#strawberry mana was my emotional support
ymeisli · 1 year
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happy gay month i drew codywan as the lovers tarot card + i got attached to the strawberry mana doodle i have a version where hes just in the corner
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produce101blog · 11 months
Episode 4 Thoughts
hype boy 2:
does hype boy not have a JP version??
lee being personally offended that their korean is so bad... LMAO
big brain move to change the dance up to fit their skills
i love aiko (she's in my top 11) so it was nice for her to get 5 seconds of screen time being praised
hype boy 1:
rinon is also one of my faves yay
rino (judge) is growing on me, she actually seems to give a shit about the feelings the girls have
kokona!! she is 100% capable poor girl! and she ended up doing great
fiesta 1:
who tf put this group together again?? it's all dancers and no singers lmao
they REALLY needed a singer to hold down the fort with the main vocals and help them, like they even had to pull in tsuzumi...
god the rehersal awful to listen to, you can't have a group full of sayus
they kind got it together for the performance a little thank god
fiesta 2:
dumb name lol
sry but rimika is so annoying lol. it shouldn't take them having to sit down and have a come to jesus talk with her to get her to speak up and stop being passive aggressive and leaving practice and etc. tbh jueri didn't even do anything wrong, she was just doing what she thought she should as a leader and rimika was throwing a fit for ?? no reason???
cheer up 1:
this was my favorite performance out of the entire set just because of their cohesiveness, so i'm glad to hear that karen was specifically thinking about that and even tried to pick the song based on that
so many communication issues lmao no one is making efforts to make the others feel like they can speak freely
i'd follow this group if they debuted like this lmao they kind of remind me of very early s/mileage vocally
cheer up 2:
cheer up 1 was smart to pick this specific group to do this song lol bc it doesn't fit them at all, but they have to be versatile as an idol imo anyway cuz they aren't going to always get "cool" songs
aruha and moro do the best with the kawaii concept in my opinion, but everyone is doing their best with it despite not really having experience lol
moro still gives me sayu energy but she can actually sing so that's good
sakura pulling the entire team LMAO
tokyo girl 1:
both groups have really cute outfits
opposite problem of fiesta 1 LMAO they should have shuffled it up a little better
i understand her feelings but i find mana to be very annoying lol
strawberry head
i personally would feel defeated too if i had to go up against group 2
wow a world of difference between practice 1 and 2 with yumeki
everyone keeps saying "this is your last chance!!!" yea no shit they were anxious in their performance
tokyo girl 2:
not interested in the ran/miu rivalry so not really much to say here
kassa was cute as usual
ranka did a good job and doesn't belong in F anymore imo
i love that "hai iku" became AMERICA lmao
i think kassa took the feedback and did her best to convey emotion and succeeded
even before the results were announced i was like "poor group 1"
the biggest win yet poor group 1
body and soul 2:
these girls need to learn their ancestors lol SPEED walked so they could run
miu is so KY lmao she needs to learn the japanese way of communication
her practicing a lot in korea makes sense as to how she performs now
is rino a dance judge or a therapist lol
nano is so funny, falling asleep during a discussion
then nano being so cute in her interview about being praised, i love her lol
i can never read yumeki's expressions, he can look like someone just farted in his mouth and then say "that was the best performance i've ever seen in my life"
tbh i forget that suzu is only 16 too
two cute kassa reactions during perf
hot take but i don't think they were the best group by just watching the performances back to back. i think produce101 really wants you to believe that they are tho. but tsuzumi and suzu definitely killed it
i think this is the only group where every single member lost to the other group... it makes me want to support body and soul 1 members lol
tsuzumi is so cute aww and so humble
group ranking/after:
b&s 2 didn't really need extra votes but there were a few lower girls in there so i'm happy for them
wow low miu ranking lol she can't catch a break
the spoilers after episode 5 with the eliminations are going to be baaad
kaela being like "you can't show flaws" lol do you not even know what idols are about??? that's kind of the whole fuckin point lady
the hidden camera thing is a great idea to appeal to the audience as an idol even if it's hidden lmao
the MTBI little thing was cute
this episode made me fall in love with nano lol with her letter and her falling asleep
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selenecrawford · 5 years
The Odd Pair 18
 Warnings: None at the moment. But if you see some please let me know. Thanks.
