely unchanged. An early draft of the script we discovered, dated October 15, 1994, written by Arne Olsen and David Kemper (the final film credits Arne Olsen with a story by John Kamps and Arne Olsen) has many changes that if included could have made for a very different viewing experience. The script contains new characters, fleshed out backstories, altered scenes, and makes us question the long-standing belief that the people behind the film didn’t “get” Power Rangers.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of every single change from script to screen. There are hundreds of them throughout but we’re focusing on the biggest changes that add new context to the film.
Fleshed Out Backstories
Even though this film isn’t in continuity with the Power Rangers TV series there’s still a lot here for fans to dig into that offer clues to a much bigger universe happening behind the usual stories we’d get in the show. While the script doesn’t have the opening voiceover, which originally gave much of the backstory for Ivan Ooze, here the characters themselves deliver it.
Zordon tells the team that Ivan Ooze “rid entire cities of their adult populations, then twisted the minds of the kids into following in his evil path.” So Ivan’s luring of children and getting rid of their parents wasn’t just a one-off plan for this film, there was some precedent behind it! He further explains that a rebel faction of young people “known as the Order of Meledan” rallied against Ooze and lured him into a hyperlock chamber that was then buried deep underground.
Some of that was given in the movie’s original intro but it still paints a more detailed picture of Ivan. The Order of Meledan, long whispered about in hardcore Power Rangers fan circles, paints an intriguing picture. Later in the script Dulcea tells the Rangers how she knows Alpha and in doing so reveals more about The Order.
She describes it as an interstellar peace keeping force headed by “the finest commander in all the galaxy… Zordon of Altare.” (Yes, they misspelled Eltar throughout the script as Altare.) Zordon was more than a commander though, Dulcea calls him a “legend” and without him the universe would be “a very different place from what it is today.”
Read more
Power Rangers: A Guide to the Multiverse
By Shamus Kelley
This is incredibly significant. Zordon’s backstory in the show was vague. We knew he had a physical form at one point and battled Rita but to get confirmation he was the head of a force of warriors? This is the kind of information fans always suspected before the 2017 film made it a central plot point and the recent Boom Studios comics began to address it. The film isn’t in continuity with the show (or the comics for that matter) but to know at one point Zordon was given more history and was all over the universe saving people, should give Power Rangers fans chills. We can only wonder if this build up of Zordon’s character was only to give added weight to this film or if they were laying the groundwork for further films to explore it.
Dulcea doesn’t directly mention what happened to The Order of Meledan but after “our enemies” were defeated she returned to Phaedos (where she resides in the film) and Zordon and Alpha moved on “to continue the struggle elsewhere.” Did they take The Order with them? Who else was a part of it? Questions we’ll sadly never get the answers to.
The script however does give us more details about “The Great Power.” In the film it’s mostly kept vague, a simple power source that gives the Rangers their suits back and allows Zordon to return from the dead. The script takes more time explaining it (which was likely cut out for pacing and time reasons) where Dulcea explains that it originated in another time and dimension, brought to Phaedos by the now all but extinct “Nathadian” race. They were the ones who built the stone monolith later seen in the climatic “Guardian” fight in the film and stored the power inside to keep it hidden from their enemies.
The Nathadians are continually brought up in the script, with the race actually being the origin of the term Ninjetti. During the team’s training with Dulcea (more on that later) she lays out that, in Nathadian, “nin” stands for “man” and “Jetti” stands for animal. Ninjetti is man and animal, together as one, “the highest state of being.” How does Dulcea know all this? She’s the sole living descendant of the race!
While the film itself gives us precious little about Dulcea and mostly leans on her past connection with Zordon. Here at least we get a bit about her culture and how that ties into the Rangers’ new powers. It makes Dulcea less of a plot device; she gets to be a person.
Perhaps one of the most fun backstory additions in the film is also tied to a changed scene. In the final film Alpha uses the last remaining power in the Command Center to transport the Rangers to Phaedos. In the script however they travel by a spacecraft that belongs to Alpha.
Hidden in the command center is “a Stinger PX-3000 with dual thunder-cams, long held to be the most reliable Interstellar Craft in the Galaxy.” Alpha relates that he arrived on Earth in the craft over four hundred years ago. Kimberly isn’t impressed, suggesting they swing by a car wash because it’s so dirty inside.
It’s a small beat but it’s fun and suggests that Alpha arrived on Earth independently of Zordon. Maybe the two parted ways at one point and he went off to have his own adventures. We know Alpha has karate chopping action, so maybe he’s the hero of a far off galaxy!
(Snoggle, who never made it into the finished film, can be seen all the way to the left.)
