#stray kids zodiac signs
Are u able to do how certain Venus signs act when the like someone??
I hope u mums doing well now and ur car is doing ok no rush tho I understand 😊
Hey, my mum and car are doing okay and thank you for your patience because you requested this a VERY long time ago.
Disclaimer: This is based on traditional astrology and for delusional purpose only. Do not take this seriously.
Also someone's Moon Sign will also have an influence in how they show their affection for you so you're better off looking at both Moon AND Venus signs.
The Rizz Of Each Venus Sign:
Aries Venus:
These people yearn with PASSION and they're one of the easiest to figure out if they like you. You can just SEE it in their gaze when they're in your presence. Agreeable. Will instantly respond to messages and more likely to confess their feelings rather quickly.
Jeongin from Stray Kids is an Aries Venus and this manifests in the EXCITEMENT he has around his members and how he beams at them on the stage or when in his ending-ment when he talks to Stays.
Taurus Venus:
Will absolutely scrutinise and discover what you like and are interested in understanding the SMALLEST of details about you. Will also pay attention to your body language and figure out what makes you comfortable.
A great example of a Taurus Venus in action was when Yunho had a fancall with Vanessa and noticed how her make-up style changed and asked if she moved because her background changed.
Gemini Venus:
They love to play games and play cat and mouse. The type to offer you a beautiful compliment and then dip because they want you to think about them. Will ask you personal questions about your life.
Cancer Venus:
A healing presence will envelop you with the love of a Cancer Venus. Provide you with comfort and warmth. Will deliberately radiate an energy of homeliness so you feel safe in being vulnerable and expressing your deepest thoughts.
Leo Venus:
They just become the biggest simps and end up fawning and gushing over you. Will find any excuse to spend time with you. May make compliments about your hair and make-up and be extra touchy and giggly.
San from Ateez is a Leo Venus and he is so Leo Venus coded with how he is so attentive towards Atiny's. You can feel the care in his gaze and presence.
Virgo Venus:
The type to love quietly but unconditionally and it might take you awhile for you to realise they like you. Will give you gifts or do minor tasks for you and then act like it's nothing even though you know they don't do this for anyone else.
Mingi from Ateez and Changbin from Stray Kids both have a Virgo Venus and Mingi creates crystal bracelets and Changbin is always bringing food to his members.
Libra Venus:
Might want to take lots of photos of you or want to know about your artistic abilities. People with a Libra Venus are typically VERY physically affectionate so lots of hugging, petting, smiling (consensually) etc.
TEASING is a huge thing as well!!! Others might think you're bullying each other but you both know the humour you share is special between you two.
Han, Felix, Seungmin from Stray Kids and Wooyoung from Ateez are all Libra Venuses and massively tease and play around with their members but it's done so in a way that's harmless and cute.
Scorpio Venus:
Will pine for months before even making a move on you. Quality time. It's difficult to define how a Scorpio Venus shows their interest because you can just FEEL it and SEE it with how they interact with you. Heated gazes. Sudden bouts of confession. And of course, if they get jealous and possessive.
Bang Chan, Lee Know, Hongjoong and Jongho all have their Venus in Scorpio and a lot of their admiration is non-verbal, you can just see the way their eyes sparkle when they talk about something/someone they adore.
(I'm also biased b/c my Pisces Venus loves my Scorpio venus ppl, y'all get what it means to love someone with your entire body and soul).
Sagittarius Venus:
These people are CHEEKY with their affection and can become overly flirtatious and then avoidant within minutes of knowing you. Might put more effort into their appearance when they're around you and try to act non-chalant with their affection (though it gets pretty obvious at times).
Capricorn Venus:
Will prioritise and give advice over your health and well-being. Classic tsundere vibes with affection and if they like you and you ask them for a favour...they might complain about it before rolling their eyes and doing it for you anyway.
Minghao from SVT is a classic example of a Capricorn Venus. Carats always ask him to do certain Tiktok dances and he says he won't do it but then he rolls his eyes and ends up doing them anyway.
Aquarius Venus:
It's difficult because they treat their romantic partners and their friends in a similar manner BUT I've noticed they show their care for you by showing up and being there for you in your darkest of moments. Will send cute memes and gifs to you online. Might check in on a regular basis for no obvious reason.
Park Seonghwa from Ateez and DK from SVT both have a Venus in Aquarius and they are dedicated to their lives and HOBBIES! They love showing off their hobbies to Atiny's and Carats.
Pisces Venus:
I am a Pisces Venus and let me tell you the LIMERENCE we experience!!! Will ask questions about your personal life and remember certain details about you. Will do all they can to make you feel extra special and a top priority.
Hyunjin from Stray Kids is a Pisces Venus and I've noticed he always tries his best to make Stays and his members as comfortable as possible around him.
Let me know if this resonates and if there's anything else I should include or know about!
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 6 months
ꨄHwang Hyunjin ideal typeꨄ
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Quick disclaimer: His exact birth time is entirely unknown, so I calculating his natal chart with that in consideration. As such, this is not going to be as accurate as it could be, but as accurate as it can be with what I have to work with. There's a more in-depth reading of all things relationship based on his zodiac here if anyone is interested, but this will be mainly focused on his ideal type, and more in-depth on it than I was there. This is all for fun, and not confirmed. I can be entirely off, as astrology isn't...An exact art when it comes to these things, but this is just based on astrology. This is not meant to be malicious, and take this with a grain of salt. With all that out of the way, please enjoy!
Pisces Sun
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-Based on his sun sign, a Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, or another Pisces would be most compatible with him.
Trusting and loyal He'd naturally be attracted to extremely honest people, as well as attracted to trust in others, plus people who are very upfront and open from the jump. Not the type who will tell their entire life story to him immediately, but the type who will be upfront with their feelings and desires, and will essentially let him know what exactly he's getting himself into. Essentially, he needs someone he knows for certain he can trust, and who trusts him in return. Pisces is a very trusting and loyal sign by nature, and he'd expect that in return from whoever he finds himself in a relationship with. He'd want someone who is as loyal to him as he would be to them, someone who can give as much as they get from him, which would be a lot in terms of these two traits.
Caring, nurturing, and honest Pisces look for people who can be there for them, and help care for them. Someone who is in-tuned with emotions, and can help ease them through tough, self-deprecating, or self-pitying periods and listen to their troubles, as well as talk about the deeper things in life. They need someone warm compassionate and caring, as well as ideally someone with confidence and steadfastness that helps balance out their sensitivity and generally self-pitying nature. Pisces also love praise, albeit they're very perceptive, so they'll know if it's honest, real praise or not. They like honest praise that's not just surface-level like "I like your shirt!" but something deeper and genuinely from the heart. They also need someone with enough emotional maturity to help combat their general emotionalness.
Decisive, steadfast, and intelligent Hyunjin would probably find himself more drawn to someone decisive, who knows what they want, and who voices their opinions. He'd also be drawn to someone who could help guide him, and offer advice and counsel when it comes to decision-making, without being entirely overbearing or controlling of his decisions. Someone who could help him out, and who he could talk to when trying to make important decisions he can't seem to decide on. He'd also need someone who wouldn't be distinctly bothered by the difference between his private and public personas and would know that he still loves them and he's always going to be Hyunjin. Pisces naturally has a divide between outward and inward desires, which would naturally make it so that he wants someone who can put up with that. I also think he'd either want someone who is entirely steadfast and the same outwardly and inwardly, to balance out his fluctuations. Someone constant, who can be an anchor.
