#stranger things season 4 volume 2 spoilers
vivi-wtz · 2 years
The Kas Theory (Stranger things)
This post will contain sooo many spoilers for season 3 and 4 of stranger things, reading on ur on risk
I have some many thoughts on this one, I hope my thinking makes sense in the end.
Okay, I am pretty sure that everyone who watch "Stranger Things" and fell in love with Eddie Munson heard about this theory already. But in case u haven't heard it yet, I'll explain it to u real quick.
In the game dnd, there is this one character call Kas. They are some sort of the right hand of Vecna. But then Kas turns against Vecna and defends him (or helps to defend Vecna? Idk correct me if I'm wrong).
And many people who love Eddie Munson (me included) believe that Eddie becomes some Kas anecdote and will save the day in the following season of "Stranger things". But hear me out:
I saw this Tiktok like a few days ago and it got me thinking. What if Billy is the Kas anecdote? I mean think about it. To become someone's right hand kinda thing, that someone needs to trust u, which needs some time yk? I mean I wouldn't let anyone be my right hand if I do not genuinely trust them. And idk how many months will be between season 4 and season 5 but since the doors to the upside down are already open, I dont believe that it will be as much as between season 3 and 4 yk. So Eddie would have less time to "bound" with Vecna than Billy would have had. And I bet Vecna also knows that Eddie fought his bats (I mean the wounds seem kinda obvious to me). And we know Vecna isn't stupid so he probably connects the dots and knows Eddie isn't on his side.
BUT BILLY ON THE OTHER HAND?! Not only was he already some kind of doll for Vecna, so Vecna kinda still has the connection to Billy (just like Will yk what I'm on about?), but Billy also never seemed to connect with the "Anti-Vecna" group, which is probably also shown in the memory of Billy. So Vecna knows that for sure. And adding to this Billy would also have had enough time to "gain" some trust from Vecna (more like prove himself to Vecna). I mean how many months were between the timeline of season 3 and the timeline of season 4? 8 months? That sounds pretty accurate to me.
I mean hear me out. I love Eddie.. I mean I really fucking love him more than myself. And I really wish for him to somehow come back in season 5 but folks u need to agree with me. This Billy-being-Kas-theory of me makes fucking sense..
And yes I know Vecna could just whoop Eddie's ass and make him do whatever he wants him to do. But Vecna is not stupid, like I said before! And he already had that mind controlling connection with Billy which will probably makes it easier for Vecna to get into Billy's mind? And even when Billy and Eddie had both a rough upbringing, I think Billy had it a bit rougher. I mean at least Eddie had a father like figure, friends who like him for him and his trauma (the "loss" of his parents, probably bullying yk) didn't got any deeper (I mean, yes he got still bullied but he had friends, he wasn't alone, yk?). But Billy on the other side, his mother left him alone with his abusive dad, who also were his only father figure. He only had friends because of his looks and the popularity he got because of it. And because his dad is shit, his trauma got deeper with everytime, Billy's dad laid hand on him, yk? So the bad things in Billy's life, his loneliness and the fact that he went to all that basically alone probably clouded his mind and also makes it even easier for Vecna to get in his fucking mind.
And also yes, in the end of season 3 Billy sacrificed himself for El. But only because she found a good memory. And do u all remember how long it fucking took her to find it (which would basically prove my theory that I pointed out before)? In addition to Vecna knows how strong El is, so there is a high chance that El could just faked the memory to make Billy "submissive" to her plans. U get this?
But I mean folks, who am i kidding? We all know the duffer brothers are freaking stupid (I mean they killed the best character yk) and tbh I don't believe they thought about this, so I guess eddie it is (I mean I'm happy, but I would make so much more sense with billy... waisted potential in a good plot if u ask me)
Anyway, I really do hope, that y'all get what I meant.. I mean I know this is a lot of information and I really tried to give my rambling thoughts some structur. But on case it didn't work and u have some questions, just ask me.
Anyway, bye bye, kissies y'all
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amphetamine-keen · 2 years
I'm sorry, (not really) Duffer Bros, I refuse to accept that Eddie "Dio Back Patch" Munson died without hearing the 1987 album Dream Evil.
That album fucking SLAPS and this asshole deserves to hear it!
The weird synth solo in All the Fools Sailed Away? He'd lose his MIND. Naked in the Rain? So fucking dramatic. He'd project so hard onto I Could Have Been a Dreamer, especially the wolfpack imagery after becoming part of the fruity four.
Look at this shit!!
Running with the wolf pack
Feel like I'm never coming back
But maybe that was sunshine that I saw
That fucking hope as he finally graduated? And the sunshine line definitely doesn't make him think of Steve Harrington's bright yellow sweater and blinding smile, no sir.
Eddie is alive in my heart if only so he could experience this album.
