umybaby · 11 years
"If Starbucks delivered, then I'd be a morning person."
my life's story
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hankissung · 11 years
thanks hanna
Send me ❤ if you like my blog
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memoriesandco · 11 years
Tumblr media
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hottyhemmings-blog · 11 years
1. Rule 1: Always post the rules.     Rule 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write     11 new ones.     Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them.     Rule 4: Let them know once you've tagged them.
I was tagged by nandoshereicome
1. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be? Nashville, I wanna go there so bad!
2. Last dream you had? I dreamt that I met all of my favourite youtubers.
3. Believe in ghosts or other paranormal stuff? Why or why not? Yes I do! I definitely believe that ghosts exist, because a few people in my family have had like paranormal experiences and I swear I have as well.  
4. Okay... tell me do you like John Cena or not? Like search him up and tell me. Erm I don't really have much of an opinion of him, I don't watch wrestling really but I guess I like him because I don't have a reason not to :)
5. Favourite sport to do? Haha, I am not into sports at all! So swimming I guess!
6. Have you ever snuck out? This is such a boring answer but I don't think I have, my parents have never really told me that I can't go out so..
7. What time did you go to sleep last night? I had a sleepover so about 4.30 am.
8. How old were you when you got a tumblr? I was fourteen.
9. Drawing or painting? I love both, but drawing!
10. How much do you swear daily? When I'm with my friends I guess I swear quite a lot, but never with my family.
11. Ever broken a bone? Thankfully, no!
My Questions: 1. What is your favourite book? 2. What is your most memorable 1d moment? 3. Have you ever been to a 1d tour? 4. What is your most embarrassing moment? 5. Why did you make a tumblr? 6. What is your favourite blog? 7. Do you have any hidden talents? 8. Do you have a favourite 1d boy? And if so, who? 9. Who is your OTP? 10. When did you become a fan of One Direction? 11. What is your favourite thing about yourself?
I tag:
mirrorsliam foxymarcel strarbukcs anirishmofo blissfulfeels paynerhampton curlypal hazzarduhh perrfectlirry woah-narry savemefrom1d
If you answer these questions then tag me please! You are all my favourite blogs, so I'd love to see your answers! :) xxxx
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wooyoun-g · 11 years
One Direction blog with some pretty pictures thrown in to it, check it out swagnuggets
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whatvrz · 11 years
I think you should change url to beatleas or ofstarbukcs (duh;))
thaank you
I like ofstarbukcs and lovesbrits fkgwklgmns
0 notes
internetlie · 11 years
i think gq wants harrys dick so bad omfg’
url: swaggie/not swaggie
theme: swaggie/not swaggie
icon: swaggie/not swaggie
posts: swaggie/not swaggie
sidebar: swaggie/not swaggie
why people should follow you: pretty swag url
you’re the lovechild of: (if face page) i caNT THINK OF ONE BUT YOU'RE SUPER PRETTY
0 notes
buttersflys · 11 years
i think gq wants harrys dick so bad omfg’
url: swaggie/not swaggie
theme: swaggie/not swaggie
icon: swaggie/not swaggie
posts: swaggie/not swaggie
sidebar: swaggie/not swaggie
why people should follow you: cute theme + posts
you’re the lovechild of: niall; ur pretty omg
oh special r8s
0 notes
chanslixs · 11 years
your submit box is not on/working, message me when you've sorted it out and i'll send you your quote xx
its on now babe! thanks so much! :D xx
0 notes
habibharry · 11 years
#55 :)
Url : 10/10
Theme : 10/10
First impression : you're perf
Blog compliment : everything is awesome
Face compliment : holy shit you're pretty
0 notes
wooyoun-g · 11 years
niall and harryyyyyyy omg
what are perf blog doing here?
one day I was walking through a crowd and I came across a beautiful person, it was you! At first glance I knew you were a (10+ /10). I really adored your (everything)), but sometimes I thought you should change (/). But we both knew that no matter what I said, your (9k) always believed that you’re perfect.
0 notes
hazduh · 11 years
one day I was walking through a crowd and I came across a beautiful person, it was you! At first glance I knew you were a (100/10). I really adored your (NEW THEME LIKE WTF) and (your everything), but sometimes I thought you should change (nothing). But we both knew that no matter what I said, your (1 million?!) always believed that you’re perfect.
blogrates what
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wrektbieber · 11 years
On our way - The royal concept (refusing to say bse bc everybody already knows it's the best song ever)
URL: 10/10
Posts: 10/10
Theme: 8.9/10 its kinda messy, lots of things going on.
Overall: 9.8/10
about you: you are absolutely stunning. and you seem like a lovely girl
rates yay
0 notes
hsarold · 11 years
strarbukcs replied to your post:“i’m going to the beach babies!!! c ya in a few hours!!! :D”
have fun!!
thank youu!! x
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