Outward traits
Pisces men are attracted to confidence, in all aspects. Especially confidence in who someone is as a person. Someone who's always calm and collected, and moves with confidence elegance, and poise. Someone with a very open and pleasant expression. The person doesn't have to always be calm and collected but pisces men like someone who appears that way. It gives them the sense that they can be open and honest, and that they're not walking on eggshells. He'd also feel like he can trust them more, because they'd return that open honesty, and be relaxed around him. He also wouldn't want someone who's very needlessly abrasive. They are attracted to stronger, more athletic and assertive individuals because of their generally passive nature.
Pisces men are attracted to people who have very bright smiles where their eyes light up. Smiles that are sexy and wholesome at the exact same time. Someone who takes care of themselves, but doesn't do too much. Someone who puts thought into their outward appearance, and is well-groomed but not necessarily extravagant. Someone who does their hair, and if they wear makeup it accentuates their features but isn't too much. Smelling nice is also a must with Pisces men. They like when someone dresses in clothing they clearly put thought into, and are practical for the environment but still convey style. While Pisces men wouldn't necessarily mind people who show off a lot of skin in how they dress and find it attractive, nothing is sexier to them than someone who can show off their body fully clothed or tastefully covered. They prefer people who dress more elegantly, clothing that's flowy and gives an airy feel. They also use their imaginations a lot, so if clothing makes someone seem magical in a way, it will draw a Pisces more to them. Though they also prefer people who wear more comfortable clothing, that's either tight or loose.
Pisces are attracted to femininity. I'm not going to sit here and say Hyunjin is straight because I don't entirely know, but. I do know that Pisces appreciates more feminine energy. Whether that be a feminine guy or a gal. The feminine feel really differs from pisces to pisces, but generally, that's a preference. Pisces men prefer soft, delicate features and are attracted to people with smooth jaws, large lips, or features of that general nature. They're also attracted to large thighs and wide hips. Though they're not primarily attracted to more feminine builds. Pisces also rules hands and feet, so obviously, Pisces men are attracted to that. They like well-kept hands. and feet, as well as either powerful hands, or clean and delicate ones. They're also attracted to good posture. They also like people who can do work with their hands. They're also really attracted to people with beautiful eyes, as eyes are a window to the soul.
Virgo Moon
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-Based on his moon sign, he'd be more compatible with: Cancer Moon, Gemini Moon, Taurus Moon, and Scorpio Moon. Moon sign compatability is definitely one of the most important, as it dictates one's emotions. It's who you are in private, and your comfort zone.
Incapability Virgo moons definitely like to have someone they could care for, and look out for. They like being able to take care of their partners and feel needed by doing little things for them. Virgo moons are generally very domestic people, and they like taking care of chores and such. They definitely feel more in their element of caring for others and would prefer it to be that way. They're drawn to people who seem weak or even almost incapable, and who can't care for themselves on their own, so they can feel needed, and help out caring for that person. They'd prefer someone who needs help with things like bills, or balancing books, or other more domestic tasks, because they feel needed if they can do those things better. Definitely Captain save a ho vibes from Virgo Moons.
Calmness, outgoingness, routine, constant Hyunjin would probably be drawn to someone with a calm, more laid-back, or relaxed demeanor to offset his being prone to getting very stressed and overwhelmed. He'd probably look for someone with a calm, balancing aura who can help calm him down when he freaks out about something. He'd look for someone who can help draw him out of his shell just enough, but still be able to follow a routine, and be a reliable constant. He'd want someone with whom he'd know what he's getting himself into and know he can rely on. He'd want someone reliable and would definitely find himself more drawn to the type who are also very routine people like himself.
Practical, social, good listener, reliable, thick-skinned Hyunjin would inherently be attracted to people who are definitely affectionate but can be more subdued in public settings. He'd be drawn to someone who could bring him out of his shell and someone who he could feel entirely comfortable with. He'd want someone who can talk, and who can listen, and just genuinely someone he can talk to and even have deeper conversations with. He's a very trustworthy and reliable person, and as such, he'd naturally expect his partner to be the same. He'd want someone who talks to him about their problems but can also listen to his own. He'd definitely want someone who can bring out the more hidden sides of him, whether it be his talkative nature or his sexuality. He'd also want someone who makes him feel good about himself and his appearance. Someone who makes him feel like he's actually worth something. He has a lot to give, and anyone he's with should have a lot to give as well. He'd need someone who's more thick-skinned and could handle his criticism. He'd also need someone who trusts him but doesn't trust him immediately or blindly. Ironically, an excess of trust would make him trust his partner less. He could do good with someone who's more whimsical or dreamy, as they'd broaden the horizons of his inherent practicality, but at the same time, he'd be more drawn to like-mindedly practical people, and might even find someone too dreamy to be annoying. Virgos strives for perfection in all things, including partners. As such, Hyunjin will expect absolute perfection in relationships and partners, and can even be very critical because of it, since he'd feel like he's guiding you towards perfection by critiquing things.
Emotionally intelligent, straightforward, music lover, and patient Hyunjin would definitely want someone who is emotionally intelligent and competent but isn't overly emotional, again circling back to his attraction to those on the calmer side. He would want someone who's very straightforward in all manners, including emotions, and who wouldn't overwhelm him and can genuinely relax around. But he'd also want someone who can give him space when he needs it and is fine with that. He'd want someone who's as into music as he is, and who he can talk about music with all the time, and can even sing songs with. They don't have to be good at singing, but they just have to be able to sing along with him and have fun and no judgment. He'd also want someone who understands emotions and music as much as he does, as that amount of perceptiveness is harder to come by. He'd definitely want someone who's more in-tuned with and in control of their emotions. He'll want to test the waters first and make sure he can trust someone with his heart. As such, he needs someone patient enough to not be bothered by that.
Outward traits
Virgo moons are attracted to people with nice hands, wrists, and forearms. They're also attracted to distinctive eyebrows, and very good, rich voices. Eyes are also a big thing with virgo moons, as once again, eyes are the window to the soul. To be more specific, they like people with large 'gemstone eyes' they can get lost in. They like people with nice hair that's thick, curly, or wavy and nice facial features. They like dimples, and nice thighs, as virgo moons are firm believers that thick thighs save lives, regardless of gender, shoulders, and butts. They like longer necks, and strong jawlines. They also like people with nice smiles, and nice noses. They like well-distribution of features and weight, whether you're plus-sized or not they prefer nice distribution. They're very symmetrical people, and like their partners to have symmetry in their features. They're also very cerebral. Say one wrong thing? Immediate ick. Being wrong and sticking to it? Immediate ick.
Pisces Mercury
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-Based on his Pisces Mercury, he's more compatible with people who have Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces mercuries. Mercury determines how people communicate, and communication is very important.
Objective, stable, intellectual, seductive He definitely would not be drawn to a more moody individual, instead being drawn to people who can be more objective when it comes down to it, and are more calm and stable. He would be drawn to someone who can put up with the changes from talkative to withdrawn and would be fine with them. He'd also be drawn more to someone he could be more open to, and someone who isn't overtly aggressive, as he'd desire more calm in a relationship and avoids arguing. He'd need someone who can definitely knock some sense into him and combat his overall gullibleness, and his desire to believe those around him. He'd also be drawn to someone who he could be comfortable enough with to be straightforward, and voice his thoughts, needs, and opinions. He'd want someone with similar interests, and who's a fellow intellectual who. he can speak to about deeper topics, or literature. He'd also be attracted more to people who are alluring and sensual, kind of like the seductive type. He'd be attracted to someone with innate charm and beauty, not necessarily someone who fits beauty standards, but who he finds to be drop-dead gorgeous.