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kittythelitter · 2 years
I'm not saying that i have faith in the duffer brothers. Cause I don't, really. But what i do have is some observations. This is not to say that i think Eddie will be fine and run off into the sunset with the Party.
But i think Joseph Quinn might reappear next season. Like. First of all the duffers love the long game. That's the whole show. They also love foreshadowing via DND. They also love letting us (and the Party) think someone is dead when they're not, and twists (generally twists that have been foreshadowed). They also take fan reactions into account. (and marketability). And fans fucking love Eddie/Joseph Quinn. He's also incredibly merch-able.
All this to say. I think he's gonna come back next season in a way that is probably going to be devastating and twisted and horrifying. Maybe as a Vecna puppet. Maybe brainwashed or monsterfied. But I think he's gonna come back as a villain. And then have a Kas-the-Betrayer-inspired twist where he regains control or whatever kind of like Billy and the Mind-Flayer. And then I think he's gonna save someone/everyone by sacrificing himself again. And it's gonna hurt doubly hard.
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Matilda | Max Mayfield | Stranger Things
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
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assbutt-casbutt-ii · 2 years
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aurorabyler · 2 months
you know what i find fascinating?
in essentially every interview since season 4, whenever asked about wills feelings/byler, finn has a nearly identical response that’s quite telling. he always says the following: “mike’s clueless” or something along those lines.
this even extends to press he did for other movies like wyfstw (i believe it’s in the finn wolfhard goes undercover on the internet video).
it’s fascinating because its a clearly scripted response — if you’re at all familiar with the stranger things press from each season, you’ll know that the cast has a SHIT TON of media training. they are very well instructed, even specifically coached on what they can say and the language they can use.
consider for instance the difference in the way noah spoke about byler and will’s sexuality in the gap between volumes 1 and 2. pre vol-2, he got a lot of shit for saying that will’s sexuality was “up for interpretation” — people took it as the duffers erasing queerness from their storyline when in fact he was INSTRUCTED to say that to avoid spoilers. the moment vol2 dropped, all of that went away and he actually did a full (variety?) interview where he confirmed will was gay and in love with mike.
what i’m really trying to say here is the language of calling mike clueless is a deliberately strategized response to avoid both spoilers and the potential for more questions surrounding the more intricate parts of mike’s storyline, which have very obviously been saved for season 5 — they seem to be building up to revealing his perspective. with that said, my personal belief is that he’s not as clueless as these scripted responses make him out to be — this is a tactic to avoid spoilers.
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mono-blogs-art · 10 months
Tsukutabe Vol 3 English Release, A Review!
A few days ago I was finally able to get my hands on the long awaited third volume of the Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat) manga! Here are some of my thoughts - first, no spoilers, and then under a readmore I'll discuss some specific scenes I really liked.
I was very excited to finally read ahead - since the TV live action adaptation covers the same plot points as the first two volumes of the manga, and since there are basically 0 spoilers floating over from the jp fandom into my periphery, I truly had no idea where it was going. And what can I say but it was an absolute delight.
Like in volume 2, we are keeping a balance of the silly, everyday life of Nomoto & Kasuga and their cooking adventures, interspersed with quite serious, even dark moments in their personal lives. In fact, this volume features probably the darkest scenes in the series yet, more on that in the spoiler section later, but I truly had tears in my eyes for a bit. However I love how the focus when discussing these serious topics is always on the character and their feelings in the moment - how they can recognize what's been in their past, and how they've been able to move on and find happiness again, expressing a desire to do so. They've been hurt in their lives - mostly by their families that they've left behind, or by coworkers and strangers - but they are allowed to work through those feelings, take no shit, and say "No, I deserve better than this." There's also more focus again on LGBT advocacy now, with Nomoto coming out (to herself) at the end of volume 2, we now see her try to get comfortable with the lesbian label and how it affects her. There's also discussion on asexuality and its many shades, which I really appreciated!
The biggest change in volume 3 is the addition of two new characters - Yako-san, one of Nomoto's online friends who starts to become a bigger part of her life when Nomoto starts opening up about her sexuality; and Nagumo Sena, who is their "middle neighbor", the person who moved into the apartment between Nomoto & Kasuga that's been empty for the previous two volumes. Nagumo starts to befriend Kasuga when the two have a run-in. So a lot of the volume we actually see the two new pairs interact, and the focus is away from our main couple for a bit (but not really). Rather than new side characters, Yako and Sena feel more like an extension of the main cast, an extension of their little family, and they are immediately likeable and mash well with the rest. Speaking of family, although it's been a theme before, volume 3 really makes the central theme of "found family" very explicit. And it really warms the heart.
