#strelles echokit
strelles-universe · 2 years
The Cats of RiverClan: Echopaw
Name: Echopaw
Meaning: Chipper
Identity: Questioning- She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual - No Leaning
Rank: Apprentice - Hunter
Former Rank(s): N/A
A long furred, soft coated calico molly with one blue right eye and one yellow right one. Most of her color is on her tail and legs, her coat is rough edged and feathery. If her eyes weren't dual colored, she'd be considered an exact clone of her mother.
Echopaw took the reveal of her mentor’s parentage in stride - she mostly thought the whole thing was incredible. Her mentor’s mother was a leader and her father was a deputy - both of her foster parents were respected members of their respective clans. If anything, Echopaw was more keen than usual to boast all about her mentor. She’s not sure about Graystripe but she knows that Silverstream was the daughter of their previous leader - it’s only sensible that Featherpaw and Stormpaw be equally impressive.
She wishes she could convince her sister to show the same amount of enthusiasm for life that Echopaw has but she also reasons that it’s a good thing that at least one of them is responsible. She’s excited to get into the deep end of being a hunter and is training herself to sleep every night with the intent of showing Mistyfoot how dedicated she was to learning.
Mentor(s): Mistyfoot
Apprentice(s): N/A
Parents: Swantooth (mother), Sire Unknown
Sibling(s): Frondpaw (sister)
Cousin(s): Bluelichen, Pikepaw, Reedpaw, Kolukit (deceased)
Mate(s): N/A
Crush(es): N/A
Kit(s): N/A
These kit profiles are more for me so that I can keep track of all the kits that were born
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