#strait from the queue
micewithknives · 2 months
Skipping ALL things in my queue, and all the asks in my ask box, to tell y'all about THIS that came out a few hours ago. I cannot express how excited I am about this information finally being published.
Its not the first evidence of pottery technologies found in Australia, but the artefacts that have been found at the Lizard Island group in the past havent necessarily been datable. Evidence of pottery in the Torres Strait was also found in the early 2000s, and its been analysed to be evidence of trade with Papua New Guinea (who have an AMAZING history of pottery technology).
To our amazement, around 40cm below the surface we began to find pieces of pottery among the shells in the excavation. We knew this was a big deal. We carefully bagged each piece of pottery and mapped where each sherd came from, and kept digging.
But as of now, there's officially dated evidence for locally made pottery in Australia, of at least 1800 years. Not only outside the Torres Straight, but 300km south. Not only 1800+ years old, but also pre-dating the original known dates for Torres Straight Islands pottery, suggesting the possibility of even earlier pottery technology trade with PNG. AND ITS DECORATED.
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and shells found close to the pottery shows that it is between 2,950 and 1,815 years old, making it the earliest securely dated pottery ever found in Australia. Analysis of the clays and tempers shows that all of the pottery was likely made on Jiigurru.
The pottery stopped at about 80cm depth, with 82 pieces of pottery in total. Most are very small, with an average length of just 18 millimetres. The pottery assemblage includes rim and neck pieces and some of the pottery is decorated with pigment and incised lines.
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bunny584 · 6 days
For I Have Sinned ୨୧ Chapter III
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“Abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11
Priest Geto has unfaltering faith in his hands. They have traversed deadly straits. Blossomed gardens. Taken and given life.
Can he trust his hands to mold you for another man?
Pairing: Geto x Female reader
Art credit: Grartss on tumblr/insta
A/N: someone needs to peel me away from I wanna Be Yours x Artic Monkeys and the third scene. That song fits TOO perfectly to my ears. I hope this chapter edges you just as much as it did me.
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CHAPTER III: Courtside
Allow me to apologize. It was inappropriate to end our session so abruptly. 
You have been on my mind. It will serve your marriage best for you and the Duke Ahriman to pursue individual counseling prior to pre-marital counseling. 
I cannot guide you to love one another, your hearts will make that determination. But I can help unravel your layers; to allow for independent growth. Having a strong sense of self, above all,  is paramount for successful matrimony.
Think on this proposal. If you both accept, we will proceed. 
Suguru Geto
Suguru Geto. 
His name tastes just as rich as it reads. 
Too ethereal to be bound by ink and manila paper.
A name like that is meant to be said out loud. Shouted from the mountain top. Meant to be worshipped. 
“Darling? Are you decent?” Ezra calls from the other side of your heavy chamber doors. 
You flicker down to your robe. Technically you aren’t. But your continued attempts to avoid your betrothed — conscious or not — remain futile. 
Especially, today. Your formal introduction to court. The future Duchess Ahriman. You will be fused to Ezra’s side for hours on end. Grateful to have been bestowed the honor. An honor you will spend your life upholding. 
Pro Deo et patria. 
For God and Country. 
“Yes, I’m decent.” Hoping whatever he needs can be addressed from behind your barrier. 
“May I, my love?” 
A bitter scoff glides down your throat, but your words seep sweet. “Yes of course!”
Arella, who is diligently arranging your formal attire on the golden rack, fetters over to welcome the Duke.
Instinctively, your hand tightens the silk knot as he steps into view in your mirror. Ezra’s emerald gaze is warmer than the Grecian sun. Excitement buzzing off of his boyish grin and short strides to your vanity. 
The Priest’s letter finds its away into your pocket, just as strong hands land on your shoulders. 
Ezra didn’t notice. And why would he? The letter isn’t illegal.
“How are you feeling?” Like plush Evergreens withstanding all seasons, Ezra peers into you and roots you in place.
He’s unwavering, your fiancé. He doesn’t yield so easily. 
“Are you ready for tonight?” 
“Not like I have a choice in the matter.” 
Almost instantly you regret the response. The Duke offers you a pained smile and tender kiss on the crown. 
A sudden gust of wind brings the bouquet of fresh Dahlias to everyone’s attention. Ezra rubs a soft petal between his fingers. 
“These are outstanding, darling. Who brought them to you?”
Before a half truth drips off your tongue, Arella speaks up, taking stride toward where you sit. 
“I picked them this morning. From the garden.”
She grazes over your empty, half parted mouth.  Planting her own kiss on your warm canvas.
“We should get ready for the ball, yes little Dove?” 
Ezra’s good natured laugh overflows. He raises both palms in feigned retreat.
“I suppose that is my queue. I’ll take my leave.” Your handsome fiance keeps his word. Shutting the heavy doors behind him. 
“Arella!” Your head whips around to face your beautiful handmaiden. 
She is swanlike. Coordinating the intimate pieces of your gown. Not another word on her lips but a whole diary on her face. 
“Why did you lie for me?” Your hands steady her busy ones. 
Arella’s voice is small enough to fit through the cracks in the walls. 
“My allegiance is to you and only you, little Dove.”
 · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · 
“Under His Eye, Father.”
“Under His Eye, Rhea.” 
“Blessed Be The Fruit, Father.”
Of course. The greeting used when women are trying for child, the handmaiden chose to use with him. Suguru offers a polite, but pointedly distant smile.
Since his arrival to the compound, there hasn’t been a shortage of high court handmaids and the women they tend to ‘greeting’ him in a similar way. 
Well within the unspoken rules of engagement, but a message served loud and clear. 
“May The Lord Open, Seren.”  Suguru returns the pleasantry as scripted. 
The pretty maiden smiles like a Cheshire kitten. Taking her position in line behind the clergymen. Suguru keeps his gaze ahead. Remaining neutral in the midst of hushed giggles and whispered praises. 
His index finger wires beneath the formal collar. Tonight is the first of a long line of celebrations he will have to stomach. 
A commemoration of a new contract between families. A new marriage of countries. A long awaited treaty as precarious as the peak of Mauna Kea. 
And as the appointed Chaplain he is tasked with praying over each event. Handing out blessings to the soon-to-be-wed and those that wish them no harm. 
He’s already exhausted.
The processional begins and all extraneous chatter settles to the ground. Just in time for you and the Duke to step into view. At the height of the sprawling staircase, there you stand. 
Not a single strand out of place. The rigid corset digs into the small of your waist — accenting the feminine swell of your hips. Sage satin drips off the rolls and hills of your mind-altering lines. 
Curve and dip. 
Curve and dip. 
Your figure could render the most veteran fishermen seasick. 
Then your eyes collide with his and Suguru nearly falls backward. Knocking more air out of his lungs than any sea storm ever has. Ten times more deadly than the waves he rode along Drake’s Passage.
The infamous strait holds legend amongst seamen, old and new. The lethal dance between the South Atlantic, Pacific and Southern oceans gives way to the notorious Ship’s Graveyard.
At 60 degrees south of the Equator, Suguru’s father tweaked his usual saying before he dove off their vessel. 
“Below 40, there are no laws. Below 50, there is no God. Don’t go trying to find One, Son.” 
Suguru strips his eyes away from you. Currently plunging well below 60 degrees south, he will drown in you if he keeps gawking up like that.
Focus, Suguru. 
Lines from tonight’s production begin circulating in the Chaplain’s mind. Every moment rehearsed down to the breath. The night is already stifling. And he still has to look you in the eye and bid you a lifetime of love and prosperity with Ezra Ahriman. 
He’ll have to repent for the lie tomorrow. 
Patent leather dress shoes echo a path into the ballroom. Suguru and the rest of the priesthood fall behind the last line of noblemen. His stomach suddenly plummets lower than its usual residence. 
Public speaking isn’t the issue. 
A room full of eyes trained on his every word has never shaken his nerves. 
The problem is the air around him suddenly deciding to shed its layers. 
Leaving one, thin strip of sustenance left for Suguru to breathe in. While he rehearses the lies he has to spew in front of a congregation. 
Half of which is so forbidden. Basking in the thrill of lusting after a “Man of God” bound by law — biblical and not — to remain pure in the face of temptation. It’s thrilling for that half of the congregation. 
Then there’s the other half.
Seeing him for the foreigner that he is. 
The other. A man with eyes more inclement than the worst of Heaven’s rainfall. Who bares tattoos of a past life. Acting as if that part of himself is so far lost at sea.
That half of the congregation is counting the seconds until Suguru can be properly burned at the stake. Words he reads directly from the Bible sound like lies to their ears. 
Which half of the congregation do you reside in?
“Father, I have a hard copy of your speech if you want it.” Noel whispers, just a few paces away from entering the ballroom.
And Suguru is so fond of the boy. The little brother he never got to grow up with.
“I think I have a handle on it, Noel. Thank you.” The Chaplain flashes a brief smile his way before taking in the last gust of oxygen. Praying that it gets him through the dreaded speech.
Violin notes reverberate in sync with Suguru’s footsteps toward the podium. You are somewhere behind him. Probably 20 paces or so. Polite about your wave. Genuine about your smile. Convincing the masses that you are one of them. 
The decades your home country spent in war with them mean nothing. 
Welcome home, Duchess.
Suguru’s deft fingers wrap around the microphone. 
“Welcome in.” He starts. It takes nothing for the room to come to an obedient silence. Listening intently. Taking in every word.
“Please, may the congregation rise? To give and receive blessings this evening.” Suguru prompts the room, a gentle up-flick of his wrist, raising all to their feet. 
“I’d happily kneel, Father.” A muffled comment from the pretty handmaiden that made a point to greet him a few moments earlier. 
Normally, Suguru wouldn’t entertain it. But something about this being his first formal engagement strips his usual restraint. 
“Such a dedicated servant of the Lord, Seren.”The Chaplain glances over to the blushing crowd of women at his right. 
Seren’s outburst crumbles to nothing under his pointed gaze. And a collective chuckle fills the room.
That should be enough to stifle any additional outbursts. 
Here he goes. 
“To the Duke Ahriman, and the Duchess-To-Be.” Suguru tilts his glass of water up at the noble pews — everyone else holding goblets of red wine.
Beauty and grace lock his eyes into place. Coaxing words out of his parched throat. He couldn’t deny you his voice if he wanted to.  
“I pray the Lord brings you unwavering love,” A lie whipped sweeter than cream rolls off his tongue. Suguru’s eyes float from you to the Duke. An eager smile on his face. 
But, what is the expression you’re currently wearing, Duchess?
Are you desperate to come up for air, too?
“A never ending fountain of peace.” Suguru continues to bless the ‘happy’ couple. With eyes that can see with inhuman clarity below the level of sea that receives penetrance from Helios.
The Midnight Zone may as well be daybreak to the Chaplain. And those same sharp eyes see something other than joy in your face. Something other than peace. 
But he continues his script, nonetheless. 
“An unconditional well of prosperity.” Suguru shamelessly sips from your tantalizing presence. If someone whispered to him that you two were the last beings on earth right now, he’d believe it without question. 
The finishing lines cause physical pain.
“And most importantly, to an Ahriman heir.” Suguru chokes out. “For God and Country.”
The room erupts in near uncontrollable cheer. 
“For God and Country!”
“For God and Country.” 
You mirror the Preist’s words and he memorizes every twitch in your lips. Every intonation of your voice is burned into the most permanent part of his mind.
Festivities flicker past Suguru’s short term memory. The night is a complete daze. Hundreds of courteous smiles. Dozens of handshakes. A handful of empathic stares and one all-consuming gaze that halts the Father in his tracks. 
How are you allowed to exist when lust is apparently a sin?
The answer to that never comes.
