#straight churidar
retailerist · 1 year
Maroon Rayon Foil Print Churidar Suit
🎊*FABRIC: 14kg Rayon With Beautiful Foil Print
👚*SIZE :- M-38, L-40, XL-42, 2xl-44, 3xl-46, 4xl-48,5Xl-50
💃🏻LENGTH: 44inches plus
🛍Multiple Singles available🛍 *🎨Beautiful 5 COLOR *
💎 Quality 💯 guaranteed.
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kaelily · 2 years
.°•✿ desi!kaeya brainrot
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reader wears feminine stuff, no prns mentioned & can be of any race
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✿ ok first of all, he looks like he straight up jumped out of a bollywood movie. he has a unique kind of charm and carries himself with so much elegance that makes you gravitate towards him. was definitely flirty during the courting stage, but also incredibly respectful to you. he considers himself the luckiest man in the world after you started dating him officially.
✿ aunties totally fawn over you when kaeya brings you along to the wedding ceremonies he was invited to (he loves to show you off). it makes him very proud when they tell him how good the both of you look together. when the wedding party begins later in the evening, he asks for a dance while holding a rose in his mouth
✿ kaeya adores it when you wear traditional clothes, whether its a churidar, lehenga or a saree, he loves them all. he will stand behind you to gently part your hair to pin the jasmine flowers onto it while holding a U pin with his mouth and winks when you make eye contact with him in the mirror. he likes the way you get flustered when he kneels in front of you to adjust the ends of your saree and gives you a kiss on the forehead when he gets up. he looks really handsome in a sherwani and lets be honest he would wear a saree too and look great in it
✿ he's not the greatest cook, so he regularly requests auties to teach him the basics so that he can cook roti, curry and biriyani for you. it boosts his ego whenever you tell him how delicious his cooking is. he hopes that he can cook for your parents too when he meets them.
✿ he dreams of marrying you in a traditional desi altar decorated with flowers. he's craving to see you in beautifully designed wedding wear, taking your hand in his to do the saat phere around the sacred fire and applying sindoor on your forehead. he would call you his spouse with the utmost pride in his voice.
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divider crdt : @/divvision ; pictures from pinterest
@aimynx 👀
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shadowqueenjude · 1 month
Well, I’m working on a fic for Eris week which takes place a little over three centuries before the canon series. It is Eris x OC arranged marriage, and here is the prologue. I’ll post it on ao3 once I finish writing the fic.
Asha stood arms spread, legs apart, and eyes straight ahead as the tailor took her measurements, or rather, a floating tape measure did. The tailor just stood there, looking up at her, eyes narrowed and ears flattened against her head. “Arre yaar, you are huge,” she remarked. Asha sighed. She was used to this kind of comment.
In actuality, Asha was not that big. She was tall, but not incredibly so. However, most people in the Dawn Court were quite petite, so she looked massive in comparison. Her height combined with her broad shoulders and large bust size made fitting traditional Dawn Court clothing difficult; hence the tailor.
“I can have this dress done in fourteen days,” the tailor said. Asha pursed her lips, tilting her head downward to meet the tailor’s eyes. “I need it in ten.”
“It’ll cost extra.”
“Just get it done,” Asha said, handing her the dress material and grabbing her bag she had left on the sofa. She walked towards the door, the light falling upon her skin the wrong way, revealing the multicolored hue of it. Looking back at the tailor, she saw the small shifter swallow nervously.
Gorgon. Asha was half Gorgon. She had been conceived while her mother was blindfolded to her faerie lover. It would be a disturbing story to anyone not familiar with the Faerie, but in Prythian, the story was positively romantic: a gorgon choosing to lose her sight to be with the one she loved.
Unfortunately, gorgons were well hated by the High Fae, and she and her husband had been murdered in a brutal incident resulting in twenty dead faeries.
Hence she’d been taken in by her much older cousin, whose mother had been her father’s sister. He was also the current High Lord of Dawn: Thesan Abhiraaj.
So, she was practically a princess; only she had no High Fae blood, and was therefore highly resented. She had to try extra hard to fit in amongst them. Her gorgon blood did wonders in the intimidation side of things. Since she was only half gorgon, it was nearly impossible for her to kill someone with the look of an eye, but she could paralyze the person she looked upon when provoked to rage. Hence, no one dared cross her, though they may not like her.
“Relax, I am not going to kill you,” Asha said disdainfully. She did grow weary of being terrifying sometimes. She swept out the door, stepping out into the lovely dawn.
In the light, the tawny color of her skin faded, revealing the green and purple scales that went all across her body. The three small snakes in her head took refuge behind her thick dark curls. Her black hair and eyes glowed bronze in the sun. Bands of lavender flowers wrapped around various parts of her arms. The gold threads on her tunic shone, giving the white churidar the dazzling look of a goddess. Small ruby hoops hung from her ears. This was just the every day look of a Dawn Court princess.
Princess being honorary. Asha was certain most princesses didn’t work as healers on a daily basis. Princess duties were unbearably boring; she needed something to occupy her time.
She got her fair share of looks while walking back to the palace; some nasty, some in awe, but Asha ignored them all, floating back into the palace.
Inside the palace, her snake features faded once more. Sending a tired wave to her cousin and his lover, Abhijit, Asha went towards her room before flopping onto her bed. Not very ladylike, but no one was watching her here. She was too tired even to change; this impending meeting under the mountain was stressing her out.
She wasn’t really stressed over the meeting itself; she had been to loads of those. However, this was to be no ordinary meeting between courts.
If all things went her way, by the end of the meeting she would be engaged.
Did she have a special someone in mind? No. She would be marrying for influence and power. Horrible? Maybe, but royalty rarely had a choice. It was better to know what you were getting into than holding out for love or whatever. Asha didn’t really believe in all of that. Jaded? You might think so, but no. She’s just never really experienced any sort of attraction before. Platonic love she had. Romantic love? Never before. So the prospect of an arranged marriage didn’t much bother her.
Asha woke up the next day quite late. Most injuries to a Fae could be healed by their own magic, so any injury so bad that it requires a healer meant long-term patients.
She put on her usual forest-green robes, tying her hair up and putting on her running shoes. Then she walked out through the secret exit from her room to avoid people.
Asha didn’t have as many patients as some others because people didn’t like being treated by a gorgon, but that was alright with Asha; she liked a light workload, after all. Unlike the High Fae, she could not winnow, so she jumped onto her pegasus and soared into the sky.
Her pegasus had golden brown fur and exceptionally rare blue eyes. She was missing one leg, which she lost when tigers of the forest nearly killed her while she was grazing. She managed to escape and fly into the sky, but she’d lost so much blood that she was barely alive when Asha found her and healed her. Then, her friend Nuan managed to make her a prosthetic leg and save her life. Asha would never stop being grateful to her.
Her first patient of the day was the elderly faerie Yogesh. He was once one of the High Fae, but he had now reached an age so high that his body had actually started to deteriorate and fade away. At that age, society generally did not consider anyone High Fae. The term High Fae in itself was an elitist term created to tear down those they believed to be of a lesser class, so it made sense that they’d view faeries who broken down, which was practically unheard of, less than.
Yogesh was 877 years old. It was a miracle he was still alive; most faeries got killed off by the time they reached 500. He had some wrinkles on his face and silver hair, but the real signs of age were in his body. Everything hurt for him, so it was Asha’s job to alleviate the pain.
“More back pain?” she asked as he walked in, a slight grimace on his face. He shook his head. “It’s the knees this time,” he muttered. Asha linked her arm in his and guided him over to a chair. After he managed to sit down, Asha lifted her palms, which had begun to glow with her magic. “How is your daughter?” Asha asked as she placed her hands on his knees. It served as a distraction, yes, but it was also important to address potential mental setbacks to physical recovery. Yogesh and his daughter had been on icy terms ever since he’d expressed serious disapproval over her marriage to a woman of lower birth. Ever since he’d lost his status as High Fae, he’d begun to realize how foolish his hyper fixation with the High Fae was and that he’d messed up with his daughter. Too little too late? Maybe for his daughter to forgive him, but not to be a better person. For that part, it was never too late.
Yogesh, to her delight, beamed. “She actually let me visit her yesterday. It was extremely awkward for a while, but then her wife initiated conversation between us. She is actually quite civilized and a great partner. I am glad I am getting to know her, even if it’s very late.”
“It is never too late to improve, Yogesh,” Asha said kindly. Her work was simple today because neither his mind nor his body were fighting back. “It takes a strong person to admit when they’re wrong.”
Yogesh patted Asha’s cheek. “You are always so kind, kid. Your parents are lucky to have you.”
“Thank you, my lord,” Asha replied. The old fae let out a wheezy chuckle. “You know there’s no need to call me that.” No, there wasn’t, but Asha sensed how much it pleased Yogesh. Her healing magic gave her a heightened sense of the emotional states of others. “It is a habit,” Asha quipped. Then she stood up. “You’re all done. Have a good day, my lord!”
After a couple more patients, including one little kid who had been attacked in the woods and a human relative of a faerie who was rehabilitating his legs (brought all the way from the human lands too; that level of care for a human relative was exceptionally rare), Asha was done for the day. She went over to hang out in her friend Nuan’s studio.
“So I was thinking, judging by the wingspan of your horse, if we were to do a proportional equation to the size of an average faerie, blah blah blah,” Nuan said, or at least it was what Asha heard. She didn’t understand anything her friend did, but she supported it wholeheartedly. Nuan’s arm had been cut off by her own abusive father, whose rage had known no bounds due to his own unstable upbringing. She had spent years making prosthetics for various people who needed them; her own personal project was making wings. Winged beasts were native both to Dawn and to Night. Illyrian women get their wings cut off by the men in their family, which is why the project was so personal to her.
“Perfection,” Asha said. Nuan snorted. “You have no idea what I just said, do you?”
