rebelthorn · 1 year
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🍓 my new baby strawb from blight’s ending! 🍓
it’s over for gladeclan when he’s old enough for me to actually play him..
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cowcowwow · 10 months
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Dark Forest Resident: Sparrowfreckle
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Aliases / Nicknames: Bitch, Bigot, The Downfall of Sandclan
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Archstone (former mate) Ginsengbloom, Chickadeewhistle (daughters)
Other Relations: Indigofoot (mentor)
Clan: Sandclan
Rank: elder
Characteristics: stole kits from LGBTQ+ couples and left them to die
Number of Victims: 58
Number of Murders: 16
Murder Method: leaving to die
Known Victims: Marblekit, Warblerkit, Jasperkit, Yamkit, Wattlekit, Strawberrykit, Loudkit, Bigkit, Brightkit, Elmkit, Gingerkit, Jaykit, Ashkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, Crabkit, Sealily, Tigermarsh, Jasperwing, Saltfeather, Snowecho, Littlesun, Mulberrytail, Bluestripe
Victim Profile: LGBTQ+ parents and their kits
Cause of Death: killed by Sealily, Jasperwing
Cautionary Tale: ??
She’s a walking, talking hate crime. She stole kits from LGBTQ+ parents and left them because in her twisted mind, leaving vulnerable babies to die of starvation, predator, or hypothermia would be ‘kinder’ than having them cared for by parents of the same gender.
But the story ends on a good note, with Sealily and Jasperwing tearing the bigot apart.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Hope you don’t mind that I added how she died horribly! she deserves it!
--She’s just gonna spawn in the death ring
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DarkForest Kits - an updating list 
bold = death
italics = born outside of the dark forest
FishDrop (bio FungiChomp, adoptive FadingFlea)
TawnyTrot (bio HornetLeg, adoptive fadingflea) 
AmaranthTuft, PoppyPerch, RosewoodSpring, RaspberryThorn, HarlequinCress, WeepingWobble, SpiceBushTumble, FoxgloveChirp, LavenderMottle, SweetpeaSnaggle, OysterGlow, FennelBones (fadingflea bio babies) 
CypressKit, BadgerKit, PebbleKit (adopted by Doesong and SparkTail) 
FrostKit, MoleKit, BrokenKit, AshKit (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
FressiaKit, DoeKit, JayKit, ProteaFang (EmberDawn and GorseHeart bio) 
OwlGaze, LizardTalon, BreezeWhisper (bio WebStripe and DahliaBreeze)
WebFang, LilyClaw, SilkTangle, PetalStripe (bio WebStripe and LilyWater) 
MyrtleKit, AlderKit (bio SwanTail and LupineFrost) 
BlackKit, MudKit (adoptive FernDoe and JackDawFoot
JackDawKit (bio SwanTail and DahliaBreeze)
BeechBlaze, RowanShade, GooseStep (bio WebStripe and LupineFrost) 
CherryKit (possibly kidnapped by Gramps) 
RosyKit (bio PeanutFur) 
CandyKit (bio CrunchSnow)
JellyMoss, PineNutPounce, GlitterKit, StrawberryKit (bio SmokeFleck)
PaleShine, SilverCloud, ThistleTooth (TansyFang x WebStripe bio)
SlugWing, SpiderSpots, HawthornFrost, TansyKit, CarnationLeaf, HawthornKit, FawnHeart (BegoniaLeaf and WebStripe bio)
WaspKit, NightKit (Adopted by FennelBur and SableFleck)
MellowTooth (adopted by Wordweaver and DasiySong, bio WebStripe and WaxFeather)
WormKit (adopted by LoonFur, FallenFire, RoseFrost)
TreeSpall, DrizzleStare (bio AlderStar and HootPetal)
BlazeStrike, HoneyFlower, HawkFlight, StoneFrost (bio AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm, surrogate ShiverRose)
MoonTail, DaisyPelt, ThrushRun, RedSnail, AntPounce (bio BrownMouse and WebStripe) 