Pisces Venus
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-Due to his pisces venus, he's much more compatible with people with venuses in Cancer and Scorpio. When it comes to romance, Venus is definitely where it's at when it comes to things like this.
Savior/Needs saving, submissive or dominant He's attracted to an underdog or a wayward person in need of his help. He can easily get into saving someone or being saved, because he's attracted to martyrdom, or states of suffering. He is also attracted to being saved. (Captain Save a hoe) He's actually into inequality, surprisingly. He'd definitely go better with someone who is entirely submissive, or entirely dominant, no in-betweens. Not only that, but he'd go better with someone who can go with the flow and feel the relationship out with him, instead of just planning everything out. He'd do best with someone who could put up with his occasional lies to spare their feelings. Someone who could bring the truth out of him, or someone who could read him well enough to figure out the truth on their own. He'd also do best with someone who can put up with his indecision, and even possibly help guide him in that aspect.
Good-hearted, pessimist/realist, ambivert He definitely would want someone who's good-hearted like him, and definitely someone who's more calm and easygoing, and could fit into a life of ease and leisure. However, he could also go for someone who, for all their easygoing calmness, is a massive pessimist or realist, to balance him out and essentially take off his rose-tinted glasses. However, that may also create conflict. Definitely hit or miss. He'd do well with someone who's possibly an ambivert, someone who can be introverted or extroverted depending on the situation and give the best of both worlds. Someone who can keep up with him in social situations and also bring him out of his shell with new people.
Observant, mentally strong, loving So...Let's address the elephant in the room, which is obsession, possessiveness, and manipulation which are RAMPANT in his natal chart. He'd undoubtedly need someone who can both give up control, but also put their foot down. Someone who can easily notice the beginnings of manipulation and snuff them out in a tactful way. Someone strong mentally, to not let them get to them. Essentially someone who can stop the cycle. He needs someone with strong feelings, but definitely not with the same intensity as his own, not in a way that they don't love as strongly, but rather that they're not intense and controlling and manipulating. He needs someone who can balance him out and is much more mellow in their love. Someone who can put up with possessiveness to an extent, but won't let it grow worse or become a habit, or even grow too extreme. Essentially he'd need someone who could put their foot down while still being mellow and being able to put up with it in small dosages and not often.
Aries Mars
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Non-tempermental, holds grudges, rational, patient With his Aries mars, he'd have a nasty temper and have a quick fuse, though he'd get over these things quickly. No lingering hatred, or anger, or grudges. He'd definitely need someone with a temper not as quick as his. Someone who can put up with these flare-ups and think rationally, and help him cool down. But because he's prone to letting things go, he'd definitely end up finding himself with a partner who keeps his grudges FOR him. Kind of like that meme that's like "Okay, I hate him too now, because you're too nice and you don't know how to hate anyone right.". He'd also need someone who's more rational and takes time to think logically. Someone who can balance out his impulsiveness, and maybe even teach him to be more patient and to think things through more. Though additionally, he could also go well with someone who's just as impulsive, though I see that quickly spiraling out of control.
Fun, keeps him on his toes He'd need someone exciting and can keep him interested. Someone who is straightforward and has many layers, so they're always bringing something new to the table. He'd also love a chase, so he'd want someone who plays hard to get, but not too hard to get to where he grows bored of them. He needs someone fun, who can always keep him interested in them. Because...Well, let's be real here. With all his placements, commitment will be a major issue with him, and cheating may or may not happen.
Passionate, intense, driven, money conscious, humor He'd need someone who can match his passion and intensity when it comes to love and can indulge his darker desires. He'd need someone who's not necessarily as sporty and outdoorsy as he is, but at least keep him company or try for the sake of him to indulge him sometimes. He'd definitely need someone who is as driven as he is and could help him with his success. He'd need someone as honest and trusting as he is and someone who can actually earn his honesty and trust even if he has a tendency to give it to the unworthy. He'd also need someone to help him with his money management, who's more frugal or at least conscious of their spending, and has a plan and nice savings for the both of them. Again, he needs a realist and/or pessimist by his side. He'd also need someone with humor as well, and I can see him with someone competitive in a more playful way, who wouldn't just let him win but would definitely not play as hard if he was having a bad day.
Outward traits
An Aries mars man will be more attracted to pretty faces. A person with a strong jawline, sharp eyes, high cheekbones, and shapely legs can strongly attract him. He will always notice strong features in a partner. Aries mars men expect their partners to stand out from the crowd with unique features, and a partner with over-makeup that conceals their natural beauty will never attract him. Hence, less makeup without hiding natural looks will be the way to go with him. Aries mars men are incredibly masculine. Though they love strong and athletic-body type partners, they are still particular about the feminine aspect like Pisces are. No matter how independent or assertive his partner is, he wants to see their more... "feminine" side. Features like long hair or broad lips impress Aries men. He will also lose his heart to a person's tender hands and beautiful contours. Clothing highlighting "feminine" features will be more attractive in the eyes of Aries men. They like and appreciate it! An Aries man’s first choice is a person who cares about their appearance. Clean and hygienic people can easily attract Aries men. Let a person may or may not apply makeup. But they should be clean and hygienic for an Aries guy. Glowing skin, decent hairstyle, and well-dressed people are their primary choices. Thus, hygienic beauty always attracts sturdy Aries men. It doesn’t matter how attractive a people is if he thinks they are unclean.
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So, as we can see, Hyunjin will definitely have an...Extensive criteria. He will expect perfection, trust, loyalty, a caring, nurturing, and honest nature, someone who's decisive, steadfast, and intelligent, someone who's calm, outgoing, routine, and constant, someone who's practical, social, a good listener, reliable, and thick-skinned, someone who is emotionally intelligent, straightforward, a music lover, and patient, someone who is objective, stable, intellectual, and seductive, someone who is non-temperamental, holds grudges, rational, and patient, someone who is fun, keeps him on his toes, someone who is passionate, intense, driven, money conscious, and funny.
Basically...He expects absolute perfection from a partner, and his standards are highly unrealistic. He will craft an image of his partners in his head, due to the heavy Pisces influence mixed with his virgo moon, which is highly unattainable, and the second someone does one thing to contradict that idea he made up in his head, he'll get the ick and lose interest completely.
Due to his Aries mars, he loves the chase and is extremely intense and passionate, but he easily loses interest. He likes to chase but will lose interest if he has to chase too much. And then there's his possessive, obsessive, yandere-like, manipulative, if I can't have you no one can type vibes. He definitely has the POTENTIAL to be a toxic partner, but in my opinion, those things are definitely balanced out by a lot of his other influences. Are they present? Yes. But he can fix that himself or a partner can help guide him with that, and they won't be too prevalent. In the bedroom?... Well, that's a blog for another day.