Selene saw Kennyo walking out of the office exactly five minutes later. The man had an unreadable expression on his face. He didn't address anyone outside. Kennyo kept walking leaving the place. Selene wanted to get into the office as soon as possible. But at the same time, a sensation of fear to being reject paralyze her from going to Shingen's side. A hand on her shoulder took her out of her thoughts. Nobunaga was next to her.
      “Go, he needs you now.” a soft squeeze on her shoulder was all she needed to enter the office.
She found Shingen sitting on his desk with his hands on his face.  Selene walked next to him. Hesitating Selene started to caress Shingen's hair. She wanted to tell him so much, to let him know how much it hurts her seeing him like this. But this was not about her. This was about him, the man she had never stopped loving not even when he hurt her. Selene kept caressing his hair until Shingen turned to her and hug her by the waist. Selene embraced him in silence. Both stood there sharing their warmth for several minutes. Shingen then broke the embrace to look at her. His eyes focused on her. For once she saw how vulnerable he was feeling at that moment. Although brief he let her see him bared, Selene closing the distance gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Cupping his face in her hands she keeps the soft short kisses until he demanded something longer. Soon both were kissing, taking what they could from each other. At some point, they broke the kiss to take a break and recover their breaths.      
“Thank you.” Shingen's voice was a soft whisper.     “I'm always here for you.” was Selene's only reply.       “There is so much I want to tell you, I wish we could be alone...” His words got cut at the sound of the knock on the door. Nobunaga entered.     “You got to be fucking me...” Shingen buried his face on Selene's chest frustrated. The task of speaking with his own wife now seemed monumental.      
“This is not my doing so stop giving me that look Shingen,” Nobunaga smirked at the annoyance of his rival.
“ The Board called for you and Selene.” Both looked at each other in surprise, Shingen stood up still embracing Selene.      
“We will be there in a minute. Kennyo left some documents on this folder for Selene, could take a look at them to see if there is anything illegal? Also, could you give us a minute?” Shingen handed the folder to Nobunaga.
The lawyer took the folder and turning around he left. With a sigh, Shingen looks back at Selene. Smiling he hug her once more in silence.    
“I wish we could speak more but until this is over it seems we won't. Selene?”    
“Yes?” she felt her cheeks a bit of warmth.      
“Keep being you always, never change. It is one of the things I love from you.” with a kiss on the forehead Shingen dropped a bomb on Selene.
Widened her eyes Shingen didn't give her time to react. Taking her hand with a gentle squeeze he started walking.    
“Come on let's go. The board is waiting.” with a tug from his hand, Selene started walking still too startled to make a proper reaction.    
Selene's mind was completely blank. How could he tell her that then walk away without explaining? Ladies and gentlemen Crawford.exe has crashed. Selene's heart was beating fast and her cheeks colored with a beautiful crimson red. She followed Shingen without saying a word and her gaze looking at the floor. The rest of the gang were following them, noticed Selene's semblance. Her cheeks were with a bright shade of pink while biting her lower lip softly. Shingen must have told her something that took her out of the base. Considering the situation he is trying to distract her. Nobunaga decided to stay behind at the office to look at the documents Shingen gave him. He wanted to know what sort of testament Loren Dali left.    
  When the group arrived at the conference room they notice that Nolan was not there. The members of the board were still there, waiting. Once everyone was inside Roxanne Jones stood up to speak.     
“Thank you for coming back Mr. and Mrs. Takeda. We like first to apologize for Mr. Nolan's behavior. We thought he got good reasons to oppose this marriage, but we see this has been a show for him.  You're had work hard Mr. Takeda, to rise this company to what it is today.  And now is only natural that you want to start a family. We don't mind you taking this “sabbatical” in order to achieve this. Congratulations.” everyone on the board decided to stand up and applaud them.     