Boisterous music. Drunken celebration. Complete disinhibition comes in full force instead. 
Suguru wires around the women flinging themselves into his embrace. 
No matter the intention, he wants no part of it. In fact, if he could make it home to steal a few hours of uninterrupted sleep he would consider the night a roaring success. There’s no telling how many seconds, minutes, hours have passed since the start of the celebration. 
Not until his eyes find you swallowing more  than a mouthful of red wine at the edge of your seat. Avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room as if the clouds are your native home. 
“Blessed be the fruit, Duchess.” An inebriated noble nearly trips into your arms. 
You narrowly miss his impact. The flame in your campfire gaze ascends high enough to singe the crescent moon. 
“May the Lord open.” Each one of your words sharper than swords made of dragonstone. 
Suguru starts to make his way over to flailing man, to rip him away from you at the very least. 
But you are more skilled than he is in still waters. Beneath your fiancés nose and a host of prying eyes you find an exit to slip past. 
The Chaplain’s feet move before a knowing smile tugs on his lips. 
Suguru knows exactly where to find the woman who doesn’t want to be found. 
 · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · 
Saline seabreeze intertwines with your loose mane. Erupting goosebumps along your exposed décolletage. Expanding the lungs imprisoned by your steel-boned corset.
The moon is curved and high. Super-terrestrial hands knead the low tide crashing along the cliffside. 
To what end?
Your mind searches for a finish line to the marathon. Desperately seeking refuge from the journey with no endpoint. Traveling further than Pheidippides, who ran hundreds of miles from the battlefield to the citadel to deliver news of victory. 
All before dropping dead. 
A chuckle more bitter than the goblet of wine escapes you. 
You would travel further just to be home. Even if it meant instant death in return.  
“For God and Country.” Sharp words through terse lips. “For God and Country.” 
Thick, unforgiving fog fills your brain space. Heels echo through the chapel garden, pebbling the stone path to the rocky edge. Red wine powers your clumsy stumble. Chasing an ever elusive clarity. 
The marathon continues.
“What if…what if I don’t serve your God.” You hiss at the stars above. 
Resentment more potent on your tongue than the spirits you ingested tonight. Before rules of conduct blare through your drunken haze, rolls of sage satin fill your balmy fists and you take a seat on the ground. Legs dangling over the edge. Enticing the dangers below. 
“For God and — what if I think your God is deaf and dumb and…and—“
“And He loves you all the same, Duchess.”
Oh, that voice. 
That voice that smells like honey. And tastes like a dream. And sounds like lilac. 
Like the eyes of its owner. 
“Suguru!! I-I mean Father. Shit. I’m sorry.” Bitter resentment is replaced with sour regret. 
Did you really need that last serving of truth elixir?
The Chaplain lets out a deep, velvet chuckle. It runs smooth along the curve of your flushed cheeks. He takes a seat on the ledge. A full hand width or two away and yet, his presence kisses you in the way sun rays do, when they tuck in for the night.
“You must think I’m a petulant woman, Father.”  Shockingly sober words, thanks to the company beside you. 
Another rich, truffle laugh. You cant help but notice his prominent Adams Apple gliding down the muscular column of his throat. 
“My name sounds like a ballad when you say it.” Irises softer than an oil painting cement you in place. 
“Please use it.”
Because it is, Father. 
His name is a ballad. A sonnet. A monologue in its own right.
A love letter. 
“And what of my name, Suguru? When will you use it?” 
Sobriety flutters away as quickly as it cloaked you in the first place. Cobalt winds lift the hem of your dress. A sheet of goosebumps along your bare thighs now on display. 
From the glacial breeze? The damp earth beneath you?
…Or is it the way the Chaplain’s Adam’s Apple and gaze descends?
“When I’ve earned it, Duchess.” 
Long, deft fingers reach over to re-drape the  satin over your knees. You swallow a gasp before it erupts. 
Of course he fixed your dress. It’s where your hem belongs. Especially around a man who has taken a vow of celibacy. 
No, no. 
Especially as a woman who is engaged. Spoken for. Under the God he serves and the law you abide by. 
“I trust you’ll have enough..” Suguru’s lips curl up at a thought reserved for himself only. 
And somehow, the perfectly centered dimple  on his appled left cheek comes to your attention for the first time. 
“Enough what?” You probe, sinking in the cavern you’ve discovered. 
“Conviction.” Volcanic eyes trail up to the moon. “To tell me the exact moment when I’ve earned the privilege.”
Suguru gives you ample space to bathe in him while he bathes in moonlight.
It’s uncanny. 
How the Priest exists in two different places at once. Down here, with you on the cliff edge. He’s tangible. Thick locks in a poetic cascade down his back. Limbs nearly twice as long as yours, beckoning creatures that only break the surface of Leviathan’s playground to wreak havoc. 
Sure, he’s down here. 
But he’s also up there. 
Somewhere in the ether. Traversing altitudes well above the average, simple minded being. High enough for the Gods to confess their sins. Because Suguru is the only one worthy enough to forgive them.  
“You’re staring, Duchess.” His voice holds a grin, and that grin has fingers. 
Cruel, torturous fingers that pet and stroke and tease your throbbing core until it’s plush. Your cunt is more intoxicated than you are.
“Eyesight is not a sin, Father.” You retort, crossing your legs before any more arousal leaks from your warm sex. Your gall entirely fueled by Arella’s quote imbedded in your mind. 
“Suguru.” The Priest corrects.  His sleek, jet black brow elevates. You must be an amusing drunk. 
“Suguru.” You acquiesce with a bashful nod. 
“So demanding.” 
He gifts you his left dimple once more. A feature that is rapidly soaring through your mind’s construct. Undoubtedly the only boyish thing about the stallion of a man next to you. 
Straight from Poseidon’s steed. 
“Very.” He agrees. “Only when the time calls for it.” 
And what time would that be?
“The Dahlias I sent, did you enjoy them?” Suguru deftly redirects the conversation like a captain navigating treacherous waters. As if he heard the blasphemous thoughts starting to brew. 
“They are gorgeous.” 
Stifling heat emanates from your cheeks. You were so fond of the bouquet that you felt compelled to lie to your betrothed about the source. 
“Good.” His eyes capture a moon ray and holds it hostage. 
“And the letter?”
“I loved it!” A slurred confession. “I’ve re-read it more times than I can count on my fingers and toes.” 
How does his laugh sprint down your spine the way that it does? 
Unraveling you bit, by bit. You would stay drunk and stupid if it meant you could keep drawing that addicting sound out of his full lips. 
“I was referencing the proposal in the letter, Duchess.” 
Suguru’s eyes drop to your bottom lip, now rolled under your teeth. Not even a second passes before he flickers back out to the sea. And you’re grateful for the privacy to darken like Pinot Noir on a corkscrew. Both hands cup your reddened cheeks. 
“Yes, of course.” You wave, a matter-of-fact, of course. 
“I’ll do whatever you ask of me.” 
That response draws something new from the enigmatic Priest. 
Raven locks lift off his back from the speed at which his gaze recoils back to you. Lightning strikes the volcanoes in his eyes. A clenched fist and tense arm drops between his legs. 
Is he…steadying himself?
You can’t quite name his expression.  Wine or not, you’ve never seen anything like it.
It’s dark. Ominous. Full of bloodlust. 
And you’d gladly offer up a vein. 
“Pardon?” He rasps, completely fixated on your lips. As to not miss a single word of your answer.
Your hips roll around under his unrelenting stare. “I-I mean, you know best. I will do whatever you think is best for my marriage.”
Suguru barely hears your repeated answer, judging by the way he briefly makes eye contact, before re-settling on your mouth. Heat swells in your puffy cunt. Already hugging your thin, sodden undergarment. 
The Priest offers no words. 
Just a heady, quiet that pins you to the ground. And your mind, suddenly promiscuous, wonders if this is what it feels like to be beneath a man’s weight. Caged in by muscular arms. Scalded by fiery eyes tracing inch by inch. 
Not that you would know. 
Not that you know anything about making love. Or men. Or loving a man. 
“Will you…can you teach me how to love a man?” The tips of your ears threaten to melt off your head the second your sentence is complete.
Another shocking blow to the Father. His lips hang open in disbelief. For one, two, three seconds before he zips back up. Concealing his thoughts behind a courteous but very present steel barrier. 
“I—“ He starts carefully, averting away. “Surely you don’t need to be taught—“ 
“But I’m pure, Father.” You counter. Searing into his angular profile. “I’ve never…I don’t know how to—“ 
Cool fingers gently tilt your chin upward. To brand his correction into your memory. 
“Suguru.” The Chaplain’s voice glides lower than your inhibition. 
Something says that he won’t correct you a third time. 
Despite the temperature maintaining the same degree, a sharp jolt of pleasure straightens your spine as your nipples pebble against the silky fabric. You gnaw your cheeks to keep from physically squirming.
“S—Suguru.” You repeat. Subservience wets your drooling sex in a way that makes you want to keep following commands. 
Suguru’s tone rubs the folds in your brain smooth. 
“Good. Quick learner.” A pleased grin blooms across his lips. “I’ll start with focusing on you.”
The two of you slowly peel away from one another. Crashing waves replace the heady silence. 
Well, silence other than your heartbeat rattling between your ears. In your periphery, the Chaplain is now peering outward, at his true home. The coast is clear to return your greedy eyes back to his acute, feline features. 
Just enough of his mane is tied back to reveal a pretty mulberry dusting his high cheekbones and pointed nose. 
A pleasant surprise to know the demigod warms like the mortals he walks amongst.
“You’re blushing, Suguru.” Girlish satisfaction heavy on your tongue. 
Another decadent chuckle pets your womanhood. And this time you have to swallow a moan.
“As are you, Duchess.”
“Darling? There you are!” Ezra’s voice is just as, if not more sobering than his footsteps approaching. 
Too soon. 
Time bows at Suguru’s feet. The concept doesn’t exist around him. Someone, be it Arella or Noel or now, your soon-to-be husband, someone always has to physically draw you back to the present. 
Reality never comes on time. Always too late. Or in your case, always a little too early. 
The Chaplain is on his feet in seconds. He swiftly lifts you from the edge and sets you on solid ground. Leaving you dizzied and breathless on the surface. 
Guilty and red-handed beneath it. 
“Oh sweetheart,” Ezra paws at the soiled fabric, concern etched into his face. “Your dress is completely ruined.”
“I’ll live.” You’re sharper than intended. Surely, from the spirits still thrumming through your veins. 
Ezra falters like a wounded puppy. And it tugs on your tattered heartstrings.
“Thank you for the concern, Ezra.” You soften, thumbing his cheek. Purposefully avoiding the violet beams aimed at your face. And shoulders. And hands. 
As if the Priest is daring you to keep provoking his searing gaze. 
But your fiancé unravels under your rare display of affection. He eagerly leans over to kiss your forehead. Meanwhile your hand desperately magnets to your side. 
“Sorry for leaving so abruptly Ezra, I—I had a bit too much to drink and I needed air then—“
“Don’t give it a second thought, my love.” 
Your fiancé is gentle with you. Little strokes along the small of your back. And maybe…just maybe your reaction time is dulled because for don’t immediately flinch away.
“Individual counseling starting early then?” Ezra jests. Pristine jade eyes dance between you and Suguru. 
The Priest offers a smile about as warm as the Siberian tundra. 
“Hardly. Just ensuring the Duchess is out of harm’s way.”
Like your fiancé did with you, you flower under the pad of Suguru’s thumb. A brief swipe, to remove a stray saltwater droplet. But your skin scorches all the same. Unreasonably missing a touch that lasted all of half a moment. 
Ezra clears his throat and drops his broad, but not nearly as broad, shoulders.