Asha shrugged. “It sounded smart, though,” she assured her. She walked over to her station, where Nuan appeared to be building a circuit. She looked past her shoulder at Nuan. “That reminds me. I have a gift for you. For the upcoming party thing.” Asha snorted, trying not to snarl at the thought. She was so not looking forward to that shit. She didn’t like gatherings in general, but this one was particularly stress inducing. Getting engaged to a stranger would do that to you.
She needed to get one of the good eligible men, not one of the wicked men summoned from the most fiery depths of hell.
“What is it?” In answer, Nuan pulled out a crown. It didn’t look like much, but Nuan shone a lamp on it and it shone like the brightest star on the darkest night. In the ballroom, it would look magnificent.
“Wow,” Asha said, staring at it. “That is stunning.”
“It enhances your beauty when you wear it. It also doubles as a knife,” Nuan said casually. “Since you’re not allowed weapons in there.” With a click and a flip, the crown turned into the fanciest knife Asha had ever seen. She took it gingerly from her friend, running her fingers down the blade. It was smooth and cold as ice.
“You have truly outdone yourself, Nuan,” Asha said, handing it back. Nuan changed it back into a crown and put it on Asha’s head. Asha pulled her into a hug. “Thank you.”
“Only the best for my best friend,” Nuan said. Asha smiled. Truly Nuan was the best friend anyone could ask for.
The days went by quicker than Asha had hoped. Before long, she was getting dressed for the trip to Under the Mountain. It was just a simple silver dress; the real magic was being saved for when they actually got to the meeting place. They had a room, or rather a carved out hole, awaiting them there.
Asha threw her head back against the carriage, her braid smushing slightly but holding strong. Sleep was the only way to get through this boredom. The carriage was shaking too much to read or write anything, so she had no other options. Even sleep would be fitful but at least she could still dream.
When she woke up, she could feel the air getting denser, the ground growing more powerful, and her own magic leaving her body. The Middle was an eerie place. It was once home to the foulest creatures of Prythian and may indeed still be. It is an old and strong place that didn’t conform to the typical Fae rules. It was why Under the Mountain was chosen as a neutral meeting location; no one had the upper hand here.
Asha considered her options for marriage. There was Helion, son of the Day Court high lord, though she highly doubted he intended on getting married. Could she convince him? Doubtful. He probably wouldn’t make a good partner anyway.
There were the Spring Court brothers, as well as Kallias and Casper from Winter, as well as the legendary Morrigan from Night. Rhysand and Eris Vanserra were absolute no-nos; she had heard terrible things about their families. Even the Spring Court brothers were questionable for that reason. Morrigan was the only woman on that list, and being from Night she was also an asterisk. Asha knew Kallias in passing and had the distinct feeling he was in love with someone, which left Casper as her best option for marriage. Well…
The light was swallowed by the underground, and Asha knew they had arrived. Slipping out of the carriage, she allowed Thesan and Abhijit to escort her towards their room, each of them holding one of her silk gloves. Every step they took echoed. It was terrible every time they came here.
When they reached their room, Asha flung off her gloves and flopped onto the bed, sighing. Her skin was sticky with cold sweat as it always was after moving through the middle. She wished for a nice warm shower and some proper sleep. But when did a girl ever get what she wanted?
“Into the bath, go go,” her maids instructed, gently pushing her into the shiny white tub at the end of the room. The water was so cold that Asha hissed. She wished she had fire magic to heat this stupid shit up.
After what felt like hours of being scraped and scrubbed and beautified, she was finally ready for the ceremony. Her dress was magnificent, a saree of various shades of blue, from electric blue to robin blue to turquoise, embroidered with golden peacocks. A gold and sapphire chain hung around her neck while earrings resembling chandeliers adorned her ears. Kohl rimmed her eyes and her lips were painted garnet. Topped with Nuan’s crown, Asha looked like an empress.
She just wished it wasn’t so fucking hard to walk.
But as she walked towards the large hall, Thesan and his lover by her side, she felt like she could win over anybody.
At 189 years of age, Eris Vanserra was rather tired of being his father’s puppet.
But what was he to do? He was the eldest son, and therefore the one people focused on. Well, him and the baby, naturally.
Eris was constantly being groomed to be the perfect heir, the perfect loyal son, the perfect leader, the perfect Vanserra, and the sword to stand side by side the crown. And part of that image involved choosing a bride, apparently. It had been an obsession of Beron’s practically since the moment he was born.
He was 9 when he first got engaged, to the great warrior Morrigan. She was 17 at the time, he believed. The prospect of being wed to someone twice his age while he was barely old enough to hold a sword was…frightening to say the least. An adult wedding a child, it would’ve been. Eris had felt untold relief when Morrigan had slept her way out of the marriage.
The sheer terror he had felt when she had arrived at his doorstep nails all over her body…well, it was the most gruesome sight he had ever seen. Eris is certain he lost his childhood right then and there.
He had panicked. Bringing Mor across the border to be treated meant she would be forced to marry him, but if left there, she would probably die. But death was preferable to the life she would have with him. Even his nine year old self knew that, though he didn’t understand that what his father was doing was wrong.
Unfortunately, Beron’s wedding craze didn’t let up. Just a decade later, when he reached young adulthood, he was engaged to Lady Polonia Dumont, who was actually his second cousin. Horrified at the prospect of having to marry his own relative, Eris tried to reason with her to stop the wedding and wound up accidentally killing her instead. How the fuck does that happen, you may ask? Eris was the young volatile son of a High Lord; he hadn’t known his own strength, and he had yet to gain the mastery and control over his magic like he did now. It happens more often than you may initially believe.
Fifty years after that, Eris had been secretly engaged to a man of his own choice. Naturally, since Beron did not approve of his choice of spouse, he had him put down. After that, Eris didn’t bother with serious relationships. However, it only took another thirty years for Beron to start nagging him once more. It didn’t take long before he was set up with Marisol Spell-Cleaver, sister of the High Lord of the Day Court, which would’ve been fine if she wasn’t centuries older than him. The idea of marrying someone older than his mother terrified him.
So Eris talked to Marisol, and they both agreed not to get married. Somehow, Marisol was able to talk Beron down. Eris wished she’d revealed her magic tricks to him.
And now he was here. Beron had threatened to do to him what Keir had done to his daughter Mor if he wasn’t engaged and married within the fortnight. Part of Eris thought it was hopeless. He seemed cursed to never marry. Four failed engagements seemed like a sign.
But unless he figured out a genius plan to assassinate his father, he had no choice. And this meeting seemed like the best chance for Eris to pick somebody who:
1. Wasn’t older than his mother
2. Wasn’t related to him
3. Wasn’t so unworthy as to be murdered by his father
It seemed easy enough, but for Eris, these were great obstacles to overcome. Beron seemed determined to cling to his side as he murmured in his ear information about each of the eligible people.
“Lady Bethesda Rose of Spring is a great catch, though she may be a little too low on the hierarchy for you. Lady Paulina Fernandez Borbón III of Vallahan would give Autumn advantages in foreign affairs. Lady Aishwarya Kumar, who requested the name Abhiraaj be added to her name to represent the men who raised her…” Beron wrinkled his nose. “She may have been raised a princess, but she is mixed low-born scum. Though relations with Dawn would be useful.”
Pointless information. Eris already knew all this, having looked into it himself. Beron just liked to insert his opinion, to make Eris do what he wants.
This was what marriage was to royals: a political alliance. Eris had finally accepted that love would play no role in his marriage. That didn’t mean he had to completely abide by his father’s wishes.
Slipping away from his father, the Autumn court heir first introduced himself to the Vallahan lady.
The female offered her hand, which Eris raised to his lips. “Lady Paulina,” he said, bowing. Paulina smiled. She was pretty as all the Fae were, with her sparkling green eyes and chocolate brown curls; however, when she curved her lips, it revealed teeth as sharp as fangs.
“Lord Eris,” she answered airily. She looked him over. “You look good enough to eat.”
Yeah…no. Eris wasn’t in the mood to get eaten by his wife. He backed away slightly, maintaining a polite smile on his face. “Thank you, my lady. I shall meet you again soon.”
In other words: never. Beron can’t have known that Paulina was a vampire, or surely even he would disapprove. Eris’s introduction to the Spring Court lady went well, although he suspected Beron would not wish him to marry someone so low born, despite her still being nobility. Shame, though; she seemed decent enough, which was hard to find amongst nobles.
He was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice when he bumped into a tall woman. He found Morrigan staring at him. Eris tried for a polite smile, trying to ignore the queasiness in his stomach. “Hello, Morrigan.”
Her expression melted into a withering glare. “Eris,” she said coldly. Eris swallowed. Was she angry because of the border thing? That really wasn’t fair considering how young he’d been, but he decided to apologize anyway. Best not to make enemies. “I’m sorry for what I did,” Eris began smoothly. “I was a child then, and I made the best possible decision I could. I never intended for you to die.”
Morrigan’s expression fractured, and she shook her head. “I’m being unfair,” she admitted. “The truth is, I can’t think of that moment without seeing your face before me. I know it’s not your fault, but…”
Eris nodded, relief flooding his body. “I know. I blame you for my loss of childhood too even though it’s technically not your fault.”
Morrigan tilted her head. “Why?”
Eris shuddered. “You were the most gruesome thing I have ever seen.”
Morrigan’s lips pursed. “Thing?” she snapped. Oh hell no. Eris did not want to be here. He was a 9 year old kid again, and Mor was the far older woman he was forced to deal with.
“Lady Morrigan!” a voice exclaimed. Eris turned towards his savior. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had thick brows arching over big dark eyes. Her skin shone bronze over a lovely blue saree. Small wavy strands of hair framed her face perfectly. She sunk into a deep curtsy upon seeing both of them. “And Lord Eris! It is a pleasure to meet you both.”