And my favourite part, without giving too much away, Kasuga also again receives chapters with her as the protagonist, rather than having Nomoto be the narrator all the time. This is actually the only thing I really miss in the TV live action, there are only a couple of scenes in there where you can see Kasuga's train of thoughts. The manga gives you much more insight into her inner workings. I'm hoping this will change for season 2 of the show, especially knowing what's in store.
Overall, the third volume brings a lot of fresh turns but stays true to its vibe and feel at heart. And of course it doesn't forget that there's also a love story, with Nomoto & Kasuga inching ever closer to each other. But I think this volume is where the story makes a point to say, Hey, This Isn't A Romance Series - it's a series about healing from past trauma, family, and especially found family, tackling everyday misogyny and homophobia, and all that through the very mundane task of cooking. I can't wait for volume 4 to come out, and season 2 of the live action series of course!!
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The biggest thing I wanted to talk about was the conversation Kasuga has with her father on the phone. It's just so fucked up. We've only seen her family in flashbacks up until now, and reading the conversation between the two of them shows how far Kasuga has come in the 10 years since she's left home. Unlike Nomoto, who has a rocky relationship with her family but still keeps in contact, Kasuga has cut herself completely off since she left, and her views on family are central to her storyline. She wants to eat whatever she likes and not be shamed for it, own the things she wants, live in her own space, work a job that she choses. She wants to be herself.
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At the same time, Kasuga is also the most family-oriented character. She loves to take care of others, make them feel at home and feel included, and she wants others to care for her too, unconditionally. When she thinks about what she values about "family", and the things she desires, there's only one logical conclusion to come to.
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Kasuga's ties to her family also make her the perfect person to bring in Sena to the group. Sena is the total opposite of Kasuga, yet they're able to connect because of their shared traumas connected to food and family. When Kasuga bluntly accepts Sena without a second thought, the two really start to connect and it was just so sweet. Sena's whole backstory really touched me a lot and I definitely cried xD
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These are the main two things I really couldn't wait to talk about!!! I really love Sena a lot and I'm excited to see more of her in the next volume. It's also very funny that it takes her, what, a single evening to immediately get that Nomoto and Kasuga have mutual crushes on each other, lmao.
The other new character, Yako-san, is also really fun. She's the confident, take-no-bullshit counterpart to Nomoto, and she proudly identifies as both a lesbian and asexual. Apart from that, we haven't seen much of her and her backstory yet - I'm hoping there'll be more in the future, especially with her in parallel to the main romance (idk if she's also aromantic, but it might be hinted at already?). I can't wait to see!
Those are some assorted thoughts... I really love this series and I appreciate it for the simple yet concise storytelling, and the love Yuzaki-san puts into her characters. They feel like real people, reflecting real insecurities and problems you'd run into in real life, even when it's exaggerated in a comedic manner. Can't wait to see where it goes next!!
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thirdwifeofriversong · 11 months
going back through some old notes on my phone and found my unfiltered original reactions to volumes 1 & 2 of stranger things 4… (spoilers below the break)
- did NOT see that reveal coming
- The ends of eps 4 and 7 are fucking amazing
- NANCY!!! Not sure how she’ll fare, not looking good obvs, (and I did originally think she’d die, but I hope not ofc) but I love the callback to the pool and Barb
- This is Dustin’s season lol
- Joyce Hop and Murray better fucking get out of that prison- their reunion was heartbreaking, but I also was like RUN don’t do another bob
- About Vecna/001/Creel son… so his powers/the killings weren’t related to the upside down until El imprisoned him there… so the upside down existed already but El opened the gate to put 001 through and that was the beginning of the contact with our world?… also how did Brenner try to replicate 001? Heard some disturbing theories about sperm donation but that’s super fucked up so I’m not sure how but I hope they explain? Also how did he get his powers in the first place? Finally what amazing casting
- Never thought I’d be rooting for Steve and Nancy lol but I guess maturity happens
- Erica is the fucking best
- The 001 reveal was fantastic. Jaw on the floor.
- Why does 001 care for 011 more than the others? Seen theories that she’s his kid but???
- Relationship between 001 and the mind flayer?
- MAX omg that scene was AMAZING on all levels and her ACTING
- Also why was Brenner using 001 as a guard?? Doesn’t make sense?
- Cool how they synced Nancy and El understanding 001’s story
- I only want good things for Hopper
- Also Murray’s karate is 10/10. Comic gold
- I’m a bit done with the torture. I like my characters problems to be fictional thanks.
- Look forward to seeing the CA gang appear again
- Also Joyce and Murray have no fucking idea what’s going on… and like Joyce just leaves her kids?
- Okay El needs nice things and WHAT THE FUCK OWENS WORKING WITH BRENNER REALLY?!! El didn’t need that. She needs so much love and friends and therapy and trauma informed everything bc OMG.