“I received the memo from your office staff, Father. Please accept this as my formal agreement to proceed with individual counseling.” He reaches out and Suguru takes his hand firmly. 
“Duchess,” Suguru beckons without breaking focus on Ezra. 
“We will be begin your sessions in three days. Meet me around 8:00 AM in our garden. Yes?”
Our garden.
You are a dirty woman. 
The way your core aches at his meaningless, frivolous, harmless words. 
“Y-yes. I will be there.” A half-baked attempt at maintaining neutrality. 
Your agreement earns you Suguru’s left dimple again. You toss your gaze elsewhere before your knees commit treason. 
“Duke, is there an activity you enjoy?” Suguru probes Ezra. 
“Sailing…?” Suguru lifts an incredulous brow. Blatantly amused by his automatic response. 
Granted, you don’t know your future husband that well, but he’s never made mention of any maritime activities.
Meanwhile everyone in this country, two countries over, possibly your home country knows that water belongs to the Chaplain. The element bends to his will. 
“Are you certain about that, Duke Ahriman?”
“Yes, Father. We have quite the fleet. I think you would be impressed.” 
“Understood. You and I will set sail before Sunrise the day after tomorrow.” 
The men exchange pleasantries as they do. Ezra intertwines his loving fingers into your reluctant ones. He ushers the long night to a welcome end.
Five steps into your path home, a blistering heat snakes up your spine. Fanning your shoulders like high noon during summer solstice. 
You don’t have to do it. 
You know the source, already. 
But you do it anyway. 
Over your left shoulder, you find the Naval Prince strolling along the unstable rocky ledge with as much grace as he does flat terrain. Eyeing the tide. Searching for the perfect entry home. 
Suguru’s trident reflects stark against the moonlight. Upper body completely shed of clothing, lower body with a long, black compression garment. Heavy locks now woven in the same singular braid you met him with. Dark overhead skies somehow illuminating the ridges and shadows of his sculpted arms, and back…and chest. 
A glimpse of heaven. 
…is staring right back at you. 
Possessing you.
“Enjoy your swim!” 
The words string together without your consent. Ezra lands his attention on you, startled by the sudden crack in silence. 
And the demigod shakes his head.  One part disbelief, two parts fond. 
“Enjoy your dreams!” Suguru calls back before turning his trident to you. His night has just begun.
You walk away with your betrothed, cloaked in soiled satin and guilt. 
Were you in the wrong? Maybe so.
But your heart didn’t choose Ezra. Not yet. You aren’t sure if your heart has even chosen you. 
Arella’s gentle wave from the patio welcomes you home. Sleep suddenly descending on your heavy lids. 
At least you’re safe, here in your mind’s haven.
For now. 
     · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · 
A tormented hand swipes the bead of moisture tickling a path down Suguru’s temple. 
Obscenities seem to spill from his lips a little too easily these days. And his usual coping mechanisms are falling a little too short. 
The chaplain drags the hem of his sleepwear down to his thighs. 
Each bone, muscle and tendon is utterly spent after tonight’s swim. Every part of his body except the thick rod that springs free from its cage. 
Glistening with beads of lust. Taunting him. Making a mockery of his code of conduct. 
Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Wife.
“Really?” Suguru scoffs and screws his eyes shut. His nails dig into the abused sheets to keep from gripping his cock and tugging himself numb. 
How convenient. 
The Holy Book of Answers and all of its rules makes no mention of how to survive the likes of you. 
How does one circumvent murky waters when Thy Neighbor’s Wife is Aphrodite’s reincarnate? 
Suguru’s heavy, oversized length pulsates. Its blushing head lays flush with his abdomen, a few inches past his belly button. Leaking pearly arousal onto his damp skin. Still not fully air-dried from the second icy bath since returning to his quarters. 
‘I’ll do whatever you ask of me.’
You dangled your submission in front of him. 
Him, a red-blooded man. 
A ravenous, touch starved, cunt-drunk beast of man. And you sat there. With your dizzying silhouette. And puffy lips. And pert nipples, pebbling from his gaze alone.  
Did you think he couldn’t see? 
How you pressed your mouth-watering thighs together? With wide, gorgeous eyes. Desperately trying to deny yourself the indulgence. 
What if he asked you to spread your legs then and there, pretty girl? 
What if he asked you to watch his fingers pet that weeping little cunt of yours? Watch how much honey he could coax out of your needy opening. 
Because you were. 
So fucking needy.
Suguru could see it from a mile away much less sitting next to you. Tensed legs. Short gasps. Studying his features when you thought his attention lapsed. 
‘Can you teach me how to love a man?’
“Oh, sweet girl,” Suguru rolls over to settle a plush pillow between his thighs. The cool, soft cotton rubs blinding friction against his aching length. 
This is wrong. 
He’s a filthy, disgusting, pervert.
Suguru lurches his hips forward in a deep thrust against the cushion. A shattered groan pushes past his clenched jaw. 
It’s a disgrace, the way saliva pooled in his mouth and cum drooled from his cock when you unveiled your purity. 
Suguru’s hips rut faster. Brutalizing the pillow. Animalistic sounds bubble out of him. 
“Fuck…fuck no..don’t..” Pathetic pleas contradict the pace he humps the fabric. Chasing the whirlpool of lust in his groin. 
Demons in hell couldn’t concoct the vile things his mind is showing him. The intricate ways he wants to violate you.
A moral stain for the church 
The priest tilts up on his knees. Fucking the pillow in earnest. Picturing its your precious, dewy center that he’s defiling. 
He could teach you, gorgeous. 
He could shape your untouched core to fit his cock like a sleeve. Perfectly molded to his veins. Slotting into your warm, wet, noble sheath with ease. 
He would have you sit on his lap for your first lesson. 
His swollen length buried inside you to the hilt. He wouldn’t thrust, not yet. Your body would just clench and squeeze and leak around his intrusion. Suguru wouldn’t retreat out of your cunt until you were begging him to. Teary eyed and drooling from every single opening. 
He could teach you. Break you. Turn you into a pretty little cockdumb puppet at his touch.
“God..nngh fuck.” Opaque fog fills his head and lungs. 
Sordid moans echo against the walls. Reflecting his sinful behavior, but Suguru is too intoxicated to care. He curls around his swollen cockhead. Feverishly jerking his abused sex. Grinding so pitifully into his hand. 
Suguru drops his head. Mumbling your name in full before spewing himself empty into his grasp, the sheets, his pillow. 
Shame warmer than the mess of cum he’s currently laying descends. Filling the fuzzy corners of his brain. 
Is he really so weak?
“Be stronger than this.” The priest hisses angrily.
Unable to lay in filth for another second, Suguru rockets out of bed. Pulling his sheets, folding his sins away. To be cleansed in the next load of laundry.
A third, icy shower serves the same purpose for him a few minutes later. Glacial droplets soak the length of his mane, again. His manhood hangs away from his body, bucking every couple moments. Threatening to steal his virtue for a second time. 
He’ll be a better man when the sun rises. 
A tired sigh escapes his lips. At least Suguru is safe, here in his mind’s haven. 
For now.  
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E/N: Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Chaplain, you really have to get a handle on those pesky hands of yours. 🤭
Taglist: @blkkizzat @hayakawalove @rotteneyess
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 40: Trey
Both twins give advice to Trey during Phantom Bride, and after Trey is slapped Jade explains, “Your similes were a tad mundane”
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In a vignette Trey sees Jade get scolded by Azul, lectured by Riddle and brushed off by Floyd and apologizes for not stepping in to try and cool Riddle off.
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Trey tells Jade that he is “doing a bang-up job” as vice-housewarden and tells him to not be so humble: “I’ve been watching you for a while, and it seems to me that all you do is listen to what- Azul or Floyd have to say…you secretly think they’re self-centered, right?…You should do whatever you want to do.”
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Later on Trey again comments on how dealing with Floyd and Azul “must be borderline tortuous for a strait-laced guy like him,” to Riddle’s surprise.
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The two eavesdrop on Jade’s conversation and hear him share his plan to intimidate the new students after they have turned them into loyal pawns by earning their confidence. Jade then gifts Azul with a dossier of information about Octavinelle’s new first-years, including their home countries, hobbies, tastes, least favorite foods and worst subjects, as Azul had requested of him.
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Jade then reveales that he took the liberty of cataloguing their Magicam accounts as well, up to and including secret accounts: information that Azul had not even asked for, but “they were easy enough to discover, so I went ahead and jotted them down for you.”
Trey says that he has thought that Jade was humble, diligent, submissive and a chronic worrier, but now realizes he was wrong.
In another vignette Jade goes to Trey to ask for strawberries he has cultivated for use in a birthday cake for an important customer for Mostro Lounge, as Floyd ate all the fruit that they had intended to use.
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Trey is reluctant as he had been growing the strawberries specifically for Riddle, but ultimately relents in exchange for a strawberry tart from a famous patisserie.
Jade says that he had Floyd queue up first thing in the morning as punishment for stealing food from the lounge. When Trey says he has a hard time imagining Floyd standing patiently in line Jade explains, “I’d make anyone give back what they embezzled. Even family.”
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bu1410 · 3 months
Good morning TUMBLR - March 6th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Ch. VI - 1976 Summer Holidays - Spain and Morocco.
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Strait of Gibraltar - Or, as Homer (The Greek poet, not Simpson) named in his Oddissey the '' Pillars of Hercules''.
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View of Ceuta, a Spanish enclave on Morocco's territory.
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View of Rabat, Capital of Morocco.
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Casablanca - King Hassan II Mosque.
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Hunphrey Bogart in front of the Hollywood's reconstruction of famous Casablanca Rick's Cafe'.
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Benidorm - Spain.