New Characters
While reading through the script I noticed that while the structure of it isn’t all that different from the finished film, a lot of sections were cut, likely for time or budgetary reasons. A few side characters didn’t make it to screen, one of which is the long rumored Snoggle. Glimpsed in behind-the-scenes photos and videos for years, Snoggle has held an air of mystery as a huge dropped part of the movie.
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Power Rangers and How It Adapted From Super Sentai
By Shamus Kelley
For anyone out there wondering what his point in the movie was, his role in the script isn’t that significant and he’s mostly there to be a sidekick to Dulcea. He’s described as “a helper, an anteater-like creature” who doesn’t speak English. His biggest contribution to the plot is lightly mocking the Rangers as they train with Dulcea.
Far more interesting is the never before seen Queen Tengu. Yes, while in the film the Tengu simply obeyed Ivan Ooze’s commands. here they have a leader. She’s created out of a bolt of energy from Ivan and is described as having a different color than the rest of the Tengu along with “glowing red eyes.” It’s also specified that she speaks with “squawk subtitles.” She gets to play an integral part in a cut fight scene we’ll get to later.
Also, Fred’s mom is in script. She doesn’t do much but hey, she’s there for the lead kid character to worry about!
Changed Scenes
Most scenes in the script have at least a few differences, changed words, small bits of description that didn’t make it into the film, etc. We’re going to focus on the biggest changes, scenes and moments that would have made a significant difference to the film.
Remembering the Cast Changeover
Kimberly’s mini speech about how Zordon has been like a father to them all is in the scene just after Ivan attacks him. Her heart to heart with Tommy also take place not on Phadeos but on Alpha’s old ship as they travel to the planet. The other Rangers join in on the conversation with Aisha’s touching addition, “you know, meeting Zordon… teaming up with all you guys… it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Rocky chimes in with, “it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to ALL of us.”
It’s a great little moment that not only brings the team closer together but also acknowledges the then recent cast changeover that happened in the TV series.
Ninjetti Powers
The biggest changes though begin when the Rangers are given their Ninjetti powers. Instead of just a swirling light the Rangers put their hands in an urn. There they see and take on the shape of their animals, the costumes appearing as Dulcea describes their traits. In a bizarre omission most of the Rangers get flowery descriptions of their animals (“cunning and swift”, “agile and sublime”, etc.) Rocky doesn’t get any! Dulcea just says “Rocky, you are the Mighty Ape” and moves on. Ouch.
Adam’s now legendary line “I’m a frog” isn’t present in the script but a slight variation of it is. He simply says, “a frog” when given his powers. Dulcea at least tries to make it sound cool, calling the frog “the artful jumper.”
Added Stakes
There’s a bigger ticking clock added when the Rangers head to the monolith in the forest. Dulcea relays that once they cross the threshold to the inner sanctum they only have about two minutes to release the power or it’ll self-destruct, “causing a thermonuclear reaction of such magnitude that the entire planet will instantly burst into a billion flaming particles hurtling through space.”
That’s…. a lot. In the film we just had the threat of Zordon losing his life but here the Rangers themselves will bite it if they don’t unlock the power fast enough. If that idea was kept that would mean they couldn’t have a long fight outside the monolith so that’s probably why it was cut.
Tommy Is An Idiot
The scene at the monolith itself of course lasts longer than two minutes worth of screen time, with the Rangers all trying to find a way to unlock the great power. In the absolute funniest moment of the script, Adam suggests they have to break through as “our Ninjetti animals.”
Tommy takes this hilariously literally and the script delightfully describes how he “dives through the air, hits the monolith with a resounding crunch.” Don’t vote for dummy, am I right? For all of Tommy’s status as the most legendary Ranger of all time, in the show itself he’s actually pretty stupid. How he became a doctor I’ll never know.
Bringing Zordon Back to Life
The Rangers do finally unlock their powers thanks to a communication from Zordon just before the monolith explodes. He tells them to keep their spirits up which somehow makes the Rangers realize they have to master the spiritual side of their Ninjetti powers.
The team wins the day but instead of teleporting from Phaedos to the city as they do in the film, they instead go back to the command center. There the scene largely plays it as it did later in the film with the team using their new powers to restore the command center and bring Zordon back to life.
It’s hard to know whether this scene was shot in the film with the intention of it being used after they left Phadeos but was switched around in editing but eagle eyed fans might want to give it a watch again.
With the Rangers bringing him back to life Zordon gives the Rangers new power coins as “a reward for your amazing bravery” which will unlock their new Ninja Zords. No explanation is given for where the Zords came from which… is the most Zordon thing this script could do. He always had an extra Zord fleet just hanging around whenever the Rangers learned a lesson. Maybe the writers of this film understood Power Rangers more than we give them credit for!
