With Camp NaNoWrimo just around the corner, I thought that I would share a couple of writing tips that I've found  across the internet that are actually pretty helpful.
- If you're stuck, try switching fonts. Or try typing instead of writing with pen/pencil, or vice versa.
- Create some sort of summary/blurb to refer to when you aren't sure where to go next.
- Set goals that start small and get progressively bigger.
- On the point of goals, reward yourself for every milestone/goal you hit/complete!
- Take a break and move around.
- Create a list of all your characters you've introduced/mentioned so far, even if it's a very minor character, prevents repeating names.
- Minimize your word processor until it only shows two or three lines of text to prevent you from going back and editing.
- If you look over the day's work and something doesn't fit, don't remove it! Change the text color from the normal one you use, denoting that it doesn't quite fit to remind you to look at it after you finish camp nano.
- Create a novel playlist to get you in the right mood you need to be in and listen to it when you're driving, doing chores etc and while you're writing.
             - If you get distracted writing while listening to music with lyrics use  the instrumental versions of the songs that you used for the playlist, since without the lyrics I tend to get the same sort of vibe from the music without the lyrics being distracting.
 - Create a list of the things that can go wrong and make them go wrong.
- Watch a favorite movie/tv show and take notes
- Write what you want, not what you feel like you have to write.
- Push your characters past their breaking points, make them suffer, have them make difficult choices.
- Try switching the POV.
- Create a document with all the paragraphs/lines you wrote and really like and look at it when you feel discouraged/ stuck.
- Try a word sprint!
- Do your research, but don't get too carried away with it.
.- Have snacks on hand! As to what type, something that doesn't make a mess would be ideal, but you can definitely use whatever you like!
   - If you have drinks/any type of liquid at your computer/tablet/whatever you write on, make sure the drink has a lid and make sure the lid's on tight! My mom has spilled tea on her computer twice because she forgot to put the lid on.
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that's really weird bc I remember typing the questions & stuff, but  what probably happened is I copied my answers & stuff from my word document, but didn’t copy the questions, and thought I did? idk,, but anyways, I updated my post with my actual questions this time, so yeah. i’m super sorry about that!
Thanks to @joyful-soul-collector for the tag!
I’ll be doing this with Mairin from one of my two new fantasy WIPs I just started earlier this year, (the WIP introductions will likely be out soon) [hopefully… heh]
Rules: answer 12 questions in character as an OC, ask 12 questions, & tag 12 people! (though spoiler alert i’m probably not going to actually tag 12 people because I’m making this very late and I just want to get it posted)
My Questions and tags are below the cut! 
1. Soft blankets or soft sweaters? Rocks or sand? Candy canes or peppermints?
Mairin frowned. “What is this… sweater… you speak of?” She asks, pronouncing the word slowly and carefully.
After you explain that it is somewhat akin to an alaidh, a shorter tunic made specifically to keep someone warm, she nods.
“Ah. I would say a soft… sweater.” She says, trying out the word again, a slight grimace on her face, before she continues her answers.
“As I would have to say I prefer rocks over sand. Sand is too gritty for my liking, and I am not one for the ocean.” She muses, tapping a finger on her chin in thought.
“I truly love both candy canes and peppermint, but if I was forced to choose one, I would have to say peppermint. They remind me of home. My mother used to make a peppermint sweet with dark chocolate.” She sighs softly, before bringing herself back to the interview.
2. Do you collect anything? What do you collect? Is there a reason why? Would you care to share that reason?
Mairin shakes her head. “I don’t collect things… per se. However I have accumulated quite a few trinkets from my travels.”
3. How tight do you tie your shoelaces? Do you tuck in your shirt? Do you prefer having your arms covered in a sweater/shirt, or do you prefer short sleeves?
“I tie the laces on my boots rather tight. Although, my boots are getting worn, as I’ve had them for a while, so I’ve had to tie them tighter than I would normally.” She say simply.
