x-men-question-mark · 3 years
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Dating Peter Parker Would Include
I skipped class for this >:(
Aunt May LOVES you to death, she invites you over to dinner every friday night, she cooks some amazing food.
It started out with nervous glances and anxious touches, but he slowly became comfortable enough to be himself around you
Hes a little cuddle monster, and when you refuse to stay with him in bed, he gets all pouty and ignores you for the rest of the day
When you guys first started dating he would get all red and nervous around you, he would ramble a lot and gingerly touch your hands or legs.
He hates it when you go on missions without him, he hates feeling useless while your out there in the fray of things. He knows that you can handle yourself, hes just a big bag of nerves.
He will literally do the most mundane tasks for you, you want a candle lit? Hes on it. You want a snack? Boy is on his way.
Peter gains so much confidence from the suit, when Tony took it away it was like he took away a part of Peter. You had such a big arguement with Tony when you found out what he did (Peter tried to hide it).
It's like hes connected to your hip, he will follow you around like a little puppy
There is no way your going anywhere without that boy touching some sort of your body, wether it's your hand, your arm, your waist, hes always going to be holding you.
He likes to always have eyes on you, hes a very paranoid little man, hes scared some bad guy's going to come out of nowhere and kidnap you.
He himself has many, very oversized shirt that he wears to bed, he notices some go missing, but never mention it until he cuaght you in the act of taking them.
Peter is beyond gullible, so when you say your going somewhere your not actually going, it goes straight over his head
He likes watching movies with you and just spending time with you, even if it's with you studying/reading, eating a meal with you, or just going on dates, he's having a good time.
One time he walked in on you changing and literally fucking screamed, like a blood curdling scream before covering his eyes and running out of the room while apologizing profusely. Hes seen you change so many times before this event. No one knows why he screamed. He claims he doesnt even remember this happening.
Hes known you for so long that hes picked up on your ticks. He knows when your nervous and when your anxious and he tries to distract you by telling you what new stuff he added to his suit, or telling you what his spider senses feel like.
He will help you with your homework, no questions asked.
In all honesty I think he would sacrifice himself for you even if your life wasn't on the line.
Sometimes he randomly drives you around the city at like, midnight. Even though he can't drive for shit. He almost hit some guy crossing the street once, that was the moment you both decided you'd be the one driving most of the time.
Poor little man gets so nervous around you, especially when you give him compliments
When hes bored he'll text you that stupid pool game until you play it with him. You always win but he refuses to acknowledge it.
If your into skin care, he'll 100% do a clay mask with you
If you get all fancy and pretty for a party or something, he will get flustered and fumble around when he sees you
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x-men-question-mark · 3 years
Dating Peter Maximoff Would Include :
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Theres like 40 bullet points I think i didnt count them I'll do that next time maybe I dont know.
• He was totally head-over-heels for you the second he saw you, maybe it was your eyes or the way you held yourself, but by all gods, he was so madly in love it hurt
• He would literally drop anything hes doing for you, you want something from the store? hes on it. You got stung by a bee? He'll hunt that bee down until he can bring it back dead.
• His mom and sister LOVE you
• He follows you around like a lost dog
• He'll get nervous if he's away from you for too long, boys got a bad case of seperation anxiety and a borderline stalker-ish problem with being obsessed with you
• Peter's love language is not surprisingly touch, he'll hold your hand no matter where you are. Kisses? Yes please.
• Hugs from behind are his favorite.
• Dont be Scared if you feel a random kiss on your head and turn around to see no one. It was just peter.
• If you get anxious quickly he'll do his best to distract you, even if hes nervous too.
• Boy loves PDA
• I wouldn't say he gets jealous, but that is a flat out lie. I would also say he isn't over-protective of you, but that is also a lie.
• He carrys around a notebook of cheesy pick-up-lines hes told you in the past, just for when you get nervous or to distract you
"Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?"
"Peter I swear to god."
"Okay. That one isn't going in the book I guess."
• He gives you small gifts, sometimes in person, or by zooming over to you and shoving it in your bag or hand
• Your the only one he shares food with, not even his mom has that honor
• He'll steal things for you, literally anything under the moon, maybe even the moon if you ask nice enough
• One time he stole tampons for you (even if you didnt need them)
"Peter. Where'd you get these?"
"The store. Duh."
"Did you pay for them?"
• You have to chaperon him in stores so he won't steal things. But that rarely works as he weasles his way around your rule, sometimes he gets you to help him.
• He cries a lot. I'll get into this later.
• You like make-up or fashion? So does he. You want a model? He wont hesitate to let you use him as a make-up doll. Hes been practicing his runway walk just for you.
• Movie nights every friday! And you get to choose the movies most of the time.
• Dont have any clean clothes? Wear his. In fact, he wants you to wear his.
• Will make cassette tapes specifically for you
• He will get coffee for you in the morning.
• Have a hobbie/interest you're insecure about? He will literally immerse himself in the topic so he can participate in conversations about it with you
• He likes being the little spoon, but if you had a bad day, he has no problem holding you
• He loves to tease you, even if its little things, like the kind of drink you like or how you laugh.
"You laugh funny"
"That's not nice at all, Peter, now I'm never going to laugh again."
"No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, I ment it in a loving way, laugh for me."
"No, Peter you ruined my mood."
• You didn't laugh near him for a week until he spilt milk all over himself, even then you tried to hide it with a cough, but he cuaght it.
"I've got ears like a hawk, Y/N, nothing passes these babys".
• He refuses to let you out of his eye site, even if it's to get water, he will literally follow you.
• Did I mention he cries a lot? Like a lot.
• After he broke his leg you felt obliged to do everything for him. Do you know that Parks and Recreation episode where Andy fell into the pit and broke his legs, then made Ann baby him even though he couldve gotten out of the cast much sooner, thats how Peter was, but you found out much faster than Ann did.
"Peter! You could've gotten out of that cast a month ago!?"
"Yes and no?"
"You little brat, I cant believe you!"
• Most of the time Peter can't sleep at night and he spends the night walking around the mansion, when you found this out you decided to walk with him, even if you were sleep deprived.
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