The Final Zord Battle
The Megazord fight in the city goes for much longer than it does in the film, the CGI costs most likely preventing some of the wilder events the script describes such as the Megazord getting tossed into Angel Grove First National Bank and the Megazord delivering double punches, drop kicks, roundhouse hooks, and spinback kicks. Would have loved to see that PS1 cutscene Megazord try and pull those off!
Later in the fight Ivan grabs the Zord and takes them to “Westside Bluffs” where he tosses them off a cliff but of course Tommy saves the day by swooping in with the Falcon Zord and attaching himself to the back so they can fly. This is almost immediately undercut as the fight continues underwater. Ivan ends up landing in an active underwater volcano, which was, again, probably deemed too expensive to pull off with the limited CGI resources of the film.
New Powers
One of the most well known cuts from the film is that the Rangers were originally shown without the visors in their helmets. This was done to better convey the actor’s emotions during filming of the action scenes. The idea was thankfully scrapped but it’s prevalent in the script. Alpha tells the team he’s retro-fitted their helmets with new “Omni Scan devices.” We aren’t sure if this is just another power-up or if “Omni Scan” is just a fancy description for “we took the visors out of your helmet so I guess you have a slightly bigger range of vision and your identities are now completely exposed.” The Rangers go visorless again later in the film when they get their powers back.
The Rangers also get new individual powers. Billy has an “Audio Enhancer” that takes the form of an “Auto Phonic Receiver” that pops out of the side of his helmet. Rocky has a Power Tracker that’s basically a scope that snaps into place over his left eye. Presumably this would have been inside the helmet. This is an earlier version of the scanner he ended up using in the finished film.
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Power Rangers: The Unproduced Episodes
By Shamus Kelley
Power Rangers: Ranking All 26 Seasons
By Shamus Kelley
Ivan Ooze also gets a few new powers of his own. Instead of the scene when he tricks the Rangers into thinking he’s a security guard and then morphs into his true form, in the script Ivan makes an even showier entry. The Rangers spot a “grotesque horned creature” that springs out of a cave and lands in front of them. It snarls, exposing long dripping fangs. Only then does it shape into Ivan Ooze. He then doesn’t unleash the Oozemen on the team but instead zaps six rats. Previously mentioned in the script, they’re transformed into “six hairy rat-beasts.”
These rats were built for the film but were scrapped for not being high enough quality. However, they did find a use when filming on the movie went over schedule and they had to shoot episodes of the TV series in Australia (these scheduling issues caused several planned episodes to be scrapped and lost to time, which you can read more about here). The rats were deemed good enough for the show and appeared in the “Return of the Green Ranger” mini-series.
Back in the film, Tommy gets to show off a new power when he shoots laser blasts from his eyes. Saba, called the “Saba Saber” here, doesn’t get to save the day as he does in the film. When the rats are incinerated by Tommy’s blast they turn back into the six original small rats.
Even the Megazord gets a cool… old/new power? While in the film the Rangers just whip out a sword, here the script describes the Rangers summoning the “POWER SWORD.” It even drops from the heavens like in the show! This probably wasn’t supposed to be the original Megazord’s power sword… but what if it was? How much of an amazing callback would that have been? Mostly likely though it would have been the same design as in the film, just dropping from the sky like the original Power Sword did.
New Scenes
The biggest sequences cut from the film feature the Rangers training as Ninjetti. While in the film they were given the powers very quickly, here we get several extended training scenes with Dulcea. She trains each of the Rangers individually, walking along a bamboo log on her hands with Kimberly, lifting a giant boulder with Aisha, fighting Billy with a whistling stick blindfolded, and Tommy flying through the air from a rope. Adam and Rocky don’t get any training because I guess this script really has it out for those guys. Throughout all this Snoggle watches and is just a sassy little jerk to them.
These scenes were probably scrapped either for time or the fact that they’d been shot with Mariska Hargitay, who’d replaced Gabrielle Fitzpatrick after she was injured just before filming began. However after months of shooting the producers then decided to reshoot all of the Dulcea scenes which they brought Fitzpatrick back for. We’ve seen behind-the-scenes footage of Hargitay performing these scenes so perhaps they were deemed too expensive to mount again or simply cut even after the reshoots.
In what is perhaps the best idea cut from the script, the Rangers are all struggling to master their Ninjetti powers. Rocky, at least getting one moment of character, lashes out at Dulcea,
“I don’t even know why we came here in the FIRST place! Without our Morphin Powers, we’re just a bunch of TEENAGERS!”
Duclea doesn’t let this stand when she tells the team, “you have been relying on your Morphin Powers for so long that you’ve forgotten how to rely on yourselves.”