Eris smirked, lifting her hand to his lips. “The pleasure is all mine, Lady Aishwarya,” he murmured, and Aishwarya laughed lightly, looking down. “Just Lady Asha is fine, if you will.” She offered an arm to link with his own. He took it. “Pardon me, Lady Morrigan, but I think there is someone Lord Eris ought to meet.” Then she forcefully dragged him out of the conversation.
Once they were a safe distance from Morrigan, Asha let go of him and curtseyed. “Have a good day, my lord.” Eris inclined his head. “Thank you for saving me, lady.”
Asha merely shrugged, the slightest of smiles forming on her face. “I could feel your discomfort from across the room.”
Eris snorted, then watched as Asha walked away. He felt inexplicably drawn to her as she walked away, but Eris tamped down on the feeling as the introductory speeches began.
Eris’s baby brother Lucien crawled into his lap, and Eris absentmindedly cradled him as he began to fall asleep. “I wish I could fall asleep too, sunling,” Eris muttered. Unfortunately, paying attention was his only option if he wanted to appear like the respectable prince of Autumn.
Eris mussed up Lucien’s bright red hair as he slept. Of all his brothers, Lucien was by far the cutest baby. He was also the smartest; he was 10 and could already talk circles around many Autumn Court adults, which considering how weird Autumn folk could be, was a significant feat.
After the boring speeches were over, it was time for dinner. The long silver tables were dreadful. Eris sat as far away from his family as possible, securing Lucien a seat by one side of him.
“Don’t take the Som Tam,” Eris ordered Lucien. “It’s too spicy.”
“I like spicy!” Lucien declared, his face splitting into a toothy grin. Eris sighed. “This is too much spicy even for you, Lulu,” he said. “Take the fried rice instead.”
Lucien pouted but obeyed. Eris himself only took a little bit; he didn’t much like spicy food. There was loud chatter around him, but there was silence beside him. Finally, peace from his stupid family. He felt guilty for including his mother in that, but a part of him did feel resentful, feeling as if she was a little too complacent in what his father had done to him. He knew Beron likely hurt her too, which was why he felt guilt too. He was also a little jealous because she seemed to prefer Lucien to him; she wasn’t even that affectionate when Eris was a baby. Overall, Eris felt as though he needed his space from all of them. Except for little Lucien. He seemed to be everyone’s favorite.
“Can I have your sweet?” Lucien asked, turning pleading chocolate brown eyes at him. He was the cutest kid ever. Eris handed him his jamun. “Here.” Lucien squealed and took the dessert, stuffing it in his mouth before reaching over to hug Eris. “I love you,” he mumbled, his mouth muffled by food and Eris’s shirt. Eris tried not to get too emotional, but those words hit him in the chest every time anyone said them to him. “I love you too, sunling,” he answered.
By the time he finished dinner, Eris had made his decision. It may be one that he came to regret later, but whatever; if he was going to get married, it would be on his terms.
He pushed through the crowd, seeking the one person he wished to talk to. Lucien was riding on his shoulders, ensuring that Eris didn’t lose him. At last, Eris found her in the corner, talking to a few other ladies. He slowly approached her and bowed.
“Lady Asha,” Eris began. “I know this is sudden, but…”
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kavitameenasingletap · 2 months
Kurti for women
Product Overview
Indian women look glistening in their traditional dresses and that attracts women across the world. The wraps and covers which they wear have amazing appeal and fabulous artwork, which makes Indian dresses hard to resist.
But while having a close discussion with my friends in India, I witnessed that the dressing style has taken a change rather it has taken a leap to retain both ethnicity and modern fashion.
We have seen the rise in a number of new dresses that have both ethnic look and modern appeal and one such is the kurti. Yes, it is the new trend which has an Indianized western look. Women of today have started to embrace it in their daily lives. Whether it is their workplace or a day trip to Goa or may be attending a tea-party, more kurti designs  are easily visible.
Why do Indian women love to wear Kurtis?
Kurta has been in the fashion line for the past few decades and it is one of the best choices in the women's wardrobe. I was a little puzzled to find out some weird reason for different kurti designs becoming popular these days.
Let’s read on some exquisite ideas of Kurti being popular :- 
A dress that is universally popular:- When we browse loads of designer kurti online, it might make us amaze, why kurti and not salwar, if we like being ethnic. But Indian culture is liberal and conservative at the same time, we accept food, ideas, traditions and dresses whole-heartedly. So keeping this mind Kurti exhibits both traits of being ethnic and westernised.
Where comfort meets fashion:- While I was searching for some popular kurti online in India, I found that all designers have kept one thing in mind while weaving their creations and it is definitely comfort. Yes, Kurtis are very comfortable to wear and not tight or crouched like those body hugging dresses. At the same time, you get a wide range of styles to choose that are suitable for different occasions.
A pocket-friendly dress:- Kurtis are not heavy on the pocket. A comfy daily wear kurti may be available at the online stores at Rs. 200 and it can range up to Rs. 5000 for a silk sequined party-wear. So you have kurtis for every budget.
Pair up with any accessories:- One of the popular reasons that I have come across while discussing with a few Indian friends of mine is that Kurti is one such outfit that is easy to accessorise. Depending on the sense of style, the cut of your kurti and the occasion you like to wear, it is possible to pair it with junk jewellery, may be gold or silver. 
Types of Kurtis:- 
1. Anarkali Kurti
Inspired by the Mughal era, Anarkali Kurtis are fitted on the bust and flare out towards the hem, creating a frock-like silhouette. They are perfect for festive occasions and weddings. Pair them with churidars and statement earrings for a classic look.
2. Straight Cut Kurti
Straight-cut Kurtis is a staple in every wardrobe, offering a sleek and elegant look. They are versatile and can be paired with jeans, leggings, or palazzos. Accessorise with minimal jewellery for a sophisticated look.
3. Asymmetrical Kurti
With no defined hemline, asymmetrical Kurtis are trendy. They are ideal for parties and casual gatherings. Pair them with fitted pants and statement footwear for a contemporary look.
4. Kaftan Style Kurti
Known for their comfort, Kaftan Kurtis are loose and breezy, often featuring a drawstring at the waist. They are perfect for a relaxed day out or a beach holiday. Pair them with sandals and boho accessories for a laid-back look.
5. Shirt Collar Kurti
Blending the formal shirt style with traditional kurtis, this type comes with a collar and often features button-down fronts. It’s perfect for office wear and can be paired with jeans or trousers.
6. Jacket Style Kurti
This style comes with an attached or detachable jacket, adding a layer of sophistication. They are suitable for both casual and formal events. Pair them with palazzos or straight pants for a refined look.
7. Cape Style Kurti
Cape-style kurtis incorporate a cape-like feature, either attached to the shoulders or as an additional layer over the kurti. This style adds a dramatic flair and is perfect for making a fashion statement. The cape can be of varying lengths and is often adorned with intricate designs or embellishments. These kurtis are great for festive occasions or fashion-forward events and can be paired with straight-cut pants or skirts for a chic, modern look.
8. Floor Length/Gown Style Kurti
Elegant and regal, these Kurtis are similar to evening gowns. They are perfect for formal events and weddings. Pair them with minimal jewellery and heels for a sophisticated look.
9. Chikankari Kurti
Known for their delicate embroidery, Chikankari Kurtis are a symbol of elegance. They are perfect for traditional events. Pair them with light-coloured bottoms and ethnic jewellery.
10. Peplum Kurti
Peplum kurtis feature a flared ruffle attached at the waist, creating a playful and trendy silhouette. This style adds a touch of Western fashion to the traditional kurta and is perfect for those who love a fusion look. Peplum kurtis are great for casual outings, parties, or even office wear when styled appropriately. They pair well with slim-fit pants or jeggings, balancing the flared bottom.
Each kurti style in our list offers a unique way to express your style and preferences. From the playful vibrancy of tie-dye to the elegant sophistication of Chikankari, there’s a kurti for every occasion, mood, and personality. Embrace the diversity of these styles and find the perfect kurti to add to your wardrobe. Happy styling!
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punjabilover · 10 months
20 Latest Punjabi Salwar Suit Design
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Want to look royal in a salwar suit? Check out this blue and orange fancy Punjabi salwar suit that can win your hearts. The unique pattern on the Kurta is created using Resham work on the Yoke and neck part. The center of the body is embellished with a patchwork for a special effect. A flowy salwar trouser and an embroidered dupatta perfectly sums up the outfit.
Salwar Kameez Design: Blue and Orange Designer fancy Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Silk
Preferred Occasions: Weddings
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Printed Punjabi Salwar Suit
This is one of the ideal choices for every day and college wear. The simple green printed Punjabi Salwar comes with a V-necked Kurta, adorned with beautiful thread work. The yoke part and the sleeves are embellished with a floral lace border. The bottom is a printed Punjabi Salwar with a unique digital pattern.
Salwar Kameez Design: Green Printed Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body typeBlack and Green Punjabi Salwar Kameez:
Green and black is one of the best colour combinations. This stunning cotton Zari work Punjabi salwar suit is designed for young girls to slay the traditional look. The Kurta is embellished with Zari and thread work, while the bottom is designed with tiny floral thread motifs. A Brasso dupatta elevates the beauty of this outfit.
Salwar Kameez Design: Black and Green Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Pink and Yellow Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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This Pink and deep yellow Punjabi suit is created for special occasions to make you shine. The dark pink top comes in a georgette material with self-design, while the bottom is heavily embellished with faux pas mirrors for an illusion effect. Delicate white netted sleeves add a modern touch to this outfit.
Salwar Kameez Design: Pink and Yellow Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Georgette
Preferred Occasions: Occasional wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Heavy Embroidered Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Heavy, intricate embroidery in the salwar fabric up to knee length is very much in fashion. With short and fitted kameez, these look amazing with matching dupattas. With lots of layers, the salwar is stitched in Patiala pattern which is the highlight for showing off the embroidery.