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Salvador Dali' Museum - Figueres - Spain
Another year has passed, and finally summer is here again! This time, needless to say, the destinations are obviously Spain and than Marrakech ('' Marrakech Express'' an Oscar prize Italian movie by Director Gabriele Salvatores has been just released and so we are even more keen to go there). Our vehicle this year is none other than a Renault R4 (obviously second hand). A service car from Gianluigi's mechanical workshop. Before each departure, as a must, we go for lunch: this time in an old restaurant ''the Parasoou'' where they cook the real Milanese schnitzel (elephant ear) It's midday, the streets are filled with those 10 minutes of excitement that create workers and employees returning home for lunch. On the Muggio' - Taccona road a guy with a Vespa 50 doesn't respect the red light and hits us! The scooter rider literally flying beyond the R4, without a helmet (not yet compulsory at the time), causing a large lump with his head on the upper part of car's roof. My immediate though was:
God forbid!! We just covered 2.7 km of the 5,300 km that await us and we have already had an accident!! Nice way to start a trip, even if we are not at fault for what happened. Once the paperwork for reporting the accident have been completed, we set off again and reach the restaurant finally eat the huge ''Milanese steak''. Few memories of the outward journey, everything goes quite well, up to Narbonne, where the Autoroute du Midi (Highway of the South) ends. While we are stopped at the toll booth, a girl suddenly appears out of nowhere and asks me in Spanish where we are headed.  ''At the moment for Barcelona, I reply.  ''Bueno vale'' and in no time she reappears with a friend in tow, opens the back door, literally throws a bulky piece of luggage inside and gets into the car, with a numbers of ''Muchas Gracias … Muchas Gracias!!'' In short, it is 11.00 PM on a July's evening, and we are headed to Spain via the state road to Jonquera, and two noisy Spanish girls from a holiday in Mexico have ''self-loaded''into our car. The girls, we discover after a few minutes from their talk, are ''Communists'' and immediately afterwards they begin to sing revolutionary songs which they say they learned in Mexico. It is true that Francisco Franco has been dead since the previous year, but in Spain Francoist sentiments are still very much alive, especially among the ''la Guardia Civil''. Meanwhile we noticed that a kind of 'train''queue'' had formed behind us, made up of 4 or 5 cars, which apparently are tailin us. Between the girls' ramshackle songs, the darkness, and the contradictory French road signs (with that perennial ''Toutes Directions''' which normally leads nowhere) after several kilometers we end up in a dead-end street!! We stop and get out from the car, immediately joined by the other cars drivers, which turn out to be driven by Italians!! Some of them shouting at me like:
And now what?? I answer  We were following you, it seemed to us that you knew the way to Spain!! Says someone who got out of a Pegeout with Florence license plate.  And no, first of all I don't know the direction! And then who told you to follow me?? To make a long story short, we retraced our steps, and took the state road again, but a new mistake was lurking: after a few kilometers we realized - despite the pitch darkness - that we were on the road that leads to Carcassonne, and therefore in a northerly direction, completely wrong, Spain being to the West!! Another discussion with the ''chasing' Italians and then finally, with the help of a petrol station guy we got back on the right path to La Jonquera! Meantime Gianluigi was catechising the girls:  Soon we will be at the France-Spain border, a place full of police and Guardia Civil – no revolutionary songs, no slogans against Franco!! UNDERSTOOD!??  Girls: ''sI ....te entiendo como no......'' Luckily the girls keep their promise, and apart from a thorough check of their luggage (they are coming from Mexico, police's dogs smell something…) at the border everything turned out well. We spent through Barcelona, and we drop off the two girls near their home, in a suburban neighborhood of the city, and than we continue to Calella del Mar, where we decided to stop. After a restful sleep and a day spent relaxing in a chiringuito on the beach, in the evening we had dinner in one of those Spanish restaurants with two entrances, the main one on a narrow street, and the other on the opposite side. The Ladies who own the place - two elderly sisters - made up a spectacular paella, and serve local rosé wine: a tasty dinner that costs us just few pesetas. The next morning we set off early, we want to get at least as far as the Costa del Sol, about 800 km south of Barcelona.
In 1976 the Autopista del Mediterraneo ended in Alicante, after which it began a tortuous route over the Sierra – passing through Albacete (the city of knives), Jaen, Lorca, Baza, Guadix, Granada and then Malaga. The alternative was to go through Almeria, and then the coastal road through Motril and than Malaga – but this variant was even longer and more complicated. In any case, we managed to get to Torremolinos for the evening, not bad considering we were traveling in a second hand R4. We stayed overnight in a hotel on the road to Benalmadena, and the next afternoon we set off for Algeciras.
Algeciras is a Spanish city of over 120,000 inhabitants in the province of Cadiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The city is located at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula, in the Bay of Gibraltar (or Algeciras) in front of the Rock of Gibraltar. Its name derives from the Arabic Al-Jazīra al-Khadrā "the green island", imposed in 711 by the first Arab conquerors who landed on the peninsula. We chose to ferry to Ceuta - a Spanish enclave in Moroccan territory - for two reasons:
The crossing lasts 2 hours instead of 3 hours of Algeciras - Tangier one.  The disembarkation operations in Ceuta are much quicker than in Tangier, because the border with Morocco in Ceuta is located about 2 kilometers from the city, not immediately upon disembarkation as in Tangier.
Very quiet cruising, calm sea, very pleasant temperature, we will remember this on the way back…… After disembarking, we quickly reach the border with Morocco, where we manage to complete the transit operations in half an hour. And we immediately realize that the hour saved on the ferry is nothing compared to the long and difficult 110 km to reach Tangier. Suggestion: if you have to continue towards the East, along the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, it is best to ferry to Ceuta. If, however, your destination is southern Morocco, it is much better to ferry from Algeciras to Tangier. It is now evening when we reach Tangier, and we checked in last year's hotel, Les Almohades. The old valet is still there, who recognizes us and starts one of his usual tirades in 3 different languages:  Maroc is a great country ……Algeria nada…….  Au Maroc le melon…. kabirrrrr…. Algeria nada……  Hitler criminal…….Mussolini….pas trops……. As usual we leave the next morning, around midday. The state road towards the South is good, it runs along the Atlantic and passes through Asilah, Larache, Kenitra and obviously a myriad of smaller towns. For this reason the average speed cannot be high, as the road is populated by cars, buses, carts pulled by donkeys, scooters and pedestrians. We been passing through the beauty of the Foret de la Mamora, before Rabat; I believe one of the largest forests of cork trees in the world. The state road crosses it from North to South, and it is here that we manage to avoid an accident that could have had serious consequences. A cart dragged by a donkey, just before I was overtaking it, and when we were not even 20 meters away, suddenly the animal escapes the ''fellah's'' control who is driving it, and starts crossing the road from right to left! When I try to overtake him on the right, he comes to the right! When I try to avoid him on the left, he comes on the left! Now very close, I attempt a desperate maneuver: I go up the embankment at the side of the road, like a flyover on the Monza circuit, and I manage to avoid the beast by a hair's breadth! DONE IT!
Soon later we arrive in Sale', the so-called twin city of Rabat . After crossing the Ouadi Bou Regreg bridge, Rabat appears to us as an elegant city, with beautiful tree-lined avenues. We visit the mausoleum of King Mohammed V, which is located on the square of the Hassan Tower and dominates the mouth of the Ouadi Bou Regreg. The mausoleum contains the tomb of Muhammad V of Morocco and now also of his sons Moulay Abdellah and Hassan II. It was built between 1961 and 1971, in ten years of work in which 400 craftsmen participated. The architecture of the mausoleum is due to the Vietnamese architect Eric Vo Toan, and is based on the classic Arab-Andalusian style according to traditional Moroccan art - a true wonderful monument. We then continue to Casablanca, which is only 90 km away by motorway. Once we arrive, we head to a seafront hotel, directly on the beach. It was than we realize that we arrived in Morocco in the middle of Ramadan, the period in which Muslims abstain from eating and drinking during daylight hours. Everything has slowed down, the shops, bars and restaurants are closed during the day, and reopen only after the cannon shot that signals of ''Ifhtar'' (Evening prayer). We manage to spend somewhat boring days between the beach and the hotel. During one of this lazy afternoons, Gianluigi has run out of cigarettes, so he left the beach in his bathing suit, looking for a tobacco shop, even though I told him that he won't find any open.
I'll wait for you at the hotel, I toldl him.
Evening came and my friend still hasn't shown up, and I'm starting to be worry: maybe something has happened to him..... With the help of the reception's guy, we make a few phone calls: hospitals, and then the police station. And from there they confirm that yes, a foreigner (Italian) was arrested while walking on the Corniche in a swimsuit!! I immediately took a taxi and run to the police station, where the cops explain:
''Your friend has committed a serious act of indecency, especially now that we are in the month of Ramadan''!! Using all my negotiating skills, I try to soften the position of the Surete' Nationale agent. And at the end of an endless talk, I finally manage to convince the cops that
''It was a mistake, he didn't know it was forbidden to walk in sunbath outside the beach, we do this in Italy all the time! But above all he didn't want to offend anyone''. Ok, deal! The crime, instead of being punished with seven days in prison, been transformed into a simple fine: 2,500 Moroccan Dirhams (about 220 USD of today). Meantime I was telling Gianluigi to stay calm, I return to the hotel to get the money - then finally, after an exhausting drafting of the PV (Proces verbal), signatures and countersignatures, Gianluigi (during all this time he was in the cage, but alone) is released!! The inconvenience of the arrest, combined with the Ramadan time, ruined our feeling a bit. The next day we decide to leave Casablanca and heading to Marrakesh. We manage to get to Settat, a modern city about 90 km South of Casa'. Settat is a city which, thanks to the fact that it was the birthplace of a very powerful then Moroccan Minister of the Interior, has enjoyed an unusual development in the rather difficult landscape of Morocco. Large tree-lined avenues, well-kept public gardens, modern government buildings with a touch of traditional Arab architecture. All this gives the city a respectable and pleasant air. It is in Settat that we stop to decide what to do: continue (the further we go towards the interior of the country the hotter it will be) or retrace our steps and leave for Spain? The second hypothesis wins, and we make a U-turn: Casablanca, and then via Rabat, Kenitra and then Tangier: this time, mindful of the experience of the outward journey, we want to avoid unnecessary kilometers to reach Ceuta. We had a quiet evening in Tangier: a walk of the Kasbah (truly magnificent) and after dinner at the ''Valencia'' restaurant we go to bed quite early: tomorrow morning we intend to take one of the first ferries to Algeciras.
The strait crossin Tangier – Algeciras it takes about 3 hours, and in that August, with calm seas and bright sun it was a real pleasure. We therefore found ourselves returning to Spain earlier than expected, due to the fact that Morocco, ''closed for Ramadan'', had made us opt for a return to Europe.
BENIDORM It was decided not to stop in the Costa del Sol, but to continue to the Costa Blanca. The rest of the holiday was without too many problems and facts to report. That year I met some girls from Northern Europe, including a blonde Belgian girl. She told me that her father was the owner of a furniture factory (look…) and that after graduating in accounting she had decided to work in her father's company. And then she realized – horror! - that the employees MUST BE PAID EVERY 15 DAYS!! A LOT OF MONEY went from dad's bank account to those of workers and employees! How strange, perhaps Monique thought that the employees lived on PURE OXYGEN???!! or that they could shop for free at the supermarket…or rather that someone else (the State?) was subsidizing them to pay for their living. For the first time we moved to Benidorm, near Alicante. A sea resort 500 km closer to Italy compare to Costa del Sol. Costa Blanca sea is undoubtedly beautiful, the city and the surroundings are very liveable. We found a cozy apartment ina a complex on Rincon del Loix, a hilly area immediately east of Benidorm, from where we overlooked the bay. The residence, in Andalusian style, was managed by a Swiss couple. During the day we could walk down to the coves below the residence, where the water was transparent, and there wasn't the crowds of Benidorm's main beaches. And so, between swimming, relaxing, bocadillos, feasting on mussels and drinking sangria para todos at the ''Al Vapor'' restaurant in Calpe (overlooking the Penon) as well as nights at Sunset club, unfortunately the day to return home inevitably arrived...... We left Benidorm with the usual ''corazon dripping with tears''. In the afternoon we stopped in a place called Xativa in one of those shady bars along the interstate road, the ones with the awning made of Coca Cola caps. Excellent bocadillos ''cagnas'' (cerveza on tap) and then off again towards East. Having arrived near Valencia, after about 60 km, Gianluigi realizes that something is missing: he no longer has the bag that he always hang around his neck, where he keeps his passport and wallet!!
Where did you lose it? Or forgotten? I said.....
Mmmm....guess in the bar of Xativa… 60 km ago… '' He answered
So.....nothing to do except U-turn, hoping to at least find the passport in the bar where we stopped. We arrive with our hearts in our mouths in front of the bar area, we enter and the bartender, truly a man of few words, bends down under the counter and hands us Gianluigi's purse!! Where nothing was missing! And so we leave the bar followed by the "hasta l'huego" of the phlegmatic dueño. The journey back to Italy continued without a hitch, a short stop in Figueras to visit the Dali Museum: the Dalí Theater and Museum is a museum dedicated to the great surrealist painter in his hometown of Figueres, Catalonia, Spain. The museum receives more than 1 million visitors a year.
I want my museum to be a single block, a labyrinth, a large surrealist object. It will be a totally theatrical museum. People who come to see it will leave with the feeling of having had a theatrical dream - Salvador Dali '
It is a unique and unforgettable experience – the Great Genius is buried in a crypt, below the stage.