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Power Rangers Seasons We Never Saw
By Shamus Kelley
Putting aside that the Rangers regularly fight unmorphed, this is actually a really great idea. This could have made a fantastic arc to the film that would justify only having one morphed ground fight at the beginning. The Rangers learning they need to be powerful even without their powers could have been a great test of their characters. By undergoing this training they’d realize the value in not just relying on their morphed abilities. This lesson isn’t really stressed throughout the script but it’s still an absolute gem of an idea I wish had been expanded.
Later during a new action scene that replaces the bone dinosaur fight; the team goes up against the Tengu Queen. This fight takes place near a chasm, with the Tengus blocking the team’s path across a tenuous rope bridge. The Rangers get to show off their new skills and even deliver some groan inducing one-liners such as “pheasant dreams!”
In a move directly ripped from the show, the Rangers can only defeat the Tengu by aiming for their beaks. Z Putties, much? Adam gets his moment to be cool when he defeats the Queen Tengu by leaping toward her, looking her dead in the eyes and quips, “polly wanna cracker?” This is how he defeats her, I kid you not.
This fight is the main action set piece for this part of the film. We don’t get the “Guardian” warrior fight outside the temple. While those designs would be missed it at least keeps the Tengu a bigger threat in the film than simply being blown up by Ivan.
The film ends not with a display of fireworks but with perhaps the cheesiest scene in the entire script. The Rangers are in the command center and Alpha holds up a camera and asks them to say cheese. I’ll just quote the description of the rest because it’s perfection.
The kids share amused looks and all together they LEAP INTO THE AIR, PUMPING THEIR FISTS UP VICTORIOUSLY.
Okay, the writers of this script DO understand Power Rangers.
Was The Script Better Than What We Got?
With all these changes in mind, would the movie have been better if this draft of the script was left intact? Not really.
In isolation some of these changes are fascinating but taken as a whole the script really isn’t that much better than the movie we ended up getting. Yes some of the little additions of lore are fascinating for Power Rangers fans but they don’t add much to the story. The movie still doesn’t have a character arc for any of the Rangers or the rest of the cast for that matter. It’s a generic 90’s adventure movie with the Power Rangers mixed in.
It also suffers from desperately trying to give all the Rangers something to say in every scene they’re in. While I appreciate the sentiment, this leaves large chunks of the script dedicated to giving each Ranger a line of dialogue whether it’s needed or not. That dialogue is also completely interchangeable. No work has been done to try and distinguish how each of the Rangers talk (you could say the show had this issue too). They’re all just generic heroes, except for the odd smart guy line from Billy or heartfelt declaration from Kimberly.
Without that the movie just moves from set piece to set piece, only wringing emotion out of Zordon’s near death which is undercut by his revival before the Megazord climax. The filmmakers made the right call by placing this scene later on.
But if we’d gotten this script as is it’d still maintain its cult classic status. Power Rangers was an absolute juggernaut at that point in entertainment and that alone would earn it a warm place of nostalgia in fans’ minds. Yeah it’s a sloppy movie but who cares when you can watch (or read it) and get that same feeling you had when you saw it for the first time as a kid.
But for real, why does this script hate Rocky so much?
The post The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie We Almost Got appeared first on Den of Geek.
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mateushonrado · 5 years
Power Rangers Ultraverse teams 49-64
Status Post #8396: Folder | List
49. Space Squad (same name as Japanese version but this one is an Ameritoku version)
Ryan Steele / VR Alpha
Kaitlin Star / VR Beta
JB Reese / VR Delta
Sam Collins / Servo
Jo McCormick / Red Striker Beetleborg
Dex Stewart / Masked Rider
Jack Landors / SPD Red Ranger
Elizabeth Delgado / SPD Yellow Ranger
Andros / Red Space Ranger
Karone / Galaxy Pink
50. Astro Rangers (Rangers comprising of science fiction characters)
Adam of Eternia (He-Man) / Red Astro Ranger
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) / Green Astro Ranger
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) / Orange Astro Ranger
Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) / Blue Astro Ranger
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Voltron) / Black Astro Ranger
Jaylah (Star Trek) / Purple Astro Ranger
Ladios Sopp (The Five Star Stories) / Gold Astro Ranger
Nova Maxwell (Power Rangers) / Silver Astro Ranger
51. Dino Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of dino-themed Rangers)
Jason Scott / Red Tyranno Ranger
Kira Ford / Dino Thunder Yellow
Koda / Dino Charge Blue
Nelida Valensis / Brave Charge Black
Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger II
Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger
52. Ninja Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of ninja-themed Rangers)
Adam Park / Blue Wolf Ranger
Shane Clarke / Ninja Storm Red
Leanne Omino / Thunder Storm Yellow
Sarah Thompson / Ninja Steel Pink
Delphine / White Aquitar Ranger
David Trueheart / White Ninjetti Ranger
53. Titan Rangers (Rangers comprising of Young Justice/Teen Titans)
Timothy "Tim" Drake / Red Robin Ranger
Conner Kent / Black Superboy Ranger
Bart Allen / Silver Impulse Ranger
Cassie Sandsmark / Gold Wonder Ranger
Anita Fite / Purple Empress Ranger
Greta Hayes / White Secret Ranger
Cissie King-Jones / Crimson Arrowette Ranger
Grant Emerson / Orange Damage Ranger
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle Ranger
Kiran Singh / Yellow Solstice Ranger
M'gann M'orzz / Green Martian Ranger
Virgil Hawkins / Navy Static Ranger
54. Mutant Rangers (Rangers comprising of New Mutants/X-Force)
Danielle "Dani" Moonstar / Blue Mirage Ranger
Samuel "Sam" Guthrie / Orange Cannonball Ranger
Xi'an Coy Mahn / Pink Karma Ranger
Roberto da Costa / Red Sunspot Ranger
Rahne Sinclair / Crimson Wolfsbane Ranger
Douglas "Doug" Ramsey / Yellow Cypher Ranger
Amara Aquilla / Gold Magma Ranger
Illyana Rasputin / Black Magik Ranger
Russell "Rusty" Wilson / Orange Firefist Ranger
James Proudstar / Silver Warpath Ranger
Evan Daniels / Silver Spyke Ranger
Laura Kinney / Tan Wolverine Ranger
55. Sentai Strike Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Captain Marvelous / Gokai Red
Nanami Nono / Hurricane Blue
Ian Yorkland / Kyoryu Black
Luna Konokoe / Midoninger
Ryan Mitchell / Lightspeed Titanium
Ashley Hammond / Yellow Space Ranger
Robert James Finn / Purple Wolf Ranger
Sydney Drew / SPD Pink Ranger
56. Sentai Elite (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Tsuruhime / Ninja White
Masato Jin / Beet Buster
Yuri / Time Pink
Akira Nijino / ToQ 6gou
Leelee Pimvare / Vampire Black
Conner McKnight / Dino Thunder Red
Veronica "Ronny" Robinson / Overdrive Yellow
Merrick Baliton / Silver Wolf Ranger
57. Avatar Rangers (Avatarverse)
Aang / Avatar Orange
Katara / Avatar Blue
Sokka / Avatar Navy
Toph Beifong / Avatar Green
Zuko / Avatar Red
Suki / Avatar Emerald
Korra / Avatar Cyan
Mako / Avatar Crimson
Bolin / Avatar Teal
Asami Sato / Avatar Indigo
58. Voltron Rangers (Voltron Alliance)
Keith Kogane / Voltron Black
Allura Aquilla / Voltron Red
Lance Azul / Voltron Blue
Katie "Pidge" Holt / Voltron Green
Hunk Garrett / Voltron Yellow
Acxa Nova / Voltron Purple
59. Netflix Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Netflix animated originals and films under Dreamworks, Wonderstorm and other animated studios)
Callum (The Dragon Prince) / Red Netflix Ranger
Rayla (The Dragon Prince) / Green Netflix Ranger
James "Jim" Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia) / Silver Netflix Ranger
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia) / Pink Netflix Ranger
Jake "Stretch" Armstrong (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) / Blue Netflix Ranger
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) / Scarlet Netflix Ranger
Adam (The Hollow) / Black Netflix Ranger
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) / White Netflix Ranger
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) / Gold Netflix Ranger
Miko Kuroda (Devilman Crybaby) / Silver Netflix Ranger
60. Cartoon Network Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from CN, Boomerang, WB Animation, Hanna-Barbera and Warner Animation Group shows and films)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) / Green CN Ranger
Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10) / Blue CN Ranger
Lion-O (ThunderCats) / Red CN Ranger
Cheetara (ThunderCats) / Yellow CN Ranger
Jack (Samurai Jack) / White CN Ranger
Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) / Purple CN Ranger
Jonny Quest (Jonny Quest) / Black CN Ranger
Kiva Andru (Megas XLR) / Silver CN Ranger
Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) / Orange CN Ranger
Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin) / Pink CN Ranger
61. Disney Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Disney Channel, Disney XD, Jetix, Fox Kids, Disney and Pixar animated shows and films)
Goliath (Gargoyles) / Black Disney Ranger
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles) / Orange Disney Ranger
Mason "Dipper" Pines (Gravity Falls) / Blue Disney Ranger
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) / Pink Disney Ranger
Jacob "Jake" Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) / Red Disney Ranger
Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible (Kim Possible) / Indigo Disney Ranger
Robin Hood (Robin Hood) / Gold Disney Ranger
Fa Mulan (Mulan) / Green Disney Ranger
Charlie Landers (Aaron Stone) / Silver Disney Ranger
Alita (Alita: Battle Angel) / Navy Disney Ranger
62. Nickelodeon Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Nickelodeon, Nicktoons and Paramount Animation animated shows and films)
Daniel "Danny" Fenton (Danny Phantom) / Black Nickelodeon Ranger
Samantha "Sam" Manson (Danny Phantom) / Purple Nickelodeon Ranger
Mahad (Skyland) / Red Nickelodeon Ranger