- Not a fan of Archie and the jock vigilantes
- Rude to prey on people with trauma. Guess Vecna is just a psychopath?
- again how did the kids get their powers and how did they take it from 001 and how did 001 get it in the first place?
- Nice that 001 and the mind flayer got along so well
- Also can will get some fucking character development? Please? Like I know he has a crush on mike but more than that pls because it’s been since s2 that he had a true arc (except that great acting scene in s3)
- Suzie is everyone’s Queen. Bow before her
- Eddie and argyle are great new characters
- El needs so much love
- You can’t let anything happen to Hop or Joyce or Murray
- Wait also I forgot about the time travel thing
- WAIT A SECOND the painting Will’s painting it’s got to be of Mike because he LOVES HIM
- MAX?!?!?!!! No MAX !!!!!! Like I assume they would’ve just killed her if she wasn’t going to come back, but she seems brain dead and the duffers said she was? So? I hope they do bring her back bc it would’ve made sense to fully kill her if she wasn’t? Also El has fucking Lazarus powers too?! Damn girl
- My BABY GAY WILL you need a HUG and I’m so glad you got one but you also need to talk about shit and just say it out loud
- Good job Jonathan you aren’t completely useless
- DAMN that was a good ending- saw it coming but they did it really well
- And they really did seem like they’d just kill off everyone for a minute
- Murray, Yuri, and Antonov?? My bois? Where they at?
- Still gotta resolve Owens
- Also the fucking Russian and US governments are looking for them wtf
- Not looking good
- love the Hawkins at the center of it all
- the vecna el max scene holy SHIT
- also did we not finish the Jason plot line?! Wtf happened after that? Somebody gotta keep this man in line bc he went full murder there (edit apparently he did die whoops I was distracted)
- And poor Lucas!! My baby is gonna have so much trauma!!
- And Dustin… sweet little confident dude gonna be so sad
- Fucking will ending the season touching the back of his neck I CAN FEEL HIM of course you fucking can will
- The LINE
- Hop and Joyce!!! Finally!!!
- Also like please let Karen be an actual character with agency she’s been here for four seasons on the sidelines but like please… my dude…. Please write her some character development… and fuck Ted
- The fucking love triangle with Nancy isn’t resolved
- We love Steve (in general)
- Robin and band girl seem nice…. Like a z plot but at least she might get a nice thing? Would be nice if we knew more about band girl
- Want to know if Henry/vecna is El’s father? More about that connection? Also how he got his powers to begin with? Is the upside down just an accidental bump into our universe bc El or is it related to the powers? Would it have kept going?
- Also fucking Odyssey with Henry
- and hop with the sword?!
- The soviets rlly did just go this seems like a good idea let’s BREED FUCKING DEMOGORGONS fuckers
- Glad they’re out of the ussr
- That ending shot wow
- I CRIED with Dustin and mr munson omg that was so fucking sad
- Also where was max’s mom in the hospital??
- Max omg baby needs nice things
- Aghhhhh
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What do YOU Want from Stranger Things Season 5?
Part 1!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
So, as you guys might know (like all seventeen of you), I'm currently writing a fanon version of Stranger Things Season 5. The idea is to be canon compliant up until the very end of the fourth season, and from there, give all the characters the fifth season that we, the fans, want for them. I've been looking at as many theories and repeated tropes in fan content that I can - but I want to see if I can hear from you guys directly.
So tell me, what do you want to see in regards to:
Will Byers?
Will has been shunted to the side in the previous seasons, and he really needs to be one of the most vital characters moving forward in order to do his character justice. So...
How should Will contribute to the party's victory this season?
What would you like his coming out to look like?
Who should he come out to?
What should their reactions be?
What is Will's connection to the mindflayer, Vecna, and the upside down?
What should the parallels between Will and 001 be leading towards?
Does Will have powers?
What are they, and how did he get them?
How should the powers be revealed?
Eddie Munson?
Clearly fans of Stranger Things want Eddie to return. That said, he did die at the end of season four, and his character arc came full circle. So...
What should Eddie's NEW character arc look like?
Does he even need a new character arc, or should he just be controlled by Vecna?
How can we justify Eddie's resurrection?
What more would you like to learn about his backstory?
How should the rest of the characters respond to his return?
What lasting effects will there be from his death and subsequent resurrection?
If Vecna is going to control Eddie, what is he going to use him for?
Max Mayfield?
Max was in a coma at the end of this last season. El tried to contact her consciousness (like she did with her mother in season two) and was unable to find her. So...
Where is Max's consciousness?
What should happen to her?
What did Max write in her letters?
Which characters would open their letters and which ones would refuse to?
Is her life dependent on Vecna's defeat?
How can Max contribute to story, either actively or passively?
Should she wake up before or after Vecna is defeated?
What lasting effects will she have to deal with once she's awake?