“I don’t tuck my tunics into my leggings, if that’s what you’re asking.” Mairin said, her brows furrowing in confusion, as if wondering who would do such a thing. “I do, however, prefer having longer sleeves, for practical reasons. It gets quite cold in and under the mountains. And it’s comforting.”
4. Have you drank water today? Have you eaten recently?
“Yes, I have, water straight from the Amhuin River. I have eaten relatively recently as well, although we are on a very limited rationing system and many in our company are gravely wounded. We need to cross the river and get to the nearest settlement, where hopefully we can get them some medical attention and some good food, they’ll need it, if they are going to survive.” She says, shaking her head sadly.
5. What’s your favorite word? How bout least favorite?
“My favorite word… I believe it translates as to the common tongue as the word, ardent, or something close. My least favorite word is incessant.”
6. What are you currently obsessed with?
Mairin raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know if obsessed is the right word. Preoccupied might be better. But I am currently focused on getting everyone to our homeland alive.” Though, a faint blush taints her cheeks, suggesting that she may not be telling the truth, at least not all of it.
7. Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror?
“I suppose but,” She frowns, the look on her face thoughtful. “It’s not like I have much time to think about it right now but,” she pauses, giving you a wicked grin. “Ask me again in a few years.”
8. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? It can be appearance, personality, something you’ve done that you’re proud of, anything.
“I am very proud of the fact that I have gotten my temper under control in the last few years.”
9. What about your least favorite thing about yourself?
“I don’t know.” Mairin shrugs. “I’ve changed so over the years. I feel like I’ve become brittle.. if that’s the right word…” She says, trailing off.
10. What’s a smell that triggers a memory for you?
A flicker of emotion clouds her face, but it is gone in an instant. “Smoke.” She answers, her voice cold like iron, warning you not to press any more on the subject. Wisely, you decide to move onto the next question.
11. What’s your go-to snack?
She lightens up a little bit at this question, glad for a less serious topic. “Hm. I’d say a bite of toast and jam. When on the road, however, we make this special type of waybread, called aredh, and it’s delicious, though I would prefer homemade food over aredh any day.”
12. Stars or planets? Socks or barefoot? Horns or wings? Magic or technology? Fight or flight?
She pauses for a moment in thought. “I’d say the stars. They’re always the same. It’s comforting. Barefoot I suppose. I would also have to choose wings. To be able to fly is something that has always fascinated me.” She pauses, thinking over the next question. “I would choose magic, I’m more familiar with it. I’m a fighter, it’s in my blood, so I will tend to choose the fight response.”
  Keep reading
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Thanks to @joyful-soul-collector for the tag!
I'll be doing this with Mairin from one of my two new fantasy WIPs I just started earlier this year, (the WIP introductions will likely be out soon) [hopefully... heh]
Rules: answer 12 questions in character as an OC, ask 12 questions, & tag 12 people! (though spoiler alert i'm probably not going to actually tag 12 people because I'm making this very late and I just want to get it posted)
My Questions and tags are below the cut! 
1. Soft blankets or soft sweaters? Rocks or sand? Candy canes or peppermints?
Mairin frowned. "What is this... sweater... you speak of?" She asks, pronouncing the word slowly and carefully.
After you explain that it is somewhat akin to an alaidh, a shorter tunic made specifically to keep someone warm, she nods.
"Ah. I would say a soft... sweater." She says, trying out the word again, a slight grimace on her face, before she continues her answers.
"As I would have to say I prefer rocks over sand. Sand is too gritty for my liking, and I am not one for the ocean." She muses, tapping a finger on her chin in thought.
"I truly love both candy canes and peppermint, but if I was forced to choose one, I would have to say peppermint. They remind me of home. My mother used to make a peppermint sweet with dark chocolate." She sighs softly, before bringing herself back to the interview.
2. Do you collect anything? What do you collect? Is there a reason why? Would you care to share that reason?
Mairin shakes her head. "I don't collect things... per se. However I have accumulated quite a few trinkets from my travels."