Lena (Skyland) / White Nickelodeon Ranger
James Isaac "Jimmy" Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) / Blue Nickelodeon Ranger
Bloom (Winx Club) / Pink Nickelodeon Ranger
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) / Silver Nickelodeon Ranger
Casey Jones (TMNT) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Charlie Watson (Bumblebee) / Yellow Nickelodeon Ranger
63. Sentai Showdown (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Sokichi Banba / Big One
Remi Hoshikawa / Five Yellow
Hayate / Ginga Green
Rin / Houou Ranger
Chad Lee / Lightspeed Blue
Vesper Vasquez / Black Hyperforce Ranger
Ivan / Dino Charge Gold
Clare Langtree / Gatekeeper Purple
64. Sentai Prime Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Kaoru Shiba / Princess Shinken Red
Gaku Washio / Gao Yellow
Hyoko Hayase / Sieg-Jeanne
Masumi Inou / Bouken Black
Emma Goodall / Megaforce Pink
Ziggy Grover / RPM Green
Kiya / Blue Omega Ranger
Tyzonn / Overdrive Silver
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rangers Aquitar
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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This is some back story for the Aquitian Rangers. On the planet Aquitar there are two races, the humanoid Aquitians and the more bestial Aquiarans. For years the Aquitians looked down on the Aquiarans and treated them as second rate citizens. Groups of rebels and freedom fighters rose up. Centuries ago one such Aquiaran sought to unleash the evils of Aquitars past onto the present and became corrupted becoming Hydro Hog.  The power drove him to attack the innocents regardless of race. In their desperation the Aquitians sent out a distress call into space. On Earth Zordon received their call and even though he was unable to aid them he called upon the warrior-sage Ninjor. Without hesitation the noble ninja accepted and departed to the water world. Once on Aquitar Ninjor sought out a group of warriors with the spirit of the ninja. Upon finding five such individuals he empowered them with the power of Ninjetti granting them the BattleBorg zords and five power coins. He then trained them to fight the threat of Hydro Hog. Upon Ninjor’s return to Earth the Aquitar Rangers managed to seal Hydro Hog away for generations. After his entrapment the Rangers took on students of their own to train in the ways of the Ninjetti before giving them their coins and powers. This created the illusion to their enemies that the Rangers were immortal beings, a lie the Rangers were in no hurry to correct. In the modern era Hydro Hog was freed and would be summoned by Lord Zedd to fight the Aquitar Rangers while they were on Earth. This would lead to the ancient beings final defeat. After the defeat of Hydro Hog the battle for equality waged on. It would take a war across the universe to unite Aquitar….
As you’ll recall Aquitar was engulfed in a civil war for many years until the Empire Wars forced a temporary truce between the sides that became permanent with a peace treaty. However many on both sides were unhappy with the terms and thus conflicts still erupted from time to time. Not to mention many of the monsters let loose by Hydro Hog still roamed the depths of the oceans. With Billy’s help a new set of Ninja Zords was created to better suit Aquitar’s aquatic environment. Furthermore, the team saw some changes in the line up following the peace treaty. Red: Aurico remains the field leader and has gained the power of the Swordfish Blue: Cestro remains on the team as blue and has gained the power of the Shark Yellow: Tideus remains on the team as yellow and has gained the power of the Whale Black: Corcus remains on the team as black and has gained the power of the Octopus White: Delphine remains the team leader and has gained the power of the Dolphin In the aftermath of the war Cestria joined the team as pink and gained the power of the Manta These new zords can survive the intense pressure of the bottom of the ocean. The new zords can combine similarly to the Ninja Zords creating the Aqua Ninja Megazord Red Swordfish and Blue Shark form the arms Yellow Whale forms the chest Black Octopus forms the legs (head fits inside the bottom of the whale and the tentacles form the legs, four per leg) White Dolphin forms the head. The Pink Manta attaches to the Megazord giving it flight capability as the Aqua Manta Megazord Power Rangers Ninjetti<———–Powerverse———-> Power Rangers Bushido Blades
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x-enter · 5 years
Season 3 of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS Is Probably the Best Season Yet Despite a Glaring Problem
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I did it! I’m finally done with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I recently wrapped up watching the third season of MMPR, and I am including Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers as well since that feels more like a brief arc in MMPR as opposed to a separate thing. This season did a lot of things well, but it also really screwed up on some things. I will warn people now that there will probably be a fair amount of Sentai talk, but this should be the last time there’s much, if any, of that in the series.