Salwar Kameez Design: Yellow and White Embroidered Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Ethnic wear and College Wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
7. Designer Punjabi Suit:
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Marvellous embroidery all over with contrasting colours in brilliant blue is the highlight of the suit. Also, the neck pattern stands out in bright pink placket pattern matching with dhoti style salwar. The sleeves have embroidery from elbow till wrist, and the suit has pink layered strips on the wrist, end of the kurta, etc. for that designer element feel. The dupatta in pink and golden stripes make the suit resplendent.
Salwar Kameez Design: Dark Blue and Pink Embroidered Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Crepe
Preferred Occasions: Evening Parties
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Royal Blue Party wear Punjabi Salwar Kameez:
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Royal blue makes any design or work on it stand out. In this heavy worked royal blue suit, the salwar is churidar style and fitted with straight cut kameez. The kameez has a boat neck with splendid work till the navel and also on the sleeves. The work in golden and tomato red colour makes the suit just a bit lovelier as if it wasn’t just for the colour royal blue.
Salwar Kameez Design: Dark Blue and Red Punjabi Churidar Style Salwar Kameez
Material: Crepe
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Punjabi Patiala Salwar Suit:
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Very much in tradition and with roots in Patiala in Punjab, India are these very much traditional Patiala Salwar Suits. Fit for royal kings and queens are these salwar suits, and they used to wear these kinds of suits. Taking a cue from them, are these layered Punjabi Patiala suits in bright colours and trendy, stylish dupattas. This particular Patiala in cream with tiny maroon motifs and bright maroon kameez look marvellous.
Salwar Kameez Design: Maroon and cream Patiala Style Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Crepe
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings and Day Events
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Cotton Stylish Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Cotton is that fabric preferred by women in hot, humid zones for the comfort of the fabric and breathability. This particular Punjabi cotton salwar suit has large motifs in off white greyish fabric with long U neck and has pink salwar with a bright orange dupatta in contrast. This unique colour combination is striking and gives a nice blend and new feel to the suit.
Salwar Kameez Design: White and Pink Printed Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings and Day Events
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Phulkari Work Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Phulkari is the specific embroidery from Punjab which means flower working. The work is now known by the name phulkari work. This lovely suit with blue, pink, green and yellow phulkari work is eye-catching. The colours look amazing on the flawless white suit. The salwar is bright blue with small motifs. The dupatta is also printed with phulkari work on it too. Overall the suit looks magical.
Salwar Kameez Design: White and Blue Phulkari Work Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings, Day Events
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
White and Black Patiala Suit:
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This is a classic combination and also a must-have in one’s wardrobe. This is in faux georgette fabric which has a nice fall. This suit has salwar in black with golden motifs with black and golden dupatta. The kameez is sleeveless with a nice neck pattern with black and golden thread zardosi work, embroidery, sequins and stone work which is captivating.
Salwar Kameez Design: White and Black Foil Print Punjabi Salwar Suits
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings, College or Work wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Contrast Coloured Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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This is one lovely looking salwar suit. The contrasting colour combination is what makes the suit look ethereal. The bright yellow and bottle green looks great for a suit. The patchwork in the suit is what makes the difference to the look. The patchwork is done at the edge of the suit again in contrasting colours of magenta and green. Also, the kameez has small embroidered motifs all over.
Salwar Kameez Design: Yellow and Green Patch Work Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings, College or Work wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Cotton Salwar Suit with Jackets:
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Jackets along with suits are very common in Punjab. Both men, as well as women, prefer wearing jackets over the shirt/kurta or the kurtis/kameez respectively. Made of cotton, this has full floral printed salwar with solid colour kameez and printed dupatta. The jacket has heavy white embroidery.
Salwar Kameez Design: Peach Kurta With Multi Coloured Punjabi Salwar
Material: Cotton
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear and College wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Brasso Silk Salwar Suit:
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This lovely colour combination of pink and bright blue is evergreen. This salwar kameez in silk fabric is pretty and just perfect for functions. The suit is of Brasso silk and hence very smooth in texture and has a shine. There is a lovely patchwork at the edge in blue with golden yellow and bright pink motifs. The silk salwar in blue looks royal.
Salwar Kameez Design: Pink and Blue Brasso Punjabi Style Salwar Suit
Material: Brasso
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear and College wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all b
Red Georgette Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Red is an important colour for any married woman in India as the colour is very auspicious and traditional. This red georgette Punjabi Salwar suits is straight cut with full sleeves. The suit has heavy golden embroidery with a jacket and collared neck. The coat looks as if attached to the suit, and the work is all over the bust area. The edges have golden lacework highlighting the red colour and give a traditional look with matching jewellery.
Salwar Kameez Design: Red and Cream Georgette Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Georgette
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear and College wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Leheriya Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Leheriya means patterned lines. This is a very interesting pattern in a Punjabi salwar suit. This has leheriya pink kameez with Gotta Patti work which looks great on the suit. The work in silver and golden looks fabulous. The salwar is off white and is in churidar pattern.
Salwar Kameez Design: Pink and White Leheriya Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Georgette
Preferred Occasions: Daily Wear and College wear
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Velvet Mirror Work Salwar Suit:
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Velvet is a great fabric for the nice look it gives when worn and is extremely smooth and soft. This elegant velvet salwar has golden mirror work and has a cream salwar to match it with a lovely dupatta. The blue dupatta also has mirror work in it to give it a rich look.
Salwar Kameez Design: Dark Blue and Cream Mirror Work Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Velvet and Satin
Preferred Occasions: Evening Parties, Sangeeth
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Cut Work Punjabi Salwar Suit:
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Cut work is like embroidery done with few cuts on it for a different look. The cuts are what makes it different and beautiful. This peach coloured Punjabi salwar suits has cut work on the border in different shades matching with the peach. Further, the suit also has thread diamond shaped work on it.
Salwar Kameez Design: Pastel Pink Cut Work Punjabi Salwar Suit
Material: Crepe
Preferred Occasions: Day Events, Kitty Parties, and Special Occasions
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
Red Bridal Salwar Kameez:
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Classic red bridal salwar suit in different patterns are true to Punjabi culture. They wear a palatial red suit for weddings and other occasions. The red suit with zari embroidery and three fourth sleeves looks beautiful with the golden embroidery work all over the suit.
Salwar Kameez Design: Red Punjabi Salwar Suit With Zari Work
Material: Crepe
Preferred Occasions: Small Gatherings, Evening Functions
Suitable Body Shape: Suitable for all body types
How To Style Punjabi Salwar Suits?
Planning to wear a Salwar suit Punjabi Style? Check out these style tips to ace the look:
Punjabi Suit Salwar Kameez sets are best worn for small gatherings, colleges, and offices.
They usually come in simple designs, bright colours, and limited embellishments.
If you have chosen Punjabi Salwar suit for weddings, try opting for Silk materials with heavy work.
Wear Jutis along with your Punjabi suits to get that perfect Desi look.
Metal bangles with funky earrings and simple chain are ideal for accessorising the outfit.
Carry a handwoven bag or a clutch to leave no stone unturned.
Now that you have explored the top 20 new Punjabi salwar suit designs, it’s time to give them a try! You can get these models done from the normal Salwar suit fabrics. For extra folds on the Patiala, you can source plain cotton or crepe cloth to match the top and the dupatta. It’s time to break the stereotypes and try something essentially north Indian! With summers lurking in the corner, choose Punjabi style suits for an easy, breezy look!
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About Yashita
Yashita is a senior content writer in Fashion & Lifestyle. She works involved writing blog posts and articles on diverse topics. She developed a passion for content writing, made it her full-time career. She loves writing for the online media and specializes in fashion, lifestyle and travel-related content. Yashita loves to explore the new places, and the different flavours/foods and photography are hobbies.
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rajkumaridress · 1 year
Top 8 Designer Kurtas Types for Different Occasions
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Designer kurtas are versatile garments that can be worn for various occasions, from casual outings to formal events. Here are eight different types of designer kurtas for different occasions:
Anarkali Kurta:
Occasion: Weddings, festive celebrations, and formal parties.
Description: Anarkali kurtas are floor-length with a fitted bodice and flared skirt. They are often heavily embellished with intricate embroidery and can be paired with churidar pants or leggings.
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Straight-Cut Kurta:
Occasion: Casual gatherings, office wear, and daily wear.
Description: Straight-cut kurtas have a simple, straight silhouette that falls gracefully. They are comfortable and can be worn with various bottoms, such as jeans, palazzos, or leggings.
A-Line Kurta:
Occasion: Semi-formal events, office wear, and casual outings.
Description: A-line kurtas are fitted at the top and flare out gradually towards the hem, forming an "A" shape.
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Long Jacket Kurta:
Occasion: Festivals, weddings, and formal gatherings.
Description: Long jacket kurtas come with a knee-length or longer outer layer, creating a layered look. They are often adorned with intricate embroidery or embellishments and can be paired with straight pants or lehengas.
Asymmetric Kurta:
Occasion: Casual outings, parties, and creative events.
Description: Asymmetric kurtas have uneven hems, creating a unique and stylish look. They can be short or long and are often paired with fitted leggings or palazzo pants.
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Kaftan Kurta:
Occasion: Beach vacations, casual gatherings, and summer events.
Description: Kaftan kurtas are loose-fitting and comfortable, with flowy sleeves and a relaxed silhouette. They are ideal for hot weather and can be paired with shorts or wide-legged pants.
Pakistani Kurta:
Occasion: Festivals, weddings, and formal occasions.
Description: Pakistani kurtas are long and flared, often featuring intricate embroidery, mirror work, or embellishments. They are typically paired with straight pants or churidars.
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High-Low Kurta:
Occasion: Casual outings, parties, and semi-formal events.
Description: High-low kurtas have a shorter front hem and a longer back hem, creating a trendy look. They can be paired with a variety of bottoms, such as jeans, skirts, or leggings.
Remember that the choice of fabric, color, and embellishments also plays a significant role in determining the appropriateness of a designer kurta for a particular occasion. Additionally, accessorizing and styling can further enhance the overall look.