JumpPool, SnipNight, CrabNeedle, MinnowBlink, PranceKit/Ears (bio BrownMouse and NightStar) 
TigerKit (adopted by RoomStorm, KiteBurn, AspenRoot)
SmokeyFlame, BarkTail, SandKit/Spark, DeerTongue, WoollySpark, LeafCurl, YellowEar, EarWigKit, AphidHeart, ClaridaeGoose, bio SmallJump and BasilTooth, SparkTail as the surrogate)
KestralStorm, GoldenDusk, RookLight, CrowPine, RavenCall (bio Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
HareTuft, AdderClaw, LarkSnow (bio BirchFlight and GorseHeart)
SootShade, CloudStep (bio EmberDawn and foxfire)
Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf (bio EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
StarlingKit, BuzzardKit, AspenKit, DuskKit (GrouseMane and MyrtleWing, BrownMouse as surrogate)
DoeSnap, DaisyHeart (bio Hiverose and SandFoot)
MouseHollow (bio SandFoot and FrostWish)
ThistleHollow (bio SandFoot and Shademask)
OtterBounce, TurtleBreeze (adopted by PoppyHill)
OppossumKit, RaccoonKit (bio SkunkSpots and TangleStar)
LionKit, BirdKit (bio FlickerPine and TangleStar)
CreekKit (bio GhostWatcher and TangleStar)
WaspRib, FallenIris, (Bio MyrtleWing and AlderStar, surrogate TangleStar)
ShrikePaw (adopted by MyrtleWing, AlderStar, GrouseMane, HootPetal)
LightKit, LittleKit, RoseKit, SweetKit, BubbleKit (bio MellowTooth and WillowRuffle)
CardinalKit (bio TawnyTrot, ProteaFang, and doner webfang)
ToothwortLeaf, LilacLight, OrchidSnap, ButtercupBloom (bio FoxgloveTrot and MellowTooth)
AppleKit (bio sandfoot and cherrystar)
AntKit, CinderKit (adopted by AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm)
LavenderKit (adopted by HillMinnow and BlackDawn)
HootKit, FlareKit (adopted by CricketClaw)
TrillKit, CardinalKit (bio ProteaFang and doner WebFang, adopted by TawnyTrot and ProteaFang)
WoolCarderStripes, AshyToes (bio TawnyTrot and doner WebFang, adopted by ProteaFang and TawnyTrot)
SprinkleToes, SyrupSplash, SkrunklyBelly (bio CreatureFall and SnakeWhisker, surrogate CrunchSnow)
OspreyKit, CoyoteKit, ScorpionKit, IbexKit (bio DoeFire and LilyClaw)
GlasswortSnap, IndigoCloud, SassafrasKit, CeladineSniffle, LoquatKit (bio RosewoodSpring and HawthornFrost)
OakKit, SkyKit, BloodKit, DustKit (bio Motheyes and SnowWing)
ScabKit/Drip, BlightKit/Train (bio BlackFinch and FallenIris)
VultureKit, PoplarKit (bio HoneyFlame and SpiderSpots, doners are SmokeyFlame and AdderClaw)
RhubarbKit, AlmondKit (bio SpiderSpots and HoneyFlame, surrogate HawkFlight)
MallowBlight, JayFrost, LightFern (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
GlassRiver, PagrusRose (bio Shallowfig and Banshee)
CoalFlower, PebbleHare, CricketFreckle (bio WebStripe and CloudFang)
AngelFishTooth, FidgetGills, TetraTail, BlueSpore (bio GoldfishFur and CreatureFall, with BrownMouse as surrogate)
RedRuffle, SandKit, IvyPurr, AntlerPaddle (bio TetraTail and FennelBones)
MeowyRibs, SeaNymph, MouseNectar, RosemaryWarble, BullFrogThistle, GingerKit, AmbrosiaWater, CinnamonKit (bio SkrunklyBelly and FennelBones)
EmberPoppy, ParsleyKit (bio FennelBones and CrunchSnow)
Dullahan (bio AlderStar, MyrtleWing, and HootPetal)
Mates - an updating list 
GrouseMane X MyrtleWing X AlderStar X HootPetal 
EmberDawn X GorseHeart X Foxfire X BirchFlight
JackDawFoot X FernDoe
FadingStar X FleaThistle 
FidgetGuts X MottleCry
AspenRoot X RookStorm X KiteBurn
Avery x BristleBlaze
BasilTooth x SmallJump
FallenFire X LoonFur X RoseFrost
FoxFlake X ShiverRose
HawkWhistle X Lola 
GustTalon X AshFlower
GremlinPaw X LaughingMoss
LighteningSpring X RedBloom
FungiChomp X SmokeFleck X BrownMouse X NightStar