Also, Hyunjin may or may not cheat. He's very loyal, that's for certain, but that's when he's committed and in love. He loves a lot, and he loves fiercely, but who's to say the love is truly there? I feel like if someone doesn't meet the standards he set in his mind, or his idea of perfection, or he just grows tired of them, he'll find those things in someone else's arms. Not because he's inherently a cheater, but all his non-committal, wishy-washy placements when mixed with his Aries Mars, and his tendency to lie to spare feelings, would drive him to cheat on his partner if he falls out of love in any way instead of breaking up, because he wouldn't want to hurt them. However, once he finds the one, I think he will have absolute loyalty. The only issue is...Finding that one. In conclusion...He needs someone who can put up with all that. And meet all those impossible standards.
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inbloomaesthetics · 10 months
Kpop songs for the signs:
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Not Today by BTS
Why Not? by LOONA
God's Menu by Stray Kids
VISION by Dreamcatcher
The 7th Sense by NCT U
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sona-verse01 · 10 months
K-pop Games:
Enhypen; TXT; Stray Kids; Ateez; BTS, NCT; ZB1
ITZY, Le Sserafim
Create your own _
Build your own House
Choose your favourite _
Couple outfit
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eleiyaumei · 6 months
"You can't be attracted to people of your own zodiac sign!"
People of my zodiac sign:
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violetsforplath · 1 year
࿐*:・゚things about me ₊˚.༄ ♡
hi, my name is alice. she/her. brazilian.
my moon's in leo, my gemini is sun. i'm istp and ravenclaw too. ₊˚.♡
◞♡ i'm obsessed with beach aesthetics and my fav colors are orange and light blue.
i love listening to: lana del rey, taylor swift, stray kids, fiona apple, mitski, txt, ethel cain, skank and cage the elephant. ₊˚.♡
◞♡ i love to watch: gone girl, the witch, ready or not, la la land, marriage story, but i'm a cheerleader, midsommar and half of it.
sometimes i get things off my chest in here, aesthetic post too :)
my twitter, spotify and letterboxd links ♡
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lesserafim-eden · 6 months
╰► ⌕ 𓆩 𓆪  ʾ ִֶָ%˓ ᵎ ҂ ࣪˖﹫𓂃⌁. ࣪˖ EDEN NOELIA LEE (LE SSERAFIM) Profile
Eden Noelia Lee (LE SSERAFIM) Profile and Facts:
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EDEN NOELIA LEE ( Hangul; 에덴 노엘리아 자오, Mandarin; 赵伊登 born November 11, 2001 ) better known by the mononym EDEN is a Chinese/Korean English model, singer, rapper, Global ambassador, and dancer is a current member of South Korean girl group LE SSERAFIM under HYBE and Source Music. She is a former member of the South Korean-Japanese girl group IZ*ONE.
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⌕ ‣     BASIC INFO ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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𖥻★! ︿︿STAGE NAME: Eden
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTH NAME: Eden Noelia Lee
𖥻★! ︿︿KOREAN NAME: Lee Binna
𖥻★! ︿︿CHINESE NAME: Zhao Meixing
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHDAY: August 1, 2003
𖥻★! ︿︿AGE: 21 years old ( Korean age ) 20 years old (int.)
𖥻★! ︿︿ZODIAC SIGN: Leo
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHPLACE: London, Uk
𖥻★! ︿︿NATIONALITY: English
𖥻★! ︿︿ETHNICITY: Chinese/Korean
𖥻★! ︿︿HEIGHT: 5'8" (173 cm)
𖥻★! ︿︿WEIGHT: 49kg (100lbs)
𖥻★! ︿︿REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI: 🐨 ( koala  )
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⌕ ‣     EDEN FACTS...!?
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https://Eden-Facts.Com: She was born in London, Uk so her British accent is so strong. Her family includes four grandparents, mom, dad, four older brothers. She was raised in Los Angeles, California, United States.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She's the global ambassador of vivienne westwood, Alexander Wang, Chanel, HARRY WINSTON, l'Oreal, Fay, CoverGirl U.S, Maybelline, Mikimoto, Panerai, Revlon, Lancôme international, Versace, Puma, Miu Miu, Liu Jo, Prada, Maxim Mooncakes, Comme des Garçons, Clarins, CHOPARD, VAN CLEEF & ARPELS, BUCCELLATI, & GRAFF.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is often called "Man-heart's destroyer" or "Boy crush" as many male idols and actors have a crush on her or have said that she's their ideal type
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is currently in college and majoring in Business (Management ) and minoring literature at Seoul National University online.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She writes all of her parts. She also produced and wrote a number of songs including WayV 'Love talk', TxT 'cat & dog', 'Anti-Romantic', 'loser=Lover', 'OX1=LOVESONG' Stray Kids 'Back door', Pristin V 'Get it', Twice 'Cry for me', Weekly 'After school' Enhypen  'Drunk-Dazed', 'Polaroid love' Aespa 'Next Level', 'Girls' 'Illusion' IVE 'LOVE DIVE' StayC 'SO BAD', 'ASAP' Itzy 'WANNABE','LOCO', '#Twenty', 'SWIPE' Chungha 'Gotta Go', 'Bicycle' Red Velvet 'Feel My Rhythm' Jeon Somi 'XOXO' BLACKPINK 'Typa Girl' & more. Eden has solidified herself as a genius musician with 155 KOMCA credits.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is extremely loved by the public which is why she earned the titles of princess of K-pop, SM/HYBE's Ace, Idol's idol, The Nation's Treasure, The Genius Composer, and The It girl of Asia.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a former IZ*ONE member.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She trained for 3 years in SM Entertainment before joining Produce 48.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In Gallup Korea's annual music poll for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Eden was voted the most popular idol in South Korea, making her the highest-ranked individual in that poll.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is know for endorsements, various photo-shoots, and covers as they sell out in a minute.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2020, She was featured in Harper Bazaar's 'Go To Bed With Me' and went rival for her nighttime skincare routine. It was mostly because of how simply yet in depth it was.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is really good at math as once she did over 20 fans math problems for fun during her Vlive in 2021.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In January 2022, Eden purchased a building in Gangnam district's affluent Samseong-dong area, otherwise known as the Samsung neighbourhood. Purchased for approximately US$6.3 million, the mixed-use building has both residential and commercial spaces and spans a total of seven floors. Eden reportedly makes US$830,4000 monthly from rent. 
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2014, she performed as one of the upcoming members of SM Entertainment's pre-debut training group SM Rookies on SM Town Live World Tour IV.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a big food lover. She can eat most types of food but likes spicy foods the most.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her way of relaxing: A can of pringles and either Netflix, or watching Law & Order: SVU on Hulu.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She thinks she's pretty talkative especially if the vibes between her and another person match up (Instagram Q&A 2022.08.10).
https://Eden-Facts.Com: When she was younger, Eden frequently performed and sang for house guests and eventually began taking acting/singing classes.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her airport fashions always goes viral on Twitter, and fans say that the airport is her runaway.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden once said if she wasn't an singer, she would have been a vet because she really loves working with animals.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In November 2018, she revealed that she has three citizenships: Chinese, British, and South Korean.
⌕ ‣     EDEN'S IDEAL TYPE: I really don't have an ideal type because if I like you, then I like you as simple as that."
⌕ ‣     Show more Aria fun facts
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skzoologist · 8 months
Dal Bae (Stray Kids) Profile
Stage Name: Dal (달) Birth Name: Bae Dal (裵달) English Name: Isaac Bae Position: Dancer, Vocalist, Visual Birthday: December 8, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Height: 191 cm (6’3”) Blood Type: O- MBTI Type: ISFJ Representative Animal: Otter Unit: Dance Racha, Vocal Racha Instagram: @bae8dal Spotify: Stray Kids’ Glacial Prince’s Favorites
Dal Facts:
-He was born in Sejong, South Korea.