The writing for MMPR continues to improve drastically with each season. MMPR Season 3 has probably the best writing to date for a Power Rangers show. It’s not brilliant writing, it is still Power Rangers, but there are actual story arcs and it’s not simply a monster of the week situation. Another plus for Season 3 is the length. With Alien Rangers, there are only about 43 episodes compared to the 50+ of the others I’ve watched so far. This helped keep things from feeling like they were being dragged out.
I was also surprised by how much I still liked Ninjor. I thought that when I went back to watch it, Ninjor would be annoying and grating, but I found him still a little funny. Heck, I was shocked at how much I kind of enjoyed Rito. I definitely thought that once I brushed away the nostalgia I was going to hate him, but I found him a much better character than, say, Squat or Baboo.
This season saw the transfer of power twice, and both times things were handled much better. I’m sure this has more to do with behind-the-scenes stuff, but when Kimberly transfers her powers to Katherine there are never weird reused footage moments nor awkward doubles like there were in season 2. Then, when Aisha left and was replaced by Tonya, there was once again much less of an awkward situation and feel, although the reasoning onscreen was still a little weird to me. All-in-all though, these were much better experiences than the transfer of power in Season 2.
Another great thing about Season 3 was the Ninjetti forms. I think these forms look great, and it’s a lot of fun to watch these scenes. The form gives the Rangers a wide variety of new abilities like super speed, teleportation, and even the ability to shrink enemies. This is a definite plus.
OK, this is when we talk about what I don’t like, and it does relate to Sentai. I want to stress though that I have not seen any Sentai, so there will not be direct comparisons. So, for Season 2, I talked about how I was annoyed that the Rangers didn’t switch costumes and this created wonky footage and the costumes didn’t match the new Zords or powers, so I was unimpressed. This season didn’t suffer the same wonky footage problem (the budget was apparently much higher and they were getting used to things I guess), but I have other problems. First, the costumes don’t match the new Zords, nor are they anywhere close. Second, the Rangers completely lose their powers at the start of the season. When they find Ninjor, they are granted completely new powers and yet they have the same costumes that definitely don’t match their Zords nor the ninja theme of the season? WHAT?! Tommy’s emblem in his shield doesn’t even change like in the non-canonical film.
Now, I do recognize that there’s probably quite a bit of an explanation to this. For starters, there are only five Rangers in Ninja Sentai Kakuranger with Ninjor serving the role of 6th Ranger more or less. This means they would’ve had to oust someone from the get-go. That being said, I don’t think that would’ve been too much of a problem as they were able to do that very easily in Zeo. Granted, leading up to Zeo, they do a better job of building up the departure of Billy, but with a bit more foresight they could’ve done the same thing here. Of course, this would’ve then caused problems with the Alien Rangers arc at the end of the season, but I’m sure something else could’ve been thought of. Maybe make the Alien Rangers the Gosei Sentai Dairangers or something.
Another thing that annoyed me was the random closeness with Bulk and Skull. They’ve never been friends with the two and yet the Rangers are there to support them when they graduate from the Junior Police Academy as if they’re good friends. Then, during the Alien Rangers arc they have a mishap and talk about how they’re all friends. WHAT?! It’s very weird.
The final thing that bothered me is very minor. During the Alien Ranger arc, Delphine, the White Aquitar Ranger, appears to be the leader of their group. I imagine this was because she was the White Ranger and Tommy was the White Ranger, so they should be consistent about what color was the leader. That being said, when they used Sentai footage, the Red Aquitar Ranger was depicted as the leader. It just made for some weird moments. It’s also weird because with the Shogun Megazord, the White Zord is an arm instead of, say, the head or main body which then raises questions when you really think about it.
One thing I noticed that I’m not counting as a pro or con is that you can 100% tell they had to shoot new footage with toys for the Megazord when they use Titanus. This is because Titanus wasn’t in Kakuranger and so why would they combine, but they pulled him out for a couple of episodes for something interesting.
Even though I greatly dislike the lack of cohesion created by the same costumes being used, I think MMPR Season 3 is the best one so far. I’m excited to see where it eventually ends up though.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1
Power Rangers S.P.D.
source https://geektyrant.com/news/season-3-of-mighty-morphin-power-rangers-is-probably-the-best-season-yet-despite-a-glaring-problem
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Wishes granted
Drabble set in the Tale of two Billys verse, Ninjetti era.
Billie had just landed in the alternate Angel Grove, and had spent a good portion of the afternoon in her male counterpart’s lab, being subjected to a variety of tests. She could tell he was skeptical about her story, but at least he hadn’t called her a nut.
