#strelles riversoul
strelles-universe · 2 years
Empire Names and Meanings Redux
Ancient and Divine Animals
Noble Creatures and beasts are the true forms of the Souls, the grand spirits and other such incredible beings.
Land Predators
The powerful and deadly creatures of the world. Some of these names include words from the pre-connection era of the world.
Amphibians and Reptiles
Admittedly predominantly a collection of snakes.
General Aquatic
A small list of names for now but the things of the sea that don't quite fit with the fish and can't be merged with other words.
Freshwater Fish
A small collection of commonly eaten and popular fish that grow inland in ponds and streams.
Saltwater Fish
Names that usually lean towards cats of great size and more exotic fish.
Crustaceans and Mollusks
All the shelled critters whose names usually evoke a sensation of defensiveness and protection.
The most powerful and deadly birds known to the world of strelles - commonly seen in the myths and tales of the Souls. WindClan even proclaims that they're equally as sacred to the Skulks/
Seed Birds
Birds are an extremely popular choice for names - their variety of patterns and behaviors provide a sufficient amount of variety for the clans.
Water Birds
With birds being so popular, it's not unusual or surprising for RiverClan to lean so heavily towards aquatic birds themselves. They're not exclusive to RiverClan but they're very popular methods of denoting someone's skill with fishing or affinity to water.
Large Herbivores
Bugs and Creepy Crawlies
Though bugs are agitating and a somewhat unappreciated part of life, the clans also acknowledge that their will to live and thrive is impressive. Bugs struggle through the world on tiny wings and tinier legs and such resilience is respected.
Color Based
Among the most common names prefix-wise. Especially for a tired molly who just had a litter of kits, it's just easier to use the colors to name your kit. Many names also have implications related to the Spirits of the Clans; something meant to nudge the kits in a specific direction.
Pattern Based
Equally common as colors as a prefix for a tired queen, pattern based names are popular especially when a kit has a notable pattern.
Texture Based
Appearance Based
Personality Based
Light Based
Water Based
Prominent in RiverClan, water based names are often very emotional or have forceful connotations. Even cats out of RiverClan will sometimes grant their kit a water-based name in the hopes of drawing Riversoul's eye over them for protection.
Ice Based
Heat Based
Names popular to ThunderClan that emphasize their passion and determination. Though fire is frightening, living in a forest ThunderClan has been forced to learn about the benefits of small flames.
Wind Based
Ground Based
General Plants
Herb Based
Flower Based
Tree Based
Fruit Based
Body Parts
Time Based
Location Based
Combat Verbs
Sound Verbs
General Verbs
Additional Notes for the Names of Strelles
When I was creating the list, little aspects of worldbuilding cropped up and I needed to keep track of it. These additions don't have to be part of anyone else's world if you're just using the list for their meanings and the variety but I think they're nice to have anyway.
Might wanna keep checking up on this if you want to keep up with them. Every time I post a name update; I'll probably update this section a little bit too.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Tigerclaw is lucky that he wasn't born RiverClan since tigers are known for their webbed paws and have been recorded to swim 7 miles/11.26 Km a day 😂
Lmao - it would've been less pressure on him actually lol. In their myths Riversoul gave LeopardClan (who I've honestly considered renaming JaguarClan just for swimming accuracy) all of his attention with sleek waterproof coats, webbed paws, small ears and shielded eyes.
To TigerClan he gave webbed paws and a thick coat to walk through what would eventually become ShadowClan territory with minimal sickness.
LionClan wasn't given much at all - just an inherent knowledge of how to right themselves but only as cubs. If you miss the window of opportunity, they must be taught manually.
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