-When he was young, he and his family moved to Seoul.
-He is an only child.
-He only ever lived in South Korea, but he has Swedish relatives, who visit regularly.
-He graduated from Apgujeong High School.
-He didn’t start professionally dancing or singing until he was recruited.
-His nickname given by his fans: Glacial Prince; his nicknames given by the members: Icy Prince, The Noodle, Moonlight.
-He said he became an idol because performing felt freeing, and he wanted to make others feel like that too.
-He was a trainee for 4 years.
-He said his charming point is the shape of his eyes while smiling, something the members keep telling him repeatedly.
-He can speak English and Japanese well.
-His hobbies are drawing, playing games, watching anime or reading stories.
-He’s good at drawing, but not so much at painting, something Hyunjin denies.
-He has his drivers license.
-He sometimes helps 3RACHA with the production of songs.
-His favourite season is winter.
-He loves rainy and stormy days.
-He has a beauty mark next to the left side of his lips.
-There is a small, black mole in the iris of his right eye.
-He has flexible joints.
-According to Dance Racha, he is the most flexible of them all, granting him the ability to perform more dangerous dance moves safely.
-He doesn’t have any pets, but loves to play with the other members’, whenever he meets them.
-He was the first to remember Lee Know’s cat's names, all 3 of them.
-He said he has no favourite colour.
-His favourite food is tteokbokki.
-His favourite desserts are walnut cookies.
-Before being recruited, he was learning to become a doctor, but he said he realised that wasn’t his calling.
-His dad being a doctor, he was taught by him to become one as well from an early age, which explains the medical knowledge he shows whenever he’s helping the members or staff members.
-According to Chan, he has the habit of coddling the members, their leader included.
-He can move his eyebrows separately, much like another member, Lee Know.
-He can also roll up his tongue.
-According to Hyunjin, he doesn’t spend a lot of time online, except when looking at art made by fans.
-He said he likes to wear darker coloured clothes, usually on the sophisticated side; but he likes the cooler styled clothes that the company chooses for him to wear too.
-He is often called the secret sibling of Hyunjin, because of their similarities: their visuals, love for art, incredible and unique dance styles amongst other things.
-He loves bad jokes and puns.
-He is soft-spoken, usually quietly looking over the others according to Lee Know.
-According to the others, he sometimes gets overwhelmed by their energy and loudness, needing to take a quick break.
-His anxious habits are tugging on his ears or the base of his hair.
-According to Felix, he is the perfect link between Hyunjin and the Gym Racha in their dorm, because while he does work out regularly, he still enjoys art.
-He regularly gets migraines.
-Things he’d like doing during his vacation: taking a break from all the work and chaos, being alone for a bit
-Things he dislikes doing during his vacation: spending it sick and worrying his members
-According to Chan, he helps everyone out too much sometimes, to the point of over-exhausting himself.
-He admitted that he regularly thinks in all 3 languages he speaks fluently, after the members revealed that sometimes he answers them in a weird mix of those languages.
-He has his members saved in his phone by nicknames, usually involving puns, according to Seungmin.
-He revealed that shortly after he was recruited, he was approached by several other companies, searching for models, actors and idols too.
-He is friends with Yunho from ATEEZ.
-He is also friends with Hueningkai from TXT and his sister, Bahiyyih from Kep1er.
-He can be sometimes spotted with ITZY members, being good friends with Chaeryeong.
-He gets easily flustered, something every member takes advantage of frequently.
-In the old dorm, he used to share a room with I.N and Han.
-According to Han, he likes falling asleep to music, prioritising Ghibli Studio OSTs.
-According to the others, he is the first one to drop everything he’s doing to get to the others, if they are sick or in need of help.
-His role at the dorms is to look out for the members in any way needed.
-If he wasn’t in Stray Kids, he would be a doctor or a voice actor.
-His role models are his mother, father and SUGA.
-His motto: “Trying is not failing”.
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revrealities · 1 month
can you handle my attitude?
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Rêverie Voss ( 버스 라이버리 ) known magnanimously as Rêverie, is a British-Nigerian K-pop singer signed under Ador Entertainment, a joint venture between CJ ENM and Hybe Corporation. They participated in the survival program Making BRATZ! and placed __ at the end of the show. Rêverie went on to debut as a member of the South Korean idol group BRATZ! .
ㄔ    ִ   ✰ introduction : to reverie
꒰ ੭ birth name '! : reverie aeris voss
꒰ ੭ stage name '! : reverie
꒰ ੭ nick names '! : vie, revie, rev rev
꒰ ੭ position '! leader
꒰ ੭ birthday '! : march 24th, 2001
꒰ ੭ zodiac '! : aries
꒰ ੭ chinese zodiac '! : snake
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ㄔ    ִ   ✰ physical appearance
꒰ ੭ hair type ! : 4c
꒰ ੭ hair colour '! : black
꒰ ੭ eye type '! : almond
꒰ ੭ eye colour '! : hazel
꒰ ੭ skin colour '! : brown
꒰ ੭ height '! : 175cm ( 5'8")
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ㄔ    ִ   ✰ other
꒰ ੭ mbti '! : istj
꒰ ੭ IQ '! : 165
꒰ ੭ languages '! : igbo, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, german, spanish and english
꒰ ੭ likes '! : writing lyrics, skateboarding, choreographing, cleaning, cooking, reading, kdramas and anime
꒰ ੭ dislikes ! : spiders, small spaces, heights, rude people
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ㄔ    ִ   ✰ fun facts
Reverie was born in Lagos, Nigeria but moved to the uk when she was only six years old.
Reverie has 2 younger siblings, a younger sister and brother.
Reverie can speak variety of languages, five native, three fluent and one foreign.
Before becoming a trainee at adors Rêverie was notorious for posting their own choreographies and dance covers before auditioning.
She currently owns a black cat but has stated she would like to adopt more cats in the future.
Reverie has always enjoyed singing and dancing as a child but never had the intention of becoming an idol.
Rêverie stated that the motto of BRATZ! is for others to be a able to express themselves freely and be confident in themselves. The fandom name ICONZ encapsulates what fan and non-fans can strive to be regardless of what others think of them (Debut Showcase).
Rêverie is part of the production, composition and lyrics of BRATZ!' music and has been involved in producing music for Stray Kids, ENHYPEN, LE SSERAFIM, ILLIT & TOMORROW X TOGETHER!
She is close friends with ENHYPEN’s Jay, AESPA's NingNing and DPR’s IAN & LIVE.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 8 months
Family | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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WARNINGS: Abusive family (doesn't go too in to detail), misogynistic upbringings, mention car accident (speeds past it(pun not intended)), dead dog, let me know if there's more
(@cafekitsune made the dividers)
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✧*̥˚𝙉𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: August 24th, 1977 Zodiac Sign: Virgo Ethnicity: Korean Nationality: Korean Occupation: Doctor
Nolan grew up with a loving family as an only child. He's named after his father's American friend who passed in a car accident. His parents were loving and tried raising him to be accepting and understanding of all genders and all sexualities. They don't know what went wrong. He left his hometown in South Korea to attend college to become a doctor, where he met his wife, Tamaya. When they married, he took her last name. He rarely visited home because of job and relationship with his parents.