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sutivastra · 1 year
Salwar Kameez: A Timeless Outfit for Every Occasion
Salwar Kameez is a traditional outfit for women that originated in South Asia and is worn in countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The dress includes a long tunic top (kameez), loose-fitting pants (salwar), and a scarf or shawl (dupatta). It comes in various styles and designs ranging from simple and elegant to elaborate and heavily embroidered. If you want to purchase Salwar Kameez, there are many brands and designers that offer a variety of options, including Fabindia, Biba, W, and Manyavar, to name a few. However, Suti Vastra is a brand that specializes in high-quality Salwar Kameez with exquisite designs, premium fabrics, and attention to detail. They offer casual and formal Salwar Kameez in a wide range of colors, patterns, and styles to cater to your taste and budget.
The Salwar Kameez is a traditional outfit that has been worn by women in South Asia for centuries. It is a comfortable, elegant, and versatile attire that has become an integral part of South Asian fashion. The dress originated during the Mughal era, which was a period of great artistic and cultural influence in South Asia. Initially, it was worn by women in the Mughal court and was considered a symbol of royalty and elegance. Over time, it became popular among women of all classes and regions and evolved into a versatile and stylish outfit that is now worn by women worldwide.
There are different styles of Salwar Kameez available in the market.
 Anarkali Suits
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The Anarkali Salwar Kameez is a popular style that features a long, flowing tunic with a flared bottom that is reminiscent of the Mughal era. It is often paired with tight-fitting churidar pants and a dupatta.
 Straight Suits
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The Straight Cut Salwar Kameez, on the other hand, features a straight-cut tunic with no flare and is usually paired with loose-fitting salwar pants and a dupatta.
Palazzo Salwar Kameez is another style that features a tunic top paired with a wide-legged, loose-fitting pants called Palazzo, which is comfortable and trendy and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions and finally.
 Pakistani Suits
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the Pakistani Salwar Kameez is a popular style in Pakistan that features a long tunic top paired with loose-fitting shalwar pants. The tunic is often heavily embroidered or embellished with sequins, beads, or stones.
Salwar Kameez is typically made of comfortable and breathable fabrics like cotton, silk, chiffon, georgette, and crepe.
The choice of fabric depends on the occasion and the season. For casual wear, cotton and linen are preferred as they are comfortable and easy to maintain. For formal occasions, silk, chiffon, and georgette are preferred as they have a more luxurious look and feel.
There are many benefits to wearing Salwar Kameez. It is comfortable to wear and easy to move around in, making it ideal for women who are looking for an outfit that is both stylish and comfortable. It is also versatile and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Salwar Kameez can be accessorized with jewelry, bags, and shoes to create a personalized look. For South Asian women living abroad, Salwar Kameez is a way to stay connected to their cultural roots and express their identity. Finally, Salwar Kameez provides a modest option for women who prefer to cover up their arms and legs, making it ideal for those who want to dress conservatively without compromising on style.
When it comes to styling Salwar Kameez, it is essential to choose the right fit that flatters your body type.
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merajcouture · 2 years
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Seize the moment with our latest spring-summer collection..! Truly charming and Stunning, this cherry red sherwani made out of rich micro velvet in kediya design is enhanced with exquisite traditional embroidery that has been woven very delicately and minutely with zari of antic gold and rose gold color all over carrying sprinkles of gold stones as well. With a combination of matching turban and rust gold raw silk straight churidar pants, this attire is definitely an epitome of grandeur..!
. . . . Designer - @anwar_meraj @afaq.anwar17 . . Production by @esparto_events @Zulfiali21 . . Models - @shubhi.joshi4 @aryavimal01 @phoenixrisinghigh . . Photography - @Bijuwhiteramp_photography Hair & make - @Kannan.monisha
Visit our website- https://meraj.in/ . . .
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tex-yunus · 4 days
10 Amazing clothes for men for wedding
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Weddings are a time for celebration, and for men, it’s the perfect occasion to dress your best. Whether you're the groom, groomsman, or a guest, picking the right outfit is key to looking sharp and feeling confident. Here are 10 amazing clothing options for men to consider for a wedding, ranging from traditional to contemporary styles.
1. Classic Three-Piece Suit
A three-piece suit is a timeless and sophisticated option for a wedding. It consists of a jacket, trousers, and a vest (waistcoat), adding an extra layer of formality to your outfit. Stick to darker shades like navy, charcoal, or black for an evening wedding, and you can experiment with lighter hues like beige or light grey for a daytime event.
Pro Tip:
Pair with a crisp white shirt, a classic tie, and polished leather shoes to complete the look.
2. Tuxedo
For formal weddings, nothing beats the elegance of a tuxedo. A well-fitted tuxedo in black or midnight blue gives a timeless appeal. Paired with a black bow tie and patent leather shoes, this outfit ensures you look like the epitome of class.
Pro Tip:
Opt for a shawl or peak lapel for added sophistication, and always stick to a black bow tie for classic appeal.
3. Bandhgala Suit
For a traditional yet modern Indian look, the bandhgala suit is a fantastic choice. Known for its high-neck style, the bandhgala exudes elegance and is perfect for formal Indian weddings. You can find them in a variety of fabrics such as silk, velvet, and brocade.
Pro Tip:
Pair a dark-colored bandhgala with fitted trousers and mojari shoes for a regal look.
4. Sherwani
The sherwani is a quintessential outfit for grooms at Indian weddings. It is often made from rich fabrics like silk, brocade, or velvet, with intricate embroidery or embellishments. A well-fitted sherwani, paired with churidar or straight pants, adds a royal touch to any wedding ensemble.
Pro Tip:
Choose a sherwani in ivory, beige, or gold tones for a classic look, or experiment with jewel tones for something bold.
5. Achkan
An achkan is a longer, knee-length coat that’s similar to a sherwani but often more minimalistic. It's perfect for men who want a traditional yet understated look. Typically worn with churidar pants, the achkan offers a refined and elegant style.
Pro Tip:
Choose pastel or neutral shades for a modern twist, and pair with embroidered juttis for a traditional finish.
6. Nehru Jacket with Kurta
The Nehru jacket, paired with a kurta, is a versatile option that combines tradition with a contemporary touch. This combination works well for semi-formal weddings and can be dressed up with a printed or embroidered jacket.
Pro Tip:
Opt for contrasting colors for the kurta and jacket, and complete the look with leather loafers or juttis.
7. Jodhpuri Suit
The Jodhpuri suit, also known as a bandhgala suit with a western twist, is another great option for weddings. This structured, fitted suit combines a classic western blazer style with Indian elements, often featuring embroidery or rich fabric.
Pro Tip:
Wear with a pocket square or brooch to elevate the look, and pair with formal shoes for a polished finish.
8. Indo-Western Fusion Outfit
For men who want a blend of traditional and modern, an Indo-Western outfit is the way to go. This can be a fusion of a traditional sherwani with western-style trousers or a jacket-style kurta. It’s perfect for men who want a unique yet stylish wedding look.
Pro Tip:
Choose an outfit with clean lines and minimal embellishments for a modern aesthetic, and pair it with loafers or brogues.
9. Embroidered Kurta with Dhoti
For a more traditional Indian look, an embroidered kurta with dhoti is a great option. The intricate detailing on the kurta adds a festive touch, while the dhoti brings an element of cultural richness. This outfit is ideal for weddings with a traditional or cultural theme.
Pro Tip:
Pair this ensemble with embroidered juttis or mojari shoes for a complete traditional look.
10. Designer Blazer with Trousers
For a contemporary look, a designer blazer paired with trousers is an excellent option for a semi-formal wedding. Blazers with bold patterns, intricate details, or unique cuts can add a stylish edge to your outfit without going over the top.
Pro Tip:
Opt for printed or embroidered blazers if you want to make a statement, and pair them with solid-colored trousers for balance.
When it comes to wedding attire for men, there are endless options, whether you prefer classic western suits or traditional Indian wear. The key is to choose an outfit that not only fits the occasion but also makes you feel confident and comfortable. From three-piece suits and tuxedos to sherwanis and bandhgalas, you can make a lasting impression with any of these styles.
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scrollnshops-blogs · 4 days
Designer Anarkalis and Kurta Sets for Girls At ScrollnShops
ScrollandShops.com - A trendy multi-designer online store in India. It houses multiple designers under one roof who believe in curating exquisite and premium handcrafted styles by local artisans and designers. ScrollnShops offers an extensive array of Pret and Couture including Western clothing, Indian Wear, royal designs, and classic styles for women,men & kids. At ScrollnShops, we have something for everyone that will complement your style and enhance your wardrobe. Fashion is a vital component of every woman's life. And when it comes to ethnic clothes, Kurta sets spring to mind. Anarkali Sets and Kurta Sets for girls hold cultural significance in India. It reflects tradition and heritage and goes beyond simply an item of clothing. Kurta sets are popular with all men, women, and kids. This classic set encourages creativity in design and fabric selection while upholding centuries-old traditions. Designer kurta sets for girls have grown considerably over time. Your little angel may now choose from a wide range of classic and simple kurta sets for everyday wear or embroidered kurta sets with elaborate detailing for a special occasion. A kurta set is fairly universal since it may be worn on both formal and informal occasions. Your daughter can style her designer kurta sets as she desires, depending on the occasion, allowing you to keep enhancing your fashion game.