Afterwards it was just boring kilometres, with the usual signs on French roads and motorways advertising sites as ''historic'' even simple villages where perhaps Napoleon only stopped to urinate or to eat his raclette.......
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
I've never seen a Joan Crawford movie! What are your favorite roles of hers besides the big ones she's most famous for?
You know what, I saw one of my new favorite movies of hers for the first time a year or two ago, that nobody ever talks about, THE STORY OF ESTHER COSTELLO. Definitely don't look it up on Wikipedia, the plot summary is right at the top of the page and it spoils every single thing in the movie in short order. It has kind of a Helen Keller type of setup, but it's more about greed and the showmanship of large-scale fundraising. I loved everything about it, although I really love melodrama, it's probably my favorite thing after horror. I think it might be on Tubi, it's totally awesome. Another lesser-known one that would be fun to watch, especially right now, would be THE UNKNOWN which is a silent horror film by Tod Browning who made DRACULA and FREAKS; it's this cool, twisted love triangle thing with Lon Chaney as a psychopathic armless knife-thrower. You've probably heard that you should watch MILDRED PIERCE and you heard right, I don't want to spoil anything if you don't know all about it already, just watch it. Don't miss HARRIET CRAIG where Joan plays a pathological liar, that's totally amazing and I recommend what I did, which is to double-bill it with ESTHER COSTELLO so you get to see Joan playing a really good person and a really bad person. JOHNNY GUITAR is honestly a movie like no other, a super lesbianic western musical (kind of?) that you just have to see if you care about seeing a really good movie. SUDDEN FEAR is a great thriller where Joan and Jack Palance appear to be the two biggest people in the world, and in the middle of the movie she gets to do this long stretch of acting with only facial expressions, she was nominated for an Oscar for this, whatever that means to ya. The older Joan gets the better she gets, I mean I get the emphasis on the camp factor in her later movies but she's genuinely terrific, she's always entertaining which is more than you can say for a lot of people. Surely you already know you should watch WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?, you can probably move that to the head of the queue, and STRAIT-JACKET is at least as good as that, I think, even though people don't talk about it as much. That would be a good Halloween double-bill.
I'm sure I'm missing some obvious classics too, I haven't seen them all, but if you watch any of these movies you will definitely have a good time. You can watch TROG if you want to see her chasing a caveman around. But you should really watch MOMMIE DEAREST, it gets a bad rap for being over the top but there's much more to it than just a camp fest. I think it has a lot of genuinely excellent qualities, not the least of which Faye Dunaway's performance, like you really forget that she ISN'T just Joan Crawford back from the dead. And if you can, watch it with the audio commentary that John Waters recorded, he has a really refreshing perspective on the movie and he knows absolutely everything about Joan of course; it's like a whole other movie unto itself, with his commentary.
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scotianostra · 10 months
Mark Knopfler - What It Is (Official Video)
Happy Birthday, singer/songwriter/guitarist Mark Knopfler, born 12th August 1949, in Glasgow.
The Knopflers originally lived in the Glasgow area and Mark Knopfler’s younger brother David was also born in the city, his father was a Hungarian refugee who fled his home country in 1939, they have a Jewish heritage but Mark described his dad as a “Marxist agnostic”
The family moved to Newcastle when Mark was 7, where he was educated, he started making music aged 16 but it wasn’t till he formed Dire straits, with his brother in 1977 that he began to have success.
The band were signed to Vertigo Records in 1978 and recorded the album Dire Straits, which featured their first major hit single, “Sultans of Swing. Their follow-up albums include Communique , Making Movies featuring Romeo and Juliet and Tunnel of Love. In 1985 the band released its mega-selling album Brothers In Arms, which has sold more than 30 million copies to date.
Mark has collaborated with many of the world’s top acts through the years, and although he spent most of his life in England, he still holds an affinity with the land of his birth, of course many of you will know he penned the music to Local Hero, but Scotland has featured in some of his songs too. On his second solo album, Sailing to Philadelphia, the in the lyric of the first single pays homage to Edinburgh. The video also features Scotland, with the Forth Bridge and Road Bridge featuring as well as the streets of our Capital City. He also penned the music for the movie The Princess Bride and the Scottish films Local Hero and A Shot at Glory
What is it.
The drinking dens are spilling out
There’s staggering in the square
There’s lads and lasses falling about
And a crackling in the air
Down around the dungeon doors
The shelters and the queues
Everybody’s looking for
Somebody’s arms to fall into
And it’s what it is
It’s what it is now
There’s frost on the graves and the monuments
But the taverns are warm in town
People curse the government
And shovel hot food down
The lights are out in city hall
The castle and the keep
The moon shines down upon it all
The legless and asleep
And it’s cold on the tollgate
With the wagons creeping through
Cold on the tollgate
God knows what I could do with you
It’s what it is
It’s what it is now
The garrison sleeps in the citadel
With the ghosts and the ancient stones
High up on the parapet
A Scottish piper stands alone
And high on the wind
The highland drums begin to roll
And something from the past just comes
And stares into my soul
And it’s cold on the tollgate
With the Caledonian blues
Cold on the tollgate
God knows what I could do with you
And it’s what it is
It’s what it is now
What it is
It’s what it is now
There’s a chink of light, there’s a burning wick
There’s a lantern in the tower
Wee Willie Winkie with a candlestick
Still writing songs in the wee wee hours
On Charlotte Street I take
A walking stick from my hotel
The ghost of Dirty Dick
Is still in search of Little Nell
It’s what it is
It’s what it is now
Oh it’s what it is
What it is now, now, now
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ok im going a *little* bit mad w the garden update ... ive not done as much as i would like its prolly a rather unimpressive amount really bit im SO excited for stats abt it ... skycrypt garden stats pretty please 👉👈 ALSO just checked the visitor list on the wiki (the guest book i dont have patience to look at</3) and im ESPECIALLY excited that the puzzler?? can come by?? ough i REALLY wanna see the puzzler.... also i lovee that tia herself can pop in what a delight .... hhh its such a delightful visitor list ... anyways i need to lament somewhere that ive got a full queue of visitors 4 of which want ungodly amounts of ench pumpkin and 1 of which wants 4 ench cookies ..... dire straits !! im gonna hafta start setting up a ton more pumpkin minions at this rate</33 Any Ways i am having a delightful time w the garden i REALLY didnt expect to get into it much but i just need to walk around and use the replenishing hoe i got and my personal compactors take care of the rest its soo nice to just put on a stream/vod in the background and just go .... augh i have the lotus stuff i wanna say already but idk if its been that quick.... ive got 3 plots all fully planted in and more farming than ive ever done by hand in a few days </33 garden update my beloved ..... also since odowa is one of the folks wanting ench pumpkins from me i looked up their name and saw that odowa means trader :0 waugh... TRYIMg to make a drawing abt it ehehe
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(i copy pasted the image without thinkin uhhh idk if itll show up but . yea :])
i haven't done anything with the garden yet bc i cant afford to get invested rn </3 i playtested on alpha and stuff but i'm refusing to get too into it, i have to graduate lmao. i logged in for the first time in weeks today and decided to set up one (1) plot full of wheat, then bought like 100m worth of combat gear bc i felt like it. me and ark did 3 runs of f5 and decided that was enough for the day :P
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10fourdillybob · 1 month
It had been a matter of months. The job, for what? The apartment, lonely and devoid of the feminine promise that'd so clearly become another tiresome subterfuge. My resolve to watch the burning clock to shift's end, and the crescendo of rage at home finally came to a head. In a day's time, taped boxes lined the floor, and I passed my final night on the hardwood in a sleeping bag w/o lights or company. All but the fictional/non-fictional gym bag girl a floor above me. I bid my farewell to our strange friendship, my morse code S.O.S.'s of no avail, and for once had a feeling about her, that she'd be left alone w/o a friend at all, slightly heartbroken w/ desolation for a keepsake. It hurt some, but you can imagine how I thought to see her off in our last night alone. I bore in mind that after the boxes had been transported to safekeeping, that I was utterly w/o direction. I'de be turned loose upon cold prospects, and a chilly lunar compass to light strange meanderings. Determination still dogged me, and my moral fiber had not yet been chiseled away viciously enough to arrest my hope. Wonderment persisted, and a sort of deep cover intrigue stoked my imagination. Coupled w/ an inherent faith in my wiles and cunning, I had confidence that I'de survive. Reflecting now, from a fleabag flophouse which passes for a "sober home," certain vignettes still parade about in my mind's eye. I will here do my best to convey something of the atmosphere of a cold time spent in dire straits, mentally and physically.. Something like a quick, 360 panorama to lend a slight feeling:
Jabberwocky specialists strewn haphazardly down city blocks, propping cardboard wind barriers, or spouting a holocryptic ticker tape of word salad, professing the strange here-and-there's of their shattered minds.
Glass encased torches, a touch of beauty afterdark, alongside a lingering memento to distrust; a heavy, chainlocked iron gate which led to a courtyard, pointedly banned to tired drifters snooping after hidden gems of safe harbor.
Security personnel, always attentive to the moving mind, charting your course and pushing your exhaustion to the brink of collapse.
Check-in at that strange den, where queue's wrapped around the parking lot, and controlling femmes lit in the eyes to see you return to dejection one more night: The Sally.
Scared ramblers, shackled to their carted belongings, sitting on a bench in the shadowy part of a city park, flanked all-around by skyscrapers of financial co's, hospitality high-rises, and underground parking garages where savvy refuse ordained secret waste sites.
Dying sots in warm winter vestibules, slumped along the bottom of the wall. Miserly and selfish w/ their cheap pints of rotgut vodka, hostilely shown out by security coming off the elevator.
(More Soon...)
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0 notes
vartika3333 · 10 months
10 Best Architectural Marvels to Visit in Turkey on Your Next Visit
Turkey is home to numerous architectural marvels that showcase its rich history and cultural heritage. One of the most iconic sites is the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture that later became a mosque and now serves as a museum. Its massive dome, intricate mosaics, and grand interior make it a must-visit destination. Another notable structure is the ancient city of Ephesus, featuring well-preserved Roman ruins, including the impressive Library of Celsus and the magnificent Theater. The fairy-tale-like landscapes of Cappadocia are adorned with unique rock-cut churches and cave dwellings, offering a glimpse into early Christian history. 
The Pamukkale terraces, known as the "Cotton Castle," are a natural wonder with cascading mineral-rich pools formed over centuries. The Topkapi Palace in Istanbul showcases the opulence and grandeur of the Ottoman Empire, with its lavish courtyards, ornate architecture, and stunning views of the Bosporus. Finally, the Sumela Monastery in Trabzon stands perched on a steep cliff, blending Byzantine and Georgian architecture amidst breathtaking natural surroundings. These architectural marvels highlight Turkey's diverse cultural and historical significance, making it a captivating destination for travelers seeking awe-inspiring sights.
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul:
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is a remarkable architectural marvel that has captivated visitors for centuries. Originally built as a Byzantine cathedral in the 6th century, it later served as a mosque during the Ottoman Empire and is now a museum. With its massive dome, intricate mosaics, and impressive interior, Hagia Sophia showcases the architectural brilliance of both Byzantine and Ottoman civilizations. To visit Hagia Sophia, it is advisable to book Hagia Sophia tickets in advance. As one of Istanbul's most popular attractions, obtaining tickets beforehand ensures a smooth and hassle-free entry into the museum. Tickets can be purchased online or at the counters located near the entrance.