“Well? What’s the verdict?” she asked.
“Our DNA is similar enough for us to be fraternal twins,” Billy replied. “Or, at the very least, very close relatives. Proving you’re from an alternate timeline is inconclusive, but judging by the fact that our wolf morphers are virtually identical, I’d surmise that your theory is probably correct.”
“So now what do I do?” she asked. She’d explained everything about her own timeline , and in turn he’d explained a few things about this one; not everything, but enough for her to know the differences and about the newer team members.
“Well, I’ll have to introduce you to Zordon and Alpha, and the rest of the team of course,” he replied. “A place to stay might be a problem, though I suppose we could convince my parents you’re a long-lost relative. They’re not home very often anyway due to work and all.”
“Sounds like my parents,” Billie replied. “I don’t know if I’m ready to meet your friends yet. I mean, what if they don’t like me? What if-”
“That’s ridiculous, they’ll like you just fine,” Billy assured her. “They’ll be a little confused, but-” He was cut off by a monster alert from his communicator. “You might be meeting them a little sooner than you thought.”
Billie grimaced. “I don’t think I’m ready.”
Billy gave her shoulder a sympathetic pat. “You could sit this one out. No one’s going to make you.“
“If I’m anything like you Billy, you know I can’t,” she replied. “Let’s go.”
To say the gang was a little confused was a massive understatement. After several questions, Billie sighed and said, “Look guys, it’s a long story; we’ll explain afterwards.”
She wasn’t entirely sure how this fight would go. Billie didn’t trust people outside of her family easily; it was mostly due to being an outcast and her recent betrayal at the hands of the Tommy from her timeline. She had, however, learned to trust those she was fighting alongside enough to work together.
Even knowing all that, and knowing that the Tommy from this timeline was now on the side of good, Billie still found herself in shock when Tommy helped her evade a blow from a monster.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Uh..fine, absolutely fine.” Billie thought she might faint.
When the fight was over, they all went to the command center, and introductions were made.
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maswartz · 7 years
Other Universes
Even as vast as the universe is the truth is reality is much larger. There are many universes existing alongside each other and sometimes they are able to cross over (on one such Earth to the bafflement of all, the crossing nexus is a subway station)
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Universe 22 is the universe of the Power Rangers, starting with five teens with attitude fighting against Rita and her monsters (the show) *Universe 22-11 is an universe that branched off from 22. It is home to a team of Rangers fighting to save what remains of humanity after a computer virus conquers the world (RPM) *Universe 22-7 is an universe where dinosaurs never went extinct on Earth thanks to a time traveling adventure (Dino Charge)
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Universe 40 is a world where the action is focused in Japan and features many heroic teams fighting against evil (Super Sentai/Kamen Rider)
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Universe 24 is home to a team of Power Rangers who used the power of the Ninjetti to defeat the evil Ivan Ooze (the 95 Movie)
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Universe 9 features a team of Rangers fighting against Rita in the modern day, a great evil targets this universe in the form of Lord Drakkon (Boom Studios)
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Universe 27 has a team of Rangers fighting against Rita to keep her from destroying the Zeo Crystal (17 Movie) Universe 226 is home to many many heroes in the form of Rangers and Riders and more (Powerverse) *Universe 226-19 is an universe that branches off from 226. It is home to many unique teams of Rangers and many unique Riders (Ranger AUs and Rider ARs) Universe 20 is home to many stories retold (Retold) Universe 86 is a reality where Tommy Oliver became a solo hero instead of joining the Rangers Universe 88 is home to an universe defended by the warriors of the stars (88 Kyurangers) Universe 622 is an universe inverted. Universe 0 is a reality where Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider are nothing but television shows. *Universe 0-6 is a reality where Masked Rider became the long lasting franchise as Power Rangers fades into obscurity These are only a selection of the many universes that exist
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maswartz · 8 years
Power Rangers Aquitar
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This is some back story for the Aquitian Rangers. On the planet Aquitar there are two races, the humanoid Aquitians and the more bestial Aquiarans. For years the Aquitians looked down on the Aquiarans and treated them as second rate citizens. Groups of rebels and freedom fighters rose up. One such Aquiaran sought to unleash the evils of Aquitars past onto the present and became corrupted becoming Hydro Hog.  Five years before Rita escaped her dumpster Aquitar sent a call for help out to deal with Hydro Hog’s increasingly violent actions. The power drove him to attack all innocents. On Earth Zordon asked Ninjor to assist them and he bestowed the power of Ninjetti onto five Aquitians After the defeat of Hydro Hog the battle for equality waged on. It would take a war across the universe to unite Aquitar…. (we’ll get back to that) Power Rangers Thunder Spirits <———–Powerverse———-> Power Rangers Guardian Spirits
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