Categories Related to Kids Wear
Kurta Sets For Boys
Shirts For Boys
Bottoms For Boys
Jackets For Boys
Suits For Boys
Siblings Sets
Co-ord Sets For Boys ScrollnShops showcases a huge selection of prints, patterns, embroidery, and fabrics, all decorated with exquisite craftsmanship for your little princess. Ranging from Prints and Patterns such as Floral print, Leheriya, Colour block, Mughal, Bandhani, Clouds, Shooting stars, Sunset sky, Fruit, Tropical, Ruffle print, Zig-zag, Jaal, Stripe, Kota, or something that is inspired by nature like Animal print, Tropical print, as well as comfortable and breathable fabrics such as Roman silk, Crepe, Cotton, 100% Cotton satin, Rayon, Chanderi silk, Organza, Tencil, Mulmul, German satin, Silk, Chanderi, and Net with wonderfully detailed embroidery such as Zari, Gota patti, Lace work, Beads, Sequins, Motifs, Pearls, Thread, Tassels, 3D Floral, Embroidered belt, Embroidered cuffs, Silver gota patti, and Multicolour border. It is vital to expose children to their roots because the vast majority of them are unaware of their diverse cultural history. Dressing kids in Kurta sets and Anarkalis from an early age instils pride, allowing them to acquire an awareness and appreciation for their ancestry and culture. ScrollnShops has gathered a variety of designer kurta sets for girls with a wide range of styles to choose from, including Anarkali Kurta Sets, Classic Kurta Sets, Angarkha Kurta Sets, Printed Kurta Sets, Peplum Kurta Sets, and the Kaftan Kurta Sets. These sets are paired with various bottoms such as Dhoti Pants, Churidar, Pyjamas, Sharara Pants, Palazzo pants, Straight-fit Pants, and Salwar Bottoms with an elasticated waist and wonderfully detailed embroidery for hassle-free styling for any upcoming occasion. Note: All kid's clothes at ScrollnShops are ideal for 0-6 months to 16 years of age groups and can also be customised.
Designer Anarkali Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
A Designer Anarkali set is a timeless piece for your young one that embodies both grace and comfort. An Anarkali set is a classic Indian outfit distinguished by its long, flowing silhouette, fitting bodice, and flared hem. The Anarkali Set is a popular traditional Indian attire for your young girl. Anarkali is worn with churidar, pyjamas, sharara pants, palazzo pants, straight-fit pants, and salwar bottoms for a more tasteful look. At ScrollnShops Designer Anarkali suits are handcrafted from luxurious fabrics such as Georgette, Silk, Pure Cotton, Tissue, and Chanderi. An Anarkali set is designed to provide girls with elegance and comfort while also accentuating their attractiveness. A well-chosen Anarkali ensemble for your daughter from ScrollandShops.com will make you see and feel like a stunning diva.
Designer Classic Kurta Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
Classic Kurta Sets for Girls are made up of three parts: kurta, churidar, and dupatta. A traditional kurta set for girls is a wardrobe staple that lends a classy and refined appearance. They are adaptable and can be paired with palazzos, churidars, or shararas. style with a potli bag and minimal jewellery for a sophisticated look. A classic kurta set is versatile and comfortable; it might be the perfect go-to outfit for occasions such as get-togethers, birthdays, casual and daily, travel, or puja.
Designer Angrakha Kurta Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
Angarkha Kurta sets for girls are an Indian traditional attire that includes an outer robe with long sleeves that are reminiscent of traditional musical attire, with a wrap-around style that is fastened at the sides. This attire is suitable for both men and women, as well as children. It is graceful but edgy enough to easily fit into today's fashion apparel. This style is edgy and fashionable, which means it will instantly elevate your wardrobe. They are ideal for cultural events and can be worn with straight trousers, Sharara, Gharara, or Palazzos. Dress up your Angarkha kurta sets alongside designer juttis and jewellery for a classy and sophisticated look. 
Designer Printed Kurta Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
Printed Kurta Sets for Girls are available in a variety of prints and patterns, including floral, abstract, geometric, tie-dye, tropical, leheriya, colour block, Mughal, bandhani, and more. Bandhani print is a widely recognised traditional method from Gujarat and Rajasthan that gives your clothes a classic yet colourful look. At ScrollnShops, Kurta sets for your daughter are handcrafted by our artisans. At ScrollnShops, we have a diverse selection of printed designer Kurta sets for girls that are appropriate for both formal and informal events. 
Designer Peplum Kurta Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
Peplum Kurta Sets for Girls have a flared ruffle fastened at the waist, offering them a playful and fashionable look. This style is great for those who prefer a fusion look and adds a touch of Western style to the traditional kurta. Peplum kurta sets for your daughter will look great at parties and informal gatherings. Peplum kurta sets for your little princess represent elegance and will be ideal for occasions such as pujas, festivals, and family functions. 
Designer Kaftan Kurta Sets for Girls at ScrollnShops
The Kaftan Kurta Sets for Girls is a kurta that resembles a Kaftan. Designer kaftan kurta sets are relatively straightforward to wear. It's known for its comfort and typically has a flowy silhouette. These are great for a playful or relaxing day for your young one. For a casual occasion, choose a printed kaftan set, while an embroidered kaftan set will enhance your kid's appearance at any social event. 
At ScrollandShops.com each kurta set style on our website provides a unique method to show your personality and preferences. From the joyful brightness of tie-dye to the refinement of hand embroidery, there's a kurta set to suit any event, mood, or personality. ScrollnShops offers a wide range of Designer Kurta Sets for girls, allowing you to choose the ideal kurta set for your wardrobe. Happy styling!
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alltrade · 11 days
Elevate Your Style with Men's Kurta: The Perfect Blend of Tradition and Modern Fashion
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A men's kurta is more than just an outfit—it’s a symbol of culture, tradition, and timeless elegance. Whether you’re attending a wedding, festival, or a casual gathering, a well-fitted kurta can elevate your style instantly. At Alltrade.ae, we offer a diverse range of men’s kurtas that blend traditional designs with modern fashion, giving you the best of both worlds.
Why Choose a Kurta?
Men’s kurtas have evolved from being simple ethnic wear to becoming a versatile fashion choice. Here are a few reasons why kurtas are a wardrobe essential:
1. Comfort Meets Style
Kurtas are traditionally made from breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and silk, making them perfect for all-day wear in the UAE's hot and humid climate. Whether it’s a family gathering or an outdoor event, a kurta keeps you comfortable while ensuring you look effortlessly stylish.
2. Versatility for Every Occasion
Men's kurtas can be styled for both formal and casual occasions. Pair a solid-colored kurta with a pair of jeans for a casual day out, or opt for an embroidered, festive kurta with a churidar or pajama for a more traditional look. The versatility of a kurta makes it suitable for weddings, religious ceremonies, and even casual get-togethers.
3. A Range of Designs
At Alltrade.ae, we offer an extensive range of kurtas in different styles, from classic straight-cut kurtas to modern asymmetric designs. Whether you prefer minimalist designs or intricate embroidery, our collection has something for everyone.
4. Timeless Appeal
One of the key reasons kurtas never go out of fashion is their timeless appeal. They can be passed down through generations and still remain relevant. The blend of tradition and contemporary elements ensures that you are always in style, no matter the trends.
Top Picks from Alltrade’s Men's Kurta Collection
1. Classic Cotton Kurta
Perfect for casual occasions, our classic cotton kurtas come in a variety of colors, making them an ideal choice for daily wear or low-key family events. Pair them with jeans or pajamas for a laid-back look.
2. Embroidered Festive Kurta
For weddings and festive celebrations, our embroidered kurtas are the ultimate choice. Intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and high-quality fabrics ensure that you stand out in the crowd.
3. Designer Kurta with Jacket
If you’re looking for a fusion of modern and traditional fashion, our designer kurtas with jackets are the perfect choice. These kurtas are ideal for formal occasions and can be paired with accessories to complete the look.
Styling Tips for Men's Kurtas
For Casual Outings: Pair a light cotton kurta with denim or chinos for a smart-casual look.
For Festive Events: Opt for a silk or embroidered kurta with churidar or dhoti pants for a more traditional appearance.
For Weddings: A kurta paired with a jacket or waistcoat adds an extra layer of sophistication.
Accessorize: Don’t forget to accessorize with a stylish watch, traditional juttis, or loafers to complete your outfit.
Final Thoughts
A men’s kurta is a must-have for anyone who appreciates comfort, style, and versatility. With Alltrade.ae, you can find the perfect kurta that suits your style and the occasion. Browse through our extensive collection and elevate your wardrobe with this timeless piece of ethnic wear.
Explore the latest trends in men’s kurtas today at Alltrade.ae and enjoy fast delivery across the UAE!
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avicennacrowe · 12 days
The Best Ethnic Tops for Women to Celebrate Cultural Heritage
The best ethnic tops for women celebrate cultural heritage with elegance and style. Featuring traditional fabrics like silk, cotton, and brocade, these tops often incorporate intricate embroidery, vibrant patterns, and classic cuts. From embroidered kurtas to embellished blouses, they offer a blend of timeless tradition and modern fashion. Ideal for festive occasions and cultural celebrations, these ethnic tops enhance your wardrobe while honouring your roots, allowing you to showcase your heritage with grace and sophistication.
The Best Ethnic Tops for Women to Celebrate in Cultural Heritage
Ethnic tops for women are more than just garments; they are a celebration of cultural heritage, blending traditional elements with modern fashion trends. From intricate embroidery to vibrant prints, these tops offer a stylish way to honour cultural traditions. Here's a comprehensive guide to the best ethnic tops for women that celebrate cultural heritage.
A Staple in Ethnic Tops for Women of Classic Kurtis of Reflecting Traditional Charm with Contemporary
Classic kurtas are a timeless choice in ethnic tops for women, reflecting traditional charm with a contemporary touch. Made from fabrics like cotton, silk, or georgette, kurtas come in various styles, including straight-cut, A-line, and asymmetrical. They often feature detailed embroidery, mirror work, or block prints, making them ideal for both casual and formal occasions. Paired with leggings or churidars, kurtas offer a versatile option for celebrating cultural events.
Glamorous Ethnic Tops for Women in The Perfect for Festive Occasions and Celebrations
Embellished blouses are a glamorous addition to ethnic tops for women, perfect for festive occasions and celebrations. These tops often feature intricate beadwork, sequins, and embroidery that add a touch of sparkle and sophistication. Whether worn with sarees or lehengas, embellished blouses elevate your look, making them an essential part of any ethnic wardrobe. Choose designs that complement your outfit while enhancing your personal style.