Nolan's misogynistic views and narcissistic ways dictated how Nicholas and Lillian grew up. He restricted their childhoods from what he deemed evil or unfitting for "their characters". His relationship with his kids is close to non-existent. He's the reason Nicholas is so out of tune with his emotions and Lillian is so accepting of strangers.
When they moved back to South Korea, Nolan made sure they stayed away from his parents. He couldn't stop Lillian from speaking to them when they eventually met up in a store. Nolan's bond with his parents is completely shattered, but his children enjoyed running away to visit grandma on the weekends.
✧*̥˚𝙏𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: February 20th, 1977 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Ethnicity: Black-Hispanic Nationality: African American Occupation: Stay At Home mom
Tamaya grew up the middle child of three children. Her older brother, Zion, and her younger sister, Latasha. Her mother was a stay at home mom and her father was a lawyer. He still found the time to be there for all of her kids and make his wife happy. Their marriage inspired Tamaya to have a happy relationship as a stay at home mom with at least two kids.
Sometimes she wonders what went wrong in her life. Her children would rather stay with either set of grandparents than live with her and Nolan. She loves her children, she's just scared of failure. Now she feels like she failed her children and her younger self. She knows nothing can undo life-long trauma, she still wants to apologize to her children and bond with them.
✧*̥˚𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: May 10th, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Ethnicity: Afro-Korean Nationality: American Occupation: Barista at a cafe (Parents let her live with her grandparents (Nolan's parents) as long as she didn't work a "real" job.)
Lillian is blunt, loud, and a bit of a bully to people she's fond of. At first, she envied Nicholas. He could do things Lillian wanted to do. Then she realized he was stuck in the same situation as her. She became soft with Nicholas, almost treating like he was fragile, until he visited her after being in Stray Kids for a while.
Trauma bonding at its finest. Lillian grew up allowed to do things Nicholas wanted to do and would teach him in secret. She made sure Nicholas didn't fall into their parents' harmful ways. Whenever their parents allowed Nichola to leave, he'd bring his sister, and she'd get him to meet her friends so they could help keep him from being "brainwashed" by their parents. Nicholas was the first person Lillian came out to as a lesbian.
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Golden Retriever Dog | Male Deceased: Died from old age when Nicholas was eight
Johnny was the family dog, gotten so he could protect and entertain any kids. Originally, Nolan didn't like the dog and would neglect it. But when he noticed how much Tamaya loved Johnny, he started to care for him.
Scottish Fold Cat | Female Alive: Lives with Lillian and their grandparents
Chewy is Nicholas' cat. Minho and he got her to celebrate Nicholas eating two meals without throwing up.
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Nicholas Ross Master list | Childhood moved to Facts About Nicholas
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yoihoshi-maki · 2 months
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Stage name: Emma
Birth name: Kim Dal
Birthday: December 17, 1999
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Group: Eclipse
position: Leader, lead rapper, sub-dancer, main vocalist
Nationality: British-Korean
Voice: Wendy Red Velvet 10/10
Rap: Lisa Blackpink 9/10
Dance: Yoojung, weki meki 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Gucci, Calvin Klein
Who she is friends with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
-Food, her family, her dogs, her daughter (future), shopping, , the originals, and the vampire dairies, Ariana Grande and Anime, STARS, Cake
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Stage name: Aella
Birth name: Min Aera
Birthday: 2000 15, March
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Group: Eclipse
position: sub-vocalist, main rapper, lead dancer
Nationality: Korean
Voice: Hyolyn Sistar 9/10
Rap: Soyeon g-idle 10/10
Dance: Jiwoo, Nmixx 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Versace, Saint Lauren
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Aurora
Birth name: Jeon Byeol
Birthday: 2002 13, October
Zodiac sign: Libra
Group: Eclipse
position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Nationality: French-Korean
Dance: Gooseul, Girls alert 10/10
Voice: Lee Suhyun, Akmu 9/10
Rap:Yeeun, CLC 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Dior, Channel
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Chaire
Birth name: Park Myeong
Birthday: 2003 12, April
Zodiac sign: Aries
Group: Eclipse
position: Lead dancer, Main vocalist, Visual
Nationality: Korean
Voice:TaeYeon, SNSD 10/10
Rap:Exy, WJSN 8/10
dance: Yeji, Itzy 10/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Balenciaga, Fendi
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Ayla
Birth name: Park Eun-Jeong
English name: Ayla Kaiser Asteria Harmonia Ervin Loera Asterin
Birthday: August 20, 2005
Zodiac sign:Leo
Group: Eclipse
position: Maknae, Visual, sub-rapper, Main Vocalist, lead dancer
Nationality: Japanese-Korean
Voice: Jung Eun Ji, Apink 10/10
Rap: Le, Exid 9/10
Dance:Jihyo TWICE 9/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Prada, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
Eclipse was made in 2019, yes at first everyone was judging the company of Eclipse for debuting a very young girl that was 14 when she debut but it soon got over with as they saw her talent shining through the 14.The group grew popular throughout their careers as they gained many fans around the world and in Korea. The girl group became one of the most successful groups in the kpop history with sold out concerts and sold out albums, carrying many world records on their backs. Now with the youngest member of the group hitting her 18th year of living their decided and finding many more things about her, she got invited to a racing competition in Japan and in turn she invited all of them back. 
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𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐅𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝)
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1K
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: Think about it. Write about it. Have hard thoughts. Do not take it seriously. None of this information is confirmed and all theoretical. If you want to read more, I have further analysis in my 'Lee Know As Your Late Bloomer Bf' post.
ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅᴏʟᴏɢʏ: Traditional Astrology & Whole Sign
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Rising is in Gemini (Suspected)
Scorpio Sun (6th House)
Sagittarius Moon (7th House)
Scorpio Mercury (6th House)
Scorpio Venus (6th House)
Virgo Mars (4th House)
ꜰᴜᴄᴋʙᴏɪ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ:
Lee Know's fuckboi radar is a strong medium energy because his Sagittarius Moon makes him naturally impulsive and prone to boredom but his Scorpio stellium indicates he values a deep soul to soul connection.
So while he can detach sex and feelings, casual/one night stands wouldn't satisfy him and he's more likely to enter into FWB/situationships.
He also forms attachment easily, although you wouldn't know it because he can mask very...VERY well.
His Virgo Mars in 4th House also makes him pedantic with hygiene, he COULD...could view anonymous/casual encounters as 'dirty' or 'unclean' and have concern about infection and/or disease.
(No..I'm not personally judging hook-up culture but I included this because Virgo/6th House rules over health and wellness so they prioritise sexual hygiene more so than other Mars Signs.)
And there's loads of evidence with the SKZ episodes of Lee Know valuing cleanliness and tidiness so I'm certain that would transfer to sex and foreplay.
ʀᴇᴅ & ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ꜰʟᴀɢꜱ:
His Scorpio Mercury gives him a wicked tongue and his Sagittarius Moon means he has no impulse control which =
His Mercury rulership indicates he's thoroughly observant, analytical and has a great memory, the type to remember little details about something that happened 11 months ago.
He's learnt your sore spots, your insecurities and your anxieties and he might just use them against you in moments of conflict.
Inherently stubborn so wouldn't be the type to apologise after an argument but would make you a meal, buy you something, run you a bath as a way of calling truce.