3. How tight do you tie your shoelaces? Do you tuck in your shirt? Do you prefer having your arms covered in a sweater/shirt, or do you prefer short sleeves?
"I tie the laces on my boots rather tight. Although, my boots are getting worn, as I've had them for a while, so I've had to tie them tighter than I would normally." She say simply.
"I don't tuck my tunics into my leggings, if that's what you're asking." Mairin said, her brows furrowing in confusion, as if wondering who would do such a thing. "I do, however, prefer having longer sleeves, for practical reasons. It gets quite cold in and under the mountains. And it's comforting."
4. Have you drank water today? Have you eaten recently?
"Yes, I have, water straight from the Amhuin River. I have eaten relatively recently as well, although we are on a very limited rationing system and many in our company are gravely wounded. We need to cross the river and get to the nearest settlement, where hopefully we can get them some medical attention and some good food, they'll need it, if they are going to survive." She says, shaking her head sadly.
5. What’s your favorite word? How bout least favorite?
"My favorite word... I believe it translates as to the common tongue as the word, ardent, or something close. My least favorite word is incessant."
6. What are you currently obsessed with?
Mairin raises an eyebrow. "I don't know if obsessed is the right word. Preoccupied might be better. But I am currently focused on getting everyone to our homeland alive." Though, a faint blush taints her cheeks, suggesting that she may not be telling the truth, at least not all of it.
7. Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror?
"I suppose but," She frowns, the look on her face thoughtful. "It's not like I have much time to think about it right now but," she pauses, giving you a wicked grin. "Ask me again in a few years."
8. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? It can be appearance, personality, something you’ve done that you’re proud of, anything.
"I am very proud of the fact that I have gotten my temper under control in the last few years."
9. What about your least favorite thing about yourself?
"I don't know." Mairin shrugs. "I've changed so over the years. I feel like I've become brittle.. if that's the right word..." She says, trailing off.
10. What’s a smell that triggers a memory for you?
A flicker of emotion clouds her face, but it is gone in an instant. "Smoke." She answers, her voice cold like iron, warning you not to press any more on the subject. Wisely, you decide to move onto the next question.
11. What’s your go-to snack?
She lightens up a little bit at this question, glad for a less serious topic. "Hm. I'd say a bite of toast and jam. When on the road, however, we make this special type of waybread, called aredh, and it's delicious, though I would prefer homemade food over aredh any day."
12. Stars or planets? Socks or barefoot? Horns or wings? Magic or technology? Fight or flight?
She pauses for a moment in thought. "I'd say the stars. They're always the same. It's comforting. Barefoot I suppose. I would also have to choose wings. To be able to fly is something that has always fascinated me." She pauses, thinking over the next question. "I would choose magic, I'm more familiar with it. I'm a fighter, it's in my blood, so I will tend to choose the fight response."
Are you a morning person?
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Where/With Who do you feel most comfortable?
Favorite color and why?
Any hobbies? If so, what are they?
What would you refuse to do, no matter what?
Sunrise or sunset? Why?
What’s an interesting, obscure fact about you?
Do you like music?
Who is your best friend?
Do you have magical abilities?
What is your relationship with your parents like?
tagging: @apollonkondric​, @tracle0​ @pluttskutt​ @joeys-piano and ofc anyone who wants too! (and if you're not into that, feel free to ignore!
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Since I've been tagged in quite a few tag games in my absence-
Please interact with this post if you're cool with me randomly tagging you in this kind of stuff, because I understand that sometimes people don't really like doing those which I respect 100%, so, yeah,, that's that
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Heyyy guess who's back?
heh it's me. My computer and its usb drive that had all of my writing on it, (it was my main backup) kind of broke after I dropped the computer. (don't ask) so yeah. It took them a while to fix both of them but now i'm back with at least like 3? new wips. And I will be doing my best to catch up on tag games and the like after I figure out what I've missed since I broke my computer. so yeah, and I promise i'm going to do my best to be more active.