El was left questioning both her abilities and her choices at the end of season four, wondering if she should have stayed with Dr Brenner longer. So...
How should El regain her confidence?
How should her newfound family bonds with Hopper and the Byerses effect her actions?
How should the after-affects of everything that's happened with Hopper be dealt with?
How should she gain greater agency and autonomy (without Mike or Hopper making her choices for her)?
How should the drama between El and Mike be resolved?
I don't want to ask you guys too much all at once, so I'll leave it here. I literally don't care how well formed your ideas are - I want to hear your thoughts on as many of these points as possible!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 years
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#you would see that it was about the beats of an interaction more than about nancy deciding to honestly indicate her views on having kids
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so y'all really believed Steve when he told Robin "no" he wasn't still in love with Nancy??? y'all really believed that. right when he did the little gunshot motion and everything skdhgskjdhgskjdgh open your eyes the boy was LYING
97 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Steve saying "yeah?" after Nancy said "that sounds nice" actually the softest thing I've ever heard in my life
107 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Nancy doesn't want to settle down at the end of a cul-de-sac with a man who doesn't love her and never pays attention to her, who doesn't really know her or her interests at all. She said nothing about traveling cross-country in a Winnebago with a man who's been by her side since they were in high school, who's saved her life (and her his) countless times, and who is obsessed with everything she is & does
127 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Steve Harrington has a romantic core so enough of this "platonic friendships are all he needs" uhhh boy wants a wife and he should be allowed to
181 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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y'all know Nancy was ~deflecting~ when she said "sounds like a nightmare" right
because she was getting caught up in the moment and needed to say something light and slightly deprecating so she wouldn't keep making heart-eyes at her ex...
290 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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themaevethcometh · 2 years
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i think what bothers me most about stranger things season 4 volume 2 is all of the unfulfilled promises.
Let’s start with the deaths.  We were told that the end of this season would be carnage and that there would be a body count.  At one point “five confirmed deaths” was thrown out there.  First of all, I don’t think I can even list the five deaths.
Eddie, obviously
I assume they’re including Max since she was technically dead for a minute
Genuinely don’t know who this last one would be
I found none of these deaths satisfying.
1. Eddie - narratively, it didn’t make sense for him to choose to fight the bats.  I know that they wanted to give him a hero moment where he could be brave since he was upset about running when Chrissy was killed, but he didn’t have to do that!  He was meant to be the distraction, and running was still distracting, plus the instructions for him and Dustin were to get out of there when things became too dangerous.  There were other ways for him to be brave.  I didn’t see a reason for him to stand and fight there, especially when the demobats died shortly after anyway.  It felt useless, it felt wasted, and it felt like a death just for the sake of having a body count rather than furthering the story.  Adding on to the fact that his name will never be cleared and that Dustin/his uncle are the only two who seem to be mourning him (despite him having multiple friends in the D&D group and friendly allies with the rest of the Upside Down crew), this doesn’t feel like a meaningful or worthwhile death.
2. Max - I think this death had so much potential that they didn’t follow up on, and it was negated by the fact that El suddenly was able to bring her back to life????  It took me a second to realize that Max was actually dying since her injuries weren’t the full vecna-ed extent, but having her die as part of a sacrifice would’ve been super impactful on every other protagonist and would’ve actually felt like a loss.  If they were going to bring her back to life, it should cost something.  Right now she’s obviously not fully okay, given that El couldn’t psychically connect to her and she’s in a coma, but to suddenly give El the power to bring people back from the dead and show her being perfectly fine afterwards didn’t make sense to me.  It would’ve been extremely interesting to me if El did some sort of trading of her life for Max’s (especially considering the lyrics of Running Up That Hill and how significant that song was this season), and still had Max come back slightly off (and possibly with residual affects of El’s powers).  Obviously this would’ve unlocked a whole new can of worms, but to have the only multi-season protagonist death be immediately negated and undone felt cheap.
3. Brenner - could not care less about this man.  They tried to make his death huge and emotional and I simply did not care I was glad he died
4. Jason - once again, could not care about this guy, and his death was so sudden that I don’t think we were necessarily supposed to feel the impact of it.
We were promised carnage, we were promised a body count, and what we got was one death that was unnecessary to the narrative, one death that was immediately undone by a super powered girl who’s powers seem limitless for the fourth season in a row, and two deaths of antagonists that I felt nothing over.  If you’re going to advertise the deaths in a series, have the guts to follow through.  Would I have been upset if Steve died? yes.  Would it have been extremely impactful for the babysitter/hero to die? yes.  It would’ve had lasting effects on the narrative and actually meant something to the characters.  Would I have been upset if Dustin died? yes.  Would it have been interesting to see the impact and seriousness of a 14 year old dying? yes.  Would it have considerably raised the stakes and the sense of danger? also yes.  Would it have been interesting seeing how the mix of the kids and young adults proceeds forwards as a group since he was the main bridge between the kids and Steve? yes.  Would I have been upset if El died? yes.  Would it have raised the stakes for the show in a new and interesting way now that they don’t have their saving grace around? yes.  Would it have been fascinating to see how that would impact Will? Mike? Hopper? Max? yes.  Would I have been upset if Mike died? yes. Would killing the so-called heart of the group have a deep impact and spur them forward? yes.  Would this have lasting effects on El that likely would impact her powers in some way? yes.