Contemporary Crop Tops of Modern Ethnic Tops for Women With High-waisted Skirts, Palazzos,
Contemporary crop tops offer a modern twist on traditional ethnic wear. These stylish pieces can be paired with high-waisted skirts, palazzos, or lehengas, providing a chic and fashionable alternative to classic ethnic tops. Featuring unique designs such as off-shoulder cuts, asymmetrical hems, or innovative fabrics, contemporary crop tops blend modern trends with traditional aesthetics. They are ideal for women looking to celebrate cultural heritage with a contemporary edge.
Versatile Ethnic Tops for Women Suitable of a Variety of Occasions with Printed Tunics
Printed tunics are a versatile choice in ethnic tops for women, suitable for a variety of occasions. With designs ranging from bold floral prints to intricate geometric patterns, these tunics offer a blend of comfort and style. Made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, they are perfect for casual outings or relaxed gatherings. Tunics can be dressed up with accessories or worn casually, making them a staple in any ethnic wardrobe.
Elegant Ethnic Tops for Women of Traditional Cholis and Sarees or Lehengas
Traditional cholis are an elegant option in ethnic tops for women, especially for those who appreciate classic Indian attire. Often worn with sarees or lehengas, cholis feature intricate embroidery, mirror work, or embellishments that enhance their traditional appeal. Available in various styles, such as sleeveless, off-shoulder, or with high necklines, traditional cholis offer a timeless and sophisticated look for cultural celebrations.
Innovative Ethnic Tops for Women of Traditional Elements with Modern Fashion of Fusion Tops
Fusion tops are an innovative choice in ethnic tops for women, combining traditional elements with modern fashion. These tops often incorporate features such as contemporary cuts, unique fabrics, or mixed prints, creating a stylish and fresh approach to ethnic wear. Fusion tops are perfect for women who want to blend cultural heritage with current fashion trends, offering a versatile and fashionable option for various occasions.
Unique Ethnic Tops for Women Represent The Artistry and Craftsmanship of Handcrafted Tops
Handcrafted tops represent the artistry and craftsmanship of traditional textile techniques. These ethnic tops for women often feature hand-embroidered details, block prints, or tie-dye patterns, making each piece unique. Supporting local artisans and preserving traditional crafts, handcrafted tops offer a distinctive and meaningful way to celebrate cultural heritage. They are perfect for those who appreciate the intricacies of artisanal work and want to showcase their support for traditional craftsmanship.
The best ethnic tops for women are a vibrant celebration of cultural heritage, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern fashion sensibilities. From classic kurtas and embellished blouses to contemporary crop tops and printed tunics, these garments offer a range of options for showcasing your heritage with style and grace. Traditional cholis and handcrafted tops add a touch of elegance and artistry, while fusion designs provide a fresh take on ethnic wear. Each piece not only enhances your wardrobe but also honors cultural traditions, making them essential for festive occasions and everyday wear. Embracing these ethnic tops allows women to connect with their roots while expressing their individuality and personal style.
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nitnaya · 14 days
Top 10 Ajrakh Printed Kurtis for a Stylish Look
Stylish Indian Kurtis: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity
Indian kurtis have long been a staple in the wardrobes of women who appreciate a blend of tradition and modernity. These versatile garments can be styled in various ways to suit different occasions, from casual outings to professional settings. Among the many types of kurtis available on Nitnaya., Ajrakh printed kurtis stand out for their unique and intricate designs. Let's explore the top 10 Ajrakh printed kurtis that will elevate your fashion game and seamlessly blend into your modern wardrobe.
Ajrakh Printed Kurtis: A Timeless Art Form
Ajrakh printing is a traditional art form that originated in the regions of Gujarat and Rajasthan in India. This ancient technique involves block printing with natural dyes, resulting in intricate patterns and rich colors. Ajrakh printed kurtis are known for their geometric designs, symmetrical patterns, and deep hues, making them a timeless addition to any wardrobe. These kurtis are not only a celebration of Indian craftsmanship but also a testament to the enduring appeal of traditional textiles in contemporary fashion.
Top 10 Stylish Ajrakh Kurtis for a Chic Look
Here are our top picks for Ajrakh printed kurtis that will add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your wardrobe:
1. Classic Ajrakh Straight Fit Kurti
This kurti features a straight fit, making it perfect for a sleek and professional look. The classic Ajrakh print in deep indigo and maroon hues adds a touch of traditional charm. Pair it with cigarette pants or leggings and minimalistic jewelry for an effortlessly chic office outfit.
2. Ajrakh Anarkali Kurti
The Ajrakh Anarkali kurti combines the elegance of the Anarkali silhouette with the intricate patterns of Ajrakh printing. This flowy and flared kurti is ideal for festive occasions and can be paired with churidar pants and statement earrings for a stunning look.
3. Ajrakh A-Line Kurti
The A-line kurti is a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. The Ajrakh print adds a unique touch to this classic silhouette, making it a must-have for any fashion-forward wardrobe. Pair it with palazzo pants and a statement necklace for a chic ensemble.
4. Ajrakh High-Low Hem Kurti
The high-low hem kurti is a modern take on traditional Indian wear. The asymmetrical hemline adds a contemporary twist to the classic Ajrakh print, making it a stylish choice for casual outings. Pair it with skinny jeans and ankle boots for a trendy look.
5. Ajrakh Kaftan Kurti
The kaftan kurti is known for its loose and comfortable fit, making it perfect for relaxed and casual occasions. The Ajrakh print adds a touch of elegance to this laid-back silhouette. Pair it with leggings and flats for a comfortable yet stylish outfit.
6. Ajrakh Angrakha Kurti
The Angrakha kurti features a wrap-around style that is both flattering and stylish. The Ajrakh print enhances the beauty of this silhouette, making it a great choice for festive events and celebrations. Pair it with churidar pants and jhumkas for a traditional yet trendy look.
7. Ajrakh Kurti with Bell Sleeves
Bell sleeves add a playful and feminine touch to any kurti. The Ajrakh print on this kurti makes it a unique and eye-catching piece. Pair it with straight pants and hoop earrings for a fun and fashionable outfit.
8. Ajrakh Kurti with Front Slit
The front slit kurti is a bold and stylish choice for those who like to make a statement with their fashion choices. The Ajrakh print adds a traditional touch to this modern silhouette. Pair it with palazzo pants and high heels for a glamorous look.
9. Ajrakh Kurti with Mandarin Collar
The mandarin collar kurti is a sophisticated and elegant piece that is perfect for professional settings. The Ajrakh print adds a touch of traditional charm to this sleek silhouette. Pair it with cigarette pants and minimalistic jewelry for a polished office outfit.
10. Ajrakh Kurti with Asymmetrical Hem
The asymmetrical hem kurti is a trendy and stylish choice for those who like to experiment with their fashion. The Ajrakh print adds a unique touch to this contemporary silhouette. Pair it with leggings and ankle boots for a chic and modern look.
Styling Tips for Ajrakh Printed Kurtis
Here are some styling tips to help you make the most of your Ajrakh printed kurtis:
Pair your Ajrakh kurti with contrasting bottoms for a balanced and stylish look.
Opt for minimalistic jewelry to let the intricate Ajrakh print take center stage.
Choose footwear that complements the overall look, such as flats for casual outings or heels for a more formal setting.
Experiment with different silhouettes and styles to find the one that best suits your body type and personal style.
Conclusion: Embrace the Timeless Elegance of Ajrakh Printed Kurtis
Ajrakh printed kurtis are a beautiful blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary fashion. With their intricate patterns and rich colors, these kurtis can elevate any wardrobe and add a touch of elegance to your everyday outfits. Whether you're dressing up for a festive occasion or looking for a chic office outfit, Ajrakh printed kurtis offer a versatile and stylish option. Embrace the timeless elegance of Ajrakh printed kurtis and make a fashion statement that celebrates the rich heritage of Indian textiles.
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Haldi Function Dress for Men: Embrace Tradition with Char Chaand
An important part of Indian weddings, the Haldi ceremony is a joyous celebration full of fun, rituals and traditional practices. This auspicious ceremony of the bride and groom using turmeric(turmeric) signifies purity and blessings for a prosperous future. When it comes to dressing for a turmeric function, men often look for clothes that balance traditional comfort with modern comfort. Char Chand offers a unique dress that beautifully fulfils this need, combining classical elegance with contemporary style.
Traditional beauty meets modern style
Known for its striking designs, Char-Chand offers a diverse collection of haldi function dress for men that reflects the essence of Indian tradition; while ensuring comfort and style for this happy occasion, the brand's offerings include kurtas, sherwanis and ethnic wear which Haldi ceremony They are perfect for.
Very Versatile Options for Kurtas
Kurta is the quintessential choice of men attending the Haldi ceremony. The Char Chand kurta collection features a wide range of fabrics and designs, from simple cotton kurtas that keep you relaxed to elaborate material options that will add some grandeur. Opt for bright and vivid colours like red, mustard and saffron, which not only complement the haldi theme but also add festive cheer. Kurtas come in lengths and cuts, including straight and irregular cuts, allowing men to choose a style that suits their taste.
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Sherwani: Classic and royal
Char Chand sherwani is a good choice for those who want to make a big statement. Often decorated with intricate embroidery or zari work, these traditional dresses are a royal elegance. Available in a variety of colours and fabrics, sherwanis can be paired with churidars or dhotis for a classic look. Fine fabrics and elaborate crafts ensure that you look your best as you indulge in ceremonial activities.
Ethnic Suit: A Modern Twist
Char Chand also offers ethnic wear that blends traditional elements with contemporary design sensibilities. These dresses tend to feature unique cuts, patterns and fabrics, providing a sophisticated alternative to traditional kurtas and sherwanis. Ideal for men who appreciate the mix of old and new, stylish ethnic wear can be paired with stylish mojaries or loafers to complete the look.