He probably has an avoidant-attachment style and is the type to 'freeze' or ice you out if he's annoyed or irritated...could even go as far as giving the 'silent treatment' as a way of asserting control.
When Lee Know has been recorded feeling hurt, upset or frustrated he becomes really quiet and his posture shifts into a more defensive stance...this is really evident in the infamous SKZ Room episode where Chris says 'you don't care about me' and you can literally SEE his entire body change at that remark.
Honesty is a strong value and trait of Lee Know so outside of conflict...you would never feel like he's hiding something from you or second-guessing his actions...what you see is what you get with Lee Know- even to a fault.
A good example of this was Lee Know's ending-ment and he says 'I have been having a lot of thoughts and I'm organising my feelings' (which is so Mercury coded to rationalise your feelings by 'organising' them).
Routine, stability and consistency are HUGE traits and values that Lee Know will contribute to the relationship and this is reaffirmed countless of times with his Bubble messages.
He always sends you a 'morning' message and asks if you've eaten lunch or dinner every day, he's consistent at going live on YouTube every Saturday and he's endlessly sending through photos of food and his cats on Bubble which means Lee Know is not a man prone to 'flakiness'- it's all or nothing for Lee Know and he will stick with you through to the end.
And this is not even natal chart based, this is just my opinion- there is something about Lee Know's personality that is incredibly wholesome for a man his age...in his spare time he likes night-time walks and plays with his cats which to me is someone who enjoys the little things in life and a lavish and excessive lifestyle is not a priority for him.
He's not shallow and therefore he's not going to give you a shallow relationship.
ɪᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴛʏᴘᴇ…ɪꜰ ʜᴇ'ꜱ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ
Lee Know's sexual orientation is unknown so I don't know if he's into women but if he is...these are the physical and personality traits he would find attractive.
Physical Traits
(Focus on his Libra 5th House, Scorpio Venus and Virgo Mars)
Has to smell nice because Virgo & Scorpio are sensory motivated and would SIMP over a person with a signature scent...probably would like a floral and clean, fresh smell.
Scorpio's go for other Scorpio's so his ideal type probably would have Scorpio placements (Sun,Rising or Venus) and have a dark feminine aesthetic but still kinda coquetteish with the Libra influence.
Someone who has the duality of looking sexy in a black, skimpy dress with stiletto heels but also looks cute wearing an oversized t-shirt with no make-up and a messy bun.
Definitely a waist,arse and thighs kind of man is totally the type to get hot and heavy if you wear a sundress.
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Personality Traits
A tsundere to the absolute max, you cannot get more tsundere than Lee Know so his partner has to be okay with his 'quiet love' style of showing affection and care.
Intelligence is a strong turn-on for Lee Know so his partner has to be smart and worldly, would be attracted to someone who has a degree or a type of tertiary education.
Lee Know was accepted into university for computer programming prior to graduating high school so he could find people with careers in STEM, engineering, environment, sociology etc quite alluring and attractive.
Preferable love languages to be acts of service, gifts and quality time...words of affirmation and physical touch are not a strong suit of his.
ᴅᴏᴍ, ꜱᴜʙ ᴏʀ ꜱᴡɪᴛᴄʜ?
Lee Know is a switch with a heavy dominant preference and would prefer to be dominant 80% of the time.
I think even if he was in a more submissive mood...it would be more 'I'm yours and you can do whatever you want' energy rather than a complete release of control.
6th House Stellium= service/pleasure dom preference
Lee Know in-person has a very gentle and stoic presence (I've seen him live) and that would transfer to the bedroom so a SOFT DOM and much more soft and tender than the aggressively harsh sadistic dom persona Stays give him.
Whilst Lee Know can and likes being 'rough' in the bedroom, there is a difference in being rough and painful versus rough passionate.
Lee Know wouldn't be into the rough and painful 'you're just a hole for me to fuck' degrading type of sex.
Lee Know would be into the rough and passionate 'how many times can we go before we fall unconscious' type of sex.
There's a difference.
ᴋ!ɴᴋꜱ...ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
The scent kink is WILDIN with this man and would be addicted by your natural scent and smell. Scorpio placements are primal in general and is the type to lick the sweat when making love and for his cock to ache as he inhales the sweet scent of your panties.
I can't get enough of your sweet pussy kitten, could bury my face here all day.
Would smell your shirt after wearing it at the gym as he doing laundry because you're his favourite fragrance.
If Lee Know didn't see you for a few days, he would spray your perfume on his clothes and wear your scented body lotion because the smell carries the very essence of who you are, who he loves, who he yearns for.
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Clothed Sex
Buttons ripped, stockings torn, skirt tattered at the seam, smeared lipstick, heels on, the desperation and the need to fuck you so badly that he doesn't have the patience to take your clothes off.
That would drive Lee Know insane with desire.
Bend over kitten...fuck your legs look so good in these heels...I can't wait, need to feel how tight you are now.
Bonus points if you allow him to take photos of your ruined state afterwards.
You being naked whilst Lee Know is entirely clothed and the power imbalance and the DOMINANCE he would feel in that moment of you just being so submissive and vulnerable and trusting under his hands and body...
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Taglist: @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @scuzmunkie @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @junieshohoho @mrcarrots @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @craxy-person @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @hexheathen @northerngalxy @michel-angelhoe @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell @justaaveragereader @shroomoth @marykpoppin @joonyoonjinnie @ja3hwa @leomggg
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skzkiyoon · 1 month
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BIRTH NAME: kiyona diaz/choi
KOREAN NAME: choi kiyoon (최기윤)
NICKNAMES: yaya, key, kooka, amor, ladybug, key lime, kimchi
BIRTH DATE: november 5, 1996
ZODIAC: scorpio
BIRTH PLACE: bayamon, puerto rico
NATIONALITY: puerto rican
ETNICITY: korean-puerto rican
FAMILY: 1 sister (21), 2 brothers (18 and 21), father
LANGUAGES: spanish (native), korean (native), english (fluent), japanese (conversational), russian (conversational)
。・゚゚・ PHYSICAL .・゜゜・
HEIGHT: 182.88cm (6’0)
BODY MODIFICATIONS: frog eyes piercing (on tongue), nostril piercing, anti tragus piercing, standard lobe piercing, rook piercing
FACE CLAIM: kim hyung-seo (bibi/ soloist)
VOICE CLAIM: yoon mi-rae (yoon mirae/ soloist)
DANCE CLAIM: yeji from itzy
。・゚゚・ PERSONALITY .・゜゜・
MBTI: isfp
MBTI TYPE: isfp is a personality type with the introverted, observant, feeling, and prospecting traits. tends to have an open mind but is always observing and judging.
POSITIVE TRAITS: decisive, funny, friendly, honest, kind, observant, wise
NEGATIVE TRAITS: grumpy, judgmental, stubborn, workaholic, careless, impulsive
OTHERS: has a rbf, constantly cusses, awkward at first, gives tough love
。・゚゚・ STATS .・゜゜・
DANCE: 7.5/10
VOCAL: 8/10
RAP: 10/10
VARIETY: 9.5/10
ACTING: 5.5/10
AGENCY: jyp entertainment
GROUP: stray kids
DEBUT: april 9, 2019
POSITIONS: sub vocalist, main rapper, producer, visual
UNIT: vocalracha
SPOTIFY: sleepy’s faves! 🦈
。・゚゚・ TRIVIA .・゜゜・
- kiyoon’s skzoo is a shark named choom.