There are so many ways that they could’ve made the deaths significant and important.  Instead, they refused to truly kill any of their main protagonists, greatly lowering the narrative stakes and leaving me feeling unfulfilled.  If someone’s death has a narrative reason and impacts the other characters/the plot, that is a worthwhile death, even if I’ll be sad and go read a bunch of fix-it fics.  None of these deaths fulfilled that.
Queerbaiting was another unfulfilled promise from volume 2.  I personally didn’t ship steddie and I didn’t think byler would be requited and canon this season, but it is an undeniable fact that they utilized both of those ships during the advertising of volume 2 only to make steve go after nancy again with big speeches that didn’t fix the context they were given in, kill off eddie, and have will’s gay pining be used to further mileven while mike remains oblivious to will’s feelings.  Will being gay isn’t in question anymore, I personally am not waiting on a verbal “i’m gay” from him and don’t think that’s part of the queerbaiting because anyone with a brain or a smidge of media comprehension can see it, but only using him to further the plot of the straight couple and then not letting him have a full confession to mike where he is heard and understood is queerbaiting after the emphasis that was put on this pairing.
There were a slew of other things that I felt went unfulfilled: the use of “Running Up that Hill” implying some sort of last minute sacrifice to save a loved one, Will’s not being able to take ownership of the painting and saying that El commissioned it, therefore not having Mike understand the grand emotional moment of it, the D&D game at the beginning having Dustin lose on an 11 and Erica (an outsider) managing to win with a 20, yet El was still the savior of the day ultimately despite the opening of the gates, literally everything about Will’s connection to the upside down and vecna not being touched on and him being reduced to the pining gay friend.  On top of that, the only person who devloped as a character was Eddie, and he died for it.  Jonathan is still lying to Nancy about college and they’re both still not communicating with each other.  Will is still pining for Mike in secret.  Mike is still hyper-focused on El and completely ignorant of what’s going on with his friends.  I suppose Lucas realized that jocks are bad, which is not a good takeaway and I’m still mad that none of his friends supported him when he wanted to get involved in another extracurricular activity, and that just puts him back to where he was at the end of season 3.  El still needs Mike and his love confession to spur her powers forward, rather than being able to rely on herself and not having to be anyone’s special superhero.  Steve is still hung up on romance and specifically Nancy, something I thought we left behind a while ago and which serves neither of their characters right now.  Dustin might feel a renewed responsibility for leading other kids with nonconformity, but that’s less of a development and more of a reaffirmation of who he already unwaveringly is.  We didn’t get to see Max at the end of the season because she’s in a coma, but would her realization that she deserves to live, wants to live, and isn’t responsible for Billy’s death still stick after vecna’s abuses?
I think the reason that these last two episodes felt like a letdown for me personally is that we were promised so much and given so little of it.  Don’t give us expectations if you’re not going to follow through.  That’s bad writing.
15 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
yknow how every student has their sensei, the one who they’re closest to and who’s style they work best with despite how all students have trained under more than one person by now? i really, really, really want chozen to become tory’s
21 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
barbie princess and the pauper stage adaptation WHEN
26 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
no okay i’m sorry i’m still thinking about how in the season finale it would’ve been so simple to show ej getting the bare minimum kindness from anyone.  here are some examples that would’ve taken less than 10 seconds of screen time:
after ej tells everyone that he was acting to get channing off of their backs and that they’re going to still do the show their way, someone (literally anyone) says “good plan ej, thanks” instead of ricky’s passive-aggressive “you sure?”