SwanTail X LupineFrost X DahliaBreeze
FennelBur X SableFleck
WordWeaver X DaisySong
TawnTrot X ProteaFang
FoxgloveChirp X MellowTooth X WillowRuffle
BlackDawn X HillMinnow
SkunkSpots X TangleStar X FlickerPine X GhostWatcher
BlazeStrike X DrizzleStare X KestrelStorm
WeepingWobble X DoeFire X LilyClaw
RosewoodSpring x HawthornFrost
SnakeWhisker X CreatureFall X GoldFishFur
FallenIris X BlackFinch
SpiderSpots X HoneyFlame
ShallowFig X Banshee X FennelBones
SkrunkyBelly X FennelBones
FungiChomp X BrownMouse
GoblinSnap x GremlinPaw/Frost
SnakeFern x SparrowFall
HiveRose x SandFoot
CoyoteTuft X RoseClaw
FleaThistle X BrownMouse
Let me know if I missed anything! @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555
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gougarpaw · 2 years
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Mossheart’s kits are multiple kittens.
- kids of Mossheart
-they get the names Strawberrykit and Wildkit
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callsignmoth · 3 years
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6. Strawberrymoon
OC Design
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bisexualdemondean · 4 years
hey wanna link to my fix it fic for the finale
sorry I can’t read
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lesbian-toddhoward · 4 years
holy shit happy birthday. i have no idea why or when i followed you but youre badass
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frollosuggestions · 5 years
dear father, what is my new name
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woodyisahugetwink · 6 years
You and me. Twink on twink. Who will become the twinkest.
❌ your hole could NEVER!!!!!!! ❌
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Does Boxman like your more snake form? Does he like it?
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“I don’t know why you’re not just asking Boxman about this, but he says it’s cool.”
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Parentage of the kits for my next submission! (Y’all will hate her)
Sealily and Tigermarsh had Marblekit and Warblerkit
Jasperwing and Saltfeather had Jasperkit, Yamkit, Wattlekit, and Strawberrykit
Snowecho had Loudkit, Bigkit, Brightkit, and Elmkit
Littlesun, Mulberrytail, and Bluestripe had Gingerkit, Jaykit, Ashkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, and Crabkit
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creaturecabaret · 6 years
when your two favorite artists do the thing-
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*literally vibrates with happiness*
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I live for this blog and you buzz boy
i dont know how to live
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callsignmoth · 3 years
Nightpool at Thunderkit's grave, whom she believed to be dead.
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Thunderkit was believed to be still born, and it wouldn't be until a few moons when she would find out otherwise. She would often go back to his grave and tell him stories as she did to the rest of her kits (Bumblekit, Halfkit, Strawberrykit) in the little time she spent in NightClan.
A little bit different from my usual posts but I decided that they need a bit more attention than just designs and they needed it soon!
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bisexualdemondean · 4 years
give me prompt to draw you pwease
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draw me as all of them
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