Choosing the right outfit for the turmeric function is important to make the occasion memorable. The collection of Char Chand kurtas, sherwanis and ethnic wear offers something for every groom and guest, ensuring that tradition is respected and individuality shines through by embracing the vibrant spirit of the Haldi ceremony through elegant and comfortable Char Chand designs so and make your mark with a blend of traditional and contemporary fashion.
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menswearbrand · 20 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Festive Kurtas for Men: Mirror Work, Chikankari, Lakhnavi, and More
When it comes to traditional Indian attire for men, kurtas are a timeless choice that combines comfort with elegance. Whether you're attending a festive occasion, a wedding, or simply looking to elevate your everyday style, the right kurta can make all the difference. At Firangi Yarn, we offer a diverse collection of men's kurtas that cater to every style preference and occasion. In this guide, we will explore the various types of kurtas available, including mirror work kurtas, chikankari kurtas, lakhnavi kurtas, embroidered kurtas, and more.
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1. Mens Mirror Work Kurta: Shine Bright at Every Occasion
Mirror work kurtas are a staple in traditional Indian fashion, known for their intricate and reflective embellishments. These kurtas are perfect for festive occasions and evening events, where you want to stand out. The mirror work adds a touch of glamour and elegance, making it a popular choice among men who appreciate detailed craftsmanship. At Firangi Yarn, our collection of mens mirror work kurtas offers a range of designs that blend traditional techniques with modern aesthetics.
2. Chikankari Kurtas for Men: Embrace Timeless Elegance
Chikankari is an ancient embroidery technique from Lucknow, known for its delicate and intricate patterns. Chikankari kurtas for men are ideal for those who prefer subtle yet sophisticated attire. These kurtas are versatile and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. Whether you're attending a family gathering or a cultural event, a chikankari kurta will always keep you looking stylish and refined.
3. Lakhnavi Kurtas for Men: The Epitome of Royalty
Lakhnavi kurtas are a subset of chikankari kurtas, originating from the city of Lucknow. These kurtas are known for their luxurious fabrics and intricate embroidery, often featuring motifs inspired by Mughal art. Lakhnavi kurtas for men are perfect for weddings, festive celebrations, and other grand occasions. Pair them with churidar or straight pants to complete the royal look.
4. Embroidered Kurtas for Men: A Touch of Tradition
For those who appreciate detailed craftsmanship, embroidered kurtas for men are a must-have. These kurtas feature a variety of embroidery techniques, from simple thread work to elaborate designs using beads and sequins. Embroidered kurtas are perfect for festive occasions and weddings, where you want to showcase your appreciation for traditional artistry. At Firangi Yarn, we offer a wide range of embroidered kurtas that cater to different tastes and preferences.
5. Printed Kurtas for Men: Casual Yet Stylish
Printed kurtas for men are a great choice for those who prefer a more relaxed and casual look. These kurtas feature a variety of prints, from classic paisleys to contemporary geometric patterns. Whether you're heading to a casual outing or a family get-together, a printed kurta is a versatile option that offers both comfort and style. Explore our collection at Firangi Yarn to find the perfect printed kurta that suits your personality.
6. Buy Cotton Kurta for Men: Comfort Meets Style
Cotton kurtas are a wardrobe essential for every man, especially in the hot and humid climate of India. These kurtas offer breathability and comfort while keeping you stylish. At Firangi Yarn, we offer a wide selection of cotton kurtas for men in various designs, including plain, printed, and embroidered options. Whether you're dressing up for a casual day out or a festive occasion, a cotton kurta is a reliable choice.
7. Ethnic Kurtas for Men: Celebrate Tradition
Ethnic kurtas for men are perfect for those who want to embrace traditional Indian attire. These kurtas often feature intricate embroidery, rich fabrics, and classic designs that reflect India's rich cultural heritage. Whether you're attending a wedding, a religious ceremony, or a cultural festival, an ethnic kurta is the ideal outfit to showcase your love for tradition. Browse our collection at Firangi Yarn to find the perfect ethnic kurta for your next special occasion.
8. Festive Kurtas for Men: Dress to Impress
Festivals in India are a time for celebration, and dressing up in festive kurtas is a big part of the tradition. Festive kurtas for men are often adorned with rich embroidery, vibrant colors, and luxurious fabrics. These kurtas are designed to make you look your best during festive occasions like Diwali, Eid, or Raksha Bandhan. At Firangi Yarn, we offer a wide range of festive kurtas that will help you make a statement during any celebration.
Choosing the right kurta can enhance your style and make a lasting impression. Whether you prefer the opulence of a mirror work kurta, the elegance of chikankari, the royalty of a Lakhnavi kurta, or the versatility of a cotton kurta, Firangiyarn has something for everyone. Explore our extensive collection of men's kurtas to find the perfect outfit for any occasion. With our high-quality fabrics and intricate designs, you're sure to find a kurta that suits your style
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shopmulmul · 24 days
Culture and Fashion: Must-Have Ethnic Pieces for Any Occasion
In a world where fashion trends are ever-evolving, ethnic wear for women remains a timeless expression of culture, tradition, and style. Whether it's a festive celebration, a wedding, or a day at the office, ethnic pieces offer a versatile and elegant option for every occasion. From designer kurta for women to the latest trending sarees, ethnic wear is a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Let’s explore the must-have ethnic pieces that every woman should own, along with styling tips and occasion-specific suggestions.
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1. The Timeless Saree: A Must-Have Ethnic Piece
No ethnic wardrobe is complete without a collection of sarees. This traditional Indian wear has transcended time and continues to be a symbol of elegance and grace. Whether you prefer a classic silk saree or a contemporary saree with modern prints, the versatility of this garment makes it suitable for a variety of occasions.
Silk Sarees: Perfect for weddings and festive celebrations, a silk saree exudes luxury and tradition. The rich texture and intricate designs make it a statement piece that every woman should own.
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Contemporary Sarees: For those who prefer a modern twist, contemporary sarees with minimalistic designs and lighter fabrics like georgette or chiffon are ideal for semi-formal events or office wear. These sarees are easy to drape and comfortable to wear throughout the day.
Latest Trending Sarees: Stay ahead of the fashion curve with the latest trending sarees online that feature bold prints, innovative drapes, and unique embellishments. These sarees are perfect for making a style statement at any event.
2. Designer Kurtas: Versatile and Stylish
Kurtas are another essential piece in any ethnic wardrobe. From casual daily wear to sophisticated office wear kurtas, this versatile garment can be styled in numerous ways to suit any occasion.
Designer Kurta for Women: Elevate your ethnic wardrobe with a designer kurta that features intricate embroidery, bold colors, and unique cuts. Perfect for festive events, a designer kurta paired with palazzos or churidars can make you stand out in the crowd.
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Office Wear Kurta Sets: For a more understated look, opt for office wear kurta sets in neutral tones and simple designs. These designer kurta sets can be paired with leggings or straight pants for a polished and professional appearance.
Ladies Kurtas Online: The convenience of shopping for ladies kurtas online means you can explore a wide range of styles, fabrics, and designs from the comfort of your home. Whether you prefer a traditional Anarkali or a contemporary A-line kurta, there’s something for every taste and occasion.
3. The Elegance of Lehenga Cholis
Lehenga cholis are synonymous with grand celebrations like weddings and festivals. This traditional Indian wear is a favorite among women for its elaborate designs and regal appeal.
Traditional Lehenga Cholis: Rich in embroidery and embellishments, traditional lehenga cholis are perfect for wedding functions. The heavy skirts and intricately designed blouses create a stunning silhouette that is sure to turn heads.
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Contemporary Lehengas: For a more modern approach, contemporary lehengas feature lighter fabrics, minimalistic designs, and innovative draping styles. These lehengas are ideal for pre-wedding functions like mehndi or sangeet, where you want to look stylish yet comfortable.
Lehenga for Women: Whether you’re attending a wedding or a festive event, a designer lehenga is a must-have piece in your ethnic wardrobe. With a variety of styles available, you can choose a lehenga that suits your personal style and the occasion.
4. The Charm of Anarkali Suits
Anarkali suits have been a favorite among women for centuries, and their popularity shows no signs of waning. This ethnic wear for women is known for its flowing silhouette and intricate embroidery, making it a perfect choice for both formal and semi-formal occasions.
Traditional Anarkalis: Featuring heavy embroidery and rich fabrics, traditional Anarkalis are perfect for weddings and festivals. The long, flowing skirt paired with a fitted bodice creates a regal look that is both elegant and timeless.
Modern Anarkalis: For a more contemporary look, opt for modern Anarkalis that feature simpler designs and lighter fabrics. These suits are perfect for day functions or office parties, where you want to look stylish yet comfortable.
5. Accessories: The Perfect Finishing Touch
No ethnic outfit is complete without the right accessories. From statement jewelry to traditional footwear, accessories play a crucial role in enhancing your overall look.
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Jewelry: Traditional jewelry like jhumkas, bangles, and necklaces can add a touch of elegance to any ethnic outfit. Opt for gold or silver jewelry with intricate designs to complement your saree or kurta.
Footwear: Traditional footwear like juttis or mojaris can add a touch of authenticity to your ethnic outfit. Choose footwear with embroidery or embellishments to match your attire and complete the look.
Ethnic wear for women is more than just a fashion choice; it’s a celebration of culture, tradition, and personal style. From designer kurtas for women to the latest trending sarees, these must-have ethnic pieces are versatile enough to be worn on any occasion. Whether you’re attending a wedding, a festive celebration, or simply heading to the office, these ethnic outfits allow you to express your individuality while staying true to your roots. Embrace the beauty of Indian wear and let your wardrobe reflect the richness of your culture.
By carefully selecting and styling these ethnic pieces, you can create looks that are not only fashionable but also deeply connected to your heritage. So, explore the world of ethnic wear and discover the perfect pieces that resonate with your personal style and the occasions that matter most to you.
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