- she has a maine coon cat named yeosin, has had him since 2021. currently lives with her family.
- her favorite color is indigo, and her favorite season is fall.
- she owns a black venom x22gt 250cc automatic.
- she can listen to “what do you think?” by agust d on repeat everyday.
- kie says that when she gets sleepy, she finds the most convenient spot to nap at.
- her nicknames given by her members are kimchi and key lime.
- her role models are la india, marc anthony, and her dad.
- she can’t count over 10 in english or korean because she’s used to counting in spanish.
- If she wasn’t in stray kids, she would be a linguistics professor.
- kie has a habit of fidgeting or putting her hands on her face when she is stressed or nervous.
- bang chan said that kie always looks angry when she’s really focused on something.
– things she’d like doing during vacation: swimming and eating together with the members.
– things she dislikes doing during vacation: walking for long periods of time.
- her role at the dorm is to check on everyone’s wellbeing.
- her motto: “if you continue to look at the past, you won’t find your future.”
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inbloomaesthetics · 10 months
Kpop songs for the signs:
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District 9 by Stray Kids
Savage by aespa
Fighter by MONSTA X
Shut Down by BLACKPINK
Punch by NCT 127
Antifragile by LE SSERAFIM
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sona-verse01 · 6 months
🩷 February Birthday Advent Calendar ❤️
Reblog for support (even if you are not participating).
Open untill 31 January 2024
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You can see the calendar above ☝🏼
29 days, 29 122 posts 💌
So, my birthday is on 22 February, & I don't have anyone to celebrate with. So, I will be celebrating it here on tumblr.
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(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) Rules:
Follow me.
Like this post.
Reblog this post.
Feedback (if possible).
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(⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠) Ask:
What to include in your ask:
Greetings & birthday wishes.
Mention "SFW or NSFW".
Main category (check 'categories').
Sub category (check 'categories').
Group name (if K-pop related, check 'categories').
Explain your request properly.
Emoji '🎂' (only this one, no other emoji).
Check 'Extra Details ' below before sending your asks.
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(。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) Categories:
Main category:
Intuition / Tarot
Sub category:
• For Intuition / Tarot:
PAC (based on tarot/intuition),
PAP (based on random fun things, nothing serious)
(4 slots each)
Yes / No question
(10 slots)
• For K-pop & miscellaneous:
(Slots depend on the groups, see below 👇🏼)
Scenario, reaction, headcannon, SMAU, Mtl, A to Z, pick 1, etc...
Moodboard, Dating Doors, Create ur own, Choose ur favourite, Scenario game, Emoji game, Kiss marry love, Zodiac signs, Date of Birth, Would you rather, etc...
Groups (for K-pop):
Stray Kids,
Le sserafim
(10 slots for each group)
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(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Extra Details:
Anons allowed. (Send me a DM after sending ur ask, to let me know that you followed all the rules).
Ask can be sfw or nsfw (mention it in your ask).
If you have more than 1 request, send separate asks for them.
If you don't follow all the rules, or your ask is not complete, then it will not be included in the advent calendar.
Requests & asks will be answered on the particular date, that is assigned for the k-pop group or any other category.
Ex - If I have 5 asks for TXT, then they will be posted on the date, that is dedicated to TXT only.
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Dividers: @cafekitsune, @saradika @mewryn
My lovely mutuals (Open): @yourmoonmomma , @cvsmixqu33n , @minlve0 , @tarotwithdanise , @azure-cherie , @pearl-tarotist , @nuxvibe , @leoascendente , @alaezasmystery235 , @tonkatesuramen , @tearryminunhinged , @byhees , @jaylaxies , @astroyongie , @solomonmoa , @automatictalebeliever
I promise to say "hii" to all my moots soon 😭
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skzpixiekaifei · 5 months
Fei Kai (费凯), better known by her stage name Pixie (픽시) is a fictional Chinese/Korean American Singer and dancer. she's the only female member of the co-ed group Stray Kids. She debuted in Stray Kids as a Main dancer, Sub rapper and lead vocalist in the month of March 25th, 2018; after her participation in the pre-debut survival show, Stray Kids. At this time, Pixie is the 1st most credited 4th gen female artist with 76 song credits, 5th/6th most credited 4th gen artist overall.
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STAGE NAME : Pixie (KR:픽시)  BIRTH NAME : Fei Kai (MN:费凯 KR: 페이 카이)  KOREAN NAME : Fei Seung-hee (KR: 페이승희)  ENGLISH NAME : Kate/Katy Fei  NICKNAMES : Pix, Kiki, Vocal Siren, Nation’s Girlfriend, K-pop's little sister  BIRTHDAY : November 8th, 2001  ZODIAC SIGN : Snake and Scorpio  BIRTH PLACE : Changsha, Hunan Province, China  NATIONALITY : Korean-Chinese American  FAMILY : Fei Hao (Father; Deceased), Lee Hye-jin (Mother; Deceased), Fei Bo (Older brother), Fei Jen (Sister-in-law; Deceased), Fei Di-a (Niece), Fei Il-Seong (Nephew)  LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English (Native), Mandarin (Native), Korean (Native), Japanese (90%), Thai (85%), Cantonese (50%), Hindi (45%) 
HEIGHT : 160 cm (5’3 - barely)  BLOOD TYPE : O-  BODY MODIFICATION : Lobe piercings, tongue piercing, Five tattoos ( x, x, x, x, x [along her upper spine in large characters])  FACE CLAIM : Mamamoo's Jung Whee-in  VOICE CLAIM : Mamamoo’s Jung Whee-in mixed with Pink Fantasy’s Yechan (x and x)  DANCE CLAIM : Kaycee rice and Redy (x and x) 
MBTI : INFJ (the Advocate)  MBTI TYPE : A personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.  POSITIVE TRAITS : Patient, creative, Passionate  NEGATIVE TRAITS : Sensitive to criticism, Perfectionist, short-tempered 
DANCE : 10/10  VOCAL : 10/10  RAP : 6/10  STAGE PRESENCE : 9.5/10  VARIETY : 7/10  SONGWRITING : 10/10  ACTING : 9/10 
STAGE NAME : 픽시  AGENCY : jyp entertainment  GROUP : Stray Kids  DEBUT DATE :  March 25th, 2018  POSITION(S) : Main dancer, sub rapper, lead vocalist, Maknae  INDIVIDUAL FANDOM : Feiries, hatchlings  REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI : 🦚/🐲  UNIT : VocalRacha (Also in; Puppyracha, Englishracha, Cultracha, Paboracha)  SPOTIFY : Screaming and crying but make it upbeat 
⍣ FACTS ! ⍣ 
Helps her members with english
Refuses to call her members Oppa, it's only her members she does this with
Wanted to use her name as a stage name, but since her name is typically a masculine name, her personal manager thought it would be a good idea to use Pixie instead
Doesn't post on many socials, but is a professional lurker
Has had media training, but she's unhinged and doesn't use it much
One of the buffest female idols out there
Most flexible
Her and Seungmin are called the Puppy Siblings due to their puppy-like visuals
Hates aegyo. Cringes any time any one of her members does it, except for Changbin
Her hobbies include learning languages. Whenever she's overwhelmed, she speaks several languages at once
Originally was supposed to be the 4th member of Danceracha but because of her vocal talent and stability, she became the 3rd member of Vocal Racha
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Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura
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