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You have been booped by this empty wrapping paper tube.
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Reblog to boop all of your followers with it.
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I made a moodboard for Rowan, and I actually really like it???????
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Another NaNoWriMo Hack
Write down what your characters don’t do.
When you’re stuck, write down the first wild thing that pops into your head, silly as it may be. 
Maybe the first thing that you know is that your characters don’t steal a motorcycle. Start with that.
Write down why they don’t do the thing. Is it impractical? Is it out of character? Is it overdone in this genre?
Then write down another thing they don’t do. Why don’t they do it? 
You’d be shocked at how much your brain already has figured out when you do this. For example, 
My characters don’t steal a motorcycle.  Character A doesn’t know how to drive a motorcycle, while Character B does, but he would NEVER drive one without a helmet - not since his best friend’s fatal accident back in high school. 
That’s backstory and character depth right there. I may not have a spot to use that in my story yet, but I know it about my characters. A is maybe a little sheltered, and B has seen a bit too much of the real world.
My characters don’t damage any of the artworks in the museum.  Art thieves who damage the artworks would not be hired for many jobs. 
More backstory, as well as some hints of how my characters are perceived by others. How they fit into the story world. My characters have a reputation. Also probably a respect for art, maybe some professional pride, and some practice at the skills needed to keep from damaging these delicate objects. They’ve been in this line of work for a while.
Keep going with these statements as long as you need to. Eventually, there will be a statement that makes you stop and go Yeah, but what if?
 My characters don’t hide out in a sewer. Sewers are gross, and also hard to get into without bolt cutters, or pry bars, which would be impractical to carry with their evening wear.
But what if they did? 
They’d probably have to have gear stashed somewhere to make this happen. They have a reputation, which means experience enough to plan ahead, so this is plausible. Also, grossing out over the sewers would make my characters more human. Good chance for a little tension reduction after the high-stakes heist as well. Character A knows B can drive a motorcycle, A wants to avoid the sewers (gross!) at all costs, and tries to convince B to drive a motorcycle parked nearby. When they discover the one they want to steal only has one helmet, there’s a big argument, which makes B…
And suddenly you’re unstuck.
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Can you hear your characters?
I have a whole lot of trouble making my dialogue sound natural if I don’t know what my characters sound like. Having a strong sense of their voice can help distinguish your characters from each other, show their personalities, and make them more engaging to readers. 
Here’s some details to think over if you’re trying to nail down a character’s voice:
Amount spoken
Willingness to speak
Common phrases 
Other questions to ask:
Do their voices or the way they talk change depending on who they’re talking to or the situation they’re in? 
How can their personality come through their voice? Their sarcasm, empathy, awkwardness, etc. 
What in their backstory contributes to the way they talk? 
When they make a statement, how often does it come off as unsure or questioning, versus confident and factual? 
How does their voice relate or coexist with their body language? 
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Ginormous, Super Long Tag Game Catch Up
During the time that I've been MIA due to school and theatre and life, I got tagged in a lot of things, and I've been scrolling through the activity feed and piecing them together to make a franken-post of all the games I've been tagged in. Some of them I know I didn't do and some of them I'm not 100% sure, so I may accidentally re-do a tag, but whatever, let's get on to the tag games!
And in tagging people, I will do that at the very very end, and make a (somewhat) organized list as far as that goes.
 Eight People I'd like to know better tag game!
I was tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, thank you!
ONE / Name, alias. Alexis/Alex/Momma Evening Star (long story)
TWO / Birthday. I don’t really like giving out my (actual) bday, but i'm cool with saying its in january
THREE / Zodiac sign. capricorn
FOUR / Height. likeeeee 5'7" 1/2 or something like that.
FIVE / Hobbies. Reading, writing, theatre, listening to music
SIX / Favourite colors literally any shade of blue
SEVEN / Favourite books. Oh boy. Well I really really really like Grace and Fury by Tracy Bangheart. I also love anything that is written by Rick Riordan.I also like Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh, and Black Wings Beating by Alex London.