after the show miss jen hugs ej and says “from one director to another, you did amazing. i’m proud of you”
ashlyn passes around a card backstage for the cast to sign and give to ej showing their appreciation for his work on the show. bonus points if she had big red bring a bouquet of flowers for him to add to the cast gift
i cannot stress enough that these are all very normal things for people to say/do after a show, yet we got to see none of it, even after watching ej be emotionally stomped on time and time again this season.  we got no catharsis for him and i will never understand why they couldn’t include one small moment for him
64 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Not to be a billy hargrove apologist because he did genuinely awful things in canon and it’s important to acknowledge that, but i do find it interesting how so many people absolutely hate him and think he deserved to die (“deserve” is a strange way to be looking at media in general but that’s a different essay) when there was so much evidence pointing to the fact that if he has been given kindness and support he could’ve changed for the better. Like. The guy genuinely has no one looking out for him. His mom abandoned him. His dad is abusive. Susan doesn’t do anything to stop the abuse (not blaming her, completely understandable why she wouldn’t/couldn’t) and Max didn’t make things better either with the way he was forced to watch out for her and punished when he couldn’t control her (again, not blaming Max here, that’s 100% not her fault). He has no safe environment and engages in a lot of self-destructive behaviors (driving recklessly, lashing out, trying to hook up with grown women as a high school student) but the second he was shown a little bit of kindness by El he gave up his life trying to protect her. He and Max were obviously in a better spot in season 3, implying that he had at least changed his behavior towards her in the narrative time between seasons. We don’t know what happened with lucas in that time (if anything) but I doubt Max would’ve lessened her hatred of billy if he was still racist to her boyfriend, and dacre said he wasn’t playing billy as racist so he obviously justified those lines and actions towards lucas in some other way, which opens a whole different (slightly problematic) can of worms but is something i’ve seen fic writers explore explanations for. There was so much potential for a redemption arc if he hadn’t been killed off and it’s been interesting to me how strongly some of the fandom recoils from that idea and how the duffers negated a lot of the shifts in characterization billy had in the previous season while writing season 4. Maybe i’m too much of a bleeding heart who wants to believe that no one is beyond forgiveness and everyone can be better if they want to be, but comparing how this fandom is so polarized when discussing billy compared to, for example, draco malfoy, who also was a child in a bad situation, who also was extremely prejudice against a group of innocent people, who at least had an extremely loving mother, and the majority of that fandom approves of the idea of a redemption arc for him but billy is so divisive.
98 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
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thegreatmelodrama · 2 years
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I posted 378 times in 2022
That's 376 more posts than 2021!
112 posts created (30%)
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I tagged 208 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 114 posts
#st4 - 86 posts
#stranger things 4 - 60 posts
#st4 spoilers - 51 posts
#steve harrington - 45 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 25 posts
#max mayfield - 18 posts
#lucas sinclair - 17 posts
#dustin henderson - 16 posts
#sadie sink - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#i’m trying to find the silver linings to cope with the immense amount of anxiety and fear i have for volume ii
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’ve seen many people discuss which character Steve Harrington would be from New Girl. The answer is Winston Bishop.
102 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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Doja Cat knows what’s up
115 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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Gaten Matarazzo, Joe Keery, and Maya Hawke (courtesy of Amy L. Forsythe on Instagram)
136 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Steve’s nail bat??? 👀
(please let Steve, Eddie, and Dustin make it to season 5)
139 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
419 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
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mediamixs · 10 months
Stranger Things 5: what you have to know
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Stranger Things 5 is the final season of the popular Netflix series. The writers' room has finished grid-blocking the entire plot of the season, and the cast is preparing to film. The opening scene of the season shows darkness, the sound of cold wind, groaning trees, and a child's voice singing a familiar song. The release date for Stranger Things 5 is unknown due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike. The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that the season will bring the story and plotline to a conclusion. The season will be full pedal-to-the-metal from the first episode, and it will have a film-length finale runtime. There is no trailer for Stranger Things 5 yet, and there are no confirmed spoilers.
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The plot of Stranger Things Season 5 will focus on the war between the Upside Down and Hawkins, bringing the story to a conclusion. The season is expected to be epic, with a more personal touch similar to the show's first season. The final shot of the teaser shows massive, hellish clouds looming above the neighborhood and a field of flowers slowly dying, indicating the intensity of the conflict. The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that the season will be the final chapter of the show, and it will be full pedal-to-the-metal from the first episode, with a film-length finale. The cast is expected to return, and new characters, such as Linda Hamilton, will join the season. The release date is currently unknown due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike. The season is anticipated to be an intense and satisfying conclusion to the series, with no new characters introduced.
The hellish clouds in Stranger Things Season 5 signify the intensity of the conflict between the Upside Down and Hawkins. The final shot of Season 4, Volume 2, shows massive, hellish clouds looming above the neighborhood and a field, indicating that the war between the two realms has escalated. The opening scene of Season 5 is expected to feature darkness, cold wind, groaning trees, and a child's voice singing a familiar song. The presence of these clouds in the season highlights the stakes and the impending confrontation between the characters and the Upside Down.
The significance of the hellish clouds in Season 5 can be summarized as follows:
They represent the ongoing war between the Upside Down and Hawkins, which has become more intense in the final season.
The clouds serve as a visual representation of the dark and ominous nature of the Upside Down, the central antagonist of the series.