Breathing a sigh of relief Shingen gave his trademark grin. Turning toward Selene to kiss her. Selene looks at the ground completely flustered by Shingen's actions. Nonetheless, she was happy with the outcome. A kiss on her forehead made her lookup. She could see his eyes, full of emotion, by an impulse she hugged him and giggles. Shingen turned toward the board, with a reverence that also Selene imitated.    
“My wife and I are grateful for your understanding. Words can't be enough for us to thank you.” Once the meeting finished, everyone went back to Shingen's office.    
Nobunaga was a completely adsorbed on the documents when everyone went back. Seeing their smiles meant one thing.      
“So we won uh?”    
“I guess you can say that,” replied Shingen.
“Found something on those documents?” Nobunaga wanted to tell so many things but not in front of Selene. Loren Dali had proved to be a man of many talents. And most of those documents were legal. Which meant Selene was going to be rich enough for a couple of lifetimes. What worried him was the terms of the testament.  Nobunaga got fed up with all these eccentric conditions to receive an inheritance. Trying to make as nonchalant as possible he replied to Shingen.    
“Most of this is basic stuff, but still I need them for a while to work out some details. May I?” Shingen nods. Nobunaga started to get the documents back on the folder.      
“Well, I'll be on my way. If you guys need anything give me a call.” with a wave he left.
The rest gathered talking about the situation. For the moment Nolan was still a threat and they can't leave him walking around. Everyone agreed to go to Shingen's apartment to celebrate.
     “Ok everyone we are seeing you there. Princess and I will be there in a few minutes I need to make some calls.” once alone Shingen made some calls to other Managers to leave the company.   
Selene decided to wait on the couch while observing Shingen. Although she should be happy Selene felt something was missing. Or several things were missing. Many questions came to her mind about Kennyo. The second was the bomb Shingen dropped on her.  
“Stop overthinking.” startled she look at Shingen who was staring at her.    
“Why you say that?” frowning Selene stopped biting her nail.   
“Every time I said something that gets you by surprise. You start thinking and I can see the smoke coming out of your head.” Shingen smirked before adding.
“Also you have this tick of biting your nails when you don't know what to do. Had someone had ever told you how adorable you look?”    
“How...Takeda, you are not playing fair. I...you are insufferable come on hurry up I'm getting hungry.” Selene tried to hide her embarrassment by changing the topic.
Turning around she took her phone decided to hear some music. Shingen's smile softens at Selene's reaction. She still was struggling to open up to him. He admitted not playing fair. But he was betting everything to make sure this time she will stay with him.      
Alex Nolan slams the door of his office behind him. His secretary, Alice Smith, took the action as a bad moment to disturb him. Knowing her boss he will call for her as soon as he got something in mind. Passing around the office, Nolan cursed Shingen Takeda and his stupid wife. Kennyo, in the end, was a dead end, a waste of precious time. Takeda was the perfect cover for his extracurricular business. He cannot loose like that, there must be something he could do. Drumming his fingers on the notes of Chopin, Nolan started plotting. Oh, the joys of planning. Life was full of surprises and sudden unexpected events could happen. It was time for the Takeda's to receive a series of unfortunate events. 
Notes: Sorry for the delay but a lot of things had happened. From losing my inspiration to having a writer's block, getting sick, overwork and a revolution (figure of speech) of my island. Here is the new chapter of this saga. I hope you like it and as always really grateful for your support, patience, likes, shares and reblogs. You can find my page on AO3 as Selene Crawford. I will start posting this instead of my second page since I want to make some changes. Thank you once again and enjoy!
@kimi00twin @umbralaperture@jennacat84 @elievalentine @colivara @unstoppablelinda @strawberry-collections @xathia-89 @yeshasays @emeraldtawny @kitsune-mana @mikamiw @datemasamunemaiwaifu @sengokuotaku82 @serenity-writes @mitsuhidethesnek @masa-little-kitten @valfreyja @la-piperina @cailannuesugi @pirateprincessyuki @atatera-blog @kouei116 @epicdragonlady @whalebubblez @shrimpalompa @epicdragonlady @lillybelle05 @toloveawarlord
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