Galata Tower, Istanbul:
The Galata Tower is a captivating landmark that offers panoramic views of Istanbul's enchanting skyline. Standing tall in the Beyoglu district, this medieval stone tower has become an iconic symbol of the city. To make the most of your visit, it is advisable to secure Galata Tower tickets in advance. Booking tickets in advance allows you to skip the queues and ensures seamless entry into this historical site. As you climb the spiraling staircase, you'll catch glimpses of the city through small windows, building anticipation for the stunning vistas that await you. Once you reach the top, a mesmerizing panorama unfolds before your eyes. Feast your gaze upon the Bosphorus Strait, the Golden Horn, and the bustling streets of Istanbul stretching out in all directions.
Blue Mosque, Istanbul: 
The Blue Mosque, officially known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is a majestic architectural marvel located in Istanbul, Turkey. Its nickname, the Blue Mosque, comes from the stunning blue tilework that adorns its interior walls. This magnificent mosque is a significant landmark and a must-visit attraction for those exploring Istanbul. The Blue Mosque was constructed in the early 17th century, during the reign of Sultan Ahmed I. It was designed to rival the grandeur of the Hagia Sophia. The mosque's exterior boasts six soaring minarets, a unique feature that was a cause of controversy at the time. Its impressive domes and intricate architecture combine elements of Ottoman and Byzantine design. Upon entering the Blue Mosque, visitors are greeted with a breathtaking sight. The vast prayer hall is adorned with exquisite blue znik tiles, giving the mosque its famous nickname.
Topkapi Palace, Istanbul: 
Topkapi Palace, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is a remarkable architectural gem and a significant historical site. It served as the residence of the Ottoman sultans for nearly four centuries and now stands as a museum, showcasing the opulence and grandeur of the Ottoman Empire. The palace complex spans over an expansive area and features a series of interconnected courtyards, buildings, and gardens. As you enter the palace, you'll be transported back in time, exploring the rich history and architectural brilliance of the Ottoman era. One of the highlights of Topkapi Palace is the Harem, a section reserved for the sultan's family and concubines. Step inside to witness the intricately decorated chambers, lavish courtyards, and stunning tilework. This private world offers a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the sultans and their households. Plan your visit and book your Topkapi Palace tickets in advance to avoid long lines and ensure a seamless experience.
Cappadocia Cave Houses: 
Cappadocia, located in central Turkey, is renowned for its unique cave houses that dot the landscape. These extraordinary dwellings carved into the soft volcanic rock are a testament to human ingenuity and have become an iconic symbol of the region. The cave houses of Cappadocia offer a fascinating glimpse into the area's history and cultural heritage. Dating back centuries, these caves were originally used as dwellings and later transformed into churches, monasteries, and even entire underground cities. Exploring Cappadocia's cave houses allows you to witness the remarkable architecture and experience the surreal ambiance created by the natural rock formations. Each cave house is unique, featuring hand-carved details and intricate designs. Some caves have multiple levels, with living quarters, storage areas, and communal spaces interconnected through narrow passages. Book your tickets in advance for Cappadocia Cave houses to get hassle free access.
Ephesus, Izmir:
Ephesus, located near Izmir in Turkey, is an ancient city that offers a captivating journey back in time. As one of the best-preserved archaeological sites in the Mediterranean region, it attracts visitors from around the world. Once a bustling Greek and Roman city, Ephesus is renowned for its remarkable ruins and historical significance. As you explore the site, you'll encounter awe-inspiring structures, grand monuments, and remnants of a vibrant civilization that flourished thousands of years ago. One of the highlights of Ephesus is the Library of Celsus, an iconic structure that showcases the architectural brilliance of the ancient world. Its intricately carved facade and towering columns make it a mesmerizing sight. This ancient library is a testament to the intellectual and cultural legacy of Ephesus.
Pamukkale, Denizli: 
Pamukkale, located in Denizli, Turkey, is a mesmerizing natural wonder that is often referred to as the "Cotton Castle." It is a unique geological formation consisting of cascading terraces of white mineral-rich thermal waters, creating a surreal and ethereal landscape. The name Pamukkale translates to "cotton castle" in Turkish, and it aptly describes the appearance of the terraces. The mineral-rich waters flow down the terraces, leaving behind a stunning white deposit of travertine, giving the illusion of a cotton-like castle. The thermal waters of Pamukkale are renowned for their healing properties and have been a destination for relaxation and wellness for thousands of years. Visitors are invited to walk barefoot on the terraces, enjoying the warm mineral waters as they gently flow over the white travertine formations. It is a truly unique and rejuvenating experience.
Selimiye Mosque, Edirne: 
Selimiye Mosque, located in Edirne, Turkey, is an architectural masterpiece and a testament to the grandeur of Ottoman design. It was commissioned by Sultan Selim II and constructed by the renowned Ottoman architect, Mimar Sinan, in the 16th century. Selimiye Mosque stands as one of the most significant examples of Ottoman architecture, showcasing the empire's cultural and artistic achievements. Its exquisite design, meticulous craftsmanship, and harmonious proportions make it a true marvel to behold. The mosque's exterior features massive domes, soaring minarets, and intricately adorned facades. The central dome, in particular, is an architectural triumph, stretching high into the sky and adorned with beautiful calligraphy and intricate geometric patterns.
Basilica Cistern, Istanbul: 
The Basilica Cistern, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is an ancient underground water reservoir that stands as a captivating architectural marvel. Built during the Byzantine period, this subterranean structure showcases the engineering prowess of its time. The cistern's name, Basilica, derives from the fact that it was initially located beneath a basilica. It served as a crucial water storage facility for the city, providing water for various purposes, including irrigation and drinking water. Descending into the Basilica Cistern is like stepping into a hidden world. The vast underground space is supported by rows of imposing columns, each standing tall and elegant. The columns were repurposed from various ancient structures and display intricate carvings, adding to the mystique of the cistern. As you explore the cistern, you'll notice that the space is shrouded in soft, atmospheric lighting, creating an enchanting ambiance. The still waters below reflect the columns and the vaulted ceilings above, adding to the ethereal experience. To experience the secrets of the Basilica Cistern, make sure to book your Basilica Cistern tickets in advance and delve into this captivating underground world.
Sumela Monastery, Trabzon: 
The Sumela Monastery, also known as the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, is a historic site located in the Altndere Valley near Trabzon, a city in northeastern Turkey. It is situated on the slopes of a steep cliff, approximately 1,200 meters above sea level. The monastery has a rich history dating back to the 4th century AD. According to legend, two Athenian monks, Barnabas and Sophronius, discovered a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary in a cave on the cliffside and decided to establish a monastery there. Over the centuries, the monastery underwent several renovations and expansions, becoming an important religious and cultural center in the region. One of the most remarkable features of the Sumela Monastery is its architectural style. It combines elements of Byzantine, Greek, and Georgian architecture, showcasing intricate stonework, frescoes, and ornate decorations. The main complex consists of several buildings, including a rock church, chapels, kitchens, student rooms, a library, and a sacred spring.
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Days 28 & 29 - Friday/Saturday, 31 March/ 1 April – Back to La Paz, on to Lima
We headed back to La Paz today, but we did it quite differently from our trip out to Sun Island.  Our guide and the hotel owner took us in his boat to a different part of the ‘mainland’ where a car collected us to drive us back to Copacabana.  The car wasn’t ready to leave when we arrived (or maybe the driver wasn’t ready?) so we explored the beach area for maybe half an hour and then we were off.  It was quite an interesting drive with several stops to admire the spectacular scenery.  One place we stopped was quite near the Lake and our guide knew an old chap there – he used to work for him many years ago.  He took us down to the lake through his small farm to where a craft was moored.  It was a replica of the reed boats that have been used on the lake for many centuries and he had made one and encouraged us to take a ride on it.  We chose not to due to time constraints, but the boats only last a season so new ones are created each year.  They are quite ingenious, but they look pretty uncomfortable.  I was as interested in many of the waterbirds around us as I was on the boat, but the farm, with some of the crops and quite a lot of beautiful flowers, was also very interesting.
We eventually arrived at Copacabana after quite a fascinating ride, down the mountain and through many kilometres of rustic farmland, eventually arriving at the somewhat scrubby edges of the town.  Our car dropped us at the top of the hill overlooking the main part of town. It was close to a magnificent monastery so we had a look at that - no photos allowed inside, but it was spectacular and a service was in progress so we were very respectful. At least we could take photos outside.
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We then wandered downhill past all sorts of touristy shops, none of them doing any business despite a sparce smattering of tourists, to where we caught the bus back to the punt, across the strait and eventually back into La Paz and our Hotel.
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Our bus, crossing the strait on one of the punts
We had another pizza for dinner, again unable to eat it all, and went back to our room for an early night because we had a 2.30am start next morning.  We packed our cases and did everything we could to make our departure easy – and they were offering a breakfast box to take with us when we left.
April Fools Day and we had set our alarm for pm instead of am!!!  April Fools us!  We were awoken by the hotel concierge‘s phone call advising us that our guide had arrived at the front desk - but we had not.  Wow, did we hustle!  We were in the foyer with all our bags in less than seven minutes, expecting our promised boxed brekky, but our guide and the restaurant staff were wonderful and insisted we have a proper breakfast, so we just gobbled a few much-needed mouthfuls and were off on our way to the airport.  We have probably never moved so fast in our lives before.
We jumped into a taxi to take us to the airport where we had a two-hour wait.  Our guide argued that we were old and decrepit and got us into the priority queue to check in and then we had to go through three (3!!!) separate security checks as well as a very slow Immigration queue – although we traversed the Immigration process itself very quickly.
I tried unsuccessfully to catch some sleep on the plane but survived the trip pretty well despite the lack of sleep.  Arriving at Lima, we were met by our tour company representative and escorted directly to our hotel (just across the street) as soon as we emerged from the terminal.  We checked in at the hotel fairly quickly and retreated to our room where we slept most of the rest of the day.
There was a pre-tour meal for us all at night with a short briefing and then it was a good night’s sleep so we were all set for an exciting week ahead.
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ffxivfisher · 3 years
Ocean Fishing FAQ
(mirror inc post 6.3 6.4)
What stats should I have?
The only stat that matters in Ocean Fishing is GP; there is no amount of GP that is too much. This means that at Lv. 90 you still want the best gear you can or care to get so you can get the most GP. 963 GP is currently the highest amount attainable in i620 gear. With food (HQ Crab Cakes/Yakow Moussaka), the highest GP value currently reachable is 1018. Unlike fishing elsewhere, gathering and perception have no hard breakpoints in Ocean Fishing, nor does gathering affect Double/Triple Hook yields. The only fish impacted by stats are the 7 ★★★★★ fish (fabled/blue fish). At gathering ratings exceedingly below relevant ShB values they have significantly longer bite times and high escape rates, but they do not have hard minimums to meet. If you're in Lv. 80 gear or above this is not a concern with these fish.
What bait do I use?
The three Ocean Fishing baits are: Ragworm, Krill, Plump Worm It’s advised to have all three. They can be bought from the Merchant & Mender near the dock where you queue, or in the centre of the boat mid-voyage. Versatile Lure is usable in Ocean Fishing but it is not advised to use if you are able to buy the baits. It provides longer bite times and lower bite rates on the important fish on average. You also cannot use it while following the timings in many Ocean Fishing guides.
How do I get a spectral current to occur?
Spectral currents have a chance to occur whenever someone on the boat catches a Spectral fish (Spectral Megalodon/Discus/Sea Bo/Bass/Butterfly/Eel and Spectresaur), before 1:30 left at the stop. After 1:30 remaining it is not possible for a spectral current to occur. Every Spectral fish can be caught with every Ocean Fishing bait, but each one has a bait that is more likely to catch it than the others. Catching large-sized Spectral fish does not provide greater chances. Only one spectral current can occur per stop. After a spectral current occurs, the weather will be Clear Skies in which the Spectral fish cannot be caught. In general, before a spectral current you should use the best bait to catch the Spectral fish. This sometimes changes based on weather because weather removes other fish from the potential catch pool. The best baits to use when trying to get a spectral current are: Galadion Bay: Krill (Plump Worm if Showers) The Southern Strait of Merlthor: Krill Rhotano Sea: Plump Worm The Northern Strait of Merlthor: Ragworm (Krill is good if Clouds/Fog) The Cieldalaes: Ragworm The Bloodbrine Sea: Krill The Rothlyt Sound: Plump Worm If using Surface Slap to try and fish for the current, sometimes the best bait to use changes.