EIGHT / Last song listened to. Castle of Glass by Linkin Park
NINE / Last film watched. The new Aladdin
TEN / Inspiration for muse. I dunno man
ELEVEN / Dream job. I don't really know. Something with either theatre, or kids, or horses, or books or writing.
TWELVE / Meaning behind your url.
i asked my friend what they thought of "alexis-writes" as a possible url and my friend was like. "you should do alexis-writes-sometimes, because you darn well know its true" and thus alexis-writes-sometimes was born!
11/11/11 tag,
tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, thanks!
1. Are any of your characters non-human? What are they?
No, sadly.  Not as of right now anyway.
2. Pick one of your characters and describe what they were like as a child (can be a toddler, a teen, or something in between, whatever you like)
I'll do Salem, because I really done anything for her, like, at all.
As a pre-teen, Salem was always the kid that was always far from any and all social gatherings. She could be very cold and stand offish if she wanted to. But once she met her squad, she started to warm up, if only a little. 
3. What would your favorite OC do if they met their favorite mythical creature?
Rowan would just kind of freak out, in a good way, ofc.
4. Have any of your OCs ever stolen anything? What did they steal?
Kez has stolen a lot because they and their sibling kinda need to steal to survive
5. What’s your favorite snack to have while writing?
Flour tortillas. Don't ask me why, bc I'm not entirely sure. Also they're not messy, and I'm only allowed to have non-messy snacks in my room.
6. Did you drink water today? If not then go drink water, hydration is important you fool
I have, but thanks for the reminder!
7. Favorite situation you like to write? (fluffy things like cuddling or caretaking? Angsty things like a characters breaking point or writing any sort of pain? What do you like to do to your characters?)
I like writing ocs either fighting, or being treated by a medic because medicine, especially historic medicine, is something that really interests me.
8. What’s your favorite character in your favorite anything? (can be from a favorite movie, book, tv show, web series, anything)
I think that my favorite character is a three way tie -- Luke Castellan from the Riordanverse (fight me), Connor Murphy from DEH, and Hodel from Fiddler on the Roof.
9. Do you have any real life experiences that you have incorporated into your story somehow?
Not that I'm aware of, but I haven't looked over it in a while.
10. You ever written fanfiction?
Yes, actually! I like writing fanfic as a warm ups and things, because the written material is already there, and you can play with things and try stuff out that maybe you wouldn't want to try on your own writing or with your own characters.
11. Are you a Plotter, Planster or Pantster? (yes I stole it from the questions I was asked, don’t jUDGE ME)
I'm a plantser, but with more pantser than plotter.
I'm going to post my 11 questions, down at the bottom with the taglist!
 10 Words Tag!
tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, thank you!
Rules: List 10 words/phrases that have something to do with your work(s) in progress and then tag 10 people to do the same.
Again, tagging people at the bottom.
It gets better
If you could write a guide, what would it be about? - A Tag Game
I was tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, tysm
If I  could write a guide.... hm.
Probably something about either acting. It'd have tons of advice for auditions, suggestions on making strong choices, a self care checklist for during tech week, and ways to combat post-show blues
Last Line Tag!
I was tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, thanks again ❤"
Standing on the porch, she smiled to herself in the inky darkness.
She was almost free."
OKAY my hand hurts from all that typing!
Anyways, the way I plan on doing this is listing the tag game, and then tagging the people under it.
 Eight People I'd Like to Get To Know Better
11/11/11 - Questions
What’s one of your writing strengths (i.e. OCs, worldbuilding, editing, etc.)
Do you listen to music when writing? If so, what sort?
What is your stance on unhappy endings?
How long have you had the concept for your WIP?
Dialogue or Descriptions?
Have you ever written a hiaku?
Which of your characters is most likely to be tumblr famous?
Which OC have you tortured most?
What are your character’s alignments?