The appearance of these clouds sets the tone for the intense and action-packed events that unfold in Season 5, as the characters face the ultimate showdown against the Upside Down and its forces.
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devious-kat · 2 years
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I tagged 11 of my posts in 2022
#iswm - 4 posts
#in space with markiplier - 4 posts
#stranger things - 2 posts
#i was probably 11 or 12 - 1 post
#edit: - 1 post
#stranger things season 4 spoilers - 1 post
#byler - 1 post
#spoilers - 1 post
#st spoilers - 1 post
#stranger things spoilers - 1 post
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#some of you didn't see update on this post where i summoned 6969 crabs and it shows
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m already onboard with Our Flag Means Death and I haven’t even seen it yet. But the funniest thing to me is having played the Assassin’s Creed series, these two characters are very familiar from Black Flag…
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Stede Bonnet
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And Edward Thatch/Blackbeard
So I keep picturing them in my head XD
9 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
15 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Some thoughts on Stranger Things volume 2 and Byler.
So I get that like, they couldn’t suddenly be together this season, that wouldn’t be realistic.
But Will Byers still got shafted. He had a beautiful moment with his brother, I loved that.
But pretty much no reconciliation with Mike. You telling me in a 9 hour car ride Mike never thought “I can’t believe El commissioned this painting. Wait I thought she said she hadn’t seen it and had no idea what it was!”? That Will gave him this painting he worked hard on and Mike was like “oh that’s cool” and promptly erased it from his mind? Like I get the situation didn’t call for casual chatter, but like I said they were on the road for a lot of hours.
Not gonna lie, with the way El did it, and the title piggyback, I was expecting Vecna to go after Will by piggybacking into her mind. Or even once they reached Hawkins to like “feel him”.
For the first few seasons it felt like this was personal. That something about Will was causing the Mindflayer/Vecna to choose him. Why did the upside down go from just a hellscape to a copy of Hawkins on the *day* he got pulled in?
I’m really wondering how the 5th season will go. Overall, I felt disappointed in most of the last two eps. Jopper was beautiful. I was stressed about everyone living or dying. I feel so bad for Dustin. And Lucas. They have been traumatized. And poor Max, she broke my heart.
I don’t know that I’d call it queerbaiting only because like I said, I don’t think they could have gotten together in this time frame. But I also understand I may not know the complete definition of it.  And I’m sorry to everyone hurt by it. 💔
17 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Dude, anyone who makes any kind of ISWM merch that mentions fixing it from the outside, they’re gonna make a FORTUNE off of me. Or ‘pop ‘er in reverse’. I had to rationalize not getting a jumpsuit I’d have like, 2 occasions to wear.
32 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Y’all. I’m sure we’ve noticed this, but I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet
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They just always have to be touching and I’m HERE FOR IT
197 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
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vanillaattack · 2 years
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J'ai publié 78 fois en 2022
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J'ai étiqueté 63 billets en 2022
Seulement 19% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#byler - 57 billets
#will byers - 56 billets
#stranger things - 55 billets
#mike wheeler - 55 billets
#byler tumblr - 49 billets
#mike x will - 39 billets
#byler analysis - 32 billets
#st4 - 31 billets
#st4 spoilers - 29 billets
#byler season 4 - 19 billets
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#please don't let me watch this alone i might die with them
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
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each day we get bigger and bigger, the TRUTH is finally coming out (like Will in Vol 2).
105 notes - publié le 13 juin 2022
I'm so angry right now, wtf ???!?
You promoted byler the entire month and now you give us this ? that's fucked up.
People who say there no need to get angry, didn't see the f promo between the 2 volumes.
112 notes - publié le 1 juillet 2022
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Is that Stephanie ? Damian draw Stephanie on his book 🥺🥺
133 notes - publié le 3 février 2022
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Can we talk about this is the Will byers that Mike became friend with ?
I headcanon that Mike held Will's hand when they were younger
299 notes - publié le 19 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Will, honey, i give you permission to become a villain in the next season.
You deserve it, seriously.
3 838 notes - publié le 1 juillet 2022
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Hi i have a secret. I am in my stranger things season 4 fanon era and i witnessed the spoilers to season 4 volume 2 as soon as it came out but i have yet to see the last two episodes. You see, my sister and i are cursed to only watch shows together and then we never get the chance to finish them bc we both need to be in the mood to watch the same show at the same time. We started the good place when it first came out and only just finished it a couple of months ago. Anyways, my sister has not seen any of the last episode spoilers as far as I'm aware. I'm excited to see her reaction bc I'm evil
My sister and I have watched like… actually I think only ep 1 of s4, because she’s always busy and tired due to children. My dad’s seen it but that’s no good to me because he has Bad Opinions (thought Eddie’s death was satisfying and redemptive). I don’t really expect this to change now.
Solidarity, I guess
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