How long is a spectral current? How do I make one extended?
The default duration of a spectral current is 2 minutes. If one is in progress when the timer for the stop reaches 0:30, it will be cut off and end early. Spectral currents can be extended to a maximum of 3 minutes in two ways: 1. If a spectral current is skipped at one stop, the next current that occurs will be extended to 3 minutes. There is also a greater chance for one to occur on every Spectral fish catch until the next current is triggered. This does not stack, meaning skipping multiple spectral currents will not provide any extra benefit over skipping one. 2. If a spectral current occurs below 2:30 left on the stop and is cut short, the time that was cut off is added to the one that occurs at the next stop to a maximum of 3 minutes. This also applies to extended spectral currents. For example, if an extended spectral current that would have been 3 minutes occurs below 3:30 left on the stop and is cut short, the time that was cut off is added to the next one that occurs to a maximum of 3 minutes.
Does less than 24 people on the boat mean a spectral current is less likely?
No. The simplest way to explain this is that individual spectral current proc chance scales with the population of the boat. A smaller population boat increases the impact of each individual fisher’s Spectral fish catches and their individual odds of proccing a current when they catch one. The drawback is that less Spectral fish will be caught overall because there are less people. What is most important for getting spectral currents is if everyone on the boat is actively fishing.
What rewards come from Ocean Fishing?
There are 4 minions, 1 mount, and 10 titles. Minions: The Major-General; Gull; Dolphin Calf; Much-coveted Mora Mount: Hybodus Titles: Ocean Fisher; Master of the Sea; World-class Troller; Jellyfish Fanatic; Sea Dragoon; Shark Hunter; Octopus Traveller; Balloon Catcher; Deadliest Catcher; Manta Maniac In addition, it is a decent to good source of white gatherers' scrips. 15 points : 1 white scrip. To get the ability to gain scrips from Ocean Fishing, you need to be level 50+ and have completed the 3.0 (Heavensward) quest Inscrutable Tastes.
How do I get purple scrips?
Purple scrips from Ocean Fishing come from catching Fisher's Intuition fish when you're at Lv. 90. You will not get an equivalent amount to your white scrip reward; instead you will get around 50 ~ 150 depending on the type of Intuition fish you catch. The Intuition fish are not common to get and therefore Ocean Fishing is not a good source of purple gatherers' scrips.
What do I do with all these fish?
Mostly, vendor or desynth (requires level 30 CUL) them. The fish desynth into Water Crystals and Fine Sand or 1 - 3 of the Ocean Fishing specific baits. Some are aquarium fish and all can be printed on canvases for housing purposes. As for value, none that can be sold on the market board are likely to be worth much, though the ones which are aquarium fish are the ones with the most potential value.
What is a shark/jelly route? / I don’t understand these specific route terms.
Both players and popular ocean fishing resources generally refer to routes by the fish-specific bonus objectives commonly completed on them or the 5-star fabled/blue fish available on them. As an example, the "shark route" is the specific route (Rhotano Sea by Day) where groups try to complete the bonus objective "Certifiable Shark Hunters" for the "What Did Sharks Do to You?" achievement. If using Lulu’s Tools, this means that people refer to routes by what it classifies as "Objectives."
Common Acronyms and Terms
DH = Double Hook (Lv 65 skill) TH = Triple Hook (Lv 90 skill) PC = Prize Catch (Lv 81 skill) Slap/SS = Surface Slap (Lv 71 skill) P2 = Patience II (Lv 60 quest skill) P1 = Patience (Lv 15 skill) TF = Thaliak's Favor (Lv 15 trait) AA = Angler's Art (stacks from the Lv 15 trait) MSB/MB = Makeshift Bait (Lv 48 skill) DH-IC-DH = performing the skill sequence of Double Hook → Identical Cast → Double Hook DH-IC-PC-TH = performing the skill sequence of Double Hook → Identical Cast → Prize Catch → Triple Hook For DH-IC-DH you will need Hi-Cordial or AA stacks to be able to do this. To do DH-IC-PC-TH you need both, typically at least Hi-Cordial and 6 AA stacks.
How do I use the Hooksets and Double/Triple Hook?
HOOKSETS The Hooksets are a replacement for Hook when under Patience; using them negates the "Inefficient Hooking" debuff you get from using it, which lowers your chance to catch a fish when not using the correct Hookset. Use them when a fish bites just as you would use Hook. Precision Hookset is used on weak (!) bites. It's also used on some ferocious (!!!) bites: Spectral Sea Bo, Spectral Discus, Spectral Butterfly, Shooting Star, Ginkgo Fin, Seafaring Toad. Powerful Hookset is used on strong (!!) bites and all other ferocious (!!!) bites. If you use Hook or the wrong Hookset under Patience there is a 40% chance you will fail to catch the fish. If you use it under Patience II, there is a 75% chance you will fail. DOUBLE/TRIPLE HOOK Are both replacements for Hook that allows you to catch multiple fish. Use it when a fish bites just as you would use Hook. Gathering has no effect on Double/Triple Hook yields in Ocean Fishing. Double Hook's yield is not necessarily two/double and varies by fish from 2, 3-4, or 4. Triple Hook's yield is not necessarily three/triple and varies by fish from 3, 5-7, or 7. These skills don't work on the Fisher's Intuition fish and Spectral fish, meaning they will yield 1 if you use them (but you will lose the GP). Using Double/Triple Hook under Patience has a 40% chance to fail and under Patience II has a 75% chance to fail.
What is a "blind" Double/Triple Hook?
When you use Double/Triple Hook without the use of Identical Cast beforehand. Being able to do this properly allows you to increase your yield and/or points. All but two fish (Aetheric Seadragon, Bartholomew the Chopper) in spectral currents that you would want to use Double/Triple Hook on for achievements/points can be accurately identified and blind Double/Triple Hooked. This is done by isolating them accurately via proper bait, knowledge of their bite strength and use of a timer.
How do I get a timer in-game?
The best thing to do is to make a Cast macro timer. When using one, once you press it you will use Cast and a timer will begin counting and display the units it's counting in whatever chat window you have /echo enabled in. A good all-purpose Ocean Fishing timer macro is: /ac "Cast" <wait.2> /echo 2 <wait.1> /echo 3 <wait.1> /echo 4 <wait.1> /echo 5 <wait.1> /echo 6 <wait.1> /echo 7 <wait.1> /echo 8 <wait.4> /echo 12 <wait.2> /echo 14 <wait.2> /echo 16 <wait.2> /echo 18 <wait.2> /echo 20 <wait.4> /echo 24 /micon Cast Be aware that the "Something bites!" message appears when you use Hook/a Hookset/Double Hook, not when the fish actually bites. Also be aware that using another macro will stop the timer and pressing the macro again while you have a Cast out will restart the timer. If you wish to make a macro with different timings, they can easily be made or the one provided can be adjusted to your needs. Each /echo line is the time it's displaying, and the number in each <wait.#> is the amount of time between each interval of time you are displaying. You can also have a timer start when you use Mooch or Mooch II by replacing the "Cast" in /ac "Cast" with "Mooch" or "Mooch II" (you will also want to replace it in the /micon line).
A spectral current began/ended and my Identical Cast buff fell off. Is my fish gone?
No. If you had a Cast out that you did under Identical Cast when a spectral current ended or began, you did not lose it because the buff fell off. The fish you used Identical Cast on is still going to bite.
How do I get the Dolphin Calf/Gull minion?
To get the minions: You need to get the buff(s) from dolphin and seagull scoutings three times in total, over any amount of voyages. You do not need to get the buff(s) three times in a single voyage. To get the buffs: Dolphins and seagulls can scout, and Foerzagyl will relay one message about the scouting. After this, the dolphins or seagulls will either leave and nothing will happen, or they will stay around the boat and Foerzagyl will relay a second message while you get the buff(s).
Can I increase the likelihood of getting the dolphin/seagull buffs?
There are no player actions that result in a discernible increase in scoutings or buffs. After extensive testing, skills that were rumoured to increase scoutings or buffs were not found to have any effect on either. Based on data collected it seems spectral currents prevent scoutings but buffs resulting from a scouting that happened before a spectral current occurred can still proc during one. No routes affect the likelihood of dolphins or seagulls appearing or staying more than others.
What do the dolphin and seagull buffs do?
Seagulls: Gullstorm - 90s - increased large-size chance Dolphins: Auroral Flipper - 120s - increased spectral current trigger chance Cetaceous Speed - 90s - increased GP regeneration rate (+10/tick) You will get both Auroral Flipper and Cetaceous Speed if a spectral current hasn’t yet occurred in the stop. If one has, you will only get Cetaceous Speed. Both instances count towards progress for getting the Dolphin Calf minion.
Can I tell what the voyage missions will be beforehand?
Voyage Mission detail post link here.
How do I get a group for the "What Did _ Do to You?" achievements?
Firstly, these achievements should be attempted with a full premade 8-person party for the highest chance of success, except the mantas one. All (except mantas) count the total objective fish caught in a full party. Parties are created in the Gathering Forays section of the party finder.
How do I get a solo boat/a boat just for my achievement hunting party?
Registration ends 15 minutes past the hour when it opens. The party leader can queue as late as 14m59s past the hour (though 10-12 minutes past the hour is more typical) with one non-standard Duty Finder language option selected to increase the odds that you are not paried with other fishers outside your party. If playing on an NA/JP/OCE data centre, D or F are the best options for the leader to queue with. If playing on an EU data centre, J is the best option. Reyna Wintreese (Phoenix) has made an infographic for setting up your own PF.
I got a confusing buff/heartbeat sound. / What is Fisher’s Intuition?
Fisher's Intuition is a buff that you gain upon catching a specific quantity of specific fish that allows you to then catch another, unique fish. When you catch the required fish, the buff is immediately triggered. You will hear the heartbeat sound and get a message that displays across your screen while you get the buff. There are two Intuition fish at every stop, one outside of the spectral current and one in it. Outside of the spectral current, the Fisher’s Intuition buff will be 60 seconds. While you have that 60 second buff, you have the Intuition fish added to the catch pool. If you use a specific bait, you may be able to catch it. The fish you have to catch to trigger the Fisher’s Intuition buffs outside of the spectral current and what baits to use are: Drunkfish (Outer Galadion Bay) Trigger: 3x Galadion Chovy Message: The visage of a gormless-looking Roegadyn stares at you from beneath the waters. Bait: Krill Little Leviathan (The Southern Strait of Merlthor) Trigger: 1x Gladius (Mooch from Ghoul Barracuda) Message: A shadow evoking the Lord of the Whorl slithers across the ocean. Bait: Plump Worm Shooting Star (The Northern Strait of Merlthor) Trigger: 1x Elder Dinichthys (Mooch from Tossed Dagger) Message: You spot a glimmer of crimson, as if a ruby has floated to the surface of the ocean. Bait: Ragworm Sabaton (Rhotano Sea) Trigger: 2x Crimson Monkfish Message: You see a metallic glint just beneath the waters. Bait: Krill Cieldalaes Geode (Cieldalaes Margin) Trigger: 3x Metallic Boxfish Message: An aura of violent menace rises from the depths! Bait: Krill Bareface (Open Bloodbrine Sea) Trigger: 1x Sunken Mask Message: You glance down into a pair of astoundingly goblin-like eyes. Bait: Krill Ginkgo Fin (Outer Rothlyt Sound) Trigger: 3x Rothlyt Kelp Message: A graceful, leafy form appears, swirling and dancing beneath the waves. Bait: Ragworm The Intuition fish inside of spectral currents are special and are detailed elsewhere.