What are your characters most proud of about themselves?
Which OCs are the "can’t fall asleep" or "can’t wake up" kind of sleepers?
tagging: the eight above and
@rose-of-sharon-cass ​, @halrose @joyful-soul-collector & anyone who wants
Ten Words Tag
& anyone who wants to
Last Line Tag :
@joyful-soul-collector & @edelweissroses & @redaniels-writes & anyone who wants to
Find the Words Tag
Life, Shield, Truth and/or Quiet
@dove-actually, @joyful-soul-collector @halrose & anyone who wants to
If You Could write a guide tag
literally anyone who wants to
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Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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ahh ive been pretty much dead lately, so sorry about that. school has taken up most of  my time, and then theatre has consumed the rest over the last few weeks. but I have a break between shows so I should be able to get back to posting (kind of) regularly.
drink some water, eat something and take your meds! I love you!
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Adding random conflict to your first draft like:
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Have you ever sat down to write, but halfway through a scene you catch yourself just staring into space because you're imagining the scene you're writing? But you know you should be actually putting what you're imagining into words....but it's so much more entertaining to just sit there and daydream about it...
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When You Have a Large Cast of Characters
(This post assumes these characters are banded together in at least one large group and must work toward a similar goal.)
Let’s look at the main components that are important in large cast stories:
Teams and Sub-groups
The larger the cast, the more teams and sub-groups there are (or at least, the more there should be). These characters can find themselves in groups through a number of ways: similar backgrounds, random circumstances, matching beliefs/moral compass, etc etc.
Sometimes you can group them into categories that work well with tension, humorous effect, and character development. Some categories include:
the selfish lone wolves that are forced to work together
nerds who don’t communicate well
the hero-types that can’t agree on anything
long-term friends and their ragtag bunch of new allies
honestly, just think about teams from the MCU
Sub-groups are typically a must for stories with a large cast, as it expands the plot, individual characterization/development, conflict, and clarification. It staggers introductions of each character, giving them proper significance within the story right off the bat.
This is a tricky thing to carry out. Multiple points of view are necessary unless you are absolutely sure you only want to follow ONE character the entire story, which is a feat in itself and probably ill-advised (but you do you). However, if you decide to use multiple POVs, you then also have to choose whether you want to carry that out through alternating first-person narratives or use third-person. First-person is going to require a more in-depth understanding of the characters’ voice and more decisions of who within each sub-group gets to narrate (as well as how reliable and involved they are). Both can be used in different ways to interconnect each group’s storyline. All personal choice.
Communication, within any large group, sucks. So now imagine there has to be communication between individuals, sub-groups, and the overall group. Everyone is going to have their own style of communication (or lack thereof) and each subgroup is going to have a different dynamic for it as well. Learning how (mis)communication, lying, personal details, and rumors circulate through individuals, sub-groups, and the overall group is important to the realism and storyline. It sounds daunting, but just watch Guardians of the Galaxy or any Avengers movie with this in mind and you’ll understand how to do it easily in no time.
Loyalty and Relationships
Two things easily complicate a large group’s dynamic: loyalty and relationships.
These things can strain or strengthen sub-groups and/or the team as a whole. It depends on who is involved, what they could be jeopardizing, and a bunch of other factors.
They’re good things to consider the repercussions and effects of especially if you have love triangles, brokens hearts, lost friendships, secret histories, and trust issues floating around the team. 
Loyalty also directly corresponds with teamwork, another factor to consider. 
How to use all this
Team Profiles
Outlines of:
the members
teams and sub-groups
relationships within the group
teamwork and overall dynamic of the group
etc etc
Adding Conflict
No matter what the main conflict is, having a large group that must work together provides an endless amount of other conflicts.
question of authority/leadership
conflicting personal interest
opposing beliefs
etc etc.
In the end, having a large cast of characters that work together is a daunting task, but hopefully this post broke down some of the trickier aspects in planning the story. Best of luck on your writing journey!
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