How do I interpret Lulu's Tools?
Lulu's Tools explainer here.
Which route should I try to get a 20k score on?
In general: Best: Fugu/Mantas; Crabs/Seafaring Toad; Jellyfish; Sharks/Coral Manta Very Good: Hafgufa & Placodus; Seadragons/Coral Manta; Octopus; Fugu/Stonescale Good: Mantas Not Good: Hafgufa & Elasmosaurus; Sothis & Elasmosaurus Bad: Sothis & Stonescale However, the differential between most routes is not so large that it is worth focusing on the best ones. The difference between the Best, Very Good and Good routes is rather minor. The route with a particular benefit for new or inexperienced fishers is the Sharks/Coral Manta route because fishing for points on it can be easily done with minimal or no Ocean Fishing knowledge. It is important to note that 20k is possible and has been achieved on every route so it is truly not worth focusing on just a select few, particularly if you are struggling to score. Limiting your options to just a couple of routes is not beneficial. In Endwalker this tier list has been made even more irrelevant with the new skills and traits having made scoring substantially easier.
Should I use the Crystalline Fishing Rod?
Yes. The Crystalline Fishing Rod is an upgrade for Ocean Fishing, though a marginal one. It comes with a unique trait trait: Has a chance to reduce the GP cost of Powerful Hookset and Precision Hookset by 50%. This has a ~15% chance to occur, potentially saving GP while building Angler's Art stacks or otherwise using Patience. This does not make Patience more viable to use in new ways, but makes it safer/easier to use where it is already. While the Indagator's Fishing Rod can have higher gathering and perception than the Crystalline Rod, those extra stats are irrelevant. If you do not use Patience at all, then the Crystalline Rod and Indagator's are equivalent if your Indagator's has +9 GP melded into it.
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Support The Voice To Help Indigenous Australians Be Heard
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There is broad support for the Indigenous Voice To Parliament within Australia. A majority of the population know that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have been less than well served by the nation over the journey. We can all do a lot better if their voice is heard at the heart of parliament when decisions are made affecting their lives and future. It is a no brainer really. Support The Voice to help Indigenous Australians be heard in the halls of power and right around the country. Decades of ineffectual leadership and waste are on record in this space at the federal and state levels. There has been a lack of real commitment within governments to facilitate the substantial improvements required for first nation’s people in terms of health, quality of life, education, economic wealth, and life expectancy. Lip service has been paid to the problems but not much else.
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Photo by Lara Jameson on Pexels.com
The Uluru Statement From The Heart Is A Call For A Voice
White Australia needs to grow up and embrace the realities and consequences of its colonial past. It is not enough to say we are all one people, when for generations you have ensured that one mob stands at the back of any queue. It is an insult to decency to deny recognition of the special place an indigenous people have in a land they have inhabited for 60, 000 years. It is time to do the right thing and be big enough to love these first nation’s people by encouraging them and providing opportunities for them across the country.  It takes sustained effort, heart, and investment to turn things around. “we are….failing to unleash the full human, economic and political potential for nearly half a million of our Indigenous brothers and sisters.” - Kevin Rudd
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Support The Voice The Voice To Parliament Will Allow Aboriginal Australia To Grow Empowerment is the key and The Voice will enable that empowerment by putting First Nation’s people in the driver’s seat. Charity has not worked because charity is based on an old model of doing things for others that you think are best for them. Charity is about control – controlling others by drip feeding them welfare. For people to step up they require opportunity to drive the bus themselves. Mistakes and stuff ups will happen, but that is part and parcel of learning. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela Support The Voice to help Indigenous Australians be heard loudly and clearly. Allow their leadership to find the way forward for their people in a spirit of love and cooperation. Do the right thing by voting for The Voice when the referendum comes around. Do not let the forces of fear and control condemn our country to decades of more shameful behaviour and neglect toward our First Nation’s people. There are serious problems in Alice Springs right now - this is a warning bell about a people in crisis. What is Peter Dutton's response? Send in the AFP, send in the army. What did his mob do in this space in their 10 years of government? It is time for a real change Australia! ©Midas Word Read the full article
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ambitiousbaba · 1 year
Turkey blocked oil tankers coming to India
Turkey blocked oil tankers coming to India
Turkey blocked oil tankers coming to India Turkey’s maritime authority ordered to block oil tankers without appropriate insurance letters from its waters and also guided that it needed time to make checks, dismissing pressure from abroad over a growing queue of vessels. The number of tankers which are waiting in the Black Sea to cross Istanbul’s Bosphorus strait on the way to the Mediterranean…
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njenjemedia · 1 year
[ad_1] Senior Pastor of Awaiting The Second Coming Of Christ Ministry, Adewale Giwa, has said the persistent fuel crisis engulfing the country should serve as a wake-up call for Nigerians to usher the All Progressives Congress-led administration out in the 2023 general elections, Njenje Media News reports. The cleric, while delivering a sermon in Akure, the Ondo State capital, said considering the dire straits Nigeria has been plunged into, those in the right frame of their minds should be able to discern what choices to make regarding power in 2023. Giwa criticised the electorate, saying they failed to allow God to choose who should lead them in 2015, having been deceived by evil-minded politicians who appeared in the gab of angels. Using the prevailing fuel scarcity to buttress his sermon, he said: “In less than 25 days to the end of 2022, fuel scarcity is biting harder, hitting major Nigerian cities, especially Abuja and Lagos. “More worrisome is that the Nigerian government and fuel marketers have offered varying narratives for the prevailing fuel scarcity that has affected most states across the country for weeks without reprieve. “While the NNPC said the queues in Lagos and Abuja are largely due to ongoing “road infrastructure projects” around Apapa and access road challenges in some parts of Lagos depots, major marketing group IPMAN insists that it was as a result of high prices imposed by fuel depot owners who help the NNPC in storing the product”. While admonishing his congregation on the polity, he said, “please, get your PVC ready to vote out the APC without looking back. May God not allow them to take us back to Egypt again. “Beyond voting them out, do everything possible to forestall them from getting to power again. This is a warning, and do not say I didn’t tell you.” [ad_2]
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maliksanford14 · 2 years
A distinctive Paris Travel Guide
During your Dhanbad tour, it is also worthwhile to go to the Panchet Dam. The dam has been built more than the River Damodar in Panchet region. It was inaugurated in 1959 and has become quite a big hit it with locals and visitors alike. While Dhanbad district is located at the north of the dam, District Purulia sits on the Southern bank. With the Panchet hill in its track record, the place is wonderful for picnics. If you visit, try to body your journey planner in this kind of a way that your journey coincides with the finish of the monsoon time period or the start of winters. We had been always made to create for college and for function; on your holiday, create for enjoyable! Maintain monitor of all the new things you experienced by scribbling and doodling things on your journey journal. The enjoyable part is that nobody gets to quality or give feedback on it! You can start to obtain nearby know-how prior to you start your journey. Do some research. Buy and study a traveling to indonesia. Look at pictures and video clip of the area. Appear up maps and attempt to discover significant landmarks for the area. Speak to people who have been there. Find out every thing you can about the area you are preparing to visit. The special way that my family members celebrates the vacation revolves about our Christmas tree. We drive out of the metropolis about an hour absent to a tree farm exactly where we search for the best tree for this year and cut it down. We haul it back home and decorate it over the subsequent week with tons of lights and hundreds of ornaments we have collected more than the years. My 12 year previous son has for a couple of years now created a Xmas Tree ornament hunt exactly where he makes a list of issues that our vacation guests get to discover certain ornaments that are hidden on the tree: ie. three reindeer, the Eiffel Tower, etc. visit here smokes incescently and I do as nicely though my mother or father don't know. And he provided me a cigarette in entrance of my father and of program I didn't have a pack on me so I kindly acknowledged his offer. My dad then pulled a blunt out of his pocket and stated "will you received a mild". I dealed witht this scenario by taking pleasure in myself and becoming truly puzzled but the issue is resolved in that I adore my dad and grandpa! Use the Kid Swap (a.k.a Rider Switch). Two or much more adult visitors traveling with little kids who don't match the peak requirement of a ride can take advantage of the Kid Swap, sometimes known as the Baby Swap, Rider Switch or Rider Swap. When your celebration enters the queue, tell the Solid Member you'd like to do the Kid Swap. The Cast Member will then inform you as to procedures. I remember my first couple of meals in India. We had been in Chennai (Madras) and obtaining utilized to consuming with our (right!) hand. A waiter took us on as an education venture and confirmed us just how this is to be carried out: remain near to your banana leaf, don't tilt your head back again, transfer the meals into your mouth swiftly. and don't make a mess. It's simpler said than done! Separated from mainland Australia by the 240km stretch of Bass Strait, Tasmania is a land aside. A aircraft of wild and beautiful landscapes, friendly, welcoming people, a nice temperate climate, fantastic wines and food, a wealthy history and a relaxed island lifestyle. The capital metropolis of Tasmania is Hobart, situated in the south-east of the condition. Launceston is the largest city in the north.
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zhaoshepherd91 · 2 years
Arriving Tips And journey Guide
I keep in mind my initial few foods in India. We had been in Chennai (Madras) and getting utilized to eating with our (correct!) hand. A waiter took us on as an education project and showed us just how this is to be done: remain near to your banana leaf, don't tilt your head back, move the meals into your mouth swiftly. and don't make a mess. It's simpler stated than carried out! Refusing food is regarded as rude just about anyplace. Your host has invested hours getting ready a food, and you're not going to eat what's on the table? What if you're provided meals that you psychologically can't deal with, or if you know that your company companions can tolerate way more liquor than you? Starting from Trinity college, trough the Monee Mallon monument directly to the O'Conell and Henry Roadwhere are sited most of restaurants and Irish pubs. River Leafy devide the city in to the two components. Buses for websiteseeing are easyavailable. You can book a tour and appreciate in the goodsiteseeing. During your VacationTravel you will notice Guinness trade mark is presented on every corner. Pubs and bars are trade mark of Dublin. Becoming in Irelandmeansbecoming in Dublin but don't miss to see Guiness brewery. Style the unique smelt of dark Gunnies beer and Jamison whiskey, all combined with the great Celtic's music and Irish dance well know all over traveling to indonesia the globe. Bhagwan Mahavir and Cotigao Sanctuaries : Goa has a wealthy and abundant wildlife too. you can even stay inside the park and really feel one with the wild animals and birds whilst listening to the seems of streams and waterfalls. The first grownup rides whilst the 2nd grownup stays with the child. Then the second adult rides, without waiting in line again, and the first adult stays with the child. How the Kid Swap is used The Child Swap also functions with FASTPASS. As with other line-conserving methods, the Kid Swap has various strategies depending on the attraction - and how the swap functions will differ dependent on the attraction and its queue style. Separated from mainland Australia by the 240km stretch of Bass Strait, Tasmania is a land apart. A aircraft of wild and stunning landscapes, friendly, welcoming individuals, a nice temperate climate, wonderful wines and food, a wealthy background and a relaxed island lifestyle. The money metropolis of Tasmania is Hobart, situated in the south-east of the state. Launceston is the largest metropolis in the north. When travelling solo, I highly suggest having a reasonable understanding of the host country's language, or at minimum bring a language book. visit here . People are generally type in many east Asian countries, even to the soloist.
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